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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64426712 No.64426712 [Reply] [Original]

>Independent again
>still gets suspended in December, by herself.

Niji made her irreversibly menhera.

>> No.64426739

Nijisanji's Rushia

>> No.64426762

What was her problem with Twitter?

>> No.64426772

Is this the fault of sisters?

>> No.64426775

To be fair, anybody would want to run away from Twitter if they had Nijisanji's ghouls jumping at their throat at any given opportunity.

>> No.64426796

She might wanna add /vt/ to that break as well.

>> No.64426798

she made some tweet about it being a year since she got fired from niji and started sadposting about her ex coworkers then got into fights with nijifags for a few days

>> No.64426809

Did Sayu have a day job in addition to Niji or was it someone from Niji? Since I don't think Niji management staff can moonlight in other gigs (at least I would assume that) that would make it someone else. >Yfw Elira was Zaion's manager and tattled on her to get her fired and insists she's still her BFF and will work free pro bono, comes along with her after she got fired just to keep suspending her even as an indie

>> No.64426837

Quote tweets got to her

>> No.64426842

Yes, tons of Nijisisters dogpiled on her as usual. These people are genuinely psychotic, they've just been lying in wait for Sayu to do something that justifies massive hate raids.

>> No.64426868

Negative, Sayu needs to see how much I need to donkey punch her donkey box day in day out

>> No.64426880

Does she not know twitter is actually worse than /here/?

>> No.64426962

it's raechit, says in the tweet

>> No.64426978

Meh is pretty much the same and most of the shit posted here is collected by schizos and reposted everywhere else anyway.

>> No.64426982

>These people are genuinely psychotic
Be honest, the quote tweets were people clowning on her sure but it doesn't even come close to the level of deranged behavior that comes out of this place on the daily. I say this as someone that doesn't really care about this whole situation

>> No.64427013

The content of the quotes is secondary, it's the fact that these people are so obsessed with her after such a long time which is psychotic.

>> No.64427047

Indies earn so much they can hire people??

>> No.64427081

Instead of worrying about company+twitch/yt taking a cut of what they earn they only have to worry about twitch/yt taking a cut

>> No.64427116

>obsessed with her
If she didn’t poke the hornet net every weekend everyone would’ve forgotten about her. She just need to move on.

>> No.64427160

Where? I looked through her replies and I didn't see her replying to any nijifag, did she deleted them?

>> No.64427188

>obsessed with her
She called her former genmates "talentless" and "flops". People stopped giving a shit about her, and will go back to not giving a shit after this blows over.

>> No.64427195

I mean, she posted a completely unprompted and unnecessary tweet, on the anniversary of her former gen, still beating the nijihorse. If there's anyone that's obsessed, it's her.

Not having to give corpos your cut helps. But in her case, she talked about not being able to afford a nicer model so she's definitely not earning bank so far. Maybe the friend is just volunteering?

>> No.64427220

Her community is insular. She's a medium sized indie. None of these people would know a thing about her if they weren't hate-watching her.

>> No.64427234
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yeah, you can find some replies to deleted tweets if you look

>> No.64427242

The difference is that /here/ you will have disagreement no matter what is posted. On twitter you'll have chains where everyone just agrees with one another and makes it seem like an opinion is universally agreed upon.
Also, it's understood that 4chan is shitpost central. It's more hurtful when something in posted in a "normal" public place. (Even if the distinction makes no sense.)

>> No.64427308

There's a lot of groomers/orbiters who will do stuff for basically free.

>> No.64427407

I do agree with you on the second point but definitely not the first. The non-general threads on catalog get turned into echo chambers very regularly. I've seen entire threads, particularly anti-holostar or male vtuber ones, with almost every single post in agreement(probably because starsfans just stay away from this place so there's no one to disagree). This place, or atleast catalog, is definitely a hivemind on a lot of things

>> No.64427435
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Honestly good move, nijitroons have taken over xitter and made that place a complete shit show
Not really, she said she still had friends at Niji but couldn't say who they were in fears of getting them harassed. I'd bet good money some of them are in lolisex. Also sisters dogpiling on her for saying something decent about her gen says more about the toxicity of the fanbase
Nah they hated her for telling the truth, see picrel

>> No.64427541

>see how this is effecting her

>> No.64427557

As Holobro I thank Niji for actively taking on so many of the cancerous fans so we don't suffer them

>> No.64427652

Funny you say that, because Stars are actually poaching a lot of those fans
Just a matter of time until things start imploding on their side too

>> No.64427732

This is starting to feel like she has PTSD from her workplace experiences.

>> No.64427737

"Raechit" isn't a "manager" it's just sayu larping as a different person because I guess she doesn't want to give the nijifags the satisfaction to think that they annoyed her to the extent of not want to use xitter? So she is larping as another person "using her account".

>> No.64427796

Yeah, that Rex guy from Stars was talking about how you shouldn’t jack off to fictional characters because “they can’t consent”. Meanwhile, Fulgur from NijiEN just straight up goes “Yeah, go jack off to lolis, why not? None of it’s real anyways”.

>> No.64427797

Anon, Rae literally streams on twitch

>> No.64427805

I like how this retard is on some moral high horse while literally stalking someone he hates online for over a year

>> No.64427808

Who the fuck cares. No one watches her anymore. She's basically mel nekomata without the nudes

>> No.64427813
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What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.64427838

Proof? Or I’m guessing even you don’t actually know, since you ended that statement sith a question mark.

>> No.64427902

>If she didn’t poke the hornet net
She mentioned literally no one retard she made a vaguepost, go kys waste of space and oxygen.

