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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 696 KB, 900x900, El13jm-XEAI7ymx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6437126 No.6437126 [Reply] [Original]

Why'd she do it bros?

>> No.6437569

ask her in chat

>> No.6437810

I don't have a Twitch account. She seems to really recent being a Youtuber. I wonder why

>> No.6438817

The most popular rrat is that she thought deleting them was a requirement to be a Vtuber (it's not) and used some clips from the video as a portfolio when she was initially trying out for HololiveEN. When she got rejected, she blamed the videos and now wants nothing to do with them. Also it's not that hard to make a Twitch account, but just be warned the few friends she has left are her admins, and they will ban you if they so much as THINK you might trigger one of her many mental problems.

>> No.6438942

Before anyone else says it. Do you actually HAVE the picture of her botched plastic surgery?

>> No.6439065

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.6439148

Every thread of her mentions that she had a botched up lip surgery, without any proof. And it's not like her irl photos are hard to find since her simp fans downloaded them all and put them on various places.

>> No.6439204

Spoonfeed me anon, who dis and what did she do?

>> No.6439209

sounds like a low quality rrat

>> No.6439270

Yeah, she just always has had fucked looking lips.

>> No.6439347

Nerines. D tier chuba. Once went by the name of Valkyrie Aurora. She did reviews, analysis, and other fun videos on various games. Her most famous ones were her videos on Nier and Atelier series. One day she just privated all her videos with the indication she was tired of making videos and wanted to find a new career. Two months later she resurfaces as a Vtuber (initially based on her original avatar before switching to Fox girl). She now struggles to maintain a streaming schedule, and she basically gets mad if you bring up her old life.

>> No.6439402

who fucking cares, this is the 9000th thread on this nutjob and nothing has changed over time

>> No.6439500

As if 9000 threads on OTHER nutjobs is okay?

>> No.6439664

>fucked looking lips
i have seen her pics and have never thought this

>> No.6439678

it is a rrat dont believe it

>> No.6439718

Why does she look like Tokarev from GFL

>> No.6439889

Oh wow. I mean, she doesn't seem all that mentally fragile. Or, at least she didn't give off that impression as ValkyrieAurora, though she did talk about mental issues. What an anomaly she is, she sounds super sheltered and uh friendless I guess, despite being extremely good-looking. I'd love to meet a girl like her, minus the ryona fetish. Seriously, every one she thought was attractive she wanted them to beat her up.
Sounds like bullshit. She's always had supple lips. If she doesn't show her face it's probably due to wanting no associtation to her tuber personality.
Beatiful girl that made vids on JRPGs, made several viral vids, the one that put her on the map is a NieR lore video, which is honestly a fluke, I mean all she did was read off the wiki and some of RekkaAlexei's translations. Her favorite game is Bloodborne and she streamed my GOTY 2020, 13 Sentinels, which is how I found out she was active despite seemingly getting off the grid to be a florist

>> No.6439926

Sure, Sophie. At least acknowledge that your past exists. That's the first step to moving forwards, you goddamn idiot.

>> No.6440012

>he thinks i'm sophie
Why lmao? And why are you so angry at her? Looking at her last tweets and the reasons she gave for deleting her shit: sounds like she really struggled to make content but felt like she had to to spite someone? Her family, maybe? To prove to them she had an actual job lmao?

>> No.6440061

I don't know who sophie is and with this reply I now think you are them.

>> No.6440088

Sophie is the china's real name.

>> No.6440106

If I were a cute bisexual girl like Sophie I'd be getting some pussy, not posting here.

>> No.6440832 [DELETED] 
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There's not much left to say about her to be honest unless she suddenly returns as VA.
Won't be surprised if she disappears without any announcement

>> No.6441020 [SPOILER] 
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It seems she likes streaming way more than making Youtube vids, so I doubt she'll quit. Unforutanetly for her, I doubt she has any mainstream means to make money, if not she would be a florist and nothing else. And there are things to discuss. I for one, had never heard that "she deleted her stuff to be picked up as a vtuber" shit.

>> No.6441252

> inb4 The reason for the sudden off schedule is prepping for EN2 debut

>> No.6441422

Why not try for NijiEN? They are auditioning for 4 new livers to debut in December.

>> No.6441526

Assuming that shit was true, why does she even worry? Nyanners 10 years ago would have been considered as maybe a 4channer or something, she had a huge online following, people know what she looks like, and yet she was picked up. With Sophie, she never once appeared in any video as herself, nor did she ever say racy shit like Nyanners.
I really think she just couldn't go as a Youtuber anymore. Maybe she resented being looked at as the NieR girl, maybe she didn't like her less "serious" content didn't get traction.

>> No.6441813

I mean, being attractive isn't exactly the automatic win button some people think it is. If she wanted to become a vtuber she's probably insecure about how she looks or feels about herself.

Besides I bet most Anons aren't actually ugly, just too many brain gremlins preventing y'all from doing whatever.

>> No.6441983
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stop making these threads without new drama it is always a time loop ffs

>> No.6442190

Every Vtuber is a nutjob

>> No.6442308

It is a win button and we are ugly.

>> No.6443409

>maybe she didn't like her less "serious" content didn't get traction.
Her valkyrie ventures were doing fine though, if she just kept going on as she did she'd probably have built a pretty big following even on her streams.

>> No.6443481

day of the wall really can't come soon enough for these w*stern whores

>> No.6447439

>deleting her succesfull past content instead of just transitioned
That's kinda schizo ngl

>> No.6450429

As we have said bro, she really seems to hate being a Youtuber. Latest tweets may indicate she somehow did out of spite/to spite someone.

>> No.6450507

I stopped watching when i learned she was bi, im done with yurishit.

