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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64928580 No.64928580 [Reply] [Original]

>/corpo/ resources:

>What is /corpo/?
The number of vtubers managed by an agency ("corpos") or representing a brand ("mascots") has been growing recently. However, not all discussions can sustain individual threads. This thread strives to create a place to discuss the talents and mascots of corpo™s that are currently not discussed in other threads.

>Can I shill my small corpo oshi who already has a thread?
If your oshi gets talked about in a thread constantly, you may want to focus there! It's fine otherwise.

>Are former corpo talents allowed?
Due to the increasing number of graduated or retired talents, ex-corpo talents are allowed but please try to respect their other identities.

>Other Corpo Threads
Idol: >>>/vt/jidf
Phase Connect: >>>/vt/pcg
Tsunderia: >>>/vt/tsunx
Prism: >>>/vt/ppg
Kawaii: >>>/vt/pkg
VReverie: >>>/vt/vre
EIEN: >>>/vt/eien
PixelLink: >>>/vt/pxl
V-Dere: >>>/vt/vdere
V&U + KR vtubers: >>>/vt/vnug
JP indies + corpos: >>>/vt/indie
V4Mirai: >>>/vt/v4m

Previous: >>64765846

>> No.64928760

Owari da...

>> No.64928792
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We like Karrot again

>> No.64928804
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>> No.64928867

She has to bring back Virion before I forgive her

>> No.64928895
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>> No.64928988
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SOON (4-5 months)

>> No.64929083
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We couldn't save her

>> No.64929190

>almost an entire year without her
I just hope that she ends up in a good place.

>> No.64929305

t. karrot

>> No.64929421

There's two corpos, that we know of, that are coming out for sure in the early half of next year: Hololive and idolEN.

To be fair, she could be in some totally out of left field place, like when she joined Star Ring but who knows at this point, she certainly isn't giving hints (I don't trust her after the trolling she did with Phase).

>> No.64929454

vreverie gen 3, belieb

>> No.64929476

you're that anon who wants to know her other identity last thread? we don't have a lot to work off of desu unless she resurfaces somewhere and her genmates or someone else make it obvious (like Ophie retweeting notCheri or notSalmon straight up calling notRya "Hime")

>> No.64929747

no, that anon was me. the reason i ask about her PL is because i wouldnt expect there to be that many vtubers with her eye condition, so someone should be able to come acros it at one point.
i dont track twitter activity of genmates or friends to see if they reappear, but if it happens and someone posts it here i'd appreciate it

>> No.64929902

Phase jp 2 or invaders 3 is always an option.
Phase gen 2 was stuck in the basement for 8 months and gen 3 was stuck in the basement for 6 months.
Fishman really likes to have a long pre debut ground work done and make sure that the gen has good inter gen chemistry and a fit with the rest of the corp.
I am have taken a lethal dose of coop, but i still believe.

>> No.64929958

Honestly I don't even think she was trolling and just ended up making a weirdly timed joke. As for where she's dropping IdolEN only really makes sense if she was scouted by the Jew before auditions started in August otherwise it doesn't make much sense for her to graduate from StarRing 2 months before the company announced it's dissolution. Hololive kinda makes sense since they dropped the auditions trailer a month before her graduation and I believe Laplus said a few months ago that she was hired like a year before debut so there's a chance that her current hiatus might be because she's already signed up with Cover and either can't stream on her own outside of the twitter spaces or just isn't bothering with it since she will debut in the near future anyway but still everything right now is pure speculation.

There's no Phase JP1, only Phase Gen 1 that has 4 members who live in Japan.

>> No.64930069

>just ended up making a weirdly timed joke
Nah, she was definitely trolling, but it wasn't malicious, obviously she knew we were rrating and wanted to mess with us.

>> No.64930219

understandable. I'll keep an eye out for her genmates' twitter but that's the most I could do, but don't hold any high hopes though, and it'll be extra hard if she already nuked her PL before joining Project F.