>> No.64427914

Fake account, with an AI voice. She’s been building it for years as a contingency plan in case she got fired

>> No.64427935

Man I'd love to be this insane

>> No.64427970

rare niji w

>> No.64427993

>She called her former genmates "talentless" and "flops".
Nijifag no one is going to believe your retarded attempt at re-writting shit, she never call them anything that shitty excuse of "genmates" throw her under the bus after she got graduating particularly one of the homos biting for sympathy so hard that he went to say "ooow she made everything so much harder for us now soooo much harded we have it so hard now" like the faggot he is rope yourself fucking subhuman nijifag. Even if she didn't said those things they are talentless and a fucking flop like most recent nijishit gens, go jump off a bridge no one will miss you faggot.

>> No.64427996

she has said it herself

>> No.64428027

Weird way to spell rajeed

>> No.64428055

As far as I knew and dig Raechit is the PL of Sayu go check the archive because I'm sure that she's sayu's RM as far as I can remember.

>> No.64428108

>Mentioned Kotoka by name
>Proceed to call Kotoka gen a flop
Yea I’m sure she wasn’t talking about Nijisanji. She’s being very vague

>> No.64428116

That was Ruze, not Rex.

>> No.64428120

shutup fag this sounds nothing like sayu

>> No.64428131

Nta but you sound very angry. Maybe go actually watch Sayu so she doesn't bitch about being a nobody onstream lol?

>> No.64428155

>Nijifag no one is going to believe your retarded attempt at re-writting shit
>she never call them anything that shitty excuse of "genmates" throw her under the bus
Both of these are in the same sentence.

>> No.64428158

>Thinking females can't make different voices when there's thousands upon thousands of examples.
Ok. Retard.

>> No.64428163

Nijinigs are still harassing her over jokes she made a year ago

>> No.64428164

God I hate nijiniggers so fucking much

>> No.64428165

Piprup and the gang are finally here

>> No.64428200

Thank you for proving you don't watch streams nijifaggot kek, go back to your fucking mudpit like the pig you are retard we'll get to you when we need a freak to make fun of, or a sow.

>> No.64428216

Why are even nijiniggers allowed on this board when they are literally Tumblr incarnate spending all day harassing people for not being left wing enough?
Yesterday their general was literally /breadtube/
Should be killed on sight desu

>> No.64428230

Keep coping sister.

>> No.64428260

Nice breakdown there lol

>> No.64428301

no one in this thread even watches her

>> No.64428306

>Rape victim flag
>Negro speak
When did Vtuber fans get this bad

>> No.64428327


Low IQ retards

>> No.64428377

After Luxiem's debut

>> No.64428396

It's just nijiniggers being the subhumans they are, their fanbase is full of degenerates like this and the livers pander to them
This is why you can never give them a single inch

>> No.64428427

Go dilate nijitroon

>> No.64428435

makes me think niji had the right call to axe this bitch. unironically a crazy woman moment, what the fuck.

>> No.64428488


>> No.64428507


>> No.64428529

>Not a new IP
Not fooling anyone sis

>> No.64428565

>Wanting to leave twitter is crazy
Uh think you got that backwards sis

>> No.64428571

We need a final solution to the nijinigger problem

>> No.64428577

was my first post itt, threadwatcher. imagine defending a literal schizo, oh wait, that's you too. KEK
enjoy your menhera

>> No.64428615

We need a compilation of their disgusting subhuman behavior, like a Google drive or something

>> No.64428629


>> No.64428712

it wasn't even anything bad, a simple "been a year, wish we could have all been friends, hoping you're all well, best of luck!" kind of post. fucking nijifags ruin everything. If she hadn't made a post they would have shit on her for that too for "not remember her friends." She just can't win.

>> No.64428767

Lmao, Nijiniggers really should hang themselves

>> No.64428774

what do you expect of nijifag? remember what they do on ALOE?

>> No.64428816

I would gladly provide the rope. I wish Pomu and Vivi weren't there so I could just pretend the entire corpo didn't exist anymore.

>> No.64428818

stfu sayu, go make rape jokes on stream, who gives a shit

>> No.64428827

>subathon (sleepathon) finally ends
Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.64428853

From twitter stupid not streaming

>> No.64428870

>Third world nijinigger can't read

>> No.64428879

For the record, this is what sisters are still somehow angry about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tkQAkTSREM

>> No.64428885

cry more. The "rape joke" was tamer than shit I hear chuubas joke about every single day, kys nijinigger

>> No.64428926

*how this is affecting

>> No.64428935

lmao that's it? that's the infamous rape comment? jesus christ, seething nijisisters are even more pathetic than I thought

>> No.64428936

>Nijiniggers try to bully Sayu into suicide for a joke
>Meanwhile Luca has raped half the branch and they love him
Nijitroons are mentally ill

>> No.64429005

>She called her former genmates "talentless" and "flops"

>> No.64429143

A friend of mine is just a small fleshtuber, but he got enough money to hire an editor that edits all his videos

>> No.64429215

Sayu's subathon maxed out so far they even reached a ridiculously high irl feet cam goal

She's not hurting for money she just didn't have the massive influx when commissioning.

>> No.64429386

>Calls Xsoleil failures because they don't have good numbers
>Immediately backtracks AGAIN after getting shit on by everyone
>Go "woe is me, people are misunderstanding what I said again" on Twitter
Imo, she got jealous of Kotoka's numbers during her collab with Yashiro.

>> No.64429426

I stopped watching Niji after that concert got cancelled but I will always laugh at Sayu, her ex-husband ain't getting any of my money no siree

>> No.64429434

>Calls Xsoleil failures because they don't have good numbers
I'm gonna need a screenshot of tha or else going to assume you're making shit up

>> No.64429455

How did she backtrack lmao, she simply was wishing well for them, she didn't say anything about wanting to go back to Kurosanji
>Being jealous of Niji"EN"
lol lmao

>> No.64429488

This thread proves once again that NijiEN fans are the terminal cancer of vtubing

>> No.64429490
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>inb4 retards saying it's edited

>> No.64429508

Where's the lie

>> No.64429518

She right tho

>> No.64429535


>> No.64429537

Tldr: Take the Vshojo or Indies pill?

