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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 90 KB, 215x215, cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64604606 No.64604606 [Reply] [Original]

Rinna cope edition
>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

Open company auditions:
VReverie (Jan 3): https://twitter.com/VReverieLive/status/1731525487741309078
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt

Previous Thread: >>64581677

>> No.64604676

Why does Rinna have a pacifier?

>> No.64604750
File: 18 KB, 215x215, IMG_3070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64604798
File: 600 KB, 650x543, rogue-trader[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Live now with Rogue Trader! Time to spend an hour on character creation!

>> No.64605228


>> No.64605440

How are you spending your Friday asp

>> No.64605510

at work :)

>> No.64605516

Having sex with Ainslie

>> No.64605644

Saturday is over half over but I am still making my abomination

>> No.64605696

(They're furry)

>> No.64605741

Coping with the thoughts that come creeping up as night wears on, about to fuck around with some sketching (NOT a call for chuuba names, to be clear). Gonna try to think of something to stream tomorrow, also thinking about how to go about getting my viwership up a bit with my shitty communication abilities.

>> No.64605835
File: 38 KB, 224x233, F5hpbgWXwAA0rH1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Heisenburg gonna teach me to cook?!?!? Lets find out! Streaming Resident Evil 8 in VR now!

>> No.64605859

Thinking about masturbating another time.

>> No.64606069

>Few threads back guy complains that if he jerks it more than 2 or 3 times a week his pp hurts
Meanwhile this anon beats his meat non stop. Step up your game boys

>> No.64606156


>> No.64606393

You caught me I am rebranding as a pile of garbage for my 2.0

>> No.64606631

Find out how

>> No.64606696

Bro I only complained about my dick hurting after bearing my meat 5 times a day for three day to ainslie, also I'm over 30 so you wouldn't get it

>> No.64606858

I also don't have a dick

>> No.64606867
File: 209 KB, 414x412, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reviewing my vod!

>> No.64606940

Confess your sins and I will cleanse your soul

>> No.64606954

Your emotes are cute, keep up the good work

>> No.64607035

I tease male chuubas from /here/ but I'm not actually gay

>> No.64607066

Is it normal to keep seeing giant bugs wiggling at the corner of your vision that disappear when you look at them head on

>> No.64607133

What is wrong with your eyes in that emote? Literally have two eyes superimposed on top of each other

>> No.64607168

Undertale Yellow is here! I've been waiting years for this game! If its as good as I hope, we might just play it all tonight! Also no pic bc I was too excited to play this

>> No.64607341

I vaguepost

>> No.64607409

Vagueposters deserve the rope/rape

>> No.64607487

Ok i admit it. I'm a single mom. No I won't change how I stream.

>> No.64607601

That instantly makes you hotter

>> No.64607749

I'm one of the better performing /asp/ies and yet I'm going insane over my numbers, enough is never enough. I fucking hate numbers. I derive my sense of self worth over numbers but I'm smart enough to realize that they're not 100% in my own control. How do I have a healthier relationship with my metrics without letting them dominate my life and stressing out over them constantly?

>> No.64607842

Checking news, checking missed stuff. Thinking about my return to streaming: now or maybe better to take a bit more time.
Pause to unwind was a good idea, because I felt like vtubing took a big part of my time/life and it scared me in some way.
I'm a coward, yeah

>> No.64607876

rammstein - mein teil

>> No.64607898

I live without sin.
I do not fear honesty.

>> No.64607950

>How do I have a healthier relationship with my metrics without letting them dominate my life and stressing out over them constantly?
Taking your meds

>> No.64608112

Meds dumb bitch

>> No.64608193

I don't take any meds!

>> No.64608198

how do you stream?

>> No.64608342

Which male asp would let a woman give them cbt

>> No.64608373


>> No.64608382

Then you obviously should

>> No.64608391

what are some good vocaroo prompts

>> No.64608412
File: 176 KB, 735x804, Riafish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need more fishing streams

>> No.64608444

Then start taking some. How brain damaged are you hoe

>> No.64608452

I'm 5 pounds heavier than I should be and my abs aren't visible anymore

>> No.64608455

scott steiner's math promo is always a classic

>> No.64608713


>> No.64608715

Don't worry about it Renata and/or Cheen.

>> No.64608766
File: 180 KB, 414x412, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you ! I hope to get more commissioned soon

I think my artist copypasted my eyepatch on the other eye and forgot to delete it unfortunately :((

>> No.64608807

gclef probably

>> No.64608888

Which male asp would let a woman gently fondle his balls

>> No.64608963

He's enough of a sex pest that he'd let any of the girls do anything with him lol

>> No.64609025

We need a totally out there collab, just the two or three most random people getting together for a stream.

