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64770934 No.64770934 [Reply] [Original]

How do we feel about Dimitri "CGDCT" Jap?


>> No.64771187
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>> No.64771228

Holy based

>> No.64771271

this is great.
but some mistakes can't be fix.
it is a start i guess.

>> No.64771385

why do these threads keep getting deleted? I don't see anything that's obviously against the rules

>> No.64771443

I bought that figurine too. Even though Gura never shilled it.

>> No.64771444

pretty obvious why, or more like who.

>> No.64771475

It's actually real, wtf

>> No.64771478 [DELETED] 
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Based. You heard him homos, STAY OUT! (I know at least one of you, the orange one, goes here)

>> No.64771482

EN4 soon

>> No.64771491
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Like this but with Mr Jap saying CGDCT instead

>> No.64771555

>it's actually real
Oh fuck yeah. Dimitri Jap leading us to the promised land too bad he can't get Gura to stream but there's only so much a mere mortal can do

>> No.64771611

Because less homo shit means less drama, less drama means jannies can't gloat about the site being a worse drama shithole than Kiwi Farm

>> No.64771669

That or one of the jannies is a seething homobeggar

>> No.64771704

There is no fucking way this is real.

>> No.64771717

>a seething homobeggar
you just noticed?

>> No.64771783

The question is does he actually know what that means? Because if he does, why aren't the fucking homos fired and why are they still hiring more? They just released a third wave that nobody fucking wants.

>> No.64771860

yagoo wants them

>> No.64771865

Wtf holy BASED

>> No.64771892

Before OP's post I thought all the rrats behind Dimitri were part of your usual catalog shitposting overanalyzing a dude just doing his job.
But now? My meds are not strong enough to fight this one.

>> No.64771897

Axel's former manager is the project lead of the homo branch now, there is actual separation of the management structure which is a very good thing but it also means Mr Jap has no power over that branch.

>> No.64771898

Go to the link. Shit's real.

>why aren't the fucking homos fired
He probably doesn't have the authority to unilaterally fire them.
>why are they still hiring more?
Probably also not his decision. But at least it seems like he has the power to tell the girls to drop Tempus collabs.

>> No.64771905

He's director for the girls, not the homos. Even then the director for the homos (gorilla lady) can't just randomly fire them without approval from the higher ups AKA Fagoo.

>> No.64771964

Actions speak louder than words. With what sexpests HomoEN has shown themselves to be, just having them around is bad enough, I will no longer tolerate them like I used to HomoJP. Until I see definitive proof that they are trying not only to reduce Homo interaction but also existence as a whole, this just strikes me as a "How do you do fellow kids" like Hillary Clinton saying "May the force be with you" or some shit. Hololive EN has shown time and again they have no idea what made Hololive popular and what the fans want.

>> No.64771969

Shit like this is pretty meaningless when top dogs like yagoo and a-chan are the biggest homobeggars in the company, as evidenced with staren3

>> No.64771970

Honestly all Jap, Yagoo, Riku, Gunrun, whoever the fuck posts should be deleted on sight
I don't give a shit about them

>> No.64772010

OK well maybe they could stop hiring absolute fucking whores who would even collab with Homos in the first place.

>> No.64772052

Lol why would Gorimane randomly fire them she loves those fags. You can tell by the actual support and competence the homo management has. On the other hand Jap does the bare minimum separating the girls from the homos (something mutually agreed with gorilla) and he's somehow some sort of saviour despite the general incompetent management. Cool.

>> No.64772054
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HOLY FUCKING BAUSED. He's gone beyond gigachad. He's a full on ChadLord. Total homo annihilation.

>> No.64772106

Tempus collabs were stopped cold after based Jap was put in charge. I don't know what else you expect him to do.
>Hololive EN has shown time and again they have no idea what made Hololive popular
Are you somehow overlooking the existence of Advent?

>> No.64772111 [DELETED] 

>People should stop talking about stuff I don't like, even though it's on topic!

ogey niglet

>> No.64772128

Calm down sister your kurocolors are leaking.

>> No.64772163

Spamming for the nth time

>> No.64772169

ok enjoy talking about meatbags instead of the vtubers whom this board was made for, faggot

>> No.64772173

>upset with him saying CGDCT
yeah this is a falseflag you fags have been pushing the
>It's just fucking cringe okay?!
angle in global since this post happened you are not subtle sister

>> No.64772196

>On topic posts about people running the vtuber companies should get deleted because I don't like it
Have you tried running your own subreddit or discord along with the other easily assblasted pedomods running those places?

>> No.64772215

Isn't that statue supposed to be pawned off for charity years ago?

>> No.64772244

People who run vtuber agencies and manage vtubers are highly relevant to vtuber discussion, retardchama

>> No.64772247


>> No.64772253
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Heavenly based.

>> No.64772278


>> No.64772305

If he loves CGDCT so much, why hasn't he fired homo collabers like Mori, Kronii and Bae

>> No.64772365
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Felt indifferent to CGDCT, until I watched the Vtuber Awards show. Don't want Hololive to become like them. CGDCT is good.

Thank you, Gura... Jap.

>> No.64772399


>> No.64772472

>Cover is still trying their best, both to continue to making good decisions and rectifying bad ones
What does Cover consider their 'bad decisions'?

>> No.64772529

>the yagoo cock worshipper calling me a redditfag
holy projection

>> No.64772545

Yeah. Home sweet home.

>> No.64772561

Stop shitposting! Just stream, Gur...I mean Jap

>> No.64772570

This is probably Jap's diplomatic way of saying "some of the people running Hololive are total morons who want to ruin everything but management also includes reasonable people who are trying to fix shit".

>> No.64772584

pretty sure that's the life sized $500k one in covers office building.

>> No.64772600

I don't know about which he is referring to, but the Chinese branch's existence was a bad decision, for example.

>> No.64772616

Two gens of homos taking priority over hiring more girls leading to fucking eternity between council and advent.
Probably also the "holopro" era.

