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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 741 KB, 977x781, 1681856308870963.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64172604 No.64172604 [Reply] [Original]

hahahaha Shee hahahaa edition


kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Elira Pendora - https://twitter.com/EliraPendora

Previous thread: >>64116665

>> No.64172721

Don't watch the very fake evil bully Nene

Watch Charzu
Watch Isla
Watch Shee
Watch the real Kawaii

>> No.64172760

Fuck I need to be inside Reina so bad

>> No.64172759

Charzu playing exit 8

Shee playing Lethal Company

Isla date in an arcade

The /pkg/ favorites are all overlapping.

>> No.64172762

>Not sure what you mean by this.
Then you weren't watching the stream. Why do you give a shit then?

>> No.64172783
File: 18 KB, 367x297, shes losing it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charlotte is going crazy

>> No.64172810

Don't watch Charlotte Suzu this "game" sucks and she sucks at it.

>> No.64172820

>I will watch all these vods tonight by simply not sleeping
There no flaws in this plan

>> No.64172852

Isla my innocent love

>> No.64172900

what's even funnier is no one dares to say the punchline.

>> No.64172969

kys cucktomo

>> No.64172999

I was watching it off and on while playing Genshin and I don't always catch everything she says. Sorry I asked

>> No.64173177

based nene anti thread

>> No.64173346

After Lua returns from Birbland, she is going to be extra loud on stream due to conditioning from being around her birb families for a whole week before slowly returning to her normal voice level

>> No.64173398

Isla is GFE

>> No.64173417


I already hear her extra loud every night

>> No.64173457

hi bananachicken heh

>> No.64173527

There was some paid Umineko stream she had a ticket or something for that she wanted to catch

>> No.64173650

Sorry Lua's neighbor. She and I will try to be more quiet next time. Please don't send out another noise complaint

>> No.64173744

Would your head explode if you stopped dropping discord names here? Are you unironically retarded? Honest question.
What a complete subhuman holy shit.

>> No.64173797

found you heh
vnug too dead?

>> No.64173838
File: 627 KB, 1206x1080, 1702014837598707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until she realizes?

>> No.64173853

Mommy Lua told me about the nice older man who helped her change the light bulb last night. He was grunting a lot and ran out of breath climbing up the ladder. She called him a "big round ball of sweat." I'm Timmy from the school across the street and I met her one day at recess. Lua is the best mommy ever!

>> No.64173860

This is a good indication that the fanbase is trash. Whenever you check out a general and it's full of name dropping, just leave because the fanbase is cancer which is proven already by doxxing and talking shit behind talents backs.
This general is not yet on par with Kronii faggots but it's getting there.

>> No.64173874

she sang the lost kitten song, I think she knows

>> No.64173893
File: 1.51 MB, 1186x1080, dodge butt.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>info ass

>> No.64173901

>just leave

>> No.64173915
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, HoldStrong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64173932

vdere is kawaii friend

>> No.64173945

GODzu won

>> No.64173967

You must be brain damaged. I don't think I watched a single VnU stream in my life. Why would I even be in their general? You seem to have a lot of imaginary enemies. No wonder you drop faggy discord names left and right.
How many discords did you join lately you terminally online subhuman? Did you get some juicy drama scoops yet? Fucking kill yourself.
>Inb4 he reports this with his 4 IP's and 3 devices
>It gets deleted
>He posts "he deleted his own post"
lol Cringe mindbroken subhuman

>> No.64174022

Why would anyone leave to vdere when talents are on discord with the fans. Mozu even lets fans into her DM's for "business purposes"?
That is 10 times worse than anything that happens in kawaii among discord fags.

>> No.64174026

stop deflecting bananacucken, lukethecuck will not let you join the esteemed goons

>> No.64174123

Hey Timmy it's Billy from class! Lua invited me over too! She gave me a big bag of hard candies to suck on but I couldn't unwrap them I was so embarrassed. So she helped me unwrap them one by one and give it a taste first before letting me try it from her mouth. Then she hugged me and started doing these weird thihngs with her tongue and asking me how it taste. But it felt really good!!!!!! We ended up eating the whole bag together. I love Lua!

