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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64967780 No.64967780 [Reply] [Original]

How much should a VTuber's avatar accurately represent them yet, also differentiate them enough from their real life (nekomimi/sharkgirl/slimegirl)? Should someone who is a tall hag, in real life, play a loli character? etc etc. Does it matter to you, anon? Do you think it shouldn't matter? Should someone, who is in a relationship, do BFE/GFE ?
As long as a VTuber does a good job and keeps their IRL identity stuff out of streams... what's it to matter as long as the character is being sold as it is, without anything breaking the immersion?
How much does the reality behind the avatar matter to you? How do YOU feel? I want to know about your feelings behind this.

>> No.64967813

idk but some of them should stream more

>> No.64967908

Yeah, like their kayfabe is that their character likes streaming to their audience

>> No.64968690
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The thing that irks me about kayfabe is when girls try to half-ass it and basically operate that some things they say totally are only kayfabe but other things they'll actually-talk about pretty close or directly to what their regular non-vtuber selves would have actually said. In that case they see kayfabe as more of just a mechanism to extort the audience further with because they try to just fall back on "oh that? I didn't -really- mean that that was just kayfabe why couldn't you tell lol pfssh" if they later get caught / exposed for their lies. You should either basically-real to yourself on stream or you present something that's clearly a character the whole time, IMO. To use kayfabe as convenient-lie-putty is just exploiting the idea cynically and abusing peoples' trust. Which as far as I'm concerned, lying about key things about yourself while trying to get people to let their mental guard down by convincing them that you're mostly legit/real in what you say, just makes you a bad exploitative person.

IMO a lot of vtubers are straight up sociopaths. Clinically diagnosable sociopaths. They exploit and abuse peoples' trust for money and then try to blame and gaslight them that it's -their- fault for falling for it, like blaming a mouse for getting caught in a trap when the point is the mouse would have been better off if you didn't lay the trap to begin with and you didn't care about its well-being at all. The ones that use kayfabe for some things but not all things are sociopaths.

Kayfabe is method acting. When WWE wrestlers were approached by fans in public, interviewed at random on the spot etc some of them ALWAYS stuck with the kayfabe. If someone was a big fan of the Undertaker character in WWE and lucked out and saw him walking down the street and went up to him to gush, the Undertaker would have just been an asshole to go "pfffft it's all an act fuck off kid" but nah he would indulge his fans. It's in the interest of everyone involved to do so - the kid is stoked and happy and this is good for the brand. The actor doesn't have to deal with the guilt of punching down at innocent people who looked up to him.

>> No.64969682

Thanks for the serious response. What inspired me to make this thread was seeing /shon/ >>64935612 schizo out about shondo's height for several hours now.

>> No.64971170

I don't mind most mismatches with avatar, if the voice is matched.
For me, enjoying Vtuber is like enjoying an anime character and its voice actor at the same time.

>> No.64971877

>How much does the reality behind the avatar matter to you?
it matters to everyone here because "board culture"

>> No.64972123

>How much should a VTuber kayfabe?
>How much should a VTuber's avatar accurately represent them yet, also differentiate them enough from their real life (nekomimi/sharkgirl/slimegirl)?
>Should someone who is a tall hag, in real life, play a loli character?
no, nobody should fuel unironic child fuckers
>Should someone, who is in a relationship, do BFE/GFE ?
nobody should have to step so low to attract the literal bottom of the barrel retards
>How much does the reality behind the avatar matter to you?
>How do YOU feel?
i'm fine, thanks for asking
how about you? everything good?
I want to know about your feelings behind this.
kayfabe is giga retarded but as long as it's not the focus of the stream i don't care

>> No.64972434

Get out

>> No.64973261

nah i'm good
but you can leave at any time if something bothers you

>> No.64973701

Get out.

>> No.64974045

nah i'm good
but you can leave at any time if something bothers you

>> No.64974066

Get out.

>> No.64974606
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>How much should a VTuber kayfabe?
Ideally as much as they are comfortable with.
Don't care about the person behind the screen as long as they can sell me on their character.

>> No.64975021

If they have a plan to graduate at some point then keyfabe all the time don't make people emotionally invested just to drop them. If it's what they want to do for the long term then being real from time to time is fine.

>> No.64975309

As long as the vtuber doesn't do handcam content, nobody really cares. If they do, however, they should make sure that what they show is consistent with their character. Wearing gloves and long sleeves is preferred. Also fatties should go on a diet and hit the gym to not break immersion, but that's also an advice in general and not specific to vtubing.
Vtubers should only kayfabe if they know how to. A half-assed character is worse than no character at all, at that point they should unironically just be themselves.
>GFE/BFE while in a relationship.
No. The point is to provide an emotional closeness akin to having a partner and a third party will turn it into a cheating scenario, both for the viewers and the partner alike. If a vtuber doesn't do BFE/GFE, they're free to get into a relationship with anyone, however, asking them to stay uncommitted for some more obsessed fans' sake is just ridiculous.
>As long as a VTuber does a good job and keeps their IRL identity stuff out of streams... what's it to matter as long as the character is being sold as it is, without anything breaking the immersion?
Easier said than done. People will dig eventually and any vtuber should be prepared to lose their anonimity sooner or later (not actual doxxing, but other content they've posted on the Internet). The moment their past comes to light, the immersion is already broken because of the nosy fans and I can't blame the vtuber for that.

>> No.64976029

nah i'm good
but you can leave at any time if something bothers you

>> No.64977260

>How much should a VTuber kayfabe?
as much as possible