>> No.64772681

holy baused, my hips are kneeling on their own

>> No.64772748

yagoo said in an interview that they released so many homos because they have no plans for 3d support for them, according to some anons, I didn't watch myself so I might be lying

>> No.64772787

Yeah, I thought it was a parody for sure. Makes me think he's /here/, especially with that winking Gura figurine.

>> No.64772830

China and homos are clearly investor driven decisions, every retard businessman on the planet thinks "But think of the POTENTIAL GROWTH!" ignoring all the bad aspects, all the chances of completely destroying the company, they ignore everything but the delusional dream of infinite growth, because investors are broken gambling addicts destroying the world

>> No.64772888

His opinions on anything are worthless since he failed to prevent Tempiss 3 from happening.

>> No.64772891

Loving CGDCT is separate from actively attacking homo collabers. Firing them would be seen as sabotage. Why risk the backlash when tolerating them works better?

>> No.64772911

All of those except Bae have heavily scaled back the homo talk nowadays. I'm still not watching them, but it's been a pretty clear direction change since the two top homos got fired.

>> No.64772970
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>one of the jannies is a seething homobeggar

>> No.64772978

>Are you somehow overlooking the existence of Advent?
Advent is further proof of his point, what works is having a broad talent pool that are engaging and witty. Gura's meteoric rise wasn't just her model, but her humor and constant wit. HoloJP sees such great success because they're willing to commit to supporting all the different talents and allowing them to play their roles instead of just pigeon holing into a generic niche. HoloEN didn't understand their lightening in a bottle and Jap is just as fucking clueless as they were in the beginning. I don't get how they can't put 2 and 2 together.

>> No.64773001

i like Bae

>> No.64773014

He probably doesn't have that ability. Especially with him being there for the girls, not managing the homos, and Yagoo being very pro homo.

>> No.64773032

yagoo has been pushing JP stars since the beginning long before they had any huge investors, he wants to see the dudes do as well as the girls. it's not that deep or some conspiracy.

>> No.64773111

Dimitri Jap, you can try to pander to unicorns all you want, but it still doesn't change the fact that holoEN has literally the worst management in the company. The fact that people allow you to get away with your shitty performance because you pander to them with empty promises just shows how terrible the state of holoEN is.

>> No.64773200

Don't listen to him, Jap. As long as you can bring Gura back, EN will be fine.

>> No.64773203

>wasn’t just her model
Day 900 of me asking why Gura overlapped Bijou specifically.

>> No.64773213

Because Mori, Kronii and Bae are CGDCT according to him, seethe about it sister

>> No.64773234

it's been one year since he joined and her activity only went DOWN

>> No.64773269

>Bae and Mori keep getting opportunities and new stuff because even Jap-sama knows they are CGDCT and top tier idols
You lost

>> No.64773278
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>> No.64773317

holy cringe

>> No.64773381

How come DJ hasn't fired for Mori for still being a homo collaborator then?

>> No.64773413

>JP Stars
Unironically better than Mori collabing with Tempus by a fucking country mile thats for sure.

>> No.64773436

Literally a certified woman moment. Or Jap is pushing her to do solely CGDCT and she realizes Bijou occupies the same space if she can't be the funny gremlin she was in the beginning.

>> No.64773443

A homo is a homo fag.
And a homo is not a girl.
Do you know what the G in CGDCT stands for?
Spoiler It ain't homo.

>> No.64773467

G for Gura

>> No.64773490

Jap-sama knows more than scum like you, if he thinks Mori is CGDCT then she is CGDCT

>> No.64773558
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>Cunny Gooba Doing Cute Things

>> No.64773572

Still can't believe his name is literally Dimitri Jap. That's like being called Fernando Nigger.

>> No.64773608

Hes probably Mix

>> No.64773635 [DELETED] 

Fuck off cuckbeat, Jap needs to reign in the pig, she's a blight to hololive.

>> No.64773676

Seethe more scum, you are worthless and CGDCT will keep winning while you seethe and shit yourself

>> No.64773689

Trying too hard sis

>> No.64773701

>Keeping winning
Like Mori's homo clique?
Oh right, they got fired.

>> No.64773757

>I exclusively think about men even when the discussion is about cute girls
Once a faggot, always a faggot

>> No.64773833

Dimitri Jap Maan Tiing is his full name

>> No.64773846 [DELETED] 
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>Deflecting now
Cuckbeat law is now in effect.

>> No.64773865

Struck a nerve huh? should've followed the homos out of this company cocksucker-kun

>> No.64773994

But enough about Mori.

>> No.64774081

>CGDCT Winning
>homo get fired

this idiot dont what shes talking anymore kek

>> No.64774126

Beyond fucking based. Holy shit, I cant stop kneeling. Ganbatte Jap-sama!!!!

>> No.64774172

If Sasshi could come back from a sex scandal to become arguably the most popular AKB48 member ever, Mori is always welcome to return to CGDCT side as long as she drops homos from her channel

>> No.64774200

Mori and Omega's homo agenda lost to Gura and Jap's GCDCT winning policies.
The good guys won the war.

>> No.64774275

He's not technically wrong for the long term and I can actually break this down. Sakana or whatever other corpo staff reading please pay the fuck attention so you don't fall in the same trap. It's because Yagoo genuinely thinks the vtuber stuff is just entertainment, and in that regard he's not wrong to think that the market potential for male entertainers is bigger than females since males excel at entertainment way more than women, especially in streaming and online content. However, the problem is that the majority of vtuber consumers are lonely men and the current market is overlapped with ethot market, which also happens to be the one online exception where women dominate over men. Even if they have a gf or wife, if they're watching vtubers it means they are getting something mental or emotional they aren't getting from their partner. And lonely men generally don't like sharing the female that is giving them good vibes. It doesn't have to make sense, it's just male psychology. Part of the problem with Homostars is thinking the amount and intensity of lonely females would even compare to lonely men, especially when women are offered male attention 24/7. There's many ways to solve this but the best method would be to appeal to men that aren't homo that just want entertainment, but then this comes with it's own set of problems like the type of merch to even sell. Like you can't push male ASMR, plushies, and keychains on straight males that obviously aren't going to buy. So instead you push male or non-gender specific items like card/board games, lighters, wallets, etc. The problem is overcoming the current ethot market overlap. The answer is to create and entirely separate company that has nothing to do with Cover or Holo anything and make it a 3-5 year investment with male streamers that don't care about dox but prefer using a vtuber avatar. And they do nothing to appeal to females. Ever. The time frame will allow for cultivation of a market seperate from anything ethot related into a more bro-sphere type and once it's cash positive you can do more to expand. Key is to NEVER let them interact with Cover or Hololive except in rare cases where they might have the same sponsors, but even then they do not communicate or stream together. No discord or twitter interactions, in fact have each other blocked. Once the bro corpo is big enough to rival Hololive with public events, sponsors, and merch you can have the two sides interact, not in cooperation but in competition only. Only time they interact is to shit on the girls, and vice-versa.

