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64716364 No.64716364 [Reply] [Original]

How long until the twins start hating each other? What will happen next?

>> No.64716446

*rapes and beheads thread*

>> No.64716458

Even if you pit them against each other they won't start hating eachother Kiara.

>> No.64716489

They’re literal sisters; siblings don’t hate each other unless there is years of bad blood.
>t.speaking from experience

>> No.64716514

What if we agree to heavily praise just one of them so the other one gets jealous? Splitting them from the inside may work.

>> No.64716625

>What will happen next?

>> No.64716682

>How long until the twins start hating each other?
Considering how long they've been together it would have happened long ago if it was at all.

>> No.64716718

Kiara loves them, and they love Kiara.

>> No.64716722

>siblings don’t hate each other
t. single child

>> No.64716788

if your sibling and you hate each other, probably one or both of you are actually just a shitty person and the sibling part is coincidental

>> No.64716791

nobody loves kiara

>> No.64716808

Only during adolescence. If you still hate your siblings during adulthood, then you're still a child.

>> No.64716811

Just because you eventually make everyone you hate you doesnt mean thats a natural state of humanity. Lock up your knives until christmas is over okay pal?

>> No.64716857

Siblings will do anything to fight the person who attacked the other one because they're the only one who allow to do it

>> No.64716861

>got btfo'd
>ran away to make another thread
Kek, everyone already knows the dogs LOVE Kiara, sister.

>> No.64716945

I'm sure all of you and your sisters know, but for everyone else in the real world you need to provide proof

>> No.64717023 [DELETED] 
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Now run away and make another thread, sister.

>> No.64717107

is doxshit all you sisters are good at?

>> No.64717218

>I'm not a sister, you are!!!!
It's getting sad, sister. You've been btfo'd time and time again, yet you keep coming back.

>> No.64717227

>How long until the twins start hating each other?
But they already do...

>> No.64717259
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>> No.64717289

I mean, you could simply watch streams. But I guess that is beyond your current capabilities.

>> No.64717310

Call me a sister all you want when you're the one with the sister behavior, nobody loves Kiara or her annoying fanbase

>> No.64717329

Why are you even posting this here? It's not about Kiara. It's about the dogs hating each other.

>> No.64717345
File: 118 KB, 1200x910, 1699656043222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody loves Kiara
Watch streams, sister.

>> No.64717352

Depends on how annoying the EN community gets since they've had a good track record of destroying duos.

>> No.64717384

You are a brainless retard if you know anything about their history and still think there's a chance they'll blow up on each other.

>> No.64717410

Just take two seconds to read the thread, anon.
It was in response to a schizo entering the thread and turning it into another Kiara anti thread for no reason.

>> No.64717430


>> No.64717450

OP you're an actual retard, just kill yourself.

>> No.64717463

>destroying duos
You just need to spice things up every now and then. Have you read Shakespeare? He would never make it if all his characters loved each other all the time.

>> No.64717475

>He still thinks it's 2020
the ship has sailed, kiara is /vt/s favorite from myth
You probably think mori is still hated as well

>> No.64717500 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, 1701056787140937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. I'd love to watch them spazz out together about old Jpop stara and idols.

>> No.64717558 [DELETED] 

ok but why are their noses so big

>> No.64717661 [DELETED] 

To sniff out bad people

>> No.64717691

I wish. There is difference between banter and genuine disdain.
Not me.

>> No.64717694

I love kiara

>> No.64717785

just because you keep trying to astroturf the board, very subtly, might I add, doesn't mean people stopped hating on the (still) worst ENs

>> No.64717932

Love is temporary.
Hate is forever.

>> No.64717965


>> No.64717994

>fuwawas tits are massive while mococo is flat
deep down inside Moco is obviously jealous of this this
>everyone wants to fuck mococo instead of fuwawa
deep down inside Fuwawa is obviously jealous of this
Bold of you to assume they already dont hate eachother

>> No.64718059

>how long until the good someone else has breaks apart

Anon, this is why nobody likes you

>> No.64718061

You're thinking of yourself. Nobody loves you. Everybody loves Kiara.

>> No.64718100

See >>64717965

>> No.64718423

I haven't talked to my sister in years. I dont hate her, i'm just a recluse. Does my sister hate me?kgsw08

>> No.64718446

twins hate seggs

>> No.64718532

>worst ENs
>what is council
lmao even

>> No.64718571

Myth is shit tier. Im glad catalog chads turned on them

>> No.64718828

anon, I'm sorry to tell you but warhammer 40k isn't real, things don't become real by believing in them enough

>> No.64719390

Your siblings don't hate each other. They just hate you.

>> No.64719507

They've been together for like at least 30 years, they know how to deal with that.

