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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.64560651

Cover translation

Anycolor translation

>> No.64560726

Q2 gross profit margin

Cover: 3.331 billion yen
Anycolor: 3.065 billion yen

It seems like Cover beat Anycolor this quarter

>> No.64561061

3 billion yen
21 million dollar PROFIT in only a quarter year.

If you support or watch big corpos you're a fucking moron

>> No.64561110


>> No.64561288

Didn't ask
*akasupas my oshi*

>> No.64561391
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>niji EN in the legend
>no niji EN in the graph
I kek every time I think about that concert

>> No.64561715

What sort of retarded reasoning is this? They are making a lot of money so you shouldn't watch them? Why is that?

>> No.64561743

You shouldn't support them financially. Do not buy anything from them.

>> No.64561769

I only buy from them sorry

>> No.64561779

Again, why is that? You want them to starve to death or what?

>> No.64561940

They won't starve to death because they have enough money.

>> No.64562069

They should stop making money because they have enough money..??? This is gross profit you know, cover has 500 employees and 80+ vtubers to pay, plus all the other bills they pay and whatever else they invest in other projects.
Concerts arnt cheap to hold, their studio isn't cheap to operate, Holoearth isn't cheap to make and you can't grow if you don't do these things.
Your seethe is without reason.

>> No.64562079

And? That's like indie game faggots, they say that indie games are better than triple A games but they never mention the tens of thousands of trash indie games, picking Hollow Knight among dozens of thousands and saying that indie games are superior is a faggot move

>> No.64562200

it will probably reverse for Q3, Cover's Q2 included the EN concert, 5th gen concert, summer concert, Blue Journey concert, and Towa sololive, while Anycolor really had no ticketed events in Q2. Q3 is going to include Nijifes, although Cover did have Pekora's sololive and also has a streaming-only ticketed christmas live coming up.

>> No.64562309

Cover paid around 8 mil usd to talents this quarter, i think they do need the money coming

>> No.64562313

I buy all my oshi's albums and you can do nothing about it.

>> No.64562411


>> No.64562573

Only read over Cover’s so far, but seems like while growth is slowing it’s nothing worrying. Would still invest but less bullish than before.

>> No.64562582

>wagie flipping burgers for 8 hours
>boss gives me my paycheck
>next shift
>customer refuses to pay me because I have money now
You are retarded

>> No.64562610

Cover had a good year

>> No.64562616

>every live in JP was a flop compared to connect the world

>> No.64562632

Don’t bother with them, you can’t convince em.

If they wanna donate to multi millionaires, it’s their choice.

My oshi is from holo, and I love her stuff. Still not giving her a dime, I simply need the money more. If people here thought with their head instead of their penis, they’d come to the same conclusion

>> No.64562647

>talents bring in 21M
>get paid 8M
>13M to executives

>> No.64562717

Anon finds out how capitalism works

>> No.64562744

Shareholders probably think they shouldn't be paid that much

>> No.64562817

okay. Now it's your turn. Go inside the helicopter commie.

>> No.64562849
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I'm gonna give my money to whoever the fuck I want.

>> No.64562956

What kind of fucking shit attempt at psyops is this?

>> No.64563281

>Vtuber says you shouldn't donate if you need the money more
>Does so
>Dirty commie reeeee
Stop simping for vtubers and go back to your grave, McCarthy.

>> No.64563400
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>1.2bn Yen paid out to talents
>8 million USD
>distributed among 87 talents
>this is just one quarter
tfw even shitters like Ollie easily clear 6 figures a year

>> No.64563548
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>revenue % from actual streams steadily decreasing
no wonder the girls are streaming less and less

>> No.64563620

Why even bother putting nijiEN?

>> No.64563646

Gotta love how staffs are nonexistent in this conversation

>> No.64563653

??? Are you mentally impaired? Of course they’re all rich

>> No.64563866

That's what negotiation is for. Apparently they've thus far come to an agreement both sides can work with.