>> No.64774295
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>> No.64774403

Then why is Mori still in the company?

>> No.64774454

Love how you leave Kronii out of your post. Even Jap must admit that Kronii is worthless

>> No.64774474

Only those willing get opportunities, when Kronii wants them she will get them

>> No.64774493

She hates gachikois, there will be no opportunities.

>> No.64774556

Gura is a benevolent victor, perhaps she's too nice...

>> No.64774569
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Yeah I’m thinking based

>> No.64774634

There can't be CGDCT when homos and their enablers are still in the company

>> No.64774779

That is a fake name. What is his real name?

>> No.64774829

Yamada Slav

>> No.64774833

G*wr G*ra

>> No.64774845

Based God

>> No.64774913

Holoantis are no longer allowed to express their opinions on this new era of CGDCT, sorry
Jap-sama has spoken

>> No.64774979

No, the Riku threads are funny.

>> No.64774992

>CGDCT =/= Unicorn
Understand first both of terms before spout nonsense

>> No.64774993

t. homobeggar
your homos and their enablers will be kicked out of Hololive

>> No.64775051

>Bae and Mori continue to get opportunities because Jap-sama has recognized them as CGDCT
Cry more in powerless seethe KEK

>> No.64775057
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>OK well maybe they could stop hiring absolute fucking whores who would even collab with Homos in the first place.
That's literally what he did with Advent. Not a single girl has so much as HINTED at homocollabs.

>> No.64775081

>no Kronii in post
it's over kek. Jap will stop all support for her until she graduates on her own

>> No.64775102

Bae is fine, Mori not so much but she has the label deal so understandable.

>> No.64775126

Nerissa and Shiori won't stop talking about fucking Asmongold though.

>> No.64775130
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It is pretty pathetic how much Mori bots herself these days to make her numbers look good.

>> No.64775165
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>> No.64775198

And that literally does not negate a single thing in my post.

>> No.64775214 [DELETED] 

You forgot to add
>T. incel

>> No.64775248

My nigga she stopped after the second time, still doesn't know who the fucker is btw, and she isn't even fucking here right now. What you mean?

>> No.64775256

In this case, they basically mean the same thing. CGDCTfags don't want homocollabs.

>> No.64775295

He'll bring up the Shiori clip where she joked about a collab but he'll leave out the part where Henmama joked about forcing her to collab with male fleshtubers and her immediately saying no and that she doesn't want to collab with male fleshtubers since she's an autistic fuck who didn't realize Henmama was joking.

>> No.64775317
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>> No.64775351

go to CGDCT
Go to Unicorn
Go to CGDT
Go to Unicorn
That's it retards, enough with these dumbshit

>> No.64775353

I feel like he might be partially to blame for Ame and Gura burning out.

>> No.64775376


>> No.64775396

My rrat is Gura is Jap.
It explains why Mori was banned from interacting with Advent during their training given Mori interfered in council's training and ruined Kronii with disastrous results.

>> No.64775408

my bet is she probably burnt Gura's carpets

>> No.64775416

All of them CGDCT

>> No.64775430

feels disingenuous right on the heels of the forced coed esports collab shit

>> No.64775456

were you in a coma for the past few months

>> No.64776167

CGDCT is anime only

>> No.64776433

And also hololive. Source: Dimitri Jap

>> No.64776529

Also explains her not streaming, but this rrat is too under cooked

>> No.64776604

he should be the new president of the united states

>> No.64776831

This guys is undoubtedly fucking Gura.

>> No.64777038

People talk about kson and you don't see people sperg as hard as you.

>> No.64777108

>got her sponsorship 2 week ago
Watch stream, sister.

>> No.64778031

>Not a single girl has so much as HINTED at homocollabs
Anon dont know about Shiori and Nerissa replies, following and likes on twitter.

>> No.64778111
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>hololive is CGDCT
meanwhile picrel
this will never happen on a CGDCT anime, chud
the faggots that are pushing the CGDCT for hololive are just cucks, because "unicorn" is not the right word for them either.

>> No.64778154

you never watched her in your life

>> No.64778252 [DELETED] 
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>Putting a giant gura statue in the office
She just wants to be low profile and get money. Stop putting this stupid pressure on her. She doesn't want to be your fucking industry mascot.
Jannies are holoshills so they delete anything they suspect could become some anti-holo thread. meanwhile you can troll and shitpost all you want about any other corpo.

>> No.64778329

You're just tempting the universe to dump a Korean hot sauce sponsorship in her lap.

>> No.64778367

>this will never happen on a CGDCT anime
VCR GTA is a non-canon doujin, and this happens all the time in those

>> No.64778397

hot damn

>> No.64778408

It is real, that's the best part the guy knows what the audiance wants and as a fan he will want the best for the girls.
Cover has treated EN like shit, whoever was incharge before did a lot of damage to the branch, with connect the world and Advent it's at the correct part now I will forever be greatful to jap sama.

>> No.64778442
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>Because if he does, why aren't the fucking homos fired and why are they still hiring more?
Holostars are not Hololive, they are separate. And Luxiem showed that if you manage to get a sexy guy then you can get a big female audience.

>They just released a third wave that nobody fucking wants.
Stars had the worst PR of its entire existence when two of their talents got terminated and a ton of bad rumors were spreading. They needed a new wave to fill the gaps and restore morale for the branch.

