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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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64767528 No.64767528 [Reply] [Original]

Another month if no streams is approaching
6 months of no memberships as well
Will 2024 be any better

>> No.64767646
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Meanwhile on the other face of the planet

>> No.64767852


>> No.64767863

If EN4 debuts next year she'll do another round of overlaps so chumcucks won't forget about her. Otherwise pack it up because there's no signs of her making any sort of triumphant return.

>> No.64768005

>Overlaps so they don’t forget about her
This narrative doesn’t make sense because it implies her fans will literally watch no one else for months after 1 week of streams and her fucking off
Obviously they’d watch the new people

>> No.64768084

most gura fans are like fifa gamers. they only consume one product and dont care about the rest of the industry.

>> No.64768146

Posts like this make it abundantly clear why propaganda works and basically nobody thinks for themselves. People are literal sheep who are fed what they want to think.

>> No.64768174
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Hope EN4 debuts soon.
But it's not just Holo, she loves streaming during other debuts too. You know she's loving it.

>> No.64768396

You're unironically retarded and this has never stuck. She was already streaming prior to advent, after she got back from JP. And for Council, she was streaming regularly before and after. You're a disgusting narrative pushing retard because you're mentally ill and can only exist by being a crab in a bucket to cope with your complete failure of a life. Fuck off from vtubers, you don't even watch them you absolute piece of shit.

>> No.64769052

Gura fans are normie tourists that just know she's the meme shark girl. They don't give a fuck about the rest of hololive. They might not even know they exist.

>> No.64769098

She do be going the Pewdiepie route.

>> No.64769129

weird projection considering you're a faggot tourist that doesn't watch hololive

>> No.64769317

Pewdiepie makes content consistently though

>> No.64769592

Truth hurts, doesn't it chudbum? The rest of the children spamming chat with you are ironic weebs and you know it.

>> No.64769981

Think he was being ironic.

Yea, that was Gura's timeslot for years. Other HoloEN streamed their time slots too...except for the leeches.

>> No.64770077

>Muh leeches
Anon you can’t leech off of something that doesn’t exist I hope you understand that
It’s literally impossible to leech off Gura because she’s a nonentity and when she is around she’s shilling some useless shit

>> No.64770110

Another way of saying she's the gateway to tourists. The one that brought many into HoloEN.
If compare by subscribers, many watch Gura alone. Hololive is irrelevant.

>> No.64770158

Hit a nerve there.
Talking about debuts

>> No.64770172

you're even lower than the ironic weeb, a below average normalfag

>> No.64770282

That makes even less sense then dedicatedbud

>> No.64770284

Gura admires PewDiePie.
If she could disable her Twitter account, she'd do that too, just like PewDiePie.

>> No.64770385

You are not too smart.

Who would you leech from during a debut? Not Gura. Maybe, it's those debuting. Like asking for a raid after the debuts streams.

>> No.64770440

Proof of literally anyone saying this ever?
Or next thread?

>> No.64770482

No one asked Gura for this.
In fact, I remember the advent Girls talking about interacting with ENs and mentioning how Gura wouldn’t respond to their DMs lol

>> No.64770540

You don't watch streams.

Look at the ones that streamed during their usual timeslot and those that got raids from them. Not rocket science.

>> No.64770543

Mask off too soon troon

>> No.64770595

>No one asked Gura for this.
Gura has raids turned off. She neither receives nor gives.

>> No.64770655

>Streaming around the same time = asking for a raid
I think you’re just baiting at this point

>> No.64772325

Gura could quit streaming for a year straight and the chumtards would still give her memberships. As long as the paypigs fund their Oshi, the less Cover cares if she actually streams or not.

>> No.64772482

The only way she would stream somewhat normally again is if she lost a significant amount of subscribers. Going down from 4.4 million or whatever she's at now to like <3mil would easily wake up Cover to do something. I don't normally wish misfortune on people, but this is really the only way for her to act, so I hope she loses at least half of her sub numbers, and those numbers go to more deserving talents.

>> No.64772636

Who let the numbermonkey out of their containment thread?