>> No.64429548

oh wow a post with 24 likes. Sayu should have just ignored or blocked them. Dumb dipshits post all kinds of virtue signaling shit like this and can scrape up a few likes. They literally do not matter and aren't even that many people.

>> No.64429561


>> No.64429578

Hope Riku's paying you more than he pays his organs

>> No.64429582

Lmao, so original

>> No.64429590
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>No she didn't say anything bad about them!
>Posts screenshot of her shitting on her "friends" or people she wishes well upon
>W-where's the lie?
Sayucord isn't sending their best.

>> No.64429604

Holy ESL seethe

>> No.64429606

I don't see her calling anyone failures here. Anon, are you okay? Are you brown?

>> No.64429644

blame the dramatubers like false and khyo, they put anything Sayu says in their videos

>> No.64429649
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>Retard doesn't even know what flop means
Kek classic.

>> No.64429659

Sis, a wave can be a flop even if their members didn't do anything wrong, you're overdosing on copium at this point
In fact we've been calling Iluna the flop wave despite getting the most hype in NijiEN history

>> No.64429664

The model is fine though

>> No.64429673

Hope her ex buys some new Gunpla with your money

>> No.64429726

Calling your own wave a flop on the day of their anniversary is just shitty. That's the point. I don't care if they are a flop because they are, but you're tone deaf if you think it's ok to shit on your gen on the day of the group's anniversary.

>> No.64429744


>> No.64429766

She wouldn't have needed to clarify if you faggots didn't harass her for calling them a flop when the first tweet did not mention that at all
You brought this on yourselves lol, absolute retards. And you wonder why you have a bad rep

>> No.64429777

She didn't call anyone failures, she was saying they underperformed because management refuses to adapt to changing trends, which is true. I think you're projecting anon, maybe you think they're failures and want to externalize the blame for having those bad thoughts.

>> No.64429784


>> No.64429791

i have no stake in this, but why would she make a post on the one year anniversary of a gen she was dramatically terminated from two months after debut. that‘s just asking for nijifans to violate her

>> No.64429809

dubs and trips wasted on a fucking sayubot

>> No.64429827

Even denying dubs and trips of truth? You got problems dude. Get help.

>> No.64429838

>Changing trends
That's just random shit coming out of her arse. What changing trend? What "trend" recently came out for vtubing? IRL roommate streams where the chuuba only has a facemask and do irl streams in Tokyo or something?

>> No.64429844

who the fuck are you talking to? I'm not on twitter harrassing Sayu. Those people are retarded

>> No.64429850

better them than a fucking Riku rimjobber

>> No.64429872

>bitches about her ex-co workers
>niji sisters get mad
>backtracks then acts like she never said anything bad
>niji sisters get even more mad
>"aieeeee i'm taking a break from social media"
She is just farming dramanigs at this point, she got a video from Khyo and False last time, so she probably wants another boost.

>> No.64429905

You know what's crazy, this whole time nobody from NijiEN told their rabid fans to stop harassing her, besides that one time from Ren. Really speaks to the caliber of people in that community, from top to bottom.

>> No.64429935

Would be based if she deliberately planned all of that.

>> No.64429937
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>SDF retards vs NDF retards in this thread.
Sasuga...so this is the power of all out war.

>> No.64429941

remember Sayu wanted to be a Riku rimjobber that's why she applied in the first place

sleepathons you dumb cuck, she wanted to sleep on stream but black company wanted her to play games

>> No.64429983

To be fair NijiEN did a really good job of hiding their blackness until she came along

>> No.64430005

Yeah hold on I'm letting Hex know right now that he should address this year old drama on stream.

>> No.64430014

For a lot of her newer fans, that was probably when they first met her, so its still important in that sense to tweet about.

>> No.64430027

>Sayu in a depression arc
>I'm in a depression arc

>> No.64430040

>What "trend" recently came out for vtubing?
Learn to read. The problem is the lack of new trends being set by vtubers. She specifically pointed out market saturation is a problem and the old methods make it harder to stand out, which is all true. Instead of trend chasing if you want to stand out then be a trend setter
I thought that point was obvious.

>> No.64430061

Nijisanji didnt make her menhera, she is a menhera herself. There's a reason the other 3 who graduated aren't in this state and werent terminated

>> No.64430064


>> No.64430069

She should take her own advice.

>> No.64430087

She is getting shit because she called them backstabbers and failures, she went into a whole tanget about Kotoka being a traitor too from what I remember. Tweeting that she always "wished them well" and "wanted to be friends" is ludicrous at this point, and saying that right during the wave anniversary is just going to piss people off. I'm sure she is doing this just to gain traction, because she is a huge numberfag herself anyways.

>> No.64430088

She was busy fighting off obsessed Nijisisters, please understand

>> No.64430095

That termination notice was one of the laughably worst things I've seen come out of Niji. It should be shown in communications courses on what not to do if you're a corpo.

>> No.64430104

No one was pyschotic. Most if not all of the QRT were just saying for her to move on and stop being obsessed. people were just pissed because she was saying good luck and other bs to xsoleil while a month or two ago she was calling them flops and backstabbers. Big hypocrisy

>> No.64430112

>Extending an olive branch is now a bad thing

>> No.64430116
File: 3.98 MB, 250x300, sayu_short[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyitqt4.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this short chink woman would just stop. She's nice enough without constantly just letting all this crap get to her

>> No.64430126

she fucked nousagi and follows all the other drama vutbers, she knows what she is doing.

>> No.64430139

>React 8 hours a day
>Subaton where you only react , eat, and sleep.
With all the freedom, what have she done that is innovative. Even Aster already did the feet shit.

