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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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64196736 No.64196736 [Reply] [Original]

>Don't call yourselves unicorns
>Unicorns are disgusting
>They just stab you with their horns

Ririka putting Unicels in their place.

>> No.64196819

The other thread had a nice pace to it about this, anon. Why did you make another thread? You really need all the (you)s?

>> No.64196848
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>> No.64196861


>> No.64196944

>I must notify the dramafag catalogreaders about this

>> No.64197004

Its offtopic in the /#/ thread.

>> No.64197119

Khyo gonna put his next Gawr Gura comment section video on standby, this one is gonna do NUMBERS!

>> No.64197154


>> No.64197211

>Unicorns are disgusting
>t. Isn't a maiden and is angry that one has never approached her

>> No.64197263

That’s not what she said, though…
(Although I suppose I can see how many EOPs here)

>> No.64197296

Based Riri-chan and based translation
Keep doing misleading translations to fucking OWN THE UNICORNS INCELS

>> No.64197298

>making a video about JP chuubas

>> No.64197317

Seems like there are plenty of them in her comments seething lol

>> No.64197321

>suddenly regloss gets bait catalog threads for no reason
did I miss something?

>> No.64197325

Why do I not believe that she said that and that (you)'re a larping EOP? Listening now.

>> No.64197333

Does it matter how exactly she said it if the Nips themselves were still upset by it?

>> No.64197336

eop nigger, its quite opposite. shes saying "ユニコーンはいてほしい” = i do hope unicorns are always here."

>> No.64197348

Not sure why OP is even mistranslating when what she actually said is bad enough


>> No.64197364

The first one is mistranslated. It's just saying fun three months otsuriri.

>> No.64197407
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Yes and (you) should kill yourself faggot

>> No.64197427

It's minor unicorn is drama

>> No.64197474

>Unicorns shut up and don't leave!
>Oh no, no! I don't want you to leave! I want the unicorn to stay! Oh, no!
>Stay with me, unicorns! I'll get the antlers! Rika Inori has re-stabbed the antlers!
>You know what I mean? I don't mind if you take it off to wash the horn, but I want you to stay! I don't like it! I don't care!
>"Do you need a unicorn?" You're right! I don't want it to go away! It won't go away, it won't go away, it'll sting you again.
>Don't worry, ASMR will bring it back!

>> No.64197485

Ao and Ririka are joining the VCR GTA server.
Enter unicorns

>> No.64197546

I think these girls should hold their fans' feelings in the highest regard when doing their activities. Whether or not they agree with fans, and do things against the fans' wishes, they should respectfully inform the audience and not belittle them. For me, a gachi, I'll just ignore streams I don't like (I am a fan of Aki and Mel and still am after this year) and watch the regular content, but being talked down to is a big negative for me. I respect the girl and expect her to return the same gesture.

This isn't a reason for me to dislike Ririka and I will continue jerking off while imagining impregnating her, but it certainly dampened the mood a little bit.

>> No.64197556

I don’t get this part.
I believe what she’s saying is basically
>Unicorns can stay here. I want them to stay here.
>because you stub me with your horn. (Or did she meant she’s gonna put the horn onto your head?) Ririka just wants to start it again from scratch!
Did she make some sexual innuendo?

>> No.64197561

Holy shit some of her members are actually ripping her apart

>> No.64197574

That's not what she said at all you fucking homobeggar whore.

>> No.64197591

Not without reason.
Ririka is joining VRC GTA server. She addressed it in her latest stream. Was pretending to be drunk and bratty (or maybe she is just retarded) and made a dumb comment while trying to assure the unicorns all would be fine. The comment was kinda dumb and some of her fans weren’t impressed
I don’t think it will be a massively big deal, though. She might have lost some gachis, but she was still trying to keep unicorns instead of pushing them away so many of them will probably still stick around

>> No.64197618

She was basically saying the unicorn's horn gets broken because of the VCR GTA stuff but she will reattach it when she panders to them again later.

>> No.64197632

She was making fun of them, basically. She knows they are good supporters and and she wants them to stay. She added that she thinks unicorns might be mad now but they'll all come back when she does ASMR.

>> No.64197706

thats correct but the damage has been done. she shouldnt have joined the gta homo party. its pretty amazing that the management is this clueless. holo jp core fans incl hakooshi fans dont even understand what it is. hololive is popular because of the hako-unity and vibes. it just makes regloss more alien.

>> No.64197726

I think it's about when she collabed with that one show she was in, some unicorns stopped watching her after that and she asked them to come back? She also said something after like "It's even better than I still love you the most despite interacting with other males", I just hope she doesn't get into FPS faggotery or even play with males in general because that's how playing and hanging out with males IRL usually starts.

>> No.64197741

So she was making fun of unicorns being whiny hypersensitive faggots? That doesn't seem very- >>64197546
Oh, nevermind

>> No.64197746

He will do anything if he can shit on unicorns

>> No.64197760

I think I got it thanks.
As Kson was complaining about Western fans becoming more aggressive in unicorn mindset, I thought other Holo became cautious about their fans feelings.

>> No.64197773

what's the point of getting mad about what EOPs think a JP said anyway

>> No.64197865 [DELETED] 
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If you were capable of comprehending my post you'd understand I was not being sensitive nor whiny, but I doubt your SEAmankey starved brain is ready for such reading tasks.

>This isn't a reason for me to dislike Ririka

>> No.64197893

It literally came up when she was talking about how she'll be interacting with males in the GTA server

>> No.64197961

I didn't know she was joining the GTA server, I'm honestly disappointed by what she did...

>> No.64198010

I mean I look at holoneet and the japs actually are mad at this though
unlike the larpers here they actually do try to be actual unicorns and will turn on you the moment you mingle with undesirables.
It honestly isn't even males it's just streamers and male vtubers I think. Garibengaa and comedians are alright for example.

