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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 376 KB, 775x541, 1689644282353456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63840040 No.63840040 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is a whore.

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1730775649135059311

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>63814044

>> No.63840101

>no Otis in the OP
Shit thread.

>> No.63840138


>> No.63840240

OP is a massive faggot

>> No.63840282


>> No.63840424

Passionately filling the shonwomb with my premium seed to create the perfect specimen while she claws at my back

>> No.63840655

shondo in my arms with lots of forehead kisses after giving her backshots

>> No.63841418

I love Shondo

>> No.63841736

the shunny is getting destroyed tonight

>> No.63841759

by me

>> No.63841871

enjoy my cum, there's no way you can shovel all of it out of the shunny

>> No.63841910
File: 1.31 MB, 220x220, 1675399992099362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey shadowmama, look at this heheheh

>> No.63842029

Minutely affirmation: I will impregnate the streamer fallenshadow.

>> No.63842096

Look at this dumb fuck. And she spend money to save this thing?? What a waste

>> No.63842243

fat fuck

>> No.63843320 [DELETED] 

>american hours
>only pedophiles are left
who would have thought

>> No.63843475
File: 251 KB, 1004x1421, IMG_2716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this

>> No.63843504

very nice

>> No.63843889

wrong. I'm not american

>> No.63844164

jannies are finally doing their job?

>> No.63844258

Yeah, Shondo is not streaming or sleeping right now

>> No.63844290 [DELETED] 
File: 772 KB, 3325x3488, 1681255104251659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should we worry about the brown doxxsite going after her? It seems right now they're just targeting Rev, and anyone who agrees with him or stands up for him, but she doesn't get involved in twitter drama and fucking hates Rev and everything he stands for. I'd figure that'd mean she's not on their radar but apparently her name came up regardless.

>> No.63844670

best thing to do is to ignore and don't bring it up

>> No.63844680

the fuck are they gonna do about her, they're not even good at what they do
iirc they completely missed the incest game creator even if it spooked them

>> No.63844902

it wasn't the wrong account was it shadow

>> No.63844946

are you seriously afraid of "people" who unironically use basedjaks?
they wont find anything that you cant find yourself with a little bit of digging

>> No.63845328

it's best we take the no spoon feeding policy up for a while

>> No.63845473


>> No.63845577

I told you things didn't have to be so serious anymore

>> No.63845587
File: 270 KB, 1343x953, 1701199171706850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so very much.

>> No.63845593

Yeah she's perfect

>> No.63845783

i dont deserve her....

>> No.63845819

correct anon

>> No.63845830

i almost shed a tear while reading this. I love this girl so much it's unreal.

>> No.63845853

I wont allow her to hurt me again

>> No.63845865
File: 627 KB, 613x409, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I didn’t get choked up reading that haha I’m not a pussy :’^)

>> No.63845904

i want her to step on me

>> No.63845925

She evolved into normalfag stacy whore who who wants to get away from the parasocial weirdos, this wife husband thing is now just a fake silly game for her. And still braincontrols her yesmen with just a few tweets
so proud of her

>> No.63845937

shadow I fucking love you so damn much and when i say forever I damn well fucking mean it.

>> No.63845965

OP is a faggot, but at least I love my wife.

>> No.63845971

it was always fake just enjoy having a girl say she loves you, fucking retard

>> No.63845980

>a full wall of text reassuring people that think she will become too normie and leave everyone just because she is being more happy instead of suffering
Shondo stop reading the threads

>> No.63845995

based occultist

>> No.63846021

your own fault for taking this seriously
she's just an entertainer, not your wife.

>> No.63846070

Retromancer just fuck off, you are so pathetic it's not even funny anymore.

>> No.63846103

I don't enjoy being lied to directly on my face

>> No.63846166
File: 135 KB, 1080x1222, 1700964916451725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you happy for your imouto wife, /shon/?

>> No.63846177

Thank you, Shondo. You are the best thing that happened to me in my life.

>> No.63846191

What are you on about

>> No.63846258


>> No.63846269

It wasnt and still isnt fake retard

>> No.63846316

She's not your imouto wife, she's a vtuber, nothing more than a performer

>> No.63846347

Yes and I'm very proud of her.

