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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 383 KB, 750x562, 5EC625CF-B9D3-4077-8561-FB46196F9602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64138105 No.64138105 [Reply] [Original]

Don’t go near my wife you ugly pedophile looking motherfucker

>> No.64138173

Oh, that's penguinz0

>> No.64138236

Nah man, it's pronounced Cr1tikal

>> No.64138247

The guy fucking your oshis

>> No.64138273

His name is Charlie

>> No.64138302

Didn't your last thread get deleted? >>64125353

>> No.64138313

I know him by Charlie actually, me and him, we go way back.

>> No.64138345

What' the general perception of Asmon? All I know about him is he's "based" because he shits on Blizzard at every opportunity

>> No.64138360

>a clip of a vtuber reacting to a fleshie reacting to the vtuber reacting to the fleshie
Slop in its purest form

>> No.64138393

Leave my oshi Asmon alone

>> No.64138543


He used to be the based guy. But he went on a warpath after his mother died.

He started streaming honkai (the shitty chinese turnbased gacha) and made incredibly lame opinions and noone takes him seriously noone anymore

>> No.64138598

pretty sure that's zackrawr

>> No.64138693

Your last two were already deleted. Going for a third?

>> No.64138724

>Who is this faggot?

>> No.64138732

funny and entertaining
people who don't know what they're talking about often say bullshit like "He used to be the based guy. But he went on a warpath after his mother died." or nonsense like this
but like with literally any other streamer ever, chuuba or nor, you just have to watch a bit and form your own opinion instead of letting faggots dictate who you are allowed to watch

>> No.64138739
File: 92 KB, 1501x474, fleshtuber begging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A new generation of beggars was born this day. Have fun.

>> No.64138782

this is why Shiori is better

>> No.64138786

hi charlie

>> No.64138803

How did these greasy nerds with no personality and the most reddit-approved opinions get to become millionaires?

>> No.64138842


>> No.64138877

Shiori is the one who brought him up though? And is included in fucking clip.

>> No.64138881

>hates holoEN
holy based

>> No.64138921

Oh hey its Pewdiepie

>> No.64138948

He farms drama and mades either very fence sitting takes or very generalizing takes to get people angry. That or he's constantly running those Ponzi schemes he calls OTK and Mythic Talent.

>> No.64138966

>Shiori is the one who brought him up though
No, Shiori's chat brought him up when they where playing "Do you know this person?" with regards to celebs or popular people, she didn't know the difference between Charlie and Asmongold. Nerissa brought him up on this stream because Nerissa watches Charlie supposedly.

>> No.64139043

Why the sudden hate on Asmon? calm the fuck down

>> No.64139052

They aren't new. There was a thread the same day Shiori and Nerissa talked about him where anons kept calling everyone annoyed that this will lead to them interacting beggars or falseflaggers.
Most of them false flag as unicorns now to then claim actual unicorns are beggars in order to gaslight everyone into thinking the girls interacting with male flesh streamers is somehow okay.

>> No.64139092

Shiori brought it into Nerissa's open VC stream after her solo stream, which is where the clip he reacted to came from.

>> No.64139117

the redditors he makes fun of are always hating on him, nothing new

>> No.64139205

I understand being confused by "penguinz0" aka "moist cr1tikal" aka "red solo cup" aka "red solo cup" aka "monster" aka "dry voice man who made dick jokes in the past" but I feel the only thing asmon and charlie have in common is long hair and prebuilt computers with a hammer as a logo that people call a dick.

>> No.64139214

By watching vtubers you sign a social contract in which you agree to be cucked by micro ecelebs for the rest of eternity

>> No.64139222

is this reddit? didn't know.

>> No.64139231

How much threads are you gonna create drama-chan? This will never be a drama and nothing you do will change that, /#/fags didn't care, /hlg/ didn't care, /shig/ didn't care, /ope/ didn't care, even iketog laughed at your retarded ass and the catalog dunked on you twice before. Take the hint and rope.

>> No.64139270

that clipper is one of the worst offenders in trash clips. I thought it was asmongold and not asmangold?

