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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64799992 No.64799992 [Reply] [Original]

So. Why do they hate American Hololive girls so much that they don't want to meet them? Is it because of the bomb or just pure jealousy?

>> No.64800704

>because of the bomb
yup those american terrorist are the worst

>> No.64800794
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these bombs not durka bombs

>> No.64800821

Someone set us up the bomb

>> No.64800993

We get signal

>> No.64801092

the american girls are weebs for THEM not the other way around they dont care bout em

>> No.64801172

>they dont care bout em
Indeed! So stop the talk about unity.

>> No.64801177

Except for Gura. But she isnt living there iirc

>> No.64801244

its just tourism. not a meetup, you terminally online fatfuck tranny

>> No.64801401

None of Holo EN reside in California though

>> No.64801472


>> No.64801479

Don't use my cute wife to shitpost you idiot EOP

>> No.64801511
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They know mutts are savages

>> No.64801523

How dare they ignore irys like that

>> No.64801554

They were in California after all

>> No.64801589
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>> No.64801601

I'm not a mutt but I wouldn't want nips in my country either.

>> No.64801756

mutts should thank them for not talking about all your homeless shitters and drug addict zombies in the shithole

>> No.64801827

Not a single one of them live in california and they all already met in japan
Better question is why do you care when it doesn't concern you

>> No.64801836

They wouldn't say it of course, but i bet they thought LA was a shithole

>> No.64801915

Who are the Jirard, jontron, arin and projared of holoEN?

>> No.64801976

Would you want to meet someone in California?

>> No.64802061

Because last time there was a big meet in California some "shenanigans" happened

>> No.64802063

Last samurai coping hard, I see.

>> No.64802463

Well, I sure hope EN girls don't waste their time with nips next time they have to go to Japan. Do the job and get back home so there won't be 2 weeks of Covers retarded "homeworks" to stop streaming.

>> No.64802628

People still love america, and america is still a dream for many.

>> No.64803002

>Dream that lasts 6 months
After that they regret not going to some nordic country, western europe, Japan, Australia or even Canada instead

>> No.64803082

I don’t think any of them live in California

>> No.64803122

I mean, USA is full of homeless people and drug addicts, there are some South American countries with lower rates of murder and delinquency than USA

>> No.64803191

Hey, I was told they chose California because there aren't any HoloEN girls around. I don't know where they live but if they chose California because of that... It's pretty shitty.

>> No.64803190

>Nanny state shitholes
Huff the copium

>> No.64803413


>> No.64803520

Imagine choosing by your own will to go to a place where you can't walk without kicking a homeless and seeing a tranny, ignorance is a blessing

>> No.64804944

why do you assume it's hate and not indifference?
what's wrong with you?

>> No.64805192

You wouldn't have vtubers without the bomb though

>> No.64805409

>I thought we were building a rice cooker...

>> No.64805474

Adulthood is realizing that America is a shithole

>> No.64805537

Ignore this retard, bros
You WILL be Japanese
You ARE going to make it

>> No.64805711

Im norwegian andid trade citizenship in a heartbeat.

>> No.64806711

I personally am happy that the so called "unity" is over.

>> No.64808058

You can tell OP has never been to America. I get this all the time when European friends come to the US and want me to visit them--like people have no idea how big the US. You can't just pop over to anywhere inexpensively or quickly.

>> No.64808224

God please trade with me, get me out of here

>> No.64808614

I've been trying bro, but it's hard...I've rejected 2 JP work offers because they pay in JPY and not USD. I'm not fucking getting paid in monopoly money. Finding actual US tech jobs in Japan is really difficult.

>> No.64808851

None are in California.

>> No.64808888

Have you been at least doing your reps?

>> No.64809008

they were coming to stay with me, idiot. we were too busy.

>> No.64809186

nanny state sure, but calling stockholm for example a shithole is a retarded take. i've only been there once but the city completely blew my mind. easily the most beautiful city i've ever been to. if i was rich i'd gladly spend my life there.

>> No.64809259

What tech sector do you work in?

>> No.64809396

If you're going to live in Japan why wouldn't you get paid in Yen retard? Its value is down but it's not exactly Argentine Peso

>> No.64809444

They just took a week to visit the 2 fucking themeparks that are nearly identical to the ones they have in Tokyo and too see hobos in the walk of fame, who the fuck wants to be their tour guide

>> No.64809513

well, you're technically right...

>> No.64810032

How come when people from overseas visit they always visit shithole states like Florida or California?

>> No.64810245

LA is a shithole

>> No.64810304

Mumei said it's a shithole.

>> No.64810374


>> No.64810474

Take your meds and fuck off.

>> No.64810478

I've passed N3 and could probably pass N2 with some studying
The glowing sector DOD
You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.64810543

You think they can just show up at one of their houses randomly? That's a whole ass other flight to visit any of them

>> No.64810704

Easier to use USD and have an american bank worldwide. Also most companies are fairly retarded and probably offer 5m yen/year for an equivalent 50k/y job which should be 7m Yen right now.