>> No.64198016
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>the unicorn's horn gets broken because of the VCR GTA stuff but she will reattach it when she panders to them again later.

I trusted her. She knew the pain of the unicorns.

>> No.64198054

I may get banned because of this post, but anytime I see people on /vt/ saying the word “unicorn”, an image of fat, unkempt haired MLP unicorn with dirty glasses appears in my mind.

>> No.64198087

Is she actually the first chubba to publicly acknowledge the "unicorn" imagery? I remembe back in that one EN worms collab, that Bae had a unicorn profile pic or something, and Ame made sure to point it out in a snide way, as the commentator. But have any of them actually addressed unicorns as such before Ririka? That means that not only is she /here/, she's also a frequent user, to know this mostly inside joke/lingo

>> No.64198114

It's okay when JP does it

>> No.64198175

>That means that not only is she /here/
Fucking faggot, the term unicorn, as a reference to a subset of fans, comes from Japan.

>> No.64198274

lol not a fucking chance, retard. They always used gachikoi. Unicorn was born here.

>> No.64198330


>> No.64198363

>Unicorn was born here

>> No.64198380

Holos were already using this term in 2019

>> No.64198412

Not even fucking KSON knew about it, kill yourselves LMAO

>> No.64198462

This was basically what she said >>64197474
Anons kept leaving the next line (right after the ASMR bit) out, though. She also said that instead of having your girl knows only you, isn't it better if she knows a lot of men and still choose you instead.
Don't know if it'd make things better or worse

>> No.64198566

>american didn't know about japanese terminology

>> No.64198581

better, but I think there are still more things being left out

>> No.64198588

She was drunk so it's basically a mask off moment.

>> No.64198605

shut up Bigolaf you fucking cuck

>> No.64198634

Suck my dick, pagpag

>> No.64198677

>She was drunk
She was RPing as a bratty drunk, watch streams

>> No.64198690

famous streamers like hikakin and even niji jps top male vtubers or indies like gorilla, peanut-kun, gatchaman etc are still safe or acceptable. its absolutely no-no when 2view homos and bad mannered shooter streamers like these appear. the management however seems to want regloss to interact with these scumbags, so its over.

>> No.64198698

Unicorn is a typical symptom of middle age crisis.
You can cure it with daily doses of certain medications or by drinking gallons of onions milk. It’s a scientifically proven fact.

>> No.64198767

>instead of having your girl knows only you, isn't it better if she knows a lot of men and still choose you instead.
>I may sleep around with other men, but I totally only actually love you, darling! Honest!
turns out erodoujins might be more representative of reality than I thought

>> No.64198773

I feel like it's so fucking easy to do this job but women always find ways to make it harder for themselves

>> No.64198787

So basically she wants her cake and eat it too.

>> No.64198797

Fuck thats hot... Continue

>> No.64198885

On top of that she basically said
>All I gotta do is ASMR and you'll forgive me anyways.

>> No.64198916

ITT: EOPs baited by an inaccurate translation

>> No.64198919

>It honestly isn't even males it's just streamers and male vtubers I think
Nah, it's simple - they'll give the male interaction a pass if it's limited to just pure business-related activity and is done professionally enough. As long as it's convincing enough, it's fine no matter who the other party is.
That basically came from idol culture (or if it came even before that, IDK). Fans don't want their pure idols to be fucking a guy, but they have to accept that there is no way for the girls' career to progress without any male interaction (i.e: it'd be dumb to turn down your role in a morning drama just because you might have to hug a male actor there). Thus, anything about professional work (as long as they can be convinced) are mostly accepted (there might be exceptions, but rare).
The same applies here. It doesn't matter if it's with streamers or male VTubers - what matters is how professional the interaction looks like

>> No.64198927

>Its better for a girl to fuck 100 guys and then prefer fucking you

>> No.64198994

Did she do a male collab already?

>> No.64199065

People went expecting the cute anime gyaru archetype and got the true gyaru experience.
At least with Hoshikawa nobody was betrayed.

>> No.64199073

Just why?

>> No.64199075

So Pekora is /here/ too?

>> No.64199081

to be fair they're mad because Ririka hard panders to unicorns

>> No.64199107
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kek I love her

>> No.64199121

you never watched the stream

>> No.64199146

Japan really is just a completely cucked society huh?
Happened to South Korea too actually.
Turns out giving a woman freedom always results in this regardless of the culture you're in.

>> No.64199175

All of regloss were replying to jpstars and starsen twitter posts when they debuted, the first red flag

>> No.64199239

Damn, Dev_is is full of retards destroying their popularity.

>> No.64199262

Pekora was the ogey rrat poster. That's why you no longer see ogey rrat nowadays: she is too busy to visit and shitpost on 4ch again

>> No.64199279

fr fr, why won't woman just suck my cock already

>> No.64199338

The truth comes from the mouth of a drunkard.

>> No.64199381

Regloss never felt like they were actually a part of Hololive, thank god ive never watched even a single clip.

>> No.64199387

what stream. i watched todays ririkas stream. im talking about the standard of the holo jp fanbase. there are trustable male streamers and scum like 2view homos. the gta homofes is chock full of shitty male streamers and 2view homos who holo jp fans can hardly accept. this board only talks about unicorns but normal holo jp fans dont willingly watch a homocollab full of unknown 2views and shitty streamers.

>> No.64199626

Do yall ever have a bad feeling in your stomach that literally every girl in Hololive will do male collabs, that it will be the company policy to include the homos in everything and all the girls will just go mask off and use the policy as an excuse to tell unicorns hey times are changing , get with the times.

Maybe not now but maybe years from now when even some of the most against male collabs will feel like they have collected enough paypig donos and will finally go with their true feminist ways that was always their deep down.

