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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 111 KB, 278x254, Shiina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64566462 No.64566462 [Reply] [Original]

>Survived the biggest yab in the history of vtubers
>Is on her way to 4view after years of hard work
She made it. Apologize.

>> No.64566511

>biggest yab
that's not rushia

>> No.64566549


>> No.64566603

Not the biggest yab but certainly one of the funniest.
Also, her model is sexo.

>> No.64566647

I'm kinda out of loop what was this yab yall are talking abt lol

>> No.64566710

Because she turned it around and became Grandma Friend Experience.

>> No.64566729


>> No.64566754 [DELETED] 

If I remember she boyfriend yabbed at debut and immediately graduated before joining sad girl company.

>> No.64566838

She was around for awhile before she actually graduated to join Phase.

>> No.64566879 [DELETED] 

OH, she was THAT girl KEKW. Glad to see she's trying her best despite her mistakes(I don't care about her having a bf, it's just that chuubas tend to disappear after a yab like that)

>> No.64566988

I know everything about your character and tastes by this one post alone.

>> No.64567101


>> No.64567111

Not even the biggest yab in Hololive, newfag.

>> No.64567197 [DELETED] 

She's the girl that said "my boyfriend... oops..." when taking about a wonton recipe. She didn't survive though, that was a death sentence for her character, she had to change tags/avatar and the incident still follows her to this day.

Mostly she laughs it off nowadays. She's still with the same guy, btw.

>> No.64567242

>Survived the biggest yab in the history of vtubers
I wouldn't even put it in top 10

>> No.64567468

I hate whores but that's pretty chadded of her to walk it off

>> No.64567643

I followed her after the sakana interview. I officially kneel.

>> No.64567676 [DELETED] 

No one cares if a random vtuber has a bf, any girl that is able to tardwrangle a whole community while working a full time job is guaranteed to have enough social skills to get a boyfriend. It's likely all vtubers have boyfriends or could have one of they wanted to.

>> No.64567690 [DELETED] 


>> No.64567793

>could if they wanted to
obviously? thousands of people would, that's the point
ok whore

>> No.64567938

I assure you the majority of the vtubers male audience is single, and they don't want to buy condoms for someone else

>> No.64567979

the majority also does not donate and also use adblocks

>> No.64568013


>> No.64568092

>some underage faggot trying to type a discord emoji on 4chan, that also likes being a cuckhold.

>> No.64568126 [DELETED] 

how is having a boyfriend the biggest yab ever? are you really that new, OP?

>> No.64568478 [DELETED] 

The biggest yabs are all bf adjacent, and this is also true with real idols too, but for it to be a big yab the talent actually has to be relevant. And no, chinks being schizos doesn't count as a yab.

>> No.64568664

If she doesn't do GFE or parasocial bait then who cares.

>> No.64568728

She does, at least before the slip up she would always make a big deal out of being single.

>> No.64568753

lol good for her
But I'd never watch her

>> No.64568805

>Keep PL drama for the most part in their PL and move on.
It's really not that hard. She's a pretty good corpo chuuba, despite being in the Pippa company.

>> No.64568812

Well that’s just called lying. My mommy told me that’s bad

>> No.64568847

Does she do it as Shiina?

>> No.64568918

it's from twitch, retard

>> No.64568938 [DELETED] 

Lollll, is it her? But that was almost 4 years ago, in the end most of the vtubers are the same girls as always with other models

>> No.64569664
File: 109 KB, 1153x1050, 1701264746288997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...That's it? A slipup from her PL?
I'd hardly call that "the biggest yab in the history of vtubers", when pic rel actively fucked paypigs and her manager.

Stop being so dramatic, there are heavily GFE based Holo's who went through the same exact thing, and nobody cares.

>> No.64569828

>muh chyna
no one cares fag

>> No.64569883 [DELETED] 

>still with the same guy
Proof? Or at least give me a clue. Not that I care, but I'm curious whether she slipped up again or something.