>> No.63846365

this guy needs to get over his height complex
just a single joke and he turns suicidal what a clown

>> No.63846382

happy and proud

>> No.63846393

lol. it was always fake and now she is even backpedaling on parasocial shit

>> No.63846428


>> No.63846430

Holy shit when did I meet shonders IRL?

>> No.63846447

How is she backpedaling?

>> No.63846473

Very proud

>> No.63846520

"changing how I see you guys for the better" probably means seeing us collectively
it's for the best but I can bet on some shoggers whining that they did a whole bunch of necessary shit to prove their individual devotion for no reward
the thing about that was there was never anything you had to do for her except be there, and she said that exact thing so many times I couldn't count it

>> No.63846551

Why are you replying to low quality bait?

>> No.63846603

yeah but its not backpedaling on parasocial shit. idk what that >>63846393 guy is on about. Did we read different posts?

>> No.63846643

Bait so low in quality, it basically amounts to responding to what she said with "NUH UH, NORMIE WHORE"

>> No.63846663

Sorry, I'm bored. I will stop now

>> No.63846744

spent so long trying to convince her to just treasure whoever's there in the moment and not worry about people naturally leaving
it gives me such a warm feeling to think she finally took that to heart
maybe one day she'll be able to handle loss more broadly

>> No.63846828

I'm not replying to anyone?

>> No.63846856

instead of replying to the bait come jiggy with me

>> No.63846932

we managed to groom her into a ruthless businesswoman

>> No.63846948
File: 8 KB, 1224x1140, IMG_3062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so proud of her, I wish I could give her a high five or a hug or something!! Thank you for all of the good times Shondo!!! There will be many more!!! Fuuuuuuukc I am in love with this girl!!!!

>> No.63847237

It's actually been some months since I have gotten a chance to watch Shadow, what happened with that one game she was going to voice that had "spicy" scenes?

>> No.63847331

what's real is she loves you, what's fake is that she's your real wife who loves you as an individual romantically and will be here forever and that any of her fans will individually be there forever either

>> No.63847361 [DELETED] 
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>> No.63847444

Cancelled, because she felt like she'd regret voicing the lewd stuff eventually.

>> No.63847498

Damn, seems like he's short circuiting

>> No.63847513

I love clicking on a post that shows 16 comments and only 3 load

>> No.63847541

she decided she couldn't do it after all, and the project can't go forward without her so it was scrapped

>> No.63847543

>New ip
>Starts off by sucking cock
wtf is wrong with you

>> No.63847604

he needs a gf

>> No.63847664

butterbeerkegs was onto something

>> No.63847668
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>> No.63847698

dude is fighting his demons, let him work through it.

>> No.63847703

Nice, I know most of her chat was okay with it because you could "mute the male" but the idea that her voice was going to be used to match with a sex scene with some guy around the internet and probably become a super famous moment in her career made me feel weird

>> No.63847788

don’t mention that attention whore here, fag.

>> No.63847839

It's not a fight, it's an open display of embarrassment. It's no different from Baruman hoping she swoops in and gives him some personal teat to suckle on.

>> No.63847856

good one shogga

>> No.63847958

People take the word "improve" too hard, just have a comfy life my dude

>> No.63848082

many have demons they fight too,but many of them keep it to themselves.If you openly talk about this stuff means you'are purposely and knowingly spreading your insecurities and wish to be pitied or something, For a guy who works for security,his really fucking insecure

>> No.63848096

she wasn't wrong at all for saying some of you need to seek a professional and not a twitch streamer
pushing your problems further down the road with anime girl affirmations isn't gonna cut it
that's why you should take that bit of self esteem you feel from the girl who loves you unconditionally and put it towards trying to work past your issues

>> No.63848159

I don't have issued I'm perfect

>> No.63848202

you have spelling issued

>> No.63848233

If it bothers you don’t look at the account moron. Everyone has posted cringe on main before. No one cares.

>> No.63848250

literally all women want is unconditional affection it's disgusting

>> No.63848299

I feel bad for short shoggas. She clearly sees manlets as a laughing matter and would never be romantically attracted to a short male. Best thing you guys should do is not to be retarded like retro and don't out yourself as a manlet. Just lie about your height or don't bring it up.