>> No.64430155

But the sisters are the hypocritical ones? They had to have followed her to see her tweet. Maybe they need to move on and actually spend time with their organs

>> No.64430157

>victim blaming
Fucking nijiniggers

>> No.64430194

You dont need to follow her t osee this tweet, For you exists

>> No.64430196

I doubt she's excluding herself from her own criticism.

>> No.64430213

I don't even follow her but I see her tweets because of other vtubers I follow

>> No.64430224

OP literally can't read.

>> No.64430231

True, but it's usually in reaction to the rest of the internet being firmly in the other camp. For example, this is why there is so much negativity here. It's basically outlawed everywhere else, which causes a buildup that explodes here because it's the only possible outlet.
Take StarsEN. Personally I have nothing against them, but I find it entirely logical that all the dislike against them and male collabs end up here. If you bring this up on youtube, reddit or anywhere else, it will get heavily shat on, no matter how reasonable you might phrase your argument.
Anyway, you're right that it can create echo chambers of a sort in individual threads here. If you go on the catalog though, it's open season. (I mean, look at this very thread. Yes, many Sayu supporters, many onlookers, many Sauy detractors.) I don't really get how you can say that catalog threads are the echo chambers and not the generals. Yes, the generals are usually more polite and civil, but they're also more prone to agree with one another. In the catalog it's just quarreling 24/7 unless there's like 7 posts total because nobody can be bothered taking the bait.

>> No.64430232

>Blaming Nijisanji for her lack of creativity

>> No.64430255

If she really wanted to reconciliate she wouldn't do publicly, she'd apologize behind the scenes, her following tweet trying to save face acting like she didn't talk shit about them ever doesn't help either.

>> No.64430263

>There are still stupid people who care about this menhera, crying for every single one of her mental illness posts

>> No.64430287

>victim blaming
back to twitter with you cuck.

>> No.64430299

erm, shut the fuck up nijifag!!!

>> No.64430305

>acting like she didn't talk shit about them
But she literally didn't talk shit about them.

>> No.64430315

Rent free, get that dicksword out of your ass.

>> No.64430334

>no rebuttal
Concession accepted. Don't let me see you faggots complain about rape jokes now since you're okay with victim blaming.

>> No.64430343

There’s just something about white knighting menheras like Michael Gato and Sayu. It’s like playing devil advocate kek.

>> No.64430355

Maybe... just maybe, it wasn't Niji's fault but the Liver herself was mentally ill? Yeah.

>> No.64430360
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She clearly did. >>64428327

>> No.64430361

>2 hours react andy, 6-10 hours gameplay, 1-3 hours zatsu, sleep
>nijiniggers go all she does is sleep and react
leave it to the sisters to be retarded

>> No.64430368

>There’s just something about constantly sucking Riku's chode. It’s like playing devil advocate kek.

>> No.64430375

>shut up please
How about no?

>> No.64430386

We know it was Niji's fault though, thee's plenty of evidence for their faults that don't just come from her letter.

>> No.64430392

Doesn’t change the fact she’s not innovating like she said. The only thing blocked by Nijis was react content and modded game for a good reason.

>> No.64430402

I accept your concession.

You might be in the running for Discord Groomer of the Month in the server, good job anon!

>> No.64430404

>lamenting and reminiscing is talking shit

>> No.64430414

Niji has nothing to do with that. There's a reason no one in JP ever had a termination like this. Its not jp jurisdiction

>> No.64430437

Ah no, calling your genmates backstabbers and flops isnt shitting on them, imagine kek

>> No.64430440

Sayu why are you so obsessed with the man who fired you

>> No.64430448

Their arbitrary enforcement of "rules" and petty inflation of the list of "crimes" is totally not their fault, uh huh

>> No.64430473

>No argument

>> No.64430506

>you leplied

>> No.64430509

Nijisanji and Nijisanji EN are two different branches with two different managements. Even if jp supercedes it, en still is the more involved with it

>> No.64430528

Does anyone actually care about this chick outside of the fact she got shitcanned?
Unnämed got let go too but they made a whole career, con appearances and got in with the Algorhythm/Shoto groups.

>> No.64430530

Here, have another (You)

>> No.64430537

> Muh niji this that after 1 year
Hahaha if it's true then I wish I could break this girl more

>> No.64430566

Already established she was blaming management and not the talents, also they did backstab her by allowing managment to throw her under the bus and not speak out and accused her of gaslighting.

>> No.64430567

>I am Raechit, Sayu's manager.
More like Sayu's boyfriend cum fuckbudddy

>> No.64430574

Thanks sayusister, you guys make it so easy

>> No.64430580

Nijisisters REALLY care because they need to fulfill their weekly harassment quota

>> No.64430597

I don't even watch Sayu or Nijis, I just think youb faggots are retarded and deserve to waste your time here

>> No.64430617

It's the side effect of associating with Depressed Pagpag and the Wonton bitch from Phase

>> No.64430622

Seriously, can you Nijifans ever come up with an original insult for once? This is quite sad to see

>> No.64430642

>More like Sayu's boyfriend cum fuckbudddy
Rae's a woman anon

>> No.64430641

No, but she's constant drama so catalogfags love talking about her all the fucking time

>> No.64430654

Gyatt damn they cloned him

>> No.64430656

>The only thing blocked by Nijis was react content and modded game for a good reason.
literally and figuratively jokes. cut the crap and realise the only reason she is out is because the nijiretard that runs EN personally did not like her. which is ok, you sometimes can't stand a person with no fault of the other person. the question is if you are adult enough to just work professionally anyway. you shithead gen z, alpha retard kids and people who have stopped mental development in 8th grade do not understand that yet you would still love to bend over and have that retard shove a dildo up yours truly

>> No.64430689

you’re only driving that sword in deeper, dumbass. you cannot be this pathetic to think opposing opinions belong to a discord raid. nijiniggers being completely insecure, how surprising.

