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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.09 MB, 1217x717, Matsuri ecchi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64477105 No.64477105 [Reply] [Original]

>collab with male
>Has sex

Turns out /vt/ was actually right about the male collabs all along. What a twist.

>> No.64477156 [DELETED] 


>> No.64477185

Anon please you don't understand, she's SUPPOSED to be a whore that's totally fine with playing a prostitute character.

>> No.64477215

based matsuri sacrificing what little she has left to accelerate the male collab ban

>> No.64477448


>> No.64477534

nobody in the jp side cares

>> No.64477540

Why the FUCK is she allowed to keep streaming this? Cover should have banned her from playing and given her a 2 week suspension AT MINIMUM. This is absolutely ridiculous. FUCKK

>> No.64477570

Now there's no question that EN is better than JP. Feels good to be factually superior to them.

>> No.64477694

"Collabs are fine if it's e-celebs and fleshtubers, they're way more professional than stars." Ogey.

>> No.64477730

cant wait for bvtm tweet :)

>> No.64477811

If this results in a male collab ban or a company wide ban from participating in things like this then I'm all for it. Keep going, Matsuri.

>> No.64477949

mind you its usually the sisters shitting on the unicorns for always saying this will happen lol. i dont really care since i only watch a handful of JP now and advent but this shit is still something i never thought id see JP girls do live(yes even matuli).

shes streaming now though so i guess she just got scolded but the streams will continue.

>> No.64478127


>> No.64478166
File: 1.45 MB, 592x722, Matsuri Pee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That probably won't happen. At worst Matsuri will be put on hiatus.

>> No.64478212

Why is no one asking why hololive girls allowed to play and stream a server where random male streamers can literally mating press them? Who the fuck approved of this and what the fuck is happening to HoloJP lately??

>> No.64478246

based nympho

>> No.64478277

HoloJP fans are cucks who defend this and screech about how many bots watch their streams with a chat speed as slow as Ironmouse's.

>> No.64478326

This is the kind of garbage JPtards constantly attributed to EN vtubers and how it would ruin hololive. Quite ironic.

>> No.64478338

>it's ok because it's Matsuri!!!!
slippery slope continues

>> No.64478461

and aki,towa,hinano,hoshino,beni...

>> No.64478466

Who are you referring too when you say sisters?

>> No.64478559

yagoo said in an interview that he wants more interaction with fleshtubbers

>> No.64478573

Do you think it's possible to satisfy festival by yourself? To make her into your exclusive whore?

>> No.64478624

>actually crying
Lemao get a grip

>> No.64478699

maybe because she is not your? maybe because you have no importance at all?

>> No.64478741

she would need sex morning noon and night.
you're basically be a dried out skeleton.

>> No.64478803

Is this GTA RP shit even entertaining to watch

>> No.64478878

Judging by the views yes, very

>> No.64478890

it's about decency, she's tainting hololive reputation doing trashy shit like that for everyone to see

>> No.64478921

the VRchat rule states: any game where you can rp will eventually turn into a gay anime circle jerk erp

>> No.64478941

Kek I knew this GTA RP shit was going to be a mess. Glad my oshi stayed far away

>> No.64478962

>dude got banned for a week on twitch because of this
>twitch has rules where banned streamers can't appear in other streamers content so it cucks others streams as well
lol her whore moment is gonna crash the whole server

>> No.64478973

>hololive reputation
You don't care about that, roru

>> No.64478974

Matsuri just ended her current VCR stream and immediately deleted the archive.

>> No.64478991

guess I'm too eop for it

>> No.64479019

Views are only coming from YAB watchers. Watch her numbers decline even more after this shit wraps up.

>> No.64479044

in fact I do

>> No.64479052

Yes, anytime now

>> No.64479098

This is considered sex? Please kill yourself.

>> No.64479099

Probably cause of this

Get in here dramaniggers because things are escalating

>> No.64479114

The last one had it's moments but there wasn't a lot of whoring around and it was the first time for a lot of players. Outside of akarin and maybe karubi the dudes were more fun unironically because it was just fucking around instead of trying to fujobait.

>> No.64479151

>Anytime now
Anon she has on average like 2k views. She's one of the least popular Holos. Maybe the least in whole of JP. Seethe all you want but she's a walking disaster.

>> No.64479213


>> No.64479230

>I didn't see anyone mention this in the thread but about 5 hours ago or so she did an unarchived karaoke that was CLEARLY stress relief, she seemed very pissed and didn't speak a single fucking word until the end, just silently went from song to song.

>> No.64479248

I really don't get what goes through her head doing something like this on stream? Like is she fucking retarded or something?

>> No.64479389

Some of these whores are starting to feel too invincible. Cover needs to step in before the culture of the company becomes worse than vshojo tier. Cause not even vshojo has gotten mating pressed on stream and one of them is a literal camwhore.