>> No.64721021

>he doesn't know
Anon, they can last for fucking ever at this point.

>> No.64721095

In a few years they'll be 40 and then the hate starts

>> No.64721180

They already streamed together for years, and have twins bond, there is no brakes to that train unless something completely unexpected happens.

>> No.64721229

You don't get it fag, you are the only person allowed to bully your brothers and sisters.
I'm the eldest, took lot of shit for them and got them in exchange for bullying the fuck out of them.

>> No.64721322

When I start withholding sex from fuwawa after I get mococo pregnant

>> No.64721649

How do people even understand what they're blabbing about?

>> No.64721652

>40k out of nowhere
Missing context here

>> No.64721710

By not being an ESL.

>> No.64721720

hate sex obviously

>> No.64721883

I'm more worried that the exposure to all the horny stuff in hololive will make them go in the other direction.

>> No.64721886

Every night before bed they stab each other but intentionally miss any vital organs. That's how Fuwamoco vents their sibling hatred. It just works.

>> No.64722319

>nobody loves the hardest working member of Myth
sure, anon

>> No.64722561

Probably considering you denied her the chance of having sibling activities.

>> No.64722577

>nobody loves Kiara or her annoying fanbase

Take your meds Schizo

>> No.64723316

Let's make the unexpected happen then >>64716514

>> No.64723658

Even with bad blood a lot can be forgotten. Me and my brother had a lot of problems when we were growing up, he acted like a piece of shit a lot of times, beating me up, now we are just mostly on "hey, what's up" terms. We don't have a lot to talk about, but if needed always help each other out.

>> No.64723692
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>> No.64724006

> How long until the twins start hating each other?
They never will. When they get mad at each other they just have angry sex then are okay again

>> No.64724034

I mean you post on 4chan, so it's not that surprising that you're unlikable and other people would dislike/hate you.

>> No.64724514

God that's hot.

>> No.64725163

I have a sister and I don't hate her. literally never have. maybe you're just a shitbag. adult siblings aren't supposed to hate each other

>> No.64725852

Why is she fingering her? Why hasn't there been a bait thread about this?

>> No.64727144

Are we memory holing Fuwawa doing a solo stream because she was completely asshurt about the meme where she didn't actually exist and it was Mococo's imagination?

>> No.64727285

>Why hasn't there been a bait thread about this?
Be the change you wish to see in the world

>> No.64727511

These are the early cracks in their relationship. Thing will get interesting in the future.

>> No.64727599

It wasn't memoryholed. To the Ruffians, that stream is one of the most beloved streams. They also planned it from the start and had a history of doing separate streams. Also, Mococo was more insulted by the "meme" than Fuwawa ever was.
Reps, tourist.

>> No.64727609

>How long until the twins rape each other?

>> No.64727663

make up sex

>> No.64727705
File: 31 KB, 472x472, 1688215098774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fuwawa doesn't rape mococo every single night

>> No.64727774

>Why imaginary scenario?
>Why no ragebait thread about it?

Meds anon...

>> No.64727973

JESAS how obnoxious

>> No.64728431

Are you black?

>> No.64728438
File: 1.52 MB, 2966x3508, 1676592707748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never. They've been in a committed, exclusive partnership for a couple of decades at this point. They know each other better than anyone else in this world. When they have a REAL fight, they kiss and make up by the end of the day(sex).

>> No.64728598

>Writing fanfiction ITT because the twins kayfabe is too strong
Ruffians are annoying but credit is due to Fuwamoco for not giving their haters any ammo to work with, pretty based

>> No.64729028
File: 763 KB, 768x1008, 1702777525490791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is just a dumb sitcom stereotype. I had 4 sisters growing up and while I hated them with a passion when we all lived together, I grew to appreciate them as older siblings growing up. They bullied me but they helped prevent me from being a complete NEET failure in retrospect.

>> No.64729029

Even if you ignore their kayfabe, there's still no ammo against them anywhere.

>> No.64730057

Man findet schnell einen Stock, wenn man einen Hund schlagen will.

>> No.64730560

If they were going to hate each other, it already should have happened, so we're past that threat

>> No.64730673

Money changes people. Things will happen.

>> No.64731044

>Can't find anything bad about them
>Proceed to try to start shit so people can anti them
This is pathetic even by your standards, sisters.

>> No.64731325

English doko

>> No.64731475

they have been twins all their life.

>> No.64731824

it's really sad how kiara and kfp try to tear down anyone better than her

>> No.64731953
File: 256 KB, 1803x2000, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Kiara

>> No.64736198

Most correct post of the thread.

>> No.64736289

They speak like children tho

>> No.64741681


>> No.64742257

fuuck, that stream is hot af tho.