>> No.64139278

He spent years advocating for classic mmo design principles which mostly meant being against pay-2-win stuff. I personally didn't care about that much, but I dropped him when he started shilling Lost Ark which is pay-2-win beyond anything Blizzard can imagine. Became pretty clear he doesn't really have principles and just wants to hate Blizzard in particular (not that he'd be wrong for thinking that).

>> No.64139322

I'm pretty sure Nerissa knew who they were(she admitted to it) but was acting like she forgot parts both for a clip and to stop people from getting pissed she was fangirling over male streamers.
She drug Bijou into it too.

>> No.64139325

this thread is full of clip watchers, they are all faggots.

>> No.64139394

A mongoloid

>> No.64139402

Its fencesitting if you're right of center left. It's LELOMGCANCELHIM if you're delusional left.

>> No.64139429

lol as usual en shitters willingly talk about male streamers. they will homocollab.

>> No.64139439

once again the only ones that matter is fuwamoco and maybe bijou

>> No.64139446

I think it's Matpat, the guy that gave undertake to the Pope.

>> No.64139462

2 more weeks

>> No.64139466

He spends too much time reacting for to youtube, but at least he'll tell people to separate reality from fiction and if you don't like loli content, they should go fuck off and worry about actual cp and shit.

>> No.64139491

Ravencroft replied to a comment under his video reacting to the clip

>> No.64139580

Greasy ratman with 0 opinions of his own who steals videos for a living and killed his mom

>> No.64139588

Proof or are you a lying faggot?

>> No.64139621

He's the average loser nerd, the difference is that he has money and is quick witted on discussions

>> No.64139642
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>> No.64139657

a murderer who killed his own mother

>> No.64139721

>anon provided
Fair enough

>> No.64139728

epic downboat my fren!!

>> No.64139735
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>> No.64139806

A man whose life is worth less than a /vt/ poster.

>> No.64139870

Based. I support this collab.

>> No.64139906

I'm almost saying sorry to Shiori, Nerissa is trying her best to show she's the worst member in Advent
First nijiwhores collab and now this malnourished vermin

>> No.64139956

So true sis, Shiori had nothing to do with this of course.

>> No.64140045

Millionaire Hobo Jesas

>> No.64140166

They're both at fault. Them both obviously lusting after fictional male characters should been a indicator they would do the same with content creators. We already have a pattern with this:
>Mori and most hot male characters like Leon
>Gura and Dante
>Kronii and Shaggy
>Shiori and her list
>Nerissa and Asterion
Note the problem isn't "Don't like fictional characters" but that most EN that openly paired themselves off with male fictional characters tend to also be willing to talk about and potentially show up in male content creators comments or collabs.

>> No.64140200

he was early thats it

>> No.64140208

Nerissa is unironically /here/ and whiteknights Kiara

>> No.64140238

>he's "based" because he shits on Blizzard at every opportunity
Yet he always plays their games, practically doing their advertising for them, and basically built his brand off of them
"based" indeed.

>> No.64140287

>potentially show up in male content creators comments or collabs.
Comments sure but Nerissa and male collabs, I don't know man watch streams

>> No.64140292

He and his friends got in early then strangled the market for years until they were the biggest ones on twitch which then transfered to popularity on youtube and twitter.

>> No.64140329

Yet another post in a thread full of posts from people who don't even read threads, watch clips, or god forbid watch streams. Why are you even here?

>> No.64140362

I don't trust any assurances. Kronii already showed that they can say one thing then change their mind the next day.
The fact that Asmon is known for having people put Vtubers in his reddit, reacts, they talk about him in his comment section, then a collab doesn't give me confidence in how this will go.

>> No.64140385

>Why are you even here
This is a catalog thread anon, do you really think anyone is /here/ to do anything besides shitpost about people they don't watch?

>> No.64140406

Personally I have no problem with asmon impregnating vtubers

>> No.64140556

If you had even taken the time to read threads since Advent debuted you would know Asmongold played the shit out of the last Holocure update and watched a ton of Hololive shit on stream. He was even watching Bijou clips on stream around debut. Absolutely weird that people think this is something new and he's just discovering Hololive.

>> No.64140605

He's a retard but an honest one
Sometimes he's based but he's too popular to be too based
At the end of the day he's like most twitch streamers

>> No.64140613

>Absolutely weird that people think this is something new and he's just discovering Hololive.
He even reacted to that entire Suisei video as well.