>> No.64609035

Playing monhun with a corpo vtuber

>> No.64609098

We already had one the other day with basil, comet and kopa, they literally have nothing in common with one another except they are frens

>> No.64609138

not me, stay away from my balls, you do not understand how delicate those are
Getting kicked in the balls hurts more than childbirth

>> No.64609177
File: 26 KB, 187x191, 1700761398934763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good Morning sirs

>> No.64609268

he'd probably let any of the guys do anything too

>> No.64609495


>> No.64609522

honestly i was thinking the same fucking thing but then i realized it was an oxygen inhalator

>> No.64609564
File: 613 KB, 1280x923, solved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure is it a bait or not but I see many people who worried about numbers/inclining/declining thing:
Pressure sounds rough. I don't feel pressure of it because I don't look at vtubing really seriously.
Turning off viewer count, to not feel that pressure at least at the moment of streaming, is the most obvious thing as part of the solution.
And.. it will sounds blunt but simply choose to not care. Actively distract yourself from that pressure.
Ignorance is not only a bliss, but also a skill. It may be used for really productive things.
But requires some training.
You can't control everything. it's impossible to control everything, but you can work on perception it.
You are in charge of your brain. Be in control of it, don't be controlled.
You gonna be alright

>> No.64609584

sex mansion means i want to sex them platonically.

>> No.64609736

alright i'm gonna put the current tier list on a wheel and post the link: https://wheelofnames.com/4rk-ppz and spin it three times
what do they do?

>> No.64609830
File: 194 KB, 1267x2048, IMG_0304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks who joined my new model

>> No.64609882


>> No.64609914

why are you gay

>> No.64609924

Do you have any advice for worrying about it less? I keep my live view numbers off but the post stream reports always get me. It's not an issue when I'm doing well but it stresses me out and bleeds into time I'm not streaming when they're declining or stagnating and I don't know how to bring myself not to care.

>> No.64609969

what the cat doin

>> No.64610129

I masturbate while watching girls' streams.

>> No.64610219

Please be a girl

>> No.64610388

Gator's giving the vambussy a workout. Albert's probably also talking about the lore of Inazuma Eleven while he's going in.
Plotting some new whimsical war crimes

Fuwacoco will wait patiently for the sound of a word ending in -er to deploy one of her most reliable jokes. I'm actually not too sure what Coyote Knight's streams are like, but I think either Beryl or the other two will be bone dead tired due to their usual schedules being so different

>> No.64610599

I guess, two things in "what you do" and "what you think".
"What you do"
It's a bit tricky but if you feel not okay doing thing but keep doing thing - first thing you better limit/avoid is that thing.
Like with some harmful habit. It's always feels shitty to fight it, but it's good for you to stop habit that disturbs you that much.
Maybe check your reports once per week at least?
It's still not so rare to ignore dynamic/trends
But it won't hit you hard from some not lucky day. You will see good days and not really good together - no shock or emotional swings
"What you think"
But in general, it feels like lack of validation, some feel of insecurity.
Numbers don't define you. You will have more silent days randomly.
Why is it that important for you? What you're looking for in that numbers: appreciation, validation or just a proof that you use your time not for nothing?
Do you have alternative source of that feelings?
If Vtubing is your only one bet and literally "all-in" - it may be very stressful in that way.

It's my personal perception, so I can't say it may be universally useful for everyone.
But maybe something in it will give you hint for your own solution

>> No.64610855
File: 444 KB, 425x437, wtf.png[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk8himj.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64610915

What game

>> No.64610940

mario party

>> No.64610990
File: 7 KB, 428x154, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just checked and he deleted his account....guess the glug redeem guy is gone, and his very short streaming tenure, hope he figures his shit out

>> No.64611147

Personally I think it helps to just look at less meta vtuber/streaming stuff. Severely limit the time that you spend looking at your numbers, spend less time on /asp/ and other vtubing sites, spend less time in chuuba discords and watching chuubas that you don't genuinely enjoy watching.

None of this stuff really makes you more interesting or a better streamer. So instead you should spend time either practicing stuff that will directly improve your streaming abilities like practicing art, experiencing things that give you interesting things to talk about while streaming, or working on your stream directly by making new assets or clipping stuff you did or any number of other things.

