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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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6485285 No.6485285[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do EOPs/westerners/gaijins do fucking autistic cringy garbage like this and unironically find it funny? Also reddit seems to try so hard to sweep this garbage under the rug because we gaijinz dindu nuffin.

>> No.6485306

idk and idc
thread hidden

>> No.6485307

What does the cyka blyat on the top say?

>> No.6485319

It wasn’t even us either, it was literally some ironic cringe account with Minions Hitler somefuckinghow

>> No.6485325

According to the /pol/tard crowd on Twitter they're trying to stick it to the Ledditors and anybody who disagrees with shoving politics in Hololive streams and further restricting the content the talent can produce is a tranny

>> No.6485331

First time watching a popular streamer?
attention whore kids do this all the time, laugh and move on.

>> No.6485335

we already had this thread

>> No.6485345

I don't know what the shit in your image means, but EOPs, ironic weebs, and Holo fans have the lowest level humor of any living creature. Abominable stuff.

>> No.6485358

>It wasn’t even us either
It was an open EOP Holofag and his Holofag friends egging him on, no shifting the blame here, they were posting about how based and redpilled Hololive was for months before this

>> No.6485417

only in the west, mito played this game with 15k live viewers and nothing happened

>> No.6485515

Enjoying pelmeni (dumplings)

>> No.6485547

Just so you all know the Russianiki didn't actually fuck up Debi's game, I made this image and I posted it to demonstrate how smoothly the Nijisanji Gartic Phone games went relative to Hololive's lol

>> No.6485674

In that case, a ruski would be deemed a gaijin.

>> No.6485708

Stuffed with dumplings.

>> No.6485836

It's a Hololive problem, the Russian was also a gaijin but he had good intentions and didn't ruin Debi's stream.

Nijisanji attracts toxic JP fans, Hololive attracts toxic overseas fans.

>> No.6485891

Hololive is cursed with popularity, the garbage chat and the cancer fanbase is one of the reasons I started watching them less

>> No.6485958

It's just one asshole. Miko's stream went perfectly fine and IRyS wouldn't have mentioned that she wants to stream the game if Cover banned it. I look forward to more kino Gartic Phone streams from both Holo and Niji.

>> No.6485974

nijisanji jp fans never do idpol/racial garbage like this. they never bring any east asian politics/ideological conflict there.

regardless of whether right or left, amerimutts and their bootlickers always bring stupid politics, race, and idpol everywhere. there was also a dumb comment like "beat evil blacks, pekora" youd say "based", but you just ruin jp contents like amerimutt sjws

>> No.6485978

People who didn't find this funny need to go back to the site with the orange alien. You are NOT welcome here.

>> No.6486014

>>>/pol/ rapefugees out

>> No.6486018


>> No.6486026

IRyS is still unmonetized, so it might take a while for her to play Gartic Phone, unless she wants to risk it and play publicly.

>> No.6486032
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>> No.6486038

I hate /pol/ culture so much

>> No.6486064
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Americans, they will forever be mentally 12 year olds

>> No.6486083

Says the guy watching little japanese girls play video games

>> No.6486088

some mutt did that. so basically the same garbage as this

>> No.6486105

Honestly, /vt/ is the only board giving attention to this. The people who did that already stated they will do it again and some here gave them the idea of using the Taiwan flag instead. Good job guys.

>> No.6486119
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>> No.6486122

Knowing his background as an indie makes this even funnier

>> No.6486140

But it is funny. What's the big deal? Even Pekora was laughing.

>> No.6486178

if you are a leftie that gets offended by a swastika or people mentioning hitler then it's time to go back, also it's the streamer/manager own fucking fault for playing a public game, these should be a nono for every streamer

>> No.6486198

but think of the corporate vtuberinos they're gonna restrict!

>> No.6486205

>no you
10 years old

>> No.6486224

>if you are a leftie that gets offended by a swastika or people mentioning hitler then it's time to go back
That's not the point, I don't give a shit about Nazi references or imagery but there are lots of people who do and it's bad to do things that invoke their rage when it's the vtubers themselves who suffer for it.

>> No.6486239

You will never be funny

>> No.6486240

Oh look, the /pol/ glownigger tourists are already here

>> No.6486253

Lmao grow up, someone doodled a swastika, who cares? It’s funny.

>> No.6486255

You sound like a cuck. The girls don't even know you exist.

>> No.6486256

>takes sarcastic jokes seriously
Be careful not to be groomed at the park.

>> No.6486262

ate some dumplings (either the guy who drew this, or the niji demon thing)

>> No.6486267

who cares if pekora suffers from it, she's rich, famous and backed by a corpo she'll be fine.

>> No.6486280

No one is going to cancel Pekora for something she didn’t even draw you braindead autist.

>> No.6486298

Fuck off back to /pol/ you absolute autist perma virgin. Feel free to rope too on the way out

>> No.6486299

>EOP Holofag and his Holofag friends egging him on, no shifting the blame here
those are discord trannies, there's no shifting blame, they aren't even human.

>> No.6486300

again, it's the streamer fault, pick members to play with you, making it public is a recepy for disaster, they should know better

>> No.6486305

Based, I hope they do and I hope your oshi graduates because of it.

>> No.6486319

Go back to >>>/leftypol/ tranny

>> No.6486333

my oshi isn't some souless corpo employee. Hololive HQ can get nuked tomorrow and I wouldn't give much of a damn.

>> No.6486348

It's a "recipe for disaster" because you went out of your own way to make it a disaster while everyone else was just having fun like a normal person

>> No.6486382

>heh, I actually don’t care that much about Hololive even though my original post was so emphatic

>> No.6486388

Live with it, punk.

>> No.6486395

A disaster isn't complete without people like you crying about it. The mere concept of chaos is not enough.

>> No.6486432

Based indie enjoyer. Seeing these drones whiteknighting for Cover makes me cringe to be honest.

>> No.6486460
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She cant, she's a hero of the children, die crossboarding scum

>> No.6486484

A hero of hitler's youth that is

>> No.6486519

so they are trying to politicise everything. a prime example of amerimutts and /pol/ cucks. they are the same scum as sjw nutjobs on twatter. can only politicise a content. purely cultureless third world monkeys.

>> No.6486547

you people talk as if Holo's biggest dono maker didn't get strongarmed into quitting because she said the word Taiwan on a stream

>> No.6486585
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>this thread

>> No.6486634

>coco said Taiwan
>Pekora didn’t draw a swastika but had it on her stream
Completely different circumstances, you’re paranoid

>> No.6486636

its literally vtuber stuff. same shit as chink insect spammers, dumb redditor.

>> No.6486653

Dilate, cope and seethe tranny. This is /pol/ territory now.

>> No.6486766

I came here to talk about cute girls, not your political faggotry

>> No.6486806

Yikes. Get a sense of humor. Why are you so obsessed? It's seriously not a good look.

>> No.6486836

are you saying circlejerking pol garbage is a good humor. you must be using greentext outside of 4chan, third world baboon

>> No.6486838

They're both very minor incidents. Coco's incident caused a lot of stress in hololive. Pekora's is objectively worse regardless of the fact that she didn't do it herself, but because it's offensive to jews not chinks nobody really cares. If there were as many shekelsteins as there are chin li zhangs watching hololive you'd bet Pekora would be suspended due to the outrage.

>> No.6486873

I got recommended A Hitler Version of the "King" Cover because of this. Not offended, but just wondering how it was still up after being out over 3 months.

>> No.6486913

Retardchama. Taiwan was the straw that broke the camel's back. You would have to be blind if you didn't see that coming

>> No.6486917

>same thread again
stop giving the retard attention
stop replying
you are only fulfillying his attention whoring purpose
he is going to reply to himself to keep the thread alive, leave him
ignore and move on

>> No.6486949

I think it's not because the Hitler that was actually drawn on screen, but more on Pekora's reaction to it. If Pego showed disgust or avoid it, certainly the Minionfriend will get the hate for ruining someone's stream, but if she laughed at it instead and think it's nice, the blame will be on peko and that's what will cause the suspension. but what's really stopping antis from maliciously clipping it to frame pekora as agreeing to the Nazi drawing, like what happened with Miko during the doujin incident?

>> No.6486954

Both of those chuubas belong to soulless corpos that wouldn't give a shit if you dropped dead tomorrow, but /vt/ is a bootlicker board so they have to defend them with all their heart.

>> No.6486957

w-we dindu nuffin. you sound like chinks defending chink insect spam

>> No.6487018

but /vt is where the autism is, retards always take the bait and that's entertaining for me and others

>> No.6487078
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Who is this mythical indie who would care if you dropped dead?

>> No.6487081

Embarassing. What was Pekora's reaction?

>> No.6487090

Nooooo my anime bunny girl might get in trouble, nooooo

These women earn 10x what you do and they wouldn't lose a wink of sleep if you were beaten to death by niggers tomorrow

>> No.6487102

Nothing will fucking happen, Pekora probably doesn’t even know what Nazism is or what the swastika means, she just saw funny minion with Manji. Get a grip, you stupid fucking faggot redditor.

>> No.6487135
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>noo you cant just care about people who dont care about you

>> No.6487144
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>> No.6487147

She laughed and scrolled on.
Basic professionalism.

>> No.6487170
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>Pekora probably doesn’t even know what Nazism is or what the swastika means
They do, and trust me when I tell you Japan doesn't give a fuck. They haven't spent the last 50 years being subverted by Jews so Nazism is just a cool aesthetic to them

>> No.6487216

When was the last time you hugged your Mom anon.

>> No.6487244

kept being calm and apolitical and god rid of this autistic /pol/dittors circlejerking trash from the archive.while /pol/dittors and amerimutts are still trying to politicise every fucking thing like chink insects.