>> No.64140708

Holy fuck you're pathetic. He's literally just a normal guy, it's absolutely okay for them to collab.

>> No.64140727

people hate this moron for killing his mother

>> No.64140731

He unbearably ugly and has no personality to speak of. He's also a massive numberfag. Also, WOW is gay.

>> No.64140743

Ruh roh. She'll probably jump at the chance of twitch e-celeb male collabs and try to drag Biboo into it. Justifying it's okay as long as it's "comedians or celebs" (and they'll just brand any male fleshtuber as a "celeb"). It's clear she is obsessed with this type of e-celeb culture and wants in these circles. The twitch streamer and Niji collabs were just a preview. Bet she'd jump at the chance to go to twitchcon and "just hang out in my hotel room and chat" with various twitch e-celebs.. story we've hear a thousand times. Always one in every generation that has to try to drag the rest down.

>> No.64140759

>it's absolutely okay for them to collab
It isn't now go back beggar.

>> No.64140777

>4trannies have lots of opinions on some random ecelebrity
Holy fucking faggot.
You faggots are REALLY outing yourselves today.

>> No.64140830

Same way as the Paul brothers, Sniperwolf and that kind of people. They create content that appeals to idiots, children, and most important of all idiot children. A fuckton of people do that, they were just in the right place at the right time to get popular over the others.

>> No.64140837

damn... with some luck shiori may soon be part of the mizkiz stream family. that would be crazy.

>> No.64140847

Your mother is a whore that talks to men who aren’t your father.
Kill yourself, unicuck.

>> No.64140849

Two more weeks right sis

>> No.64140910

>The beggar gets defensive as soon as you call him for what he is
Truly the jews of this board

>> No.64140941

2 more weeks

>> No.64140972

He's reacting to this clip right now!

>> No.64140975

Btw he's reacting to her reaction now. The prophecy...

>> No.64141038

>reactfag reacting
Okay, whats surprising about this?

>> No.64141065

It's based you vtubefag.

>> No.64141080

>"advent will be different! no males!"
AHAHAHA goslings are pathetic

>> No.64141084

>beggar posting
>muh jews
Point to where I said anything about male collabs so that I can humiliate you when you point at someone that’s not me, monkey faggot.
Mommy monkey is a whore that talks to men that aren’t daddy monkey. Why is mommy monkey such a whore, cuck monkey?

>> No.64141099

>outing yourself as a reddit tourist

>> No.64141104

>dead rat alarm clock
>mouth blood wall
How does anyone take this disaster of a man seriously when we know how he lives?

>> No.64141143

>pretending majority of /vt// doesn't browse reddit

>> No.64141146

>AHAHAHA goslings are pathetic
2 more weeks until the tempus collab right sisters?

>> No.64141161

>advent will be different! no males
nobody said this

>> No.64141175

Where are the males on their streams?

>> No.64141193

>Point to where I said anything about male collabs
>He's literally just a normal guy, it's absolutely okay for them to collab.

>> No.64141202

Probably because of it, think about it

>> No.64141290

kek as predicted, advent is starting homofest. it took them time to make it happen tho.

anyway en vtubers cant help but think of interacting with homos except for a very few jp leaning ones.

>> No.64141317

2 more weeks

>> No.64141385

Yeah man, before Advent no Holo EN had ever acknowledged flesh streamers before. Can't believe Advent did this.

>> No.64141387

You fuckers didn't tell us Shiori was asking Asmon for a collab to decorate his room.

>> No.64141437

stop lying anon

>> No.64141466

The fact that nerissa tried to drag bijou in to the conversation too and ruin her name while gushing about male streamers

>> No.64141475

>You fuckers didn't tell us Shiori was asking Asmon for a collab to decorate his room
Fucking kek, watch streams and watch clips. She was joking about how fithy his room was, because she probs watched that video, and when Henmama joked that he'd force her to collab with streamers she didn't know she immediately asked him to not do that and that she didn't want to collab with anyone. We've had this discussion before in the old thread that got deleted.