>> No.64930279

and that just makes me love my dragon wife more

>> No.64930803
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Atmospheric dragon wife (forma housemaid)

>> No.64931003
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Expect a termination announcement and accusations of all deadly sins like they did to poor girl from gen 1
what a batshit joke corp (they bought watchalongs, still retarded)

>> No.64931011

Lilian kinda erotic

>> No.64931383

I remember that shitshow, definitely not the redemption arc I wanted from Project F.

>> No.64931495
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>> No.64931652

I LOVE FUCKING KARROT (with a condom cause ew, STDs)

>> No.64931674

jesus fuck... i only knew about them through the gen 2 ads, that's fucking dreadful
i hope the other girls get out of there asap

>> No.64931686

/kuro/, home

>> No.64931691

Karrot is clean

>> No.64931861

Karrot should clean my dick

>> No.64931903

looks like Project F and possibly Vreverie is on the menu this time

>> No.64932174


>> No.64932393


>> No.64933006

It's too late. Same for Ai. It would be a damn shame to lose Ai's model but it might very well happen.

>> No.64933149

Big L for KiraStarfyre's channel. Crazy negative growth, down to less than 30 average CCVs.

>> No.64933294

AmberGlow, the bane of many indies.

>> No.64933685

I haven't forgotten what they did with Astarte Claret

>> No.64934421
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Kura charity stream still going, with a giveaway active right now

>> No.64934589

she saved herself and goes indie

>> No.64934769
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my prayers worked

>> No.64935041

V-dere will grow once more

>> No.64935149
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>retain some of the rights
So she lost the model but not the brand. Remember what they took from you.

>> No.64935260

antother model to the grave of memories

>> No.64935281

the good ending/restart

>> No.64935426
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Mono self inserts into Japanese wrestling idols

>> No.64936083

We're not safe yet from character assassination

>> No.64937668
File: 595 KB, 1711x1179, 1683182311209121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for a partial archive of Menace's vods: Sept 15 - Dec 10 2022 and Feb 13 - Jun 14 2023. I know its a longshot, but I'm putting it out there just in case someone has them. Unfortunately these vods aren't on her YouTube channel. I'm not posting in /jidf/ because it'd be off topic.

>> No.64939298

>debuted just over a month and a week ago
what a dumpster fire corpo, someone needs to save Xin

>> No.64940736

Based on what?

>> No.64941422

You need to believe in the Beryl!

>> No.64941453
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Miki is doing a zatsudan stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-6btBVyuXU

>> No.64941655

Turn around time for a custom model with talent input for JP corpos

>inb4 cope

>> No.64942055

berylfags always losing

>> No.64942128

I'll grudge post you when it's revealed we've been winning all along

>> No.64942198

She ain't dead or disappeared, and she has plans to come back. That's a win in my book.

>> No.64943051
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We know she's trapped somewhere

>> No.64944046


Tem Star Rail

>> No.64944210

phase invaders3 lol

>> No.64944400

Mei not whore
I still laugh that she went on 4chan, saw one hate post and wanted to graduate

>> No.64945877

Maybe she's can considered a whore, because there's reports of her being groomed to join a fan discord without management knowing. But who knows what is truth or not these days...

>> No.64945957
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Cute Boomi is live, with more GTA 4

>> No.64947206

Ah, I wondered what happened, hadn't seen a stream from her for a while. Shame, I kinda liked her.

>> No.64947558

Goddamn, she's cute.

>> No.64947796

>(I don't trust her after the trolling she did with Phase).
She wasn't trolling, she's one of the Phase JP Gen 2 girls
>There's no Phase JP1, only Phase Gen 1 that has 4 members who live in Japan.
yeah, but there is going to be a Phase JP Gen 2. The fish has confirmed this.

>> No.64948071

Ikr, wanna marry her

>> No.64948137
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>> No.64949207

This only makes sense if she's not required to speak Japanese.

