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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 419 KB, 703x400, last hope of niji, crumbling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63872970 No.63872970 [Reply] [Original]

Vivi bros... I don't feel so good

>> No.63873115

Shockingly it turns out niji doesn't do sex-segregated vtubers and you should stop watching niji if that's what you want

>> No.63873125
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>> No.63873271

Nijifags never learn, do they

>> No.63873326

They all have V in their names, they should form a unit and call it VVV

>> No.63873348

Vivi herself times out any retard pushing this shit on her chat

>> No.63873373
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>Nijisanji ID

>> No.63873374


>> No.63873381

They also have two VB, bonbon should switch with someone else

>> No.63873397

the cuckening never ends

>> No.63873455

>Expecting anything less
Christ, you faggots never learn. Stop pushing this "She's gfe guys" bullshit, it's impossible from the moment of debut because of her genmate anyway.

>> No.63873462

pushing what?

>> No.63873483
File: 328 KB, 554x753, what the fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least you're not aloupeeps


>> No.63873728

I will never trust Nijisanji again.

>> No.63873776

Imagine being the only EN of value in nijisanji and throwing it away because ???

>> No.63873804

It was never real to begin with, just a sad attempt at setting her up to be a gfe "traitor" when she inevitably had a collab featuring a male, it was supposed to end after the first TTT collab but Luca being BTFO gave a new life to it

>> No.63873950
File: 54 KB, 478x641, images (11).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must be retarded
a total number of 0 nijis have not collabed with males.
picrel who JP considers GFE-lite collabs with males.

Also Bobon is actually a fun dude and Vanta is a sweaty virgin gamer with 0 interest in 3D women. None of the nasty shit Luca or Enna does will happen

>> No.63874122

>Vivi male collab count, increasing
>Shiori / Nerissa male collab count, 0, with no signs of it ever increasing.
Never forget everyone!
Vivi was the one that they pushed as "The girl that should have been in Advent instead of Nerissa / Shiori."
Fucking pathetic.

>> No.63874236

I only saw your ilk (/#/monkey shitters) pushing her as a "unikek friendly" streamer therefore "approved by catalog" and so hekkin based xD. No?

>> No.63874278

>/#/monkey shitters
why the absolute fuck would we care about not only a nijikek, but also a low # earner at that.
don't put that shit on us. fuck off.

>> No.63874298

Different working conditions anon.
Hololive pushes you to NOT collab with males while it is almost impossible to avoid males while being in Niji. That is why mumei managed to avoid a yab by not accepting selen's invitation

>> No.63874318

>throwing it away
??? What's being thrown away? Because humans interact with each other?

>> No.63874323

I want to say im disappointed but this is NIJI after all

>> No.63874341

>That is why mumei managed to avoid a yab by not accepting selen's invitation
>Was literally a part of Selen's Bday and in group calls.
Aight nigga.

>> No.63874376
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Yes, because she's definitely NOT going to join the apex tourney if she were in Holo when literally NONE of the known nijiEN troublemakers (Luca, Kyo, Vox, Hex) are participating.
Stop this retarded cope. Vivi joined of her own freewill, I see absolutely no one that would have pushed her to do otherwise.

>> No.63874448 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1200x675, skincover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You doggies are labeling everyone as "whore" or "le hekkin /vt/ approved unicornerino" chuuba. No one else besides your kind does that and you shill your ebin unicorn chuubas even if they're nobodies as long as they fit your agenda, no? Anyway, you made the bed by non-stop falseflagging amd catalogshittery, everyone knows that even if you pretend you don't do that. You made the bed, now lie in it. Pic rel btw, feel free to report me to you buddy janny for hurting your feelings.

>> No.63874465

As a sane Niji fan I don't mind them collabing with males. But there is a time when enough is enough.
Here is my list of grievances.
>3 months without a single all-girl's collab
>openly flirting on stream, a literal NTR show
>shipping sanctioned
>constantly trying to "own the parasocials" or "purge the paraosocials" with over-the-top flirting like Enna or Luca did
>coed offcollabs/meetups with the males and females in the same hotel room. Even between shipping pairs.
>zero pains taken to reassure fans they are not actually flirting, in fact it's the opposite
>GFE treated like it's illegal, but BFE is allowed and accepted
>every female vtuber is forced into these situations even if it hurts their career
>for a long time males would randomly join the girl's streams to talk about their dicks in a horrendously gross way
>Open VC culture died because people cannot accept that there should be a gender barrier to it.
>girl-oriented thumbnails with cute chibi artwork, but no guy-oriented thumbnails with boobs or action poses
>frequent political/religious jokes that should have been banned at the corporate level but weren't for some reason. (Some people don't like when a foreigner mocks their religion or imposes their own politics.)
Even JP fans think the EN branch is way too far and treats them like they're nothing but a collection of degenerates. Some of the JP girls don't want to stain their reputation by associating with the EN branch that is known to be particularly vile.

