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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64392268 No.64392268 [Reply] [Original]

How come that there are several lolis in hololive but not a single shota in holostars?

>> No.64392456

Because you can't have nice things when you cater to the twitter crowd.

>> No.64392484
File: 1.16 MB, 769x964, Kira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwoo your reps…

>> No.64392525

are, not were

>> No.64392542

Every time yagoo brings a shota to the office the hags kidnap him and he is never seen again.

>> No.64392795

It's because female vtubers abuse their positions to secure all promising shotas for private use.
Yeah, I'm that shota.

>> No.64393304

blind nigger-chama, have you seen Flayon?

>> No.64393420

That's not a shota

>> No.64393640
File: 429 KB, 394x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In what fucking world do shotas look like 17 year old lanky ass beanstalks?

>> No.64393747

not a shota but damn thats a cute lanky ass bean stalk

>> No.64393907

Not a shota, same with Nijifags claiming that Kyo was a shota.

>> No.64393972

Same reason why vast majority of shotas in anime are voiced by women, guys just can't make a convincing shota voice. Those who can, are very rare. But there's no shortage of women who can talk like 12 year olds for money online

>> No.64394708

women aren't into shotas

>> No.64395401
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>> No.64395708

Your ass, there's a guy on my work who looks like a child and every women there talks with him like they want to breastfeed him, I hate my genetic for looking tall and strong, I just want to be a shota and get a nursing handjob from Mio, Sora or Okayu all day long

>> No.64396222

Because a grown ass man acting like a child is fucking cringe but a woman acting like a child is hot and based. Deal with it.

>> No.64396538


>> No.64396662

99% of the audience are pedos

>> No.64397039

Actual retard

>> No.64397343

My guess is that their voice doesn't fit the model. Same reason why shota anime(and cartoon) characters are usually voiced by women.

>> No.64398031

he lacks critical information

>> No.64398222
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this is the part where you people are supposed to post /ss/
you know. for personal reasons

>> No.64399788
File: 1.05 MB, 498x280, 6546.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Hololive really needs is a delicious brown loli.

>> No.64399891

This is the truest post on /vt/

>> No.64403213

Keep those hagwhores away from the little boys then

>> No.64409522

Yeah that was dumb

>> No.64411055

like >>64397343 said you'd need a woman to voice a shota character, men's voices are too low after puberty to voice a child which is why young boy characters are generally voiced by women

>> No.64411347

apparently enough to where he begged to get a new model that was "older looking" and taller because he cant take short jokes.

>> No.64411468

so this was the only one huh? shame

>> No.64411614

This is probably the first time I've seen him below his shoulders, what the fuck is that outfit

>> No.64411716

Is easier to find girls that sound like lolis than boys that sound lik shotas

>> No.64416641


>> No.64421378

>only shota
>genuine menhera
he was too powerful

>> No.64422124

Rio and Astel's (character) voices would suit a shota though, Astel even borders on it in some official art (but he doesn't want to be seen as shota so he's already asked them to stop drawing him like that).

>> No.64422196

there is no way to find someone who'd be able to voice the shota unless they actually hired an actual little boy, and if that happened all his time would taken by his OL manager instead of streaming.

>> No.64422482

women being into shota is a meme. It's a funny little fantasy but all women desire giant men with giant dicks and giant bank accounts who act aggressively. the shota push online comes from some women but mostly homosexuals, who are all pedos and anyone who refuses this comment will fall into one of those categories without fail

>> No.64423545

he looks like he's about 11 and is half the size of everyone else, close enough. if he's not a shota the Gura and the rest aren't lolis, they're not literally 3 ft tall toddlers

>> No.64423921

He looks 16-17, not 11. Being a manlet doesn’t make him a shota either

>> No.64424036

fucking retard go read manga and watch anime before you open your mouth ever again
those proportions are not even near someone being 11, that is a post puberty male

>> No.64424333


>> No.64424541


>> No.64424627

Flayon is the equivalent of someone like Okayu or Towa. There's no homo that's the male equivalent of someone like Gura or Laplus. Shibuya HAL's shota model would be closer to it

>> No.64424868

He just joined stars so he could slurp cocks.

