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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64331931 No.64331931 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, I regret to inform you there are now two number generals.

>> No.64332147

Guess the cancer is finally metastasizing, huh?

>> No.64332250

the # schism of 2023 has occurred, just as fortold

>> No.64332294

Masaka. Hurry and launch the failsafe.

>> No.64332311

It was funny, someone had a melty and decided to make a thread purely out of spite. And then shitposters flooded in. Kinda like /orc/.

>> No.64332325

>a second #s general just hit the /vt/ board

>> No.64332393

It looks like EN Drama was getting to be too much for the JPfags so they split off. So naturally, the ENfags decided to force a JP yab and flood the catalog with it.

>> No.64332426
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>> No.64332447

I want a third one specialized for small corpo numbers. It's a different league down there.

>> No.64332468

You rat bastard.

>> No.64332477

There's always the thread nuke option if anons are willing to go on vacations. I don't visit # threads so good luck.

>> No.64334189

Nice try phasekek. Its just pippa dipping her balls on everyone. Itll become /pcg2/

>> No.64334331

Yeah, it's pretty fucking tragic. As if one schizo den wasn't bad enough. /#/ is a big reason this board is so shit because a lot of the bait in those threads seeps into the catalog, sometimes posted by /#/fags themselves and sometimes by shitposters lurking the threads for shitposting material.
Sadly, jannies and meidos post in those threads themselves so they're not going anywhere.

>> No.64334348

I'm actually a /pkg/ schizo.

>> No.64334424

Reminder that mods refuse to permaban everyone organizing raids and botting vtubers to get them suspended because its "board culture"

>> No.64334483

Be careful anon, the NDF (Numbers Defense Squad) will attack you if you say things like that because they don't like it when you point out such facts.

>> No.64334522

The fuck happened?

>> No.64334737

japcucks couldn't take the banter anymore and threw a tantrum.

>> No.64334853

They got run off by gura lewds

>> No.64335597
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just nijiniggers nigging as usual. they keep forcing all JP le good along with NijiJP usual unitybeggars. mind you these are the Niji organ lungs livers that ignored Hololive like the plague when the Chinkout happened.

Nijiniggers are the cancers on this board, and they should be killed on sight.

>> No.64335818

If the mods finally decided that obvious numberfagging had to be in the containment thread, the whole board would be better off.

>> No.64335848
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One thread was already regrettable enough.

>> No.64335957

I don't get why you people always care so much about the number threads. Who cares?
Seems like a handy scapegoat for you to project all blame onto anyway.

>> No.64336014

Nobody cares its just that they cant stick to their containment thread and shit up the rest of the board

>> No.64336478

>t. numberfag
Only a numberfag gets this defensive when the numbers thread gets called out.
No one would care if you stayed in your containment thread, but you subhuman faggots constantly let your mental illness seep out into the rest of the board and shit it up.
Countless shitposts and bait have been linked back to the /#/ thread before so it has nothing to do with projection.

>> No.64336640

It's just the board's designated boogeyman. Ironically enough, the thread wasn't nearly as bad before luxiemsisters and tempussisters flooded the board, so most of the catalognigging you see about /#/ is basically just them bitching and moaning about themselves shitting up the thread and spreading that shit all over the catalog.

>> No.64336714

lol, it's telling that you conflate everyone you dislike into one neat little group.
>numberfags? all terrible, every single one of them
>other fanbase that I hate? probably secret numberfags
>that poster? numberfag, 100%
>you disagree with me? definitely a numberfag

>> No.64336817

One day such a thread will be purged. Unfortunately that day is not today

>> No.64336866

i see 100 posts complaining about the second number thread but no actual second number thread.

>> No.64336899

oh nvm i see it now. kek

>> No.64336951

