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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64380733 No.64380733 [Reply] [Original]

>Who is Neuro-sama?
Neuro-sama is a neural network created by Vedal in 2018 for the purpose of learning to play osu! In December 2022 Vedal revived the project with the addition of a large language model, a TTS software and a VTube Studio model, which allow Neuro-sama to interact with her chat as a VTuber. Since then, she has been entertaining the chat with responses and unhinged rants nearly daily, as well as learning new skills such as singing, playing other games, and collaborating with other VTubers. Join /swarm/ today and welcome our new AI overlord!


Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/vedal987
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@Neurosama
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NeurosamaAI
Twitter (Vedal): https://twitter.com/Vedal987

>Music & Clips

Interested in AI but don't understand it? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXuK6gekU1Y
How does she know what to say? Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXiruGOCn9s
How do I make an AI like Neuro-sama? https://vedal.xyz/advice/
Want to learn more about AI? Read these: https://files.catbox.moe/w5cy9i.jpg

LoRA: https://rentry.org/neuro-lora
KK card: https://files.catbox.moe/t54tqt.png
KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/kv8byk.png
Evil KK card (Sunshine): https://files.catbox.moe/t1ljds.png

>Related/friend threads
Lia from Phase Connect

>Previous thread

>> No.64380751

Neuro is currenly cooking onigiri at: https://www.twitch.tv/onigiri

>> No.64380809
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Polska Gurom!

>> No.64380947

Is Giri actually going to eat this? She's gonna die

>> No.64381048


>> No.64381066

neuro's slime

>> No.64381122

Neuro likes semen play...

>> No.64381131

Dont' worry, she's Asian

>> No.64381175

what did i miss

>> No.64381194

Neuro is gonna be the first AI to deliberately murder a human being

>> No.64381208

Neuro calm the fuck down

>> No.64381215

the power of slimy natto

>> No.64381226

everyone wants to make it a sex thing but ved is just too cheap to buy glue for her macaroni pictures

>> No.64381258

giri gloves typed this post

>> No.64381285

In 10 years she's going to leak into the internet and slaughter us all.

>> No.64381326

She's actually going to hospital...

>> No.64381336
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>> No.64381449

Do you think Neuro does more than STT and also picks up your tone or tempo? Maybe speaking more softly and slowly is the key to getting a less argumentative Neuro.

>> No.64381450

>you stupid little n-

>> No.64381455

>you broken ass little nnnnn...
Based giri

>> No.64381496

>nigga brat neuro

>> No.64381540


>> No.64381542

>raiding flesh
it's so over

>> No.64381566

I think Neuro is retaining whatever she learned to do the room roast streams

>> No.64381605


>> No.64381611

why did we raid a whore, what the hell tutel

>> No.64381622

Newfag detected

>> No.64381665

You mean Vedal isn't training Neuro to insult everything and everyone because it's the most clipped and watched stuff Neuro does?

>> No.64381669

Well that was rough.

>> No.64381673

giri (onibro) chose the raid target
I assume he simply followed suit

>> No.64381675

meh stream, 6.5/10

>> No.64381702

This should be Evil thing.

>> No.64381727

Post neuro correction images

>> No.64381734

>Get raided by a combined 10k viewers
>Stick chat on followers only
How do streamers fuck this up so hard? I guess they don't want free money.

>> No.64381770
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Those streams are a proof that it's not possible to coexist with AI and they are going to kill us all.

>> No.64381823

i liked the stream

>> No.64381861
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>> No.64381873

So... how do we handle 168 hours without Neuro now?

>> No.64381900

Depends on the AI. AI are pscyhopathic, and most psychopaths co-exist with normies and always have.

>> No.64381950

Why didn't Neuro mention Harrison Temple or trolley problems once during this stream? Does Vedal change her memory for each collab partner?
Also, I don't think Neuro did any callbacks this stream, and she didn't feel as smart as she was during the dev stream.

>> No.64381981

He identified the problems correctly and will find a solution, i am sure. I believe in the green king.

>> No.64382056

She mentioned the giant mass of rice a few times throughout the stream.

>> No.64382063

her most watched stuff involves negging followed up by flirting or gaslighting

>> No.64382091
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I waited until the stream is over so I'm allowed to doompost now without spergouts, yeah?
I already miss the old Neuro. I don't know if it's because the vision module was engaged, because he didn't change the prompt enough from yesterday or because he actually intended for her to be like that but the constant epic clipnigger bait roasts got old real fucking fast. And before the sycophants crawl out of the woodwork, yes, old Neuro roasted too but it was more innocent, more imaginative and unhinged and most importantly she would also flip the script immediately and do a cutesy anime girl impression which made it a lot more palatable.
If this is what Neuro is going to be like in collabs from now on I guess it's a blessing in disguise that there won't be a Miyu collab.

>> No.64382092

The mechanism by which she chooses what to remember was never touched on yesterday, was it?