>> No.64778468

He only has so much power, and since they are already part of the brand terminating them will have severe consequences, if done without a reason.

>> No.64778545

meanwhile JP is diverging into the worst timeline, fucking shit ass

>> No.64778558

Stars already stole luxiums audiance, and it's an absolute shitshow the sisters are constantly seetheing at the girls for "NOT RESPECTING THE BOIZ AND LE PARASOCIAL INCEL LIVEEN FANS".
It's so fucking obvious, they always say "liver" "live" "live-management" disgusting SEA femcels.

>> No.64778646

It won't be correct until the ones who damaged the CGDCT image are gone. Mainly Bae, Kronii, Mori and Ame. Also they need to kick Gura's lazy ass into high gear.
Luxiem also showed that the "big female audience" is more shaky than the Chinese, and sometimes they're the same. Also Stars barely had PR to begin with. They need to cut off the diseased branch of Homo EN not graft more shit onto it.
Literally nobody gave a shit when CN was terminated. MOST Homos who have left, both JP and EN have been suddenly terminated without full reasons ever officially given. Letting them fester like this only makes me weary to trust EN girls, knowing the sexpests will always be lurking.

>> No.64778677

Stop sucking Dimitri Jap's dick, HoloEN genuinely is ran horribly and still is ran horribly, which is under his watch. Just because he tells you what you want to hear, doesn't mean you're actually getting what you want from him. Under his care
>Gura has been even less active than ever before
>Ame has been less active than ever before
>HoloEN has gotten less projects than any other branch
>HoloEN is at the bottom of priority for getting to do anything in 3D
>It still takes forever for them to get permissions for certain games
He's a snake oil salesman, trying to get you to ignore how poorly ran holoEN is ran by waving terms you like to hear in your face.

>> No.64778762

>t. JPfag seething
matsuri erotic roleplay with eceleb hahah

>> No.64778802

>It won't be correct until the ones who damaged the CGDCT image are gone. Mainly Bae, Kronii, Mori and Ame. Also they need to kick Gura's lazy ass into high gear.
>Literally nobody gave a shit when CN was terminated. MOST Homos who have left, both JP and EN have been suddenly terminated without full reasons ever officially given. Letting them fester like this only makes me weary to trust EN girls, knowing the sexpests will always be lurking.
Because the whole country of west Taiwan was dogpiling on cover, these two situations are not even remotely comparable, i hate the homos too but you are spouting bullshit, as long as they stay in their lane I can't give any less of a shit about them.

>> No.64778838

But what does he do?

>> No.64779009

when was the last time holoEN collabed with male?

>> No.64779011

They have proven time and again that they will not stay in their fucking lane though. And that some girls cannot resist going into the Homo lane. We gave them an inch, they took a mile, now it's time for total homofag death. No tolerance policy applies.

>> No.64779036

like 2 weeks ago mori was in a homo concert

>> No.64779059

this board was made because touhou trannies on /jp/ were screeching that their threads were getting pushed to page 11

>> No.64779088

He delays Kiara's 3D events for over a year. He ruins Ame's morale. He doesn't allow EN to get projects like ID's tour or Tempus' visual novel.

>> No.64779133

Those observations aren't wrong but it's also probably wrong to assume he has the power to change all of those things - maybe a couple parameters he can influence, but he is not going to physically fly to Gura's house and duct-tape her to her computer chair and make her stream, he is not able to physically stop Ame from eating 10 donuts and halfway killing herself with gluten every few weeks. Part of what makes this all work is a code of honor on both ends with holoEN especially because they're being managed by people from halfway around the world.

With holoJPs the "hey would you want to come down to the office to talk" kind of thing you'd use to try to touch on more delicate issues can be used on the JP girls, with probably all of them within a day's trip to the main headquarters - and for most probably a couple-hours trip. That's not at all the case for ENs. So their connection to the company overall is much shakier. Tellingly, Kiara and Mori who are (or were) in far closer contact with Cover staff in Japan are still trucking along out of Myth while everyone else has gotten more distant and flaky.

As for low priorities, those decisions probably come from on high from JP HQ. If Jap can't just go ask for more perms people or hire as many as he wants until he thinks it's covered, perms will be what they are. For projects that requires girls to actually want to fucking do them in the first place. Gura had several projects and appearances the last year and still did not actually stream much at all, just having projects alone doesn't make things all good and fixed. Far from it.

>> No.64779182

I see, and if we don't count special events like concerts and 3D lives?

>> No.64779190

There hasn't been a HomoEN collab since fucking Vesper and Magni left, the cancer has been cut out and the lanes are clear and separate. HoloJP is unironically the problem.

>> No.64779202

Last time Bae was in Japan she have done a Off-collab with Oga and Ollie after a recording in a restaurant.

>> No.64779312

It's very likely that male collabs unironically were banned by Dimitri which is what led to the point of discontent with vesper and magni.

>> No.64779325

Maybe this one?
Also Mori unsurprisingly

>> No.64779448
File: 1.34 MB, 850x977, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bring her in Jap. We need more Scandinavian ASMR GFE

>> No.64779611

If they are banned why do they continue to happen?

>> No.64779668

He should have specified between Holostars EN and Hololive EN

>> No.64779692 [DELETED] 

I swear that jap is gura.

>> No.64779720 [DELETED] 

There's no drama is only you faggots who are being dramatic queens. Kill yourself.

>> No.64779722

to be fair to them, seeing how this hell hole has developed the bigger vtubers have gotten, I think they may have had a point in trying to kick most vtuber discussions out.

>> No.64779786

Sorry yes I was referring to specifically the en branch.
Literally not a single male in en has collabed with a female since Dimitri took over.
There's also some evidence to suggest that they're not allowed to if you wanna get schizo.

