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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64701057 No.64701057 [Reply] [Original]

>literally has 137 minecraft streams
>builds a plethora of impressive constructions
>Knows all there is about Minecraft
>Loses the title of a top Minecraft Vtuber to a lemao, get some help Indonesian
It's not fair and you know it.

>> No.64701146

imagine losing to IDs

>> No.64701172

Pomu wasn't nominated.
Kaela built a Netherite beacon over the course of months and planned it all out.
The difference between NijiENkeks and HoloIDGODS

>> No.64701228

I'm a pretty huge fan of Pomu, and even i know she's not nearly as MC obsessed as Kaela. Pomu's following a tutorial for her colossal building, and doesn't do any real exploration

>> No.64701243
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>wasn't nominated

>> No.64701242

Pretty sure Pomu was nominated.

>> No.64701329

It's decided by fan votes. SEAniggers botted the awards. Pippa also lost to Kobo.

>> No.64701433

>Kaela: 700k subs
>Pomu: 615k subs
>Kobo: 2.25M subs
>Pippa: 292k subs

>> No.64701483

>Knows all there is about Minecraft
but can she design a 0-tick 5x5 piston door from scratch

>> No.64701519

I've seen how Indogs behave in their local facebook group shitholes. They absolutely botted this. Makes no sense for those vtubers to win over actual EN ones.

>> No.64701765

Kaela is THE mc god and denying her this award would've meant Riku sold one of his yachts to make it happen.

>> No.64701773

Imagine taking an award show seriously

>> No.64701972

>Makes no sense for those vtubers to win over actual EN ones.
Like seriously Indonesian votes don't count less

>> No.64702037

and i've seen how 4chan posters behave on 4chan. Don't pretend you're any better lmao. Fucking kys retard. So new he doesn't even have self-awareness yet

>> No.64702056

Trust me when I say that you do not want to accuse anyone of botting phasefag. Your entire bot farm can be exposed in a milisecond

>> No.64702125

do it

>> No.64702128
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>> No.64702233

Didnt know Pomu farmed enough netherite that she can fund the entire server with full gear and have some to spare
Also wasnt she doing shit in creative? What is the point then

>> No.64702245

Where are her impressive constructions?

>> No.64702268

Remember that time Luca caused server rollback?

>> No.64702279

It's been minutes. What are you waiting for?

>> No.64702280
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>a lemao, get some help Indonesian
Kaela is the most serious vtuber, get some help

>> No.64702324

they should

>> No.64702335

It would be pretty biased and unfair in these award shows to vote for people you don't actually watch. That's why I only voted for Hololive in all categories because I dont watch or want to watch anyone outside of the Holobox

>> No.64702556

>first minecraft stream May 23, 2021
>No of videos : 137
>Average length of video : 3 hours, 51 minutes, 31 seconds
>Total length of playlist : 22 days, 38 minutes

>first minecraft stream >May 15, 2022
>almost a full year later than pomus first
>No of videos : 99
>Average length of video : 6 hours, 8 minutes, 2 second
>Total length of playlist : 25 days, 7 hours, 15 minutes, 44 seconds
>and that's just on stream vids

Yeah why don't you fuck right off you fucking faggot.

>> No.64702587

Bots cope.

>> No.64702609

>No of videos : 99
This is wrong, if you scroll through all of Kaela's streams and ctrl+f "【Minecraft】" she actually has 130 streams

>> No.64702645

meant for >>64702556

>> No.64702705

Not to mention her off stream grind, her countless death that result to over half her netherite grind gone, her 2nd pc working overtime grinding mc even during her sleep, collab, other game and working.

>> No.64702754

Yeah but uhhhhh Pomu uhhh made a mud hut in creative

>> No.64702789

She even AFK farms while streaming another game and she borrowed someone else's account so she can farm while she's in the nether

>> No.64702811

You are correct. So basically she has almost the same amount of streams as pomu, all of them almost double the length, and she started a year later. Basically OP is a just a massive retarded semenslurping faggot.
Glad we could clear this up

>> No.64702848

Sasuga, Kaela-shin

>> No.64702937

>calls others new
>actually thinks anyone gains self-awareness with more time /here/
(You) are in for a huge disappointment.

>> No.64703005

>used creative mode to actually build instead of just test
Even using that lame shit a single time invalidates all your minecraft achievements.