>> No.64479436

>dude got banned for a week on twitch because of this
>twitch has rules where banned streamers can't appear in other streamers content so it cucks others streams as well
Top kek. That's really funny.
>lol her whore moment is gonna crash the whole server

>> No.64479483

>/vt/ was right

>> No.64479576

It's pretty funny, because twitch literally just updated their ToS when it comes to showing 2D nudity. So now you're allowed to do shit like this
and also show boobs and vegene if you're an artist drawing

>> No.64479684

i thought she was gay?

>> No.64479695

Now it’s your turn, Kronii!!!

>> No.64479893

what do you think you are accomplishing with this?

>> No.64479983


>> No.64480087

rent free. fucking retard.

>> No.64480137

>very pissed
Yeah, see >>64478166

>> No.64480138

God this is hot

>> No.64480563

I want to lick the coom out of Matsuri's cooter

>> No.64480590

She's justifying people who get upset when other Holos join shit like this, like the recent Ririka thing. Thanks Matsuri!

>> No.64480802

can't wait for the next time a holofag calls the vtubers I watch whores after this

>> No.64480840

Why zoomers are so scared of sex? They act like they watched someone kill their mothers on stream. On top of that calling this sex is a big stretch.

>> No.64480852

kek this

>> No.64480906

she peed live before btw

>> No.64481014

join the club with the rest of the loli type chuubas
this gta shit was another level of whore

>> No.64481050

What did Kronii Do?

>> No.64481066

Anon this board has grown adults with severe depression, and vtubers are the last fantasy helping them go on. Of course they'll think this is real sex

>> No.64481175 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 1340x753, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a shame it's a male but at least I know how porn twitch will become in the future

>> No.64481181

so true all the holo's should ERP with nip ecelebs standards are for prudes

>> No.64481245

yeah, i surely watch these cute virtual girls to have them erp live on stream!!
Fucking cuck mentality. Go fucking jump off a bridge little cucky cuck

>> No.64481277

Fuck off tourist

>> No.64481294

>waaa waaaaaa

>> No.64481297

ah yes, the classic cuckold rears his head lmao
don't you have some more blacked porn to watch? Go do that little cucky

>> No.64481353

Anon this isn't reality. Snap out of it

>> No.64481379

And once again, it was
Like, the whore did whore things, big shocker.
Come to me when someone like Ririka does anything like this.

>> No.64481565

the guy tried to hit on ririka and ao too but backed off when he realized they were matsuri's juniors
this is some of the stuff he was pulling with other streamers: https://clips.twitch.tv/AffluentCleanRaisinThisIsSparta-ZduDnBT4Y7RptFs9

he caight a twitch band now btw

>> No.64481586

we don't quote ourselves here

>> No.64481608

>no u xD

>> No.64481676

report towa next she lapdanced

>> No.64481681

I'm sure those two would have definitely entertained such crap.
Not. They're at a higher standard than Festival.

>> No.64481684

>Why are you angry about mixed collabs? It's not like they're going to try to actually flirt on stream!
Hopefully at least some of the girls that aren't Matsuri realize what a bad idea this way.

>> No.64481790

Retard threadreader

>> No.64481798

It's a cancer rotting the very fundation of Hololive.
Any Holo touching this shit is insta DROP for me

>> No.64481831

What reputation? This the same vtubing company that has their girls shaking their asses. Shut the fuck up faggot. Kek

>> No.64481860

Is Ririka? They are new and we obviously don't know what they'll do yet.

>> No.64481880

Oh no anyway

>> No.64481892

Who is that ERP? That feels more like a joke. There was nothing erotic about that.
Also, how could you call it cucking when there is not a relationship between the streamer and you. It is like getting mad that a celebrity gets married and thus betraying you.

>> No.64481903

You weren't bitching when the girls were shaking their asses like whores during those summerfest videos. Where was the whole talk about reputation?

>> No.64481921

Matsuri being a super whore doesn't stop your oshi from being a regular whore.

>> No.64481928

Lol hololive/matsuri just deleted almost all the negative comments on youtube. Meanwhile the dude got banned on twitch for a week and the clip got taken down. LOL.. women privilege I guess. I guess this is the future of hololive JP seems to be pushing for, despite Matsuri's abysmal numbers suggesting it's a retarded idea.

>> No.64481939

not just the male collab ban, this shall also accelerate the thot behavior ban as well. truly matuli shall go down in history as the savior of hololive, based beyond belief.

>> No.64481979

>2 more weeks.

>> No.64482013
File: 393 KB, 500x500, 1688778087310629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Timeline so far:
>the incident itself happens, clips of it are everywhere. No immediate reprocussions
>ends stream, intends to go to bed
>suddenly angry comments start piling on to her archive
>she tweets: "did I take it too far?"
>several hours later, she starts up an unplanned unarchive karaoke stream
>this is clearly a stress relief karaoke. she's not speaking at all, silently going from song to song
>at the end of the stream she vaguely mentions the incident before ending the stream for the night
>fast forward to about an hour ago
>starts up another VCR stream, #5
>everything is going fine for about an hour, although she has a pinned message up addressing chat
>around an hour into the stream, mitti tweets that he's been banned from twitch
>suddenly matsuri is getting antis in her chat
>suddenly she decides to end the stream, and private it too
You are now here.

