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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 466 KB, 1043x845, fuwamoco inclining.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64533967 No.64533967 [Reply] [Original]

over 30k viewers, this is better then gura has done in a long time

>> No.64534015


>> No.64534046


>> No.64534084


>> No.64534112

Why so many viewers? I just tuned in and there's nothing really going on, it's basically a chatting stream.

>> No.64534128

Yeah except it was massively botted, probably by (You). Just fuck off already and stop dragging chuubas into whatever schizophrenia afflicts you, faggot.

>> No.64534206


>> No.64534221

Lots of viewer engagement since they are getting the ornaments from people on Twitter.

>> No.64534248


>> No.64534304

It's genuinely just the /#/ bot guy again. Not trolling.

>> No.64534342

>B-but b-b-bots

Get a life

>> No.64534389

>streamer you don't like is doing well

>> No.64534447
File: 6 KB, 197x256, 3837271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Mococo

>> No.64534476

>30,000 viewers
>only 1.5k likes
I didn't believe the bot rrats but this is undeniable, what the fuck

>> No.64534511
File: 136 KB, 632x968, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just bots! Nobody can beat Gura-sama...

>> No.64534548

Wild how apparently easy it is for Youtube to get botted to shit back and repeatedly for months with no actions taken, but "twitch numbers are fake"

>> No.64534597

It's showing 4.3k for me

>> No.64534614 [DELETED] 
File: 370 KB, 1315x778, 85671946245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sine wave
This guy is the worst schizo /vt/ has ever produced, and you have one single thread to thank: /#/.

>> No.64534670

It's quite literally bots, I'm not even on some hater shit >>64533451 but you can literally see them jump up 15k viewers in the span of like 10 minute lmfao

>> No.64534688

It's literally just the one guy. /#/ mind broke the living shit out of him.



>> No.64534689

the last time youtube mass purged bots /#/ threw a bitchfit because it nerfed hololive's numbers and then they started spamming youtube's twitter account over it. youtube just doesn't care anymore.

>> No.64534753
File: 165 KB, 890x764, 1702240661240894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually bots though

>> No.64534768

hey, who cares if he wants to waste his money. Incline lets goooo.

>> No.64534777

It actually is bots, it's some retard with a, apparent vendetta against /#/ trying to use it as an excuse to nuke the thread and to shit on holofags for everytime they made fun of other streams being botted so he can now point the fingers back at them when it's all his doing.

>> No.64534786 [DELETED] 

Why don't you just do combined Twitch and Youtube tallies or whatever the fuck it is he wants instead of antagonizing him to the point he's actually harming Vtubers?

>> No.64534789

this makes so makes sense sister

Gangnan style has 5 B views and 27M likes all bots too. you are so smart!

>> No.64534813

I'm not looking into a single one of those posts.

>> No.64534943

Gangnam-style has been out for over 10 years. This stream has been out for less than an hour.

>> No.64534945

>Just give into the terrorists
Never, Canadian.
>he's actually harming Vtubers?
This doesn't do shit to them lol

>> No.64534950

We do not negotiate with terrorists or their demands

>> No.64534959

mind if i take this pic

>> No.64535005

who exactly? the feelings of this mongolian basket weaving board? people will continue to watch stream, the retard will continue to waste money fighting the ghosts in his head.

>> No.64535030

>check the graph
>a literal sine wave
well...weird shitposting angle I guess

>> No.64535049

lick dat boots

>> No.64535057

I genuinely don't get why numbers isn't banished yet
They produce nothing but shit like this and do zero good for the board
I realize every thread has shitters but their's is exclusively shitters

>> No.64535127

>Why don't you just do combined Twitch and Youtube tallies
He already does it himself, he even posts it in every single thread. People just dismiss it as a shitpost because it is just that.

>> No.64535129
File: 540 KB, 1920x1920, _1702264631797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's been like a week since his last melty

>> No.64535152

One of the mods likes it. That's literally it.

>> No.64535167

He could just stop obsessing over numbers like a normal person. Ruffians are still watching and enjoying their streams as normal while the nijifag bots obsessively spams /vt/.

>> No.64535213

Turn off the bots, Holobros..