>> No.64703495
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This looks like a good place to flex my oshi. Feel free to add anything I missed.
>built a Netherite Beacon that took 5 months of planning with onstream and offstream grinding
>gathered 100+ elytras and gave them away for free
>collected all armor trims just days after the update came out
>killed a warden 4 times by slapping it with a raw fish
>built a temple where members can request literally anything and Kaela will gather them offstream in less than 3 days
>worshipped as a Minecraft god by the JPs
>inspired Okayu to play Minecraft which started a whole arc in JP
And that's not including all the crazy farms and other builds she did

>> No.64703569

if anything ironmouse should have won best minecraft vtuber for her contributions to the QSMP and the vshojo server

>> No.64703662

The what? We are talking about minecraft the video game not your pronouns

>> No.64703715


>> No.64707198
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>> No.64707589

That would just be you projecting cause you're a literal braindamaged retard

>> No.64708171

Pomudachi here. This is a bait thread from some tranny looking to tribalfag and drama whore. No pomudachi thinks of her as a minecraft God or sees her as a dedicated genius who comes up with elaborately planned structures or accomplishments. It's just her comfort game that holds a special place in her heart because she first played it with lazulight after debut and then put a lot of time into during her recovery from her surgery 2 years ago.
Kaela genuinely loves mc a lot and is thoughtful as fuck. She's the real deal. There's no doubt she deserves this award.

>> No.64708223

Consider falseflagging with something her threads would actually at least kind of agree with next time.

>> No.64708238

Name recognition awards

>> No.64708438
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I'm just using this as an excuse to show off my oshi's accomplishments. You guys are cool.

>> No.64708477

I like pomu but part of her charm is that she gets obsessed with games despite not being much of a gamer. Sure she plays a lot of blockgame for nijien, but that doesn't mean she's that good at it compared to kaela who seems to be much more of a gamer.

>> No.64708681


>> No.64712462


>> No.64712819

Kaela goes pretty fucking hard

>> No.64712915
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Loving every single holoseethe thread that the awards spawned including this one

>> No.64712946

I voted for people I didn’t watch all the time because I knew even if I didn’t watch them, I wanted them to win over people I didn’t like anyway.
That meant I also voted for Hololive most of the time.

>> No.64712969

minecraft is shit so who cares

>> No.64714177

I love Pomu, and I'd have voted for her in pretty much every other category than this. There's no denying Kaela is a minecraft machine.

>> No.64714218

When will Pomu stop being such a failure?

>> No.64714522

Did Kaela ever do something funny in Minecraft like Pekora and Henya for example building a prank building?

>> No.64714749
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Yeah she made fake creeper thing that managed to scare Sora and some other members.
Most of the time people get mindbroken without her even trying because of how rich she is.
There's also this stream.

>> No.64714819

Her original house in the ID server is full of pranks, meant to cause maximum emotional and physical damages especially to Ollie.
Her pranks are quite harmless compared to Pekora.
I think she only threatened to blow up and burn the server to the ground a few times with her unlimited lava and TNTs.
But yeah, she only managed to scare other members harmlessly including Sora. (*Ollie is an exception as she was killed multiple times for the lul)

>> No.64715058
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To be fair this is pretty much just how things go for Ollie and even she accepts it

>> No.64715196

>>64703495 (me)
Oh yeah, I forgot she also moved a mountain once

>> No.64715235

and an island into shulker boxes.

>> No.64716032

Thanks, do you have some good clips?

>> No.64716652


>> No.64716692

When she stops being part of nijisanji

>> No.64716856

>creeper prank
>Biboo and JEEP
>these are her most popular minecraft clips

>> No.64717161

Of course she lost. Some humans are designed for great things. Others are designed to be meat toilets for the world. Pomu is designed to lose, suffer, and be abused physically and sexually.

>> No.64718374

holoshitters aaa

>> No.64719966
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Adding the sound of a creeper is pretty genius, thanks for the clips!

>> No.64723556


>> No.64728361

have you autistic sisters even *seen* the holoID server? That place is almost more advanced than the real world.

DESU, Moona should have been nominated since she advanced the tech level of their server all by herself.

>> No.64730067

This fucking thing was so rigged and unfair. I watched a bit and saw Henya, FUCKING Henya going against 2-3views, and color me impressed... she whiped the floor with them. What kind of impartiality is this?

>> No.64730225

>don't know enough about Minecraft to know what a Netherite beacon is
>look it up
>it's literally just countless hours of grinding
Wow, so impressive