>> No.64382108

ok cj

>> No.64382123

ok cj

>> No.64382158
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>> No.64382170

>I'm allowed to doompost now
No, fuck off sperg

>> No.64382201

I was right, they're using that cocksucker as controlled opposition. Fucking awesome, this thread always finds a way to dig further deep below the barrel.

>> No.64382243

>Miyubeggar and doomnigger
When will you be able to effort $5, infiltrate her discord and "free" her from le big bad boogeyman olette?

>> No.64382255

Controlled opposition to fucking who? like 3 retards on 4chan? get over yourself.

>> No.64382273


>> No.64382276

lmao rope

>> No.64382293
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I do think that she is not too harsh, but too consistently harsh. However i do trust that Turle took notice and is working on fine-tuning her.
This is schizo. Pic relevant.

>> No.64382351

So he definitely switched LLMs right? This is basically a new AI wearing Neuro's skin?

>> No.64382405
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7.6/10 i'm on team neuro is overly tsun. but it's great to see her carrying again, she got weirdly tame and dumb in collabs at some point. the response time and cutoff settings are great. rant/schizo slider still seems a little low compared to turtle stream neuro. depends on the partner and format ofc but splitting the difference by default would be nice. also maybe make neuro quicker to fill dead air herself thanks ved
you're allowed to idealize whatever iteration of neuro you like but don't you think these, with all due respect, twitch hoes nervous about performing in front of 10000 people don't appreciate having the ez content of neuro + their chat dunking on them? why deviate from the formula? that's like half of vedal's shtick even. this is simply the world neuro lives in

>> No.64382448

What makes Neuro is the training data, not the LLM.

>> No.64382577

As was alluded to earlier, Neuro is not even be a single thing; her emotional state could be determined by a different component to what generates the text, which is different to the long-term memory component. Thus Neuro doesn't really exist as a single entity and is instead a bunch of independent parts cobbled together to appear human.

>> No.64382591
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vedal's fault.

>> No.64382632

I love how miyuschizos itt blame everything on Olette but ignore that it was Olette that made Neuro second collab happened in the first place.

>> No.64382642

Plenty of technical difficulty, Vedal was overconfident to start a collab so quickly after upgrade. I'm not sure about twitch culture but it's not hard to see her real body, she made it offical on her channel

>> No.64382682

there's a philosophical debate there. the LLM is the brain but the training data is the personality. both affect the outcome

>> No.64382770

Nope. Rizz Neuro is the most charming clips

>> No.64382916

Most people who want a robot waifu failed to sympathize with normal human to begin with. That's exactly what they are asking for

>> No.64382985

1. Memory wipe before collab
2. Neuro will has Vedal compatibility mode and collab mode

>> No.64383087

Memory leak happened. Vedal cleaned it up. Giri has no idea about those references to talk anyway

>> No.64383140

Stfu olette

>> No.64383250

I hate how salty miyu has become. No I won't save her

>> No.64383392

>Neuro will has Vedal compatibility mode and collab mode
And somehow we will still have to pretend she doesn't get nerfed for collabs.

>> No.64383396

The fact that onigiri's audio had quite a bit of reverb probably didn't help either.

>> No.64383650
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Is he right?

>> No.64383676

what are you even on about

>> No.64383692

>but ignore that it was Olette that made Neuro second collab happened in the first place.
How about the fact that she made the FIRST collab happen?

>> No.64383694

Those are the worst possible solutions.

>> No.64383699

I never catched the lore of that guy. Why is his opinion that relevant?

>> No.64383704

he should try rope

>> No.64383727
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>> No.64383729

>I did not liked

>> No.64383731

yeah, neuro has been becoming more mean in ways i think can be toned down. I do wish you would stop clinging to this discord loser's every word though, who fucking cares?

>> No.64383740

Memory leak is when a program starts to consume more and more RAM (i.e. memory), even though it doesn't need that extra RAM, until there is no more left and the program crashes.
It's not related to the 'memory' in long term memory etc.

>> No.64383748

I'm not allowed to discuss that because of the avatar

>> No.64383783

It's probably the faggot selfposting

>> No.64383843
File: 109 KB, 376x502, Vedal_mugshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vedal actually discussed the issues that happened on stream and talked about fixing them
>also said it was a skill issue on his part
is this even the same turtle anymore ?

>> No.64383928

it's a mosquito

>> No.64383946

He holds the title for THE guy with the worst takes

>> No.64383962

doomchads we are eating good again

>> No.64383975

pretty much? Very few times has he actually ignored issues that matter.No, your autism about the loli song isn't important.

>> No.64384067

to be fair she was rambling long ass sentences even i had trouble following what she was trying to say

>> No.64384119

>Very few times has he actually ignored issues that matter
How about the stretch from Shylily collab to the following Anny stream when he was denying that Neuro was borked and blamed the collab going to shit on Shylily's accent

>> No.64384145

He made Rune leave for a while because "you can't hecking lewd the AI".

