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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64309686 No.64309686 [Reply] [Original]

>Stars have more access to the studio than HoloEN and HoloID
>HoloEN and HoloID couldn't have a single anniversary live
>Stars gets one each

>> No.64309796

POMU No 3D at HOme

>> No.64310129

Maybe ID and EN should make as much money as Stars if they want to use the studio

>> No.64310151

What happened at nijisanji this time?

>> No.64310154

They don't use the same studio.

>> No.64310182

So you say if they want to use studio, they should make less money than currently?

>> No.64310219

That's a pathetic cope. If Cover cared they would at least let them use the other studio

>> No.64310227

>all in japan
yeah no shit you fucking retard

>> No.64310244

If you watched literally ANYONE in the company, they'd tell you how far in advanced these things had to be planned with many of them deciding to skip other events like birthdays and other stuff just so they'd be able to have studio time for SOMETHING. It's not their fault this is how shitty cover's studio management is this bad at schedule management.

>> No.64310257

So their options are using the old studio or not having 3D lives at all.

>> No.64310268 [DELETED] 

>no popular demand
Gaijiniggers getting too uppity

>> No.64310292

Have you ever considered that the girls arent desperate enough for these imaginary "anniversary lives" (they already do anniversary streams) since they shit on their numbers?

>> No.64310310

Only people that stream deserve 3Ds

>> No.64310358

If you watched EN you would know that Mori had her 3D birthday live scheduled and then Cover told her that she couldn't use the studio at the last minute. If you watched EN you would know that Kiara was asking since december 2022 to let Myth have a 3D anniversary stream and management kept delaying their response

>> No.64310370

Homos shouldn’t be given studio time at all, they are a complete flop, no one gives a shit about their 3d events

>> No.64310411


SALOME going to debut her 3D and yet luxiem and others


>> No.64310421

Kiara, Mumei, Baelz, Mori, IRyS, Ina and Gura wanted to have 3D lives but management gave them the middle finger. Only Kiara and Ina got them and they were delayed for months. Gura had to settle for a shitty Kanauru show and Mori had to rent a studio to make 3D karaoke

>> No.64310425

I hate mori but I hate cover more

>> No.64310453

Yeah, because Cover's terrible at managing studio space because they're dumb. That's the point. Not to mention, Cover will probably be more biased towards the Japanese members than the members living in foreign countries because they're easier to work around than the ones that'd require scheduling travel for 4 different people in different countries with different obligations.

>> No.64310492

I don't even like Mori but damn that fucking sucks. I thought cover liked her, if even she can't get studio time then other ens have no chance

>> No.64310562

Because the stars are in Japan and, therefore, far easier to work with you stupid ape. Do you have the same complaint with HoloJP getting to use the studio more than EN and ID? They put in the request several months in advance and have skipped important events to be able to have the studio like >>64310244 said. But ofcourse you didn't know that you retard tranny

>> No.64310563

kiara should have 2 lives a year like the JPs
i dont care about the rest of myth

>> No.64310603
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>Cover keeps wasting money and resources on these shitters

>> No.64310616

You keep namedropping this k thing in every thread
Is it a discord raid? I've never seen anybody this obsessed in my life

>> No.64310639

curious how much money these didn't make

>> No.64310641

Tell them to move permanently to Japan

>> No.64310656

They actually finance this crap, and give a studio to these faggots for them to prepare 3D lives. I know this shit since a long time, and yet it still feels as ridiculous as ever.
We'll need to bring back harassment someday.

>> No.64310724

they are beta testers for the new equipment.

>> No.64310725

Seethe harder tranny.

>> No.64310736

they planned ahead and asked early enough to book time. kiara can whine all she wants, but it changes nothing.

>> No.64310774
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Nobody cares about Holostars, they shouldn't even exist.