>> No.64569949

>the biggest yab in the history of vtubers
The Anon was definitely being slightly exaggerated, but you had to have been there to get Wontons. It was a significant moment in early EN Vtubing

>> No.64569951

I didn't make fun of her after her fuck up, but I must admit I lost my sides when she slipped up. The reaction and realization was too funny to not feel disgusted. Good job for her though.

"Oh shit"

>> No.64570000 [DELETED] 

Every time she talks about her “sister” that lives with her that’s actually her boyfriend lol

>> No.64570060 [DELETED] 

She never slipped on stream again that I know of, people people found her irl socials last year. No ring on her finger yet, but yes, they live together.

>> No.64570112 [DELETED] 

Nobody cares about the green whore either and Hololive is better off without her. Your point?

>> No.64570172

Literally who?
And having never heard of this person, I cannot have done anything to apologize for.

>> No.64570235 [DELETED] 

>Early vtubing
>Significant moment
>Indie accidentally revealing a bf #198
I have some of what this anon is smoking, must be strong.

But really why do you all care so much? If it's the past it's the past.

>> No.64570279

>Early vtubing
I said early EN Vtubing, i'd call you illiterate, but you're probably just being disingenuous

>> No.64570299 [DELETED] 

Nahone, sister cover-up makes sense.
She literally destroyed herself after that yab, while hololive maybe slowed down, but it's still going strong. Sure, magnitude of Chyna yab was bigger. But overall Rushia yab was more damaging to her than CN shit to holo

>> No.64570357 [DELETED] 

Somebody definitely cares because you can be banned for simply posting the word "wonton".

>> No.64570391

>actively fucked paypigs
It doesn't seem like a bad thing. She seemed very proud of it and her fans are advocating for her. She just has a different target audience. It's like when Belle Delphine made a sex tape. The fans liked it.

>> No.64570515 [DELETED] 

It was a bad thing because she wasn't giving her jew pimp his cut

>> No.64570526

Guess you missed the part where she denied it but claimed she couldn't elaborate because muh NDA?

>> No.64570646

Laughable numbers, why do small corpos are so uppity about shit like this go back to your shitty threads and stop scraping the catalog for some pity additional viewers, gross shilling attempt

>> No.64570685

>biggest yab in the history of vtubers
In 2021
>is on her way to 4view
Congrats. I laughed when she tried to get away with the fuckup. I still do.

>> No.64570770

Does she do coomerbait stuff? Her model is super SEX with the DFC

>> No.64570798
File: 23 KB, 318x293, 1700139012346876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks 2021 is considered early EN vtubing
>When EN was already blowing up with 4views on twitch a full year before MYTH debuted
I'd call you an oblivious new fag, but you're probably just being disingenuous

>> No.64570809

>slip up
well it wouldnt have been so bad if she handt been posting "im so single, forever alone" memes on her chuuba account. Avoiding mentioning about a bf is kinda expected in this industry, but straight up lying, manipulating is kinda like you only see your audience as atms.

>> No.64570860 [DELETED] 

Yeah, lying whore indeed

>> No.64570891 [DELETED] 

I'm not going to be called a newfag by someone who didnt even know about wontons

>> No.64570940

it's normal to find ant poison placed where ants have been seen. It doesn't mean you deeply care about the ants.

>> No.64571026

It was a totally irrelevant yab, she's just retarded and bad at fanbase management or keeping her mouth shut.

>> No.64571083
File: 197 KB, 406x371, 1699795947454345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has she address said drama or is just vtuberasylum(kiwifarms) sisters running damage control for /pcg/ ?

>> No.64571084 [DELETED] 

She lives with her sister now.

>> No.64571148

She made jokes about it.

>> No.64571167 [DELETED] 

>But really why do you all care so much? If it's the past it's the past.
Look at this thread. They're still claiming she's a wontoner. 50% of /vt/ are seething 2views and vtweeters, they see any opportunity to tear someone down they will take it.