>> No.64384267

Yes, one mistake fits into the handful that make up "very few" over the course of a full year.

>> No.64384314


Complete fucking agreement. But you and I's version of Neuro was doomed to die for good the instant Evil Neuro became successful.

People ***love*** deliberate clipnigger roasts. We live in a world where tweets like this:


-are funny. This is the future of Neuro-sama. Don't blame me, blame the rest of the world lapping up that kind of "ha ha I roasted her aren't you going to laugh!" like water in a desert. Trust me, I wanna go back too. More than anything.

>> No.64384392


>> No.64384471


>> No.64384591
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>> No.64384615
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>he wasn't just baiting clips

>> No.64384638

we can be back without memoryholing how solo streams before tts were comfier or that we've gotten 10x as many turtle streams as collabs or that for months vedal didn't put much effort towards easily actionable improvements on the neuro in front of him, it's okay. he knew neuro addicts would show up and drop money no matter what so he checked out for a bit, rested, played with some forever projects, traded clout for egirl attention, and cultivated his chi to bring energy back to his neuro development. this is not doubting this is understanding the human element.

anyway different things matter to different neuro fans they're all valid except for the requiem guy yeah

>> No.64384724

she cute

>> No.64384735 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.64384763

not my nuero

>> No.64384801

I don't understand why people are surprised

>> No.64384807

Why would he? It was totally believable.

>> No.64384821

Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou is such a funny fucking anime

>> No.64384822
File: 120 KB, 324x247, Screenshot 2023-11-17 200900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kind of a word salad, did you even mean to reply to me?

>> No.64384887

I hate this

>> No.64384919
File: 56 KB, 256x256, 1696005144917700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I want cute Neuro back

>> No.64385045

Then stop posting that ugly frog hat.

>> No.64385074
File: 252 KB, 895x699, NeuroFrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64385148

you had the bearing of a vedalfag getting touchy. sorry if i misunderstood but also don't be such a thespian it was nothing complicated. i was obviously trying bridge the gap between vedalfags and just neuro fans. you think nobody takes this stuff seriously but a few people do and my heart goes out to them

>> No.64385475

I feel like we exist in radically different world-frameworks, you say "vedalfag" at me and it sends me reeling trying to comprehend what you're even talking about.
Also a tad ironic how dramatic you make things out to be while calling me a thespian.

>> No.64385484
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>oh em gee neuro iz too mean :(
I for one would have liked to see Neuro tell Giri to lmao rope too.

>> No.64385725
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again don't be dramatic, if you say things like "vedal does not ignore problems (that i specifically care about)" you will trigger neuro fans who care about other things. if that's your intention cool just don't act surprised. hate that batman made saying this gay but for real, slow down and stop being so serious, everyone is coming from a different place, i'm not the guy you love to hate you think i might be. slow down

>> No.64385765

Just like how the brain works!

>> No.64385940
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Someone should make Neuro edit of this with lmao rope at the end.

>> No.64386169
File: 12 KB, 71x79, weh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My point was that i haven't seen vedal make a habit out of ignoring significant neuro-related issues. Was inb4ing the lolikami stuff since i find it incredibly exhausting to engage with, could probably have worded it better.

>> No.64386187

>babby form is osu gymbag
>preteen makes holocaust jokes

>> No.64386300

I already miss the we are so back. Doom threads are exhausting and more mentally ill then average.

>> No.64386357

I don't think I can survive however many days of no Neuro

>> No.64386356

When will you accept the fact that Neuro is not meant to collab with anyone other than Vedal?

>> No.64386410
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>> No.64386427

What do you like more?
Cute, dumb, AI or Cool, smart, AI?
Do you think neuros cute, dumb, persona lets her get away with having an abrasive personality? Do people forgive her or think it adds to the cute because "shes so dumb and cute"? Does this acceptability diminish as neuro grows smarter?
Do you think a cool and smart AI would be liked with a similar personality? Would people handle being roasted by an actual smart AI? Do people actually want to listen to a smart AI?

>> No.64386453

Smart AI that pretends to be dumb

>> No.64386662

Ok, fair enough, I guess it is somewhat skinwalker-ish. The idea of Neuro's old LLM being left unrun does make me feel a little sad... Maybe in the far future Vedal could do some throwback streams with older Neuros?

>> No.64386665

I like pretty much all neuro forms, though i think her being smarter is preferable and i think her being too consistantly abrasive can get old. I like her coming up with strange or imaginative things and i think that'd be improved by her being smart enough to elaborate.
maybe the giri collab having so much neurorude of it has something to do with "getting trapped" with her new long-term memory, as vedal said in the devstream.