>> No.64535239
File: 26 KB, 669x213, 1200x630ws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64535240

Are numberfaggots literally retarded? It's an extremely bad thing to have all of your streams botted and it can get you in trouble, both on social media and with the platform. Why is your "daily gold" more important than Fuwamoco's Youtube channel?

>> No.64535270

meta shitposting threads like /#/ have been purged from other boards for less. it's literally just because a mod likes posting there. that's also why the catalog is full of garbage 24/7.

>> No.64535314

>who exactly?
No way in hell botting streams constantly won't eventually bite a channel in the ass at some point.

>> No.64535337

anon the retard doing this is completely mentally broken
there is nothing that will appease him at this point
he'll keep doing this forever at this point so just get used to it and hope it doesn't hurt their channels
literally the only way it will ever stop is if the dude gets doxxed

>> No.64535359

Honestly I think the greatest argument for why numberniggers should be banished to /trash/ is the fact that you guys gave birth to new a schizo that has an actual tangible effect on holo, and literally have the power to get rid of him but just choose not to for the sake of your containment thread's ""pride""

>> No.64535361

but I don't care about this "gold"? where did I say that I even care about him going schizo at some thread.

>> No.64535372

>numberfags are SEA
>meidos are SEA
Not too hard to figure out

>> No.64535396

Chumbud here, I'm all in on FWMC

>> No.64535439

That requires further evidence such as the comment section being filled with bots

>> No.64535445

>No way in hell botting streams constantly won't eventually bite a channel in the ass at some point.
if it does, a competing corporation can just keep botting their competitors.

>> No.64535484

Have you even tried negotiating with him? Because he's been doing it for months and all you've succeeded in doing is whipping him into a frenzy. He's your responsibility now, everything he does is your fault. He'd go away if /#/ was pruned.

>> No.64535500

Just ban all non general thread in the catalog to funnel schizo to /#/. That'll increase the quality of the board

>> No.64535525

>so just get used to it and hope it doesn't hurt their channels
wait so you're saying there's a way to hurt their channels?

>> No.64535531

the only reason companies don't do that is because it's a waste of money. sabotaging your competitors won't make people watch you.

>> No.64535533

Sin(θ)... home

>> No.64535538

/#/ raids other generals all the time. They aren't a containment thread at all.

>> No.64535564

Ruffians, I kneel

>> No.64535573

Who's mad at FWMC? Twitchschizo?
Even Twitch Vtubers are giving up their Twitch channels and starting Tiktok/Youtube shorts.
Why did you think a Youtube Vtuber would start Youtube Shorts and never succeed?

>> No.64535579

"hope" it doesn't
nobody really knows how it works
so far it hasn't as far as anyone can tell, but who knows if that will last or not

>> No.64535594

Don't you think you may be just as bad pulling out all these posts?

>> No.64535608

It's a containment general. We don't want them shitting up the rest of /vt/.

>> No.64535623

>Negotiating with terrorists
Not on my watch bucko.

>> No.64535622

When will you understand.


>> No.64535656

>We don't want them shitting up the rest of /vt/.
But they already do. Their threads contain nothing.

>> No.64535678

>literally have the power to get rid of him

>> No.64535725

Yeah it totally works. There are never multiple numbers related shitposting threads on the catalog and number shitposting in other generals all the time.

>> No.64535747

Containment general don't work, retard.

>> No.64535754

It's Fauna/Selen schizo.
FWMC is just his latest target but he bots her anytime Fauna streams to take away her "cripple gold".
Guy has been spamming /hlg/ for 4 years already.

>> No.64535774

stream numbers are deflating now

>> No.64535850

They're doing it specifically to hurt the stream and claim that other numbers are also bots. It's schizo behavior and the guy doing it ought to be banned for raiding.

>> No.64535862

>It's a containment general
Like 1/4th of the threads on this board at any given moment are either just blatant numberfagging or someone concern trolling about numbers
What exactly does it """"contain""""?

>> No.64535881
File: 1.00 MB, 1260x712, hh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes there's a reason for that lmao
he switched them to mori

>> No.64535891


>> No.64535914

He's throwing a fit again lol

>> No.64535952

Nah, it's just that 20,000 people coincidentally decided to stop watching in the last five minutes.