>> No.64811453

which EN girl in the US speaks enough japanese to be useful?

>> No.64811528

Which of the JP girls speaks enough English to be useful?

>> No.64811695

>they don't speak enough japanese in japan
>they don't speak enough japanese in USA
The true last samurai mindset. Would somebody PLEEAASE think about the Japanese!.

>> No.64811858

I mean, Lui speaks a lot and so does that one ReGLOSS girl.

>> No.64812115

>Lui speaks a lot
lol That woman is barely understandable. It's a fucking joke that she somehow fooled ESL thinking that her English nothing but bad.

>> No.64812581

Talking a language is overrated, understanding it is 10x times more important then reading and then talking, I barely speak my own language, imagine a foreign language

>> No.64812620

Where do you take n tests? Online? Local community college?

>> No.64812625

If you can understand a brit or southerner that doesn't even have that thick of an accent, hers is extremely easy, you're just deaf

>> No.64813414

Okay, boys. If you didn't have to defend your favorite branch of a your favorite Vtuber corporation... would this still be your opinion?

>> No.64813601

I thought it was common knowledge Ame was clearly in socal, but I dunno if she moved as I have not given a shit about her in years. Also Cali is fine if you have an actually good job and don't have to live in shitty parts. If you work in professional tech or science spaces, suddenly there are no nonbinary rainbow hair losers at work and they don't even exist in your life unless you go visit a Starbucks. The people who move can't get good jobs and they are literally out fucking skilled to make it here.

>> No.64813652

California is a hellscape, so I’d be concerned, too.

>> No.64813849

Flare always looks like she's one mean comment away from jumping off a bridge.

>> No.64814065

Unfortunate that some people still put California on a pedestal considering how much of a shithole it is.

>> No.64814299

Lemme know when your state has a silicon valley AND a Hollywood and get back to me on who is actually important in the country. CA by itself has a GDP bigger than every European country besides Germany (which it is about equal to despite having only half the population). Tons of things about CA suck but the good parts are utterly dominant at what they do.

>> No.64814661

Ame is busy being the head of her family on top of her usual burnout issues.

>> No.64815181

>muh GDP
Kike measurement that doesn't translate to the quality of life of the actual people living there. Especially considering the cost of living and insane taxes. Have fun with your dying Hollywood, drugs, homeless, and legalized theft though.

>> No.64819609

Thank fuck for that. The pinkos are depraved.

>> No.64820598

Last time I was in Charleston I did some touristy shit with family and there were yuropoors everywhere. Kept bumping into Danes, Swedes, Dutch people everywhere, and there was a British family sat behind us on the ferry. This was memorable to me because I couldn't stop thinking "who the fuck flies across the Atlantic to visit South Carolina".

>> No.64820926

I'm surprised they didn't bring staff along like a-chan. She could have guided them.

>> No.64821256

As an American, I'm embarrassed that they visited that shithole.

>> No.64822020

Would you want to meet them if you worked with them? Not the characters, but the people behind those characters, in the context of them being your co-workers, and you would need to go out of your way for several days during your vacation. Would you do it? Then why don't you visit co-workers or workers from partner companies now? Most never do, because it's a hassle for everyone involved.

>> No.64822315

>brags about two of the most rotten industries that are bleeding money at the moment
Yeah... that's cool I guess how is your yearly drought and fires going? I wouldn't know since my state has near limitless reserves of fresh water so I don't have to worry about that shit. Also we grow all your pickles so piss off you aren't special.

>> No.64822616

they should've gone to orlando

>> No.64826360

Because a known and populated shithole is better than bumfuck nowhere shithole with nothing to do, which is at least 40 other states.

>> No.64826480

That is because all of your shitters moved here.

>> No.64826956

Mexico is part of North America, dumb USAian.

>> No.64826978

>"sat behind me" as a gerund phrase
you wouldn't happen to be one of those yuropoors yourself, would you?

>> No.64827262

whew, glad they didn't get randomly shot or stabbed

>> No.64827297

Damn, good eye anon

>> No.64827527

the eternal anglo

>> No.64827592

Main screen turn on!

>> No.64827944

I don't think many of the EN girls are in California anymore
Ame and Gura have moved like 4 times since their debut, and only one of them was very close to reliably in that shit hole of a state

>> No.64828249

Gura was always East Coast.

>> No.64832639

Yeah, she is kinda bad at English, while Ririka is unintelligible, she has good grasp on English itself, same with Kanadae or what's her name.

>> No.64832806

>What do you mean I have to work?
>What do you mean 90% tax rate?
>What do you mean I have drop my pants for muslim rape gangs?