>> No.64564042
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Reminder that the top 20 holos make 60% of the revenue.

>> No.64564173

How much are the top 20 nijis make?

>> No.64564198

>Mysta graduation
>Nina graduation
>Zaion drama
>Luxiem losing all their paypigs
and yet all of this only amounted to a 13% drop in revenue?
being realistic seems like both companies are doing great.

>> No.64564275

Seething indie hands wrote this post

>> No.64564371

>20 billion yen studio expenses
>Other investments
If you are trying to argue about employee exploitation then cover is the worse Target you can choose.

>> No.64564430


>> No.64564477

Thats what shareholders do, what matters is what cover wants to do and they seem to hold the belief that they should compensate the talents properly so thats what matters.
Things will be different if they decide to change this approach, but cover has shown time and time again that they aren't profit hungry and are willing to do the right thing.

>> No.64564544

Not how that works but keep in mind all of the girls are from different countries with different economies, the ID girls might be in the top bracket of their country.

>> No.64564788

That just means NijiEN was never a significant part of Anycolor in the first place.

>> No.64565002

Shareholders don't get dividends.

>> No.64565105

i mean they debuted 12 new chuuba since then which is pretty grim

>> No.64565167

how is that grim? they clearly think it's still profitable to debut new waves and apparently it is since those 12 chuubas seemingly canceled out luxiem losing all their fans.


why is it so hard to discuss nijien on this board?

>> No.64565278

This guy can't even read, 21M isn't their revenue, it's their expenses. The other 13M is the rest of the outgoing money.

>> No.64565381
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Lmao, I’ll enjoy my new Promise Acrylic stands when they come

>> No.64565459

>a couple 3views making 2 dollars a day makes up for the entire country of China
And other things Nijicucks tell themselves.

>> No.64565489
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I’ll still rather Supachat and Member a JP holo that I can barely understand than do that for a 2 view indie

>> No.64565507

But which small corpo has the means to organize multiple big concerts every year?

>> No.64565509

I would say Cover is fairly profit hungry but not at the talent's cost. They just put out more and more things for the fans to spend on. There was a time when the hololive shop didn't have much to buy because almost all merch was seasonal, but now it's full of all kinds of stuff you can buy at any time AND there's tons of seasonal merch both in and out of their web store.

>> No.64565535

I will support what I enjoy, especially my oshis. Cope, 2viewkek.

>> No.64565554

>debuting 12 new chuuba
>revenue decrease -13%

hows that not grim?

>> No.64565658
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Reminder that Nijisisters claimed this was a legit concert and event.

>> No.64565719

Because they knew Luxiem numbers were unsustainable. Vox and Luca used to have paypigs throwing $10,000 per stream at them and now they can't even beat Pomu's numbers. Only a 13% drop in revenue after losing all those paypigs suggests they're generating plenty of income through other sources like new debuts.

>> No.64565844

NTA, but to be fair, he was probably talking from AnyColor's perspective. It's grim for the chuubas, but less so for the company (since VTubers don't cost that much). Once their stats normalize to the post-Luxiem era, it will eventually go up with more debuts.
It isn't as rosy for the chuubas, though...

>> No.64566077

the chuubas are doing fine though. millie literally addressed this, her income from vod views alone is enough to cover her expenses. pomu/selen are both above the emote cap for members which means they receive over $100,000 a year just from memberships. maria is a 3view and still finds the money to put out new song covers every month, and she's very transparent about it. selen somehow manages to put in $10-20,000 for massive projects every year. you guys need to stop doomposting about a branch you don't even watch.

>inb4 someone posts the kunai playboard
even kunai said she's doing fine, vtubing isn't her primary income and her living expenses are apparently very cheap. if she was concerned with money she would change a lot of things about her content i imagine. if you want to compare, Vivi is doing more than fine pandering to lazusydia fans. she gets 100+ gift memberships every stream.