>> No.64141542

she said her ass would get destroyed by asmongod if that happens

>> No.64141577

>she said her ass would get destroyed by asmongod if that happens
>boldly lying like this

>> No.64141695

stop projecting
and even if that was the case, it wouldn’t be a good thing

>> No.64141732

Slow day huh

>> No.64141803

It's based shiori wants to give asmongold

>> No.64141806

That part about Kronii is so true. I've never been able to believe a single thing any of the tall model HoloEN members (they're usually the ones pulling male collabs and being whores) have said
What she did still pisses me off and has turned me away from most of Holo just on principle that management let that happen and probably even encouraged it

>> No.64141811

That’s not me, you retarded fucking monkey.
Hahahahahaha you’re such a stupid fucking faggot that multiple people are making fun of you right now!
Mommy monkey cucks you every day when daddy monkey fucks her ass hahahahahahaha!

>> No.64141820

That came directly from the clip that just got showed and then Asmon was talking about a possible collab and what she would do to his room.
I am already looking up the stream outright and she says she would do a furniture stream if they did collab.

>> No.64141881

I genuinely have never watched this man in my life, but he probably has some of the worst genetics I've ever seen. He looks like Shaggy, but as a pedophile.

>> No.64141886

Literal child

>> No.64141912

Anon, we have the fucking clip. And you still try to blatantly lie just like in the fucking last thread.

>> No.64141953

>Raise eyebrows up and down randomly
>Throws a hissy fit when he gets the slightest amount of criticism and stops streaming
>Best friends with a convicted wife beater
>Bought his mother cigarettes when she was dying from lung cancer and on an oxygen pump despite her almost blowing up the oxygen tank before

>> No.64141973

>she says she would do a furniture stream if they did collab
She was joking because of the state of his room, immediately after Henmama joked that he'd force her to collab with flesh streamers and she immediately said no.

>> No.64142003

Asmon says "suck" and shiori gets to work

>> No.64142044

I love how Nerissa fans will start shitting on me if I ever start criticizing the shit she does. This is a good example. The famous girlboss who comes to Hololive only to collab with uninteresting people on Twitch and Nijisanji livers, but I guess that she's based and that I'm just an anti if I see any problem in this kind of attitude.

>> No.64142056

Reminder that Asmon has talked about browsing /vt/ before.
He WILL get linked to this thread so make sure hen you something it's something you want to make sure he hears

>> No.64142093

you confused nerissa with shiori

>> No.64142228

Seriously what is up with that, it's like they can't just go be whores on their own they have to drag someone along with them so they seem less like a whore because "now it's a collab"
Same shit happened with bae and bringing mumei along to a homo "collab"
>The drowning whore will always try and drag somebody down with her

>> No.64142239

You do know we have the full clip on YouTube right?

>> No.64142311

>I don't wanna be rude though
>I'm just going to say it's like an animal crossing house
>He's just not ready to decorate just yet
>He's just waiting for the prime opportunity to find all the perfect furniture
>I'am saying sorry, I try to be nice. I'm really trying here
>What if I can decorate for you? Oh that'd be a fun stream!
>Like I can recommend you furniture! Yeah!

>> No.64142388

typical dramatranny doesn't watch streams

>> No.64142391

>immediately after that section
>No I don't want to apologize
>Henmama no collabs

>> No.64142392

He's an ugly faggot from Twitch, if you genuinely think that anyone in this community would like a collab between him and a Holomem, you're shitting out of the toilet.
What next? A collab with Logan Paul? We don't want that shit here, there's a reason why we're gathered in this hobby instead of watching normalfag streamers. Nerissa has been doing this shit since her debut, and her very appeal as a singer has faded out after a week, I'm starting to lose the reason to be emphatic towards her.

>> No.64142444
File: 95 KB, 1255x1054, imaginemyshock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me where she said collab.
>and then Asmon was talking about a possible collab and what she would do to his room.
Tell me where she mentioned her ass being destroyed.
>she said her ass would get destroyed by asmongod if that happens
Oh, wait. You literally can't.

>> No.64142460

>goes all in talking about Collabing with male
>Remembers what drama could happens from this
>I-it's just a joke I totally wont do that guys.

>> No.64142466

whoever asmon touches turns into gold

>> No.64142529

The fuck are you talking about? I didn't talk about any as destroying and you must be blind to miss
>What if I can decorate for you? Oh that'd be a fun stream!
>Like I can recommend you furniture! Yeah!