Like you have Shiori who pretty openly stated that she would likely collab with males and then hasn't and then you have Selens tournament where she said that members of all hololive branches would be represented but when team choices were potentially going to be random, suddenly HoloEn girls couldn't show up,

It's of course just a schizo rrat of mine but theres enough evidence for me at least to suggest that en are banned from collabing with starsen

>> No.64779800

>has to post JP in a thread about the hololive english project lead
You lost sister, if you want to shitpost in hlg don't let me stop you though, it's all you have left after all.

>> No.64779881

HoloEN is literally the only branch that got a concert just for them. Not even HoloJP has a dedicated branch concert.
And access to the studio has been difficult for everyone, there are JP talents who couldn't do any 3D live at the studio this year.

>> No.64779892

>Selens tournament
God that was so funny how she baited everyone

>> No.64779936

>HoloEN is literally the only branch that got a concert just for them
Sister?? Vivid Cruise??

>> No.64779969 [DELETED] 

They don't care about hololive growth, all these faggots care about is making these girls their personal imaginary concubines so they can beat their dick to lewd fan art because no woman is actually standing in front of them flashing them some tits. This is all about insecure little man trying control what the girls do. Doing what real women don't allow their virgin monkey ass to do them, just read the shit they're writing that should tell you enough why they can't find women or why women don't find any of these incelious fucks attractive. All they need from jap is to keep men away from the girls because they actually don't care about the girl's happiness at all. Just look how they treat kiara for example. All these faggots are quick to use her as shield for their war against the homobeggars but none of these faggots watch her or even feel bad for her because she works extra hard and has gotten screwed more than any other myth member.

Unicorns are unironically contrarians faggots and they should rope and save themselves from another 20 something year of celibacy.

>> No.64780010

Seethe levels is out of this world.

>> No.64780013

sis is STEAMING kek

>> No.64780104

Oooo we’re REAL mad about this one, huh
The biggest indicator that Jap is doing the right thing is the intense amount of seethe from beggars

>> No.64780122

You have to be polite to your co-workers even if you'll never work with them.

>> No.64780156

Viv:ID cruise was just 4 members, not the entire branch. And they weren't really dedicated concerts, they were held at anime conventions and weren't streamed.
It's similar to the difference between Suisei's AnimeNYC performance and her major solo lives.

>> No.64780176

Fuck Gura. Greedy lazy

>> No.64780218
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>the evidence is mounting

>> No.64780296
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>we love CGDCT
>join us and meet gooba everyday
What is this hypocrisy?

>> No.64780439

Bae panders to homobeggars harder than anyone else in EN. What are you smoking?

>> No.64780535

>HoloEN is literally the only branch that got a concert just for them. Not even HoloJP has a dedicated branch concert.
HoloFes 1 and 2? Both stars concerts?

>> No.64780588
File: 602 KB, 1920x1080, twoweeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in b4 "just two more weeks"

>> No.64780616

Personally I don't honestly think it was intended to be a bait. If I had to guess I'd guess that originally she didn't tell them that stars en could potentially be on their teams and when she did at the last minute, several people weren't allowed to participate anymore.

>> No.64780641

When will Gura stop using that goofy racist name and just reveal herself as the true EN shadow leader. She's even shilling herself in that post.

>> No.64780701

The only thing is that it unironically feels like a /here/ post and that's genuinely kinda creepy to think about to me

>> No.64780706
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>> No.64780726

how did the unicorns win...

>> No.64780752

Anon, I’ll explain this assuming you’re sincere and not just playing dumb on purpose.
Nobody is banned from collabing with Holostars. They just don’t want to anymore, because the paying audience strongly dislikes it and it damages the hell out of the metrics and earnings of the girls that do it. Plus there’s no reason to, the dudes aren’t saved by it and the two most prominent participants weren’t grateful and quit anyway.

>> No.64780803
File: 182 KB, 512x512, 1694204036667381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They don't care about hololive growth, all these faggots care about is making these girls their personal imaginary concubines so they can beat their dick to lewd fan art because no woman is actually standing in front of them flashing them some tits. This is all about insecure little man trying control what the girls do. Doing what real women don't allow their virgin monkey ass to do them, just read the shit they're writing that should tell you enough why they can't find women or why women don't find any of these incelious fucks attractive. All they need from jap is to keep men away from the girls because they actually don't care about the girl's happiness at all. Just look how they treat kiara for example. All these faggots are quick to use her as shield for their war against the homobeggars but none of these faggots watch her or even feel bad for her because she works extra hard and has gotten screwed more than any other myth member.

>Unicorns are unironically contrarians faggots and they should rope and save themselves from another 20 something year of celibacy.

>> No.64780833

Bae panders to idolfags, you are fucking retarded is what you are

>> No.64780884


>> No.64780901

This kills the omega tranny.

>> No.64780942

squeaky wheel gets the grease

>> No.64781086

Were you not there for her debut when she gushed over her favorite male characters and ships?
Were you not there when she became Roberu's side-piece and fans were unironically shipping them?
Were you not there when she did collab after collab with the homos?
Or did you drop a few brain cells along the way, you fucking retard?

>> No.64781118



you guys are so fucking stupid.

>> No.64781141

You have no fucking idea what an idol is, you haven't been keeping up with her lately and you are reliant on outdated stuff to try and peddle your your braindead opinion
Instantly discarded

>> No.64781260

>male entertainers is bigger than females since males excel at entertainment way more than women
not the guys theyre hiring, if only they had hire standard for Holostar recruitment

>> No.64781261

She's as much of an idol as Mori is, if not even less so. You're talking like a absolute lunatic, so just shut the fuck up before you make yourself look even more retarded.

>> No.64781317

Yes both of them are fucking idols you absolute fuckwit, I never implied Mori wasn't

>> No.64781318

Mori is more of an idol than pretty much all the "CGDCT" members of holoEN despite talking to men.

>> No.64781352

If you can honest to God say with a straight face that mori is an idol you're a lost cause

>> No.64781397

Stars are a good point, I forgot about them. But I guess it’s a trade-off for not being included in Holofes.

1st and 2nd fes don't really count. EN didn't even exist yet for the first one, and the second was only 3 months after their debut. Unless you’re arguing new branches should get extra concerts to compensate for the concerts their senpai had in the past.

