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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 254 KB, 600x887, Male.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
64108897 No.64108897 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.64108995

Unironically yes

>> No.64109018

that is right, fuck your holostars and fuck your bait.

>> No.64109060

It's Astarion's VA.
That's like getting upset at a chuuba's roommate.

>> No.64109109


>> No.64109216


>> No.64109234

Unicorn "gotcha" threads should be an automatic permaban because it outs you as a tourist newfag who doesn't understand idol culture.

>> No.64109238

Seething homobeggar

>> No.64109246

You're mentally ill. She wants nothing to do with you.

>> No.64109262


>> No.64109287

>watching the circlejerk awards in 2023

>> No.64109289


>> No.64109318

Glad you finally caught up with the rest of us, OP.

>> No.64109349

>Aloe pfp
Hello lereddit.

>> No.64109566


>> No.64109662

Have you not seen how riled up people get about rm activities?

>> No.64109802

> Pikmin wins
Yea. Fuck that shit

>> No.64109887
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>> No.64109912

Dandori issue

>> No.64109985

>SEA Timezone
Like clockwork

>> No.64110017

I'm done with this board. Bunch of cucks and hypocrites, the lowest form of being. I hope you waste all your precious time in this fucking place.

>> No.64110108
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Yes, seethe harder fag

>> No.64110323


>> No.64110463


>> No.64110491

Wait, does this mean Nerissa is cheating on her dad with Astarion?

>> No.64110545
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Nice bait

>> No.64110581

Unironically yes. Male vtubers on the EN side are pretty terrible.

>> No.64110896

Always has been

>> No.64111453

Poor holofags always getting cucked lmao

>> No.64111495


>> No.64111586

I don't get it. Her being happy the VA of her favorite character won an award is bad somehow?

>> No.64111996

Acknowledging the existence of men is bad

>> No.64112943

I think it's more that she's openly horny for him.

>> No.64113215

Post hands

>> No.64113286

It's a videogame character

>> No.64113360

>Western Unicorns redefining oshi behavior yet again so they don't have to abandon their oshi
ya love to see it

>> No.64113421

I mean, I think it just *involving* a male is enough for them.

>> No.64113536

>homobeggars resorting to desperate baits yet again so they can pretend they didn't lose.
ya love to see it

>> No.64113632

Yes, I hate homoshitters and their faggot fans.

>> No.64113674

>Its okay because its a celebrity
>Its also okay because Asmong and Critikal are large streamer talents
Oh anon, i couldn't give a shit about either side, just watching you guys redraw that line in the sand so you can forgive them


>i-its okay! they're just talking about each other!!!

>> No.64113741

>redraw that line
>when most unicorn are hating holostars becauss of their beggar fans

>> No.64113764

yes it's okay. now go back to your containment website.

>> No.64113811

Unicorns went from "Don't sexpest talk about males while streaming" as an ultimatum with actual consequence, to now saying "don't even mention males" but will go out of their way to redefine "mention" and "males" and forgive their oshi

>> No.64113858

swear there's a rooster in here, because i hear you saying "c-c-cuck a doodle do!!"

>> No.64113898


>> No.64113922

yeah, and?

>> No.64113939

Damm. When did that happen?

>> No.64114001

Nerissa is cringe as fuck
>Likes that tranny game
Shit taste too

>> No.64114069

Do you really not know that almost every single EN Holo has brought up male flesh streamers? Also what a terrible example because the clip shows they don't even know enough about them to tell the difference.

>> No.64114134

It seems like the only male that vt tolerates is Connor.

>> No.64114170

it's okay anon, the line can be redrawn indefinitely

>> No.64114212


>> No.64114218

Redraw what line? Since Myth debuted Holos have brought up male streamers on occasion and no one gave a fuck.

>> No.64114307

negging hasn't been a thing since like 2018 anon, you're not winning her over

>> No.64114363 [DELETED] 
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Holo will never beat us nijiGOD

>> No.64114394

No you just get banned for mentioning him by a very butthurt person because someone keeps appearing on stream with him during twitch events while still being fat.

>> No.64114397
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ogey sister

>> No.64114416 [DELETED] 

Is them in the room with us?

>> No.64114443
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>> No.64114458

I don't care if they watch males or not. Also I don't think they have to know Asmonbald or Moist, but they are so unbearable to listen to.
>Oh yeah, I watch him all the time
>I don't actually watch him
Make up your mind, woman!

>> No.64114462

I remember people here getting mad at my oshi talking about flesh streamer, I guess it's fine now

>> No.64114477

Are you personally hurt anon? Did she ignore your tweet or something?