>> No.64310785

Imagine thinking Gura actually wanted to dance instead of letting someone else do the work for her

>> No.64310809

cry about it

>> No.64310816

Why shouldn't starsJP, who live in Japan and don't need to be flown in from 4 different countries like holoJP, not be able to schedule stuff with the studio more easily? Ask myth to move to japan then if they really want better access to the studio bro

>> No.64310825

Mori and IRyS live there and it didn't change a thing

>> No.64310850

or they could work out how to hire a 3rd party studio

>> No.64310870


>> No.64310949

then the blame falls on EN management or their own faults in trying to schedule too late. It's not holostars' fault that Mori had a problem getting a 3D event at Cover's studio. They're in the same company but the problems are not at all related to each other. These kinds of things come down to either the members' own proactivity or their managements' ability.

>> No.64310971

Maybe the JP girls can give them one of their slots then since they seem to have no problems with bookings? I don't get why you have to bring StarsJP into this argument about management having shit scheduling.

>> No.64311017

>have studio
>stars call dibs for eternity
>build another studio
>stars call dibs for eternity
Maybe dibs isn't the best way to run a business or satisfy a million fans?

>> No.64311019

If we're blaming the Stars for delaying holoEN's 3D then can we blame advent for delaying HQ and VG's outfits too? Fair game right?

>> No.64311022

Hakka was in Japan recording and Axel is recording now so it has nothing to do with JP > EN.
It's homos > girls

>> No.64311047 [DELETED] 

Kys homobeggar faggots, your failures will never be relevant

>> No.64311064

they're not getting anything

>> No.64311125

Keep watching your homos barely pulling 10k viewers in paid projects, no one gives a fuck about them when it comes to anything else than shitting on them.

>> No.64311172

they don't have dibs on it for eternity. The stars themselves have mentioned that they pretty much got last pick of when to be able to do events. Roberu wanted to schedule a Birthday 3D event at the start of the year, but told him the only day available was in the middle of december(right by his anniversary) so he skipped a birthday and instead opted to only get a 3D anniversary event. You act like Cover tells the girls to fuck off so the boys can get their turn, but it's literally the opposite.

>> No.64311176
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If you lurked long enough, you'd have known the attitude of the girls in Hololive. The Among Us collab discord leak was enough proof to show they're all lazy cunts who'll procrastinate everything 'till the last minute, with the exception of Kiara.

>> No.64311191

maybe the girls simply dont care enough to actually push for a seat? and i dont care what they say onstream. why would management purposefully miss out on the revenues of giving the girls their 3Ds if the girls are really the cashcows you people say they are? Trying to frame this as the JP boys "stealing their spots" is scummy behavior

>> No.64311240

Because we don't like them. Seems like a lot of you don't understand that the very idea of them having a personal studio to work in is bad enough, just give it to the other girls, at least they're relevant enough to have people watching their 3D lives.

>> No.64311245

>You act like Cover tells the girls to fuck off so the boys can get their turn
That's exactly what happens for EN and ID though

>> No.64311280

More confirmation that homobeggars have no brains

>> No.64311316

They literally gave you an example to the contrary though? Roberu had to wait a year to schedule his 3D. Do I think Cover has preferences when it comes to who they'd give the most asked for slots to? Sure. But, if anything, it's the JP girls.

>> No.64311331

It's literally not what happens. They're all subject to the same schedule issues, some are just more proactive than others and aren't limited by other factors. If every EN and ID girl lived in Japan and was just as proactive as some of the guys, they wouldn't have this issue. They also literally can't "steal" their spots because the days they schedule are tied to their anniversaries, which they don't share with other members, so they literally CAN'T be overlapping(and can't be taking the same slot)

>> No.64311393

Thank you. these people are genuinely so retarded it hurts, anon

>> No.64311407

the rrat that stars have their own studio is literally something this board made up and hasn't been said by any official source

>> No.64311410

Seethe EN sharts. Try being born in the superior race Japanese and as the superior sex male next life. Women deserve less.