>> No.64174137

>in discord with fans
you are talking about Kaya and Yuno

>> No.64174155
File: 529 KB, 575x732, FsV-HAwaEAEGH6i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lamenting a lack of limes
ay carumba

>> No.64174232

she fucks dogs though

>> No.64174429

Calling it now, Nene's next Sunday ASMR will be a vertical video shorts stream because that's the hot thing for the algorithm right now.

>> No.64174660

> be literal incel schizo
> watch Nene advice stream
> think she's said nothing wrong
> go to /pkg/
> anti's shitting on Nene talking about how she's alienated the incel's and attacked her audience

I thought I had no life until I realize that while I waste my time on earth watching anime girls I enjoy you waste your time on earth watching anime girls you don't enjoy. I don't even know how you get to that point as a human.

>> No.64174814

Welcome to the anti thread, where we create Nene meltdowns over nothing. Remember the comiket one?

>> No.64174929

I still feel like I owe her an apology for being dumb enough to fall for that. It was invented from thin air and predicated on doxx knowledge that I shouldn't even have anyway. It was a bad day for me, I couldn't watch the actual stream at the time and I fed (You)s to them like a complete moron and upset myself and her for absolutely no reason.

>> No.64175008

kektomos like you make anti life so much easier, they don't even have to falseflag with multiple devices

>> No.64175208

How did you upset her if you weren't watching the stream? Did you leave retarded comments somewhere?

>> No.64175295

He's the type who holds on to the memory of every post he makes unlike true 4chads who shitpost and slander the world in one thread only to completely change their attitude and beliefs in the next. He is an anon in name but not in his heart.

>> No.64175384

Nene is a whore

>> No.64175398


>> No.64175405

> shee and auri both put their ID cards on their collars like dog tags
Man... I want to put a leash on them and fuck them doggy style

>> No.64175483

auri just called shee fat on stream
Shee fat lol

>> No.64175585
File: 545 KB, 854x480, 1675423243362305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Self proclaimed "cool princess" Isla Coleman.

>> No.64175622

All I can tell you is that you’re a retard.

>> No.64175827
File: 27 KB, 480x480, ZjsFYf6nHsXR8gSblIG4Cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Teddy & The Ticket Eaters are the coolest. It would make sense the coolest princess enjoys the coolest music.

>> No.64175949

>>take Isla on a date and she spends all your money on stacking blocks

>> No.64176186

Coin Game is a comfy experience, Coleknights being spoiled tonight.

>> No.64176252

isla experiencing america

>> No.64176429

how excited this scratch-off simulator is making her is wonderful

>> No.64176762
File: 438 KB, 1200x827, 1698055238918100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)

>> No.64176834
File: 984 KB, 827x1436, 1696534166918859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck I somehow forgot the link last thread lmao >>64117826

>> No.64177234

how does isla and shee find these kino games?

>> No.64177262
File: 1.88 MB, 1920x1080, unnamed8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spend your xmas with the princess

>> No.64177448

I think Coin Game has been pretty popular with vtubers for a bit now. Or maybe not "popular," but definitely known. I've seen others play this game a while ago, I honestly think pk kinda missed the boat on this one. Idk, other anons might know more.

>> No.64177672

The only things pk has ever been ahead on are the 3D outfits and the concert.

>> No.64178101

>>mfw ive been watching an anime girl play in a virtual arcade for 3 hours

>> No.64178160
File: 178 KB, 301x431, 1676255511384545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick me, pick me

>> No.64178478

isla gets me so horny i am beginning to dance around the idea of buying a blonde wig and dildo to play around with as i imagine being raped by fans

>> No.64178576

This thread is special and has especially persistent shitposters for some reason. Most generals range from a bit to significantly better.