>> No.64142547

anons will say that she was just joking, that is not true. Actually it doesn't matter in the end but these anons are so annoying I understand why you'll go out of your way to make this post

>> No.64142603

>Remembers what drama could happens from this
>Henmama threatened her with forcing her to collab
Don't just try to change up what happened in the clip when the clip is right above anon.

>> No.64142698

WTF... Manager trying to force Shiori to collab with male fleshtubers. This explains a lot. Literal beggars on staff.

>> No.64142703

So why is henmama a homobeggar?

>> No.64142759

Overall he's a good guy.

>> No.64142773

take your, meds!
and by that I mean a bullet

>> No.64142782

Retards need to at least post the whole thing jesas:
>"Oh what if I can decorate for you, >like I can recommend you furniture. >Yeah."
>"No I don't wanna apologize in >person, Henmama!"
>"I think he'd beat me up!"
>"Why do I have to apologize it was >an honest Shiori mistake!"
>*tangent about how she only knows >Jackscepticeye and Markiplier and >Henmama makes a joke about >collabing with every streamer she's >wronged*
>"No! Henmama their going to >destroy me!"
>"Would it be cool if I just go up to >them say WHOOOOOOOOO than >immediately end the call?" *laughs*

>> No.64142781

The clip has her suggesting the collab, then the manager saying she should talk in person.

>> No.64142848
File: 1.06 MB, 1103x621, Migothumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What if I can decorate for you? Oh that'd be a fun stream!
>Like I can recommend you furniture! Yeah!
This doesn't imply collabs either retard. Especially when she straight up said in the clip. "For every streamer I get wrong I have to collab? No!" Like, how do you get this wrong when YOU linked the clip? Are you an ESL?
You can literally shop for furniture online and be like "Buy this, filthy faggot."
Also >>64141542
Here's your (You) because you're trying REALLY hard for this, sister.

>> No.64142856

>Who is this faggot?
He's one of the OG World of Warcraft content creators.
I don't watch his content but he's one of the biggest english speaking streamers in the world.
Most people on 4chan probably would like him because he's sexist and racist.

>> No.64142900

anon, texan rednecks are not PDFs, they can inbreed, retarded, moralfags, normalfags, icels, paranoid, indoctrinated and narcissistic, but almost never PDFs... almost, and yes both looks exactly the same kek..

>> No.64142906

>The clip has her suggesting the collab
Joking about the collab
>then the manager saying she should talk in person
>Henmama: You should apologize
>Henmama: For every streamed you've wronged, you've got to collab

>> No.64142928 [DELETED] 

>ook ook ook
Mommy monkey gets it in her ass and her cooch when daddy monkey gets home from work!
Mommy monkey cucks you 24/7!
Cuck monkey can only cry!

>> No.64142951

Is asmon ugly? Yeah
Do I want him to collab with anyone from holo? No
Do I like his content? Yeah sometimes when he isn't just gargling fencesitting opinions like the pokimane cookies drama
BUT HOLY SHIT BASED for calling out Nerissa doing this shit literally since her debut, getting others involved by dragging them in to it. The appeal of her being a singer not really hitting and her songs being meh.
AND MOST OF ALL saying the truth that it's time to stop covering for her bullshit and excusing this behavior. She needs to be called out and shut down before she ruins her own and probably one of her gen mates careers

>> No.64142973

"I think he'd beat me up" translates to her ass getting destroyed
this faggots with their thin skin don't even know what a shitpost is and believe everyone is the same anon. Later you are gonna say it's some sister raid or some shit

>> No.64142971

He was one of the first.
It was 1000x(literally) easier to get good exposure on Twitch back in the 00s.

>> No.64143007

He's a massive blizzard shill, he just farms drama and cash shop shit is good dramabait.

>> No.64143029

t. seething indies that didn't pass the auditions

>> No.64143043

Your English is getting worse anon

>> No.64143062

>Best friends with a convicted wife beater

>> No.64143088

>Intentionally gets the wording wrong
>Tries to play it off as a "It totally meant that!"
>Moves goalposts in the process
Ok, yep, it's an ESL monkey, shoulda known.

>> No.64143156

Actually he usually doubles the lenght of the video he reacts to because of the amount of his own opinions.