>> No.64311459

>Samefagging to defend Holostars
If only you spent all this energy you use up talking about your imaginary scenarios to watch their streams instead

>> No.64311483

>no argument

>> No.64311519

>not watching streams

>> No.64311551

>calling dibs
You mean "booking a timeslot in advance like a professional"? Not their fault the girls and their management can't seem to handle something so simple.

>> No.64311571

being real here, studio space is probably majority taken up by them doing dumb shit like mocapping animations for holoearth or some dumb shit like that instead of 3D events for the members of the company.

>> No.64311631
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fuma nreak dancing



>> No.64311806

holy shit that was great lmao

>> No.64311819

This is actually the most believable thing I've read in this thread.

>> No.64311896

maybe (you) should cry a little bit more and see if it helps?

>> No.64311983

Holostars in the pic are their senpai, they should wait their turn.
If anything, HoloX are the ones getting all the 3D streams and anniversaries.

>> No.64311998
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>If you watched EN you would know that Kiara was asking since december 2022 to let Myth have a 3D anniversary stream and management kept delaying their response
>Kiara asks for studio time early
>"ask again later, lol"
>Kiara asks again
>"ask earlier next time, lol"

>> No.64312070

This is what homobeggars choose to ignore

>> No.64312231

has anyone actually kept track of who's gotten the most 3D time this year? Like which gens have been in the studio the most this year, and which ones hosted the most this year? With what we know about scheduling, it'd be the biggest way to show which gen or member they're the most biased towards

>> No.64312346

And the multiple replies above detailing the process and difficulties the Stars themselves had to go through to get their bookings, and often not getting them, is what you choose to ignore. Roberu literally asked for his 3D birthday last year and only got it in dec of this one. Ask the JP girls why they get first pickings retard

>> No.64312357
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>op made the same post on /hlgg/
>nobody cared
>ran off to the catalog to get his (you)s

>> No.64312395

holoID actually has higher priority compared to holoEN. You know that viv:ID CRUISE? It's a practically a concert tour. How many times did holoID perform this year? It's understandable if the anime con was in Asia but AnimeNYC? They should have at least given that to holoEN but instead they gave the concert slot to suisei and holoID.

>> No.64312473

How many examples of things do people have to name before people just realize that it's literally just HoloEN management is the worst management in the entire company and every other branch just does their job better than them?

>> No.64312532

Even replies to himself, kek, how sad can you get.

>> No.64312714

Not sad, just mental illness

>> No.64312718

this entire thread has just been people trying to make actual sensible arguments with evidence and retards going "reeee they terk our 3Ds".
Just disengage. It's not worth it preaching to the deaf and blind.

>> No.64313459


>> No.64313462

>sisters cry when they're show a fact
Just like trannies...

>> No.64313634

weird way to say EN is lazy
Didnt one of them build a 3d studio?

>> No.64313878

I’m honestly amazed how these faggots haven’t killed themselves yet

>> No.64314131

Bitch please. Why the fuck should the EN whores get priority over JP who are their seniors? Keep your dykes in your own lane, trannies

>> No.64314249 [DELETED] 

because they're not weak willed trannies like you who think about necking themselves after one look in the mirror, faggot

>> No.64314744

Cover just sees more potential in them than in the whole en and Id women branch

>> No.64314949

Holoen is lazy

>> No.64314981
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nice try but

>> No.64315030

Why do you want cover to be a black company?

>> No.64315302

>their concert is twice as long
Why? How?

>> No.64315600

HoloID live closer to Japan and don’t have lazy members like Gura dragging them down

>> No.64316297

ENs are lazy.

>> No.64317490

Stars had a variety show segment after the live.
filled with kino like the horribly unfit Miyabi pedaling for 50km for the entire segment while everyone else were subject to their own variety corner activity.

>> No.64317709

Luca the Leech from NijiEN claimed sick leave and then was spotted playing in the VCRGTA servers so sisters ar mad he's gonna get alone time(stalking and annoying) the other girls that did say they'll join, like Kotoka from his branch.