>> No.64611149
File: 70 KB, 240x240, akechihideki-982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's kinda sad

>> No.64611153


>> No.64611199
File: 604 KB, 1818x739, NINEELEVEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64611203

You sing so good

>> No.64611276

Fuwa hijacked the cockpit by sexing and killing the pilot, Coyote trying to stop her action hero style while Beryl is passed out from being sleepy in the co-pilot seat and only wakes up at the climax of the scene

>> No.64611317


>> No.64611375

Does anyone make a live2d model that has acne? Bonus for blood effects like nosebleeds and for making hair look greasy (i found a dead roach tangled in my hair today)

Is there demand for a vtuber like that who isn't necessarily ugly

>> No.64611435
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, deadofnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its the dead of night. perfect time for some gaming

>> No.64611455

to me the numbers don't matter, I know I'm having a good time and whether that's in front of nobody or several people I'm still streaming to share my experiences with people.
I want to do my best to be a distraction from the struggles of reality, even if for just a bit.

As long as you're consistent the numbers will change over time, how fast that happens is unpredictable and you're relying on luck.
Just do your best, and push out the negative thoughts.

>> No.64611536

must have got really bad if he felt he had to DFE...someone else will have to take the glug redeems in his place

>> No.64611646

sometimes i really regret doing hard drugs. i looked liked connor and my talking voice is probably nicer than his. now i look like shit and my self-confidence is completely gone. i wish i could just try to stream or make some of my vids public. i think it's easier to think i deserve to fail.

>> No.64611745

I’m drunk ama

>> No.64611765

Is a decent vroid cheaper than a live 2d? What about hand tracking

>> No.64611919

Who are you?

>> No.64612016


>> No.64612189

you have boyfriend or girlfriend?

>> No.64612287

I do want to see more decent vroids over live2D.

>> No.64612344


Sitting in a wage cage wishing I was a famous vtuber so I could be in a nicer wage cage playing vidya....

Also probably checking up on that demonic evocation I did last Friday to Lord Guison.

>> No.64612345

I didn't check on his stream because I usually wait for people to get over the initial shyness that is normal on their first stream but now I regret it

>> No.64612365

Yeah one with proper shading and no jaggies with an appealing style.

>> No.64612409

i love denpafish!!!!!!!!

>> No.64612430

I’m infertile! I really hate myself for being infertile because I am almost entering my mid-20s, and I really want to get pregnant soon. Most women who are single and are around their late 30s get ovarian complications and cannot have children. They also get severe hormone issues and get extremely sick. I want to get pregnant soon but I don’t think it can happen unfortunately. It has been making me neurotic because I feel like I’m fucking up really bad in life, but I’m glad this hobby exists and I don’t think about it as much.

>> No.64612472

>Most women who are single and are around their late 30s get ovarian complications and cannot have children.
I meant to say women in my family, they all have to get surgery in their wombs and they have a high chance of not making it into their 50s

>> No.64612533 [DELETED] 

if youre infertile you are not fucking up i have a similar issue as a young man because im really sad but i wont say im the same

>> No.64612570

maybe he'll come back once stuff dies down......guy got really depressed and was crying on stream because a streamer cancelled him for going menhera and he got banned in a bunch of places

>> No.64612572

is there a secret voice chat channel for /asp/ies? at some point this thread was full of POST VOCAROO but i haven't seen any of those in a while.

>> No.64612575

Man I wish I could donate my womb to you. Stay strong

>> No.64612596

good looking vroids are so ridiculously hard to find, it's kinda sad

>> No.64612620

You can't hate yourself for being infertile. Hardly your own fault.

>> No.64612621

Is Vari vroid? I like hers

>> No.64612639


>> No.64612643

I don't have a boyfriend or a girlfriend

>> No.64612651

Ill make a vocaroo for you if you post something interesting to say.

>> No.64612845



>> No.64612847

You mean like a discord?

>> No.64613116

I'd make a vocaroo if I could convince myself that I had anything interesting to say in one. Maybe tomorrow.

>> No.64613148

"oh, you "liked" my tweet? i just wrote your name on my pillow and started fucking the shit out of it. im pretty sure if i pinned it against a wall it would stick"

>> No.64613160

I'd post vocaroos if it would pick up my mic. For some reason whenever I try to use it it sounds horrible

>> No.64613284

nta but here you go

>> No.64613438 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 1250x1250, Chelsea Beraldi smug bukamata tutupmulut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got my finished png model, what do you think? :3

>> No.64613471

>no longer flat as a board

other than that, looks good!

>> No.64613482

cute milk.

>> No.64613499

A lot more higher quality, but the empty eye feels like it could be a bit more... detailed?

>> No.64613546

I'm filling my artist's live2d request form and translating it to nipspeak. It's been insanely time consuming since I have already locked a design in my head (wild and hot blooded), but the more I fill in the form, the more I'm thinking of changing my design completely (soft spoken and well dressed)

>> No.64613606

dont know what thats all about but here ya go

>> No.64613700

I dread sleeping, but i need to sleep.