>> No.63848336
File: 128 KB, 1176x1176, 1684640492920528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having sex with shondo's sleeping child body

>> No.63848369

The problem is that you never stop posting cringe. And can somehow keep posting it no matter how many times your wife has to reassure you that she is just teasing and that she loves you. Baiting her with pity is not the way to go for literally anyone.

>> No.63848434

he can't point with a gun at his height

>> No.63848449

and this is a relationship of mutually staving off loneliness with some mildly delusional affection
the problems came when either party started doing things out of obligation and forgot we're just trying to enjoy each other's company when possible

>> No.63848488

I'm just kms someday anyways, idc that much anymore

>> No.63848560

nobody asks you guys to stalk other fans, and we especially don't ask for you to post their tweets here

>> No.63848562

I’m not him, dickwad

>> No.63848742

yes ideally we're parasocial prostitutes to each other

>> No.63848834

Fallenshadow is, in fact, a woman.

>> No.63848860

The shunny is for everyone. The shunny is free therapy. The shunny is a public servant. This is the will of the shunny

>> No.63848903

more or less, just one prostitute can't leave but has a guaranteed endless stream of other prostitutes at the ready

>> No.63848963

you guys are getting paid???

>> No.63848967
File: 749 KB, 800x1440, IMG_2891.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing that could kill my vibe right now. Huge husband dub. I love her. She loves me. This is sweet.

>> No.63849114
File: 109 KB, 652x837, 1684597789564002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves us almost as much as we love her. She is the greatest of all time!

>> No.63849372

it's not healthy for the permanent prostitute to stalk the infinite stream of prostitutes though

>> No.63849460

I wish she wouldn't do these in the middle of the night so my brain is actually working when I write a reply

>> No.63849462

a reminder that your namedrops on me are never correct :)

>> No.63849535

yeah that's why she stopped

>> No.63849944

now she just needs to get over her favorites and she'll be able to move on

>> No.63850008

I can see her working on that, for as little as that's a real problem vs an imagined one

>> No.63850218

yeah I think she's gotten to the point where she'll be fine as long as she gets attention

>> No.63850344

I imagine a lot of this is just riding off the high of the concert still and she'll end up doubting herself again before long but it still shows the effort she's putting into a sustainable mindset and it's proving that her going out and experiencing things and having a good time only results in her appreciating the time with us more too

>> No.63850631

shoggers and bitch and moan about her getting friends or enjoying time outside but all I'm seeing is a girl finding success, learning to enjoy life again, and finally being on the road to stability after the most tumultuous couple years of her recent life
that makes me happier than the 10000th obligatory kiss or having my ego stroked

>> No.63850656

Every streamer has people they know more than others. It's the most normal and human thing there is. What you want is for her to artificially pretend like that's not the case so as to not hurt your feelings. I'm not a "favourite" btw

>> No.63850707

Man I'm happy for Shadow and happy for you guys but I can't do this shit anymore.
I'm the schizo from that cringe ass longpost a few threads ago, probably with another cringe ass post but hopefully I manage to keep this one short
Just watching her is mostly fine I guess, but those tweets and /here/ fuck me up good. Every time she leans on the parasocial stuff it hurts my mental stability ever so slightly. I also spend hours watching her... Hours I can't afford to spend. They pass by like minutes, it's unbelievable.
She also reminds me too much of a incredibly mentally ill girl I fell in love and had a relationship with. You guys wouldn't believe how much they are alike and how much shit I've been through.
This is a personal problem, she can't do anything about it, only I can do what's within my hands to control it.
The worst part is I'm a well adjusted person, or at least I pretend damn well to be, but shondo makes me go insane (in a good way) and it's unhealthy for someone who I don't even know to have this much power over me
I envy you guys and I wish for the best for all of you and Shadow.

>> No.63850849

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.63851042

nah if you have money and mental stability you'll definitely prefer in person interaction more than talking to a faceless hivemind. Especially if she has kids.

>> No.63851094

I must cross over the border and scour the midlands for this girl

>> No.63851104
File: 19 KB, 600x350, IMG_2644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe there's a day when i'm just a fading memory or someone you remember now and again, but you will always be in my heart, and i hope i can have a little of yours too
this fucking got me.