>> No.64114484

Asmongold is the western equivalent of Yagoo/Riku, so he's okay.

>> No.64114501

There is no way this upsets you, you have to be mentally retarded otherwise. Do you sperg out when one of the girls thanks a dono from someone that's male? Faggot.

>> No.64114550

Your shit oshi unirronically wanted to fuck cr1tikal until she collabed with him and found out he didn't.

>> No.64114589

>Bring up proof that counters unicucks eternally shifting definitions
>>"Are you personally hurt"
Nah senpai, i prefer the dogs to the bitches

>> No.64114658

this, people want to try to paint anti-stars people as was more schizo/irrational than they are to strawman them when in reality it's more like there is sliding scale of what makes sense or not to them.

>> No.64114666

Play better games you dumb bitch

>> No.64114690 [DELETED] 

>Don't sexpest talk about males while streaming
Ok retarded sister, proof where they actually said that, holo have been talking about male streamer since forever and nobody care and you retard came here and make your own definition. Gura birthday with virgil, dante. Kiara with lotr actor.
Face it, you drawing some arbitrarily line "for them" because they just hate your homo and not male specifically.

>> No.64114770

Nerissa seems like she actually wants to get into the twitch e-celeb circles. I just hope she doesn't drag Biboo into this nonsense with male fleshtubers.

>> No.64114835

She's already collabed with that bug eyed girl who cooks with handcam on. Pairing that with her collabing with Reimu (nijiEN), she's gonna end up playing some shit like amongus or crabgame with sykuno or the Vslutshow by summer '24

>> No.64114931

>SEA timezone
>is a homobeggar
Like clockwork

>> No.64114975

like kiara talking too much about huke and then people getting schizo at the guy. yeah good times
bruh. I don't want to start talking about things, just wanna say you are full of bullshit

>> No.64115017

People were always upset about it, but I guess we have reached the tipping point where it is literally OK when Holo does it.

>> No.64115030

>ENWhores get a pass
That's all i need to see to know cucking is full grip

>> No.64115034

a non-vtuber male entertainer is far more likely to fuck someone's oshi behind the scenes compared to a literal who male vtuber. they have more money, more charisma, more fame, more success.
unicorns will oppose this simple logic to their death because they dont want to admit they got cucked.

>> No.64115062

What else do the voices in your head tell you?

>> No.64115091

"They're married" has always been a hilarious cope from the unicuck community

>> No.64115115

>>ENWhores get a pass
My nigga JP's, the ones who don't collab with males and are unicorn friendly, also do this too, or do you not understand Japanese or something???

>> No.64115133

>'unicorns' say they just don't want to see males on stream, especially leeches
>"n-no you're just lying, you secretly see them as your GIRLFRIEND"
>'unicorns' accept harmless male interactions
>"wtf my headcanon was wrong? Impossible, the unicorns I've been calling ruthlessly inflexible all this time must have been flexible"

>> No.64115138

>brown homobeggars actually mad at this shit

>> No.64115178 [DELETED] 

>like kiara talking too much about huke
You definitely a retard then, people going schizo because he spawn minecraft stuff on creative mode not be cause he is a "male", you retard. By that logic, kiara collab with male vtuber on dokomi would have the same result, but it didn't because you a retard that peddling the same shit after years.

>> No.64115214

lol, didn't her cuck fans pay for a Cameo video of some guy VA? Was it this guy?

>> No.64115217

Watching Kanata get hate even to this day over the MC collab where she did 0 talking to anyone is proof enough JP at least stick to their guns
Mori got doxxed and the unicucks first response was "i-its not on stream, so i don't care"

>> No.64115261

>>'unicorns' accept harmless male interactions
in what universe

>> No.64115266

>Watching Kanata get hate even to this day over the MC collab where she did 0 talking
Most of that hate came from people who where mad she didn't talk in that stream, most of it came from fucking homobeggars you retard.

>> No.64115278

That never fucking happened. It was Minecraft autists.
Next you'll claim Rushia was fired because of males. You're a newfag who got all their knowledge from pro homobeggar dramatubers who got their info from reddit EOPs.

>> No.64115285 [DELETED] 

Who is your non-holo vtuber then
>inb4 x hologirl.
Take you time searching vtuber on google who never interact with male then.

>> No.64115295

In the westaboo world where its never the whore's fault

>> No.64115320 [DELETED] 

In a world where it involves sponsorship.