>> No.64613736 [DELETED] 
File: 602 KB, 1250x1250, smug1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost doxxed part of the artists name because I'm stupid so trying again <:3c

Just got my new png model, what do you think?


Thank you! And on the eyehole I get that, though I'm fine with it being a void since I want it to be like a pocket? Like stuff goes in there? That's where my pet rat lives.

>> No.64613785


>> No.64613810 [DELETED] 

It's so over

>> No.64613829 [DELETED] 

>She forgot about the archives

>> No.64613858

Looks good but its weird that the eyelashes are part of the hole.

>> No.64613862
File: 19 KB, 175x195, GAsS4jPWsAA_E1I (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sh'vah is whispering and playing more Oblivion!

>> No.64613935

>Still in warosu
Newfag doxxed...

>> No.64613996

It feels like it should sort of be hollow rather than a flat black color hole, if that makes sense?

>> No.64614005

you're kind of dumb...

>> No.64614104

What did she mean by this?

>> No.64614258
File: 6 KB, 1059x74, tutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64615074

I hope she doesn't disappear because of a minor doxx issue.

>> No.64615095


>> No.64615117


>> No.64615161


I'll be streaming Resident Evil 4 Sunday, I'm just embarrassed ;///;

>> No.64615203

can't get him out of my head

>> No.64615224


>> No.64615228

Not me.

>> No.64615245

I'm glad.

>> No.64615300


>> No.64615340
File: 484 KB, 1140x1117, crackships.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post crackships

>> No.64615498

>Not on the list

>> No.64615582

the fuck is a crackship?

>> No.64615588


>> No.64615605


>> No.64615625

camui x layla is my ross x rachel i am actually obsessed with them

>> No.64615766

I'm anti-ing ace just for the sheer thought of this

>> No.64616028

Pafu is pretty nice, could have had a much worse pairing.

>> No.64616111

Collab with her

>> No.64616159

>daiya diamandis? daiya diamandis dick in your mouth

>> No.64616266

Sure, if she wants to in the new year I would be happy to.

>> No.64616291

I only talked with Camui once in twitter because he drew my model, he seems a nice person

>> No.64616310

I'm packing cookies and writing my viewers personalized notes with drawings.

>> No.64616334

Cute Haru being cute

>> No.64616344

Ive never talked to Chrii before

>> No.64616379

that's a really cute thing to do haru <3

>> No.64616387

you'll never win her heart like that

>> No.64616414

you're both menhera it'll work out

>> No.64616425

I've got enough hearts to keep me busy for the time being, but I'm always happy to meet new people

>> No.64616490

I really hope they like them. Drawing with pen is hard, I'm smudging some of them a little.

>> No.64616532

Beryl and Keitaro are like dynamic parallels in everything, energy levels, voice pitch, personality... when's the collab?

>> No.64616626

I've had a small crush on him for a little bit actually
Funny guess

>> No.64616642

they're going to love them!

>> No.64616824


>> No.64616844

Give it a try, she's got huge tits

>> No.64616925

Not me! Mawg seems like a great person but I don't have a crush on him.

>> No.64616955


Living dead girl by rob zombie is an easy one. And anything else for that matter.

Maybe Michael Jackson's thriller as well?

>> No.64616958 [SPOILER] 
File: 346 KB, 1080x1813, Screenshot_20231216_014438_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deleted his discord and his account too

>> No.64616963
File: 788 KB, 2540x2739, 1674917536213045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to actually collab with people and stream more in the new year.

Hopefully the Live2D will help with clipping.

>> No.64616965


>> No.64617036


>> No.64617089



>> No.64617181


>> No.64617230

whether it's out of respect or disinterest I'm glad I've never been included in any of these weird ass posts.

>> No.64617345

Someone still made some pretty weird posts about you last night

>> No.64617376

no they didn't cause I was in the thread.

>> No.64617493

you better not be Mond

>> No.64617517


>> No.64617576


>> No.64617591


>> No.64617606


>> No.64617617


>> No.64617630


>> No.64617653


>> No.64617664

On the Cruise!

>> No.64617676

Hope Charlotte Van Halen got what she wanted in the end, probably been waiting a long time to do this to him.

>> No.64617838

It sucks, but that's what happens when you interact with female vtubers
Looks like he learned his lesson

>> No.64617872

its not. She barely interacts with dorian. He comes into her chat and not the other way around.