>> No.63874592

are you kidding me? that's all you fags care about, it's either shitting on nijien because the numbers are low or coping because the numbers are high

>> No.63874633

>coping because the numbers are high
they need high numbers first

>> No.63874656

>But there is a time when enough is enough.
When you're gonna bait, stop before this part.
>3 months without a single all-girl's collab
So? Niji is a mixed branch. Go watch Hololive.
>openly flirting on stream, a literal NTR show
Girls do it all the time with each other.
>GFE treated like it's illegal, but BFE is allowed and accepted
Because you retards don't know how to behave when you get the slightest bit of GFE.
>every female vtuber is forced into these situations even if it hurts their career
Ah, yeah I too am forced to be around co-workers because *checks notes* I work at the same company and will interact with them.

>> No.63874659

>but BFE is allowed and accepted
Yeah, and we have the males mentally ill fans causing problems all the fucking time, just goes to show that not pandering to this audience is for the better

>> No.63874683

>Even JP fans think the EN branch is way too far
You know the bait is terrible when I know exactly what clip you're referencing

>> No.63874744

we literally had an all girl collab just a few days ago and another later this week

>> No.63874784

remember that for Koshien or anytime Kuzuha streams

>> No.63874838

>no guy-oriented thumbnails with boobs or action poses
this is the funniest fucking thing i've read on this board

>> No.63874859

>So? Niji is a mixed branch.
anon you realize the JP branch isn't like that right? Also you have to be crazy not to understand why Niji is so weak with the male audience when they are doing shit like that. It's not an exaggeration to say that literally 90% of the male vtuber fans prefer Hololive over Nijisanji, and now you know why. If you want the girls to have any sort of audience you wouldn't suggest this to them.

>Girls do it all the time with each other.
Yes and gender are different you dumb sack of shit. It is not the same when a dude and a girl are openly flirting as when 2 girls are doing it. Grow up and stop pretending to be confused by something everyone understands in elementary school.

>Because you retards don't know how to behave when you get the slightest bit of GFE.
ok you are just a sister seething, got it

>I too am forced to be around co-workers because *checks notes* I work at the same company and will interact with them.
No anon, Nijisanji promises the girls can run their career the way they want. If they decide they don't want all these males in their streams they can make that decision. But in practice NijiEN does not allow this. Look at the sad tale of Vivi for example, she is someone who could be thriving if she wasn't being forced into all of this.

>> No.63874942

>if she wasn't being forced into all of this.
Point to me who exactly, in that lineup of participants, forced her into it.
No, it wasn't Luca, nor Vox, nor Kyo, nor Hex, because none of them are participating.
No, it wasn't her genmate either, else they'd be on the same team.
No, it wasn't her current teammates either, if Vivi gave a fuck about being GFE, she would just give a polite no, just like with Luca.
So what's left? God forced her? Riku forced her? Selen forced her? All fiction.
Vivi chose to join by herself.

>> No.63874950

>3 months without a single all-girl's collab
I think you mean 3 months of "this one doesn't count"

>> No.63874959


>> No.63874967
File: 978 KB, 996x5672, 1676422155164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull up any of the male's streams. What will you find?
>cute baby-art of them with baby-bodies and big eyes falling over in diapers
These are female-oriented thumbnails that hard-filter a male viewer while attracting a female viewer.

But there is no equivalent on the other side. Why don't the female vtubers have thumbnails depicting boobs or action scenes that a male fan would be interested in? Instead it's always just a picture of their face and a stream title trying to be as gender neutral as possible

>> No.63874969
File: 979 KB, 898x820, utako on nijien.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Some of the JP girls don't want to stain their reputation
sauce on this?
most I know is that Utako considered them a bit extreme, but there wasn't anything public.