>> No.64319191

>practically a concert tour
...yeah, with only 4 members. And they had to piggyback on anime/comic conventions.

Meanwhile the ENshart conveniently forgets about Connect the World, which had a dedicated venue AND featured all members of HoloEN.

>> No.64320979

Why is Cover wasting resources on a seperate studio Holostars, when they cpuld use that studio on actual relrvant 3D lives though, it make no logical business sense to let the actual breadwinners of the company wait, while these irrelevant leeches get their own studio to do 3D lives on time

>> No.64321189

>Coming in /here/ with the truth
GTFO you are too sane

>> No.64321356

>Ask the JP girls why they get first pickings retard
Because they are the breadwinners, and Cover does not have completely braindead business sense (Sure they are still incompetent and are lucky that the girls can carry them)

Now kneel filthy homoslave

>> No.64321815

When one of the EN girls has a concert as kino as Astel's latest concert I'll agree with your seething

>> No.64321930

Show me how many lives Stars EN has.

>> No.64322268

You're stupid lol.

>> No.64323001

Do you understand that a 3D is pay by the talents themselves and most of the revenue return to them? To Cover numbers doesn't matter. And another thing on top, the anniversaries are tied to specific dates so there is no overlap in dates.
Like this sane anon said here>>64311571 the studio time is probably used in another things (like the disproportionate amount of 3D variety segments in the main channel) or probably Cover is leasing some parts of the studio to film/tv add/muaic companies.
Considering how is the second biggest mocap studio in Japan, they probably are getting flood with request from outside.

>> No.64323038

JP talents have easier access to the studio than foreigners.
Shocking I know

>> No.64323081

I wager every Japanese game dev is currently battering down their door

>> No.64323713

I'm cool with it because I love Stars.

>> No.64324222

holostars might contaminate the studio. our pure idols must be saved from even the air they breathe.

>> No.64324455
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Shouldn’t Cover invest more time and resources into the weaker portions of their business (Stars)? I’m not an economist so I’m not sure.

>> No.64325452

Remember last summer when Cover's big and fancy new studio that they boasted about had so many technical problems that everyone's 3D streams had to be postponed for couple of months while they attempted to figure that shit out? Every single talent's?
Some found workarounds, Flare for example booked a mocap studio elsewhere to hold her celebration live, others accepted the offered replacement dates months into future for their special streams.
This forced delay caused the end of the year become extremely cramped. Some people still haven't got to celebrate their overdue 3D lives.
Surely you monkeys remember this, right?

>> No.64325614

It depends.
Does Cover see room for expansion in that market? Are they currently making a profit off said market? Do they think they can dominate that market if they sink a bit more into it?
There's a lot of questions that go into corporate strategy.

But realistically HoloStarsJP having preferential access to the 3D studio assets over HololiveEN/ID is more down to geographic proximity than anything else.

>> No.64326896

> Well it was pretty fun but..
> To say something pretty sad, this stream will be the last 3D stream that's on this level (of quality) for now.
> A lot happened.
> From next time it might not be one hour. Not sure though.
> So what happened was, between the recorded part and the live part, there was a break in between the two.
> I'd sing 2 songs live, then 3 recorded songs would play, then live again etc.
> From next time, it'll be separated. If it's recorded, the whole thing should be recoded. If it's live the whole thing should be live. That's how it will be for now.
> Doing it live for 1 hour.. it would be fine if there's no dancing, but..
> I'll die.
> Doing Live singing and dancing for 1 whole hour is probably impossible.
> As for what I'll be choosing, I'll choose to do it live. Obviously.
> Live singing and Live dancing won't change, but doing the full one hour with just that.. this might be the last one for now.
> It might be fine to do just Live singing for one hour without dancing.. maybe..
> Singing at home and singing at the studio, the song's.. a lot happened, it's meta so I can't talk about it too much.
> The level of exhaustion is like 50x more in the studio for just one song, compared to at home.
> Makes comparison with Goku training in 150x Gravity. Feels out of breath much easier in the studio.
> It's like in the mountains, the air is thin. I was almost dead.
> They told me I might need an oxygen cylinder from next time. It was that bad.