>> No.64199681

We all knew she was a huge stacy as soon as we saw her model.

>> No.64199732

No because I have full trust in my oshi

>> No.64199737


>> No.64199746

Owari da

>> No.64199749

>Is she actually the first chubba to publicly acknowledge the "unicorn" imagery?
Bae once sadly mentioned during a Council collab that she used to love unicorns when she was a child. There have been several Hololive talents that have made subtle references to unicorns.

>> No.64199766

>that literally every girl in Hololive will do male collabs

a few girls who have a husband like ayame will never do male collab

>> No.64199782
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Kanata won't be able to keep her promise...

>> No.64199787

I don't watch homos but I don't know why unicorns are feel so threatened by the homos or just any male streamer. All the people in the VCR server are literally just normal people talk like a normal person and having fun

>> No.64199873

>its pretty amazing that the management is this clueless
With the noombers they got from Aki's-fleshtubers collabeexpect to not get it for a while

>> No.64200111

I dont even know man

>> No.64200325
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So all I know is that Ririka was drunk, said some shit to unicorns over VCR, and people are upset?

Sometimes its best to just not give a shit about this. if you get upset at this crap, and actually live a life, then i'd consider leaving. Ririka is probably going to do jack shit in the server, these things come and go, but blah blah blah.

>> No.64200336

There's also people that think it's too early for her to join VCR and that she doesn't deserve it

>> No.64200369

Because it's not even fun or quality as an entertainment. Simple and plain. It's not what you expect it from hololive or holomems. If I want to watch a fun and quality crossgender collab I just watch Niji jp. They can entertain viewers a professional way. 2view homos and streamers are however just fucking unfunny. There's no interesting chemistry either since they can't act like professionals.

>> No.64200415


>> No.64200483

Everything about this girl is vulgar: her model, her gesture, her voice. Most vulgar girl in hololive by far. (i have no problem with that)

>> No.64200489

Ririka is joining the GTA shit? I thought that was just Ao. Wtf.. She wanna go full Mel and throw away her #s? She was getting a shit load of supers with GFE pandering. These chicks have to be legit retarded.

>> No.64200491

Then you don't watch it, unless they manage to make it work. VCR is shit in general because its just endless people talking over another. Aki at least made it work because she was pretty recognizable and stood out. The GTA one sucked. Laplus, Towa and Botan were basically just left to do their own shit.

>> No.64200514

I genuinely cannot comprehend what's with giving women the recipe to success and them still somehow fucking it up

>> No.64200559

>Then you don't watch it
Well yeah, that's what they're doing. They're leaving a dislike, saying their thoughts in a comment, then drop her and move onto someone else. That's always what happens.

>> No.64200664

Get help.
Talk to a therapist.

>> No.64200750

Some people can’t hold back their passions to pursue the art of failing.

>> No.64201444

Usually its cause the manager is also encouraging them to go towards that direction.
Nene's manager kept pestering her into joining HLZNTL until she agreed for example.

>> No.64201457

Why would this endear me in any way to her?

>> No.64201940

Translated a bunch of comments. It's about 50/50 split of people supporting her and people absolutely laying in to her for bait and switch and saying they're leaving, and a lot of those comments criticizing her are highly upvoted. Imagine throwing away half your support just to join a sausage fest collab after 3 months of doing GFE and farming gachikois. Lol.. some of these chicks really are just dumb. Full Mel mode.

>> No.64201959

but I'm having fun watching VCR, so it's just a matter of having different value?

>> No.64202026

>full Mel mode
You never watched Mel

>> No.64202097


>> No.64202164

I guess we will soon see if she will have backbone to stay on her opinion or if she will walk it back and say she was drunk and stupid.

>> No.64202167

very disappointing, she was the only ReGloss that appealed to me. I can't support those who interact with males on stream.

>> No.64202186

>You never watched Mel
No one watches Mel

>> No.64202199

Then why are we fucking bitching?

>> No.64202225

nta but which Mel? There's a few Mels nowadays

>> No.64202260

She only said facts

>> No.64202395

Yagoo literally wants that. He only puts up with the way things are now because of how much bank they make with general CGDCT, but he has always wanted to turn hololive into niji. Plus women are shit deep at their core and this little stunt proves JP women are the same or even worse than western women.

>> No.64202460

This is pretty wild. It definitely would have been better to set expectations at debut to more closely align your fanbase to what you want to do in hololive (or regloss or whatever). Absolutely don't fault her though for only changing now, maybe she really didn't know what she wanted to do. Better now than in another 3 or 6 or 12 months.

But I can't see any reason why you'd go that hard against a portion of your audience. Seems like just being mean and stirring shit for no real gain. Mask off, I guess.

>> No.64202548

She's literally pandering to unicorns are you guys retarded

>> No.64202549

>>64202460 (me)
I guess it was just because she knew there'd be pissing and moaning and anti'ing by changing course at this point and wanted to get in for a good punch before the inevitable happened.

>> No.64202640

how is joining a 2 view homo gta event pandering to unicorns?

>> No.64202707

I'm sorry but both sides are fucking retarded

>> No.64202751

Every time I see this image I can't help but wonder about her tastes. Otoya is the most bland vanilla bboy in the entire cast.

>> No.64202988

These niggas were getting all chummy with starsjp/en at debut. If that red flag wasn’t enough than you’re probably a novelite

>> No.64202993

>But I can't see any reason why you'd go that hard against a portion of your audience
What? She isn’t "going that hard" against unicorns unless you are only looking at the intentionally mistranslation in the OP. She is asking them to stay and tell them all will be fine and she isn’t interested in other males.
She is just too retarded, or too drunk and phrased it rather poorly, but it’s not like she is trying to push unicorns away

>> No.64203016

I don't mind occasional male collabs and stuff but the attitude of mocking unicorn is sooo bad-looking.
Especially the "unicorn fans" are not even earned, but given by the Holo popularity. The backlash is a natural responce ig

>> No.64203065

Yep. It hurts. As always we’re proven right once again that all women are whores and they can’t be trusted. If fucking Ririka did this, THE GFE of her gen, what’s to say Shiori won’t soon completely out of nowhere? A woman with even more red flags than Ririka and just as retarded.