>> No.64115330

>wait she acknowledges men exist?
>why won't she collab with da boyz then oh my god double standards!?!?
Homobeggars are absolutely mentally ill.

>> No.64115340

>Deadbeats in denial are unicorns

>> No.64115373
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, 1701579237140756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unicorns are cucks, we know this already

>> No.64115402

... What? Did you mean Mori?

>> No.64115432 [DELETED] 
File: 1.27 MB, 1762x4568, 1689854615303689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homobeggar will never stop hating hologirl for not conforming to their ideology
This is you.

>> No.64115445

>'unicorns' accept harmless male interactions
mafumafu's message is as harmless as it could be and it caused a shitstorm nonetheless. same goes for suisei's recent yab. i dont know which rock you live under but not all unicorns are as flexible as you.

>> No.64115458


>> No.64115506

>full of ESL thridies in that picture
>homobeggars too
same as this thread lmao

>> No.64115511 [DELETED] 

>vshojofag is a doxxfag
Not that suprising.

>> No.64115524
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if only they can actually achieve shit on their own
but I guess nope, Holo brand is too strong

>> No.64115538


>> No.64115548

There is no culture to understand. At least, not one that has anything to do with vtubers.

>> No.64115586

It's funny you mention those because they are prime examples of how reserved the fanbases are. Most of Rushia's fanbase was in wait-and-see mode, even orca, and the most telling case was on the korekore call in where the mafumafu fangirl broke down in tears while the rushia fan just laughed. She really fucked herself for nothing. Well, for the demons in her own head.
And the fact that suisei has had zero fallout so far speaks for itself.

>> No.64115596

This but also twitter screenshot threads in general as well.

>> No.64115630

bro i've gotten bans for mentioning shit the vtuber addressed on stream
it's so fucked

>> No.64115686

>it caused a shitstorm nonetheless
Lol no, among antis and homobeggars yeah but unicorns waited for her explanation and response
t. former fandead

>> No.64115791

WTF Gura should do the collab with Matpad and ask her questions about FNAF like she wanted. It's fine now

>> No.64115799
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This anon just arrived from bizarro world. Please be nice to him.

>> No.64116148


>> No.64116182


>> No.64116250


>> No.64116287

Schizophrenia thread

>> No.64116296

I am sensing samefagging ITT

>> No.64116476

>people are finally finding out Nerissa is a filthy whore
Good riddance!

>> No.64116580

I like how kiara just made her own rrats
she truly is /here/

>> No.64116636

if that's true then what was all the connor condom spam all about?

>> No.64116763

Mori directly liked an anti-post of connor banging her I believe, I don't remember it well enough but that was a big part of it. That and 'le funny meme'

>> No.64116795

She also unironically commented on it to "own the haters" as well

>> No.64116899

>Meanwhile on JP side
>Pekora collabs with Hikarin
Sure EN girls are the ones that get a pass, while beibg hated on for just mentioning that they watch males

>> No.64116936

No one loves your faggots, now go back to not watching their streams.

>> No.64116975

Hey I recognize that pfp you fucking nijicuck. To answer your question, yes, now hop off a ledge

>> No.64117034

You must mean the opposite

>> No.64117079

>everyone just posting how much the other side sucks
>without actually talking to the other side who was doing the same thing
Nice strawman thread

>> No.64117126


>> No.64117170

you probably mistaken it as Nijicuck ?

>> No.64117250
File: 44 KB, 739x415, images (18).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, she is

>> No.64117273

holyshit I'm in this picture LMAO (I'm on idol culture side btw)

>> No.64117278

Yes, that's how it's always been. Male industry professionals, celebrities, artists, composers, voice actors, etc. have always been fine with "le unicorns." Holostars and other male streamers are the issue.

>> No.64117309

>It is another Homobeggars pretend that they know what Unicorns believe, even though no Unicorn is angry at women for having crushes on fictional characters, or having celebrities/e-celebs that they enjoy watching
There is a difference between all that and having a male on stream, which changes the content completely to something that no actual fans of the girls want, but homobeggars will never understand because you are not fans of anyone and just want to own "le unicorns" because they apparently cucked you in the past or something, I don't actually know why you are so obsessed with unicorns

>> No.64117386

this. if she just act professional and ignores it, she probably get pass. also connor is shit anyway, so it's different. astarion guy is definitely a nice guy, i met him back in comicon london.