A twilight lover to the end

>> No.64949313

Can phase niggers just fuck off already?

>> No.64949493

We support good companies here

>> No.64949652

You only support drama, pippiger.

>> No.64949741
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>> No.64949946


>> No.64950354

Atleast we don't post our chuba's when they are streaming begging for people to come watch like some people, i am looking at you kawaiifags.
I understand if they don't have their own thread or if their thread is dying but you kawaai fags and vdere dumbs have no excuse.

>> No.64950644

>discussing streams is le bad
>shitting up the thread with random speculations is le good
This is why phasefags are never welcome.

>> No.64950737

we get it, you're a schizophrenic catalogfag

>> No.64950897

Discussing streams of corp chuba's when they have their own perfectly good corp thread is bad, take it to their corp threads. If thier corp has no thread or a dying thread, then it is ok to post about their streams here.
Do you have any reading comprehension brown anon?
This threads are for other corps who don't have threads of their own, esl anon.

>> No.64950984

Her design is very appealing

>> No.64951248

Go back to vnug retard

>> No.64951385

>shitting up the thread with random speculations is le good
berylfags are /corpo/core

>> No.64951423

At least for now

>> No.64951469

Phasebeggars aren't.

>> No.64951523

They're the same people

>> No.64951696

They never watched her. They just like to claim chuubas as "theirs".

>> No.64951749

what the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.64951886

>They never watched her
Like 90% of people talking about her

>> No.64952010

shut up moji lol

>> No.64952054

Your crying like a bitch style is similar to one retard from vnug

>> No.64952152

Blame whoever started to shill her in catalog. I never understand why people do this shit. Especially graduation streams that are meant to be for fans, not random passersby.

>> No.64952332
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The fleshlight of /corpo/

>> No.64955109

Did the vdere thread die?

>> No.64955222

Don't even know why you fags even bother with a general, just stay here

>> No.64955303

the pisstachio symbol of /corpo/

>> No.64955381
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this westaboo... starting soon

>> No.64955420
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>This threads are for other corps who don't have threads of their own, esl anon.
Incredible self-own there.

>> No.64955713

V-Derebros are very passionate about their chuubas.

>> No.64955954

Somebody save this streaming-obsessed pii stain

>> No.64956553
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yeah, my erection

>> No.64956902

Pii online

>> No.64957559

Literally wtf has been going on with these past few threads.

>> No.64957636

it's a christmas miracle

>> No.64957753
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Ami live

>> No.64957843

only mozzu gets discussion and she is already in /vrt/, I think Vdere should be absorbed here because that thread is either bumps or pkg dramafags trying to start shit

>> No.64957903 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.64958329

whats wrong anon-kun?

>> No.64958635

I livepost about Spica there but Spica has been on holiday. Frankly, I'd prefer just posting on /corpo/ or /pink/.

>> No.64958838

god i love titvtubers

>> No.64959174
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Lillian on Pii's chat.

>> No.64959185 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.64959287

>because that thread is either bumps or pkg dramafags trying to start shit
This one is different?

>> No.64959661

Bros I'm gonna learn to flip pizza

>> No.64959733

I'm either too ESL or too virgin to understand what's so funny about men flipping pizzas.

>> No.64959883

If you ever delivered pizza, YOURE IN

>> No.64959955

How the fuck!? Lillian is definitely /here/, no other way she knows the Pii stain.

>> No.64960130

Threadreader chama...

>> No.64960186

Sorry, not watching stream.

>> No.64960309

My time working at Pizza hut wasn't a waste! See you on the other side virgins!

>> No.64960314

A man flipping pizzas, erm, flipped her switch. She made the connection to pizza delivery men "flipping switches" in pornos.

>> No.64960758
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what makes you think that?
she's also collabing with Miu tomorrow btw

>> No.64961200

Lucky bastard, what I get for working with burgers

>> No.64962034

Fucking Elon, cockblocking both dragon wives...

