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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 507 KB, 590x698, holo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64622168 No.64622168 [Reply] [Original]

>holostars event announcement
>cropping out the holostars

>> No.64622277


>> No.64622345

The homos exist solely by a parasitical facilitation management props up.

>> No.64622554

>holostars side looks more appealing without the holostars in it
i guess they do understand their audience every once in a while.

>> No.64622563

Ah yeah the most important members of Holostards, Holo ID

>> No.64622569
File: 205 KB, 987x987, GBbKnyBaoAA2HC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ID and JP posted the uncropped version
>the crop is shit
Has to be on purpose

>> No.64622672

What a weird thing to do, it's not like ID are strangers to male collabs.
Only thing I can think of is they wanted to get around twitters weird cropping by separating the portraits image into two images, but forgot to upload the other image. That's just giving the benefit of the doubt though.

>> No.64623733

it's still up too

>> No.64623902

Based EN staff

>> No.64623914

Is someone from /here/ running that account?

>> No.64623917

Whoever is behind EN account definitely wanted to get around twitter shit so people scrolling through it can see Kobo.
But I don't think there's second image that got forgotten. They just straight up cropped homos assuming it will be fine.

>> No.64624143

And there's the apology


>> No.64624288

Peak comedy from holoen social media manager

>> No.64624590

>Vocal minority Holosta fans have a meltdown over nothing.

>> No.64624868
File: 22 KB, 591x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some sisters have someone living rent free upstairs, it seems.

>> No.64625081

The 3 holostars fans will be devastated by this.

>> No.64625193

they have a melty over everything

>> No.64625223

Kobo and Iofi are now Holostars.

>> No.64625284

I agree with this one. Fuck Khyo. He will probably cover this with some stupid title like "Hololive discriminates their male talents??". His audience is full of homobeggars that are waiting for ammo.

>> No.64625432

I get the impression that they're not entirely confident in their own event.

>> No.64626234

No Kaela so not a forced collab from managment the world is still fine.

>> No.64627654


>> No.64627916

Ironically, I think they were trying to get more attention on the "bois" by tricking people into reading about kobo and iofi and then realising its holostars, kek.

>> No.64627951

>t.someone who has a melty over male interaction

>> No.64627987

>advertisement for holostars
When will this faggotry stop?

>> No.64628200

they tried this with armpiss too, the mysterious announcement got way more engagement than the homo reveal

>> No.64628922

Yet even they don't actually tune in.

>> No.64630407

EN management did mess up but for them to deeply apologize for a mistake in a tweet does show how concerned they are with promoting Holostars. They want to include a few Hololive talents to help boost the CCV of the Holostars event but they know how it looks when that support is too obvious.

>> No.64630414
File: 23 KB, 580x118, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to learn how to read
