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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 207 KB, 1629x1036, pippal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64614401 No.64614401 [Reply] [Original]

>defends her tranny friends for 3 hours
I thought she was supposed to be based?

>> No.64614446

>thinking libs ever tell the truth about anything

>> No.64614495 [DELETED] 

pippa kneels to trannies and nogs, she was never based

>> No.64614518

grifters gonna grift.

>> No.64614620

Based is relative. She's based if you're from NYC, LA, and other suspect places. If you're from anywhere else and not retarded She's milquetoast.

>> No.64614678 [DELETED] 

Trump lost

Zoomer election tourist hang yourself

>> No.64614695

So much for your narrative of her just being a grifter that parrots 4chan.

>> No.64614754


>> No.64614809

only brownvtm thinks plappa is based

>> No.64614845

She wanted more lewd artist to use Twitch but they got fucked instead.
Don't blame her, I too would've started using that site for viewing lewd artist getting shit done.

>> No.64614867

Not the first time this grifter shows her true colors

>> No.64614888

She has defended twitch twats before while claiming their haters are incels, don't even get me started on her shilling of obvious glowies like Alex Jones or the fed fat southern singer failed psyop. Moldylocks word is worthless and pozzed, I unironically watch her just to know how bad her takes are.

>> No.64614890 [DELETED] 

Bro who gives a shit about trump? He's from NYC too btw not sure what people were expecting.

>> No.64615015

grandpa, this is /vt/... /pol/ is this wa- No! That is /mlp/, this way gra- GRANDPA! Leave the fine folks of /k/ alone!

>> No.64615040
File: 120 KB, 1216x832, signal-2023-12-12-203242_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not as if any of these people, Pippa included, can just sink back into leftist delusions after learning the things they have. That's what shitposting is all about at the end of the day, there's just no way for them to leave this place and return to their own kind ritually clean, anyone who left the walls of safety to engage us can never really return home.

>> No.64615062 [DELETED] 

Fishman got a big investment for Phase from THE people that have CERTAIN last names, so now Pippa has to follow THEIR global agenda

>> No.64615068 [DELETED] 

Trump will never be president again. Kill yourself /pol/tard.

>> No.64615123 [DELETED] 

>youre telling me this le ebin /here/tuber is actually not part of my sekrit club and only cares about me for views??????
one day /vt/ will learn. one day.

>> No.64615187

this is based.
but v obv .
shes not transphobic, shes just edgy and apolitical

>> No.64615206

Defending your friends is based though

>> No.64615231

theyre going to anyone.
luckily none of them ever watched her anyway.

>> No.64615235

She's not based, she just grifts for the 4chan audience

>> No.64615251

>I thought she was supposed to be based?
I bet you thought she was pure too

>> No.64615267

are you guys just hallucinating the clip or something

>> No.64615275

she's retarded, big surprise?

>> No.64615280

not everyone is a clipfag, clipfag

>> No.64615347

Her chat was shitting on her the entire rant

>> No.64615418

Liar, post a clip of her rant and her chat's reaction if you want to prove it you Pippa anti

>> No.64615439

Nah we read threads here, thats good enough right?

>> No.64615449

>pretends to care

>> No.64615464

I only read thumbnails.

>> No.64615481

>going after someone's income is cringe
I hope deceptigoon remembers they said this the next time they demand someone be fired for saying something they disagree with.

>> No.64615499

i thought libertarians wanted more sexual freedoms, not less

>> No.64615511

libertarians are just one step away from thumping bibles

>> No.64615556

She and her corpo only became popular for her express distaste of (((wokeness))) and zionist pigs like glowroaches and cops. But now that she no longer needs 4chin meme fame she has done a 180 and constantly undermines the very people that popularized her. She is a pickamee grifter just like Nyanners, which is quite funny considering they hate each other.

Cry moar troon, the only people who pretend to tolerate you are blackmailed to do so under threat of losing their livelihood freak.

>> No.64615562

That's pretty based of her, given the environment in which she exists.
Real ones have their own opinions and don't follow an ideology that is popular around them blindly.

>> No.64615603

>tranny friends
Who and I mean who? I'm not watching
>3 hours

>> No.64615614

OP, she doesn't really have a stance on anything besides countering whatever the popular opinion is.

>> No.64615630

Yeah. I figured this out when she went from saying she loves the police to fuck all cops in like 10 minutes
Multiple times

>> No.64615651

She's literally me

>> No.64615656 [DELETED] 

there it is, Janny clean up this /pol/ bait thread, god don't you faggots have enough posts to make on your /pol/ board about MUH MIDDLE EAST WAR 999 over making shitposts on /vt/?

>> No.64615686

yeah, she's an idiot and a shitposter but she's not actually a bigot

>> No.64615779

Go back to your trash heap, you buzzword nigger.

>> No.64615813

you're in for a rude awakening if you think zionism ends with bombing brown children

>> No.64615814

Grifters are never based.

>> No.64615838

Where do you think you are?

>> No.64615851

nah, i'm having fun

>> No.64615893

Lol you trannys have no defense so you have to shut down the discussion of the massive L your cunt trannytuber took and how your damage control attempt through moldgollum backfired spectacularly.

>> No.64615999

>twitter screencaps reaction stream
This is somehow an even lower level then Forsen and XQC reacting to funny tiktok clips but it just works for ccv because zoom zoom zooomers LOVE this shit

>> No.64616053

She did parrot 4chan narratives before, which is why she is a grifter.

>> No.64616083

griftkin zax

>> No.64616084

Yes, then she found out she was making more numbers and money by exclusively appealing to twitter trannies and doing reacting content around their narratives

>> No.64616088

We are days away from witnessing an unironic, possibly career-ending lolcow meltdown from Pippa. It's gonna be bad. Not even her Kiwi gachis can pull her out of this one.

>> No.64616113

2 more weeks

>> No.64616135

And why would they give money to the direct competitor of a company owned by one of their own?

>> No.64616145

didn't she suicide bait?

>> No.64616231

she didn't, but she talked about having feelings like that, so people pretended she was baiting
it shouldn't be on the list of pippa crimes

>> No.64616239

When did everyone decide that liking 4chan requires you to have a specific political leaning?

>> No.64616271

anon, the fact she wrote on discord how easy it is to use people like you fir easy fame, then demonstrated it really doesn't make you the enlghtened chad in the equation
you and people like you get hit by grifters all the time beacause it's EASY, your opinions have so little general support that you gonna pay out the ass to any midwit with "based" takes, even someone like Pippa, and they laugh all the way to the bank

>> No.64616320

Maybe she shouldn't have appealed to /pol/tards when she was small and under twitter trannies radar only to switch to them after they picked her up completly changing the way she streams

>> No.64616331 [DELETED] 

>all these random polniggers
next you faggots are gonna start posting soijaks and pepes
go back holy shiet

>> No.64616333

2016 tourists decided that, alongside the oldfags that couldn't bear other oldfags disagreeing with them and thus sided with the /r/the_donald refugees.

>> No.64616343

>cops are leh bad
Found the leftoid

>> No.64616355

they already do in phase threads

>> No.64616363

When politics turned into troon/troon-supporters vs the rest

>> No.64616404

I haven't seen any in there, but they were posting dicks

>> No.64616423
File: 382 B, 128x128, 1683121410289669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64616436

Cops shot up Waco and Ruby Ridge

>> No.64616444 [DELETED] 


>> No.64616445

I don't understand how women can have any sympathy for trannies. How is the whole charade of AGP not a personal insult to them, like Rachel Dolezal was to black people?

>> No.64616469


>> No.64616482

not reading your retardation, dont know and dont care about your tuber, kill yourself and then go back

>> No.64616506

Isn’t Pippa friends with that Vtuber?

>> No.64616523

I'm so out of the loop, what did she do? The only thing I know is that she pandered to reddit at some point by criticizing the usage of words "trap" and "loli".

>> No.64616531 [DELETED] 

Your oshi is a tranny-loving hypocrite and a massive lolcow.

>> No.64616554

i dont know or watch either of them, RETARD.
kill yourself and go back

>> No.64616564

That’s literally all of it

>> No.64616566 [DELETED] 

ATF and FBI are different and are hated by both political sides retard

>> No.64616570

Is this a Trickywi image with Pippa photoshopped onto it?

>> No.64616572

Did Pippa even know who the tranny was? I didn’t initially, but apparently /vt/ pays way more attention to what the trannies are doing than i do.

>> No.64616669 [DELETED] 

>fine with trans
>barely hear or care about them
>people here hate trans
>constantly talk and think about them
you're doomed to run into this for the rest of your life

>> No.64616688

That's the most contextless image I've ever seen. How exactly does your image support your post? What narrative is this supposed to propagate and how did the retards on this board eat it up so easily? Not much for critical thinking on here huh.

>> No.64616716

I dont think she even remembers who that is. She got revenge by being way more successful anyway, and hes still a fucking joke that has to rely on outrage culture to remain relevant.

lol no

>> No.64616720

You're complicit.

>> No.64616774

It's an obvious Discord raid

>> No.64616782

>told everyone for years she was exclusively interested in girls
>cheated on her BF of several years to date roid rage guy instead
>gave up on making original music
>gave up on making an original VN
>stopped doing anything for her community
>Gushed about being a cat mom for several years only to pawn them off on other people when her BF said he was allergic
>went from unique content to discount veibae

>> No.64616802

only beatani and kiki were/are true /here/chubas. the rest are grifters

>> No.64616810

>Did Pippa even know who the tranny was?
Honestly it doesn't matter who the tranny was or even if they/them/xer was a tranny.
Deciding whether Twitch's ToS are retarded or not has nothing to do with that. If you have a solid stance on the topic it doesn't matter. Faggots here just want that person to get banned no matter the reason given.
But you can't say, based on what you believe this shouldn't be a bannable offense, but then say oh yeah that person should get banned for this because that person is an asshole.
It's beyond me how tards having an agenda can twist everything so it fits their narrative. They are just the same as the people they despise when it comes to this.

>> No.64616825

Libertadians are just Republicans who want legal weed

>> No.64616888

Its not so much that liking 4chan has to do with a certain political leaning but the people she catered to in the beginning and the people she streamed with were people who were on the right side of the spectrum and sometimes even pretty far right.

>> No.64616893

>watch based vtuber
>turns out she's a lying, grifting whore
happens all the time, I'm sick of these whores. Why cant there be an actually based vtuber

>> No.64616936

Until she starts spouting shit that the right wing fags on Kick do she's nothing but a grifter trying to profit off of LE RED PILL lonely losers that fill up this hobby

>> No.64616966

That was thirty years ago.
Now they're Democrats against gun control (like Pippa).

>> No.64617038

What an aggressively samefagged thread.

>> No.64617087

Will you watch a maletuber if I stream on YT one day?

>> No.64617166

>I don't even watch streams so this must a rrat and a discord raid!
Go watch the VoD for context you absolute retards.

>> No.64617245

Nope, that's the OP's job. If you want to make me give a fuck you need to make an actual effortpost. Not sure how you don't understand this.

>> No.64617246

>he doesn't know

>> No.64617250

why the fuck would I waste precious time just to look through this grfter's VOD? Just post the timestamp faggot

>> No.64617339

Nah they're just an unserious bunch of people who want to be what Republicans used to be. If any libertadian is advocating for gun control they're advocating for government involvement in something which goes against their whole thing.
Pooppa is just a left leaning centrist who calls herself other stuff to seem cooler than she is.

>> No.64617357

>Go watch the VoD for context you absolute retards.
but then I’d have to watch a pippa stream :(

>> No.64617399

Libertarians are just retards who have no actual political idealogy other than "the gubbermint is takin muh freedumbs". These people have no idea how society functions and would probably cause a total collapse of the global economy and infrastructure in a week if given total control

>> No.64617401

Well I watched stream and that's not what happened.
In fact she went off and told the tranny to kill himself.

>> No.64617403

Couldn't agree more

>> No.64617404

she was the original e-girl

>> No.64617437


>> No.64617455

Ironic that she's just 3dpd with her fuckbuddy now

>> No.64617457

Is anyone here from 4chan? I actually got linked this thread on Twitter.

>> No.64617459

It doesn't. The real truth is that politics are so insignificant if you are anti social, the fact it unironically gets promoted to reinforce a small sense of belonging is laughable. It's in the same spectrum of sports and religion and an easy topic for guys who lead insignificant lives to discuss and pass the time.

>> No.64617499

Unfortunately yes

>> No.64617500

You're raiding this thread from a troon discord, so this post is ironic.

>> No.64617513

No, this is ifunny

>> No.64617532

If you didn't give a fuck you wouldn't be replying deflecting faggot.

>> No.64617605

That's AI, you can tell by the pixels and the way they are.

>> No.64617608

God you Pippafags are so biased, if it was any other chuuba posted on the catalog you would post a streamable of the yab right away but ohhh just because it's 4chan's darling Pippa you fags won't even budge, KILL YOURSELVES

>> No.64617650

>twitch is retarded, look at what they did to this troons
>/vt/ claims this means she was defending said troon because he is a troon
Okay. You should have realized that Pippa is a lolbertarian by now.

>> No.64617674

The alternative is I like phase content, Pippa has been on the road, and got curious to what kind of yab it is this time. While still thinking politics is stupid and miss the days I could sage threads to maintain thread quality.

>> No.64617708

If someone posted the webm you'd realise OP is being schizophrenic

>> No.64617709

Try harder next time.

>> No.64617718

You can still sage, it doesn't show up since there's no email field but it still doesn't bump.

>> No.64617726

no, this is 4channel.

>> No.64617831
File: 259 KB, 300x480, Evil_Korone[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fnuo2y7.m4a].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cheated on her BF of several years to date roid rage guy instead
>gave up on making an original VN
>stopped doing anything for her community
These are just flat out lies. The VN one isn't even a good lie, she posted new art assets a month ago, streamed it 2 months ago. The others are just exaggerated.

>> No.64617884

>>defends her tranny friends for 3 hours
She didn't defended her retard, she defended the fact that no one should go publicly after peoples sponsors, which was surprising because apparently she doesn't have a problem if you just Email the comapny, I HATE THAT FUCKING TRANNY SO FUCKING MUCH she ruined and fuck with sponsors of Taiga she deserves what fucking happened to her, but Pippa doesn't know wtf happened with that situation so she is ignorant and right we shouldn't go after peoples sponsors because that presedent is dogshit.

>> No.64617904
File: 32 KB, 271x403, ESL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64617922

>All of this because Pippa is inclining in stream numbers
holofag snumberchimps are /vt/ plague

>> No.64617954

>she defended the fact that no one should go publicly after peoples sponsors
Subhuman beings do not deserve sympathy, if the troon didn't do the terrible shit it did in the past like you said, then I can agree with her otherwise Pippa is wrong, that thing deserves to lose everything.

>> No.64618018

You can tell by the number of images posted. Tourists don't have images that aren't frogs or tv memes.

>> No.64618019

I agree she fucked around and find out I am happy she got fucked I laughed so fucking hard, I am of the belief that you shouldn't fuck with peoples sponsor IF said people didn't fuck with other peoples sponsors, if you did than you can get fucked and people SHOULD get sponsors to drop you.

>> No.64618043
File: 2.53 MB, 1920x1080, ppiap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I will
Wait I didn't know Twitch's rules were adding caffeine to lemonade too

>> No.64618091

I wouldn't call showing a screenshot from the stream fucking with sponsors man

>> No.64618109

Does pippa do nothing but outrage reacts and kiwi shit?