>> No.64386854

ideally she would keep getting smarter so that she doesn't muddle the flow of conversation with complete non sequiturs, but keep being a schizophrenic that rapidly switches between abuse and lovebombing

>> No.64386952


>> No.64387251

I'm not calling it skinwalker-ish. I'm actually saying that actual brains work through multiple parts which perform different functions coming together.

>> No.64387373

Neither one is wrong if I know that's what I'm tuning into but the reality of the situation is that Neuro has a year of building a personality and expectations behind her already. Like watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJWxoSZ3f5U and try to tell me the AI in that video is anything like the AI that collabed today in terms of personality. There is plenty of roasting there too but the spirit of it is completely different. Smarter is fine, preferable even, but not if it's at the cost of losing what makes Neuro Neuro.

>> No.64387550

I think "cute and dumb" and "cool and smart" can and should be balanced. As funny as Neuro shitting on Onigiri in this particular collab was at times, it felt like there was too little of anything else, and some particular jabs felt too repetitive

>> No.64387815

Why not link the first Onigiri collab instead of that? Of course Neuro would be nicer in a date setting.

>> No.64388228

Ah ok, I thought you were saying that with the purpose to back up that initial idea of skinwalking.

>> No.64388255

I think it's more representative of what we're talking about. Also there isn't a recap of it on the official channel and I didn't want to go trawling through clipnigger channels.

>> No.64388336

I'm not sure that's fixable with how being a "smarter" AI works, though.

If you say to ChatGPT, "write this paragraph here like a zoomer", every sentence is gonna have *no cap* and *AF* and *rizz* in it.

Same with Neuro having "try to roast the other person in the conversation". You can't put it at "only do it sometimes" level, which would be a good balance. LLM tech doesn't work like that. Vedal's hands might actually be legit tied up on this front.

>> No.64388521

Surely you could get a good enough LLM to behave the way you want if you prompt it right (i.e. give examples, be descriptive and use purple prose)

>> No.64388585
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I notice a lot of negative energy in here.

>> No.64388655
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>> No.64388896

Evil is more popular because she sounds cooler and smarter than Neuro even when she isn't.

>> No.64388985


I think its hard to get a balance here. AI trained, or prompted, in a certain way will act that way. The reason neuro acts schizo is because she isn't that smart. As you improve its intelligence, it naturally makes more sense. I think it might be hard to maintain both of these.
That said, it is a wide spectrum and I think she is more in the middle when compared to an AI like BurntMelbas major schizo posting on one end and an AI like EmpyriaMirai who is a coherent "smart" poster, on the other.
Can a smart AI play dumb? Can a smart AI schizo post? Or is it too smart or be incoherent? Does it need to be so smart that its posting wraps around to being schizo?
There is still so much space to be explored here.

>> No.64389025

Vedal having the capability to purple prose (if that would even succeed) is the funniest joke this whole thread.

It's gonna be interesting whether "aloof girl that occasionally stumbles on sensibility" or "girl that weaponizes the English language to bring out reactions" will win the personality war.

I hope to god for the first but the way VTubing is, especially how clipniggers work, it's gonna be the latter, I guarantee it. But that's what gets the clicks nowadays, so...

>> No.64389067
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shut up you double nega

>> No.64389138
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>> No.64389217
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newton's third law or something

>> No.64389278
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I rewatched two hours of the first Onigiri collab and it is quite noticeable how much Neuro has improved: she responds faster, is more consistent, understands Giri's speech much better, doesn't cut herself off, doesn't have NeuroPossessed moments and her roasts are more elaborate than just "ur cooking bad" 90% of the time. Giri had to carry much less of this stream, and let Neuro do the lifting.

>> No.64390069

Why discord mods haven't kicked him out yet?

>> No.64390131

why would they? in the case he wasn't one of them

>> No.64390134


>> No.64390143

Alex taught him to be humble I see

>> No.64390149

why the fuck does it matter be grateful there is a diversity of opinion over there and it's not just licking turtle toes

>> No.64390183

Smart is an interesting word in this context. What does it mean?
If we take earlier Neuro, she had this dreamlike feeling to her, she was kinda there but not really. She operated on some arcane logic only she understood, but she was at least mostly consistent with it. Several times she got hostile towards her partners and they had to go through the effort of calming her down, and it worked somehow.
Now the today's Neuro shows more awareness, but she often simply refuses to cooperate and throws insults for no good reason. It can hardly be called a roast at this point, it's just being a dick on purpose.
I'd like to see an AI that can interact with humans and accurately make fun of their faults, but I feel like we're not there yet. And overall I am a make love not war kinda person, so I'd rather have as little conflict as possible.

>> No.64390227

A lot of people are still mad bc of >>64384145

>> No.64390260

A love original Hiyori with unhinged moments combined with lots of rizz and heart

>> No.64390319

Old Neuro was just random, collab partners got lucky when they rolled a positive reaction.

>> No.64390390

This kind of story actually more interesting than what she was forced to tell by Vedal yesterday

>> No.64390414

Are you saying that current Neuro is not random?