>> No.64571205

>when pic rel actively fucked paypigs
Nope, only one pig kek. the rest got cucked HARD and are in a constant state of coping by calling it "based."

>> No.64571212

>Having zero knowledge on the EN vtuber scene blowing up in 2019-2020 doesn't make you a newfag
>Not knowing some 2021 PL dramabait that no one cares does.
It's ok to be comepletely a newfag fren, we all have to start somewhere. Give it an other year and you'll be able to actually call out other newfags someday :D

>> No.64571213

No, she calls herself grandma and 'a hag' and treats her fanbase as zoomer kids.

>> No.64571228

>It's likely all vtubers have boyfriends
>or could have one of they wanted to.

>> No.64571233

>They're still claiming she's a wontoner
watch streams

>> No.64571235

Not really, but she's fine herself with people cooming to her.

Riro is a different case, since no corporation would willingly touch her after the shit she did. She sort of has to double down because she's known as the girl that probably fucked a fan/manager.

>> No.64571256

Never, after that stream where she cried for her dry old womb because she was alone and shit I can hardly trust vtubers anymore.

>> No.64571268

Go back to discord you fucking loser. Always with the retarded memes. Why don't you watch streams instead of shitting up the board because you're a seething vtweeter or a dramawhore.

>> No.64571321

>retarded memes
You really do not watch streams, huh. Don't get mad when people repeat the jokes she makes herself, idiot

>> No.64571323

This thread has proven that no one gives a shit precisely because she's never been relevant.

>> No.64571475

I wouldn't call her "relevant" in the sense that people usually mean (gigantic numbers) but just about everyone who was around in the early days of of ENtubing would know her, if only through the yab clip.

>> No.64571709

Bro not a single anon cared about this outside of maybe 1 thread back in the day. Stop trying to act like this was the rushia yab of EN.

>> No.64572400

Then it's fine. All I know about her is that she wanted to put out a porn animation of herself and got pushed back by her manager.

>> No.64572686

>got pushed back by her manager.
dont tell me you believe that

>> No.64572773

Was it proven otherwise?

>> No.64572826

do you not know an obvious excuse when you see one?

>> No.64572867

This is embarrassing

>> No.64572956

I'm pretty sure this thread only exists because Pippa and Dizzy mentioned Shiina having PL troubles recently, in their pre-gen3 video.

>> No.64572958

Eh, I honestly do not keep up with PC enough to know about this, but it seems the kind of stuff a manager would intervene.

>> No.64573062

Fucking schizo, you are baiting with this kind of things only to show your anti face like always.

>> No.64573133

If the management didn't want to to do it they wouldn't have let her in the first place, she just got cold feet about it

>> No.64573146
File: 1.97 MB, 1200x1600, shiina-tan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>damage control for /pcg/
There are zero butter cookies in any of the phase threads /here/. The closest thing to any organic presence she has is one particular schizo anti who shows up to call her a leech whenever another Phase girl mentions her.

>> No.64573175

>Is on her way to 4view after years of hard work
It shows that the vtuber community has no true standards.

>> No.64573226

You have to be 18+ to post on this site.

>> No.64573228

>There are zero butter cookies in any of the phase threads /here/.

>> No.64573250 [DELETED] 


>> No.64573373

most vtubers could have a boyfriend if they wanted to, sure. Buy why would anyone who doesn't have an actual cuckold fetish watch a girl who isn't a boyfriendless virgin?

>> No.64573432 [DELETED] 

literally what could a girl do that was worse than having a boyfriend or revealing some dude was fucking her? like I think the only thing could be if it was a tranny, but even then you would be able to hear the troon voice

>> No.64573497

doxing her coworkers

>> No.64573597

unless one of her coworkers has a boyfriend/husband I really don't see it as that big of a deal. Like people care way more about amegeddon than they do about >why did she do it bros. seeing as >why did she do it bros is literally just a joking shitpost

>> No.64573664

Most fans don't pretend like vtubers are their girlfriend.

