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6383114 No.6383114 [Reply] [Original]

>cutest, most feminine voices in Hololive JP
>can't sing


>> No.6383207

I'll bait your shitty bait just to say Robocco can sing better than your Oshi ever will and you should commit sepuku.

>> No.6384277

What are you talking about RBC is a great singer. I especially love her singing because it sounds like she’s going to cry in every song she sings

>> No.6384373

The cow is faking it

>> No.6384680

Stream Fiction

>> No.6384681

Noel obviously sings badly on purpose with an intentionally high pitched "cute" voice

>> No.6384763

Towa is the best singer who is forced to do the anime voice because of management.

>> No.6384904


>> No.6384974

Roboco has aftersex voice when she sings but she's objectively not good

>> No.6385367

Literally any karaoke stream or song she's released, although it's less management and more because nips are retards who are generally scared of deep voices.

>> No.6386581

Roboco doesn't need to sing, her shinobu's voice is enough to make me cum

>> No.6387041


Just like you existence. Diss Roboco again

>> No.6387994

Why are people saying noel is only pretending?

>> No.6388041

Which one gives a better handjob bros?

>> No.6388318

Ultimate soul song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T7Ql4D1UnQ

>> No.6388387

Have you heard her sing? There is no way someone can be that bad unintentionally

>> No.6389554

maybe she's just that bad, luna at least has sung without her baby gimmick before, i haven't seen noel sing seriously

>> No.6389723

She has Meniere's she isn't pretending, she can't sing becuase she is going deaf in one ear.
Also her cute voice is her natural voice.

>> No.6389855

You're thinking of Kanata, Noel's ears are fine

>> No.6389897

No they most definitely aren't. They both have Meniere's.

>> No.6389909

let's hear you song then

>> No.6389962

Do you have a source on that?

>> No.6390094

Get your ears checked, anon.

>> No.6390101

Her roommate's Twitter.
Meniere's disease in Japanese is メニエール病.

>> No.6390115


>> No.6390116

Awful taste.

>> No.6392544

funniest cover at least

>> No.6392679

and your posts have neversex vibes. shut the fuck up retard.

>> No.6393032

Not an excuse

>> No.6393230

Yes it is. It is kind of hard to sing when you are going deaf in one ear.>>6392544

>> No.6393277

But Watame sings very well?

>> No.6393301

Katana manages it.

>> No.6393335

Kanata's singing has declined since she got it and Noel had it way before her and never had the benefit of learning to sing before getting it.

>> No.6393368

Agreed, but her real voice isn't feminine

>> No.6393379

What if Ame used to be able to sing good but a piece of bread touched her ear or something when she was a child and crippled her?

>> No.6393401

RBC azamina performance was unironically one of the best at 2nd fes though

>> No.6393438

>has declined since she got it
>she had it way before debut
>she still sings well

>> No.6393501

Even if you don't know about Kanata's roommate her singing has gotten worse even during her time in Hololive go compare her early 2020 utawakus to now.

>> No.6394013

Roboco is pure sex and live Azamina is the best example of that.

>> No.6394120

It's ironic that the soften spoken holo has the hardest and coldest pussy

>> No.6394158

RBC's pussy isn't hard and cold. Everything about RBC is high-spec, including her pussy!

>> No.6394917
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>> No.6394928

post it

>> No.6395003
File: 59 KB, 963x1024, 1598891655588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hardest and coldest pussy
>implying it isn't made of the softest of silicon with a self-heating and lubricating system and artificial womb with functional eggs that never expire.

>> No.6395063

and here I was wondering why I didn't remember making this post
my nigga

>> No.6395259
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same feeling.

>> No.6400838

What does being feminine have to do with singing?

>> No.6402384

Roboco's hydraulic hands

>> No.6403801
File: 78 KB, 472x423, 1625099520757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robocop is kind of boring to be honest. Sometimes I just close the stream.