>> No.64203136

Give it a few weeks and then they'll come back. I've seen this song and dance

>> No.64203157

its even worse when they show actual understanding of the feeling of betrayal and then do it to their fans anyways

>> No.64203171

I wasn't, going from >>64197348

I guess maybe "going hard" is hyperbole. It's just weird to me she'd talk down to unicorns directly like that (you'll forgive me if I do ASMR (even if it's true)). It would have been better to not say anything at all.

>> No.64203227

It has been months and Kronii’s unicorns aren’t back yet…

>> No.64203306

The Japanese don't mind being cucks but don't you dare make fun of janitors!

>> No.64203378

None of you niggas speak Jap you're all so incredibly stupid it's unreal

>> No.64203393

>This isn't a reason for me to dislike Ririka and I will continue jerking off while imagining impregnating her
Based. I will join you, king.

>> No.64203400

Nobody's are. Nobody comes back.

>> No.64203436

Shiori’s are back

>> No.64203466

Then I guess they aren't fans

>> No.64203476

very manipulative

>> No.64203628

You mean simps and cucklords

>> No.64203647

True. They were fans, though.

>> No.64203648

>farms as many gachis as they can during debut buff
>make sure they feel loved so they keep dropping money
>as soon as they're too invested in you start collabing with males like you wanted from the start
many such cases, bitches and whores

>> No.64203712

Yeah, instead of having fun playing GTA with a ton of people, she should play Exit 8. Yeah, this spot-the-difference walking simulator you can beat in literal minutes is WAY more interesting than GTA.

>> No.64203713

Lol she literally admitted she doesn't care and will just get them back using ASMR after doing the male collabs.. You don't say that shit out loud, basically admitting you are farming them.

>> No.64203789

Really showed what she really thinks of unicorns here, huh. I mean, I get it, and she's not wrong, but why would you come out and say ur like this?

>> No.64203830

I think you're just confused and misunderstanding but too coward to admit it. That's on you anon

>> No.64203833

>because you stub me with your horn. (Or did she meant she’s gonna put the horn onto your head?) Ririka just wants to start it again from scratch!
Seems like she's saying that she upset them at some point and now they're hurting her (stabbing with their horns) and she wants to start over again (to a time where they're not mad at her). Kinda sad tbdesu, hope they don't hurt her.

>> No.64203893

If it works why wouldn't they do it? Half of HoloJP has done some sort of male collab at this point and people here are tripping over each other to rush to their defense.

>> No.64203909

Yeah, Shiori seems cute so I want to support her but she honestly makes me feel uneasy, I feel like a random homo collab is coming any week now

>> No.64203914

Certain a good number of girls have mentioned theyll graduate if management tries to force shit on them

>> No.64203981

All this dumb bitch had to do was play in the e celeb server and not make a montain of the issue when most weren't saying shit but nope she had mock her fan...baffling decision

>> No.64203988

seriously, she is admitting that she doesn't care about unicorns and will lure them back with ASMR, how obvious can it be?

>> No.64204058

>guilty until proven innocent

>> No.64204177

Well since the debut I thought they're separated from the main branch so they can collab males and pander to normal streamers, so I'm not surprised two of them join GTA.
They were too bad at singing to be worth forming a new brach featured by singing and dancing.
What I don't understand is why they've been pretending to be like normal Holo until now.

>> No.64204238

she didn't, it's just a playful banter. She's never taking unicorns seriously in the first place. it's you who is delusional and assumes all her fans are unicorns when in reality it's not

>> No.64204254

She did nothing wrong, BVTM failed the false flag.

>> No.64204267

Half of Holojp collab with male but they dont go make fun of the ones who disagree.
Korone was in a sf6 tourney did you see this lvl of backlash her comment section is a clusterfuck.
Same thing with
Ayame and the valorant tourney
Lap and valorant too
Peko and hikakin
Suisei and the stars and more.
The only thing she fucked up about was mocking them after and the only one who fucked up even worse was kronii and she dont even collab with the stars anymore.

>> No.64204306

What did Shiori do? And I mean in reality, not in sisters imagination.

>> No.64204345

That is basically the scenario of every romcom with a Gyaru as a romantic interest. She is only loyal to the beta protagonist

>> No.64204369

Yeah Laplus famously never shit on her fans lmao

>> No.64204414
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Lol lmao even

>> No.64204428

Follow tempus on x, responded to one of them also. She officially acknowledges their existence which is more than some girls

>> No.64204678

most romcoms with gyarus these days do the pure gyaru meme

>> No.64204699

She was not drunk, she was doing RP. Fucking catalog-monkey.

>> No.64204709

>they will be back for ASMR anyway
I think gen 4 was the last one who had to put up some work. Sudden explosion in popularity and a flood of gachikoi money makes the new girls treat the audience like ATMs.
If they keep giving the Holo Golden Ticket for life to random egirls rather than struggling artist the company will implode

>> No.64204824

no she didn't, you falseflagging faggot.

>> No.64204863

And half of the comments complaining are painfully obvious made in a MTL software, probably made by someone from /here/

>> No.64204994

>2 view homo gta event
Lmao, the GTA server is fucking big. They have probably the biggest Japanese streamers and celebrities like Nakamura Yuuchi. This is the best chance for them to leech outside the Holobox

>> No.64204997
File: 35 KB, 535x333, 1700864240736864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when you unicorns told me this was mandated? Despite me telling you that she literally said she'd go ahead and say hello to more of them after the initial set was done?
Where are you now?