Also fuck off

>> No.64617900


>> No.64617919

>that's what happens when you interact with female vtubers
especially bipolar girls like charlotte, sadly she'll get away with it because she's barely a streamer now
shame it had to happen to the glug guy, thought he was harmless but obviously had some demons going on

>> No.64617991

Mond better not be going into any male chuuba's chat

>> No.64618029

she my wife

>> No.64618050

This is the most likely answer

>> No.64618054

She's in Camui's quite often lol

>> No.64618067

she does. I can name them all if you'd like to be jealous

>> No.64618087

No she isn't Camui

>> No.64618105

>quite often
Literally says one thing then leaves. He complains about it every time.

>> No.64618106

he was streaming oblivion while this was posted so unlikely

>> No.64618177

what if me and momo touched our tentacles together o/////o

>> No.64618227

My dear Kuku

>> No.64618430

whats Mond's appeal

>> No.64618440

Nta but she does stop by from time to time. I'm always happy to see Mond, since she balances out the gooning a bit.
I hope I don't come off like I'm complaining. I do like having active chatters but also don't mind people lurking at all. I'm very grateful anyone gives me the time of day in any kind of way.

>> No.64618446

why would I tell you? Go away.

>> No.64618535

not to be a crab but it should be very obvious why the average viewer of mond watches her


>> No.64618556

She's a girl, a cute one at that

>> No.64618613

This is all it takes

>> No.64618647

You really need to stop responding... Not that i'm one to talk

but you do. No one else may notice, But I do. No harm in being sad about it. I frequently am as well

>> No.64618656

Shouldn't you be sleeping? Go rest.

>> No.64618667
File: 21 KB, 400x400, IMG_5844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands off the wife please he's been really stinky lately you wouldn't want him

>> No.64618771

I've only been to two of your streams so far and you seem like a chill dude for the most part.
Not sure if it's anxiousness that makes you behave the way you do though.

There's no harm in how you act, some people enjoy that kind of stuff.
I hope if it's nerves or anxiety that leads to it that you're eventually able to relax and mellow out while streaming.
And if I'm wrong in my assumption then my b big guy.
I'd love to brollab with you sometime in the future but I can't have you talking about us fucking eachother especially when part of my gimmick is I lack the 'equipment' to do that.

>> No.64618799


>> No.64618845

Just a reminder
>Camui called everyone a bunch of seething retail workers in like the second thread he was ever present
>Leaked DMs of Layla trying to nuke her reputation whilst having his part of the conversation not present and still to this day has not shown his part of the conversation despite claiming pure innocence
>Used an IRL picture of Denpa and played tic-tac-toe on her forehead despite the fact Denpa had asked for that photo not to be shared around and she was also being bullied very hard at that time. He has confirmed he still has not apologised to her.
>Tried to decapitate Iriya's reputation by publicly accusing him of being an anti for the simple fact that he and Camui were in the same stream at the same time because he was unaware you can watch a stream whilst being logged out. Camui insists that he's a reasonable person who just wants to solve issues but instead of addressing it privately by just DMing him, he maliciously tried to fuck him over
>Camui then did the exact same thing to Vita
>Camui publicly called out Hanabi for not liking him since Hanabi has not drawn him even when requested and then refused to think that what he said was inappropriate despite multiple people saying he shouldn't air out his dirty laundry in the thread for the millionth time
>Camui claims that he has apologised to people and thinks that that excuses his actions despite the fact he literally learns nothing and keeps trying to publicly damage the reputation of others

>> No.64618905

STOP. It's enough.

t. Layla

>> No.64619037
File: 198 KB, 1000x1000, 1644035772308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Layla
I don't think its a good idea to be responding if you are

>> No.64619092

I feel empty sometimes. I feel lonely. But I love being here so much. I don't know if most care, but that's okay. Havinga few that do is all the better. And even so, I love streaming too much. hehe. Good night!

>> No.64619125

>guys she's learned from her mistakes
>she doesn't even post here anymore
lol, lmao even

>> No.64619131

Good night!

>> No.64619142

I don't care about some past drama shit, it isn't happening in the present.

>> No.64619169
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>> No.64619209


>> No.64619266

good night, anon

>> No.64619303


>> No.64619324
File: 24 KB, 360x324, 57068dca07294b20815238041f28d7d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't sleep. Open your eyes. Stream now.
I've been sleeping during the day, so I'm fine. Thanks for your concern though, but I'm ok!
Thanks for coming by. And yes, definitely got some performance anxiety going on, like a nervous little chihuahua. I half-jokingly say streaming for me is like having an extensive panic attack so you nailed it with that one. Don't get me wrong though, I am enjoying it. I don't mind being a clown even if it's a little embarrassing at times. Knowing I can make people smile or laugh when they're going through it is worth it.
If you wanna get something more chill going I'm 100% down. Totally cool matching your vibe. Just make sure I know where to draw the line before we go live. And honestly the gooning does get excessive at times so a respite from that would be very welcome.