>> No.6450725

>people donated for content
>flat out nukes everything
>reports all reuploads
>says she's done streaming
>suddenly doing "gardening" streams with a horrendous avatar a few weeks later
>suddenly a new vTuber
>still gets butthurt when any fans ask what even happened
Seems like a petty, shitty person

>> No.6451400

Eh, you can find everything she did without much effort. And she wasn't scummy enough to be like,
>hey guys, nerines here, formerly valkyrieaurora! Please sub to my twitch!
Of course most of her chat is her hardcore Youtube audience, but it's not like she's going out of her way to appeal to them.

>> No.6451704

please stop talking about my wife

>> No.6451810
File: 179 KB, 652x458, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holo_EN announced
>Removes all her content
>Becomes a vtuber
>Irys announced
>Starts spamming song tweets
>Goes on another hiatus

I mean, the writing was on the wall during her VA dies. She was always inconsistent, there was that podcast she did with clemps where she basically let everything out. Then there's the story she told where she took the train to college, arrived, cried then went back home and thats how's she's been since. Wasted potential, but her hugbox will protect her.

>> No.6451852 [DELETED] 
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no idea but i googled "botched plastic surgery" and this image came up

>> No.6451856

It is, but it does have the achilles heel that it makes you a target for bullying and sexual abuse if your personality is too passive and people pleasing to keep you out of trouble, and it doesn't help if you have a poor family life at home.

>> No.6451918

She was already streaming on twitch as VA before nuking her archive.

>> No.6452026

Before she nuked everything, she released an FFX video review which she abruptly deleted because 'she wasn't happy with it'. The day afterwards she nuked her whole channel. Best rrat is she was so close to joining making it as chuuba but she fucked up some how. Before she took her recent break, she was tweeting herself singing etc. She just keeps fucking up and its pretty debilitating, but it's her own fault.

>> No.6452070

Sophie is the biggest example of how the thing that really stands in the way of "making it" as a chuuba or an online entertainer is really yourself.
She's the problem and she probably needs a therapist.

>> No.6452078

This just has hardcore menhera written all over it...

>> No.6452152
File: 105 KB, 500x500, 1506555276215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i said stop talking about my wife

>> No.6452159

Sort your shit out Sophie.

>> No.6452232

Your wife unironically has crippling mental issues and should really seek help

>> No.6452258

You're a pussy. I know if I had a single date with her she'd fall in love with me.

>> No.6452259

you can't say those lips are both the same, christ, even the nose look different

>> No.6452263
File: 141 KB, 380x222, fail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just such a dumb move, blowing your channel because you might've gotten a job but it's still up in the air.

I was excited to see her collab debut; Amongus with some indies. Was expecting some classic Sophie shit, load etc. What we got was some milquetoast vtuber, who barely talked? Missed the point by so much lmao.

>> No.6452316

I still don't get why she went with the channel rebrand option if she doesn't want to acknowledge her previous life. I wasn't into vtubers or anything of the sort during the first change, but of course I'm gonna look up who the fuck this person who just appeared on my twitch followed channels list out of nowhere is. Can it even be considered a dox to want to know that?

I liked her youtube stuff well enough, but wasn't that crazy about it, kind of followed her on twitch just because, but was never that into it. If she just continued doing similar content as the youtube stuff but with a vtuber avatar, I'd still watch it. It's probably not where the big bucks are, but the market is saturated enough that her video skills could end up helping her stand out.

>> No.6452348

>I for one, had never heard that "she deleted her stuff to be picked up as a vtuber" shit.
I mean, come on. She suddenly reappeared with a deviantART tier avatar and was still streaming games not long after the YouTube meltdown. She even made new Twitter accounts.

>> No.6452420

That's the best thing, 'don't talk about my past internet persona but let me use my past internet persona so I can some subscribers', you can't have it both ways, I mean you can be good luck. If you wanted us to disassociate your old account with your vtuber account then do it cleanly lol.

Think everyone got a huge case of tonal whiplash when she debut as Nerine because it was nothing like Soap. She was just a sleepy wolf vtuber, awoooooo.

>> No.6452461

That's some next level cope on her end.

>> No.6452505

>you can't have it both ways
women literally cannot comprehend this
they LIVE believing they can have their cake and eat it too
in fact they've gone all their life being brianwashed into thinking this so they refuse to face reality

>> No.6452552

>Think everyone got a huge case of tonal whiplash when she debut as Nerine because it was nothing like Soap
If she had just debuted Nerine and kept being the Soap everyone already liked, there'd be no complaints. And nuking her youtube channel was also a major mistake, because it actively made people dislike her.

>> No.6452555

cute florist. i have no idea what she went through but will still watch her.

>> No.6452572

To be fair bringing up the pas lives for a vtuber is a pretty douchy move.

>> No.6452592

>what she went through
comical amounts of self-sabotage

>> No.6452649

>i have no idea what she went through
literally her own self destructive tendencies
for once the only victim was herself

>> No.6452670
File: 254 KB, 1920x1080, E0altmwXEAES3WP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You miss the point, you can't say fuck you guys that liked my old content, but I'll gladly keep you guys on a sub list because I don't want to start all over again. She produced more content as VA compared to Nerine.

>> No.6452714

On the other hand, destroying the videos your patrons helped pay for is also pretty shitty. I mean she has the right to stop making videos sure, but people supported and paid for those videos to be created. In that regard, people do have a reasonable right to raise questions.

>> No.6452782

Remember what we have lost, cause we have gained nothing.


>> No.6452845
File: 67 KB, 720x328, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make content people like
>get rid of it because you think it's shit
>hop on a bandwagon because everyone else is doing it
>reinvent yourself with a character that panders
>the entire time you've been doing the exact same things: video games and sometimes talking about plants
>rant on and on about how you should ignore haters and do your best
>you've done significantly less as this persona

>> No.6452901

Soap giving advice to herself, sad times.

>> No.6452916

she literally depended on that to debut

>> No.6452947

Would be nice if she actually took her advice.