>> No.64430710

wow nijifags are almost as insane as holofags

>> No.64430718

She's in Phase now?

>> No.64430720

>m-m-m-m-m-muh nijisisters!!!!!!!
Sayu this is getting embarassing.

>> No.64430731


>> No.64430765

Bro really gave up his earlier point and now claims it's a joke lmao

>> No.64430787

post reeks of 14 year old SEA poster

>> No.64430793
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>> No.64430794

>that Lisa reply
Didn't expect that, how reassuringly cute.
It's nice to see their circle so welcoming of her.
All this impotent seethe ITT is so laughable in comparison.

>> No.64430844

This post reeks of projection

>> No.64430847

Nijisisters harassed Mysta's friends and family and even called Vox during a stream. And these are people they actually "like". No surprise they are still obsessed with harassing and stalking Sayu.

>> No.64430848

Lisa is such a sweetheart

>> No.64430850

Oh yeah another useless woman who doesn't stream because she's eepy, she should follow Meru and graduate already

>> No.64430860

They always were as insane, just in a different team.

>> No.64430875

I wish, maybe if I was I would be on Sayu's side

>> No.64430900

With all the replies and seethe from nijifags in this thread I’m convinced they’re absolutely more insane than holofags. These are the worst kinds of threads, it’ll just be back and forth garbage until bump limit.

>> No.64430954

Yeah she's Shiina

>> No.64430965

It's like people didn't know what the word 'martyr' meant but labeled her with it anyway. Who would've thought being a martyr wouldn't result in a happy ending for her.

>> No.64430966

Absolutely assblasted

>> No.64430985

Nijifags literally live and gossip on a doxxsite when they aren't here.

>> No.64431011

>phase and Sayu on good terms
No wonder Nijisisters are full seethe lmao their two boogeyman's are joining forces

>> No.64431016

I'm a holofan kek, I just like derailing these threads by changing my IP and pretending to be on each side. I don't know this bitch or the shit company she worked for, I've added like 15 new IPs to this thread for that lone cause.

>> No.64431018

Oxygen wasted on another vt retard like yourself. Your not special cunt

>> No.64431021
File: 135 KB, 850x1279, __zaion_lanza_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_tilt_shift_azalanz__sample-633ebb6ccf7081bf8a9d969900b15793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with no fault of the other person
Sayu couldn't accept that she wasn't allowed to use her previous Genshit account and had a meltdown over it.
She contacted other people to talk to her manager because the manager wouldn't give into her crap, so she confided with Finana and contacted a Niji staff that was guiding them pre-debut.
Of course all of them probably agree that she can't use her old genshit account because it was an ambassador account and Opsec issues plus issues with sponsorship might come up. Even if they told her that she can use her privat account vs. they told her she can't use her PL's ambassador account.
All the other stuff she has done, like saying she is sponsored by Dee's Nuts (a real company, that is trying to sue Mr. Beast for making a deez nuts joke) or her rape joke would probably have been tolerable if she was working together with management, not against them.
But of course Sayu didn't do nothing.

>> No.64431045

Ever since her graduation nijiniggers have be on downward spiral to the point where Phase are likely to overtake them in the EN scene
Whether directly caused by her or not she was the martyr to kill the nijitroons

>> No.64431050

Eradicate nijifags. Same sjws are in the stars fanbase too.

>> No.64431053

Pagpag wasted on you Paulo

>> No.64431070

The nijinigger shrieks in horror upon being found out

>> No.64431077

>Oh no, this person I hate has a tweet on my feed, I MUST HARASS HER
nijinog brainrot lmao

>> No.64431079


>> No.64431089


>> No.64431101

Honestly she should either go all in on the nijisanji hate train or distance herself from it completely, and not this bullshit where she just starts shitting on nijisanji every few months

>> No.64431111

>No arguement
Concession etc

>> No.64431129

>she called them backstabbers and failures, she went into a whole tanget about Kotoka being a traitor too from what I remember.
Is she wrong though?
Saying 'I can't wish her well' on her graduation stream is absolute psycho behaviour

>> No.64431156

Phase will never make it as big if they keep hiring people like Rie

>> No.64431179

Looks like you trannies are still upset about "sa jokes" and shota/loli more than anything.

>> No.64431188

>saying she is sponsored by Dee's Nuts (a real company, that is trying to sue Mr. Beast for making a deez nuts joke)
For fuck's sake, they sued him for selling a product under the "Deez Nutz" brand name.
It's a legitimate trademark issue.
No one is going after MrBeast, Sayu, Niji or anyone else for just making deez nuts jokes.

>> No.64431225

Nijisanji: Not even once

>> No.64431245

It goes on and off in her like a trauma of some sort. She genuinely needs to find someone to counsel with on these sorts of things.

>> No.64431272

nta but not really, it just comes off as a "she had it coming" type of statement, they knew internally what was going on and saw it coming a mile away since some of them did try to help her at different points

>> No.64431333
File: 363 KB, 849x678, 1701210415726984.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kotoka did nothing wrong and catalog shitter quote her out of context even leaving out the "for now".

>> No.64431404

Where's the lie, nijinigger?

>> No.64431449

And she didn't make a simple Deez Nuts joke, see claimed to be sponsored by Dee's Nuts (literally) and put a made-up company logo on screen.
Remember when Pilk was a thing and they mentioned Pepsi. That's no issue. However, claiming to be sponsored by Pepsi and drawing your own Pepsi logo might get you into trouble.

>> No.64431554

Same problem as Bao. Couldn't stop herself from dropping hot takes and vagueposting about private drama.

>> No.64431602

>gets proven to be self-destructive menhera over and over
>nuh uh she dindu nuffin It was just for making a deez nuts hoje
Sayukeks this is embarrassing. She deserved to be fired just like Rushia. Cope.