>> No.64117439

Ah yes. My wife can get her holes pounded as long as it isn't from a certain demographic (blacks)

>> No.64117459

Oh yeah forgot to mention, another issue with collabing with Holostars is that Homobeggars are goibg to beg for male and female collabs to be spammed, dince see how desperate they are to get other girls even after they actually have Kronii, Ame and Mori collabing with Tempus

>> No.64117604

>aloe pfp
So you're a troll, as if the title of the thread wasnt clear about that

>> No.64117750

>Homobeggars pretend that they know what Unicorns believe
These fucks adore creating the most irrational and retarded strawman to fight against. A falseflagging retard even tried to pretend that fucking GURA isn't "unicorn friendly" because of the fucking mattpat thing lmao

>> No.64117848

>Korone had Isao Taira on her 3D live

>> No.64118011
File: 300 KB, 1332x1075, 1694730363351295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks anti unicorns = homobeggars
i wouldn't watch the homos even if you paid me. you're just making arbitrary rules to cope with the fact that you picked the wrong oshi.

>> No.64118086

so true sister

>> No.64118153

I don't know how you could watch fuwamoco and possibly be anti-unicorn.

>> No.64118213

i'll never understand the hatred for holostars.
makes them look like they're all a bunch of super perverted luca kaneshiros.

>> No.64118258

It's gaming time

>> No.64118270


>> No.64118297

>>64118011 (me)
meant to say
>anybody who disagrees with me and my retarded definition of a unicorn is a homobeggar

>> No.64118398

They were hated since inception.
Yagoo had to step in to protect Miyabi from harassment and that's why he regrets introducing Stars so late.

>> No.64118456

Yes. Male vtubers are a special kind of retard. Anyone but them

>> No.64118616

Yes. Nothing is worse than having the mark of holostars collaborator. It is one of the most degrading marks one can have in the vtuber world. Real bottom of the barrel shit.

>> No.64118635

Collaborating with rich and influential male celebrities is idol culture

>> No.64118828


>> No.64118928
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>> No.64119051


>> No.64119088

Nintendo chose not to come (buy ads), of course VGA would be salty lmao

>> No.64119418

I find it funny that people see le unicorns as a single hivemind, that all thinks the exact same way. Is it really that hard to see that there are differences everyone has? No apparently everyone whos a unicorn rages at the sight of a male in any contest, seething when they see woman and man interact in any shape or form... Seriously? oh right, it's just a bait thread to cause meaningless arguing among retards.

>> No.64119801

I think her rm could have if she wanted to though

>> No.64119832

stop projecting

>> No.64120413
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>> No.64120445

>no one in indie or Nijisanji JP gives a shit about males
>Indie crowd gives even less of a shit
>Cover hand crafts a girls club, then injects males later on for seemingly no reason other than to compete with Nijisanji and indie scene

>> No.64121233

Remember when Okayu almost creamed herself on stream because Hikakin sent her a birthday message?

>> No.64121419

that was kino

>> No.64121770

Seethe more FAGGOT!
Holostars will never be Hololive

>> No.64121931
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1702030603142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IRyS likely plays games with Brian and IRyStocrats tell me they don't care.
Homo debuff is real.

>> No.64121979

Suisei is "gaming buddies" with a male fleshbag idol.

>> No.64122071

>male fleshbag idol
is he cute at least?
i dont really know male idols in japan, only korean ones

>> No.64122262

ALL male J-pop stars are used good, fucked senseless by old, bald rich men. This is confirmed. That's all you need to know.

>> No.64122329 [DELETED] 

what "debuff"? did she lose views or something
also isn't Brian her rigger

>> No.64122583

damn so the bussy is good then
lucky suisei

>> No.64122679

Connor hate happened cause he was shit talking Hololive and Mori was defending him like her life depended on it.

>> No.64123840

All the internet e-girls are hard simping for his vampire role 100%. But are you suprised woman love him OP because its the "edgy sasuke girl crush all over again". Woman love the no good damaged i can fix him type its a biological hard wired fantasy of theirs.

>> No.64123895

Goddamn does it feel good to be a Ruffian

>> No.64124032

sisters, are we literally turning into man hating dykes

>> No.64124305


>> No.64124962

He wasn't defending holostars fans, ESL-kun...

>> No.64125115

Asterion is deliberately awful, I thought thats what made him fun.
You keep him around to hear him say something deranged, having a crush on him is clearly a joke...right?

>> No.64125239

preferably they don't do this shit, or even talk about sasuke or whatever. girl talk shit is why kiara is a shitter despite being the only good one in myth

>> No.64125281

I don't think you understand women anon.

>> No.64125305

meanwhile, JP...

>> No.64125340

>aloe profile picture
I like it when niji falseflaggers are honest with their shitposting