>> No.64619327
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>up all night again
I should get some rest...

>> No.64619402

nice rrats but you’re a known schizo that spreads tabloid tier bullshit
dramafags get the rope

>> No.64619428

Don't sleep. Start streaming NOW

>> No.64619458


>> No.64619478


I said stop responding.

>> No.64619480

You stopped by my stream once and I appreciate that man, I think I selfpost way too much in these threads but it was fairly recent so if you remember just shoot me a dm on discord sometime, I'm not hard to find.

>> No.64619499

Just a reminder
>Camui called everyone a bunch of seething retail workers in like the second thread he was ever present
>>57814303 (Dead)
>Leaked DMs of Layla trying to nuke her reputation whilst having his part of the conversation not present and still to this day has not shown his part of the conversation despite claiming pure innocence
>>60241739 (Dead)
>Used an IRL picture of Denpa and played tic-tac-toe on her forehead despite the fact Denpa had asked for that photo not to be shared around and she was also being bullied very hard at that time. He has confirmed he still has not apologised to her.
>>61528985 (Dead)
>>62490487 (Dead)
>Tried to decapitate Iriya's reputation by publicly accusing him of being an anti for the simple fact that he and Camui were in the same stream at the same time because he was unaware you can watch a stream whilst being logged out. Camui insists that he's a reasonable person who just wants to solve issues but instead of addressing it privately by just DMing him, he maliciously tried to fuck him over
>>62411505 (Dead)
>Camui publicly called out Hanabi for not liking him since Hanabi has not drawn him even when requested and then refused to think that what he said was inappropriate despite multiple people saying he shouldn't air out his dirty laundry in the thread for the millionth time
>>62965096 (Dead)
>>62965408 (Dead)
>>62967854 (Dead)
>>62968367 (Dead)
>Camui claims that he has apologised to people and thinks that that excuses his actions despite the fact he literally learns nothing and keeps trying to publicly damage the reputation of others

>> No.64619519

are any of you faggots playing Quasimorph?

>> No.64619527

Stfu Abigail

>> No.64619528


>tabloid tier

>> No.64619539

what the fuck is that?

>> No.64619607
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Nah not him

>> No.64619610
File: 84 KB, 191x247, donkeydong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't remember....

>> No.64619619

Turn-based roguelike. Crushing difficulty.

>> No.64619643

looks like dogshit

>> No.64619649

bro it was like 2-3 days ago c'mon now.
I'm one of the few non-anime dudes who comes to these threads.

>> No.64619672

oh this fed nigger posted it, no wonder. Try getting some actual taste for yourself.

>> No.64619761

oh I think I played a demo of this during nextfest.
It looks neat but I don't like turn based stuff.
I prefer more active roguelikes like skul noita etc

>> No.64619762
File: 190 KB, 374x252, 1647359229502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok ok yep I think I know. I don't have your discord @ but mine is macchapin if you want to get something set up.

>> No.64619829
File: 342 KB, 1127x970, crossbowboys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do prefer stuff like Synthetik, but it's a nice change of pace I think.

I think it's fun. Getting one-shotted by certain enemy types kind of sucks though when you can't find good cover in time.

>> No.64619979

Ever since I started chuubing I've become more depressed. More paranoid. More isolated. More impulsive. Less productive. I've started having suicidal thoughts when I never had them before, and lately they've been getting more and more invasive to the point where usually around this time of day, it feels like someone is right in my ear screaming "do it, do it, everyone hates you and wants you dead anyways" and the only thing that distracts me is when I'm live.
It's not vtubing itself, but my time on /asp/ that made me feel this way. I know I'm not alone in this but I don't know why I can't stop coming here. I want to be free. I want to be free of this feeling. I want to die.

>> No.64620014

I feel the same. Please don't die.

>> No.64620164

Just walk away my dude, ignorance is bliss

>> No.64620175

I'm devastated and I'm not coming back from it. I've already given up on having happiness in this hobby(?) career(?) but can I make anyone else happy? It's the only reason I keep going but I feel like I'm failing. Every day something happens to remind me how much I'm failing at that. I'm rarely brought up in a positive light. Every nice thing someone says about me comes with a caveat. "I like them but"
Every time I see this, it cuts deeper. I feel like I'm being beaten into submission where I can only curl up and pray that the beatings stop. I'm so fucking lonely.
I just wanted to stream and have fun. Why did I come here? Why do I still come here? Nobody likes me or wants me. I feel like people think I'm the most unlikeable person in the world. I can't even answer the question of why I'm still trying because I'm hated no matter what I do. Maybe, metaphorically, I'm already dead.