>> No.64205075

lying faggot
you don't even know Japanese

>> No.64205106



You can check who she’s following easily

>> No.64205160

aww youre so special and smart, anon. i recognize your genius, sweetheart.

>> No.64205189

because otherwise no one would have started watching them in the first place. ririka had the lowest sub count of the gen at debut

>> No.64205216

>Didn't followback any of the new homos
Yeah, we can check.

>> No.64205224

Cope, brown hands.

>> No.64205331
File: 643 KB, 2880x2880, 1701583599223653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiori's unicorns arent back. They WANT to be back, but Shiori wont forgive them for leaving.

>> No.64205382
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Demi's retarded and shot his anti-unicorn shot too early, the ones that stayed loyal were rewarded.

>> No.64205459

Nigga I said tempus not armis. She follows Bettle Flayon and Axel. Don’t act retarted now

>> No.64205463

Literally told unicorns to watch her previously and did "mens only" GFE ASMR member's streams to farm the 2nd highest monthly superchats on JP side.
beggar sister: "She was never trying to get unicorns" xd

>> No.64205581

>coping by separating them

>> No.64205623

So just in case it wasn't clear yet, she very clearly and unabiguously (almost desperately) said that she *wants* unicorns.
She basically said "Please don't just leave without saying anything, I really want the unicorns to stay! I'll heal your nicked horn with some ASMR so please don't leave!"

>> No.64205663

You can’t fool me, I’m familiar with your game

>> No.64205684

Yeah for offpako with e-celebs.

>> No.64205739
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that's not how it works though

>> No.64205741

>please let me cuck you for a while and keep paying me! I promise I'll be a whore to win back your trus. Never again I pwomiset!!!
Do women really?

>> No.64205749


>> No.64205758

Yep. She loves unicorns and anticorns are attacking her.
The only thing real unicorns care about is that their oshi says she loves them.

>> No.64205810

what's the story behind that fag?

>> No.64205863

This. BVTM and his discord buddies just paid for a few months of membership on a dozen accounts and is now pretending to be nips with bad Japanese MTL

>> No.64205983
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>Shiori says thank you to homo on twitter
>Demi flips out in her chat, alludes to her RM
>Shiori or one of her mods blacklists him
>Shiori never acknowledges homos or collabs with anyone
>Shiori opens membership and is far more comfortable, cute and trauma dumps onto novelknights, Basically GFE has become more prominent
>Demi seethes because he got mad over nothing and got banned for it
>now he's sending SCs to other advents asking Shiori to unban him

>> No.64206064

She's going to cuck him as soon as she lets him back in.

>> No.64206070

oh, so he's Babski 2.0?

>> No.64206107

Grey name, everybody can look how you keep copy pasting the same message.

>> No.64206128

Probably one of his alts, he uses two for IRyS.

>> No.64206145
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Basically yes, schizos out over the thank you tweet, realizes that he schizo'd out too early, tries to come back, attentionwhores on other Advent girls like Biboo, gets ignored.

>> No.64206161

Just make another account, what a tard

>> No.64206201

That's what we all think but he's an attentionwhore that cares about his "name".

>> No.64206264

She also said something like "Isn't that the real GFE, a girl that knows a lot of guys, but *you* are the one she really likes?"
And the part about washing their horn was "They can (only) go (as in take leave) to wash their horns, other than that I want them to stay!"
Also she's clearly drunk, so don't read too much into her words.

>> No.64206271

So my girlfriend gamer doesn't exist?

>> No.64206356


>> No.64206391

They're Unicorns. If they were fine with this stuff they wouldn't be Unicorns.

>> No.64206591

Any link to her members stream where she did insane pandering?

>> No.64206662

Most people with social anxiety want to disappear from the earth when they do something cringe like this. This is actually his chance to do that and act somewhat normal next time. But he doesn’t. Maybe he knows if they get to know him his retardation will come out again.
Maybe he doesn’t do it because he knows it’s too late, and the girls will always hate him. He’s probably right.

>> No.64206746

dev_is management is forcing her to do unicorn-unfriendly content and ririka is trying her best to spin it so the unicorns she wants doesn't leave

>> No.64206756

Or bald ojisans!

>> No.64206817

This guy sounds like gabe.

>> No.64206863
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>shit tests her unicorns as part of gfe
Everyone stand back, I'm about to hnnng

>> No.64206871

I would just find other non whores to watch or find something else to do with my time. No point worrying about it.

>> No.64206944

>thinking a gyaru would be pure
you brought this on yourselves

>> No.64206973

>Oh yeah Anon I'm a whore and have dated tons of guys, but I love you now!
Don't be fooled brother

>> No.64207053

ITT delicious unicuck copium

>> No.64207058

She is perceptive but not fully correct. Unicorns might come back, skip male collabs and keep watching her if she's entertaining enough but they won't paypig anymore. I cancelled my member to a chuuba over this but I still watch her.

>> No.64207136

>She also said something like "Isn't that the real GFE, a girl that knows a lot of guys, but *you* are the one she really likes?
is this how dudes who date pornstars cope?

>> No.64207612

Man this is just sad, I don't think even any of the EN members have been this blatant about "oh idc about unicorns i'll just do another ASMR and they'll come back." She always gave me bad vibes, good thing I stuck with actual idols like Hajime and Kanade

>> No.64207697


>> No.64207837

How is Kanada not idol-like, she and Hajime fit the bill way more than the 3 other members of this shit gen

>> No.64207956

This is bait

>> No.64208018

i can't even find a single asmr stream on her channel.

>> No.64208039

Did you forget about the manager yab?

>> No.64208234

but p-san is male too though....