>> No.64326981

> Give me a break management! Let me sell more merch! Please!
> Thank you guys for a lot of SCs.
> ..but we're still in deficit !? *laughs*
> The budget this time was about 1/4 from last time, but it's still a deficit ?!
> Merch is pretty big. Normally I spend about as much as I get from merch.
> Till now I made stuff which was basically "well I'll get the cost back from merch anyway, so eh".
> Isn't it too little?
> It's a bit concerning. I haven't earned that much this year. It's pretty bad. Might be over.
> Once I pay my monthly bills, insurance and stuff, I think I've earned only about 500k Yen.
> There was too much stuff to spend on. I made 2 original songs. There's dance lessons and stuff..
> There was the cost for commissioning art as well..
> If you talk about how much of my personal funds I spent, it's all of it.
> The money I've spent in these four years, it's almost all been from my own pocket.
> I do 3D streams to move the hearts of my audience, but..
> WHY NO MERCH !? OI ! Isn't this the best time to sell !? Why is there no merch !?
> So I have by birthday in June right? My budget is ZERO! *laughs*
> What do I do? I'm actually seriously worried, no joke.
> We had 2 chances to sell merch till now, right?
> So on birthdays we'd get merch, and the sales from those used to be the budget for next year. Same for anniversary.
> That's no longer the case!
> *chat proceeds to spam red SCs*
> Should I sell some myself? *laughs* I'll sign some rocks or something and sell them.
> Music is pretty much free to listen to nowadays. There's a problem affecting the entirety of the music industry.
> And that's "isn't it hard to sell music?" and "why is music not selling?".
> When you create one song, and you get earnings right?
> When you talk about recovery rate, it's a big deal if there's at least 10 sales.
> I mean, you can watch all of it on Youtube. And a lot of sub-based services have free plans as well.
> So, for now, since there's no merch this time, the budget for the next one will likely be quite small. Can't even be sure if it's 3D, since even that costs money.
> But if I don't work hard and put that effort, no one would want to buy the merch! So I'm worried about how to fix this situation.
> Why is there no merch?!
> But please listen.
> Next year we're getting two merch chances again!
> So my 3D budget will be low, but there'll be 2 merch releases.

>> No.64327169

Stop making me feel bad for homos...

>> No.64327745

>Do you understand that a 3D is pay by the talents themselves

>> No.64327887

Good. They deserve nothing. And thanks for proving with his own words that they are on deficit and not making money.

>> No.64328384

the homos are actually going to die

>> No.64328441

Bummer I guess lol

>> No.64328618

Blind-chama, the evidence is above you.

>> No.64328635


wake the fuck up, holy shit. you retards keep moaning about "WHY WHY WHY" when the writing's been on the wall since the very beginning:
He could not give a single bloody fuck about how many views they get, or how much money the branch makes or what the investors think of them. He personally likes that the homos exist. think about it, why does homoEN keep getting MORE MEMBERS in spite of tempoop's piss-poor viewership? or maybe I don't need to tell you

>> No.64329035

>The stars are a failure and that's why Advent is getting outfits before them
>The stars have privileges with 3D lives
At least stick to one narrative.

>> No.64329061

Just wait until you find out how covers work

>> No.64329538

Not at a fair or market price since if it was then every fucking girl would outbid the homos ezclap

>> No.64329776

Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.64329960


>> No.64331696

from this
to this
what a mask off moment from homobeggars kek

>> No.64335201

Cover not selling merch despite how low effort this last year's stars merch has been just sounds like deliberate sabotage

>> No.64338435

They are a failure and live as bad as indies, I am happy with that

>> No.64338618

The entirety of the stars branch is worth less than a single untranslated, indog Ollie clip in 240p.