>> No.64535955

it went from 15k to 8k in 1 second for me

>> No.64535982

Kek, imagine wasting money because some anon on /vt/ make fun of you.

>> No.64535987

The nijifag shitposts hologenerals. He'd just go to others and shitpost without # because he's mentally ill. No one who does this >>64535129 wants to negotiate. He simply needs a range ban.

>> No.64536015

The only way /#/ gets banned is when Cover's legal team finally takes action. So when /#/ gets fucked, you'll know that the lawyers are breathing down Hiro's neck.

>> No.64536035

As soon as you posted this, Mori's stream jumped to 10k lmao
This retard is literally just going from holo stream to holo stream, he'll probably go after Council's collab next

>> No.64536068 [DELETED] 
File: 463 KB, 1920x1080, 023968265023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold! The work of /#/.

>> No.64536112


>> No.64536133

Ban this general already.

>> No.64536137

*a mindbroken nijifag

>> No.64536186

/#/ is an anti thread, what a surprise wow

>> No.64536213


>> No.64536243

No, he hates Fauna so he's doing it to spite her.

>> No.64536287

>he's still trying to pin the blame on /#/ for his botting
keep wasting your mom's money bro, one day it will work

>> No.64536290

Didn't this site find that dude who was abusing his pets and get him arrested? Couldn't someone just doxx this fucker and maybe leave a few flaming bags of shit in his house? That outta get him to fuck off.

>> No.64536328

Do you think the corpos know someone is botting their chubas’ streams

>> No.64536336

So around 27k bots for the twins then 7k bots for mori,

>> No.64536338

So why is that thread botting streams? I thought they did that once and got banned.

>> No.64536369
File: 80 KB, 476x664, 1596544274945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he's a twitchfag.
I remember some anon said that he botted a niji vtuber and post a different niji vtuber on here.

>> No.64536370

Yeah, we aren't enabling this guy, it's just common knowledge which Vtubers he loves and hates, he's sorta a thread personality.

>> No.64536412

Working on it apparently >>64495664

>> No.64536416

Still trying to One Guy'd #FAGS?
>Keep wasting money faggot!

>> No.64536425

He botted Selen and Millie bday streams.
It's the guy who spams IM on the board.

>> No.64536479 [DELETED] 

>points out your thread is ruining vtubing
>"y-youre the IMschizo"
Slit your throats numberniggers. Your day will come.

>> No.64536480

It's not the thread, there's this one specific 'tard who's been going around day after day spending hundreds of dollars on bots specifically to fuck with the weird "EN ONLY" tally the thread has.
No one in /#/ likes the retard.

>> No.64536510

>Blaming others when FUWAMOCO are the biggest numberfags in EN
oh please
Fuwamoco have seen that they are going to fail their goal of 1M in one year badly so they started botting to help the algorithm

>> No.64536535
File: 176 KB, 500x500, Eb95ANcXsAAMIZI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok when holodrones do it lmao

>> No.64536540

the mods know about that thread.
jannies know about that thread.
why won't they ban that thread?
maybe, and im just spit ballin'
maybe it's because it's not actually them doing it and the mods and jannies know this?
the jannies live in that thread.

>> No.64536539

iirc he made a stink about luca's stream numbers being botted when it turned out that he accidentally botted shu instead or something

>> No.64536557

Because they aren’t the ones doing it. The botter is actively trying to get the thread banned.

>> No.64536581

I don't have the pic rn but he also mistakenly botted Shu and then put "Luca - botter" in his retarded tally.
He doesn't even know how to bot the right channel.

>> No.64536592

Holy seething kek

>> No.64536600
File: 46 KB, 850x850, __perroccino_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kouhiipan__sample-6ef7f44670ef5058c989887805c07737 (1)~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your making it too obvious

>> No.64536612

How? That cat abuser incident wasn't magic. It was during a time when 4chan didn't remove meta data from images, so the guy's location was literally embedded in the JPEG file for all to see. But most web services including 4chan removes location data from images now, so that's not happening again.

>> No.64536643

Not even remotely relatable. Touch grass you fucking loser.

>> No.64536658
File: 49 KB, 536x550, 1598439152729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out about him two days ago.
It's still baffled me to find out that someone would just waste their money to prove a point to anon in /#/.