>> No.64178956


>> No.64179371

It is criminal that she is only a 2view

>> No.64179384

Btw Nene said "Yo" like 50 times during the stream lol. Dunno why but it really made me laugh. Rap god tenshi.

>> No.64179443

I didn't notice it at all. It phased right through me. I wonder what little tics I'd pick up on if I stopped watching Nene for a while and came back.

>> No.64179530

Why are discordtroons like this?

>> No.64179617
File: 2.75 MB, 1077x1077, 1674118475286640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arcade date with isla

>> No.64179874

Isla really do be that girl who drags you around all night in love with the world

>> No.64179927

Now I wonder if she did this stream because of that art

>> No.64180788

I had a lot of fun at the arcade today, and there's no one I would have rather spent it with than Isla.

>> No.64180807

>"Is this game IMPOSSIBLE to beat SOLO?"
>open stream
>she's playing with someone else
So I guess the answer is "yes"?

>> No.64181746
File: 3 KB, 113x56, 1678735942985345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64181973

You are trying too hard that you end up being cringe even on 4chan.

>> No.64182309

shee begone

>> No.64182359

If shee hang on for another 50 min, shee can raid straight to Yuno's morning stream

>> No.64182427

Breakfast with yuno at 3am les go

>> No.64182463

Fuck, she wasn't kidding about early streams. Production Insomnia.

>> No.64182516

I love you Green Nami!!

>> No.64182801
File: 145 KB, 1077x1019, F-dBIO_WkAAHz3n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuno's mommy milkers

>> No.64183219

Shee doesn't want to be from Provo, UT Mormonbros it's over

>> No.64183498

wtf shee is still streaming?? its been 7 hours

>> No.64183565

The new pawtners are really being spoiled tonight

>> No.64183864

I should impregnate her and fix her insomnia

>> No.64183873

Green Nami CUTE!

>> No.64183961

Yuno been alluding to troubles in home life recently

>> No.64184100

sorry I'll stop beating her

>> No.64184125

Yuno morning voice .....
sounds extra old lol

>> No.64184126

i hope it's not domestic violence

>> No.64184307

chat is as smooth and subtle as a wrecking ball

>> No.64184384
File: 1.32 MB, 1315x830, 1702067286039864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee probably has a completely twisted and mislead image of Nerissa from seeing all of these kind click bait clips of Nerissa on her YouTube viewer's statistic....

>> No.64184440

Aaaahhhh mommyfags ruin things again.... they are literally belong to the triangle of shame with feetfags and brapfags

>> No.64184457

mommyfags are all literal cucks
I'm not watching it but wouldnt be surprised if they're all discordfags

>> No.64184528

she's a whore and Shee knows it.

>> No.64184626
File: 397 KB, 918x568, 1701047964928649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MommyGODS always win

>> No.64184694

I almost called yuno mommy in chat

>> No.64184722

Who will run so that babyKINGS may crawl

>> No.64184851
File: 3.85 MB, 594x446, RETVRN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvdawqt.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64184874

Nerissa is a big whore

>> No.64184925

I decided to completely retain my semen for the next 5 years. She's taking it hard, but there will be no reward for her in the end.

>> No.64185028

>he doesn't know

>> No.64185051

Yuno incline??

>> No.64185116

Did she say something about her?

>> No.64185211

Shee was looking through her viewer's statistic on stream and she saw Nerissa's clip that had thumbnail/title that was too scary for her to click on. It was probably one of those clip (most likely the SEGS one)

>> No.64185231

Right okay, thanks anon

>> No.64185469

Shee streamed for 7 hrs straight to deliver the raid from Nene's stream last night to yuno morning stream

>> No.64185488

Still shouldn't those viewers fuck off after a while?