>> No.64482030
File: 55 KB, 180x180, B5D913B0-1381-4A3C-9039-57577F275CC1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP is an embarrassment to Hololive, graduate the whole branch already.

>> No.64482088
File: 114 KB, 600x600, 1690710212174208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64482095

>You weren't bitching when the girls were shaking their asses
kek that's where you're wrong kiddo

>> No.64482115

>thot behaviour ban
this is 80% of hololive lol

>> No.64482129

I'm starting to just maybe women are the problem.

>> No.64482145

>>around an hour into the stream, mitti tweets that he's been banned from twitch
based. rapists deserve the rope

>> No.64482183

She was shaking her ass for me though.

>> No.64482213

>touch grass bro she isn't your girlfriend bro ERP with ecelebs is just what nu-holo is about just enjoy
Yes you have no standards we get it.

>> No.64482217

Hey look I can do it too
>Polka/Lamy Janitor Comment
>Lui ATM comment
>Ririka ASMR comment

>> No.64482225

She barely collabed with JP senpais and she went sraight into outsiders. You know what she wants to do.

>> No.64482258

So she's playing off stream

>> No.64482271

Place your bets for what happens next.

>> No.64482304

Not your op but you just made absolutely no sense. It's the exact opposite

>> No.64482321

This is the first time ive seen a matsuri thread since she did the pee gag years ago lmao

>> No.64482325

why do you argue with SEA zoomies that get their education from 4chan instead of school?
Literally talking to a blank wall

>> No.64482331

Props to the idiots who thought the homostars were the sex pests when it's the e-celebs all along. You guys are fucking morons hahahahaha

>> No.64482334

I hated that abomination of a video actually, the actual stream before that was good though. There is nuance between trashy and erotic and this shit matsuri pulled falls FIRMLY in the trashy category.

>> No.64482390

Pick better hobbies

>> No.64482495

Anyone being an apologist for this shit is an anti, a cuck or a homobeggar no exceptions.
Bringing out the usual homobeggar rhetoric of "you are not in a relationship with the streamer" in this context is what makes zero sense. You don't have to be a "unicorn" to find this stuff disgusting and it is doesn't matter if it's "just matsuri" either.

>> No.64482547
File: 1.34 MB, 3541x2508, 1691807881183514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the male yabs lately are on the JP side
Kneel to the true Unicorn queens, weeaboo /jp/ faggots.

>> No.64482658

Biboo and the dogs are saving vtubing

>> No.64482713

>comparing lewd content for viewers to flirting with a Male
you deserve to be curb stomped until your filthy teeth fall out.

>> No.64482734

Why is the original video still up on matsuri's channel then? All they did was delete almost all the negative comments, didn't even edit out this part lol. Bizarre... Is hololive supporting it, or not?

>> No.64482806

Probably because there was seemingly no need to actually remove it. I can only assume she took down the VOD for stream #5 out of pure menhera. It was an instant thing, the moment she ended the stream, not something that happened later.

>> No.64482820

Grow up man child. You aren't in a relationship with any of those woman is time your sad pathetic ass wake up from which ever Neverland faggot dream you're dreaming on. You act like she's yo woman lmfao fucking sad. You know what's more sad than women thinking you're disgusting? A fucking anime girl who you don't even watch or even know "cucking" you hahahahaha eat shit faggot. You can't be any more pathetic than that. Imagine being so fucking grotesque and retarded that even the anime bitch "cheats on you" couldn't be me. Kill yourself is the only way you can redeem what's left of your sanity faggot.

>> No.64482843

But the viewers are males

>> No.64482857

But anons told me hololive is unicorn friendly

>> No.64482881

You deserve to be burned alive like the subhuman species you are.

>> No.64482885

Honestly didn't see that coming. EN side must've grew a braincell and realized how to pander for business. Wtf is going on on the JP side? They always push for male collabs now

>> No.64482923

Doesn't count, retard.

>> No.64482936
File: 496 KB, 1920x1080, loll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But the dogs are part of the JP side

>> No.64482943

Fuck off tourist and take your Westoid Discord whores with you

>> No.64482971

/jp/cels on suicide watch
us EN corns may be cucked as well, but at least we make our whores keep it off screen

>> No.64482982

I find this hilarious, and I am tired of pretending that it is not

>> No.64482992

what strawman are you arguing against sis? either way go back to iketog

>> No.64482999

whorelolive lol

>> No.64483022

He is not westoid you fucking retard nigger.

>> No.64483038

If you're not a unicorn this isn't digusting. You're a walking constant projection. If you're not in a deep parasocial mindset and these are just entertainers it shouldn't matter who they have sex or relationships with or not (never mind dumb roleplay animations in a videogame). Calling people "cucks" who actually don't care/ get turned by any of this makes no sense.
>inb4 cuCk TouRisttt!!! waaa leave us alone!!! stop ruining my immersion!!

>> No.64483053

holokeks are trick ass niggas for real, and I’m tired of pretending they’re not

>> No.64483108

soooo true sis this is what hololive is about right here
kill yourself

>> No.64483116

You will always be a nigger.

