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64341339 No.64341339 [Reply] [Original]

What can Cover do to weed out the grifters from future auditions?

>> No.64341482

But all chuubas are grifters taking advantage of kissless genetic dead end gigavirgins?

>> No.64342963

hymen check done by fans

>> No.64343263

>the grifters
La+ is still doing her stuff so obviously gachis and unicorns don’t have enough of an effect to matter. Ririka already said it, she’ll do asmr and the cucks will come back and throw money, forgiving her and what not. All bark no bite and the ones who do move on is dwarfed by the ones who stay.

>> No.64343403

What is it with you people and calling people who just happen to like a Girl but don't own her a Cuck lol

>> No.64344136

I was considering giving Ririka a try after seeing all the positive things said about her on here. Such a shame.

>> No.64344906

They're projecting. They can't get the idea of a woman they care about getting fucked by another man out of their head so they desperately try to make others feel the same.

>> No.64345475


>> No.64345873

qrd on the big tittied one?

>> No.64345955

She played GTA.

>> No.64346057

she's good, you should give her a watch
>and the other one?
yeah i dunno i don't watch twitch thots

>> No.64346063
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>> No.64346235
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Got drunk on stream and made fun of her fans for being unicorns and then laughed and said she can do whatever she wants because all she has to do is some ASMR and they'll all come crawling back to her like a bunch of cuckolds.

>> No.64346409

>Unicorns can't handle banter
Skill issue

>> No.64346521

la+ and the rest of holox are the golden generation and the most involved in corporation stuff.

>> No.64346546

They're both whores. Thankfully they have killed their own fanbases and squandered everything Hololive handed to them on a silver platter.

>> No.64346606

Just don't watch them if you don't like them. I've never watched La+ before mostly because her model looks retarded.

>> No.64346634

You mean they get shilled hard by Cover but no success or profits ever comes out of it no matter how hard they push them.

>> No.64346696
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>> No.64346702

>but no success or profits
Sauce on them making no money?

>> No.64346727

That's funny as fuck, this is why you shouldn't be attached to anything.

>> No.64347302

the two you picked don't really form a coherent category.

>> No.64348125
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thats actually fucking funny

>> No.64348213

She's not wrong though, for every retard having a sook about being made fun of by a cute anime girl ten more will show up if she ever does an ASMR stream.

>> No.64348316

No one ever discusses that her name is supposed to be Lyrica (hence the L shaped jewelry) not Ririka.

Someone fucked up.

>> No.64348429

They can't comprehend the idea of enjoying female vtubers for their entertainment value, only as virtual girlfriends.

>> No.64348450

There are some things you should be attached to, but it reminds you most women are either stupid or evil. Unfortunately "nerdy" women all seem to have Otaku Princess complexes and even if she doesn't bathe and has rotten teeth she thinks she's better than her male equivalent by virtue of having a vagina. I genuinely don't understand where female arrogance comes from because a broke dude with lots of debt would at least know he sucks at life, a woman would think it's just a speedbump until she finds a sucker to pay off her debts. And then 20 years pass and she's 44 working at walmart living with her elderly parents because she never paid off those debts.

>> No.64348609

>just happen to like a Girl but don't own her
EXACTLY, but the thing is you don't, you act like you own them just because you're retarded enough to donate (not you obviously), This whole thread is a premise of control over women because you cucks can't legit have control over women any other way ( you can't have control over them with money either considering constant crying about La+ and now Ririka)

>> No.64348680

Koyori's vagina is empty and needs someone to warm it. I can be that warm.

>> No.64348849

>barely any discussion about Ririka prior to yab
>suddenly a dozen threads are made, sisters owning le incels, unicorn larp
atleast make your raid a bit less obvious. Almost no one here cared about her apart from a few JPfags. Go on 5ch or something

>> No.64348997

>barely any discussion about Ririka prior to yab
I see this cope every ririka thread, just because you're a catalognigger doesn't mean nobody talked about her before

>> No.64349135

you can't even keep the Regloss general alive, and now we got bait threads with 200+ replies? fuck off

>> No.64349300

That kind of opinion is as valid as your own except the people complaining put in a lot more money than you or anyone with your opinion. This applies to nearly all vtubers.
In Ririka's drunken haze she was talking about trying to retain unicorns so I'm sure she understands her merch sales and memberships are heavily reliant on them

>> No.64349445

Based. And obvious 2ch raid with those comments.