>> No.64185502

Shee is the unsung hero of kawaii

>> No.64185564

retention has been a meme for a while, the more ccv you have the more you get pushed by the algo so whoever leaves from the raid gets replaced by a random algo tourist

>> No.64185773

what would ms asuka think of getting a tribute

>> No.64185795

why are yuno's viewers latinx

>> No.64185851

because it's 10am around here but too early for america

>> No.64185947
File: 180 KB, 1172x900, 9823749832667345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isla "I'll go with white" Coleman.

>> No.64186024

built for BDC

>> No.64186370

>pizza with rat shit

>> No.64186430

Sora is a man after all

>> No.64186527

instant boner

>> No.64186610
File: 436 KB, 842x876, 276916381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64186614

I've been coming here on and off for months and only recently I realized how much of a cesspit this general is, it's horrendous because I love kawaii production and there is no better place to talk about them than /here/

>> No.64186649

mindbroken heh

>> No.64186680

Thanks for the assist.

>> No.64186805

is sora her friend or something, was a manager ever this involved in a stream?

>> No.64186826

Sora is one of the new kawaii manager in japan.

>> No.64186886

I know but the stream has been about sora dms and pics for like 30mins

>> No.64187348
File: 463 KB, 551x667, isla[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9ff0ea.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss isla

>> No.64187385

Yuno is carrying the load and responsibility of hmz with this pizza promise

>> No.64187954

Yuno and I are in a relationship

>> No.64187991

Fuck, Yuno is doing it to me
I must resist..

>> No.64188002

Yuno getitn real parasocial

>> No.64188138

He is definitely very involved with yuno, I guess because she is trying to be a full time streamer

>> No.64188633

He does get brought up by other girls before as well. I think he's just actively watching the stream this time because it's jp friendly hours.

>> No.64188666
File: 143 KB, 480x480, islarage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking mad I missed the Isla definitely-not-GFE stream last night this shit is kino

>> No.64188796

based yuno breaking up with her boyfriend to become a full time streamer

>> No.64188975
File: 2.27 MB, 130x164, ChamaGroove.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64189237


Isla getting absolutely hyped over arcade games most ppl ignore was so cute

>> No.64189688

I love that emoji so much

>> No.64190518
File: 136 KB, 391x378, IslaSpookman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64190604
File: 294 KB, 1920x1856, Did_you_see_it?.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64191116
File: 2.49 MB, 975x975, 0672988728932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chama your 3d karaoke reps...

>> No.64191130 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 1453x1080, >doxxknights[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsubmlj.mp3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64191434

i would behead doxxknights for my latina queen isla <3

>> No.64191455

Why did Shee do it bros...


>> No.64191553

Shee should do it more

>> No.64191613
File: 113 KB, 1453x1080, &gt;doxxknights[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsubmlj.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64192618

shee based

>> No.64192625

is he okay?

>> No.64193954

used goods

>> No.64193957

Hey so I saw that (we) were in Lord of the Board. Does anyone know who our fighter is in it?

>> No.64194028

Nami and we are against vdere heh

>> No.64194037

>vs vdere

>> No.64194071

She better be fat

>> No.64194509


>> No.64195288


>> No.64195368
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, FuckCriWwAExfSO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64195628

Nene lick my ears

>> No.64195736
File: 957 KB, 1072x720, HitOn.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sexiest woman in Kawaii is streaming

>> No.64195807

Imagine hiring a Kawaii clipper and all his clips are like that lmao

>> No.64196155

Nene old

>> No.64196256

Nami old

>> No.64198079
File: 245 KB, 633x791, lPJKsQH4sy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuno kinda cute alright

>> No.64198124
File: 1.23 MB, 921x929, eep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64198131

yuno kinda whore

>> No.64198456

Is reina gfe?

>> No.64198652

she is the gf who hangs around other men and invites them over to her house/goes to their place

>> No.64198813

Cloudtomos don't you love Nene? Why aren't you bidding on her exclusive birthday photobook?

>> No.64199190

It's too expensive for me. I'm sorry Nene. I pay in other ways so I hope it's enough for you.