>> No.64620210

it'll be ok buddy.
just do your best and try to find happiness through the little things until there's something bigger that makes you happy.

I don't know your life story but I understand the sentiment of your words just fine.
You have a good perspective and I think that's worth mentioning.

>> No.64620220

You can't base your happiness on other peoples' opinions of you. Sounds to me like you don't like yourself so work on that. Find and do something that you enjoy doing.

>> No.64620281

In a way I knew I'd never be hers but it was hard not to slowly fall for someone like her. It pains me that she longs for someone who can spin words like web while I can only play the role of clown. I hope she finds what she's looking for in the end, but despite my desire I know her road doesn't lead to mine.

>> No.64620333

I'll try, anon. I'm sorry to traumadump here. I know it's annoying. Just don't know where else to do it where I wouldn't be a complete nuisance.

>> No.64620360
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>> No.64620372

She obviously still thinks about you and cares for you. Give it time. I think you two can still be close again someday. Don't give up hope.

>> No.64620376

she my wife

>> No.64620379

Don't worry about it. It's good to vent, but if you can and it's affordable I would suggest you seek therapy for this. I've been in a similar situation and I still struggle with numbers=validation, but it's a toxic mindset that will just ruin you.

>> No.64620423

you're alright.
shit sucks sometimes and there ain't no easy way around it.
it always gets better though.
the bad times just come around to remind us to cherish the good ones while they're around.

>> No.64620445

/asp/ tourist here and what the fuck. I saw something about this Charlotte (who I first mistook for the black bear chuuba) and “glug guy” when doing reps for something else. I brushed it off but now I’m browsing here and I recognize this mrspanner guy as another regular in my oshi’s community. Can I get a qrd on what the fuck happened here?
He definitely did have some demons. I remember he alluded to having some dark times some months ago on his birthday but I hope he’s alright

>> No.64620454

Don't give him false hope man
She responded to his "I love you" with "I'm sorry" that was cold as fuck

>> No.64620462

Are you ever gonna stream pancake man?

>> No.64620484

damn i'd fucking kill myself. Can't wait for my oshi to say that to me too

>> No.64620508

This thread needs more sincerity in general. I appreciate you posting what you did and I really, truly, with all of my heart hope that it gets better for you. I'm so sorry that people treat you the way they do. If it's any consolation, there's no one here that I would say I like with some caveat, despite being far more aware of people's flaws than I seem to be. The good in (You) just shines so much brighter to me. I can only hope for the best for you.

Also, nice numbers. <3

>> No.64620518

Better to traumadump than in my DMs.

>> No.64620534
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It's time for Froggy 40k with Rogue Trader!

>> No.64620623
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>> No.64620656
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>> No.64620703

She is trying to make him move on. He is in pain.

>> No.64620712

This is why you don't do female vtubers and especially femanons

>> No.64620714

Viewer chan, my love where art thou?

>> No.64620717

Who the fuck are we talking about?

>> No.64620769

That's worse than flat out rejection
Women are retart

>> No.64620786
File: 325 KB, 1334x1334, undefined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me x You

>> No.64620817

It's Suyuro!

>> No.64620850

What is the right move then?

>> No.64620870

Just fucking reject him and move on. Either you like the guy or not

>> No.64620876

Pity nudes onegai

>> No.64620879

Why albert ? What's a crackship ? Eeeee

>> No.64620923

You may like the guy but not be able to be together. What then? Do you lie?

>> No.64620966

>You may like the guy but not be able to be together.
Example please, this is contradictory unless you talk about keeping them on a backburner.

>> No.64620990

Mond has a cute voice and is a kind girl.

>> No.64620999

crackship (plural crackships) (fandom slang) A ship that is canonically implausible, bizarre, or humorous.

>> No.64621000

I second this

>> No.64621001
File: 358 KB, 875x720, gos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell everyone that you have a boyfriend on day 1? You're just setting up situations if you don't have it in one of your About Me panels, how about a little honesty for once?

>> No.64621017

haha! it's suwawa!

>> No.64621019

Mond is a whore simple as

>> No.64621049

Charles Manson got married while serving a life sentence. There is no way your circumstances are worse than this.