>> No.64208274

What the Kanade leaked about her hanging with a male manager? I don't care about stuff that happens off stream unless the member themselves brings it up

>> No.64208280

The whole dev_is branch initial idea was to make a more mixed set of gens. But after HLZNTL management probably slowed down the process and that's why the female gen came out alone, this feels like they're gonna release the male gen pretty soon and ReGloss are going to collab mostly with them, probably even in albums and song releases.

>> No.64208299

>has a manager

>> No.64208327

No, i for once will trust a woman.
This is very dumb but she has not showed signs of homo barinrot whatsoever.

>> No.64208374

>I don't care if my oshi gets fucked as long as it happens off stream

>> No.64208383

I'mma play devil's advocate here and assume she means the 2023 edition of unicorns that keep demanding shit "or we walk", but never actually walk and just cry in the comments sections of her VODs

>> No.64208399

>outside the Holobox

>> No.64208446

It was just a case of Raden saying that the manager had also been out drinking, with retards trying to paint it as him having been out drinking with Kanade, who had been out drinking with Raden.

>> No.64208461

If Raden brought it up does it count?

>> No.64208469

um jpbros? these are the superior vtubers you claim are superior to en?

>> No.64208542

They're just going to claim Ririka is a westernized whore because she spent time living overseas. They always have an excuse.

>> No.64208565

>I don’t trust Kronii
>I trust Ririka
Yeah, I’d say so. What’s the evidence? I just gave it.

>> No.64208676

I think Ririka is an autistic dumbass who thought explaining her thought process would make it better. Which means I think she was telling the truth and made an awkward joke that didn’t land. It would fit with everything else about her we’ve seen so far.
If she pulls a Mel and goes full retard, then whatever. I’m not a paypig, so why should I be that mad over a mild misstep (not the collab, the dumb comments afterwards)

>> No.64208858

I mean yeah? If this were the case then good luck having an oshi in Hololive at all lmao

>> No.64208907

No, it only counts if the person in question brings it up. Like Suisei being retarded during her drama and spending 30+ minutes lecturing her fans about the internet

>> No.64208971

Doesn't count when its an Asian girl who gets brainwashed by living in western countries

>> No.64209082

She spent 3 months farming up literally 2-3 times the amount of superchats as Hajime, Ao and Kanade. And still more than even Raden who has way more subs and ccv. That doesn't happen unless you're farming some big gachikois with your GFE. Imagine even risking throwing that all away to play some GTA with some ugly sexpesty male vtubers lol. I just can't even comprehend the level of stupidity and self destruction risking your golden ticket for nothing.

>> No.64209206

Based af, goddamn

Unicorn-bros, take the L

>> No.64209293

Its because most women are just retarded, like fuck most of the Holostar guys understand their positions and don't try to push themselves into the girls sphere. Some of these girls however cannot be contempt with having loyal fans who throw literally thousands of dollars at them for just providing an escape and GFE, they NEED to stream with men for whatever reason and shit on the very people who supported them. Would not be surprised if Ririka just ends up becoming yet another Matsuri/Mel/Lap in the coming months, couldn't even pretend for her 1st year and she's already in the shitter now lmao

>> No.64209337

Girls know that unless they’re blowing their bf on stream, the hardcore gachis will stay. They barely had a backbone anyway. And the ones that left probably didn’t contribute much anyway.

>> No.64209358

>but never actually walk

>> No.64209373

>make a lighthearted comment shitting on people who freak out at le evil males even existing on the same game server as her, then jokes about "winning them back" with ASMR because GFE is the connotation of ASMR in this sphere
>this is a big enough deal to "lose gachis"
I honestly do not understand why anyone would cultivate a fanbase like this.

>> No.64209411

Even after reading the threads I am not entirely sure what is going on, but as long as she doesnt collab with males or gets found out having a BF, I dont care.
Not that she is really GFE to begin with.

>> No.64209459

Nobody tell him

>> No.64209471

Because Ririka was literally the runt of her gen, and had to resort to GFE/Unicorn bait in order to stand out at all. Like she's still one of the least subbed/viewed members of her gen, but she beats them all out in terms of superchat.

>> No.64209603

>but as long as she doesnt collab with males

>> No.64209612

>Only counts when the person in question brings it up
Clearly not as several Holo members like Moona had a significant drop after rm shit was revealed

>> No.64209768

>girlfriend tells you she is going to go out for drinks with a large group of friends
>you whinge
>she promises she'll give you mind shattering gluck gluck when she gets back
>whinge even harder then break down in tears
Unicorns don't deserve life

>> No.64209787


>> No.64209831

Reset the "gyaru baiting otaku gets outted as a whore" clock


>> No.64209842

Fumble of the year... She was the superchat leader of her gen, demolishing most of them with her GFE farming. This is like if Fuwamoco suddenly decided to do male collabs and made fun of all their gachikois at the same time. RIP to her income next month. Dumbass. She'll probably private the video when she wakes up but damage is done lol.

>> No.64209859

>Not that she is really GFE to begin with

>> No.64209898

One level higher

>> No.64209900

Why are normie whores so eager to always use the "le im drunk" excuse for everything? And why do retards accept it?

>> No.64209921

Retarded catalogfag.

>> No.64210898

Who is the unicorn now, homobeggar faggot?

>> No.64211145

>Not-rushia "loses" the same 5 gachikois every drama
i wanna say an overwhelming majority of new "unicorns" are just greys or 1month-ers who love to RP

>> No.64211269

That's all she said? I hate female vtubers collabing with men but what she said doesn't seem that bad. Not sure why there is all this uproar

>> No.64211337


>> No.64211360

What happened? Did she collab with a male and then say that stuff?