>> No.64431686


>> No.64431694
File: 88 KB, 300x300, 1698968604323006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>management refuses to adapt to changing trends
Based management for shutting down her sleeping streams.

>> No.64431742

So nijisisters are the kind of fanbase who aggressively harass people over being shotacon/lolicon?

>> No.64431794

make one more sleepathon joke motherfuckers i dare you...

>> No.64431798

>Gura is their #1 enemy
No I don’t so

>> No.64431816

Or you could ignore her and stop following everything she does. It's getting worse than holofags with kson.

>> No.64431820

Well she did get a smear campaign run on her, one that's still getting her harrassed to this day so what do you expect?

>> No.64431838

jesas, nijifags really are something

>> No.64431842

Nijisanji is honestly a black company for not letting their talent sleep on the job.

>> No.64431850

>Just let us get away with character assasinating a girl to protect our image anon, why do you defend her so much
Yeah you'd love for that to happen wouldn't you nijinig?

>> No.64431851

That's literally on her for going the talent freedom route. Management did shut down her ideas, but now she doesn't provide anything, that could be considered a new meta.

>> No.64431896

I think nijifags should stop making threads with bizarre schizo rrats every time she tweets or does anything.

>> No.64431954


>> No.64431962

How do we finally deal with the nijinig menace?

>> No.64431967

What estrogen does to a fanbase

>> No.64432011


>> No.64432027

And she should take two seconds to think before posting about how this company lives in her head a year later when everyone else has moved on, maybe if you personally dicker her down anon she'd be happier

>> No.64432028


>> No.64432046

why do you think we call them nijiniggers

>> No.64432084

How are you supposed to move on from a bunch of psycho's harassing and posting your dox all over twitter all the while acting like their the victims in all this?

>> No.64432122

She should step back from 4chan instead, her twitter is a hugbox anyway so she's probably getting menhera over posts /here/

>> No.64432135

Probably because you pieces of shit almost harassed her to suicide during her suspension? Consider roping yourselves instead.

>> No.64432140

By not acknowledging them every single time, even acknowledging a post from 4chan and taking to twitter to respond to it. Ignore and don't feed them and they'll fuck off to cut for hex or whatever.

>> No.64432164

Don't think she's mentioned 4chan in a while

>> No.64432213

Mental gymnastics, I hope your trolling

>> No.64432222

lol you must be a new if this is the first time you think she's suicide baited during her career

>> No.64432241

>I got harassed by people
>better keep poking at them, constantly chasing drama and not let go
Its like Miguel Gato trying to bait here remaining unicorns to shit on her. Must be a fetiche at this point.

>> No.64432248
File: 410 KB, 1080x1337, 1701299545464142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep spreading the word
it's working

>> No.64432273
File: 136 KB, 632x475, 1678463043301941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just lie down and take it up the ass, it'll be over soon enough
gee I wonder who's behind this post

>> No.64432289

She mentioned 4chan when she had her meltdown. She said that 4chan is the unfiltered truth, while we have the console wars and everyone is defaming everything because of some personal agenda.

>> No.64432293


>> No.64432307

Getting dicked down is how you tame a Menhera, sorry that your gay anon

>> No.64432312

Yes yes I know, I meant she hasn't mentioned 4chan since then.

>> No.64432313

Oh so when we do it's it's "Defamation" but when nijisanji does it it's completely accurate and justified, oh I see how it is

>> No.64432314

I want to manhandle and bridal carry this tiny girl

>> No.64432379
File: 192 KB, 1280x720, 159930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nur Ikhsan

>> No.64432384

based sayusister posting on the doxxsite! i went to upboat your comment

>> No.64432438
File: 92 KB, 1066x610, 1679421959108398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also give a big round of applause to Mille for bringing attention to this

>> No.64432440

>She said that 4chan is the unfiltered truth
It's so funny to me people think this when the reality is it's a bunch of falseflagging howler monkeys flinging their shit at each other.
Also hi Sayu.

>> No.64432492

Dear Holoniggers,
This is a Nijisanji Board

>> No.64432499
File: 8 KB, 341x236, 89712378612332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast!

>> No.64432524
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>> No.64432529

I think Nijiniggers should hang themselves

>> No.64432543
File: 23 KB, 599x416, 1680188955932274.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nijibro... I...

>> No.64432548

Gentle Reminder that sayu has a butterface

>> No.64432559

>is Kyo black?
no lol

>> No.64432569

Millie...don't look...

>> No.64432572

Why can't women understand the concept of not posting shit on twitter?

>> No.64432577

Gee, the Nijisis Asylum sure is doing great work, thanks Sayu!

>> No.64432583

we need individual reading comprehension testing to get rid of ESL faggots like you two

>> No.64432592
File: 22 KB, 309x336, 170150952976362380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is Kyo black?

>> No.64432617

Yeah, this place is a shithole full of idiots that can barely articulate any coherent thoughts.

>> No.64432651

Black by popular demand

>> No.64432657

yeah, that's why you expend so much effort into trying to control the narrative here huh?

>> No.64432658

eh still better than twitter

>> No.64432677

Gentle reminder that that's not a problem because most of the time I'll be behind her anyways

>> No.64432738

Huh? I'm just watching retards fight over brands and laughing about it.

>> No.64432754

You can't call someone ESL when the person those anons were replying to types like that my nigga.

>> No.64432776
File: 207 KB, 1125x1292, hololive - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unrelated but Isreal being a thing Hololive is associated with is so funny

>> No.64432800

It's better in that it's a forum instead of algorithmic social media and doesn't have le heckin updoots but the posters are arguable even dumber.

>> No.64432859

Everything she said is right and she didn't even call them failures. You'd need a lot of projection to read that into what she said.

>> No.64432889

don't forget that these deranged sisters actually went as far as to dox her in the hopes one of their deranged retard sisters would try to swat her. that is such a cowards move and actual psychopathic behaviour on a level of /r9k/

>> No.64432896

>Posts screenshot of her shitting on her "friends"

>> No.64432920

Kek that's just sad but I'm still going to laugh.