>> No.63851144

you need a gf
I'm in the same boat

>> No.63851425

The favorite thing is overblown imo, but admittedly her personality is one that clings to familiarity. I don't think people would care too much if they were new and got an interaction basically by raffle though. People don't start brainworming about interaction being "genuine" until the honeymoon's over. But you don't really hook any new honeymooners without interacting with them. Maybe the collective attention is still enough for people though. At the very least they won't get entitled if they're only used to receiving the same affection as everyone else.

>> No.63851443

i will intervene :)

>> No.63851868

I am but a Pictish Warrior on his quest for an Anglo maiden

>> No.63851946

She's not worth it, she's like a wholesome stripper. Have some self respect.

>> No.63852229

hadrian's wall. see you there if you attempt :)

>> No.63852308

how long would it take to knock on every door in ingerland and ask if shondo is home

>> No.63852692

well we can remove souf FC from the equation but that still leaves about 24 mil people in the midlands and norf we need to sort through.
A small task if every shogger chips in.

>> No.63852713

You're already married, just accept that she's your great little sister wife who's always supportive about getting better and being happy

>> No.63852839

>and had a relationship with
Manwhore alert.

>> No.63852843

What if shadowmama lies and says no

>> No.63852922

i would recognize her cute accent

>> No.63852945

I read that thread and you are way too sensible today. Who would have thought her well-being and thoughts in the right direction would have a positive effect on yours. It's even hard to fathom that not so long ago so many were screaming they were getting too little parasocial and gf experience. Alts were a mistake.

>> No.63853319

I could never forget her. she's the only girl that treated me nicely

>> No.63853588

if you think of her as a stripper it's easy to appreciate how ridiculous this all is

>> No.63853958

shondo is like falling in love the stripper but the stripper actually does love you but she loves you in some detached and abstract way in which she loves all of her clients and she'll probably get upset if you don't reciprocate but she'll also get hurt if you reciprocate but want to marry a non-prostitute someday and honestly she can live with getting hurt but you'd rather she didn't because you do appreciate being loved in some form

>> No.63854116

I... love my stripper wife?

>> No.63854215

If she's a stripper, when will she start stripping? I demand cunny pics NOW

>> No.63854294

I understand what you are trying to convey, but at the same time, i have no clue what youre saying

>> No.63854953

the stripper only wants your attention, she rewards you for it. One of you will eventually have a kid by accident then you'll think of each other in passing. Making a meal for your son in the middle of the night you see some pickles and think "I can't remember if Shondo liked pickles.." then go back to your family life

>> No.63854972

shondo's just a thing that falls apart when you try to put her in words

>> No.63855331

she is genuinely a wholesome whore

>> No.63855542

man that's funny to think about
how long after I move on would she think about me?
she hardly knows that much about me, but maybe there's something she'll have latched onto regardless
I think it's enough for me though if she just remembers the big events I was also there for
she may not remember I was there but it's nice thinking I was a part of something she'll think back on

>> No.63855817
File: 2.24 MB, 1920x1135, IMG_3009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those tweets were so nice I keep reading and rereading and smiling :) gn I hope you sleep good

>> No.63855978

A clingy prostitute who has gotten her ass smacked and matured after 3 years on the job. Besides the devotees and oldfags, the amount of intimacy she has come to, calibrated, suits the vast majority. She's much nicer and more caring than most of the other prostitutes on the internet even if she cuts off half of what's flowing now.

>> No.63856318

You hurt yourself by creating a false reality narrative that is dictated by a fictional /shon/ where everything isn't a shitpost or bait, and instead everything that the insecure say is true, any normal person could, at this point, tell how retarded that is
Your little sister wife is always happy to see you improve your life
You're so clearly baiting not even i am falling for it, i feel for the people that still fall for it though

>> No.63856323

she's a clingy prostitute yes

>> No.63856617

I think once the honeymoon was over and after recalibrating from the changes due to her growth I'm fine with how things are, knowing it's better for her stability and the majority of viewers. I'd love to have everything I type read again but what can you do, go back in time?

>> No.63856749

>You're so clearly baiting not even i am falling for it, i feel for the people that still fall for it though

I mean she is a Stacy but normal people learn to just let women lie and don't take it personally.