>> No.64349987

They were busy watching her.

>> No.64350042

9 of those users have membership though. And then there's the explanation of how many likes are on a lot of these comments.
Maybe you're right but it really doesn't seem like it

>> No.64350819

Isn't Ririka from the Bizzaro Hololive branch?

>> No.64351967

i love this woman

>> No.64352361
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No need to weed them out, per se. They can be rape corrected.

>> No.64352385

hire only hags

>> No.64352775

immensely based. kroni did that IIRC (the asmr thing)

>> No.64354090

Cover usually hires people with previous experience, they should look at the previous content and make sure they have good work ethic or at least have a good output and if they are "unicorn" friendly, instantly weed out anyone that has collabed with males before or doesnt streams much.>>64344136

>> No.64354576

Anon, if pasts and doxxfaggotry mattered, everyone would hate Fauna and Mumei, just like they currently do Shiori.
Except as it turns out, the first two are amazing, and Shiori is proving to be the exact opposite of what she used to be.

>> No.64354925

The absolute state

>> No.64358881
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Nijifags throwing a tantrum.
"Success breeds jealousy" a tale as old as time with them

>> No.64358948

Mumei and Fauna didn't shoot themselves in the foot during debuts

>> No.64359165

You say that but for several months, apes and subhumans chimped out over Fauna and Mumei anyway till they realized pasts meant nothing.
Unicorns slowly realizing Shiori is another past doesn't matter.

>> No.64359198

How is she a grifter? She literally fucked off to twitch because she wanted to do her own thing.
All she did was say the quiet part out loud, honesty isn’t really beneficial to grifting.

>> No.64359254

I'm not going into doxfagging territory but comparing them to shiori is extremely dumb, the fact that Fauna and Mumei are top of their gen and Shiori is dead bottom of EN says enough

>> No.64359353

Check her posts on social media. If they see signs of woke or streaming side gigs, kick her out

>> No.64359358

What can Cover do to weed out the faggots from future fandoms?

>> No.64359418

The first anon tried to argue that doxxfaggotry should matter.
If you aren't going to look at it, then the entire comparison is useless because the 3 don't share anything in common other than having questionable activity prior to holo and retards going ape shit over it until they realize it doesn't matter.
The argument doesn't apply to you if you don't (and you shouldn't) care.

>> No.64359558 [DELETED] 

you know what, fuck it
You don't compare someone who had a boyfriend and respectfully told her fans about it and someone who had a boyfriend and made extremely weird posts online about him to someone who had 5 boyfriends and stuck with an abusive one for God knows how long

>> No.64359752

Where did 5 come from? Last I checked it was 4 and they were all online.
Either way, does it matter for any of them? Nope. It's current content that matters and all 3 have no indication of collabing with males at all.
Yet monkeys will still throw shit at one of them for maybe 2 more months. The thrn around for Fauna and Mumei started 6 months after debut or so.

>> No.64360388

Yeah. Look in other threads, people will proudly proclaim how much money (an extremely unhealthy amount, btw) they throw at these girls for validation. They do it because they can't get girls' attention any other way, and the moment that they talk to other guys on stream it's like a knife in the heart to them.

>> No.64360718

NTR is a very popular tag in Japan, so Cover need some talents for that audience.

>> No.64360773

>entertainment value

>> No.64361068

the majority are gray names and the likes are due to the raid

>> No.64361196

japs are notorious pussies that don't use their main to shit talk the girls

>> No.64361362

and the sad think is that work

>> No.64361465

no it didn't ESL

>> No.64361527

>"we'd really like it if you did this collaboration with these popular e-celebs"
>"Sorry but I'm not interested in that."
>"Congratulations, you have passed out test. Welcome aboard."