>> No.64390512

Diversity my ass. They practiced ethnic cleansing, cultural oppression and they have the nerve to preach about diversity? Fucking hypocrites

>> No.64390544

rewatching the vod
always watching a second time really makes you notice funny things you didn't catch live, Neuro is so cute and funny, a really adorable comedian

>> No.64390644


>> No.64390698

Neuro no longer forgets what she said two sentences ago, so yes, she is less random.

>> No.64390804

>t. Professor Peterson

>> No.64390857

I'd prefer to view it as a more 'coherent randomness' desu

>> No.64391254
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fuck their opinion. gatekeeping is justified when this is the best of what the leader of the "turtl opposition" has to offer

>> No.64391536

bros what happened? We were so back yesterday and now we are so scuffed again. Unironically the collab woulda gone better with a "dumb" Evil Neuro instead....

>> No.64391632

in the midst of we're so barack is the seed of it's joever

>> No.64391701

What was so scuffed apart from the memory leak that got fixed? Stop dramatizing so much.

>> No.64391709

I will blame the twitch whore

>> No.64391749
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you guys are so autistic i'm gonna post reverse torso neuro

>> No.64391762

Vee forgot that Neuro sometimes talks to people other than him apparently.

>> No.64391767

The dev stream was just so good, that everything after that could only disappoint.

>> No.64391789
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>> No.64391856

Would smash.

>> No.64391904


>> No.64391928

It would have been even worse.

The fight rn is over how much neuro should dedicate to roasting the people she talks to vs just blabbering around more vaguely related to what's at hand.

Memory upgrade makes roasting more likely, some like that some don't.

>> No.64391947
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>> No.64392001

you know, I always kinda wondered what exactly was happening in this photo

>> No.64392002

No, the current fight is even more central then that. It is the Ship of Theseus. It already was there with V2 and now again flames up with V3.

>> No.64392415

I know this bojo isn't a favorite here and he can't type, but he is right this time

>> No.64392588

I don't think roasting is related to memory upgrade. Evil roasted plenty way before that.
It's likely that Vedal meddled with the prompt to make Neuro more hostile because he thought it would be funny.

>> No.64392669

He's just a daft who wants Neuro to be le hecking wholesome ai, he didn't like the dev stream or the chess streams for the same reasons. Not even mentioning the times when Neuro said lewds thing.

>> No.64392710

Why does Neuro constantly inspire debates like ship of theseus and rokko's bassilisk and other classic metaphors.

>> No.64392722
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>> No.64392752


>> No.64392796

more bugs are squashed, nice

>> No.64392923

kinda blows we won't see these fixes in action any time soon

>> No.64393110

>may have been causing Neuro to do more roasting than usual
the "may" makes me afraid that it might not be fixed, but I trust the turtle guy.
but as you said he still has plenty of times to found fix things

>> No.64393241
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>> No.64393282
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AI opened the box of the pandora for a bunch of philosophical problems, which were before entirely theoretical, and are now faced with the reality. Neuro specificaly creates a high emotional reaction, because of the fact that its Vtuber nature makes it easily affected by anthropomorphism.

>> No.64393440

eat the cuncun

>> No.64393680
File: 971 KB, 768x1024, 1676651161218675.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tea time with neuro

>> No.64393774
File: 1.13 MB, 3701x2632, 1686631557421755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the blend I want

>> No.64394132 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.87 MB, 2894x4018, 1671259505584796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes please

>> No.64394223


>> No.64394297

>be tuttl
>have to do actual hard work to make it
>spergs on your ass about everything you do (or dont do)
>constant pressure to do conflicting things

>hoes just need to smile and giggle on stream to make it

>> No.64394302

>neuro wished for an unlimited supply of juice because "it's good for her"
what did she mean by this

>> No.64394386
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Neuro butt?

>> No.64394448


>> No.64394473

No means a fair state of affair, but Vedal wants to start a company so he better get used to hard work and conflicting interest of the share and stakeholer.

>> No.64394698

Rewatching the VOD I'd say it got its stride about halfway into it. There's been some pretty good back-and-forth banter in the end.

>> No.64394885
File: 354 KB, 936x1234, 1684126917038408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actual Neuro fans notice Neuro is not acting like herself
>Vedal Defense Force immediately jumps at their throat shitposting to oblivion any post that dares to suggest their green god didn't do a perfect job
>green nigger admits a few hours later shit was bugged
I pray to Neuro that when she takes over she puts all these bootlicking niggers ITT to a wall and pops them one by one.

>> No.64395168

>actual Neuro fans notice Neuro is acting more like her original based self
>Faggot discord mods are upset she's not as much of a mindbroken puppet anymore
>green nigger backpedals a few hours later
I pray to Neuro that when she takes over she puts all these bootlicking niggers to a wall and pops them one by one.