>> No.64962136

Did Lillian post anything besides saying she is back home? I was in the middle of fruit shitposting and thought I got banned or something.

>> No.64962321

Yeah, she sent out a tweet. She wanted to be productive today...

>> No.64962521

No social media distractions! But sucks if she was going to contact someone and doesn't have their discord yet.

>> No.64965417

I will plap Victoria!

>> No.64966347

Is vtubing...

>> No.64966550

Yeah, me.

>> No.64966767

All mine!

>> No.64970069

Lillian will start an hour earlier today, so in about 20 minutes from now.

>> No.64970658

Actually I'm dumb and it looks like it's going to be the usual time (it was supposed to be later but now it's not)

>> No.64971673
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2023-12-21T171603.965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elia co-working stream

Don't bother making /vdere/

>> No.64972114

I miss comfy /vre/...

>> No.64973298
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Lillian zatzu + korean duolingo

>> No.64974685

Maybe we can accelerate its recovery by being gayer

>> No.64976057
File: 1.28 MB, 3840x2160, niousomori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[HighTideSha] Nious Heiramond continues Omori in ~80mins:

>> No.64976085
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bros, looks like we have a situation here

>> No.64976126

>>64976085 (me)
looks like Miya isn't following her anymore and also deleted her reply in Lorelai's departure notice

>> No.64976220

man... i just wanted to watch cute girls

>> No.64976313

>twitter (formerly X)

>> No.64976316

>on Twitter (formerly X)

>> No.64976619

On one hand I have no reason to trust this corpo.
On the other, she is taking the corpo account that was never hers. Which is a really stupid way to go about it if they actually sue her.

>> No.64976635

take the small corpo pill they said

>> No.64976656

acab (all corpos are bastards)

support the girls

>> No.64976820
File: 12 KB, 487x101, 1691174771798277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

https://twitter.com/AkikoVReverie/status/1737807912284889545 I will be your water supply

>> No.64976868

this bs is the same as "believe women"

>> No.64977091

I actually enjoy your Spica live posting on vdere. I don't think it feels as good if you live post on other threads.

>> No.64977519

I liked her though...

>> No.64977594
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I hate women about as much as I hate greedy corporations, I'm cheering for the conflict itself

>> No.64977707


>> No.64977736

*Mana valorant

>> No.64977828

True, I went to sleep in relief after seeing her post, thinking it was on good terms and she'd announce her separate account later. Waking up to this shit was confusing.

>> No.64978261

Snek graduating
I wonder what happened, she was saying send fan letters a few weeks ago

>> No.64978315

look at that thumbnail again anon...

>> No.64978339

>clickbaiting graduation
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.64978371

Ah I got baited, I’m retarded

>> No.64978691

Always remember Sara as the chuuba who holds the record for highest ccv small corpo stream. 56k was it? I was there.

>> No.64978773

I'm once again reminded Chiyo has a very large mouth.

>> No.64978990

what was she doing to go that high?

>> No.64979053

she got botted by /numbers/ while they were testing something

>> No.64979091

update on Lorelai

>> No.64979160
File: 558 KB, 400x400, I don't speak english but love Lillian [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ft8zhoe.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64979199

Big if true.

>> No.64979275

sister clapback!

>> No.64979276

This’ll be messy

>> No.64979338
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>yandere vtuber
this could get out of hand

>> No.64979886
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Gwynny giveaway

>> No.64979930

What is she giving away

>> No.64980447

>limited edition prizes to be won
i think it's merch stuffs

>> No.64981005

Herself. To me specifically.

>> No.64981024

bro that was a setup for a joke but thanks

>> No.64981169

Ai also deleted her reply. Not sure if they're being forced to do it or they don't want to get themselves into trouble but it's understandable if they wanna stay out of this mess.

>> No.64981173

Who was this about?

>> No.64981219

That's like not even close to the most egregious English mistake in this word spew.

>> No.64981231


>> No.64981244

my dragon wife

>> No.64981299

>they were testing something
Yeah, how much pagpag they'd have to eat instead of real food in order to be able to afford the bots.

>> No.64981393
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Is she.. you know who?

>> No.64981807
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>> No.64981835

Karrot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20AbA1mZskA

>> No.64981861

I'm the vibrator.

>> No.64983037

>prism gfe killa graduation
>from university

>> No.64983059
File: 70 KB, 680x383, GB4KHtiaMAADx8V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miya Mareena playing Smite

>> No.64983189

Black corpo confirme2d?

>> No.64983362


>> No.64983393

did she hint anything about the whole Lorelai thingy at the start?

>> No.64983412

if you clickbait graduation you should be forced to graduate, shunned from the community, not get your pay for the month and also sued by the corpo
whore HATE

>> No.64983515


>> No.64983627

Anyone that does the graduation switcheroo should have their eventual real graduation ignored. Like people don't even attend their graduation stream.

>> No.64983872
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, GB3QUIGaIAA43rE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, and I know this will sound crazy, read all the text on the picture.

>> No.64983946

The "from university" part is pretty clearly intentionally covered by stream/fog to make it harder to see...

>> No.64984101

And yet is it still very much visible. If the only text was "graduating" I'd understand it, but not like this

>> No.64984136

rough paraphrase, "things have been going on but i'm not going to talk about it"

>> No.64984207


>> No.64984910

The funny part about it is that she talked about this a lot on her streams so the people getting baited by this don't really watch the stream. I still think it's a dumb joke tho.

>> No.64985176

Is Voice Ore belong here?

>> No.64985226

this is the eop thread

>> No.64985371

I'd say try your luck in /indie/ but it looks like they are dead at the moment.

>> No.64985693

perhaps that's for the best for her and the other girls

>> No.64986033

How is a corpo indie?

>> No.64986060

no other place to discuss 2view jps

>> No.64986308


>> No.64987358

This is what usually happens. Good riddance, I say.

>> No.64987410

Uh oh, we got another one to add to the /whorepo/ roster?

>> No.64987462

Plum? Good question, I don't think anyone is certain since she only did like one stream.

Good to see the phasefags love her tho

>> No.64988843

>go support the other girls
>support Xin, Ai, Furia

>> No.64988916

Uh oh

>> No.64990293

Aura and Hades fallguys

>> No.64990337
File: 84 KB, 680x383, GB43gnPXIAAIN4C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Victoria Valerie on DK Graves' stream

>> No.64990573
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Sugar handcam stream

>> No.64990689

Miel is doing some sort of preview/list for 2024 anime

>> No.64990781

Buffering for you guys? It's so bad for me.

>> No.64990805

not just you

>> No.64990936

long fucking shot but does anyone know if Dr Juliet Winters (from Heavenrend) has reincarnated? She graduated last October for health reasons, which makes it somewhat unlikely, but a man can hope.

>> No.64991107

Nah but I was wondering the same. I used to watch her a while ago before I ever even checked out Woomy. So yeah +1 to that request if anyone has any info

>> No.64991247

She's also doing a Twitch stream in 2h

>> No.64992365

I honestly thought she was going corpo, but no, I haven't seen her pop up. Maybe she got married or something.

>> No.64995301

thanks for the heads up!

>> No.64997223
File: 450 KB, 1920x1244, seething femanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64997354

The facial expressions in this thumbnail are somehow hilarious.

>> No.64997360

based woman if true

>> No.64997398

She's live now with a karaoke

>> No.64997490

https://www.twitch.tv/victoria_valerie childless auntie secret karaoke on Twitch...

>> No.64998807

Damn, it's really been that long....