>> No.64483118

>Muh discord Boogeyman
Don't let it distract you from the fact, you faggots are so pathetic that even the anime girl "cheats" on you mald and seethe jakartan schizo.

>> No.64483148

Fucking retarded tourist

>> No.64483151

>Talks like a mutt
>It's n-not Westoid
Fuck off dipshit

>> No.64483158

Zoomers? Ever wondered why Virgin Mary was *Virgin* Mary, anon? Questioned why gods and monsters in legends demanded *virgin* sacrifices?
Acting like whores being relatively acceptable is a more recent thing. Humanity has been frowning upon whorish behavior for thousands years before that

>> No.64483180

Cool now do the "hololive would be broke without unicorns" thing. Maybe that will help

>> No.64483184

I looked up what this meant and it was actually a decent burn. well done jamaal

>> No.64483188

You'll always be sea that's worse than them.

>> No.64483203

Calling you cuck really gets you angry.

>> No.64483214

Even if you're not a unicorn you can still find this cringe af. Like seriously, do you often tune into streams where people are fake fucking with their little GTA characters? Where the chick is play-moaning throughout it? Even if you're a normie, that's shit's just weird to watch.

>> No.64483222


>> No.64483231

>a woman having sex is a whore!!!
Ok Muhammad

>> No.64483248

>tfw living in cuckworld timeline...

>> No.64483254

who was the other guy in the room? does he have streams that are up?

>> No.64483287

you understand that full on ERP gta v sex on stream is genuinely like as bottom of the barrel content as is humanly possible to produce right

>> No.64483298

Cope and seethe
These women aren't your girlfriends your friends your sisters or your personal concubine for you to be getting mad. If only you spent this much energy in bettering yourself you wouldn't be a sex depraved schizo who beats his dick to anime women you'd be getting laid instead ;) cry more.

>> No.64483303

>He says this while posting Fauna

>> No.64483307

Plus she modelled her GTA avatar on her actual avatar. Wtf??

>> No.64483326

Not my cup of tea, but I'm disinterested in it for completely different reasons. Still don't get how this makes me of "low standards" as 2 ops above mentioned

>> No.64483329

Sea are exponentially more supportive of Male collabs than any where else in the world. I sense a little projection there lil bro.

>> No.64483349

least obvious tva/nyfco femcel

>> No.64483356

It all started with that summer MV about all the girls being sluts in a love hotel

>> No.64483388

Look at how mad this cuck is

>> No.64483400

At least we can agree that it was gross ass shit that had no place on stream.

>> No.64483417

>bad content
>their status as a "whore"
You're changing the topic

>> No.64483446

Nah he look more brown than mutt, browns tend to be more supportive of male collab than your average whites.

>> No.64483459

You don't have to watch faggot but yet you couldn't stay away just like you also couldn't stay away from male and female collabs either, I honestly believe you faggots all enjoy the "cuckoldry" on the low. I mean holy shit batman, you keep coming back for more like the cuck good boy you are :D.

>> No.64483462

I’m just saying you don’t have to be in love with matsuri to be like “what the fuck is this hobby I’ve gotten myself into”

>> No.64483500

>janny comment
Spoonfeed me.

>> No.64483504

Fair enough anoni

>> No.64483535

>poser whore laplus flips out when she sees a real whore at work

>> No.64483558

gatekeeping is important, JP"chads" failed but at least EN is free of this garbage to the eternal seethe of you types.

>> No.64483588

Stars lost.

>> No.64483609

I'm not the one who's bitching about an anime girl getting railed that's you. You the one that care enough to chimp out like this lmfao. You fucking weirdo go outside and talk to fucking women.

>> No.64483611

I don’t really know what you’re talking about honestly, but yes many vtuber fans and ESPECIALLY hololive fans meet the definition of “cuck” in the Webster dictionary

>> No.64483610

For JP normies, yes
For me...nah
>Map empty as hell
>The barely do shit
>Is mostly zatsudan

>> No.64483643

Holy shit this cuck is seething

>> No.64483644

stars lost indomonkey

>> No.64483656
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>> No.64483691

it can be very funny if you watch the right people

>> No.64483700 [DELETED] 

her offpako sex with mittiii after the stream

>> No.64483702

Shut the fuck up already cuck.

>> No.64483705

Yagoo has dropped the ball. Big time. Probably got spooked by declining numbers over the last year. Only a few members bring any interest into Hololive anymore.

>> No.64483714
File: 32 KB, 1144x259, holostars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64483753

yu know ur just arguing with people that probably dont watch any hololive members at all right

>> No.64483756

>7k ccv
>earned about 7 dollarydoos
Jesus christ

>> No.64483793
File: 18 KB, 109x121, 1691578263692422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "EN are pure and unicorn-friendly and JP are all homocollabing whores" is the most blatantly forced false flag shit I've seen since the beginning of this board. It exists either to deflect from whatever the weekly Niji yab is or it's a false flag to bait doxxshit about roommates

>> No.64483806

I don't give a fuck about those useless shitters either, try something else, faggot. Reminder your existence is already beyond pathetic, imagine getting cheated on by a fucking cartoon hahahah I can't. I'm going to sleep is 1 am here but you can have the board now and cry some more about women who you will never meet and fuck with the rest your faggotcorns. I'll be gone but you'll still be here malding and seething for weeks :D.