>> No.64573971 [DELETED] 

you are unironically a tranny or brown if you think that. Look at how fucked bae gets with her numbers for being a fag enabler compared to some of the other girls who don't fag enable.

>> No.64574037

This is why I only watch pure vtubers like FWMC and Biboo

>> No.64574106 [DELETED] 


>> No.64574134 [DELETED] 

Hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. >He doesn't know

>> No.64574153
File: 232 KB, 620x1458, pcg_anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know threads just aren't a great representation of the viewers/fan base as a whole.

>> No.64574177 [DELETED] 

Bunch of cucks.
>He doesn't know.

>> No.64574179
File: 54 KB, 690x312, 1702086953130585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you are a faggot

>> No.64574207 [DELETED] 

Almost all of them do legit have boyfriends, too. Pretty much every single girl with face leaks (nearly all major vtubers) have a bf

>> No.64574228 [DELETED] 

Who. I don't post in kiwifarms thanks very much. That place is a mental asylum worse than the asylum.

>> No.64574251

I told you
a faggot
I don't go on austrian forums either

>> No.64574260 [DELETED] 

So everyone. So all vtubers men and women are whores.

>> No.64574262 [DELETED] 

Sad because Bae is one of the few vtubers who’s actually hot IRL and single

>> No.64574282

jottem is not a name. It's a biboo 'goke'.

>> No.64574346 [DELETED] 

Never I have been in kiwifarms. Neither I have a account like some Redditors.

>> No.64574371

we don't care zoomertard, go back

>> No.64574377

How will she interact with Saya?

>> No.64574412

most of EN is pretty hot, which makes someone like mumei's autism more confusing. like I can understand 100% how an asian girl with fob parents can be autistic and hot. no idea what mumei's mom did to her to make her that much of a neurotic autist

>> No.64574426

You're probably the kind of retard that thinks ancient doxx still applies to their current lives

>> No.64574436
File: 308 KB, 1350x1200, 1701315181537551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you put goke in apostrophes? Makes me you think you don't realize it's a good goke.

>> No.64574472

If I become a vtuber do I get a boyfriend?

>> No.64574517 [DELETED] 

Dox autists are pretty advanced and keep strong records labeled by year. If they had a bf when they first started as a vtuber, why would they not have one a year or two later?

>> No.64574520 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 301x301, nigga stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be your boyfriend anon

>> No.64574569

People break up genius

>> No.64574577 [DELETED] 


>> No.64574685

>why wouldn't anyone risk their newly found elevation of status and income to be a deceitful whore

>> No.64574696


>> No.64574700
File: 36 KB, 566x528, 1699832502647206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it matter if they don't bring it into their current incarnations? This entire thread reeks of some seething paypig doing reps for the first time ever.

>> No.64574784 [DELETED] 

And people get new relationships… if they were hiding a bf in year 1, why would they not in year 3?
They’re good looking for chronically online women (besides Bae who’s actually gorgeous). EN > JP > Indonesia, kinda sad that nobody from Indo was hot

>> No.64574818

As long as they don’t lie, their IRL lives don’t matter.

>> No.64574864

i think the funniest part about this board, as evident by this thread, is how underaged retards don't understand that most actual virgin women are not gonna know how to entertain a male audience. there's a possibility that they're single, but the image of a pure virgin vtuber who can captivate men(kind of generous to call you that) is just very unlikely.

>> No.64574919 [DELETED] 

if you want to see virgins trying to entertain men see fuwamoco

>> No.64574989

They weren't, that's why that shit was public at one point, because they were regular ass people. When they entered a new "relationship" with their newly found fame/fanbase, with the premise and image of being single, now it's a different situation and there's an understanding that they're getting support under those circumstances. You're comparing apples to oranges.