>> No.64834557
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I get that thy wanted to see Disneyland, but there are so many other places in California more scenic.


>> No.64838404

Hollywood don`t even pay taxes in California you dumbass. Silicon Valley don`t pay taxes too, both of these industries channel funds through charity funds, trust funds. In fact they get tax relief and tax refunds thru the government subsidies, tax refund from Australia where they primarily film and tax refund from Germany thru their jewish bank reparations from WW2. California is a total shithole full of corrupt officials and the random citizen is a crackhead.

>> No.64838686

Because that day was Friday in California.

>> No.64839207

>ppl acting like the California they see on Fox News is the exact pinpoint locations the girls visited and not the totally fine tourist and rich areas

>> No.64839228

Because meeting a HoloEN during a California trip would basically be giving away where they live.

>> No.64839316

>people /here/ don't watch streams
That's all you should've said. The girls had fun and I'm a little envious some calibros got to share states with them for a week

>> No.64840678

What's wrong with LA? Seems scenic. Didn't Kiara enjoy her visit?

>> No.64841011

Terminally online retards fall for political propaganda. There are good and bad parts of California just like anywhere else. I imagine the girls avoided the shitty places and just did touristy stuff.

>> No.64841276

You guys think that stormtrooper bullied Miko extra hard because he knew who she was? I don't know how I would react if I was working a normal wagie job, heard familiar voices speaking Japanese, and then one of them comes up to me to order in broken English.

>> No.64841643
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>> No.64842075

Nigga they went to the Hollywood walk of fame they 100 percent saw some repulsive shit walking around there, they’re just too polite to talk about it

>> No.64842143

Most of the tourist areas have also become the bad parts. No matter which side you are on doesn't change that. It's not just LA, but all cities in the US.

>> No.64842160

Didn’t Kiara get freaked out seeing some naked homeless dude or something? I don’t think she liked cali

>> No.64842209

Keep sucking down that propaganda and stay in your rural shithole. It's very scary in the cities. Please never come here.

>> No.64842335

There isnt any copium left after you inhaled all of it trying to defend your country saying stupid shit, you greedy bastard

>> No.64842417

California runs the gamut from paradise to shithole, and it all depends on how much money you have. The actually shitty places are like Stockton and Modesto or the shitty inland places like Bakerfield and Fresno. LA and SF aren't nearly as bad as people online would have you believe as long as you aren't a poorcel. Of course there are awful places in those cities, but they are easy to avoid. It's like going to an amazing music festival and then complaining that the port-o-potty is filled with shit.

>> No.64842530

Funny that many stores have shut down in LA because of shoplifters and its woke law lmao How much of a shithole is it?

>> No.64842545

Why do you think I'm saying this? It's because of first-hand experience. You have to be terminally online to not see the recent changes. I deal with homeless behind my work because I enjoy long smoke breaks. Few years ago, they didn't exist. They are ignored as if they don't exist. What you are doing.

>> No.64842593

To be fair who wants to see a naked homeless person, and no where it happened does not matter

>> No.64843172

San Francisco is actually decent right now because they cleaned up the city for the APEC summit a few weeks ago.

>> No.64843242

They spent most of their time in theme parks anyways

>> No.64843385

They could have said Miko was a child so that they could get into Legoland, in Carlsbad. It's one of the best theme parks in the state.

>> No.64843457

Third-worlders angry the holos will never step foot in their shitholes
You love to see it

>> No.64843523

Cali is a shithole if you go to any of the major cities, and doubly so if you don't know what areas to avoid.

>> No.64843612

At least they didn't go to Florida they'd get shot and doxed there.

>> No.64844375

By who? The boomer faggot snowbirds who have no idea what the internet is? The local crackhead who's too busy securing a small amount of money for his next fix to watch streamers on the internet?
The real issue is, most people know America for the thinks it produces for the world, i.e. Hollywood trash and entertainment in general. No one is going to take the time to come here because we don't sell the beautiful scenery in places like Yellowstone in Wyoming/Montana, the absolutly gorgious drive through Tennesse through the Appalacian mountains, and just seeing the vast amount of space, land, and resources between the two coasts. There's plenty of interesting stops between New York and Cali, it just takes a while to run from one to the other, whereas if you go to Japan, any country in Europe, Prog, Iceland, Brazil, etc., the amount of space between things is tiny so you can jam a lot more in in a week or two. There's also generally less history draw here because why would you fly overseas for a country that only has upwards of 500 years of recorded history when you could see a ton of stuff in Europe.

>> No.64844488

>Unironically lower than my country's taxes
>Averaage monddaay

Please, I beg, get me out of this purgatory..

>> No.64844837

They aren't troons

>> No.64844985

The war has never ended.

>> No.64846357
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>> No.64846809

Can’t speak for anywhere in LA, but Manhattan is alright if you don’t make yourself look like an easy mark. Maybe I’m just desensitized from hearing stories about how junkies used to hang out in Bryant Park and shit like that.