>> No.64483811


>> No.64483812

the yen is super weak right now, ojisan can barely afford to keep the lights on

>> No.64483818

For what? Shit like this is why Hololive fans reject Homostars.

>> No.64483824

she didn't have superchat on during the stream, so itwas mostly people gifting memberships

>> No.64483834

>everything is a conspiracy

>> No.64483867

Kek this cuck still seething and coping

>> No.64483875

superchat disabled on that stream

>> No.64483901

stars lost.

>> No.64483904

And yet they never pull this shit on any of the girls in their company. Which makes you look like a complete idiot for believing in e-celebs.

>> No.64483910

Well, the third possibility is that it's one (or two, or three, but probably not more than that) retards trying to bruteforce a narrative as "revenge" for all the shit that HoloEN got in 2022 between Tempus and the lack of streams (there was a string of several months where we averaged zero or one HoloEN stream per NA evening)

>> No.64483917

it only works because “anti’s” on here don’t like posting full on doxx despite their big tough guy act

>> No.64483941

Anon it's not that serious

>> No.64483996

All bark and no bite as usual

>> No.64484001

Y'all listening?
Enter an age of possibilities
A million artists on the internet, owning
But you naive if you assume it's peace
They'll call ya out for breathing just to get their clout
Kill you with my words if we ain't got the same opinion
Shill my ideologies for credit (Credit)
Guess I'm reppin' righteous
And you're my target next!
Been quiet for a while (this is our enemy)
I gotta take a stance or bleed (this won't get us?)
You don't think the thought police
Gonna let you say your piece?
It's the cancer in our culture
Kids using keyboards for war! (Yep)
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you
God I'm sorry but it's true
I'm offending you
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you
Tell me what you gonna do?
I'm offending you (yup!)
What you gonna do?
Not afraid of you, hate me
What you gonna do? What you gonna do?
What you gonna do, na-na-na-na, do do?
(Get a clue)
Thinkin' ya slick sayin' "problematic"
Can't even pick new words and a tired chick had it
Seethe and whine, you can cry
Nah I ain't gonna stop you
Ain't responsible for them 'cause they forgot about Papa
These are words to live by: we're all gonna die
In hopefully not long, we're free
Clear all jokes from that head
Now satire's dead
And everyone's wrong but me
Been coping for a while
This song is fire on mute, I think (whoa)
When indignant minds connect (ha-ha)
No you'll never speak unchecked (ha-ha)
Kill the cancer in this culture?
Fat chance, get woke or get gone!
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you (Gonna)
God I'm sorry but it's true
I'm offending you (Alright, alright)
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you (what you gonna do?)
Tell me what you gonna do?
I'm offending you (yup!)
What you gonna do?
Not afraid of you, hate me
What you gonna do? What you gonna do? (Hey)
What you gonna do, na-na-na-na, do do?
(Get a clue)
Know I'm sayin' what you're thinking ain't I?
Just let go!
You, with the high blood pressure, join in
Shout! Shout! Shout!
Slap the keyboard
Quote RT, they know your name for one day
You're a legend, ain't ya
Slap the keyboard
Quote RT, they know your name for one day
Was quiet for a while (this is the villain)
This song is fire on zero dB (stuck here in memory)
Ignorance on full display (ha-ha-ha)
They can't see it goes both ways (ha-ha-ha)
No one cares about the cause, please
Clout's worth the price of that soul
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you (Gonna)
God I'm sorry but it's true
I'm offending you (Yeah)
What you gonna do?
I'm offending you
Tell me what you gonna do? (Okay)
I'm offending you
What you gonna do?
Not afraid of you, hate me
What you gonna do? What you gonna do? (Hey)
What you gonna do, na-na-na-na, do do?
(Get a clue)

>> No.64484034


>> No.64484061
File: 37 KB, 720x405, 1702534945803979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Average third-world starfag

>> No.64484101

I got you to respond after you said you were going to sleep. Ipso facto I won. You lost. I'm living rent free in your mind right now. Plus, the stars lost.

>> No.64484133

>And yet they never pull this shit on any of the girls in their company
Only because people despise the Homos and everything they do is scrutinized. If they could get away with ERP fucking Holo girls on stream they absolutely would. This is why gatekeeping and eternal vigilance are critical.

>> No.64484139

>people were already tentative because of the male collab thing
>Ririka gets reamed for interacting with them
>Be Matsuri
>"Oh I know! I'll do the most fucked up thing the game mechanics allow me to do! That'll help things!"
So either she's a complete retard or she did it to spite unicorns over the Ririka situation. Either way, complete idiocy in a business sense

>> No.64484141

What makes you think I ever believed in ecelebs?

>> No.64484196

Is that Mittiii in the square on the left?