>> No.64575007

fuwamoco, gura, bae, irys, beboo, lisa, a decent number of jp,

>> No.64575187

>my normalfags are interesting and entertaining
no they're not, go back to twitch btw

>> No.64575205 [DELETED] 

Most dox is about currently-vtuber years, the pre-vtuber shit is just reaching so autists can know what their favorite vtuber looks like. There’s legit nothing wrong with a vtuber having a bf if she’s not lying about being single. Mumei openly has a bf and she has a thriving career

>> No.64575239

Men are easy. Just be nice to them.

>> No.64575328

>just straight up lying now

>> No.64575606

Most vtubers are boring.
This business is pure emotional manipulation.

>> No.64575844 [DELETED] 

Mumei and Fauna are probably the most confirmed to be currently in a relationship

>> No.64576016

>stupid faggot doxxfreak continues to lie because of their jealousy and bitterness
you're just making yourself uglier with this bucket crab mentality

>> No.64576027

I dont watch either of them because of that and I am sure I am not the only one. promise really doesn't do as well as myth does

>> No.64576142

You hate Hololive though so why would you be watching them in the first place?

>> No.64576174

I literally watch gura exclusively

>> No.64576204

yeah sure you do "chumbud"

>> No.64576212


>> No.64576227 [DELETED] 

Mumei broke up before she joined Hololive

>> No.64576281 [DELETED] 

she didn't. I do believe the fauna was making up a fake boyfriend due to autism rrat though
I literally don't know the names of any vtubers other than those in hololive, henya, pippa and lisa

>> No.64576313 [DELETED] 

She did, if you're going to dox at least do it properly

>> No.64576354

Why are you small corpo fans so miserable that you need to attack more successful talents?

>> No.64576389 [DELETED] 

citation needed
again, I exclusively watch Gura. I haven't watched a pippa and lisa in like 2 years.

>> No.64576406

sure you do "chumbud"

>> No.64576428 [DELETED] 

>citation needed
Watch streams
How the fuck can you exclusively watch Gura, she doesn't even stream anymore

>> No.64576549 [DELETED] 

why would I watch mumei's streams? she doesn't even stream and isn't pure like Gura
keep being salty, pajeet. don't you have an irys stream to watch?

>> No.64576593 [DELETED] 

>I do believe the fauna was making up a fake boyfriend due to autism rrat though

>> No.64576608

You don't have to watch her stream but don't pretend you know anything about her if you don't

>> No.64576744 [DELETED] 

that doesn't sound like a black man's voice
citation needed on her being a pure no boyfriend virgin

>> No.64576759

I will never get /vt/'s obsession with breaking kayefabe. It's not that hard to ignore roomate activities you crybabies, grow a pair.

>> No.64576770

>doxxfreaks salivating at the opportunity to post their old crumbs
It's funny to think they save this shit as if anyone will care. Twitterfreaks really are disgusting "people" who can't wait to jump on the opportunity to cancel someone.

>> No.64576874 [DELETED] 

You might be right. The last bf leak for Mumei was Nov 2021, so she might have broken up with him around the time she joined Hololive. Fauna on the other hand lol

>> No.64576893

>grow a pair
Nobody is growing anything. They are cutting them off these days.

>> No.64576938 [DELETED] 

Mad for nothing, this man wouldn’t love his oshis if they weren’t single. They’re playing a character, their private life should be separate

>> No.64576982

Gura and FWMC are one thing, do they even use Fauna as a contrast to all the whores out there?

>> No.64576996

good thing some people aren't fine with two-faced deception like you

>> No.64577050 [DELETED] 

>two faced deception
>the truth makes me mad so it’s a lie

>> No.64577110

>the truth
you're the schizo who assumes every vtuber is a deceitful whore

>> No.64577133 [DELETED] 

You wanted proof of Fauna having a bf and you got it faggot lmao

>> No.64577140


>> No.64577214 [DELETED] 

>for having a single bf outside of their job of playing an anime character

>> No.64577228 [DELETED] 

once again you doxxfreaks are exposed as disgusting people who will dig up ancient irrelevant shit to smear people

>> No.64577238


>> No.64577287

I know you're a woman who literally cannot understand male psychology, so maybe being on the vtuber board isn't where you belong. Just think back on the last time you actually watched a Hololive stream and you'll realize maybe you're not in the right place.