>> No.64621071

Hello cute anon, sorry I’m not into beating people though…

>> No.64621099

Do you like multiple guys or something? Literally the only reason you could ask this

>> No.64621134

he wasn't a male virgin

>> No.64621208

>There is no way your circumstances are worse than this.
>not a charismatic psycho cult leader with a harem for many years
>not a convicted infamous murderer with horny female groupies standing outside the prison
yeah haha I sure have it better... I am so lucky

>> No.64621282

Don't cry

>> No.64621294

nta it is all about weighting your options, when you have options and some people can't commit, or take a risk.

>> No.64621450 [SPOILER] 
File: 1 KB, 112x112, kilroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgive the selfposting before bump limit.
apologies for not catching you earlier, critiquebro, i was dead asleep.
all natural. might play into the emotionless angle a bit more, could fit into what little lore i had planned.
when i ramble, i ramble hard. the last TA stream has it on full display.
to be honest, i just don't want to force topics. it always reminds me of those incredibly forced transitions into sponsor segments you'd hear in some podcasts. worst offender would be moistcritikal's, where the guys would say something along the lines of
>yes, placing blocks in minecraft is really fun, but placing balls is much better and balls need to be smooth and here's the entire script manscaped gave us to read, word for word.
painfully artificial, i prefer topics to come up naturally. point taken though. seems people like barely coherent esl rambling, i'll try to ease up a bit more.
also a good point. i try not to cover the game's ui too much, i'll eventually make a proper overlay.
kind of a running joke at this point. i just enjoy streaming too much, tend to lose track of time.
thanks a lot, anon. every bit of feedback is appreciated.
apologies for a wall of text.

>> No.64621639

Please talk to me.

>> No.64621662

Please talk to me too.

>> No.64621672


>> No.64621679


>> No.64621698


>> No.64621761

I miss you.

>> No.64621795

Are you guys always this menhera?

>> No.64621843

I miss you too.

>> No.64621851

If you miss me then please come back. I'm waiting for you. I've been waiting this whole time for you.

>> No.64621880

You don't, or you would talk to me

>> No.64621891

Only on weekends

>> No.64621923

I'm trying but you're dumb.

>> No.64621935

No matter what I say, you know my heart won't change so easily. You'll be on my mind every day like you have been since I met you.

>> No.64622123

You're not them. They know who they are. They're really good at guessing who I am.

>> No.64622222

What's the board where they talk about guns and weapons ? Need to ask how to get some firearms here so I can shoot myself for real this time

>> No.64622303

nice fantasy. mond is a stuck-up prude bitch who needs to shut the fuck up and bend over. i hate women like her

>> No.64622359

I miss the time when menhera stuff were contained on mondays. Now it's like schizoposting circus where all limiters are off

>> No.64622462

at first I thought they would message me but seasons passed I kept sinking deeper and my inbox stayed empty

that would be >>>/k/

>> No.64622540


>> No.64622581


>> No.64622641
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>> No.64622649
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>> No.64622670


>> No.64622695
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>> No.64622713

i really need to replay black souls...

>> No.64622717
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>> No.64622760

love your art, man.

>> No.64622809

What are you playing later?

>> No.64622938

Hello, /asp/ies. I will be online soon with the new funny Granblue game.

>> No.64623149

I love these.

>> No.64623193

haven't played synthetik in a while, might go with that. don't really want to start anything new at the moment.
wanted to read the boatmurdered lp at first, but i'd need a kind of "chatting" background for that.

>> No.64623522

please lemme marry your daughter!!!

>> No.64623538

I'll never recover from renata's OC being a flat hag maid it's like it's specifically designed for my needs

>> No.64623604

How do I get more people to notice/talk about me? I feel like I'm ignored a lot of the time and never get mentioned

>> No.64623631

Be a menhera

>> No.64623803

I'll never recover from the betrayal of her having massive bazongas

>> No.64623942

new bake

>> No.64624360

Shut the fuck up Denpa

>> No.64624445

Wtf that's not me

>> No.64624522

Oh my bad, well hello anyway! Hope you have a nice day :)

>> No.64624573

When will you brain dead faggots learn? The only time someone brings up Denpa in a positive way is Denpa herself fishing for yous and for more complements. Add her name to your filter list and the thread becomes less shit

>> No.64624762

Menhera as a male is a debuff but as a female the buff is insane. Just like the girls here get away with stuff that the guys get canceled over

>> No.64624896

I miss my oshi so much. I want to suck his dick so bad. Please stream again

>> No.64625231

aaaa I fell asleep before you could finish! Thank you friend, I will treasure it!!!
I wasn't expecting to see me while you were making it...

Sorry for lurking hehe.

>> No.64625297


too tired, I messed up the quote

meant for:
