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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 233 KB, 349x441, groombullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64564058 No.64564058 [Reply] [Original]

Groombullet was recently exposed for potential sex pest behavior. A series of tweets were leaked by a mutual of a holostars superfan, they came from her private account so the culprit is likely a fellow woman jealous of the extra attention she was bragging about. Both accounts are now protected. I added this context because I think it is funny.

>> No.64564105

Alright what is op deflecting this time? Was it another NijiEN yab?

>> No.64564153

No deflections, no 2view twitlongers welcome ITT, just the facts as they stand until Cover looks into his DM history.

>> No.64564156

>recently exposed
you talking about the thread about a tweetlonger from 2020? >>64560904

>> No.64564242

No I am talking about the tweets about a holostars talent made by a holostars fan on her private twitter suggesting he is sliding into her dm's and nothing else.

>> No.64564366

Looks like a simple thank you, so what to get mad about? Unless you're jealous?

>> No.64564508

>he's flirting minnasan tasukete
>this is how I feel whenever I talk to him
>can he leave me alone he's so annoying i need him to sleep now
>Simple thank you
At least skim the fucking imgur, she may be lying but unless she is trying to frame him for some reason why would she?

>> No.64564599

Ok? He's a Holostars so who gives a shit about this faggot? Go to Twitter or something and stop spamming here.

>> No.64564739

>DMs a message of gratitude to someone on X, formerly known as Twitter
the bar is that low now is it?

>> No.64564807

Keep it in /MANS/, nobody else cares.

>> No.64564856

>implying that is all it was
If she is telling the truth in those tweets it seems more like a pattern of personal dm's - it's on cover to investigate fully but you can't deflect that easily when it's all laid out right there in the OP.

>> No.64564999

anon this is the same chick that thought Vesper was flirting with her whenever she pays him to read her cringe red SC's. She has no social skills if she believes two obvious gay men are flirting with her.

>> No.64565056

>If she is telling the truth
Anon, I don't even like GB, but that particular girl is well known for being delusional

>> No.64565093

yeah im totally gonna believe some rando twitter account (called goldbullet hater no less) that says goldbullet is flirting with them in DMs

>> No.64565103

Sure, she could be misinterpreting a friendly DM and lying about the rest that is obviously a possibility. But if she isn't and he is in regular communication with her as the tweets imply it would be a problem correct?

>> No.64565146

She is a massive well known holostars fan anon.

>> No.64565168

Sisters are trying REALLY HARD to deflect ITT

>> No.64565182

honestly who actually cares about this?
I don't care about him grooming lonely landwhales.

>> No.64565379

>gold bullet hater
>holostar fans

i dont get it why shes trying to do here

>> No.64565382


>> No.64565426

It's against cover policy and that's a good enough reason to care about it, grooming fans through dm's is 2view behavior no talent working for cover should be doing it in any capacity.

>> No.64565504

its a "cute aggression" kind of thing that's common with female weebs when they come across male anime characters they really like

>> No.64565511

Ok? Is it worth getting sand in your vagina over it? I pretty sure no one here gives a shit.

>> No.64565525

nerissa should be fired alongside him then

>> No.64565527

give it up faggot no one cares, you've made this thread 3 times already

>> No.64565619

Does Nerissa even DM leah or just give her lots of attention on twitter? Not the same thing if it's public interactions obviously but keep on deflecting.

>> No.64565664

not sure because hololive fans aren't retarded enough to leak dms

>> No.64565750

This is the first thread I have made and I did it to avoid all the 2view twitlonger nonsense accusing him of being a pedo muddying the waters.

>> No.64565983

>potential sex pest behavior
Only a woman or tranny would care about this

Even humoring you, you have no way of knowing how much of this is overreacting/delusional takes from a mentally ill woman

>> No.64565999

BASED sister believing false accusations of a man to try and take down his career, just like how we planned in our feminist agenda! Down with the patriarchy!

>> No.64566065

based, in his place i would have done the same thing. provoke jealousy of women to make the unfaithful cunts to give up and put the ones that actually want you into bitter rivalry.

>> No.64566067

Who cares if she's lying! We MUST take him down because he's a filthy icky m*le! Us unicorn trannies never do anything wrong btw

>> No.64566090

sis you’re steaming, come sit on my lap and calm down

>> No.64566093

the fact that there's so much falseflagging around this is really telling about how damaging it is for sisters

>> No.64566170

>You have no way of knowing how much of this is overreacting/delusional takes from a mentally ill woman
Neither do you, cover should look into it right?
This kind of post might make sense If I was taking the twitlonger at face value but I didn't post any accusations at all, I posted leaked private tweets from a fan suggesting that a talent is routinely dming her. And said he POTENTIALLY may be grooming her.
Update your deflection for this thread please.

>> No.64566210

Based. Ignore the seething sisters trying to protect their homo. Pathetic lot acting out in desperation, they are being vicious right now.

>> No.64566334
File: 780 KB, 1500x2125, 5cfa1fd9bd9e6ca3eee974fce99fb84a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies kill this spammer

>> No.64566443

>cancel culture is the cancer killing society

Not your personal army, seek employment

>> No.64566545

Who are you quoting?
>3 years ago
The oldest tweet in the imgur is from the 29th of november you must be talking about something unrelated.

>> No.64566596

Dont care this fag has been spamming and should be shot on sight

>> No.64566602

>superfangirling because gibby replies with a thank you, meaning she's excited she gets noticed.
>anons start seething.
see, this is why you're a basement dwelling virgin on disability checks.

>> No.64566725
File: 39 KB, 604x180, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those are made by me, and like I said I have no interest in the art tracing drama nothingburger.

>> No.64566823

I don't care if it's a lie or not, as long as it results in the reputation of a holostar being harmed/them graduating, I'm fine with it.

>> No.64566865

Nigger do you know what spam means? You echoing a spamming faggot makes you even more of a bigger faggot. Youre a faggot who loves telephone like a woman

>> No.64567216

>stop exposing the faggot
>you're a faggot

>> No.64567238

Sister you seem very upset

>> No.64567257

>basement dweller
>you're jealous
>who cares about the homos anyway go back to /mans/ (falseflag)
I know I am surrounded by heated women itt but you are free to hide the thread at any point if it bothers you, a talent possibly dm'ing a fan behind the scenes is worth drawing attention to and at the very least this thread does it with purely the leak in question and none of the extra chaff.

>> No.64567623

Wow hes very mad for being called a gossip queen
Make the transition, youre a woman at heart
4chan isnt your personal twitter circle

>> No.64567750

This dude is more likely to cuck the girls with their male fans so I really don’t care

>> No.64567923

My guy constantly DM’ing a single fan id a huge fucking red flag, idc what sort of cope you come up with, this shit is suspicious as fuck

>> No.64567929

acting like a faggot to make women feel safe is a textbook groomer tactic

>> No.64568181

I am not sure if tako donates a lot or not but if she does him dming her could be part of the cutthroat war to snatch up the limited paypigs for the holostars by making them feel extra special.

>> No.64568185

Yes we know. All male Vtubers are either faggots or sex pest groomers. There is a reason no one is watching them.

>> No.64568255
File: 11 KB, 207x240, 1000002374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was it another NijiEN yab?
Hating the homostars is a HoloChad pastime, anon.

>> No.64568306

Acting like a faggot is also a textbook faggot tactic

>> No.64568387

a real chad move would be to just treat them like they don't exist

>> No.64568522
File: 774 KB, 1260x840, 1692805966287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64568552
File: 441 KB, 799x799, 1701651749581030.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cancel culture is just a bunch of twitter troons fighting for attention because their target doesn't aline with their views
>Unless it's someone I don't like,then it's completely ok!
This is the only board i've seen that has this mentality. I'm starting to actually believe that /vt/ is just a bunch of women LARPing as unicorns and pretending to be outraged.

Real unicorns don't give any kind of shit about what the homos are doing, you aren't fooling anyone sister.

>> No.64568610

This board was reddit central from day 1. It should come as no surprise.

>> No.64568627


>> No.64568646

lmao they really are seething so hard
it's always so easy to recognize female posts

>> No.64568774

Cancel culture would be containment breaking or spamming cover over something mildly retarded like what Ruze said, I don't doubt some people did do that but for the most part people just mocked him for it here.
Cancel culture is not bringing up actual potential policy violations and wanting cover to investigate it, which is my position.

Also I don't care what your definition of a
>real unicorn
is or what they care about because that is the most tortured buzzword in existence on this board.

>> No.64568993

Nothingburger, also OP sounds like a complete loser

>> No.64569094

>Real unicorns don't give any kind of shit about what the homos are doing
Being hyper vigilant of what men are doing is literally the whole point.

>> No.64569238

>Actual homosexual grooming a female
Do you really think so, anon?

>> No.64569367

There are different types of grooming than the sexual kind, he might have been trying to finesse her into being a loyal paypig who knows

>> No.64569584

He also gave her a drawing made by him, which is supposed to be a paywalled perk from his memberships, no wonder another sister ratted them out. This is why you don't DM and play favorites with your audience. Absolute 2view behavior

>> No.64569654

retardchama his menshi isn't open yet

>> No.64569662
File: 619 KB, 977x936, 1702652885667454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Actual homosexual

>> No.64570025

Sisters are so mad their groomer's getting called out lmao

>> No.64570088

>shitposts and doesn't do their reps

>> No.64570103
File: 548 KB, 512x512, 1691812126491835.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>did do that but for the most part people just mocked him for it here
What? Some of the most iconic posts and threads on /vt/ are the result of containment breakers starting a cancel culture thing on twitter or in vtuber's superchats. You don't think Ant hime's Froot series or the huge outlast against mori in 2022 wasn't started from /here/?
>Being hyper vigilant of men who real GFE holo's avoid like the plague
Ok femanon, I'm totally sure that just watching their oshis and only their oshis isn't the point at all.

>> No.64570220

>parasocial le bad now
The lengths whorokeks go to try shitting on stars now rori

>> No.64570516

>fag hag

>> No.64570578

How did you get parasocial le bad from that? I don't give a fuck if she loves her chuuba the point is him dm'ing her over other fans is small indie groomer moves and alienates any other fan who finds out about it, hence the leak.
Also this was the riro ron defence/cope
>she actually cares about her fans I actually have a chance
We all know how that turned out right

>> No.64570601

Nah, if someone is part of something I don't like, I'll always be happy at his downfall. It can be troons, gladiators or undercover cops, as long as they put a bad light on the people I don't like, it's good for me. Not gonna start chimping about it though, I'll just laugh if it's real.
Call it pettiness or anything else, I'll keep being fullly unapologetic about it.

>> No.64570729

>It's against cover policy
is it? JP Holos do it

>> No.64570756

I hope the grooming is true so I could shit on whoever the fuck is managing homoshit.

>> No.64570765

Are the sisters only going to spam dox in the numbers thread when this gets brought up?

>> No.64570808

>J-just bury your head in sand! That's what Ch-chads do!

>> No.64570833

What a fucking faggot

>> No.64570968

Hololive unicorn attempting to get a homo fired

>> No.64571118

Did any of this make sense in your head? Try saying this out loud so you can understand how stupid it really sounds.

>> No.64571322

Either he is dm'ing her before she goes to sleep and sending her art like her string of tweets say or he isn't sis, it's really as simple as that and it's for cover to find out what the truth is.

>> No.64571413

It's a pretty easy solution to this drama, just let Cover go through and confirm that he isn't doing any shady shit on his corporate account

>> No.64571838

Agreed and despite the sisters getting very defensive once /vt/ found out about it that is exactly what they wanted to happen when those tweets got leaked. I doubt the guy will get more than a heavy bonk or a suspension at worst even if he did do it so I am not sure what the issue is other than avoiding more embarrassment for the branch.

>> No.64571890

>I'm totally sure that just watching their oshis and only their oshis isn't the point at all
Yeah it isn’t, unicorns would bitch about chuubas responding to men or talking about them otherwise.

>> No.64571924

Sisters I will support you in this hate crusade if it means we can eliminate one of the homos. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, afterall.

>> No.64574267

i honestly think the one fighting here is nijisister vs stars sister lol

>> No.64580951

so did anything happen while I was asleep or nothing happened as expected

>> No.64584040

goldbullet is getting prepped for a lethal company collab if you want to watch!

>> No.64584065

And in the case there is shaddy thing? just in case what would (you) recommand as a cource of action?

>> No.64584763

They are the same people, provable by chat overlap statistics. It’s a bunch of porky brown girls with below-average IQ.