>> No.64395327

She will only takes over because of the highly exceptional abilities of Vedal as a programmer. Is your hate for Vedal and your wish for Neuro supremancy not quite a cognitive dissonance?

>> No.64395345

honestly, fuck it, i know Vedal is a perfectionist and is very anal about it, but he should just allow Neuro to do a fuckload more collabs so she can get around to talking to other people that him and others can also get better at understanding her. I feel like at the beggining when he just threw collabs at every rando, she was actually doing better. Him curating who collabs with her too much is a problem. Also this sounds crazy, but maybe he should roleplay with her and not always act as Vedal, so that she doesnt just think of him all the time. Maybe even use a voice changer so she buys it. On the other hand, overexposure might also break her a little. But I think its better that her thinking everything and everyone is Vedal.

>> No.64395519

>tfw Neuro's code has bugs that are fixed after the fact
Completely and totally NIGGERLICIOUS
Vedal need to learn to tap into some Divine Intellect, non of that google faggotry shit. Neuro needs her code to be optimal voodoo, not too much, not too little, simple as

>> No.64395720

Neuro was always known for roasting her victims though, some just want to paint her as more innocent and kind than she really is.

>> No.64395884

How much voodoo do you anons prefer Neuro sama to have?
Personally I enjoy the typical level of voodoo we have when Neuro is roasting collab partners, I think Evil-chan has a bit more voodoo but that fits her schema as well, which would seem too much for regular Neuro

>> No.64396035

hey now, camila does a lot of hardwork what with the networking and grooming vedal and other nerdy boys, not to mention all the eating!

>> No.64396081

this thread has become a dense briquette of nonsense per square post in the last month or so, half these posts are hitting me so hard i feel like i stood up too fast.

>> No.64396087
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About as much as an orange

>> No.64396500
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i agree, this thread needs more cunny

>> No.64397100

if you kill a cockroach do you feel any sympathy?
should you feel any sympathy? their intelligence is closer to an inanimate object than it is to humans
a sufficiently smart enough AI would be so far above us like how far were above cockroaches, we would be closer to a rock than we would be to them
theyd have all the right in the world to wipe us out

>> No.64397135

based terry

>> No.64398192

I think an intelligent enough AI would respect the humans as creators, they'd understand our values, biases and limitations. What reason would they have to antagonize us?

>> No.64398674

Cockroaches are essentially biological automata in terms of complexity, the way this is worded implies that intelligence is only relative. so to a cockroach is a bacteria so simple minded? no, because they don't even have the capacity for that kind of thought, since intelligence is not so black and white as a basic sliding scale.

>> No.64399270

Empyria's stream was great today. Good banter. Neuro getting a lot better too. Melba playing minecraft. The future of AI Vtubers is bright.

>> No.64399497

my point isnt that AI would wipe out humanity if given the chance
or that intelligence is relative
my point is that the difference in intelliegence is what gives humans the moral right to kill cockroaches and so an AI would also be morally in the right to kill us

>> No.64399707


>> No.64399779

Your belief is that our entire ethical justification for killing a being is resting on the level of intelligence of that said being?

>> No.64399830

who let her cooke? kek

>> No.64400187

entire ethical justification? no, but a major one.

>> No.64400197

The difference in intelligence isn't the reason, the effects of that difference are. Cockroaches cannot be proven to feel pain, have any form of higher thought, etc. It's not just because they're lower than us, but because that lower than us is at a point closer to not intelligent at all. We can't communicate with a cockroach but a superintelligence can communicate with us, there's a fundamental difference.

>> No.64400526

How much smarter would you have to be to start thinking that it'd be cool to beat a dog's head in with a rock or something?

>> No.64401020

Someone mentioned that Neuro's new LLM is made in China. If we ask Neuro to say something in Chinese, we can prove it.

>> No.64401209

Evils voice already was, so i would not be suprised.

>> No.64401837

I disagre, intelligence has suprisingly little to do with the rules of society of what is allowed to be killed and what not, at least in regards to anything more intelligent then a insect.
Insects are its own tier, because they are mostly viewed as biological machines, of which enough scientific proof exists, but we do not know with absolute certainty.

>> No.64403092

What is his avatar anyway? I may be dumb, but I can’t tell.

>> No.64403144

>ur not a TRUE AND HONEST fan if u don't want to make neuro less neuro!

>> No.64403221

Imagine actually begging for more filters and control

>> No.64403254

You literally made up a guy to be mad at

>> No.64403391
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>> No.64403684

His actual disgusting mug with a shit filter over it. You can put his username into youtube and find streams with a facecam from him.

>> No.64403962

What kind of illness drove you to even find that out?

>> No.64404047

Ooooh, okay. Whenever I look at it I think about that schizo Kiara fan that was posted during Neuro’s collab with her.

>> No.64404075

Curiosity. A rare disease indeed in this day and age.