>> No.64211448

Lol she's going to be suspended with how angry people are
Dumb drunk cunt

>> No.64211476

part of the stereotype of gyarus is that they're sluts. so I'm not sure there's any "outing" of anything here in the first place

>> No.64211487
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and specifically
is likely used in this case not to mean stab, but sew together. She's saying she wants the broken horns of unicorns to be prepared. Not that it's a much better sentiment, but it makes more sense this way

>> No.64211505

>so rich rushia is still the most superchatted holo
>now is a 3view
Ok dude.

>> No.64211566

still gets paid like a 5 view though...

>> No.64211635

Not really
In hololive she would regularly make 10000 USD from a stream through superchats alone and now she can't even break 1000

>> No.64211685

She's gonna be in the VCR server for GTA V, it has males in it, do the math.
>Wait that's it?
Imagine if Rushia before her yab decided to join that shit.

>> No.64212082

Tbf most Holo girls aren't making as much as they used to now
They hype and boom from covid has fully died down and the golden age of Holo and VTubers as a whole is over

>> No.64212253

Okay...? And...?
Thet aren't making as much in superchats because unicorns don't bluff

>> No.64212389

>>64211487 (me)

>> No.64212428

Is this whole drama actually something big or is it just another melodrama that's gonna die after 1 week?

>> No.64212564

Oh I agree
I'm not talking about the Ririka stuff, she's fucked her career and I'll be shocked if it makes a comeback
If you look at the post I was responding to you'd see I was talking about Rushia making only 4 figures a stream instead of 5, which is consistent with pretty much all VTubers

>> No.64212827

Nothingburger that'll be forgotten by tomorrow

>> No.64213111

Korone comment section is fine, what are you on?

>> No.64213302

Seems like the same crowd from the recent Suisei stuff, just a group using a situation (a few actual unicorns getting upset at her interacting with men) to blow things out of proportion and cause general degeneracy

>> No.64213591

This. Feelings pass but the scars remain.

>> No.64213682

Women want cock. Simple as.

>> No.64213710

You anons can say i'm paranoid but most of these comments seem like raids of sock puppet accounts.

>> No.64213884

I dont give fck about male collabs but if your strong point is sc why the fck you did this, this is one of the dumbest thing that i watch a holo do in the last year. They are gonna fcking ban alcohol streamings after this.

>> No.64213921

You mean the people who have membered her for more than a month?

>> No.64213989

The thing is, she wasn't even drunk. She was merely pretending to drink. She was absolutely sober when she said those things.

>> No.64214508

The ultimate truth is she wants unicorn money, she just doesn't want it from stereotypical unicorns. If they learned how to maintain their hygiene and social skills to a desirable levels, everyone and their mother would beg for Unicorns, but if they could do that they wouldn't be unicorns to begin with

>> No.64214628
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Get filtered guys, more Shachou for me
Death Game to all Unicorn

>> No.64214784

I'm talking about the literal nobodies like "@user random numbers" commentators.

>> No.64214795

>Now Ririka
Soon enough you'll see Pekora and Noelle sex pesting someone like Kuzuha or Kanae

>> No.64214820


>> No.64214859

it's actually reassuring to see the amount of backlash she's getting in the comments, makes me hopefull that most hololive fans aren't that braindeadRA

>> No.64215112

Many of those are converted accounts after YT change some time ago, there's a lot of people with such username who have been on YT since 2013 etc. Especially in Japan.

>> No.64215209

This a thing in jp forums or hjust here?

>> No.64215213

So she's a unicorn herself

>> No.64215261

it's jp user names not the one you see on chat

>> No.64215273

It's much bigger on JP forums. You can simply check comments under her stream, all the most liked comments are criticizing her and there's dozens of them.

>> No.64215298

>I know how you guys feel
Any man that believes in those words when it came out of a woman's mouth is a full blow retard, EVERY time they show they didn't care at all and only said that for attention, clout or something like that

>> No.64215364

why is that your fetish?

>> No.64215552

Tf? Sure, SC numbers might be lower, but Hololive has never been pushing more merch out than now.

>> No.64215625

I don't think Kronii's unicorn costume during the worms collab was exactly subtle, but thankfully she never talked about it or addressed it.

>> No.64215733

>translated comments
Imagine thinking that any opposite opinion is false and bait, I hate saying grown up, but in this case please do, you need to be a minor or a sheltered retard to think like that

>> No.64215750

>Ririka is doing the equivalent of going out with some friends then coming back to you at home alone later in the night
>People are freaking out over it
Can someone explain the problem because I'm not getting it? She's implying that (You) are more important.

>> No.64215931

>>64215552 (me)
Sorry. Wrong reply. Should be to >>64212082.

>> No.64216080

>ririka is a gfe chuuba
>coilabed with men and unicorns left her without causing any drama
>she noticed that less people are watching and supporting her so she asked the unicorns to stay and tries to bait them with ASMR.
>Tells everyone that she's joining the GTA server
Textbook eating your cake and still wanting it afterwards.

>> No.64216224

Maybe half of hololive but I doubt everyone, several members would quit before giving in to that

>> No.64216311

>Things that never happened: The post

>> No.64216386

You guys were right about Regloss. They were really made for homocollabs

>> No.64216406

Botan didn't lose too many fans when she started doing VCR stuff and I think it's mostly because she handled things very differently.
In contrast, what Ririka said feels very manipulative. "I know a bunch of fans will be upset and leave but I'll gain a bunch when I do ASMR, so it's okay".
It's like she sees her fans as numbers and is min/maxing them in a really dehumanizing way.
And joining the server three months in makes it seem like another Laplus situation where she wanted to join Hololive in order to use her position to get closer to e-celebs. That might not be Ririka's intentions, but it's difficult not to see it that way.

>> No.64216592

I see some obvious nijifags from 2ch anti thread too but they aren't the most liked comments. like the ones insulting her numbers

>> No.64216898

Nah it doesn't make sense business wise. That's leaving way too much money on the table. Makes sense to cater to both types of fans with different girls.