>> No.64577381 [DELETED] 

>having a bf is smearing

>> No.64577479
File: 994 KB, 896x905, shiina n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last year she was a 300 ccv streamer.
This year she is almost 1k.

Phase Connect is doing extremely well

>> No.64577483

now you're getting why it's seen as being a deceitful whore when they or real idols have one and its a huge yab

>> No.64577616 [DELETED] 

You type like you base your entire personality around edgy vtuber drama YouTubers

>> No.64577652

I accept your concession

>> No.64577663

Most vtubers aren't entertaining at all though. At most they are cute and clingable

>> No.64577827

Phase Connect now has 5 girls within striking range of a 1k average.
Pippa gets 3k
Tenma gets 1k
Shiina, Jelly, and Lia all get around 700

But Shiina exploded this month for some reason, so suddenly she's near a 1k average. Soon Phase Connect will have 5 vtubers that average over 1k. Their streams a year ago were getting 1/2 or 1/3 of this viewership.

>> No.64577897

yes, it should be a requirement that all vtubers are single and virgins

>> No.64577929

I would never watch her but good on her for moving on from that situation and gaining some success. She seems pretty wholesome from the little of her I’ve seen.

I don’t think most people care about vtubers having bfs as long as they never bring them up on stream. Who really expects a young woman in 2023 to not be fucking someone?

>> No.64577993 [DELETED] 


>> No.64578021

>the biggest yab in the history of vtubers
Holy fucking fuck, you guys can't possibly be THIS retarded. Please tell me you're all just trolling, for the love of god.

>> No.64578032 [DELETED] 

You’re a cuck and you’re watching a deceitful whore

>> No.64578219

Name 1 vtuber that you can be 100% sure of is single. Please find me this heavenly untouched maiden who is definitely saving her body for her chat.

>> No.64578220

Don't listen to them. OP is just seething his dox thread didn't end up with tourists shitting on her like he wanted.

>> No.64578341 [DELETED] 

She Won a ton

>> No.64578576

NTA but you're an idiot. Look the word up in a dictionary and get the fuck out of my hobby, newfag. Vtubing isn't what you imagine it to be in your schizo fantasies and it never was.
I'm a male and watching a Hololive stream right now btw, since you seem to care for some reason

>> No.64578689

Gura. Gura said on stream that she is a maiden even after chat explained it meant virgin

>> No.64578821

You can delude yourself about reality all you want, but most talents follow the general code to avoid the obvious yab. They wouldn't DELIBERATELY be avoiding such things if they knew it wasn't something people wouldn't see as negative and deceitful.

>> No.64578948
File: 482 KB, 1754x1240, 1664112902456960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura is a lovely maiden.

>> No.64578972

why does /vt/ have so many females

>> No.64579041

Apologize for what?

>> No.64579282 [DELETED] 

Gura is a lovely pure maiden, senzawa is almost as much as a whore as nyanners. I can’t believe pomfpomfpomf was only 11 years ago

>> No.64579320

doxxsissies really going all out today, did they suddenly remember nobody loves them or something?

>> No.64579474 [DELETED] 

What the fuck, are you calling me a doxxer for saying what everyone knows? Are you retarded, even normalfags know that shit

>> No.64579515
File: 47 KB, 596x340, 1680948408866150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64579539

when did sen ever have sex?

>> No.64579685 [DELETED] 

Literally who
With me

>> No.64579746

NTA but anyone genuinely hurt by something they willingly looked up themselves can't complain about anything. What reasonable point is there in telling the world about your personal life?
Sayu the twitch indie did just that recently, and rightfully go completely shit on for it.

>> No.64579758

Why are you even in this thread if you don't know who that is?