>> No.64484220

I don't give a shit about dox shit and posting it to deflect from on stream activities is anti behavior, it's also what hlg has been doing for years at this point, they are barely better than the faggots raiding from tva/iketog
Enjoying the schadenfreude watching them cope with JP whoring it up and pandering to ecelebs desu but for the sake of holo at large I hope management pulls back on this shit

>> No.64484224
File: 237 KB, 473x323, 1702535636210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my problem.

>> No.64484225

>reality is a false flag

>> No.64484234

Nigga what are you talking about?

>> No.64484241

everything returns to where it was before
this medium has been pure depravity since day one

>> No.64484246

Homos would never pull shit like this is the point. And never have. No not even members this board loves to label sex pests like Vesper and Astel. And yet collabs with them are feared more than collabs with esports pros or ecelebs like this.

>> No.64484255

>That'll help things
Why do you assume she cared to "help things"? Anyway her doing this to spite unicorns might make her the most based vtuber of this year

>> No.64484270

I'm so proud of how far EN has come since the awful year that was 2022

>> No.64484306

If you got no proof then you just look like an idiot. Enjoy praising some flesh streamers cuck you earned it

>> No.64484337

Stop replying to me ESL faggot

>> No.64484371

They absolutely wouldn't. Astel and Roberu don't do this sort of shit with girls outside of the company, if anything it's the girls (including Holos) who try to make interactions more risque with them.

>> No.64484376

>says nothing
God this is so easy

>> No.64484409

Stock options happened.

>> No.64484415

Gura and Ame got worse

>> No.64484449

So you'd rather let a fleshie fuck your oshi then? Got it.

>> No.64484463

>Homos would never pull shit like this is the point.
They would if they could. Look at Vesper, he was creeping around trying to nail Holopussy in real life. If you think the Homos are any better than that e-celeb you're completely wrong. But that's really besides the point. All intergender collabs need to be rejected with zero tolerance because this is what they inevitably lead to.

>> No.64484471

Unicorns deserve to be humiliated desu, clearly anti-bullying campaigns in schools were a mistake

>> No.64484474

>unicorns living rent free in her head to the point she felt the need to do something like this
Nah this ain't it chief. Not to mention the antis are getting to her. The only one who's losing right now is her.

>> No.64484496

>memoryholing Kronii and Ame nuking their goslings already
Even more recently we've had Mori and Bae interact with the homos. Advent is a pleasant surprise, though.

>> No.64484497

They made some comments about how janitors are poor or something and got backlash over it and apologized for it

>> No.64484532

A post without proof is just a shitpost.

>> No.64484538

did any of them ever get mating pressed on stream?

>> No.64484587

The JPs doing these homocollabs have almost all either been from the pre-sankisei gens (before unicorns latched on to Hololive and male collabs were a norm) or the new sidebranch which seems explicitly geared as not traditional Hololive.

>> No.64484601

smartest ESL hetcollabslop slurper post

>> No.64484653

This is what happens when sexually repressed women who are banned from contact with males get let loose. Wouldn’t be surprised at more stuff like this coming

>> No.64484655

Matsuri is an insane outlier who I'm actually surprised has avoided discipline for so long. She's a black sheep among both Hololive members and fans.

>> No.64484686

This but jpcuckold

>> No.64484700

I love VCR because it makes faggots like you seethe for eternity.

>> No.64484707

>who are banned from contact with males
Should we tell him

>> No.64484750

Nah, I only care about following za culture, and EN is doing an amazing job. I was ready to drop the entire branch last year.

>> No.64484796

Tell me more about your Vesper dreams.

>> No.64484799

and yet you haven't watched a single stream

>> No.64484811

pizzadad fears the matsuri

>> No.64484813

Unironically how new?

>> No.64484820 [DELETED] 

fine, I’ll do it. meido’s already have a temp ban on this ip from me calling pebbles cucks
mumei has been dating a spic she met while volunteering at an animal shelter or something since before or around when she was an indie

>> No.64484866

who cares about those has-beens
we need less girls showing contempt for their fans anyways

>> No.64484869

Can't blame them. Some of the JP got bored with collabing with the same people.

>> No.64484880

Even if it was all girls?

>> No.64484888

Farewell anon. You won't be forgotten

>> No.64484919

“Mumei” isn’t dating anyone. Get it right next time cheeky brat

>> No.64484920

applaud this man for daring to tell the truth

>> No.64484921

>some jp
you mean the same jp

>> No.64484935

Watched rpr's stream because it panders to EOPs like me. Go fuck yourself retard.

>> No.64484951

I’m mad at Matsuri. Not because of any unicorn shit, but because I actively argue with ‘it’s not like they’re having sex on stream’, and now I can’t fucking say that anymore.

>> No.64484977

so wasn't this e-celeb server a giant disaster for hololive? Nobody really gained anything fleshy e-celebs stay at the top and humiliate holos, ririka managed to destroy her reputation for no reason, even Aki had a little homostar yab, Towa interacted with gigafaggot Luca holy shit Cover better rethink their strategy I remember when they used to be super careful before the stupid IPO.