>> No.63857073

secondly affirmation: I will impregnate shondo

>> No.63857302

I don't want to imagine pregnant hormonal shondo or post partum shondo

>> No.63857439

don't worry I can handle her

>> No.63857736
File: 86 KB, 885x885, 1694759279207043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling my wife a stripper and a prostitute. Thank you very much.

>> No.63857835

she would be a mere whore if you didn't pay her

>> No.63858184

Getting less and not assuming I can influence things with a slim chance of accomplishment helped me chill out. It's like there's no more nervous chase. OCD and obsessive thoughts are not good friends with hopeful internet experiences.

>> No.63858284

she gives kisses for money

>> No.63858696
File: 153 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_2717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife loves me :)

>> No.63859030

she loves everyone

>> No.63859251

I'm not really liking her new tactics
>talks about cuck scenario with tall men
>sorry guys I've been getting bullied please understand

>Insults men for things they can't change
>guys I love you so much lets be our best selves and put dumb and hurtful thoughts behind us

>> No.63859252

and that's a good thing, yes

>> No.63859347

retro please...leave the thread

>> No.63859370

sorry to break this to you pal but she loves me more. how do I know this? uhhhhh

>> No.63859559

Retro you unironically need to either get a real girlfriend, take a break or gamersupps yourself like Roli/Digi.
For your own sake. It's funny sometimes to make fun of you but still if this is your takeaway after today you are too far gone and absorbing too much shit here.

>> No.63859571

not retro but just can't get over how she keeps asserting her physical preferences for men when she said that it was more emotional for men and more physical for women

>> No.63859665
File: 477 KB, 1000x1000, 1691403502774194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Come in. Have a seat.

>> No.63859827

You can take away that she's wanting to change for the better, but anyone can type and say that.
It's her actions that have to follow that will determine if she's really becoming a better person, and I hope to god that her best self isn't one that mocks men for their insecurities.

>> No.63860089

She is not a stacy for going outside once or twice y'know?
The people /here/ really are something else, huh?
I've personally dealt with the same problem, despite not being necessarily mentally ill, staying and reading posts on /shon/ has made me feel like shit more than anything else I've ever experienced-- at times wishing i never discovered the thread, however, over the past few days I've come to accept the insanity that staying here brings you, I've also learned that /shon/ severely over inflates the situation and a lack of context can severely fuck someone up if you aren't mentally capable of taking a beating on the level of the fuckers who type shit like that, it's true that it's for the best that you stay off /shon/, but you shouldn't leave shondo merely because of what you now may believe about her due to /shon/'s influence, you can leave if you think it's the right thing to do, but if you're going to regret leaving shondo and come back not only her streams but also /here/ then i' d rather you don't put yourself in the situation to begin with.
Shondo's latest thread of tweets obviously point at her getting rid of negative influences on her from the wrong people in the community, i think you should do the same as her, if the threads on 4chan are what make you fucked up then simply distance yourself from these threads
Hopefully you're still /here/ to read this(and hopefully i didn't wander off topic too much)
It's fine to do whatever you think is right, merely suggesting and giving my views on the matter, if you like, you could email me about your issue in more detail over email
Shonchologist (google email address)
That should apply to everyone /here/, but please don't use some obscure fucked email address, cos what the fuck is tutamail

>> No.63860139

I hope she continues to filter out these menheraniggers. WE do not want you here anymore. You're nothing but a leech.

>> No.63860200

gamersupps yourselves IMMEDIATELY (use code "SHONDO" for 10%)

>> No.63860204

she is fucking basketball players but she also loves you, she just chooses to spend more time with people that have money. If you can't approve of her whore nature you should just leave.

>> No.63860216


>> No.63860320
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you guys are funny

>> No.63860327
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>> No.63860330

how tall is retromancer, i'm worried about myself now

>> No.63860345

We (me and my wife)
You forever highschool faggots are finished

>> No.63860369

I want them here and i want them to get better

>> No.63860383

Sometimes I wonder how many cum tributes she has seen of herself, if any. I know someone here is deranged enough to do it.