>> No.64618180

>Does pippa do nothing but outrage reacts and kiwi shit?
that's literally her grift, she's like the nerdy anti woke youtubers that just post videos about "muh woke shit that sucks" to get more views rather than talking about shit she actually likes

>> No.64618219

I mean I can see where you're coming from but we actually don't know WHEN they dropped her, I doubt they did it after some replies to their tweets that just sounds dumb, maybe they were already contemplating that after she fucked up on twitch and they just use that opportunity as a scapegoat, but again anons nor pippa know 100% the reason as to why they dropped her.

>> No.64618241
File: 2.27 MB, 1483x6236, download (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See for yourself

>> No.64618288

Pippa pulled ahead of Kiara. Grim.

>> No.64618303

back to your cage, monkey

>> No.64618392

Unprincipled faggots
Taking away income from anyone because you personally disagree with their opinions/politics is NEVER a good thing
How the fuck are you adopting troon sjw behavior and pretending you actually stand for something or are any different from them?
The whole "it's okay when my side does it" mentality is fucking retarded

>> No.64618428

They were running damage control for him when the Hogwarts shit happened. Crazy modern American sensibilities are so warped these are the priorities companies hold.

>> No.64618437

why do you think we call her a grifter

>> No.64618471

Jesas you retards are even more insufferable than chumbuds. kys.

>> No.64618484

The point is that the person that lost a sponsor was doing the same thing a few months back trying to cancel other streamers. This isn't a case of "it's ok if my team does it", it's a case of you reap what you sow.

>> No.64618528
File: 96 KB, 900x1117, 1686572380729986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64618538 [DELETED] 


>> No.64618554

That abomination of a human being got what was coming to it, it did that shit to many other people during the Hogwarts shit and now that thing is just getting a taste of its own medicine. I rather they become a statistic but we all can't have a happy timeline.

>> No.64618560

That's still unprincipled
You don't engage in troon behavior because a troon did it first
Only a petulant manchild would be such a faggot to own some freak they would abandon their ideals

>> No.64618562

Oh yea I vaguely remember something like that I was about to mention it but I didn't really felt like fact check that but I knew something like that happened.

>> No.64618592

>We have someone ITT parroting Pippa's opinions
god her hardcore fans are so retarded, sometimes empathy or being principled doesn't matter in the face of righteous karma

>> No.64618614

Uh nice, a /pol/ Connect thread

>> No.64618617

So you're telling me you're in the right because you do the exact same things they do?
Literally grifter tier

>> No.64618644

You dont know what that word means ESL

>> No.64618657

I'm in the right because that THING is getting what it fucking deserves, now fuck off back to /pcg/

>> No.64618672

pippacucks will eat up anything kek

>> No.64618683

>streaming porn is the exact same thing as cancelling people for playing a video game

>> No.64618690

>Rape is bad and immoral
>But I would definitely rape a rapist
>They get what's coming to them
>They started it
That's literally you
0 principles
Literally a childish eye for an eye type of excuse

>> No.64618724

>But I would definitely rape a rapist
HOLY GOALPOST BATMAN, you're so fucking retarded please unalive yourself or go back to your fucking phasecuck discord.

>> No.64618819

Nobody mentioned rape anywhere troonlord
Back to kiwi connect

>> No.64618902

Yes literally if you're a fucking faggot that goes after other peoples sponsors you fucking unironically deserve for other people to fuck and make you lose your sponsors, Sorry shouldn't have been a faggot to begin with retard, unironically Pokimane deserves to lose sponsors after she fucked with It'sAGundam sponsorships, kill yourself fucking retard.

>> No.64618903

Punishing someone with something they're likely to do is appropriate. They should live with the law and social politics that they support.

I don't support the death penalty, but I won't cry if someone who does gets the rope.

>> No.64618906

yeah that's how it is, eye for an eye
but that's unrelated, these things are worse than rapists. they are pure evil, you dont reason with evil, you kill it

>> No.64618918

Rent free

>> No.64618950

If you're a fucking piece of shit human being that can't have empathy and enough decency to not go after other people's sponsors than you don't deserve that fucking decency retard, treat others how you want to be treated simple as that faggot.