>> No.6487247

Reminds me of the time that Miko made the base of her minecraft village a swastika for good luck and Pekora chased her around the giant swastika with an upside down horse.
Man I laughed like a gradeschooler

>> No.6487296

Could you /pol/tard be a man, grab your weapon and fight your goddamn fight for whatever you believe? Instead of drag an autism girl into your fight and make her suffer the consequence of your action while you hide behind her like a bitch. You are less of a man than a faggot.
You deserve every faggots that come after you and your family for the coward you are.

>> No.6487315

the fact that Pekora immediately ended the stream and did a second look to see if the next pictures are okay means she's aware the Nazism imagery is too yab for her audience.

>> No.6487318

thats a symbol of buddhism you fucking absolute retarded casual.

>> No.6487342

I mean obviously
That's why I said like a gradeschooler. Don't get pretentious.

>> No.6487354
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hasn't even been a week since I did last. You?

>> No.6487371

dont feed the troll
ignore and report trolls is a general rule
thats why

>> No.6487411

dindu. /pol/cucks are the same vermin as chinks

>> No.6487713

They are flooded by chinks. Each of provinces in China are required to have at least 80.000 "keyboard warriors" and most of them know about this site.

>> No.6487726

honestly, this would have been pretty based if it hadn't come from a degenerate minion fetishist and unironic nazi freak. At the same time, we're not reddit, fuck'em, stirring the pot every now and again is fun.

>> No.6487770

What the fuck are you on about? Sweep what? You want to have conversation about minions and nazicuckery?

>> No.6487796
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>blaming /pol/
>symbol is backwards and not even tilted
Every fucking time.
The only ones falling for this are r*dittors. Go back to your own site

>> No.6487801

Based post

>> No.6487823

now this is a based post.

>> No.6487857
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>> No.6487862


>> No.6487888

>it's in Cyrillic
you tell me, retardchama

>> No.6487925

>Could you /pol/tard be a man, grab your weapon and fight your goddamn fight for whatever you believe?
Don't encourage him anon. I don't want another Brenton Tarrant tarnished the entire hololive by shooting people while saying "subscribe to hololive". This fucker lives in New Zealand.

>> No.6487969

these assholes are the same vermin as chink spammers and will increase as hololive gets more popular so its better to share the info among the vtuber community and inform the fans about it.

they however downvote/ban every topic like this. they dont want to acknowledge they also have chink spammer tier scum because of their fucking dumb western centric moral superiority.

as a result. you can only talk about it on internet ghettos like this site. why are you defending reddit.

>> No.6487971

He must be talking about the one on the bottom, because the one on the top is pretty much harmless.

>> No.6488009

made me chuckled there.

>> No.6488059
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>Could you /pol/tard be a man, grab your weapon and fight your goddamn fight for whatever you believe?
this post is glowing

>> No.6488168

/pol/fags saving the white race by drawing little flags on pretend being an anime girl stream, kek come on guys

Go actually be useful and login to the minecraft server, pick up your enchanted bow and pay a visit to some freemason lodges or something, at least stick it up to the elites grieffing your server, faggots

>> No.6488199

trying so hard

>> No.6488283

Why do you nonces keep saying it's /pol/ that's the problem instead of identifying the real problem of /lgbt/?

>> No.6488324
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>swastika is drawn completely fucking wrong
>implying /pol/ did it
/pol/ would make a point of drawing it correctly. There's only one group capable of fucking up a swastika that badly. This entire thread is a disgrace.

>> No.6488359
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This board was a mistake.

>> No.6488391

I'm 100% right though, you're useless as fuck. You just circlejerk on your dogshit board and don't do anything. When you do it's always the dumbest shit like sniping black sheep instead of going directly for the admins of the server and it backfires on you.
Dumb tool.

>> No.6488468

Nuke America.
Holy shit what a waste of a country.

>> No.6488504

/pol/ cucks are out of fashion. idk what they are even trying now. anti-sjw videos are now popular on youtube, but /pol/ cucks are being more extreme for nothing, cant seem to even handle oldfaggy lame ass stormfront stuff

>> No.6488510
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Always the same monkeys doing it

>> No.6489222

found the cunt



is this all /pol/fucks can do now? what a fucking clown. can suck trannys dick

>> No.6489317

His twitter already posted yesterday, long enough for the bugs and angry nips to spam him.

>> No.6489352

The bugs? Amerimutt insects? I see only Amerimutt monkyes and their apologists defending this Chinky trash

>> No.6489388

I mean the real zhang spam. Keep looking down onto 200+ replies and you will see it.

>> No.6489448

Watch Cover jannies delete this thread too. They really wanna memory hole this whole thing lmao

>> No.6489492

pekora will never giggle at a cute drawing you made, stay seething

>> No.6489495
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>> No.6489535

Nobody cares faggot stop posting this so much