>> No.63860394

your wife is a literal forever primary school faggot

>> No.63860431

137cm if you know what i mean

>> No.63860432
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>> No.63860469

I hope he isn't because if so I' want to fuck him

>> No.63860476

There's a difference. She's a cute woman and you're a grown fucking man in his high 20s with 0 accolades. Kill yourself

>> No.63860502


>> No.63860525
File: 47 KB, 525x465, 1695420136004969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid bitch is always copying me

>> No.63860530
File: 103 KB, 756x983, 1671539413440375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bit rewd innit, mate?

>> No.63860548

if she ever opens her DMs again she's getting the jar

>> No.63860573

Dont worry shes about to give you a good time

>> No.63860614

this post sounds like it was written by an underaged person

>> No.63860729

doesnt change that he's right

>> No.63860803

he writes kinda insecure to be honest

>> No.63860997

This would all be solved if you don't get overly emotionally attached to her, just tell her you love her and reap the benefits of her affection, then once she does something that angers you, just go to your side hoe instead. cheat on her to get back at her and get even more affection from someone that's not nearly as cute, but at least doesn't suffer from retardation and have a horrible personality

>> No.63861198

why are you even watching her?

>> No.63861247

because of her cute voice and that she's my wife of course

>> No.63861339

She's the cutest girl I know, she just doesn't have a brain of someone I want to deal with

>> No.63861422


>> No.63861560

this is what I'm saying, just lie to her and cheat on her. She's doing the same.

>> No.63861610
File: 33 KB, 643x260, 1683142081147058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funniest shit, nearly spat out my coffee.

>> No.63861665

she must've been speechless for at least a good 5 seconds

>> No.63861855

All he needs to do is donate 100 bits saying "pop off wifey, I love it when you mock people for something they can't change"
She'll realize her hypocrisy and whatever her response is will be golden

>> No.63861975

I want them to improve themselves out of general human compassion not because I want them around
them leaving would be just as well but I'd feel sorry for them

>> No.63861979

why you don't do it yourself?

>> No.63861999

It's one of those moments where you'd wonder if he either had nothing better to say but felt the need to say something, or if he's annoyed that you're pouring your heart out. If it's the latter then he should just unfollow her alt at this point.

>> No.63862023

Because I'm not short so it'll feel like I'm actually agreeing with her

>> No.63862054

too far, just love in her in the same distant way she loves you, and then leave for good if you ever feel like you're genuinely done with her or you found someone else

>> No.63862076

nope he's mocking her for doing the same as her schizos in her marshmallows. equating the emotional abuse they're doing to her to what she's doing to him.

>> No.63862084

leaving this false wife stripper community for a true family is GOOD

>> No.63862118

after that conversation yesterday I really don't want her to start thinking it's actually "going too far" to joke about any form of physical appearance

>> No.63862199

If Retromancer genuinely feels this way then from his point of view this is like domestic abuse, maybe he should divorce.

>> No.63862207

yeah but most of you are just gonna leave her for another stripper before you get a chance at that
she'd probably be understanding if a little hurt/conflicted if she found out it was just for a real girl that you were serious about

>> No.63862217

It wouldn't, in fact she would take it more seriously because it wasn't a manlet that typed it.

>> No.63862228

well not any, people still joke about ugly bastards and stuff completely fine, that's not too far.
don't call her fat though, can't joke about that.

>> No.63862283

she has an eating disorder, come on
you could tease her about being flat or (supposedly) short just fine

>> No.63862351

yeah and short people have manlet disorder lmao
body dysmorphia is unisex

>> No.63862426

Not sure if you're new here, but there's no divorcing here, we don't take that kindly

>> No.63862459
File: 55 KB, 646x433, 1698906755538157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can our resident Shonchologist reach out to this faggot? He's a gun nut, I don't want a shogger shooting up a school or something.

>> No.63862478

she'd bitch about you in private if you left her for a real girl but she'd forget eventually

>> No.63862496

anorexia is more than just the body dysmorphia and making jokes about her weight could make her relapse into self harming behavior
manlets just whine on twitter

>> No.63862504

he honestly should, it's the american way and shondo will be the first vtuber that inspires a school shooting. kinda based.

>> No.63862509

My beautiful wife who I love very much!