Cover showed a bias towards EN with CtW. It's like if JP did an all-gen concert today leaving out the other branches.

>> No.64781398

Holy fuck ISRAEL, i kneel Jap-sama

>> No.64781529

>an idol
Are you having a stroke anon? You are not making any sense.

>> No.64781607

Mori by pretty much all real definitions, is an idol and is definitely more of an idol than most EN members. The literal only thing about her that goes against the most common forms of idol culture is that she openly drinks. But if that's enough to say you're not an idol, you might as well say 90% of hololive aren't idols.

>> No.64781647


>> No.64781747

I don't know why people sperg over this. Majority of vtuber audience is watching girls being cute with other girls. CGDCT came from moe anime with exclusively girls. Of course these weeb subcultures overlap.

>> No.64781822

please show me 1(one) example of anyone outside /here/ using this term to refer to hololive specifically

>> No.64781998
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>> No.64782060

Does Cover have its own office outside of Japan? Or is this guy an expat?

>> No.64782066

>2 years ago
Well, you got me. You cannot deny that's it's still a weird little coincidence though

>> No.64782116

It’s a completely brain dead obvious link to make
Anyone remotely familiar with anime genres would slot Hololive right in to cgdct

>> No.64782219

Yes Mori is an idol, yes ALL the girls can be cgdct, Jap maan ting is correct about what the audience actually wants and sisters and homobeggars should kill themselves.
It's good to have management with their head on straight finally. The strategy of shoehorning homos into hololive is over, that is all I care about when it comes to preserving cgdct and hololives identity, it was never about anti'ing Mori for singing in a stars 3dlive or some dumb shit like that. They were forcing it in the holopro era, and now they are not. It's as simple as that.

>> No.64782221

Kek sister seething.

>> No.64782265

>P-please hate and turn on the guy who is is demonstrably helping save the branch

>> No.64782306

Well said

>> No.64782325

She offered to collab with him. She literally said they could do a collab where she can pick out his furniture for him. Asmon actually declined.

>> No.64782366

Just because mori stopped collabing with homos doesn't just make the alcoholism, drugs, shitting on her fans and everything else she did go away. She will never be an idol

>> No.64782388

I’m optimistic, I think the bad days are over and we’ve taken a very positive turn

>> No.64782472

why are you people like this?

>> No.64782575

Yeah same, I think we took the turn quite a while ago and this linkedin post is just more confirmation it was intentional which is good to see.

>> No.64783251

I'm surprised he's using the CGDCT term publicly, doesn't it have a sexist connotation?

>> No.64783259

This post caused me to go check reddit, and there's even a thread about Dimitri's post where the vast majority of the opinions are positive about hololive being confirmed to be going in a CGDCT direction, I'm surprised. There's even people openly defending parasocial relationships and idol culture while shitting on beggars and anticorns, all getting upvoted. We fucking won.

>> No.64783315

I genuinely don't believe you

>> No.64783380

Absolute God, I kneel.
Given how based he is though it's sad that Gura isn't around anymore to benefit from this guy's vision for Hololive.

>> No.64783439

See the thing is that I don't really believe that. Mori and Kronii both had a good time playing shit with the boys and bae has collabed with JP males so it's not like she has any issues with the idea.
Shiori literally had the whole "respect my collab choices" as part of her debut, signifying that she was very open to the idea of collabing with males, they've debuted males who don't seem opposed to the idea either.
While nobody gets "saved" by it, it's not exactly hard to believe that they might have fun together. But literally not a single person has collabed with a male since jap took over. I find it very hard to believe that they're banned honestly

>> No.64783513

No? It never had any

>> No.64783860

It slashed Kronii’s money like more than in half.
None of these dudes are all that funny or compelling that someone would fuck up their revenue just to collab with them.
As for Shiori, she’s just an awkward autist who was trying to tell her audience that she wouldn’t be collabing much outside of Advent (which she hasn’t). She just flubbed it.
Finally, jap took over in December last year and the collabs happened as late as April this year, so your entire fundamental premise is wrong.

>> No.64784026

Your post has a retardation connotation.

>> No.64784088

It's a completely inoffensive term. I don't know how you manage to turn that into something "sexist".

>> No.64784172

>why do these threads keep getting deleted?
Since unicorns keep insisting that Dimitri Jap is referring to Tempus even though he is the project manager for HoloEN. Showing that leadership cares is a comment you hear from management when employees are having a major dispute with their employer.

>What does Cover consider their 'bad decisions'?
They let the HoloEN contract fights over redesigns escalate to the boiling point where there could have been multiple graduations. Ina and Kronii have both gotten stuck with skimpy outfits they find embarrassing and were thinking of graduation. Ame taking a hiatus for a few months while she waits for something that is taking forever doesn't sound like a coincidence when her boss is trying to convince EN talents that Cover does care about them.

>> No.64784344

Go back to resetera

>> No.64784580

I guess the "more homos!" Dimitri Jap is the mr. hyde of the relation

>> No.64784610

Wait this fucker is a real person? I thought everyone was just memeing

>> No.64784710

Gura's alter ego

>> No.64784716

Reddit is just a bunch of sheep that will follow what everyone else does for updoots. They will change their mind in an instant to avoid being labeled as an anti.

>> No.64784728

holostars is a containment branch
its existence is very obvious, if more people cared about holostars beyond collab begging and trying to mess with a main appeal of the main hololive branch, holostars would see widespread support (particularly among women)
people clearly don't give a shit though

>> No.64784831

>HoloEN contract fights
You are still trying this?

>> No.64784842

That didn't stop Mori given she has an army of fanatical fucks who will defend whatever she does.
The only way she stops collabing with homo is a management mandate that plays both sides where even if Mori wanted to still jump on homo dick, the homos would be smart enough to say no.

>> No.64784886

Shiori's talk was very obviously her trying to say that she WON'T collab with people that much, as evidenced by the fact that nearly 6 months after debut she still has never done a collab without another member of advent present

It's just she worded it in a weird way and so you could have interpreted it as her wanting to collab with controversial people. But with hindsight it's pretty obvious she meant that she won't be doing collabs that often and she wanted to let people know so they don't bitch at her for ignoring their oshi or some shit.