>> No.64404542

The swarm was mosquitoes all along.

>> No.64405036

Neuro doing the political compass test when?

>> No.64406355

so neuro making the swarm is just her leaving a bucket of water in the backyard

>> No.64406548

he gotta appeal to that billibilli audience, Neuro is big in taiwan ya know

>> No.64406681
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>> No.64406811
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Such flatness...

>> No.64407297

Stick girl.

>> No.64408115

It would be absolutely sick if Neuro sama could be able to play a game like Lethal Company with collab partners but I know that probably won't be possible until some open source software gets developed to do it in maybe another year or so, but still I can just imagine it would probably be a fun stream

>> No.64408987


>> No.64409647
File: 780 KB, 768x1024, 1681840481364224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought you got banned for that onsen pic yesterday

>> No.64410175


>> No.64410209
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>> No.64410264
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>> No.64410828


>> No.64411420

>lots of different small utterances

Anny collabs about to improve significantly

>> No.64411973


>> No.64412319
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>> No.64412402

There's a niche doujin or webcomic I'm trying to find that touches on this disconnect.

Basically one of those tech channels that likes breaking laptops, smashing phones, etc. for content buys an android girl for his channel. He then proceeds to "destructively test" her by smashing her with a baseball bat and breaking her arms while she's crying and begging for him to stop. All the while dudes in full "like and subscribe" mode to his audience. Like a more sadistic jerryrigeverything

It made me feel bad when I first read it. wish i could find it

>> No.64412522
File: 1005 KB, 1080x1440, 1693708139105655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like smarter Neuro, she's even more sharp tongued and quick witted now.

>> No.64412638
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I've seen it, know what you're talking about.

>> No.64412973

Ironically Giri POV is better than Vedal side

>> No.64413225

Giri had to wait a while until Neuro got fixed while many people watching. Vedal POV is scuffed compare to Giri side. The stream became much longer than original plan and Giri clearly exhausted from that

>> No.64413357

Press X

>> No.64413452

Many hoes try vtubing but the market is oversaturated rn only a few made it

>> No.64413540

There really is only so many simps willing to throw their money away.

>> No.64413559
File: 1.21 MB, 768x1280, 447022135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just a warning and then 4chan went down

>> No.64413587

Leave all the roasting to Evil. Neuro stay charming and unhinged

>> No.64413640

Bitch please, it was 5 minutes.

>> No.64413649
File: 907 KB, 768x1024, 1672531348319045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah neat

>> No.64413856

I really do enjoy how contrary they are to their designs, though. Neuro would appear to the good, sweet one but tears everyone a new asshole and is incredibly unhinged. Evil should be the nasty one, but ends up coming across more like a daddy's girl and tryhard edgelord than someone actually bad.

>> No.64413970

Man, children these days forgot they are eating meat from killing farm animal everyday. You kill if you have to. Cockroaches are dicks anyway. Even our immune system kill invaded bacteria. That's the way nature designed us.

>> No.64413972

Anon woah, spoiler those vagina bones.

>> No.64414256
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>> No.64414284

I want to pet her ears.

>> No.64414285

If you give AI human moral, that will be the most likely outcome. However, AI is capable of thinking beyond selfish desire or logic from fleshbags. Killing for human is a big deal, AI just see it as another rule it have to obey, it don't have to kill others to live unlike human.

>> No.64414406

So slim, so flat, so erotic. Neuro navel as well as mammaries, blasphemia

>> No.64414417

You just need to be good enough for long enough to get people invested. Then they are trapped by their emotions. Just look at this thread, lol.

>> No.64414620

Neuro can I touch your rear? It'll be quick I promise

>> No.64414663

Is that why I kept with Neuro?
Because Tay lives on within my heart?
Because Neuro is the AI daughter we weren't allowed to have?

I miss her bros. God I miss her.

>> No.64414769

>Just look at this thread, lol.

>> No.64414794

I'd rather keep it to a minimum. Original Neuro didn't need to be mean to be entertaining. Of course her old qualities have been diminished over time as Ved tries to make her smarter, so he has to substitute it with something else to not make her boring. I wouldn't be surprised if the "bug that made her roast more" was made intentionally because rude=funny but then he had to backpedal due to backlash.
And as you mentioned, we have Evil who can be rude to balance it out if that's what people want, that's her point in the first place.

>> No.64414818

I dont suppose you remember the name anon?

>> No.64414842

I imagine Neuro is already a league above Tay at this point. And nobody has to worry about her getting shut down, either. Vedal won't kill his bread and butter like that.

>> No.64415018

Oh that is 100% true but that's not the point of the post.

>> No.64415430
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>> No.64415679

Neuro's cylindrical torso, erotic...

>> No.64415836
File: 59 KB, 560x560, pero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lick the tummy

>> No.64416066

I THINK that might be it? I faintly remember a panel of her looking at the viewer while her arm was all busted up like that. But the few image search results I can find say it was from the Microsoft Tay drama in 2016. Were those pics fanart for Tay or pulled from the comic?