>> No.64199298


>> No.64199653
File: 123 KB, 900x900, nenesex[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fg0xhs2.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.64200935

My heart belongs to blue Nami still.

>> No.64200945

Kind of hot

>> No.64201232

Rerunning exclusive rewards is scummy and erodes goodwill

>> No.64201812

>>No isla on the schedule

>> No.64202002

No Lua on Saturday night just doesn't feel right.....

>> No.64202365

Her marrows are open, why don't you ask her?

>> No.64202482

I know shee wax but do you think she get full Brazilian wax??

>> No.64202563

I do enjoy that Brazilians are now permanently associated with taint.

>> No.64202859

She drank with her whole extended family, if you had listened hard enough you probably could've heard them.

>> No.64203112

Mommy Lua was so loud with her family! They were asking why I was with her and I was going to tell them how much I love mommy but then she covered my mouth and I stopped trying to talk. I'm not sure why she told them that I was lost and I couldn't find my parents, but everybody smiled and gave me a headpat and they let me eat with them. I had a very happy night with mommy!!!!

>> No.64203247

lua is not allowed to drink with her family she has to sit there while they get drunk and ask her why she is a single hag leftover women bringing shame to the ancestors

>> No.64203771

Technically in traditionalist chinese families practicing the ancient chinese religion, if lua was unmarried and had a younger sister her sister would be unable to get married.

>> No.64203805

Kind of hot

>> No.64203900

Lua has older sister.
Lua older sister is too busy being a doctor and grinding FFXIV in the little spare time she has to find a husband

>> No.64204739

hag company lol

>> No.64204874

Yuno already started.

>> No.64204976

Yuno's stream idea might be a bit too open-ended. Should have been like a you laugh you lose type thing or something instead

>> No.64205213

I'm a bit surprised that it wasn't something with links asked for ahead of time

>> No.64205333

>Yuno had almost 500CCV when I last checked in on her
If we only had enough talents to carry the torch around the clock (like say 5 more in European and SEA time zones heh) and maaaaybe if Nene would raid those ASMR tourists (she won't) onto another girl, we could really incline CCV. It was kind of an anticlimax for Shee to stream all night long and pass it onto Yuno for it to stop there. Unfortunate that Lua is on break too.

>> No.64205376

I blame blue Nami

>> No.64205389

>I tune in and Yuno is playing into cumjar fetishism

>> No.64205394

Yuno is GFE

>> No.64206947

Every Nami is gfe

>> No.64208305

Yuno's BGM + Voice = me sleepy

>> No.64208513

Are we excited about Ran's membership?

>> No.64208669

>Why aren't you bidding on her exclusive birthday photobook?
feels scummy to bid away exclusive items like that, and after hearing how much big love the whales got on theirs i would just feel like i'm bidding for some sloppy seconds item

>> No.64208716

Nene is a whore

>> No.64209119


>> No.64209247

My wife Yuno

>> No.64209346

I don't watch her

>> No.64209366

The Yuno gfe...

>> No.64209493

Yuno loves her genmates

>> No.64209577

I am going to marry Yuno

>> No.64209756

Ran's model is so sex.

>> No.64209807


>> No.64210123

i love my wife Ran

>> No.64210145
File: 109 KB, 1280x853, 1673067672516823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Come join Ran she is really cute today.

>> No.64210186


>> No.64210414

She is such a good girl. If it wasn't already committed to another kawaii girl, i would definitely start unloading my cum and wallet on Yuno

>> No.64210627

I fucking love Ran

>> No.64210849

They get so cute when they have to sell

>> No.64210973

Ran becoming a prostitute is so hot.

>> No.64211030
File: 101 KB, 611x1000, 4535434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute. i hate how much hanimuzki is growing on me. i'm going to have make individual folders for them.