>> No.64484979

This can be a good pic as well

>> No.64484990

An unironic rpr watcher…I’m sorry for you

>> No.64484992

Nudity, anon. Nudity.
Not sexual activity, implied or not.

>> No.64485031

why does GTA online have simulated sex as a mechanic?

>> No.64485043

Her fuck buddy probably regrets his decision. He is banned on twitch for a week.

>> No.64485064

>Ririka ASMR comment
This is the only one I don't know because it's probably recent, qrd?

>> No.64485103

Don't care nigger. I'm only here for kino

>> No.64485127

>I'm going to play in the eceleb gta server suck it unicorns i hope you die
>nooo come back i'm drunk i didn't mean it
>i will do asmr and they will come back lmao

>> No.64485130

>new sidebranch which seems explicitly geared as not traditional Hololive
There is so much double talk on this issue that I am not sure they even know what they want to do with dev_IS
>almost all either been from the pre-sankisei gens
The attempt to pander to esports viewers is drawing in Botan and holoX. Talents that stopped doing that kind of content suddenly starting it up again whilst all this is going on is not a coincidence either.
If you really miss those days I guess all this shit going on in the JP branch is a welcome development for you but I think you would be in the minority at this point.

>> No.64485145

>“Mumei” isn’t dating anyone
Besides me that is

>> No.64485147

>unironic rpr watcher
>probably ESL brownoid too (since that is his nu-fan nowaday)
Case closed

>> No.64485166

It's meant to be a social event for streamers to communicate with other people. Not everything is a race for the highest numbers. I swear, cunts like you don't know how to enjoy things anymore so you stay in places like #

>> No.64485186

EOP is not something to be proud about...

>> No.64485202

Didn't Roberu buy the picture the cameraman took of Matsuri fucking the other dude in game?

>> No.64485226

based semantics retard

>> No.64485233


>> No.64485238

en paid attention when calli and kronii tanked their channels for male collabs. I think it's been too long since that last happened on the jp side

>> No.64485254

Botan has always done this kind of stuff too but even she keeps her direct male interactions very limited and professional. Laplus is the exception that proves the rule. I don't care for VCRGTA but it's not a total return to what Hololive was pre-2019, unless they somehow push the big names who avoid males (Pekora, Miko, Marine, Subaru, Koyori) into it too.

>> No.64485256
File: 2.63 MB, 1920x1080, MatsuriERP[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fys67px.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what subhuman homobeggars think constitutes kino
unicorns are the white blood cells of this hobby don't ever forget it

>> No.64485264

search archives for these 3 words, unicorn asmr horn.
you'll find plenty of detailed translation of what ririka said about joining the vcr gta event and how she made fun of "unicorns"

>> No.64485316

>regrets his decision
Matsuri got so horny that they met up and he got to deepthroat and then fuck her. I don't think he regrets shit.

>> No.64485340

You Will Never Be White.

>> No.64485353

oops sorry you get more results if you searched for this instead: unicorns asmr horn
(that's plural unicorns)

>> No.64485362

Sweet. A happy ending.

>> No.64485388

Deepthroating Matsuri's cock...

>> No.64485404


>> No.64485417

>Shows a completely unrelated scene
Unrelated but it's still kino. What of it?
You're very good at not comprehending my words. If this is the mentality of the unicorn brain then I wonder myself how you idiots got a good education system. Fucking shitskins I swear to God...

>> No.64485431

Do it outside your chubba persona then, nobody care about your desire to be gangbanged by e-celebs.

>> No.64485447

You’re bitching about something though.

>> No.64485468

So why is your kind getting bashed and ridiculed at X? You're a viral infection set to explode and spread like a disease.

>> No.64485527

she turned off super chat idiot and look at memgift too, nice try falsealarmer

>> No.64485528

Anon their kind is bashed and ridiculed everywhere outside of imageboards

>> No.64485538


>> No.64485550

You cucks can't type properly anymore.
Get a functioning brain seacucks.

>> No.64485592

>caring about the xitter tranny consensus on ANYTHING holo related
They don't watch streams, they hate idols, they want to destroy and debase to own le unichuds.
You should go back.

>> No.64485601

we get it, you like to support a women financially and watch as other men flirt with and rail her in front of you, I think there's a word for that

>> No.64485615

iirc they were applying for Aqua's minecraft company and she told them to be janitors. Polka made some joke implying janitor is a job that is shameful to the person and family. All Lamy did was laugh. Japs got super pissed that they'd make fun of hard working janitors and they both had to apologize and clarify there's nothing shameful about being a janitor. The jannies won that day.

>> No.64485629

>Gets outed for being an idiot
>Uh uh... KEKS
I accept your concession dumbass. Never skip school

>> No.64485630
File: 17 KB, 224x256, 1702522281594439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we got an unironic seamonke rprpag who thinks VCR is good

>> No.64485640

I love NTR so much bros

>> No.64485695

If Shitter hates you for something then you're doing something right.