>> No.6452999

Must be real tough to
>wake up
>turn on pc
>play videogames

What a cruel world, if it's not working out for Soap, do what you originally wanted and become a florist. Probably won't because it you'll have to step outside of your mom and dads house.

>> No.6453133

She seems so full of life here.
What happened to Soap, why couldn't we protect her smile?

>> No.6453179

She shut her self off. She's in her hugbox now.


>> No.6453203

You can't help someone who refuses help.

>> No.6453244

>Clemps deleted her video

She nuked everyone.

>> No.6453338

Parents need to kick her out of their house,

>> No.6453362

>Her gigle and glee

We protected her smile bros but we couldn't protect her from herself.

>> No.6453593

She could have easily just kept streaming without the VTuber shit though if that was the case. She somehow thinks her audience is dense enough so that we think she is now a different person.

>> No.6453656

>lesbian/bisexual menhera does lesbian/bisexual menhera shit
Wow,damn so unexpected.

>> No.6453680

You just can't stand the fact you will never have a chance with some Swede you are never gonna meet in your life.

>> No.6453787

I dont have a chance with any women dumbass. If i did i wouldn't be filling my romantic needs with parasocial relationships with anime girls. Dumb fuck.

>> No.6453930

do white people really?

>> No.6453933

nta but that's probs for the best, wouldn't want your total waste of a genetic makeup infecting the gene pool

>> No.6453951

beats chicken and watermelon

>> No.6453981

Reading this makes me wonder how much longer until she becomes an actual schizo. Holy shit it's like she read ONE comment that said her videos sucked, and assumed half of her fanbase was like that.

>> No.6453985


>> No.6454006

If she fixed her menhera would she turn straight?

>> No.6454036

I dont think you can fix it, is genetic.

>> No.6454099

All women are bisexual. They say they're bi for attention.

>> No.6456951

I want to hug Sophie. Do you guys think she'd be clingy? My friends at /v/ say dick can cure crazy.

>> No.6457102

But if Nyanners is an official vtuber, why the fuck do ANY of these people have to worry about? She posted pics of herself on twitter, that's it.

>> No.6458588

Why is her ego so fragile bros?

>> No.6462256

swedish upbringing

>> No.6462390

How the fuck did they go from vikings...to this?

>> No.6462509

I want to hug Sophie too and manage her self-destructive tendencies.
Do you think she self-harms?

>> No.6462963

Warrior cultures inevitably give way to pussy cultures as an inevitability

>> No.6463020

>Spanish (Cortez fucked the Aztecs up)
My god you're right...

>> No.6463105

>how did these seafaring warriors end up with what is considered the best country of the modern age?
I mean, they're not fucking French or Canadian. Hell, if you want to talk about a fall from grace look at Portugal. Sophie is, by all standards, an anomaly by any standard, and she could get free help but might need to see a psychiatrist instead of psychologist.
I don't think so. She seems to be self-sobotaging and socially overwhelmed. She'd need a lot of reassuring to go somewhere alone and comeback. I wonder if she was the target of sexual harrassment or something, as you'd imagine someone good-looking like her would take at least a little pride in how pretty she is, but she seems not to. And despite probably needing a lot of comfort and a gentle touch, she has expressed she wants people she finds attractive to hurt her. Unsure if she has a ryona fetish just because or if that is an extension of her mental issues/self-esteem.

>> No.6466809

Sophie, if you browse this threads...
Please believe in yourself! I wish I could hold you.

>> No.6468094


>> No.6468127

Sophie is for pump and dump

>> No.6468200

i she hot? to lazy to look for photos of her

>> No.6468243

I really want to like her but damn she's even more mentally ill than me, and I'm on meds

>> No.6468301

please stop talking about my wife, there are plenty of holos for all your rat needs

>> No.6468334

quite, but she's also a complete fucking headcase.

>and I'm on meds
Yeah see, that's the issue. She's not.

>> No.6468750

Unironically the prettiest vidya Youtuber I have ever seen. But with a lot of issues.

>> No.6470053 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.6470546


>> No.6474507

I don't really take the rrat she was getting ready for Vsingers. She's so obsessed with hiding her past that just by talking in her debut stream would lead to everyone recognising her.
I also doubt she enjoys streaming, she keeps on cancelling streams and the ones that happen are her being depressed with low energy, a shit game like, asking what to do or answering to chat blogposters.
At this point I wonder what is her true objective because this vtuber rollercoaster has been a failure.
>Wanted to keep her twitch audience and gain some of the en vtuber audience
Her current viewers and chat are remnants of her old fanbase
>Wanted to make friends and be more aproachable
Ended up ghosting her old friends and can't form a real connection with the EN vtubers aside of Mocca who's also another menhera. Also she behaves like a leech on twitter, she only replies or likes other vtubers or big content creators
>Wanted to make something new as Nerine, without the boundaries set by her past youtube persona
Streams are a much worse version of her old streams.
>Get over her past, be independent and be in a good mental health state
Disabled comments on her vod videos and constant banning and deleting in fear of her old persona being mentioned, living with her parents with no plan of leaving and she is starting to show the same behaviour before her meltdown

>> No.6474861

>13 Sentinels
Is it really that good?, I see people giving it 10/10 reviews but it looks dull as hell from an outsider perspective.

>> No.6475431

I think it is. I liked the gameplay and the story, music and aesthetics fascinated me. A one of a kind experince.

>> No.6475731

Its a great story, really ropes you in. I would't recommend watching Nerines LP because she makes that shit sound dull.

>> No.6476935

I just wanna be rock.

>> No.6477648

HER rock, i meant

>> No.6479707

You say that, but people like her can be really draining, and in the end you'd probably just end up hating her. Also pro tip, don't try and "save" anyone with mental problems. Even if you aren't thinking with your dick, in the end you either enable their behavior or come off as patronizing them.

>> No.6479798

>She's so obsessed with hiding her past
I get it now. She's Diavolo from Jojo part 5!