>> No.64143163
File: 182 KB, 2504x1241, dumbass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ain't me you fucking idiot. Second
>What if I can decorate for you? Oh that'd be a fun stream!
>Like I can recommend you furniture! Yeah!
Is literally saying she would do a stream decorating for him and recommending him furniture. That's a collab, what kind of fucking cope are we inhaling today to think that wouldn't be a collab?
>B-but surely she will just be doing a solo stream picking out stuff for him and telling him where to put it.
Even in some insane world this was true that is still a stream of her acting like some flesh streamers girlfriend helping him decorate.

>> No.64143183

>let me just blatantly lie about something she didn't say, that will totally get my point across!
>oh but it means the same thing, just make the connection bro, reach for it!

>> No.64143250

You’re jacking off to people beating your retard ass in the comments, aren’t you? This has to be some kind of humiliation fetish.

>> No.64143258

This is the single reason why I want nothing more to do with Hololive after that whole shitshow with Kronii. The fact that they still have not fired her is unacceptable.

>> No.64143265

Don't you guys have something better to do? I mean this is getting old let's not make a mountain out of a mole hill and actually wait for a legitimate drama to happen because this shit is same old and repeated I'm a pretend unicorn and this shit is boring.

>> No.64143275

look at this sister getting all upset and trying to get our attention.
awe, its ok, im sure someone in nijizhang will find you cute!

>> No.64143280

>changing the discussion
I accept your concession.

>> No.64143303

Why would I audition for a VTuber agency?
I'm a guy and I'm not a faggot
The only guys auditioning to be VTubers especially in corpos are faggots who want prettyboy avatars or discord groomer vibe losers who think they're hot shit with the ladies (vox)

>> No.64143341

Seething femmoids will never be cute anon, stop giving them false hope like that.

>> No.64143367

yeah I had fun wording it like then I come back and see fags fighting over it with some random. literally thin skin

>> No.64143467
File: 1.42 MB, 1075x1006, Polkathumbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Admits to the shitstirring.
So, discord raid, reddit like the last two threads? doxxsisters? Which is it?

>> No.64143501

Reddit raid along with some sisters who lurk is my guess

>> No.64143508

>what is joke
Also you do know recommending furniture and room decor can be done as like a bit in Houseflipper or a funny homeplanning drawing stream right? She also said this:
>"Would it be cool if I just go up to them say WHOOOOOOOOO than immediately end the call?" *laughs*

>> No.64143519

With my limited exposure to him I consider him largely inoffensive, occasionally funny, and in desperate need of a mental health professional's intervention on his blatant hoarder syndrome

>> No.64143620

Honestly I think if she gets a collab with Asmongold, Jailbirds would forgive her. He's obviously not going to fuck her, unlike her loser co-workers

>> No.64143681

The "It's just a joke" is up there with "It's a nothing burger".

>> No.64143690

>not a fan of a faggot on Twitch
>"must be a seething anti!"
Just accept that your oshi is simply doing the same shit that Mori did back when she collabed with Trash Taste. I don't fuck with normalfags, and surely not if they're from Twitch. My oshi's in Hololive, and I've never met such a problem with her, so again, I don't see why I should respect Nerissa for acting like this.

>> No.64143726

>male collab
two more weeks im sure of it

>> No.64143738

>mongoloid fans ITT
eww, please go back.

>> No.64143739

Right sister, surely. Two more weeks amirite? Oh, wait, tumor weaks! There you go, that's the language you understand.

>> No.64143756

She’s a KFP with clipwatchers-level knowledge of hololivd
That should’ve been the only warning you needed

>> No.64143776

I mean its pretty damn obvious it's a bit and one of the people here self admitted they were just shitstirring. Also the last nothing burger involving Shiori was a legit nothing burger.

>> No.64143822

More like next year because Shiori is gonna be out with her family for December and only do limited stuff on a laptop.

>> No.64143832

Asmongold is a manchild and literal self-admitted leach. He farms clout from any *current thing* and is one of biggest faggots on the internet. Your gut reaction was right. Don't encourage his acknowledgement in any way.

This isn't even about males. I'm not a unicorn, I don't care about males. But even I can see asmongold is nothing more than a disgusting loser who should be shunned.