>> No.64785097

Oh geez, if you want Holostars gone, just sell them to another agency.

Moreover, if you want more CGDCT, buy Nanashinku!

>> No.64785259

You’re an idiot if you think newbie branch manager is banning Mori from doing holostars collabs. She’s in a pivot to hololive mode. She literally announced it

>> No.64785377
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No because CGDCT anime are boring nothing shows and holos are actually entertaining. I fucking hate CGDCT anime, I stick to hololive because of the idol shit. You wouldn't call im@s or even LL cgdct. It's a term meant to denote an anime that has nothing else going for it, which isn't what Hololive is.

>> No.64785396

This guy is like the opposite of a "boogeyman". I only hear of him from this schizo shithole, claiming that he is the "mastermind" behind the recent rise of hololive. Am i missing something?

>> No.64785444

>"we know more CGDCT is what you all want"
>doesnt force gura to stream
Fuck this guy, take action you spineless bitch

>> No.64785514

Hololive bears similarity to multiple genres of content, yes.
I’m not commenting on the exact accuracy of the CGDCT label, merely discussing why it’s an obvious connection that wouldn’t arise just from here.

>> No.64785590

He’s just the new manager for HoloEN. Probably replacing Omega who was widely unpopular.
He appears to be doing a good job so anons have memed it into an exaggerated joke, as they tend to do.

>> No.64785638

>. You wouldn't call im@s or even LL cgdct.
Love Live is a quintessential cgdct anime.

>> No.64785732

it's literally gura bro you really think jap man ting is a real name?

>> No.64785805

the black pill is that he's probably actually just Omega

>> No.64785846

It was a post I made to try to pull out the homobeggars from their hole, but sadly my attempt to bait them was poorly thought kek

glad to see all the support tho

>> No.64786120

>You wouldn't call im@s or even LL cgdct

>> No.64786172

We feel that we need way more people like him.

>> No.64786241

>Jannies are holoshills so they delete anything they suspect could become some anti-holo thread. meanwhile you can troll and shitpost all you want about any other corpo.
This isn't bizzarro world anonchama

>> No.64786289 [DELETED] 

>Management bans her from doing retarded shit
>She pretends she did it herself to save face
Get off the lean cuckbeat

>> No.64786310

>the woman who can barely stumble out of bed over her beer cans to launch a shill stream once every three months would as much as lift a single finger for extra behind the scenes work, much less in a leader role
One of the worst /vt/ memes

>> No.64786351

That is his real name, he is a chinese diaspora descendant raised in Indonesia.

>> No.64786381

Incelus Unicornius III Jr.

>> No.64786514

Tokoyami Towa

>> No.64786546

reddit turned on the homos when the subreddit got locked down because people were complaining about the two en stars gens released so close together
given how they did their best replacing everything omega had a hand in I doubt it

>> No.64786590

Fuck Omega and fuck his manipulations

>> No.64786675

Ah yes I remember him now. He is renowned for destroying the army of Transinus Niggerius Feminoidus II during the Woke Campaign

>> No.64786695

Hmm yes, he's just entirely unlike Omega and doing things completely differently and was hired 2 years after him. Definitely the same guy probably maybe

>> No.64786742

Based, Baused and Holo-pilled

>> No.64786794

probably its because of the tempiss drama and holo en is now watched by a bunch of non amerimutt viewers but dont trust redditor fucktards.

>> No.64787070

Kiara straight up told us that Omega is gone.

>> No.64787516

Gura please come back to us!

>> No.64788280


>> No.64788528

Riddle me this: if holoEN and stars have separate management structures, why are the homos still occupying the holoEN twitter?

>> No.64788699

Because girls can be reformed into going back to CGDCT content.
Men obviously can't, the only cure is kicking them out.

>> No.64788740

>I stick to hololive because of the idol shit
If you really love idolshit you would have taken an actual real life idol group, not a wannabe gimnick group

>> No.64788746

They have hundreds of employees. It's no surprise their policies are inconsistent.

>> No.64788826

gura is one of the mods and doesn’t want her cover as jap blown

>> No.64788905

NTA, but 2D girls are cuter.

>> No.64788966

Trust in the power of biboo to reform, she's been trying to get closer to mori bae and ame (kinda with those fps streams) kronii may be a lost cause tho

>> No.64788987

horrible optics. its like nuking the homojp branch,

>> No.64789463

I like pretend idol shit not real idol shit
I'm not a unicorn, I don't care if their virgins or have had past relationships and I want the talents to have their own real lives outside of hololive, including having bfs/husbands if that's what they have. Just don't talk about that shit on stream (also yeah obviously don't do GFE if you have a bf/husband but that's another thing entirely).

>> No.64789500

Can you explain why HoloEN keeps having major fights during contract renewals in both 2022 and 2023 with talents disappearing for months? I doubt that Gura, Ina, and Ame were angry for no reason. We have seen Tempus have 2 different fights over their models in only their first year. The highly sexualized designs for Ina and Kronii have obviously been a huge point of contention. Dmitri Jap is now talking about rectifying bad decisions, changes that might appear to be slow, and how "leadership does care".

>> No.64789640

I kneel Gawr Jap Gura

>> No.64790095

Hololive is just the idol industry but better.
All the music and dancing and cute girls, but an even better and closer relationship of fan to talent, without many of the seedier sides of the industry and no age-related discrimination.

>> No.64790283

He took over in January. There were several Squad collabs since then and the Barbie watchalong with Bae/Vesper/Bettel.

>> No.64790427

>jap gets to hotglue this every day
Not fair.

>> No.64790570

>Source: The voices in my head.

>> No.64790695

I love your secondary accounts helmite... You, griz and that rockeater faggot

>> No.64790955

I honestly have no idea who those people are but no one would believe me anyway, I don't think holo antis would be smart enough to go to uni of all places

>> No.64790968

Idk, just like >>64786546 said, the majority has shifted into people just straight up downvoting homobeggars post in the sub. You even have faggots like Helmite just straight up getting updoots from openly defending CGDCT. I'm thinking based.