>> No.63862565
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>> No.63862572

true, there's no relapsing from being a manlet because it's a constant state of humiliation with no way of changing

>> No.63862596

it's a monumental moment in shonstory and you all want to stalk men's twitters

>> No.63862668

I didn't know you were hanging yourself each time you were made self conscious

>> No.63862671

he's beyond help. He knows she's selling a delusion but doesn't want to confront the fact he's essentially fallen in love with a stripper. He also thinks peak happiness is some half-assed recognition from an internet whore. Too far gone.

>> No.63862711

It's surprisingly easy when you're short

>> No.63862805

part of the yandere wife experience is she lowers your self esteem so you won't leave her

>> No.63862857

Shondo dropped the yandere shtick ages ago.

>> No.63862863

we need to lower her self esteem so she doesn't leave us too, her ego has been getting too big and her confidence too high lately. she hardly has a problem going outdoors now

>> No.63862934

That's why she had to go to the concert, doctor and ship merch all in 24 hours. Because she loves it outside. Clearly.

>> No.63862946

I only want her ego lowered when it comes to singing so she quits adding vibrato

>> No.63862962

it's an act, shondo fucks on the regular she just doesn't want to rub it in people's faces. She fucks AND doesn't want some of you to rope

>> No.63862972

>had to
is a strong word
she wanted to go to the concert, forced to go to the doctor by shadowmama, and needed to ship the merch

>> No.63862995

I would probably kill myself too if I was short

>> No.63863006

its reverb

>> No.63863054

no the tryhard vocal styling from the girl who still can't hold a tune

>> No.63863059

give it a rest already karaokeschizo, she WILL keep adding vibrato and she WILL continue to improve

>> No.63863135

Why was she forced to schedule the doctor visit and concert the same day if she's such a normie? She could've done it a few days earlier.

>> No.63863143

you act like I wouldn't like her improving, I just find vibrato annoying
she'd sound much better than she used to without it

>> No.63863231

you should check out her twitter and watch streams more often.
but here's your spoon, shadowmama forced her to go to the doctor while she's out in return for taking care of otis for the 2 days she'll be out of the house. reminder that shadowmama has just gotten a new job.

>> No.63863241

Okay I'll tell her to stop doing vibrato. Any other complaints?

>> No.63863285

tell her not to sing mr brightside anymore

>> No.63863287

her pussy is too tight so tell her to loosen it a bit with a speculum or something idk

>> No.63863388
File: 53 KB, 567x554, 1670997247110936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever just feel like

>> No.63863409

Mr Otis please tell her that collabs are gay.

>> No.63863412

You can make fun of her younger fat self. She had a good tummy laugh when I called her a big chungus. There are times she's clearly looking to have you laugh along with her, even if its as something sensitive as the fat stuff.

>> No.63863442

is there any good that could come from her being open about having a boyfriend and a friend group in real life? better for her to simply not mention friends

>> No.63863462

fuck you that’s a great song she should sing it more.

>> No.63863471

I'm going to get her to sing a manlet hating version of Mr Brightside, dedicated to (You)

>> No.63863474

you can also make fun of younger short people, they're even shorter when they're kids.

>> No.63863593

do you vibe with that song?

>> No.63863666

There’s no way people are this ass-blasted about a short joke. If you’re a manlet just fucking own it. Get in good shape. Wear thick sole shoes or something. Have a good sense of humor. Get varied interests. The issue isn’t that you’re short it’s that you’re a fucking pussy.

>> No.63863725
File: 257 KB, 1920x1080, 1671457773197422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking at saved images
>notice she wore ribbons on the wrong arm
Dumb wife

>> No.63863761

yeah honestly, same with the cuck jokes
sometimes you just got to admit to it and own it. once you know that you're a cuck, nobody can hurt you by calling you that. become a fearless cuck!

>> No.63863780

You can change your weight though. And she did, regardless of how. Clearly she’s happier now with her body enough to laugh at herself. Height isn’t really something you can change.

>> No.63863802
File: 684 KB, 811x644, 1680387497501370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hail satan

>> No.63863812

Don't listen to this shogga. If you're short it's already over not matter how much effort you put in improving yourself. Your height will always be the first thing people notice and they will always respect you less because of it. It's unironically over for you.

>> No.63863831

It bangs, yeah.