>> No.64847584

It never ceases to be funny to see how the mutts seethe when people call their shithole country a shithole country.

>> No.64847625


>> No.64848025

I hate California because I like cities. It's all disgusting nimby sprawl over there. NYC doesn't have that problem, though my ideal is probably something like Tokyo.

>> No.64848663

>Calli doesn't live in Cali

>> No.64848801

Go back to making city structure videos
Though I agree Tokyo is by far the best big city, then London...the rest is different levels of trash

>> No.64848889

america is the dream of monekys that dont know better

>> No.64848980

even the desert dwellers think norway is good, your probably a SEAlander
point proven

>> No.64849064

GDP doesnt matter when none of the siliconfag or bollywood pay any tax

>> No.64849263

Lui and Korone probably carried their trip, knew where to go, how to get there, how to get in. As with any international trip, they likely researched places to stay thoroughly and travel times for so, both to meet their combined budget and fit their itinerary.
I'm sure they visited Hollywood and Little Tokyo as well, but that was likely a mistake because both are close to downtown. Were I the one giving them advice, having lived in California for a short period, I would have recommended a trip to a national park instead, as California has some of the best national parks in the country. Being the out of shape NEETs they are, they probably thought that was too much nature.
But they probably got advice from any one of the EN girls who lived in Cali, so their trip wasn't a hellhole.

>> No.64849276

Then do it, immigration quota is by country of origin. Should be easy for any Scandinavian country.

>> No.64849326
File: 131 KB, 318x320, Ame Confusion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame literally lives somewhere in the greater LA area
>Miko fucking loves Ame
>Doesn't ask to see her

>> No.64849445

The possibility exists that they did meet up but respected Ame's wishes not to be mentioned so she wouldn't be doxxed. Same for any other EN girl.

>> No.64849567

A lot of the girls are from rural Japan. The nature would probably be less interesting to them than you would think, though they would probably enjoy it anyways.

>> No.64850861

The news makes NYC seem a lot worse than it is. We have a lower murder rate than several states.
I hope Miko visits the freedom lady next time.

>> No.64851082

Third world monkey detected.
Americans are better than you. America is the protagonist of the world. You’re a seething, irrelevant side character. Stay angry, side character.

>> No.64851164

Also this. Third world monkeys from shitholes like Europe think 3 hours is a long drive.

>> No.64851204

>it’s a tech twink
You’re not a man, and you never will be. Get a real job.

>> No.64851289

Anon... your reading an official website reps... your internet search reps...

>> No.64851339
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to laugh at ESLs
>is ESL

>> No.64851453

>le science spaces
You’re not a man, and you never will be.

>> No.64851566

>They might dox her.
I fucking hate this shit excuse. The Japs do shit together all the fucking time and have much more of their fanbase concentrated into one or a few areas. Fuck half of EN and their unwillingness to go out and have a good time and talk about it.

>> No.64851645

Everyone knows that there are nice areas of California. But the state is run by globohomo faggots and San Francisco is turning into the next Detroit before our eyes.
Even the conservatives that live in California’s nice areas wish they could leave.

>> No.64851760
File: 597 KB, 494x692, NoChoice[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fvay0eq.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She was the designated translator for her group. She can't speak at a native level, but she can understand and respond, even if she has to pause briefly to remember proper words. She plans on doing another English-only stream in the future.

>> No.64851769

Isn't Korone famous for being a complete westaboo?

>> No.64851776

Jealous third world monkey detected.

>> No.64851836

Why do flyover states always seethe that Florida, NY, and Cali get the tourists?

>> No.64851908

>w-well how about MUH DROUGHT????
Did you know that in 2020-2021 Cali's rivers literally refilled themselves?

California can survive without your shitty immigrants that turn out to be homeless people.

>> No.64851938

The ChickenHawk stream was great, and she had fluent enough English that it just came off as heavy accented ESL. She did have a bit of a crutch with Kiara knowing Japanese so they could swap if she wanted to say something more complicated.

>> No.64851950

What state of note and internationally known that is closest to Japan?

>> No.64851989

Which one do you guys think is most likely to be pregnant?

>> No.64852023


>> No.64852124

You? Pregnant??

>> No.64852591

They didn't have time to get pregnant. Too many places to visit.

>> No.64852831

Lui was talking about grandparents giving presents to grandchildren... IMPREGNATION NEEDED.

>> No.64853133

yeah he's pregnant with me, got a problem bud?

>> No.64853289

Miko: I like Kiara, she is American right?

>> No.64853346

You need to be over 18 years old to post /here/, you are not even 18 months old fetusanon...

>> No.64853544


>> No.64853624

Lui said they knew they would probably be busy during the holidays and that america is vast. She also only told Kiara, the one that doesn't live in the US