>> No.64424877

Market size. There are many more male pedophiles with a higher percentage of them using 2D diet CP.
Gotta consider the numbers when you're marketing to subhumans.

>> No.64425161

Because the average guy hired to be a corpo male vtuber is an adult man with a voice that cannot be convincingly 'shota' and if they tried sounding young, would probably be very gross. The only solution is have a woman join but why would a woman qualified enough to join Hololive want to be in Holostars where popularity is extremely niche, everything from stream numbers to revenue is low (compared to the average corpo female vtuber), and the only real pro being... promoting gay pedophilia?

>> No.64425284

Because loli voices are infinitely more profitable than shota voices. Men with permanent shota voices are mocked off the internet for being squeakers or end up killing themselves.

>> No.64425584

>why would a woman qualified enough to join Hololive want to be in Holostars
Why do you think she'd be qualified to join Hololive? Cover hires whoever they can get for Holostars, not the cream of the crop as they do with Hololive.

>> No.64426034

>Shibuya HAL's shota model would be closer to it
Why did he stop using it?

>> No.64428110

explain why Gura or Yuko or whoever counts as a loli then? They don't look like a literal 6 year old. I mean shit, Gura is almost 5' tall if we're going to be all pedantic about things. That fucker has just as young looking a face as any "loli" and they even gave him little boy shorts for gods sakes.

>> No.64428341

Or maybe is because unlike you, he isn't an incel cunt who's far gone to the point of no return? Who would've thought!

>> No.64428345

Not a shota, very fuckable thoughbeit

>> No.64429264

>half the size of everyone else
He's only about 10 cm shorter than Regis. And if it weren't for his shoes, Hakka would be shorter.

>> No.64429679

read manga
watch anime
or gtfo tourist

>> No.64429769

>completely clueless
do your damn reps

>> No.64429917
File: 659 KB, 959x908, 1692894824963548.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holostars is male Vtubers? Easy, it's cause male Vtubers are cringe no chin having band wagon fans. Very boring, they don't want to appeal to the male audience, of which there is a higher percentage of pedos in the male than the female population. Women including female weebs prefer developed and hot guys. Does a shota have strength or wealth? Instinctually thats what they want. So the pathetic little fuckboys put on that mask cause they want either to fuck fan girls (rare in Vtubers) or fuck female Vtubers.

>> No.64430142

I miss this li'l nigga like you wouldn't believe

>> No.64430192


>> No.64430267

I've watched and read more anime and manga than you can possibly fathom

>> No.64430291

ok IRyS calm down

>> No.64430300

>has no answer to a valid point

"d...do your r..reps..." Now say it without crying.

>> No.64430428

Listen, female Vtubers are basically 2d ethots, voice actors playing a character. What are male Vtubers? They don't even have the parasocial relationship thing (except for a minority of freaks) because that's not what men are supposed to be. There isn't the same value or exchange conversion like with prostitution. Why are male prostitutes so rare? It's a job for females, idols. It's personal sense gratification for dudes, who either want female fans to fuck (rare, but sometimes desperate neet girls exist) or they want a better chance of fucking female Vtubers. It's not hard to get dick, it's hard to get pussy.

>> No.64430444
File: 555 KB, 1058x694, L.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all the redpill fags itt

>> No.64430486

>Muh soulless material universe
>But not gender and social value dynamics tho, that's le redpill

>> No.64430828

Isn't Sora on record for saying she likes buff guys?

>> No.64431290

They talk to him like a child. You know when teen girls used to french kiss you as a kid? They were just using you as practice.

>> No.64432286

>not knowing the different between a shota and a femboy
What else is new for this board

>> No.64434119

what a shame

>> No.64434492
File: 529 KB, 3500x4360, machina_bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not a single shota in holostars?
Your shota is right here.

>> No.64437502

>he thinks male streamers don't have parasocials
Please just watch a single streamer before pretending to know what you're talking about.

>> No.64438026
File: 238 KB, 52x52, 1613916417900.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sock garters

>> No.64439731

Because the very second he appears Suisei and Noel would rape him live