>> No.64211094

Ran choking on my cock

>> No.64211124

u mad incels arent real fans

>> No.64211195
File: 338 KB, 1358x502, subs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran is making a comeback
the kawaii core is warming up to her

>> No.64211276
File: 89 KB, 300x300, ifV0ZYqJJZC3_9EPxfawoAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.64211281

Management had to force everyone not to stream so Ran could get as many members as possible

>> No.64211309

Okay I will make a Ran folder

>> No.64211358

she is used goods but not a whore

>> No.64211418

Why does Ran keep talking about booba?

>> No.64211427

go and bid away cuck, show us how much of a huge real fan you are

>> No.64211749


She's great but needs to be more interactive imo. Yuno and Kaya are always hopping into each other's streams and I think that is a big appeal of hmz.

>> No.64212146
File: 80 KB, 300x300, ik5vZdPeK-mo_9EP6NSvyAI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to watch

>> No.64212350
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>> No.64212467

the only decent poster in this shithole

>> No.64212604

Ran is so cute

>> No.64212671

I like to watch and I find trash compactors

>> No.64212881

Ran is my cute nerd wife

>> No.64213059

Why is the mod spamming

>> No.64213069

no thank you, i hate when my wife's streams get interrupted by her genmates. unless im watching a collab stream i want it to focus on my oshi and her audience (me)

>> No.64213148

she's charming. fuck. STOP MAKING ME LIKE YOU.

>> No.64213155


>> No.64213217

This is a good thing Kaya interrupting my time with Yuno is annoying

>> No.64213241

Ran's booba time

>> No.64213363

Okay, I like Ran.

>> No.64213458

modman heh

>> No.64213493
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>> No.64213495

I literally just love Ran

>> No.64213622

My dorky wife

>> No.64213839

Ran Daki, please.

>> No.64214094

/pkg/ is not allowed to like Ran because that would mean less Ran for me. please stop liking the dorky butterfly

>> No.64214410

Ran is GFE now

>> No.64214446


>> No.64214472

Half of the "people" that use /pkg/ are antis
Never forget she was trying to Kiki her fans

>> No.64214543

why is the mod and his cuck squad spamming the thread? that makes us like her less u retards

>> No.64214618

No one else is streaming right now retard

>> No.64214850

cuckchads rule /pkg/, we like to watch heh

>> No.64214856

I don't trust Ran

>> No.64214866

I would rather Kawaii threads die than talk about none 4chan chuubas

>> No.64214922

Why do people talk about Charzu then?

>> No.64214961

After today I trust Ran

>> No.64215067

Ran was /here/ because her bf yab tweet got deleted very fast

>> No.64215109

she is way better than charlotte

>> No.64215135

Cucktomos are all here >>64171857

>> No.64215522

I like Ran's autistic rants

>> No.64216504

Such a nerd

>> No.64216648

forget frogs

>> No.64218325

Isla sex btw

>> No.64219552

Ran won

>> No.64219954

so true.

>> No.64220091
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Ran is so cute

>> No.64220663

I love my idol wife Ran

>> No.64221078

Ran sexo

>> No.64221249

That teddy bear? Me

>> No.64221369

scuff kino

>> No.64221375

ran will win the word cloud this time heh

>> No.64221394
File: 1.21 MB, 938x1241, WOAHWOAHWOAHWOAHHEUUUHHEYYYYYYYYYY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet ran gives a great head only experience

>> No.64221447

cuck cloud heh

>> No.64221465

Learning that Ran has a nude model is interesting

>> No.64221565

only when you find her trash compactor

>> No.64221650

Ran was really cute and dorky sorry I have been sleeping on her
all of HMZ truly is a breath of fresh air.

>> No.64221672

Hope Yuno has one too, I want to see her fat mommy milkers bare

>> No.64221746

Are V4mirai Kawaiifriends?

>> No.64221910

Lua Asuka and Yae Yugiri should collab

>> No.64221915

I think kaya knows a whore in that corpo

>> No.64221964
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based cuck

>> No.64221998

I like Yae and Mari

>> No.64222905

Nene cucks where are you?