>> No.63875003

>Look at the sad tale of Vivi for example, she is someone who could be thriving if she wasn't being forced into all of this.
I knew it was bait already but thanks for making it extra obvious

>> No.63875008

>>every female vtuber is forced into these situations even if it hurts their career
Why are you spouting nijicuck cope if you don't like nijisanji?

>> No.63875031

>boobs or action scenes that a male fan would be interested in
stop i can't breathe

>> No.63875051 [DELETED] 

Some shitskin took the time to make that image for a company they don't even watch

>> No.63875060
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>> No.63875092

It was extremely striking to see how little care the NijiEN girls gave their male fans on Valentines day and it's something that people actually predicted would happen beforehand

>> No.63875120
File: 812 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20231204-081821_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63875133

i don't care about your dataset my guy i am laughing at your 12yo boy-ass demand that streamers put more tits and guns in their thumbnails

>> No.63875141

Damn I can't believe the girls who don't do GFE content at all failed at delivering GFE content

>> No.63875185

Scarle does GFE watch her. All her thumbnails are lewd too and she's part flip so you'll relate to her.

>> No.63875195

>Stream in valentine's day
>don't stream again afterwards
Yeah bro, you're probably gonna date that hostess if you keep spending money in her, just gotta spend another grand or two
>Say this retarded shit
>Elira has a thumbnail with her areolas out
Look at the retard and laugh!

>> No.63875211

The holoEN girls don't do it either and yet they still gave their fans hearts on valentines day because they aren't cold lizard skin sacks of shit

>> No.63875240

>anon you realize the JP branch isn't like that right?
All I needed to know you're just a catalogfag.

>> No.63875263

>Luca fucking lost to indog and crowbringer

>> No.63875269

go watch kawaii if what you want from vtubers is someone whispering at your ear that they love you

>> No.63875334

these seaniggers just cherry pick shit so they can le heckin own kurosanji

>> No.63875355

Luca lost when vivi told him to go fuck himself and cancelled the collab

>> No.63875390

shut up I don't care I just want to see more Vivi porn

>> No.63875394

>spend weeks shilling her how she is pandering to unicorns and how you should watch her
>this happens
You faggots deserve it
Also try to lie less

>> No.63875411

I thought Niji IDs all got the sack, wtf is that backpack guy still doing here

>> No.63875469

bonbon was almost graduating from life

>> No.63875560
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>> No.63875792

How is exploiting your lonely fans to a greater degree on valentines in any way praiseworthy?
Non GFE chuubas do valentines day streams to make extra money not because they care so much

>> No.63875902

Rangeban the rest of SEA immediately.

>> No.63875981

Would kill off both /#/ and /NijiEN/. Sounds like a good deal.

>> No.63876028

>no more holoen threads
>no more niji threads
>no more number garbage
>no more 2view bat threads
/vt/ could be so beautiful

>> No.63876049

Would kill most of this board actually.

>> No.63876060

Her viewership already dropped a bit after the wave-wide collab before. What's the harm of collabing with some other males?
Anyone expects unicorn or GFE-friendly from NijiEN now must be delusional

>> No.63876087


>> No.63876143

So she‘s the new Pomu right?
Holobronies latched on to her for some reason and are now having a melty due to her perceived betrayal.

>> No.63876209

You try this every time a new wave with a female in it comes out
You tried it with Kotoka, you are desperately trying it now with her
Just stop man, you are punching your own ballsack for 0 benefit

>> No.63876612

Did she move on from Kyo???

>> No.63876670

No, Kyo and Enna still cancel streams to hang with each other.

>> No.63877043

how many of bonniviers genmates still remain streaming? Must suck to see all your friends slowly disappear

>> No.63878735

That was unicorns shilling her as the saviour of NijiEN, do you really think those were regular NijiEN fans?

>> No.63878767

Yeah, NijiEN subhumans are all numberfags so they get a hardon whenver they see a stream with 4 numbers

>> No.63878884

Would kill off Brown Connect as well

>> No.63878968

Of course, thats why /#/ is filled with all those diehard nijifags. I really hope you’re just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.63879120
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>> No.63879314

>/#/ talking about a chuuba getting big numbers
Wow thats crazy.

>> No.63879347

Those are threads

>> No.63879583
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>> No.63879646
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>> No.63879688

>the rest
Who's banned already?

>> No.63879719

I don't give a fuck what Holobronies think, but as a Pomudachi I can vouch that Vivi has significant amounts of Big PP Energy.