>> No.64579774

>what do you mean, this stuff was all public at one point!
typical doxxfag schizo thinking

>> No.64579905 [DELETED] 

Still is public

>> No.64580095

They avoid talking about their boyfriend on stream, not having one. And they mostly do it because it's not relevant to their content (or in the case of GFE chuubas, breaks the immersion) and there's no point in making yourself a target for schizos. But there are numerous ones who don't care and talk about it anyway, including popular ones.

>> No.64580208 [DELETED] 

I don’t watch vtubers at all and I know a few names from clips and booru tags. I just like /vt/ because anime girls make my pp hard and the people here are incredibly easy to fuck with

>> No.64580372

Your intent is disgusting and intended to smear people with old shit you dug up. Stop acting like it's anything but subhuman.
People shouldn't, and shouldn't have to "look things up"
doxxfreaks are subhuman, but it's also not right to take advantage of the known fact that people are supporting you under the premise of you being a single woman on the internet. You can argue with me all you want with your theoretical argument, but time and time again, as with idols and the likes, this phenomenon is going to exist until the end of time. It is an inevitably because of why men even become attached to women in the first place. It is very easy to remove them from your audience, make one single line ever (in current life) with relationship status, but nobody will ever do that. I'm not even making a personal argument here. I'm just stating the obvious of what's going to happen and why it does. But you're free to have your surprised pikachu face whenever a yab happens.

>> No.64580470 [DELETED] 

TLDR can u shorten this to 2 sentences or less

>> No.64580543

ok: be consistent and people won't bet upset when there's a contradiction between expectation and reality

>> No.64580573 [DELETED] 

Be consistent with what

>> No.64580669

figure it out yourself retard, it's their yab they're staring down

>> No.64580737
File: 95 KB, 273x271, 1701735866488261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon you're posting in a thread made by a dedicated anti of some smol corpo girl from /pcg/. Your words are right, but they fall on deaf ears.

>> No.64580967 [DELETED] 

Doesn’t change the fact ur oshi has a bf no matter how much you type

>> No.64581091

>trying this hard to >we everyone into their whorishness

>> No.64581359 [DELETED] 

damn u just double greentexted me wtf… but who are you quoting

>> No.64581524

What happened to "funny webm" threads? I remember some tranny outing themselves because some soda shrinks your penis but that was a long time ago

>> No.64581667 [DELETED] 

I had a friend who drank soda daily and his teeth were rotten stubs by 30. But what does that have to do with this thread?

>> No.64581685

ask your discordfaggot friends, maybe one of them has a clue about board culture

>> No.64581826

Vtubers may just like the idea of treating vtubing as fictional characters, therefore not wanting to mix their vtuber identity with anything IRL. If you are blaming other people because of your mental weakness and inability to restrain yourself from looking doxx info up, it's all on you. Rather, try to not get attached next time.

>> No.64581970

>biggest yab in the history of vtubers
Comparing who yab with a holo yab is retardation, it's like comparing a president stealing and a homobeggar being a killer, the killer is multiple times worse but the president is way more important so his yab is bigger even if it's smaller

>> No.64581982 [DELETED] 

>biggest yab
>not idol
false flagging faggot, go back to your jewtubers, i heard they have really good yabs over there

>> No.64582011


>> No.64582111 [DELETED] 

If you’re not going to get attached why watch at all? I need my oshi to know I’m defending her from doxxers on 4chan, femcels from kiwifarms, and sjws from twitter. It’s a tireless job between sending her my paychecks

>> No.64582110

>Your intent is disgusting and intended to smear people with old shit you dug up.
I hope you end up with a prostitute because you don't have the guts to ask about her past

>> No.64582287

People that say they don't care about a woman past would immediately recoil in disgust if they knew their sister choked on 100+ dicks, and sometimes more than one at once

>> No.64582389

In most relationships, real and otherwise, not getting "cheated" on is much more important than someone's past.

>> No.64582677

And someone's past is a guide to see if they'll cheat on you, it isn't perfect but who do you think is most likely to cheat, a girl on her first relationship or a bitter 30s roastie who fucked half of the town?