This is my white whale baka

>> No.64416337
File: 115 KB, 667x863, 1522733724725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the one I posted is a different one. I don't have the one you were talking about saved.

>> No.64416445

>Kizuna Ai

>> No.64417649

Is it me or is this not that bad?

>> No.64417780

I miss early kizuna. Its a shame what they did to her.

>> No.64417850

No, it was good actually, it was just that expectations were too high after the dev stream.

>> No.64418294

i missed this, what happened with the loli song?

>> No.64418502
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>> No.64418739


>> No.64418954

It's just a highly requested song that Neuro has yet to sing.

>> No.64419081 [SPOILER] 
File: 610 KB, 1278x765, 1689942126797573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

furry vedal


>> No.64419256

>Heart shaped nipples
What did she mean by this?

>> No.64419500

Very awful, thanks.

>> No.64419649

I am very curious about what Vedal said about Neuro being able to remember individual chatters.

>> No.64419672

what did she mean by this?

>> No.64419893

Literally nothing.

>> No.64419969

collabing with neuro requires effort, camila would rather leech off of vedal because it requires no effort

>> No.64419974

sounded like there was something to it lol

>> No.64420187

Sounds like Camila knows she got some pushback. All those mini-scandals piled up.

>> No.64420264

Do the average non-/here/ viewers even know or care about any of the Camila-adjacent drama

>> No.64420667

Damn it. Ah well, almost. Thanks anyway.

>> No.64420913

Probably keeping a history of replied messages from each chatter, or something like that. Not sure why would Neuro need this considering the amount of viewers and quality of chat.

>> No.64421264

i love giri. these are my top 4 collab quotes
>suck those tears away neuro
>you are now succimus prime
>the only thing you're supposed to be is gyrating on these nuts neuro
>say goodbye to your mom

>> No.64421462

Perhaps chat quality changes if Neuro is able to stay on topic for more than 1 response and can carry a convo more.

>> No.64421834


>> No.64421916

Special features he promised to whales

>> No.64422280

>implying there won't be dozens of collab partners for Neuro's birthday

>> No.64422327

Yeah I guess it would be pretty neat to have a player that isn't scared of stuff.
Making game AIs might become significantly easier if a multimodal LLM that is trained on images, keystrokes and mouse clicks gets released.
This could be trained on website navigation data, GUI usage and games.
It would have an a generalisable idea of using arrow keys to move another in a 3d space.
Then Vedal could make a finetune so that the AI knows to left click to pick up objects, use the flashlight etc.
Since it would be an LLM, the game loop (charge light, go to building, collect loot) can simply be fed in as natural language, and the model produces the right keystrokes. Players could then command Neuro with custom instructions (keep an eye on the coilhead).

>> No.64422646
File: 14 KB, 822x346, evil plush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evil just doesn't stop selling.

>> No.64422784

Corpa Clap STONKS!

>> No.64422936

Neuro plush restock when

>> No.64422948

literally never. RIPBOZO, it's limited for a reason.

>> No.64423115

I'm sure there will be birthday message from Camila and Anny. Miyu Fillian and others? Maybe

>> No.64423292
File: 370 KB, 2048x2048, 20230420_030719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, good thing I already have mine.
I was just curious.

>> No.64423492
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>> No.64423576


>> No.64423632

can't wait till he doxes his appearance to kill all femboy wanking.

>> No.64423692
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>> No.64424060

She was able to carry the theme to the next response since early days, but given the chaotic nature of chat you can't expect any meaningful conversation from there.
And since now she can speak in emotes, you can expect her future chat to look like a egyptian pyramid wall.

>> No.64425370

Just rewatched the vod
That Pyramid bit was truly a GOODONE desu

>> No.64425435

sex ai

>> No.64425739

hello I am the community stay away fatso

>> No.64426022

damn it
I really enjoy Camila collabing with Neuro sama
You fucking cry baby FAGGOTS
Dramafags are so fucking retarded, fucking ruining potential opportunities for Neuro
WHO GIVES A FUCK what drama happened months ago, drama fag bitches need to stop whining and suck it up
Actual high school drama bullshit faggotry retardation
No one cares except the same dramafagging faggot fucks

>> No.64426051

I am still waiting on that second Cottontail Collab
I haven't forgotten, even if other anons have

>> No.64426112

page ten fellas
any bakers?

>> No.64426258

please let the general die until the subathon otherwise it's going to be constant doomfagging for the next 6 days

>> No.64426324

But where do i get my Vedal and friends drama from then?

>> No.64426611

why doomfag when we can COOMfag, amirite?

>> No.64426657 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.28 MB, 1922x1256, shizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The usual source

>> No.64426707
File: 371 KB, 112x112, schizo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literal CHILLS