>> No.63879769

holy desperate seamonkeys

>> No.63879775

>mindbroken by obvious trolling that clearly had nothing to do with anyone actually thinking those noombers meant anything
>a year and a half later

>> No.63879884

You’re right, but I figured this was somehow related to /#/ discussions since that was the whole point, the best you managed to prove is that numberfags may not be exclusive to one company, nobody should have to be told this. /#/ is full of holofags and a screenshot of some nijifag bait threads won’t change that.

>> No.63879950

The flips

>> No.63880052

Vivi wasn't forced into anything. Most of NijiEN isn't participating. She could have easily not joined. Selen said she and Vantacrow were looking for a third. That means she was choosing to pair up with a guy to join this custom. If you were genuinely unicorning her instead of shitposting, just accept you were being retarded.

>> No.63880189

Even if you think unicorns are the devil, you're a fool to disregard their money; people endure toxic jobs exist simply because they pay well.

>> No.63880224

I'm pretty shocked people thought she'd be the only niji to not collab with guys

>> No.63880307

I'll rather have my oshi be a good streamer than selling herself for unicorn money

>> No.63880588

>good streamers
The fact that girls have to pretend to be anime girls to even get attention speaks to the fundamental differences between men and women.
Just watch a good flesh brotuber if you're this particular kek

>> No.63880598

>make a headcanon about Vivi
>headcanon gets broken
>get mad

>> No.63880693

Sophia cute!

>> No.63880741

I don't believe it, I haven't noticed any improvement.

>> No.63880784

I'm not really into the twitch monkeys

>> No.63880813

>people endure toxic jobs exist simply because they pay well
If you were a genuine fan, why would you want to be the source of that toxicity? I just want my oshi to do what makes her happy, which involves not having to walk on eggshells around fans that will immediately turn on her if she slips up.

>> No.63881421

>i just want my oshi to be happy
Then why did they choose this job in the first place lol, you dont think being a vtuber is actually their source of fulfillment?

>> No.63881769

Again, as a fan, why would you want to a source of toxicity that makes them unhappy?

>> No.63881787

As a hololive only fan all this Vivi drama I see just makes it obvious to me there must be an audience for at least 1 generation of girls that is cgdct/unicorn friendly in Niji. Idk why they don't do it, seems like it'd be an easy cashcow. I'm quite sure that there's some Niji fans at this point tired of the cucking by now but too invested in Niji to abandon everything and switch to hololive. Just give them 1 damn unicorn gen that says from the start they refuse to collab with any males. They'll be unique instead of just the umpteenth same ole same ole mixed shit gen that flops. I guarantee you it would the most popular gen in a while. Options never hurt anyone.

>> No.63882063

You dont even know what you're talking about, much less what you want
Men at the end of the day look for attractiveness, a personality that gels with them, and an idea of how many men orbit around said girl (ideally zero); there will always be a paypig for those who meet these simple criteria regardless of how boring they are and girls deciding on what content they show is just a matter of paypig maximization.
If you're looking for "content" (that clearly doesnt pander to men) then just look for a dude to talk to bro, women just arent built for that

>> No.63882075


>> No.63882197

I pay my bills on time, but i still understand that working at the credit cards department at a bank can be a toxic job, even for those who just want a 9-5. You get it now?

>> No.63882200


>> No.63882425

>as a holobrony all this blatant false flagging by fellow holobronies just makes it obvious to me that cocks taste really fucking good

>> No.63883820


>> No.63883999

I’m filming the threesome

>> No.63884150

For the thousandth time, Vivi was celebrated for avoiding Luca specifically. In an ideal world that would continue forever, but Niji has left me so jaded I highly doubt that.

>> No.63884183

spread it wide vivi luca will find his own way

>> No.63885145

>there must be an audience for at least 1 generation of girls that is cgdct/unicorn friendly in Niji
I suppose if holofags actually decide to watch another company that might be true, because that is where the majority of the complaints come from. Niji doing this probably wouldn’t be the best idea because they a cgdct gen in Niji would be heavily isolated from the rest of the company since they wouldn’t be able to participate in company events that everyone else can. If this is really a big deal to you, go watch Holo instead of complaining that Niji isn’t Holo.

>> No.63886664

Ogey she can stay in 3view zone until the end of her career

>> No.63887055

Can't wait to see her do more homo collabs. so she could be more popular

>> No.63888263

rip her numbers
she can join kunai with fighting for the raspberry throne

>> No.63888623

There's no fucking chance of that happening. The Lazulydia audience left a long time ago, anon. The only ones still watching girls in NijiEN are either femcels that treat them as self-inserts or unironic cucks like Mori/Ame/Kronii's fanbases.