>> No.6479889

What's "it"?

>> No.6479970

Are we talking like injections or under the kind surgery?
Injections usually "fix themselves" after a while.

>> No.6479971

Have you not read ANY of the comments?

>> No.6480036

One of the last selfies she took before she nuked everythi g had her lips being a bit bigger than usual.

>> No.6480702

I know. She needs friend like support, you'd need to be a saint as her lover. She needs to want to get better, to face her fears. Listening to the Clemps podcast, she was a sub teacher before "issues," got in the way of that. I sympathize with her a lot, as someone that was stuck in the same place for a while, I can get how demoralizing it can be.

>> No.6480835

Oh fuck off, she has always had big, supple dick sucking lips.

>> No.6481804

No she didn't. Seriously some of the first images you see when you Google her face has them a bit thin.

>> No.6482335

They look the same

>> No.6482574

probably anons just can't accept that she can use make-up that way.

>> No.6482579

First world problems are real problems roo

>> No.6482706
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yes, they maybe, but i really dont feel bad mocking people with them kek
t. spic

>> No.6482936

Apathy is not cool.

>> No.6483647
File: 12 KB, 603x114, onedaymaybe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I understand the feeling of uselessness that comes with being a NEET. However Nerine isn't looking to improve her mental health or be better as a vtuber, rather she's looking for validation and things handed to her.
She's doing stuff like pic related so saviourfags can tell her "Keep going Neri" or "I think your content is wonderful have more confidence!". It's probably her ryona fantasies that are making her romanticize her own misery.
She's doing these kind of posts more often btw, the first she did was something along of "One day I'll make good content".
So don't feel bad about her, everything that's happening is her own fault

>> No.6484105

I think the biggest loss for her is the seperation from her Youtube friends. It seems she has created an ivory tower that she wants to rescue herself from, but she wants people to either cheer her on or say "it's okay" despite not making progress.
I hope the girl overcomes her mental issues.

>> No.6485939

You sound triggered snowflake

>> No.6486939

Man this is so fucked up I can't feel sorry for her

>> No.6487053
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Why did all his children end up being crazy bitches?

>> No.6489582

Auditions closed on the 11th, unless she wants to go for the male auditions (lol)

>> No.6489647

After failing Holo_EN and now the singing auditions, I think another failure will take her to the edge.

>> No.6489839

Just saw some pictures of this half white/asian chick and she is fucking gorgeous holy shit... But for some reason chose to fuck up her lips ala Kylie Jenner. Just hope it was an injection and the effects will wear off after a few months.

>> No.6490052

Never stick your dick in crazy

>> No.6490194

I remember there being a lot of raunchy rumors about Sophie when she was Pixievalkyrie, but I'm pretty sure most of them were made up by /v/. She doesn't seem the type to be a gold digger or to go to orgies

>> No.6490338

The truth is that Sophie's real friends are those who she left. Whoever are her friends right now are the actual clout-chasers trying to milk Nerine for every penny and reputation.

They don't have the guts to tell her that abandoning her channel and not moving on from it by addressing the problem IS the root cause of her depression.

>> No.6490364

The real solution to her problem has been there all along:

Do Game reviews as Nerine. Plain and simple.

>> No.6490414

girls like her are total sex fiends dude, why is it so hard to believe she'd participate in an orgy

>> No.6493008

>girls like her
She's too autistic to go outside.
Unless she had a brother who hosted an orgy literally in her room, she's not gonna get a chance to be part of it

>> No.6493258
File: 27 KB, 647x158, rat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good rat fuckheads

>> No.6493295
File: 244 KB, 644x540, 1593852613085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be a very pretty girl
>everyone can like you
>still have anxiety

>> No.6493325

Oh, so that's where Valkyrie went. No wonder I never come across her vids again

>> No.6493912

>the hug box replies


>> No.6494962

there's still this gut rrat that she could have applied for holoEN last year and never made into the finals or something. Hence VA channel archieve deletion.

>> No.6495045

Sure, but you'd do that after you're confirmed, no?
The better rrat is that she was accepted and then dropped and Kiara filled the spot.

>> No.6495442

if she spent more time streaming and less time having sex maby she'd be a successful vtuber

>> No.6495519

Why is she like this?

>> No.6495743

She is a swede they are probably in the top 10 western whores list.

>> No.6495792

>Seriously, every one she thought was attractive she wanted them to beat her up.
Bro that's like 90% of women. Nothing get's them hotter than being put in their place. Bitches be maso yo.

>> No.6495849

She's TheSpoonyOne of vtubers/anime reviewers. She's just going to keep digging herself into a hole that may be impossible to get out of.
It's a shame to see all this talent going to waste.

>> No.6495955

No she didn't.
She cried trying to go to college, I doubt she has the guts to go to an orgy.
I wonder if this work is you know, actual monetary labor or if this means she is "working on herself."
Sophie very obviously has implied, and continues to do so, that she has next to no IRL friends because she's so quiet and most of her friends are online ones. Her Youtube friends, which seem super hugbox-y and supportive, probably have a strained relationship with her because of no longer working together for YT content, and her focus to actually meet people offline.

>> No.6495968

>the ryona fetish
source on her ryona fetish

>> No.6496046

PLEASE stop talking about my wife

>> No.6496130

she's your wife?
so you're into cuckolding? interesting fetish

>> No.6496203

Just look at the reviewing husbando/waifu vid

>> No.6496264

I would add she also acts like a boogie, dedicating much more time to answer the ones criticising her than the ones that support her. I really believe she's reading these threads because everytime one of these threads appears she always start to tweet about the critiques she's getting.
There's nothing to gain with interacting with Nerine, at all. The ones that actively support her watch Anya at best and don't care about the rest. There's vtubers that with less viewers get more monetary support and there's vtubers that with less followers get 5 times she has.
This shit always happens when famous youtubers go to streaming, they act like they are the biggest shit ever and everyone will raid them but end up isolating themselves

>> No.6496399

>This shit always happens when famous youtubers go to streaming, they act like they are the biggest shit ever and everyone will raid them but end up isolating themselves
But she did fine streaming under the VA name, the issue was that she decided she didn't want to be ValkyrieAurora anymore.