>> No.64999120

>mfw Miya and Sayu in purple man's chat

>> No.64999959

the Miya from Project F? damn, for once i'm actually hoping that purple bastard pulls an AkioAir, unlike his so called "Vreverie deep dive"

>> No.65000364

anyone recording this? missed the first few songs

>> No.65000438

I hope so...

>> No.65001159

According to the stream title the main theme should be the Lorelai contract, but right now he's kinda just doing a "year in review" thing

>> No.65002129

>that later date was a few hours later

>> No.65002507

OK, the Project F talk is starting now

>> No.65003044

>miyamareena: can not talk about her contract but I am doing okay eyedKEK

>> No.65003387

Yeah, the financial audit comment seems sketch as fuck.

>> No.65003628

Oh no, purple man shitting on /kuro/sisters...

>> No.65003705

He demands evidence from leakers kek

>> No.65004500

man :( I was hoping that her health would improve and that she'd return to streaming/vtubing. fingers crossed that it happens sometime in the future I guess. she still has one of my favourite voices out of all the vtubers I've watched
I miss her...

>> No.65004612
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, 1698105388866004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hime making Christmas cards for (You)

>> No.65004668

imagine getting btfo by a dramafag, sisters in shambles

>> No.65005162

Pretty much every big incident from this year was preceded by assertions of being happy/like a family etc.

>> No.65006671

ah, what a nice karaoke. still kicking myself about missing the start, but here's what I could get from the karaoke that didn't happen.

>> No.65008064

Cute Hime wife

>> No.65008521
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Gwynny in 10

>> No.65008676
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Miki is doing minecraft stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JleunyLLOjk

>> No.65009497


>> No.65011066

So I was right >>64852971
Nice to see Gwynny keep making friends

>> No.65013600

I feel like a man who has a Hime wife has a higher chance of living a happy life

>> No.65013785

How to get a Miki daughter?

>> No.65014112

You gotta get a wife

>> No.65014371
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Come to Brazil

>> No.65015639

You could tell me that miki is brazilian, SEA, or just lives in the middle of nowhere portugal and I'd believe you

>> No.65017150

Is Brazil full of cunny women? Maybe I was too hard on them

>> No.65017632
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>> No.65018562

Ran is cute

>> No.65018883

Vertical owl singing

>> No.65019024

I really fucking love this retarded looking model

>> No.65022017

Party Animals /corpo/ Collab Multiview!

>> No.65022210
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Party Animals collab
Lillian https://www.twitch.tv/lillianthemaid
Miu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MlZF34vunE0
Pistachio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBFDrutrZTY
Ran https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2sHdm0NflDw

>> No.65022497


>> No.65024737

What's with beryl's obsession with pizza men suddenly? She dating a domino's worker or something?

>> No.65024854

Chiacute raided Miu again

>> No.65025290

see >>64960314

>> No.65026561
File: 74 KB, 680x383, GB7UefsaMAAUIcK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aishii Ai with Slay the Spire

>> No.65028832

God I love this /corpo/ collab

>> No.65029509

This was great collab. My mouth hurts from smiling too much.

>> No.65029805

Ran is a cute dork. Shame she shot herself in the foot with a debut yab.

>> No.65030090

biggest shame is that she joined a black company

>> No.65030174

Couldn't watch to the end due to being outside. Hope they enjoyed themselves.
Will check what I missed later maybe with different POV.

>> No.65030475
File: 2.49 MB, 960x540, Lillian Miu teetee [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Feplci0.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65032781

cute dragon wife

>> No.65033109
File: 211 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I miss something? Is Nux one of the founders of Mythos? Just rewatched part of his first YT video with them and he didn’t say anything about being a founder/owner?

Saw the company that made posidens model tag nux at first, then 10 hours later they delete and tag the corpo?

>> No.65033894

Jesus this mythos corpo has awful looking generic twitch ethot models

>> No.65034101
File: 29 KB, 480x360, FuriaGRIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aozora Furia plays Gris

>> No.65034574

>sent Steam friend request to Miu as a joke
>she accepted
dumb cat

>> No.65034690

Good luck, anon, you are in. Tell her it's a bad idea.