>all these white knights defending the menhera
I'll bet not a single one of them show up to her streams

>> No.64432933

>bitches about her ex-co workers
Has anyone posted this? The image people are saying is where it happened doesn't show this.

>> No.64432942

>>Gura is their #1 enemy
>No I don’t so
spaming gura everyday LMAOI!

>> No.64432963

And Niji despite making such big and bold declarations about going after anti's about a month or so before didn't do a damned thing to stop them, probably cause they were already planning on letting her go.

>> No.64433028

Speed reading anon…I was replying with sarcasm

>> No.64433067

And the fact that some of the harassment came from a co-worker at the time, Kyo.

>> No.64433202

Sayu get some better SEAniggers to defend you. These ones dont really care about you, only about using you as a weapon against niji. They cant even keep your thread alive kek.

>> No.64433293

I felt bad seeing you without replies so here’s a (You)
improve yourself nijis

>> No.64433376

what is it about sayu that makes people think she’s using a discord here? she’s not ant.

>> No.64433399

I can't believe she's still going after one year rather than moving on. What's even more impressive is, this board laps it up like a reheated leftover dinner.

>> No.64433400

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a vtuber this dull and pathetic

>> No.64433415

Thanks I know sayusisters have a hard time not replying to every post so I appreciate you taking one for the team, BAU BAU

I was at her fan meetup at AX and we had a one black dude and a bunch of tiny brown asians, I wonder what he's doing right now

>> No.64433429

I'm real sorry she didn't just bend over and take it nijinig
oh wait I'm not lol

>> No.64433458

Read the last sentence in the OP pic

>> No.64433461

maybe if she did she wouldn't have tried to ACK herself lol

>> No.64433472

god I fucking wish she acked herself, then we would have the perfect kindling to burn nijisanji alive

>> No.64433502

Yeah they’re pretty bad>>64433415
Then again SEA doesn’t actually watch Sayu, she’s only a tool to them.

>> No.64433510

>obsessed with her
I think that word would be more appropriate for if you got fired from a job a year ago said that people there were backstabbers and still vague post about wanting to be friends.

>> No.64433516

There is literally nothing stopping you from doing that already, become the Kyoani Arsonist you want to be anon

>> No.64433528

You know who else are still butthurt by being "wronged" in the past? Actually niggers.

>> No.64433569

>if you don't let us get away with perfoming character assassination you're a nigger
do nijinigs really?

>> No.64433570

Most asian women do, the difference is that she doesn't know how to put on makeup right.

>> No.64433675

if he says character assassination enough times maybe it'll become true

>> No.64433729

So management shut down collabs with DN they are the good guys?

>> No.64433751

The nijinigger shrieks in horror as he's exposed

>> No.64433758

>character assassination
She chose this character. She had every chance to cut her losses and do something positive for her herself, like ever other terminated chuubas out there. But sure, just call everyone who is against her self-destructive behavior a nijinigger.

>> No.64433776

how is that evidence she pulls raids here? OP only says she’s still active in the discord while not making any content. it’s not like ant and screenshots of her linking threads to her retarded swarm or anything, while also being much more affixed to trying to get attention from 4ch which sayu might be avoiding now. Are posters convinced every other post here is actually from her? I don’t get it.

>> No.64433779

Sayu trends after becoming indie
>collab with doxxers
>donothon that’s 90% reactions 10% sleeping
What a visionary.

>> No.64433783

>Nijinig doesn't know what character assassination means
Sasuga nijiretards

>> No.64433806

>around in discord
To be able to book her for sex, or something? Imagine fucking a bunch of SEA dudes lol

>> No.64433823

>you can't shoot yourself in the foot and character assassinate yourself
LOL ok I forgot which thread I'm in

>> No.64433824

She's done +10 hour gaming streams man quit keeping up this retarded rrat

>> No.64433838

Yeah I hate Nijiniggers too Sayu but for the love of god just move on, or at least vent out with a private friend or something instead of hitting the hornets nest every 3 weeks.

>> No.64433840

What the fuck is wrong with Sayu?

>> No.64433847

Nijifags just project their hate for their own company onto her. They even blame her for the graduations this year.

>> No.64433865

She did nijisanji

>> No.64433891

Nijifags have made her their boogeyman and scapegoat for everything wrong with their company and are still attacking her nonstop. Then if she says anything back they just use that to further attack her.

>> No.64433906

one ten hour gaming stream sandwiched between 14 hour sleep streams hell yeah

>> No.64433935

I feel bad for you so here's a reply, we need to stomp out the nijimenace

>> No.64433947

So fucking what? that's what a subathon is retard

>> No.64433955

Don’t forget the occasional nijisanji references she sprinkles in gotta remind the chat why they’re there in the first place.

>> No.64433981

She should be playing games 24 hours like Nijisanji!

>> No.64433986

crazy the past 6 months have been one long subathon

>> No.64434026

damn, because she was the first to go this year? that’s superstitious as fuck to think she’s the reason for the ultra combo graduations that happened after her.

>> No.64434030

Elira is a shotacon and Enna is an actual pedophile with naked pictures on her phone of real children she was looking after. Are these people stupid or something?

>> No.64434035

wouldn't help her, the only games she can afford as an indie now are Honkai Starrail and Genshin Impact

>> No.64434049

>says anything back
It's better to say something that is not about her past in niji, vague shit, if she doesn't want to get a backlash, imagine still seething after 1 year that's hilarious

>> No.64434080

I mean I wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason Nina, Mysta and Mika decided to get out while they could is to avoid getting Zaioned.