>> No.6496477

This is the stupidity, because honestly. A valkyrie vtuber is a HUGE buff, just look at Noel.

She could even do game reviews as a vtuber. But alas, she's too emotional to think this out

>t. deadbeat.

>> No.6496532

>Holo_EN reveal
>VA deletes all her content
>Mori appears
>Is that Soapie?

The failed Holo_En rat is great.

>> No.6496614

She doesn't even need to use a a valkyrie avatar, she could just stream with her sleepy wolf girl and just not nuke all her shit and go "I don't wanna be reminded of this ValkyrieAurora person anymore". All she had to do was not self-sabotage and she failed.

Sophie dropping from Holo_EN last minute is my favorite rrat.

>> No.6496619

>Karrot and Soap have the sameish voice, but one is a depressed menhara, and the other is a work-a-holic

If Sophie had the orange rootcrop's work ethic and "gives no fucks" mentality, She'd probably surpass Gura.

>> No.6496654

This is the biggest tragedy about Soap.
She is genuinely talented and she is very pleasant, but her own issues don't let her succeed.

>> No.6496669

>If soapie was a different person

Damn shame she isn't her VA persona was the best parts of her. Once she became a tuber all the other shit she hid behind the scenes became front and center.

>Used to work as a cleaner
>Dropped out of college day 1
>Lives at home
>Dreams to be a florist but never makes an attempt to do so
>Rarely goes outside


>> No.6496767
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You aren't seriously suggesting to that depression is one of Sophie's defining traits, are you?

>> No.6496790

Im saying when she did VA shit, she was able to edit out all the shit parts of herself for youtube. Now as Nerine its all out there, she's a mess.

>> No.6496820

This thread has more content than Nerine has outputted in the past two weeks.

>> No.6496851

Yeah. That, too. But she isn't as offensive as some Vshojo like Hime

>> No.6496872

She's milquetoast.

>> No.6497095

What's wrong with being a bit of a slut?

>> No.6497149

I dunno if she goes out of her way to find criticism like this. She just seems to naturally focus on her own faults. It's like...a toxic way of self-improvement, as she seems to forget her good points.
I think she dropped the ValkyrieAurora stuff because of the stuff you guys said, which is that she doesn't want to be reminded of Youtube content. She doesn't want to do Youtube content as any persona, I think she honestly felt overwhelmed by people saying
>great vid! Please cover this next!
And sure, if you have a patreon and shit you're indebted to your patrons but she felt that content would not only be forced, she just felt like she was doing chores.
Maybe the lower energy Nerine is a gimmick, but it comes at the cost of VA being a more fun streaming persona, and not to mention she does come across as very unsure. Like sort of consumed by her issues.

>> No.6497201


>> No.6497382

Here's the thing: She could have...actually talked it out properly. The patreon fans are more upset about her suddenly disappearing without any proper explanations rather than straight up upset at her. People know she's burnt out, but to not confront and explain things properly was very unbecoming of her.

>> No.6497439

she’s not a slut though. just menhera. if she sought treatment she’d probably turn into a real slut.

>> No.6497588

True, but the way she has worded that situation, I can't see her winning people over by saying
>hey guys, i feel like having a youtube channel makes me hostage to what you guys want me to do, so no more vids
Trying to smooth that over is hard, but I guess it's better than just leaving and her audience would have probably understood her to an extent.
But then there is the wall between herself and her viewers, how much of herself she wants to expose. Like, if you can cut off the biggest source of anxiety and stress in your life, even if that is how you make money, why not go ahead and do it? There is a saying in my country
>better to say sorry than ask for permission

>> No.6497672 [SPOILER] 
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Actually, that adage is better stated as:
>better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission

>> No.6497693 [SPOILER] 
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Soap was too cute. Character creation had to give her mental illness to compensate.

>> No.6498157

Really a waste of talent and looks.

>> No.6498251

she WAS cute, now she gave herself fake lips and a shit nose job

>> No.6498591

She didn't. Fuck off

>> No.6498608

The best thing she could have done with her youtube content is just making a video saying she wants to pursue other things, leave the videos and there, some people will be angry but it wouldn't be the absolute shitfest she ended up creating.
The irony is that in trying so hard to bury her past, said past has become attached to her, every new viewer she gets eventually learns about her past life and all the fuckups she did. And maybe that's a reason why she isn't talked about in any other vtuber community

>> No.6498631
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get your eyes checked

>> No.6498736 [SPOILER] 
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You do. She's had big lips since day 1.
Also look at>>6441020

>> No.6498773

lol that's not fake lips, that's that stupid ass thing women do where they literally draw outside the lines with makeup to try to make their lips look bigger. it makes them look like fucking clowns but apparently there are some dopes who are fooled by it considering you can't tell the difference.

>> No.6498816

>posts this after ranting about not doing anything

>> No.6498916

look at all the fucking schizos in this thread. i can see why she wanted a clean slate and wiped.

>> No.6499278

>i can see why she wanted a clean slate
>made an announcement for new twitter/streaming name after nuking her YouTube
>whixh was totally going to be an occasional thing more focused on plants and she'll never sell out to be a "bigger" vtuber and go back to just games
Oh Sophie...

>> No.6499440

Yeah it was the schizos that didnt exist when she was YA that caused her to wipe her YT channel lmao, good one.

>> No.6499747

I mean she did the first thing, leaving the videos there may have brought up bad memories for her and maybe constant bombardment of
>omg r u valkyrieaurora? Pls do more vids!
On her chat, which I feel she CAN escape via bans or timeouts, but to each their own.