>> No.64566113

Least obvious insane commie.

>> No.64566206

I remember very well those nijikek gloating so much about anycolor revenue. they went really silent now LMAOOOO

>> No.64566263

Can I get a TL DR on this? Im not good with graphs and #s

>> No.64566346

holo beat niji in Q2 2024

>> No.64566364


>> No.64566739

if what you are saying is true then next quarter nijien revenue will dropped harder.
1.900 B revenue during last quarter are when peak luxiem and anniversary.

>> No.64566846

Q4 also includes xsoleil and noctyx anniversaries. In fact that's probably why they're investing so much in Noctyx content the last few months to build hype for the anniversary. If those events do well then it would cancel out Luxiem's revenue drop. If AR Live is finally happening it'll be in Q4 as well, so there might be a revenue gain.

At least if I was a Niji shareholder that would be my thought process for maintaining confidence in EN.

>> No.64566863

/vt/ is one of the few boards on this site that will actively deepthroat massive megacorpo cock and thank them for the privilege, AND they'll do it for free. The replies here are just another indicator of how hard reddit invaded 3 years ago.

>> No.64566913

Yeah no shit the most popular make the most money

>> No.64567271
File: 297 KB, 339x370, 1689252231833506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your indies are shit

>> No.64567544

Cover started out as a small company, having the all corpo=bad mentality just makes you look like a child that dosent know how the world works.

>> No.64567835

should be noted that the holo graph is ALL of their branches and the niji one you’re saying “was beat by holo” is only JP. counting EN, holo lost again.

>> No.64567974

that is a good point, if anycolor just did the cover strat of rolling both JP and EN into one graph it would look a lot better for them. being transparent about EN's decline is likely for a good reason, like they expect it to turn around and can boast about it in the future.

>> No.64568108

So is it just the giga big earners in niji carrying them?

>> No.64568178

Q2 2024 holo beat niji anon...

>> No.64568240

And if it doesn't turn around they can eliminate the branch for a good reason. Cover runs a charity and wants to make it look like all branches contribute equally when they're really carried by holoJP entirely.

>> No.64568286

dont bother with investors lol. just today alone niji lose -13% stock price because of nijien decline.
they want a result not waiting game

>> No.64568474

Niji's brand isn't really built on individual members carrying them. They treat the company more like a collective and will throw random livers into events just based on whoever's free at the time. So no it isn't likely Kuzuha is the bulk of their earnings. People like Maimoto rarely stream and get very mediocre numbers for most streams but then break records with Koshien every year.

>> No.64568913

Without raw numbers you can't really make that claim. The percentage is obviously going to go down with the increase in merchandise and concerts each year, but the raw numbers could still be going up.

>> No.64569435

I'm too lazy to verify your numbers, but in this case, wouldn't I want a low net profit? In fact, as long as the business is in the green, I want the gross profit to be as low as possible given that vtuber revenue cuts are direct costs/cost of sales?

>> No.64569815

The top ikemen(kuzuha, fuwa, towa) in nijisanji are absolutely bringing more money than Maimoto lol it is top heavy

>> No.64570046

in merch sales sure, but that's the same as Gura outselling everyone else in EN despite never streaming.
nijisanji isn't overly reliant on the top guys if they go on breaks or decide to tank their channel with kusoge streams. akina never fucking streams and still sells a ton of merch.

>> No.64570092

I would argue that Niji is even more top heavy than holo because the majority of them are literal whos.

>> No.64570609

Livestreaming is a small amount of the profit, merch, events, collabs are the things bringing money and Kanae, Kuzuha and some other dudes are absolutely carrying that.

>> No.64570736

Just JP has twice the number of holos...

>> No.64571448

>counting EN, holo lost again

What are you looking at? The Q2 numbers in the graph:

COVER: 7133 (JP+EN)

ANYCOLOR: 5200 (JP)+1263 (EN) = 6463

Or am I missing something?