>> No.64217072

Just browse nip twitter to see some 1-month members opting out.

>> No.64217108

>It's like she sees her fans as numbers and is min/maxing them in a really dehumanizing way.
Oh, the irony! Truly a Holodrone moment and their lack of awareness.

>> No.64217739

>Thread reader

>> No.64217831

No way you watch her

>> No.64218044

>it's totes a thing on JP forums, look at these YT comments
nice try

>> No.64218808

Even if that's true you don't say that, imagine the president saying he doesn't give a shit about the population and people are just chess pieces for him to attain more power, he would get impeached immediately even though everyone already knows that

>> No.64219084

One thing I find funny about the youtube comments is the way they talk about potential male collab streams. Among english speaking fandoms (not even vtuber ones, media in general) a common phrase is "If you don't like it, just don't watch/play/listen/etc to it".
But the JP comments here are phrased in a way that sounds less like
>streams I don't want to watch
>streams I am unable to watch
like the way you'd refer to a stream scheduled when you were busy, or if you internet was down or something

>> No.64219553

Instead she did her homo yab moment lol

>> No.64219703

It was in the middle of her homo yab arc, but she got better.

>> No.64219790

Found the guy who doesn't watch streams

>> No.64219833

Honestly i think Noel is the next, intuition

>> No.64219921

They're infected by the entitled western roastie mindset that a woman can do whatever she wants and everybody's obligated to shower her with asspats and money. Luckily most Holos are humble enough to understand that the audience doesn't serve them, they serve the audience, and they aren't stupid enough to collab with males(some of them like Kronii learned the hard way). Dumbasses like Ririka are the minority.

>> No.64220334

And they will only increase, unless they unironically hire hags, japs zoomers are just discount westerners at this point

>> No.64220421

>but she got better
Kronii can never be trusted on a single thing she says to her fans ever again
She might be trying to be more fan oriented now but she has broken trust in a way that can never be repaired
>Verification not required

>> No.64220844

Holodrones are only Holodrones because they are with the company with the biggest NOOMBERS. They only value a chuuba for the numbers of CCV, subscriptors, amount of superchat or another arbitrary metrics. That is the irony.

>> No.64220949

She hasn't interacted with any of Tempus, since their last collab in May and she's happy, judging by her streams in the last month+. She might self-sabotage again, but that would be incredibly dumb.

>> No.64221040

Calm down Muhamed.

>> No.64221129

Because these VCR servers in particular come with the expectation that it'll be the only thing you do for the next week or two.
Even if you don't care about male collabs, if you don't care or dislike GTA RP then that's a week or two of streams you won't watch any of and by then you'd probably just drop her as a whole. GFE chuubas are a dime a dozen in JP and she's still a newbie too. Ririka in particular is a bit of a numberfag and has been behind everyone in her gen beside Ao so this isn't gonna help her either.

>> No.64221234

just let the girls have fun, you cant stop this anyway.

>> No.64221360


>> No.64221566

>and will finally go with their true feminist ways that was always their deep down
True feminist way is unironically unicorn friendly approach
>don't acknowledge or support males on stream, simply because you hate all men
>unicorns immediately just assume you're on their side, "she just hates "males", not us!", without you even speaking a word on it
>take advantage and squeeze these "lesser" men for all they're worth without any guilt because you hate them even more

>> No.64222445

If a restaurant starts to have shit food you can't stop it, but you sure can stop eating there and warning people that it got worse

>> No.64222631

>they just had too much truth serum, don't read into it bro!
It's so tiresome

>> No.64222764

We do let them have fun, but then they complain when their money dries up.

>> No.64223095

Doesn't matter if she's interacted with homos since, it's the betrayal that destroyed the trust
She sat there and said she understood why people didn't like homo collabs and wouldn't do it again, it seemed like she showed genuine remorse
Then she comes back the next day basically saying she doesn't care what her fans think and that she's going to collab and talk with whoever she wants whenever she wants and if we don't like she'd be happy for us to leave
>Well look where you're at now bitch
She might not be saying it outright but with how she talks about her model in a sexual manner and how she interacts with fans, she wants unicorns back

>> No.64223300

Not really unicorns but paying gachis.
She does the worst in Promise in terms of merch sales now and before that incident she was the merch king of her gen. Her bday sales were bad enough that management had to extend it by another week or two

>> No.64223440

She didn't realize how much it would actually hurt her, that the small minority wasn't actually a minority. She learned from her mistakes, it looks like.

>> No.64223640

Retard, unicorn us basically sexism, which is the opposite of feminist
>Don't interact with others guys, I don't like it
It's prime XVIII century

>> No.64223871

Based and true

>> No.64224265

>food analogy

>> No.64224357
File: 327 KB, 407x545, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>POV: you just send your 5th akasupa of the month

>> No.64224533

True and while there are probably some unicorns who don't buy merch
But I'd say most unicorns are also gachis since we do support financially because we're obsessed with the talent
If she's treating us right we want to buy all her merch, buy her voice packs, send superchats to talk to her, and gush about her online essentially advertising

>> No.64225066

You read too many threads lol.

>> No.64225198

Every single woman is like that after a while.

>> No.64225202

Is this a stealth /#/ thread or something? Anons talking like they're cover interns.

>> No.64225337

Women should never be given the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.64225864

i'm thinking ririka is feeling pretty bad right now

>> No.64225978

okay ill spoonfeed you then, go to the jpnkn board hololiveneet, it's the holoan honsure.
Look up "りり" or "りりーか"
theyre mad. She was literally their darling

>> No.64225985

She can't sit there saying the shit she did then expect anyone to sit there and be happy with it unless they're a fuckin cuck

>> No.64226387

I'm just a day 1 Kronie who has been enjoying all of her content since June 2023 until now.