>> No.6500237

So people are mad she deleted her past videos? Don't know how that makes /vt/ obsessed with bringing her up so much.

>> No.6500696

i guarantee you it's the same schizo making these threads each time there's a new tweet, trying to drum up drama and harassment for her in stream. this board cares too little about indie tubers to have so many threads about someone who's irrelevant even in the indie scene.

>> No.6500725

>Don't know how that makes /vt/ obsessed with bringing her up so much
probably because she's an extremely attractive basketcase, so just the normal schizos thinking they have a chance with mentally ill women (they don't) magnified by her hotness.

>> No.6500953

Problem is with Spoony it's funny seeing a washed up ecelebs life fall apart all because he made ONE tweet joking about rape. Sophie's story is just sad because she was very close to becoming insanely successful before she had a breakdown. And now she is trying to recapture that success but has not come to grips of why it will never happen again.

>> No.6501024

/v/ crossboarders focus on Sophie because of her past persona.
People care primarily because she's very cute, secondarily because she made some quality content and despite her mentioning mental health issues, she seemed to have found a supportive community and seemed to have fun doing what she was doing.

>> No.6501099

People bring up her past because that's the reason she's flopping as a new vTuber
If you're gonna get butthurt about "doxxing" she left this shit up for a while and it's her own original fanbase

>> No.6501392

Because there is nothing to talk about her Vtuber career. She constantly cpusges back streaming to take care of personal stuff (depression from sabotaging herself), when she does stream she hardly even talks and her hugbox of mods ban anyone they suspect of hurting her feelings, and the whole reason she isn't super popular was because of how she felt she needed to transition form YouTuber to Vtuber.

>> No.6501462

what did he mean by this??

>> No.6501515

Fucking fat fingers. Meant to say PUSHES back streaming.

>> No.6501637

I don't know, I think the reason she isn't popular is because of her inconsistency. Even if her Nerine gimmick is to be low-energy, with a popular enough schedule she'd be able to keep her viewers her happy and get more viewers in. And maybe other indies wouldn't mind collabing with her.

>> No.6501715

Your right it COULD have been helped. But a combination of probating the videos without any warning or explanation, combined with any newer fans getting banned for being curious lead to a fractured fanbase. Now the only fans she does have are the simps that think just reassuring that she's not responsible for her depression, and mods who ban anyone who does otherwise.

>> No.6501730

>popular enough schedule
Meant consistent.

>> No.6502089

I am surprised this thread is as long as it is.

>> No.6502137

People quite like Sophie and want her to stop shooting herself in the foot.

>> No.6502280

Well she's a big girl. She made her bed and has to lie in it now. As I sad, I lament seeing someone that seemed happy where she was regress to feelings of inadequacy, early on she said she didn't feel "worthy" of her, perhaps in comparative terms, mild-level success in Youtube, sounded like she was feeling chained to what her viewers wanted her to make, making videos felt like a chore to her. Again, I don't exactly know, and I'm guessing she doesn't either, what exactly caused this stress upon her when everything seemed hunky dory, and that whiplash of being seemingly fine to just not being able to go on is sad. From the outside looking in, it seems she loves to self-sabotage, but going off of tweets it seems she wants to rescue herself from herself with no help, except words of encouragement from others, and even then the only ones she acknowledges are those of peers of whatever (unsure if this was the case when she was VA).
Streaming seems to be comparatively so much more low effort than making a Youtube video, and to see her fumble like this is just sad. I'd say she's at least half-way there, but if she isn't seeing a professional she really should.

>> No.6502287

Because she made good and insightful and memorable videos about video game lore, which is a breath of fresh air when put next to the likes of Game Theory. Unfortunately she couldn't take the pressure to keep producing more and more videos but it's not something that's for everyone. If she had just quit or faded away it would have been fine and she would have been remembered fondly but actively erasing her work and any mention or memory of that work is akin to George Lucas refusing to release the original Star Wars cuts after making the special editions. A very vocal group of fans got very mad and hurt and felt betrayed, and in keeping her memory alive they also keep their anger alive.

>> No.6503286

Because her videos were actually good lmao

>> No.6503706


she is live! let's harass her!

>> No.6503828

fuck you

>> No.6503912

harrassing her isn't gonna make sophie stop shooting herself in the foot.

>> No.6503966

sounds good. fire up the past life comments. or just link the thread

>> No.6503976

>get fucking 100 bucks for showing up
being a vtuber is so hard huh

>> No.6504053


>> No.6504461

did she read the thread lmao

>> No.6504590

nerine, if you're reading this, you're a dollar store whore with a god complex now. pack it in, you couldn't even be a vtuber properly and that's literally just playing games and talking

>> No.6504655

doubtful. it really is just her not having the balls to think
>hey guys, we're gonna do this!
even when her chat would fucking take a bullet for her lmao. and to be clear: I'm not mad she isn't making videos, but how does she not get people honestly watch streamers for the fucking personality, or because they make them laugh and shit?

>> No.6504851

>The sad music
>Coping again in a "My content sucks"
>Hugbox is giving her external validation
Yup, she's been reading the thread, hello Neri

>> No.6504909

I've never seen her real face until this thread and I liked her Valyrie Aurora stuff, but she frankly looks like somebody bound for mental breakdown so I don't really know what to say. I definitely see a countdown to an Only Fans account in the future.

Are you simps for real?? Look at her fucking nose. The nostril width is like half what it is on those old photos. It's amazing that looking at a girl with make-up on can fuck up you sense of nature enough that you can't see that photo for the plastic montrosity is it.

>> No.6505104


>> No.6505146

This is the reason why you never strive to be the "mental health advocate with a supportive community"

>> No.6505179

she literally said it, she's here.