>> No.64362187

Fire them and re-use the model and lore for a new VA, and just brand it as a “re-debut” or even “rebirth”. Simple as.

>> No.64362685

You don't think is sad that people can't respect their own standard?
Before you jump like a monkey, I not pro or anti unicorn, but it's sad that guys(unicorn) not have any self-esteem and return to spend money with girls that mock them, like nekofamily, kronnies, luitomos

>> No.64364466

Lapdance already got the money and clout she wanted. Now she can play with male e-celebs all she wants which was her goal in the first place.

>> No.64364517

>I was considering giving Ririka a try
no you weren't you fucking discord drama ni*ger

>> No.64364612
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there is no problems

>> No.64365014

>only mad at the use of cuck (feeling called out?) while ignoring the rest because deep down you know it’s true

>> No.64365355

She's pretty similar, but for her in particular it's having a your favored career path stop being a dead end&securing your future in exchange for easing back on some of your more unhinged jokes. It's nothing to do with grifting and everything to do with advancing your career in the name of professionalism. Most of her haters don't seem to realize that even back then it was literally her job.
Anon, you do realize that Council happened during the peak of western VTubing and Advent came on the ass end of a dying age, right?
If another EN branch debuts they're going to trail Shiori, but it should already tell you enough that she's surpassed Sana.
But you already knew that, and are just here to stir shit up.

>> No.64366291

I put shiori on a 6 month probation before I decide if I will watch her. everyone lies during debit. you have to see what they're like after streaming a while.

>> No.64366412

I don't think Shiori is bottom of advent because of that, her content is just kinda niche with the game choices and the weird tangents (which I love btw) but sadly is not something most people would want to watch.

>> No.64366526

She was a pretty comfy streamer before joining Holo, although she seemed to have a lot of stuff on her mind about her future. It's actually really fantastic to see her near her old energy levels, I guess getting accepted solved a lot of those worries she had

>> No.64366579

Less numberfagging in auditions.

>> No.64366602

Sounds infinitely based.

>> No.64367000

1 month and a half to go then I guess.

>> No.64367110

>Please Cover, please be a black company

>> No.64369006

> she’ll do asmr and the cucks will come back and throw money, forgiving her and what not
Yes I will. Gonna cry, nijidrone?

>> No.64371319

cover wants the grifters though
only grifters

>> No.64371421

>based and truth pilled
WTF I love Ririka now.

>> No.64371428

She’s correct, and she was right to say it

>> No.64371450

YASS! YASS! WE :clap: DID :clap: IT :clap: SISTERS :clap

>> No.64372253

Honestly true, the only way some bunch of randos can hurt her career is by giving her the coco special by spamming her chat and hashtags with bots everyday until she breaks down on stream. No one apart from those bugs in china have the tenacity to pull that off tho.

>> No.64373698

there's not much they can do except hope they don't hire one. like la+ they'll even toe the line for a while before making their move

>> No.64373755

Unicorn ““““logic””””””

>> No.64374327

The vtuber market(and streaming market in general) could not exist if people weren't throwing their money at people for nothing in return. If you ever know someone who donates to a streamer/vtuber, you should feel justified in straight up just stealing their belongings/money, they clearly do not value them.

>> No.64374448

Anons acting like any cover intern is here, lol.

>> No.64374516

People here keep going for the coomerbait girls instead of the calm ones, and end up surprised that they're whores somehow. Just look at how little drama there is in the communities of members like Luna, Iroha, Ina, AZKi, Lui or Raden. Better to choose the person than to choose the pussy, my dear friends.

>> No.64374574

Japanse cant say "L" whenever they do it comes out as "R" sound. Her name is ririca because of it

>> No.64374779

She played video-games with the opposite gender (that means they practically had sex)

>> No.64374815

Yes, but it's not something she should be saying on stream
Vtuber viewers are mostly lonely and undesirable men, that doesn't mean calling her fans with those words is a good idea