>> No.63888832

>will never trust Niji again because they're doing a normal thing they've consistently been doing since 2018
most intelligent unicorn

>> No.63889012

This Vantacrow guy seems pretty funny. Reminds me of Aethel. Shame about the model

>> No.63889059

im sorry vivi.. i guess ill drop you. I guess it was too much to believe that you wanted to find your own holoLIFE in nijisanji.

>> No.63889072

She was already 3view zone before any male collabs or at least rapidly approaching it before her obligatory full gen collab
Like she was in a mixed gen and is a potty mouthed Aris simp+FGC goblin you're not getting any unicorn pandering from her

>> No.63889283

>opportunity for petora to collab with anya

>> No.63889338

>I am definitely a man typing this.

>> No.63889782

it's sad...I really thought I finally had a watchable niji girl to enjoy. If it was just TTT collabs I was willing to go that far. But not this, she's dead to me.

>> No.63890104

Ok, so how many of these "disillusioned fans" are actually the same sisters that have been seething for weeks at Vivi for ignoring their yellow rapist and why is it actually all of them? How the fuck can women not even know how to falseflag properly?

>> No.63890317

I still can't get over what a stupid name Vantacrow Bringer is.

>> No.63890612

I’ll still simp for her as long as she keeps calling me her paladin

>> No.63891001

Shan't be dropping her, snubbing the week one Luca collab and clearly having a preference for playing with girls is a low bar but it's where nijiEN is at right now. Lethal company collab was kino, she is playing bloodborne and I like her
Plenty of no males chuubas to enjoy in holo right now and despite preferring that I still have a soft spot for Pomu too. Can't help thinking this is going to hurt her a bit though if those metrics of her overlap with mostly holo viewers were accurate.

>> No.63892965

You're lying btw. Pomu still has all her viewers

>> No.63893388

>Hololive pushes you to NOT collab with males
Explain Mori then

>> No.63893581

They let her do it as a warning to the others

>> No.63893709
File: 32 KB, 1316x864, 1700655479087801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just yesterday numbers was in shambles crying about Selen and accusing her of botting her stream because no way she would get numbers during the announcement of a tournament. Numbermonkeys are mentally ill and the most vile posters on this board and they are mostly Holodrones because Holonumbers good.

>> No.63893911

>Pomu still has all her viewers
Probably not all of them but shes still doing okay, Selen too for the most part but dome others got hit a lot harder. I think most of the people who left have left due to the several other dramas that Niji has been associated with rather than it being specifically a male thing. Of all the dumb shit Niji has done I don’t think adding males would even register in my top 10.

>> No.63895605

Shambles? nobody was surprised a potential drama buff stream did well or that dangling holoEN involvement until the last second was effective. /#/ was faster than /v/ last night and everybody was liveposting a niji stream, pretty sure most of the people on this board got baited into watching

>> No.63896527

Brown hands typed this post.

>> No.63896866

rent free and cope

>> No.63897191

Everyone knows that numbertrannies are literal monkeys feeding on cheap drama for their fictional war.

>> No.63900727


>> No.63901214

She basically stopped streaming with them at least and is spamming open vc streams with her big fat tits front and center in her thumbnails

>> No.63904472

>shes cgdct because she avoided this specific male
>Two males on her apex team? Doesn't count
>Male genmate? Also doesn't count
>She's still cgdct guys! The male collabs don't count as long as she avoids this male in particular!

>> No.63906491

yaaaaas sisters slay!! own that incel!

>> No.63908069

I already unsubbed. I was only really interested in her Bloodborne streams. I always knew not to trust a nijiwhore.

>> No.63910409


>> No.63911448

bonbon is a safe male
he has been thoroughly emasculated by selen

>> No.63912195

Nijisanji will always be an inferior product. They know this. You know this. Everyone knows this. It's why they're so vindictive, petty, snarky, passive aggressive, and whiney. Every "argument" or "debate" is just a cover for this rampant inferiority.

>> No.63912753

this is a bigger reach than substantiating likability via numberfagging

>> No.63912859

Post tits.

>> No.63914586

is that a pajeet niji?