>> No.6505272

Thanks Soap. Thanks for being a menhera otherwise I wouldn't have this wonderful coping stream

>> No.6505378

nuh uh, when?
did see someone write
>is this valkyrieaurora voice

>> No.6505414

>nuh uh, when?
At the end of her guitar story, she was like "maybe I should stop shooting myself in the foot"

>> No.6505472

>The college story again

>> No.6505741

"I get constant reassuring support that people will show up no matter what for me ... and it means a lot"
"What interferes with it is just me doubting myself I guess"
"Impostor syndrome? Definitely. 100% yes [laughs]"
"I'm convinced that if I try something new everyone will hate it and I will be completely in the dark and helpless"
"It's a bunch of self-doubt, really what it is. Gotta kick that in the butt, get that outta here [laughs]"

Old story from years ago:
>applied to a school to get into a singing program
>application required singing in front of a panel of teachers
>parents didn't know she wanted to pursue singing
>too embarassed to tell anyone about it
>told mom she wanted to apply to music program but not singing
>mom asked what instrument
>frozen in fear, blurted out about practicing guitar
>mom volunteered to drive to exam
>knows nothing about guitar
>"anxiety-riddled brain" couldn't even tell examining teachers she wanted to sing instead of play guitar
>failed entrance test
>(mercifully?) mom not allowed in testing room to see all this
sasuga nerine

>> No.6505996

>see the chat
>deleted message

>> No.6506197


>> No.6506331 [DELETED] 

When she makes the long dead air pauses, is that when she looks over to check this thread?

>> No.6506376

When she makes the long dead air pauses, is that when she looks over to check this thread?

>> No.6506536


>> No.6506655

I just realized
>360 viewers and the chat moves like it's 36 viewers

>> No.6506732

an anon in other thread said that he normally puts her as background noise.
Your can be banned or deleted whenever the mods feels like so it's no wonder not a lot of people want to participate

>> No.6506828

Neri, see a professional. Logically, you know people love you and will support despite trying "new things." Improving self-confidence doesn't mean solving your issues alone. The fact you can't control their thoughs or that they might not be very honest with you is irrelevant. You found success by doing things with gusto, and you will find it again as soon as you the shit that you want to do. I promise you that shit is going to feel much, much better than learning a new language; you'll see yourself in a new perspective. Don't be the only obstacle to your happiness.

>> No.6507071

>me being a man
>cant fake being anxious so paypigs give me money for doing nothing
sad :(

>> No.6507077

Yeah she has a nice voice but I wouldn't want to actually try to communicate

>> No.6507091

Soap is a massive fucking menhera, she's doesn't need to fake shit.

>> No.6507135

so as a society are we enabling crazy people to keep being crazy for our amusement?

>> No.6507151

I mean, that's what vtubing is.
Show me one popular vtuber who isn't a menhera

>> No.6507530

Welcome to the human race

>> No.6507581


>> No.6507844
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society peko

>> No.6508050

So to summarize the stream and her headspace.
>knows people support her almost unconditionally
>knows she lacks the self-confidence to just do what she wants to do
>admires people that can just fucking do what they need to do or want to do
>is very probably not seeing anyone for her menhera shit, despite that being the best move for her
>terrified of people disliking the "new things" she wants to do, yet they don't tell her
>terrified of disappointing people
>"maybe we (chat) disappoint you"
>"you could never disappoint me!" (Sophie)
>back and forth pity party, seems like she mostly responds to her subs, which mainly feed the sadness train she's on
>non subs actually try to steer the conversation into something else
>gets sleepy, says she'll talk vidya on thursday, thanks chat for supporting her low energy stream
I'm happy she has so much support, but I can't imagine why anyone would willingly expend so much time and effort to constantly reassure her unless they live with the fantasy they'll fuck her or, save her from herself and she'll fall in love with them. It's a bit pathetic seeing her like this, she needs to get some help. I think it's the first time I hear a streamer doubting if they should do what they want. If I wanted to start streaming I'd prolly play my favorite games and then branch out from there, I wouldn't jump in with like Fortnite or whatever

>> No.6508432

Yes, we used to call them court jesters.

>> No.6508677

>unless they live with the fantasy they'll fuck her
As if there were any other possible reason lmao, as if there were any other reason for a man to watch any female streamer for that matter.

There's a reason why the audience for these chicks is 95%+ male.

>> No.6508806

I don't disregard that, but who/why would you go the extra effort to simp so fucking hard for her, when you could do for some of the many other twitch camwhores, or any other vtuber who is happy? Seriously?
Like, I'd wager people think they have more of a chance, I dunno, with Veibae if they superchat her
>gonna fuck ur brains out
Than by being
>oh come here sophie, lemme hug you and tell you you're without fault and everything you do and feel is valid
You know? You expend so much less effort and the gratification feeds your incel fantasy much quicker in one scenario vs another.

>> No.6508931

No wonder she dedicates tweets and space on her stream to talk about the critiques dropped on her when she has a hugbox as a fanbase.
Get it through your head Nerine, don't take it for granted, if you get a bf or gf and appear on stream, all of those faggots that go "I'll always support you" will leave you in less than 10 seconds.
Nerine is a menhera and her fanbase is made of vultures

>> No.6508941

Honestly, this audience was with her even before the VTuber switch. Hell, even on her dead Reddit you get occasional creeps who post old selfies of her with the caption "she's so beautiful" and stuff. Ignoring the fact that they will probably never meet her since most of them probably aren't even Swedish.

>> No.6509002

It's really only a matter of time before she hurts herself or, god forbid, commits suicide. And it will all be on her hugbox not telling her to seek professional help. Newsflash, you can't hug or fuck the depression out of someone.

>> No.6509116

>but who/why would you go the extra effort to simp so fucking hard for her,
obviously because she's fucking hot lmao
>Like, I'd wager people think they have more of a chance, I dunno, with Veibae if they superchat her
bigger audience = bigger competition

>> No.6509170

I still don't understand why you guys care so much about her.