>> No.64485700

Virgin La+ vs Chad Matsuri

>> No.64485739

>imagine being a unicorn to matsuri

>> No.64485740

Lamy was the one who took the brunt of it despite Polka being the one who said it too. She still occasionally gets anti comments about it to this day iirc.

>> No.64485763

Anon not everyone donates to streamers in hopes that they'll have sex with them. If it's a reward for entertainment, some dumb sex RP can be part of it

>> No.64485792

It's Kenki. He was asked to film it.

>> No.64485810

Damn, I hope Ririka and Laplus get to get fucked too, fellow RP cucks. Imagine how hot it would be. Such content! Kino!

>> No.64485817

La+ still has a lot to learn from her senpai in the ways of whoring...

>> No.64485816

Yea that was always the weirdest part to me.

>> No.64485838

I've seen drawings and art dedicated to them, pictures of their meet and greets, pictures of the merch they've taken. Attended their concerts, How long till you can prove me wrong faggot?
Where is the owning of the "unichuds"? Did you make this up in your own little Dreamland?

>> No.64485852

>argumentum ad populum
>look what the predebut vtweeters think of you
kill yourself

>> No.64485873

and there's plenty of places for that sort of entertainment, that's the point of having different customer bases with different wants and expectations and thus different products, mixing them creates inevitable conflict

>> No.64485894

Show me when Roberu had pretend sex with Mea on stream. Matsuri is going around telling people to buy it and leave reviews. She even got "chopped my dick off when I became an idol" Aruran to buy it and he called it a stupid video.

>> No.64485953


>> No.64485961

The only inevitable conflict is when a certain subset of those fans start crying like babies when they feel emasculated by their own doing. Most viewers don't care

>> No.64485972

This place is literally a rat's den for cowards.

>> No.64486054

Shut the fuck up holoanti

>> No.64486061
File: 647 KB, 1030x1089, 1682135412407589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love hololive here tourist

>> No.64486114

Somehow I highly doubt that.

>> No.64486128

And you would be wrong now go back

>> No.64486157

So why did fags here try to convince us that male fleshtubers are any better than male vtubers? This just proves it leads to the same exact shit.

>> No.64486162
File: 719 KB, 1226x1082, 1702459896894507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seacuck has resort to using twittard as an argument

>> No.64486200

So prove it.

>> No.64486386

This is disgusting.

>> No.64486458

ITT: The mentally impaired goes to war with the special ed kids.

>> No.64486535

>having feelings for someone is emasculation
It's a matter of expectation, it's no coincidence all of these women present themselves as single against the statistic of over half of people in a relationship in their age group. You either are pandering to single men or you aren't. You can't invite them in and then blame them for taking the bait.

>> No.64486609
File: 187 KB, 1746x993, 1702318975189473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you want from me? Here is some recent buyfagging. Your turn

>> No.64486653

Twitter still has it. Under the guy's ban tweet.

>> No.64486659

Can't blame him
To date the only Holostar to successfully tardwrangle her has been Astel

>> No.64486933
File: 1.79 MB, 1813x985, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astel did it for his bros.

>> No.64486973

she's bi dumbass

>> No.64487033

This is hilarious. Let this thread be the final proof that homobeggars will see an idol simulating sex with another man and still act like they’re not the problem.
Looking forward to fantia exclusive collabs with your oshi and whatever cock you crave, sisters.

>> No.64487241

Mind you this isn't even on the male. mittiii was hesitating to even mention what he was trying meanwhile Matsuri went full "I will go full nude lets do it right here and now". She was even trying to get a girl into the mess while mittiii wanted to get a guy to shoot the vid.

>> No.64487618

Kek, along with the ririka issue recently the idea of the virtous JP falls apart.
Turns out women will be women

>> No.64487622

that guy got banned from twitch kek

>> No.64487655

Chad in-control Astel vs virgin getting-lugged-around mittiii

>> No.64487742

Yeah but he got laid. He won.

>> No.64487894

Oh right, now I remember, not sure how I memoryholed that.

>> No.64488461

male collabs were never the problem. it's whores being whores. faggots hate male collabs because they inherently don't trust the whores.

>> No.64488544

Tell that to the endless posts calling the males sexpests. The males have always taken the brunt of the blame.

>> No.64488579

as they should, talk about being fucking vindicated

>> No.64488626 [DELETED] 

You're a retard
Make collabs will always be an issue

>> No.64489125
File: 105 KB, 508x388, 1690216604591055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64489164

>gets reminded about reality
>gets angry
like clockwork

>> No.64489205

laid how what the fuck are you talking about? i once got a prostitute in gta 4 to suck me off, i guess im not a virgin anymore because the car started shaking??

>> No.64489773

Are you guys stupid or what? The jp girls are a bunch of whores
It is not that hard to find the stuff they do either wtf ?

>> No.64489837

If you are 16 or mentally 16 it might be good

>> No.64489846


>> No.64489886

Roboco... choco... aki (before ark)

>> No.64489934

When a girl says bi or gender fluid it means they are single and want to find a dude

>> No.64490170


>> No.64490608

not a real person irl though

>> No.64490932

>two player models awkwardly dryhumping
>getting laid