>> No.64434082

>Just lie back and let us get away with it bro, why are you fighting back
lol no

>> No.64434084


>> No.64434105

>Imagine still seething after 1 year
If the attacks are constant then is it really "after 1 year"?
Like if someone started abusing you a year ago and continues to do so til the present, it isn't really "after 1 year".

>> No.64434114

the way that announcement is set up they have to either believe that Nijisanji is an evil company or Sayu is vtuber hitler. Guess where nijifags end up

>> No.64434147

There's way too much broken English in this thread. Why are so many Niji antis/Sayu supporters brown subhumans?

>> No.64434152

Isn't Sayu getting better numbers on average as an Indie than her wave is now?

>> No.64434165

Why are nijiniggers so intent on blaming everything on the browns?

>> No.64434177


>> No.64434196

There’s no Holo on Holo crime rn. JP orange woman GTA yab is honestly boring

>> No.64434202

And the fact that so many people realized how evil Nijisanji is from the announcement made the people double down on their delusions that Zaion is evil. I have even seen people claim that Zaion tricked Nijisanji into firing her like that so that Nijisanji would look bad.

>> No.64434227

Because they are Chinese and SEA themselves.

>> No.64434241

There’s no way they exist here

>> No.64434254

>her wave
I don’t remember the waves of EN but I’ve seen Maria with over 1K pretty regularly I haven’t seen Sayu over that once. Could be wrong tho.

>> No.64434263

The attacks only happen because she brings up the past to begin with, most of the nippleniggers would leave her alone if she didn't bother bringing it up every 2 months. She has new friends now anyways I'm sure she can confide with any of them.

>> No.64434311

All I’m saying is if she brings it up again in 6 months from now that’s on her at that point.

>> No.64434325

>most of the nippleniggers would leave her alone
they are still doing their daily five minutes of hate for her in their thread

>> No.64434327

>her wave
Lol, Ver is still better than her despite being the weakest member in the wave

>> No.64434349

Idk I'd be pretty cool with her celebrating Niji en's untimely demise

>> No.64434369

maybe but those are EN/ID, unless JP management is just as bad, at least recently. There were a shit ton of JP grads his year. saw this in another thread but after January 2024 there’ll be 19 total niji retirements since March. Jesus fucking Christ.
western audiences hate lolicon/shotacon. Enna’s thing is weird though and the fact that it’ll probably never be brought up again and be a mystery forever is a little worrisome.

>> No.64434432

you mean this thread >>64374885

>> No.64434451

They’re drama rats. They only watch False and Khyo. Unless those two show video proof they won’t give two shit.

>> No.64434489

Chinese are the biggest remaining fans of NijiEN, for example most of the people that watch Enna are chinese women.

>> No.64434491

The NDF is always watching and waiting. Can't have infidels trying to tarnish Riku-sama's name.

>> No.64434506

let the schizos do it in their containment/circlejerk thread, unless she's looking in that thread for posts about herself those posts have little to no effect on her whatsoever retard

>> No.64434517

yeah that one! it’s just an insane number to think about honestly. I liked a couple of the JPs and IDs that left/are leaving, what a shame.

>> No.64434521

>The attacks only happen because she brings up the past to begin with

>> No.64434545

So much freedom, its beautiful

>> No.64434569

Ok Sayu see you again next month when we loop this thread all over again

>> No.64434604

>western audiences hate lolicon/shotacon
But Elira is a shotacon. Way more of one than Zaion ever was so why don't they attack her over it?

>> No.64434620

I don't give a flying fuck about your nobody vtuber your indie tuber is a 3 view kill yourself faggots and no 1,000 is not a 4 view keep coping stupid holoniggers

>> No.64434631

Why are you shitposting like this? You know I'm not Sayu.

>> No.64434691

Sayu if you are reading this
You are an ugly bitch
You are unloved
You are unwanted
Do not threaten nijisanji ever again
Or you will regret it

>> No.64434717
File: 1.37 MB, 1122x1122, here's the numbers you wanted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that she'll be getting 3d before your corpo oshi will

>> No.64434723

Sayu you are not a successful person
You are drowning in failure
You will commit sudoku one day
Because you are worthless chinese person from asian continent.
You are worthless bitch ass asian
Your life is literally as valuable as koseki's bijou's flat tits

>> No.64434745

Reminder that your 3 view indie is irrelevant and nijisanji has more views than your shotacon pedophile

>> No.64434759

She's a Jap you tard

>> No.64434767

twitter/X types subsist entirely off clips and don’t watch streams enough to know. for them, clips are where they get all of their opinions on chuubas from and unfortunately zaion’s shotacon clip got very popular on twitter. and twitter is twitter, just poisonous all around

>> No.64434782



>> No.64434828

China is number one and we will destroy sayu.
Sayu for backstabbing Enna. NO ONE BACKSTABS ENNA

>> No.64434835

as jap as Enna

>> No.64434845

nijiniggers need to convince themselves that only Sayu is the one who has a problem with them using her as a scapegoat, because they don't want to admit that they face more opposition than that

>> No.64434866

She threatened the company it's her fault besides she's a disgusting pedophile kill yourself

>> No.64434881

Are we being raided by the sister site? or just some very dumb false flaggers?

>> No.64434890

LOL bro got the whole army behind his back

>> No.64434893

not surprising given the state of this thread. they really went full Retard
probably the latter

>> No.64434899

>Holoniggers defending a pedophile vtuber because they are pedophiles themselves
This is why nijisanji is better than your faggot corporation

>> No.64434937

>as he asks on a basket weaving forum known as /vt/

>> No.64434943

I mean yeah its a company that vomits out streamers every month. Of course they got more views, but you know what they say, quality over quantity

>> No.64434947

The person who posted a screenshot from that site on this thread was a sayusister so probably

>> No.64434999

Sayu is not a quality vtuber she's a disgusting 30 year old hag using her nijisanji buff as leverage. Without her nijisanji buff she would literally be worth nothing