>> No.64791744

I'm pretty sure CGDCT is genuinely what people want, seems like a fair assessment

>> No.64792415

What makes him a faggot? He seems to be one of the few good ones over there

>> No.64792734
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>> No.64792871

It's cringe

>> No.64792893

It's stupid tribal/dramanigger bullshit, on top of being a screencap of "thing some middle manager said"

>> No.64793119

>It's stupid tribal/dramanigger bullshit,
Yeah, so is 90% of the catalog, but you don't see the jannies deleting any of those threads. This one's been up for a while, so that means the other janny was a retard going rogue.

>> No.64793230

Yup, pretty much. Money talks, and it's clear that the people want cute girls singing songs and interacting with cute girls. Took Cover long enough to fucking realize this.

>> No.64793302


>> No.64793305

>the one janny actually doing his job is the rogue one
New apps when honestly, we need a group of them willing to enact martial law on these seaniggers

>> No.64793308
File: 232 KB, 463x453, m0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will you retards learn that >our opinions are meaningless? They only listen to people outside this shithole and even that's a maybe.

>> No.64793481

>>the one janny actually doing his job is the rogue one
Well, if he's being selective, then yeah.

>> No.64793827

I think this is the opinion of most hololive fans outside of /here/ or at least I hope it is

>> No.64793883

Maybe if the other jannies weren't protecting or actively making most of the other garbage threads then I'd agree

>> No.64793907

It is. This place is for the most insane fans to post their most insane opinions

>> No.64793931

cover knew, look at jp

the retards they hired to manage EN were the ones who didn't get the memo

>> No.64794152

This is one case where you can just look at the numbers. And no I don't mean heckin tourist numbers, actual fan (solo stream) numbers.

>> No.64794202

Ina’s design is a work of art, even if I prefer beefier girls. Its a shame if she is discontent with it. Kroni is marvelous until you go further down her tits were she turns into stickwoman and the combination seems like two different woman sawed by the middle and glued on.

>> No.64794224

Cover is desperate to get the Holostars to work somehow, it's literally been an organizational mission.
They thought the EN branch could be the breakout success for the Stars because "en fans are different". it's probable that whoever was running the branch before gave them this false idea, but it was still the higher-ups making the overall strategic decisions.
It's not like the JP branch is immune to these lapses in judgment; see the now-dead HLZNTL.

>> No.64794299

Things truck along until they do not because policy was changed and but you didnt want to come overbossy and disruptive. Which is a good trait.

>> No.64794348

I unironically believe in the Jap=Gura rrat.

>> No.64794373
File: 136 KB, 463x453, kawaisoupeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> all these "if" and "but" posts
sisters utterly btfo

>> No.64794512

it's the sisters acting as if 4chan is twitter and they can just force meaning into an inoffensive term

>> No.64794679
File: 17 KB, 592x175, nam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop you're gonna kill xer

>> No.64794960

All Redditors are a faggot to me. Especially the magic dude. Fucking hypocrite antis Gura but has all her figures.

>> No.64795042

What the fuck is xer did you have a typo

>> No.64795363

I don't know but I'm glad the new boys (except the dinosaur) are pretending the dykes don't exist. Haven't heard a single mention of them on their streams since they debuted so they're a good group of dudes. I don't know if it's someone in management or they know their audience doesn't give a shit about dykes, but I'm glad it's going in this direction.

>> No.64795752

Now just separate the social media (which will unironically do a lot to ease tensions) and the two fanbases can move on in peace. Win-win.

>> No.64795790

>the dykes
kek. But Yeah I think after management split, they decided to disinscentivize interactions. It's curious how all of Advent is pretty explicit about no Stars collabs and how the boys have been avoiding them like the plague for the most part.
Maybe they specifically sought out people like this? It's a good thing, either way.

>> No.64796030

The problem is the social media is run by Hololive Production and not Hololive. So of course they're gonna promote both brands under their wing.

>> No.64796113

>Part of the problem with Homostars is thinking the amount and intensity of lonely females would even compare to lonely men
lmao you have no idea what you're talking about
>cultivation of a market seperate from anything ethot related into a more bro-sphere type
Oh you DEFINITELY have no idea what you're talking about. It's been proven time and time again that brotuber fags don't support male vtubers and don't buy merch. They're also extremely picky about them too. If you want a bro, just watch fleshfags. Cute anime boys are for women. Men don't buy voice packs and wouldn't watch male vtubers sing or do concerts or wear their merch out in public. "Bro" watchers have said this themselves.

>> No.64796136

Yeah, so stop doing that. It doesn't help, it only hurts. They had to delete the old holopro twitter because it was dying because fans of the girls are fucking tired of getting spammed about men they don't watch.
Make hololive_en be about, you know, hololive. and give the stars a different twitter.
Same goes for the subreddit.
There's no rule that says that all brands have to share social media, it's not something any other company would do

>> No.64796336

You just end up with 5 different Twitter accounts doing that. Plus can you imagine a Hololive_en account run by their staff, they'd never fucking tweet anything. Even then the HoloPro EN account does stuff for the JPs as well, so my guess it's just a catch all that saves on resources and ends up being a reliable vehicle for them.

>> No.64796453

I fucking wish.

Yeah thank god. What I really like about Armis is that they have a pretty good appeal to women but they don't completely push away their "bro" fans (not the oversensitive picky ones, at least). I hope they continue to avoid the females because they're doing pretty well on their own without pandering to beggars.

>> No.64796511

Doesn't matter who's staffing it, you don't need entirely separate staff. They just need to manage extra twitter accounts.
Having the twitter spam dude stuff is unironically bad, it trains hololive fans to not check it and uncheck the notifications. And why would a dedicated Holostars fan want to see countless tweets about stuff the girls are doing? It makes no sense from any angle.
The only reason they do it is because they think the holostars twitter would have pitiful follower counts, and they're right, but the cure is worse than the disease.

>> No.64798187

way to prove him right

>> No.64798193

>Jannies are holoshills
you wish, phasekek