>> No.6509179

Oh hey I remember Valkyrie, she has a sexy voice

>> No.6509202

I want to see how the ride ends anon

>> No.6509217

But seriously. It's not like she will just go "I will now allow you so sleep with me" when reading some sub message. I just struggle to wonder what goes through their heads.

>> No.6509247

I don't think she would self-harm. I think she's more liable to fall in a perpetual cycle of trying to do something, getting uncomfortable, and then never doing the thing again, be it in an online (self confidence issues) or offline (social anxiety) capacity.

>> No.6509261

>I still don't understand why you guys care so much about her.

>obviously because she's fucking hot lmao

>> No.6509276

it rarely works anon, the "Everything you do is good and I'll always support you" is a giant turnoff. And if it works, it doesn't take long before shit like "open marriage" starts

>> No.6509294

none of them will obviously, that's irrelevant. it's easier to feed the illusion of your special status if you are one amount 300~ vs one among thousands.
>it rarely works anon
try never, lol

>> No.6509320

Nvm, Had* Just saw her new shit and she bought into the vocal fry meme. Shame.

>> No.6509329

This and I unironically liked her taste in vidya. It was her good looks and good taste.

>> No.6509422

>since most of them probably aren't even Swedish.
They don't know how good they have it

>> No.6509434

How good it is to be swedish or not be swedish?

>> No.6509584

All I know is that I'm glad I'm not Swedish

>> No.6510620

I thought I was the only one that noticed that. Her voice is starting to sound much less like an unironic version of "deep sexy voice" and more like a fat grandma

>> No.6514609

I think her voice is still sexy. It's just, as stated before, more low energy.

>> No.6519737

ok, the most important thing to take from this thread is this
The guide to dating menheras
If for some reason you want to fuck a menhera like this girl. Don't do the following
>Say "you are the best I'll watch whatever you do"
>Keep on complimenting her while she is having a menhera attack
>Relying on donations and gifted subs to get to her heart
All of these methods will never work. Instead you need to be assertive. Just watch at Matsuri thirsting over anyone and see the proper way of handling menheras
>Hoshikawa makes sarcastic comments about her, isn't afraid of giving her a jab and calls her out whenever she's crossing the line
>Roberu manages to show discomfort and make the situation seem funny and is also capable of controlling her when she's drunk
>Luna controls Matuli by periods of silence, calling her out on streams or on twitter
>The guys that she plays apex with, can keep their cool when she's having a menhera attack
>One of those guys got asked later by Matuli if she liked him, with this response being "I like you as a friend"
Menheras always end up crushing in the ones that can contest their menhera attacks.
For the case of Nerine, take into account that instead of being a paypig, if you really want to fuck her, you need to become a vtuber.
But most importantly, always remind yourself, that you can't save her, it's up to her.
If any of you actually succeed don't be a faggot and share the pictures

>> No.6520210

I'm not gonna stop studying to become a Physical Therapist or stop working out and eating right to fuck Sophie. She's hot, but there's better pussy out there that isn't worth even halve the trouble.

>> No.6521266

I like Nerine, genuinely I'll watch her when I can. Her voice is really soothing and whenever she goes on more passionate rants about video games she can be a good listen, but I know better than to expect her to be anything more than what she is, that being background noise that only shows up once every other week or so

>> No.6521502

I'd watch her if she enjoyed doing a stream. Seriously, today felt like she was there out of obligation or something.
Not to mention, Sophie may be bisexual, but she only really thirsts after vidya guys, she seems to want an IRL gf. But yeah, she's more trouble than she's worth at the moment.

>> No.6521607

>she seems to want an IRL gf.
I'm sure that has nothing at all to do with the fact that she knows the only reason 99% of her viewers watch her is out of some delusion of someday getting with her. Just like how all the hololive chicks are mysteriously lesbians, right? lol

>> No.6521631

>>One of those guys got asked later by Matuli if she liked him, with this response being "I like you as a friend"
Can I get a clip of this please?

>> No.6522120

Valkyrie plz I need your menhera power to understand YokoTaro games.

>> No.6522429

She doesn't even understand them, she thinks 9S and 2B are just good friends

>> No.6525202

The part where she asks him if he likes her is not there. But this is the best approach when a menhera attack is happening

>> No.6525635

btw good job Soap, take away the "I might" and replace it with "I will"

>> No.6526302

Honestly no, she was like that as VA as well.
Well, she committed to it. Good for Soap

>> No.6529201

wait what? so she asked a dude if he liked her, and he said as a friend? Or why is she crying? The wording implied she rejected someone, but I'm guessing that in actuality SHE got rejected, correct?

>> No.6529686

Holy shit. I think this is the longest I have seen a thread of her in a while. Usually it lasts less than a day.

>> No.6529953

It helps that she herself was posting in it earlier

>> No.6530131

Yup. She's literally monitoring the thread and tweeting.

>> No.6530587

What posts?

>> No.6530619

Put on that detective cap, anon.

>> No.6530821

bro what, nothing you said that was in there was in this clip

>> No.6530875

am dumb

>> No.6533759

I know you're here, Soap. Just quit vtubing already.

>> No.6535185
File: 15 KB, 227x222, 1621740817529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you're here, Soap. Just quit vtubing already.
what the fuck was she here?, VA get out of here this is a hellhole full of spics and indogs,

>> No.6535273

The only content of hers I've seen is her Glory to Momkind! vid. It was super cute and comfy, but when I tried to look it up again . . . .

>> No.6536635

It's cause she is gay and get annoyed that her fans want to sniff her cooch that influences why she thinks that.

>> No.6537981

her lips went from thin to that. That is not normal. No amount of lipstick can make your lips look like that. She for sure used lip fillers... But that shit's not permanent anyway.

>> No.6538087
File: 39 KB, 600x800, 1626107851635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know you're here, Soap. Just quit vtubing already.