>> No.63915389

Go tell your father that you're a big manly man that wants to see anime boobs and guns in thumbnails

>> No.63915529

how long does Bobon have anyway? If Mika is getting the fuck out, it must be absolutely unviable for him.

>> No.63915544

She's probably one of the best nijiJP girls up to date. Fuck, it's hard not to fall in love with her...

>> No.63918897

two months

>> No.63919529


>> No.63920625

shut up and let me hope

>> No.63923744

WDSMBT? >>63921184

>> No.63923816

>not Luca
>a corpse and a nobody
eh, nothing lost...could be worst
we are talking about nijiEN here

>> No.63924144

misleading sister
she is not vox and his larping/RPing/method acting ego trips.
She times out people that disrupts streams and they all usually have some retarded emoji in their handles like a lion, and ogre or a red envelope.

>> No.63924766

>muh boys
woman post
source: oJxt42Q57iTN8IpOcpjRAQ

>> No.63925116

Hes too lazy to officially quit

>> No.63931693


>Originally I found out about this on my 2nd week after debut
>And I was so excited to join because, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity
>Because, you know, you don't wanna miss the chance to get sniped by a gamer cat maid, or a shooting star, or a festival!
>You guys know what I mean right? I mean I own all their plushies and nendos, you guys are just like me we're just fans right?
>But I didn't know anyone, and originally I asked Claude and Kunai but Kunai doesn't like Apex, and Claude...well fuck you Claude
>But then I asked Vanta and originally Reimu, but Reimu already had a team. So someone told me Bobon was looking for a team and that's how we got together.

>> No.63931747 [DELETED] 

>Nijiniggers parade her as a girl that will refuse all male collabs and is only partaking because she was forced to.
>Collabs with males for apex tourney willingly
>Nijiniggers still try to gaslight others into thinking she's good.

>> No.63932243

>bump from page 11 with dramashit
>respond to yourself with the most bottom of the barrel numberbabble
Rangeban the rest of SEA immediately.

>> No.63932249

>Nijiniggers parade her as a girl that will refuse all male collabs

>> No.63934412

Vivi has redeemed herself now that the truth has been revealed.

>> No.63934817

Nope she could have joined teams with some other girls but she chose males instead

>> No.63934828

>more than three hours apart
I don't understand. If the board is this slow, that means there aren't any yabs. But in that case, why is OP trying this hard to keep an obvious deflection thread alive, when there's nothing to deflect from?

>> No.63934890

There seems to be a ton of Pomu-Vivi fan crossover actually.

>> No.63937921

cute gura

>> No.63939849


>> No.63942174

?? She admitted she asked at least 2 males, Claude and Vanta, to join her team lol.

>> No.63942236

>parade her as a girl that will refuse all male collabs and is only partaking because she was forced to
only baiting niggers said this

>> No.63942464

This is even more pathetic if anything, you can tell she was passed on for Holo and went with Dollar Tree Vtuber company only to have a chance at meeting her real oshis but even that is just a faint hope. I bet if you asked her what Niji merch she has she'd be at a lost for words.

>> No.63943979

she does have merch of Kanae and a few JPs, but yeah no ENs at all

>> No.63945981

oh nyo

>> No.63946178

>SEA bumps from page 10

>> No.63951530


>> No.63953890

she literally has merch of selen and pomu

>> No.63959292

When the fuck are holofans going to stop pretending like she hates being in Niji?
She clearly doesn't.

>> No.63959437

My dad loves talking about dumb bitches and guns though.

>> No.63959494

It's holofaggots

>> No.63959592

This is why you should never ever trust a niji to not cuck you.

>> No.63960241

They'd be more popular than the existing girls and it would devastate morale. And it would make the male talents look bad, like they're a net negative to their female coworkers (which, in the long term, they were)

>> No.63960803

I agree but niji's brand is coed and I don't see it changing just for EN, it just got so skewed on that side that many got filtered/went elsewhere and combined with the interest in vtubers declining in the west I think the remaining cgdct audience is well and truly captured by holo at this point.
Seems more likely they give up on nijiEN than trying to do some gender segregated holo imitation at this point.

>> No.63961318

Bros I thought you said Vivi is GFECGDCTLGBTXYZ? What happened?

>> No.63961827
File: 1.74 MB, 1366x2048, MV5BNDkxNjMzNDkyMF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDc4ODkzNw@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really got a guy named Bon Iver lmao wtf

>> No.63962372

Your thoughts are untrustworthy.