>> No.64222917

if that's true, i hope she gets an archiver soon because it's only a matter of time.

>> No.64223099

All the girls have a nude model, just only a few ever actually use them. Reina would be a good example for using it to make new outfits and I think Lua did that too for a little.

>> No.64223177

there's no way charzu or isla's is naked

>> No.64223295

They were all commissioned to have naked layers. This was confirmed ages ago.Isla has panties, even. We've seen the reference art

>> No.64223374

Nay-roo-toe karaoke

>> No.64223648 [DELETED] 


>> No.64223850 [DELETED] 


>> No.64224740
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>> No.64224970

he finally found the garbage compactor

>> No.64225063

That is me with my wife Ran btw

>> No.64225190

hi chashu

>> No.64225248

isla-chama I wanna go on another date

>> No.64225265

I am no longer a Ran anti she is dorky and fun

>> No.64225571

fellow cuckCHAD, we like to watch

>> No.64226062

Go back to shitting on Nene

>> No.64226362
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>> No.64226474

So cute

>> No.64226986
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that stream earlier did things to me

>> No.64227519

Yeah I think Ran is a nice girl I hope she opens up more in collabs

>> No.64227823

ran is cute now i want to suck on her toes

>> No.64228010

I sometimes wished we could make the thread more positive

>> No.64228044

Ran just needs to show her tits more then she will be perfect.

>> No.64228059

She should collab with Kiki they have a lot in common

>> No.64228109
File: 1.05 MB, 288x584, amimir[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl9zguj.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no isla
i sleep

>> No.64228299

Same this is a den of antis but I still refuse to use Discord

>> No.64228317
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>> No.64228395

Now I need her and Yuno's tits together

>> No.64228467

Do you remember that aletta fag from nyc
Thats the dude shitting the thread

>> No.64228573

No fucking way I refuse to believe that

>> No.64229698

anons, just support your oshi. post pics of your oshi. post cute sounds your oshi makes. post your oshi's schedules and videos and tweets.

>> No.64229702

I do, that is the kind of person that can't tell the difference between internet and real life, a total lack of social awareness.

>> No.64229774

>no asmr

>> No.64229856


>> No.64230702


That is already the majority of the content, even in this thread. Maybe stop hard focusing on the meme comments.

>> No.64230822

Thread has been much more positive recently and the girls keep hyping up good news for next year.

>> No.64230907

You are right, I'll start making soundposts

>> No.64232710

That is for me to do only. Only I get to cum inside my wife, her womb is for my cum, her eggs are for my sperm, only I get to rub my hands, cock and balls on her perfect 90 cm ass. I am going to be the father of all of Nene's children

>> No.64232934

When did they talk about how much big love was on theirs? Timestamps pls

>> No.64233388

watch streams

>> No.64233788


>> No.64234314

Ran's yab wasn't that bad compared to Kiki's
I choose to forgive
For her, for kawaii, and for myself

>> No.64234422

You know why

>> No.64234482

I know nothing about them

>> No.64234487


>> No.64234682

What stream is that from? Please link.

>> No.64234722 [DELETED] 

is this thread a safe space for cucks now?

>> No.64234794

always has been

>> No.64235137 [DELETED] 

You actually need to be in a real relationship with someone and willingly let your girl get fucked, to become a cuck.
Take your /r9k/ inceloid horseshit out of this thread and neck yourself while you're at it.
>If another guy on the internet says hi to your favorite vtuber you are a KEK!
Grow up you mongoloid nnnnnnn....NNNNNNNNNNNN!!!! NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN *tries to contain it*
*collapses from exhaustion of trying to contain racism*

>> No.64235493
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>> No.64235598

My cute wife Ran

>> No.64235633

Don't touch me.
Your propaganda won't work on me.

>> No.64235695

My mind is so distorted, it wasn't bare hands what I saw at first glance there in her chest.

>> No.64235869

mindbroken heh

>> No.64236965

new thread