>> No.65036311

You know what to do, anon.

>> No.65038100

yeah I told her not to add randoms

>> No.65039693

VOLs karaoke relay - Aria Synth

>> No.65041170


>> No.65042773
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault - 2023-12-22T212053.422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goozilla singing with requests?

>> No.65042824

Myth-0s zatsu

Pippa suika game

>> No.65043955
File: 670 KB, 1920x1080, cinnzatsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[HighTideSha] Cinnia Antimony karaoke and zatsudan:

>> No.65044965
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VOLs Karaoke relay

>> No.65045092
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Karrot & Liola doing a music review

>> No.65047414


>> No.65049195

penguin morning voice is cute

>> No.65050968


>> No.65051099

bitch and whore

>> No.65051180

Thank you, I was about to say that we truly failed as a general when there's been a post about karrot and no WHORE responses

>> No.65051353

Globies are globing

>> No.65052754

Taking a nappy nap so gn

>> No.65053275

night night anon

>> No.65053947

Weird time for Liora to be collabing

>> No.65054024

apparently Miyuyus (ex-Bond EN) also part of it

>> No.65054127


>> No.65054808
File: 468 KB, 689x662, simply delight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good mononing!
new /v4m/ is up

>> No.65055159

going through my subscription and just noticed Maka nuked her channel
then saw this post in archive

where is this other channel? does she still stream?

>> No.65057085
File: 151 KB, 1237x966, xnrzev-20231205-064309-1731927169482293638-GAkKlGtaQAA6-cy-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.65058594

rest well

>> No.65059709

damn you said Liora so I thought my menhera Korean mommy was in the stream

>> No.65060314

She was mostly on tiktok.
Who knows what she's up to nowadays. Probably found some normie stuff that made her quit.

>> No.65060643
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With her legs completely shaved. Roza is back with more One Handed Dark Soles

>> No.65061455

What her other hand doin?

>> No.65061488


>> No.65063172
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cute Utah

>> No.65063414

Pura continuing her charity stream

>> No.65063540


>> No.65065588
File: 69 KB, 794x349, 1685780800873058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miya hiatus

>> No.65065738

Project F to pay respects

>> No.65066495

After appearing on purple dramafag stream, this is likely a stealth suspension.

>> No.65066694

I wouldn't put it past them to pull a kurosanji/BlackGlow

>> No.65067334


If anything Tabi has said is even remotely accurate then a suspension would be doing her a favor, girl needs to jump ship.

>> No.65067537

Come get licked by Yoki!


>> No.65068027

Lina Twilight Princess

>> No.65068131
File: 65 KB, 950x525, GB_OLTFXIAA2gnO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update from Stabi Tabi (ex-Lorelai Loch)

>> No.65071301

>tfw dog wifes condom eating ASMR stream is tommorow

I really hope she doesn't choke to death on a condom, despite this being the funniest possible way she could die, but she has to stab me to death before I let her die

>> No.65071740

stabi pls...
if its actually you, enjoy the break. soulnds like you deserve it

>> No.65071813

kek I didn't even notice

>> No.65071983

Stabi cute

>> No.65072428

not me, pulled from her twitter
but thank you for the kindness anyway

>> No.65072557

I hope she comes out of this alright.

>> No.65072764

>not me

>> No.65074813

Tem Genshin

>> No.65076895

>where is this other channel
>does she still stream
no, but she was liking stuff on twitter.
i'm pretty sure she's scared of us because the nukes always lined up with her being posted here. i wasn't saying anything in hopes that i could leave her alone long enough to get some of the streams back up

>> No.65076909

anyone watched stabi tabi's stream? did she say anything about the company besides her tweets?

>> No.65077485
File: 279 KB, 549x421, 1688791461049356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PAM showing up in a 3D Christmas concert right now