>> No.64571567

nijisister your math…

>> No.64572832

vtubing is fucking dying while 2 corpos make seveal tens of millions every couple months.
This shit is fucking dystopic.

>> No.64572927

These two companies are the reason you know about vtubing, anon. Without them the vtuber market would be a fraction of what it is today and your indie 2 view would be a 1 view.

>> No.64573037

This is a cover employee.
Nobody should make that much from streaming. Specially when the vtubers avatars, 3D and computers are dogshit quality

>> No.64573098
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EN depreciation costs millions in book value and thus provides a low EBIT.

>> No.64573358

Imagine being retarded enough to pay 40 times the price for a piece of paper and some plastic, of which will go mostly to the corpo.

>> No.64573359

They are not selling you a vtuber avatar, a 3D model or a computer.

>> No.64573440

Imagine being demented enough so say this while posting these two, who massive indie shitters.
Holodrones are mentally insane.

>> No.64573601

Fuck off. Vtubing is a thing because of Kizuna Ai.
Without these 2 corpos vtubing would be an actual hobby instead of mindless brand cocksucking.

>> No.64573679

Yes, they are, when I watch a vtuber I consume those assets as part of their entertainment.

>> No.64574688

>Muh 3 minutes videos
You spend more time talking about it than watching it

>> No.64575026

Microsoft was a small company started by a handful of college dropouts hustling software that barely worked.
Amazon was a tiny bookstore operating out of a garage.
Google was just two guys who wanted to organize their favorite websites in one place.
Cover was just a guy and a small team who wanted to make video games.
Such poor, small, struggling companies such as these are so deserving of all my money and support, wouldn't you say?

>> No.64575984

>the chuubas are doing fine though
Ive heard that song and dance before from Gundou and other jp livers back when they in the company and then changed tune the moment they were out.

>> No.64576584

>says indies are bad
>posts multi year long under appreciated indie talent

Are you retarded?

>> No.64576821

Dying? Only in EN maybe. In JP it's back to it's natural state before the pandemic.
In ID, together with unmapped markets like TW, KR, and CN, vtubing is just started.

Only in EN where every metrics looks to be in decline, even after JP market has stabilized, EN market keeps declining.

>> No.64577028

nah its dying in jp as well if you look at things outside the big 2

>> No.64578665

Replace CN with TH and your post will be more believeable

>> No.64579424

Wait what? Q2 2024?? I'm drunk but i'm sure we are still in 2023 also the numbers look good compared to Q2 2023 and they don't even have an event to boost commercial sales.

>> No.64579680

at least there are good indie games, when was the last time a AAA game was any good? like a decade ago?

>> No.64579804

Too soon anon

>> No.64579807

yeah, I don't bother supporting any big chuubas who are already making millions. What's the point of that? It's not even a drop in the ocean.

Baby indie chuubas who are barely scraping by but putting out great content need the support way way more. The support goes way way further.

>> No.64580380

I saved it for nijisister

>> No.64583002

Ah yes Q2 2024 still feels like it was yesterday.

>> No.64583139
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Mid tier gacha games make more.

>> No.64583379

Which is probably why Yagoo tries to make one and was following the whole NFT stuff on twitter.

>> No.64583433

I've always said that if cover wanted to make REAL money, they would just copy and paste blue archive's UI and replace everything with hololive girls, you could pull your favourite members and the limited banners would be their various costumes. Slap in a wholesome power-of-friendship story, predatory in-app purchases and a daily grind to work towards and BOOM cover makes a trillion dollars

>> No.64583456

Yeah a decent Hololive mobile game will probably make 3x more than the entire company today.

>> No.64583544

Is Nijisanji just bad at business?

>> No.64583562

They're fiscal years, not calendar years.

>> No.64583572

I like supporting successful businesses.

>> No.64583816
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Per month.