>> No.64583127

Okay but the doxxshit people post is irrelevant because it's not people being whores, just normal ass people being normal ass people without red flags with regard to devotion. So yeah, overwhelmingly people are most concerned with not being "cheated" on. Obviously a cleaner past is better, but your example is pretty much irrelevant. Even then, you could always argue that people deserve a chance under different circumstances.

>> No.64583383
File: 664 KB, 758x483, 1702677095648989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>her fans are advocating for her
/jidf/ and riro fans were venomously defending her in threads for weeks during her suspension. The fact that they immediately did a 180 as soon as her fucking a fan was revealed, shows that her fans "did not indeed like it".

>> No.64583541

Damn, this thread got massacred.

>> No.64583974
File: 109 KB, 1000x1000, kuoresu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hated by jidf
that's a good thing

>> No.64584575
File: 81 KB, 240x240, 1689271067186514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point I think the jannies are only leaving this thread up as a honeypot to hand out 3 week vacations to the usual dox suspects biting bait

>> No.64585846
File: 61 KB, 800x442, 1702048595492056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 girls
aren't you forgetting someone?

>> No.64586307

"Operator and actor"
For some reason, my mind made me think that her character is some kind of object or vehicle lol

>> No.64586381 [DELETED] 

Lol then why did she keep on harping on-stream about being single lol

Lying whore

>> No.64586491


>> No.64587063

She still occasionally does gfe and when she gets drunk she talks about how she's lonely and single. If you dont believe me check the archive. It's been awhile since one of those streams but pcg talked about it when it happened.

>> No.64587784

her's was bigger, shiina was basically the point and laugh of the entire industry

>> No.64587818

Even when not doing GFE related content she occasionally makes self-deprecating "forever alone" type remarks. I remember during a collab with Pippa or Tenma she said something like "let's be real I pretend to be an anime girl online I have zero chance of finding a husband and starting a family". If she said that kind of stuff back in the day as her PL it's no wonder people still seethe about her.

>> No.64587896

>any girl that is able to tardwrangle a whole community while working a full time job is guaranteed to have enough social skills to get a boyfriend
the reality is that behind every successful vtuber is a boyfriend/husband managing her
this is why you can tell when women are single, they get extremely unhinged on social media

>> No.64588021

most guys just want to be lied to and sold a fantasy, it's just how it is
realistically though, women shouldn't be doing this job if they have a boyfriend, because the boyfriend is most likely just pimping you out for money like with amouranth

>> No.64588121

I've heard 'Pilot' used for it before, so bet some see it as something like that.

>> No.64588414

He's not that new because he makes the same thread every few months

>> No.64588518

>did a 180
When I went to their general they kept defending her and calling her based.

>> No.64588591
File: 1.42 MB, 1500x1500, 1473478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sad.

>> No.64591538

Pilot wtf haha
So your character is a ship / vessel / aircraft xD

>> No.64591774

""let's be real I pretend to be an anime girl online I have zero chance of finding a husband and starting a family""

Keeping it real fake

>> No.64591817

Great, go back there and watch ironbeaner. Don't come back here.

>> No.64595972

Nah, there are a few butter cookies in the Phase threads. You only see them when she streams though. I'm one of them.

>> No.64597339 [DELETED] 


>> No.64599443

kek, you wish that was the biggest yab.

>> No.64600464

Fishman really does have a janny on his payroll. Pathetic.

>> No.64604177

anon it's very easy to send a cease and desist email to 4chan legal

>> No.64604378 [DELETED] 

im not going to watch wonton whore fuck off you annoying shill cuck

>> No.64605227 [DELETED] 

>(in Chinese cooking) a small round dumpling or roll with a savoury filling, usually eaten boiled in soup.

>sexually unrestrained or having many casual sexual relationships
>(typically used of a woman).
>"her cheeks burned as she recalled how forward she had been, how wanton"

>> No.64605974

HOLY FUCK its the mango!!!!1

>> No.64606943

they really do.