>> No.64536662
File: 519 KB, 483x624, 123123t5676543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont n'gotiate with terries

>> No.64536742

Doesn't Cover have a place to submit direct feedback? Why not let them know that one general on this board is not only sending bots, but is also harassing the talents?
>one guy
Literally doesn't matter, the source is still the source. The entire site freezes for a day whenever the feds confirm a mass shooter schizo made their final posts on /pol/ or /r9k/.

>> No.64536745

Faggot is actually trying to form a huge bot scandal for Hololive, he already sends this info to youtube in hopes to get them all banned or at least make the indies who hate them be like ''I KNEW IT THEY ARE NOT POPULAR''

>> No.64536765

> JPbro with no English knowledge sending red while watching at work
The dogs truly are what HoloEN was supposed to be - a reflection of JP cuteness in English.

>> No.64536773


>> No.64536783

The # thread had an ennafag who constantly seethed about IRyS. In recent months he moved to falseflag as other holos(Mumei) before falseflagging as a twitchfag but still seethes about IRyS randomly so you can tell it's the same schizo.

>> No.64536803

I don't like the shizos in my general either but have to put up with their repercussion on the rest of the board, yours might get your general banned though

>> No.64536884

Wouldn't youtube knows that he's the one who botting the channels?

>> No.64536891

Numbertrannies should be banned on sight and the thread deleted.

>> No.64536895

If you see Fuwamoco's numbers right now you can see their number are normal now, the nigger actually started botting them and went overboard.

>> No.64536963

Are you arguing that Cover has the same level of pull as the literal FBI?

>> No.64536975

>It's an extremely bad thing
Literally nothing has come out of botting. Niji koshien was literally caught botting and nothing happened.

>> No.64536986
File: 57 KB, 350x405, 1600819796757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone knows the price to bot a stream on youtube?
I want to know how much money this guy spent.

>> No.64536993

One of the companies put out a report this year that they were in talks with foreign forums to deal with slander and antis, which is blatantly talking about /vt/. But this website is untouchable on a legal level.

>> No.64537025

Multi accounts or he's still waiting to collect more ''evidence'' and send it all out, I mean we know about this shit because the guy's a faggot, but the outside won't be so kind nor will want an explanation.
What I can tell you is that it will be really funny to see all those Vtubers that praise Hololive turning on them when the bot scandal occurs.

>> No.64537071

First time?
Look kuzuha GTA VCR
Over 1 M 12k like ?

>> No.64537080
File: 15 KB, 360x360, Tanigox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hai, moshi moshi, Yagoo desu.
>Eh, bii tii?
>You mean rike shougun?
>Oooh, kowai....
>Sou desu ne...
>I wirr carr FBI, ok?

>> No.64537087 [DELETED] 

let in EN creatures into the numbers thread they said
let them make a cripple tally for EN vtubers they said
let them offtopic post with deranged saplings they said
and when the retarded fauna schizo enters the thread, where were the numbers? in the jp numbers thread kek

>> No.64537113

i raughed

>> No.64537207

Yeah remember when that happened to nijisanji

>> No.64537212

Anyway I blame SEA. Rangeban SEA first and then we'll gauge the state of /#/ from there.

>> No.64537249

>all those Vtubers that praise Hololive turning on them when the bot scandal occurs.
If this become a yab, then the fact of one retard botting multiple stream will be resurface too.

>> No.64537291
File: 180 KB, 512x512, 1000037387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, its an actual and genuine schizo thread.

>> No.64537298

Been "collecting" since early 2023, so surely any moment now right?

>> No.64537328

So it is Ironniggers all the time?

>> No.64537347

>if the channel’s comment section is filled with generic or nonsensical comments

>> No.64537346

Nobody cares about Nijisanji in a global scale anon, shamefully all eyes are on Hololive.

>> No.64537355

Can't for for this particular schizo to spawn another one, then it won't be lone gunman defense anymore.

>> No.64537373

>What I can tell you is that it will be really funny to see all those Vtubers that praise Hololive turning on them when the bot scandal occurs.
Anything that happens will all circle back to
>4chan schizos botted streams