>> No.63863832

You can wear some fuckin platformer shoes manlet

>> No.63863835

Manlets are very spiteful, there's like three of them and at least one really wants to hurt her emotionally.
Nah, it's over if you're under 5'10. Besides if you take this relationship seriously I don't see why you'd try to better yourself for other women.

>> No.63863867
File: 773 KB, 683x1005, 1683768706973545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will share with them the secrets of the forge

>> No.63863870

it's kinda funny she knows that being a ugly fat woman means that everyone treats you differently and she got bullied because of it, and even saw the change of attitude everyone had once she became thin, but doesn't realize the same applies for short men, except there's no coming back from that.

>> No.63863894

harsh but true
you had one less thing handed to you in life, be a man and make up the difference with effort
you don't want the type of girl who dismisses you on looks anyway (unless they're dismissing you because you don't even put the minimal effort into grooming yourself)

>> No.63863920

NTA but damn shonchologist your advice is bad
I realize you’re well meaning but you wrote a bunch of nothing
I don’t know where you got your Shonchology degree but I’d get a refund

>> No.63863933

probably looked at her model imagining it was a mirror

>> No.63863935

>doesn't realize the same applies for short men
Intellectually she realizes it, she just can't relate or empathize with men unless maybe if FT goes through the same thing. If FT was a manlet maybe she'd be more considered towards you guys.

>> No.63863957
File: 142 KB, 867x921, 1688366791854594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, they just need to grow up

>> No.63863972

for a supposed empath she's really bad at relating to other people's emotional states

>> No.63864002

nah she'd do the same "he just won't open to me I'd better call him a baby again see if that helps"

>> No.63864008

what was the joke she made about short people again? I have short term memory and forgot already

>> No.63864034

She didn’t even make the joke, she laughed at someone else’s.

>> No.63864070

>small feet? he must be a manlet. is that why he's killing women? I guess we found our motive
lots of laughter in between too, even had a good 5 seconds where she couldn't breathe while laughing

>> No.63864073

Reminder that the only manlet related thing that happened last stream was some bitch calling Cole a 'little man' and wifey feeling insulted because she was self-inserting as him.

>> No.63864115

she makes fun of short men at literally every given opportunity. stop being disingenuous. short men can't take as much pressure because their vessels are smaller, so the steam needs to be let out more often.

>> No.63864121

nobody realizes it but you don't have to be the absolute perfect person your partner could possibly get based on their superficial tastes
of course most of you aren't really bringing anything else to the table but what's it matter she already "married" you so quit anguishing about how you could be ... more married to her?

>> No.63864141

nah man don't rewrite history to defend her, defend all of her.

>> No.63864149

>at literally every given opportunity
Timestamps or GTFO manlet.

>> No.63864164

exactly, next time she calls you a manlet make fun of her for being married to one

>> No.63864193

>white knights don't watch the streams
Of course.

>> No.63864206

can't emphasize enough and she's said it no lie like hundreds of times already, you don't have to change shit about yourself, even though many of you should

>> No.63864208

same, as long as she's accepting of you- oh wait, she isn't lmao
actively mocking someone for it isn't the same as accepting your partner for not being perfect

>> No.63864279

wifey committing microaggressions

>> No.63864289

To add to the Manlet Question
You guys need to realize something. Even if she stopped making short jokes, that would just be her holding back. Lying, if you will.
Today it wasn’t even her making the joke, someone made a short joke in the chat and she laughed her ass off.
You won’t change her. She will not start finding short men attractive just because it hurts your feelings.
Is she a hypocrite? Yes. In the end, despite what you may like her for, she’s still a woman.
I’m a manlet myself, I don’t really mind the jokes though the hypocrisy sure bothers me. If I were to be offended I’d just leave and look for another streamer instead of trying to change her or make her lie. You CAN try to get her to realize short jokes hurt a lot of her viewers, but good luck trying to teach sympathy to a woman. Remember, she used us as a support network for her anxieties but she will never do the same or be considerate.

>> No.63864320

If she ever made fun of me for being short I would just push her down because I am stronger than her.

>> No.63864322

just read her thread. it's interesting how stuck in her own head she is. not a single reflection about how she's treating her viewers.

>> No.63864361


>> No.63864373

even better
>"I'm a manlet you're a tall loli, we have that perfect yin yang thing going on syadouLove"

>> No.63864374

she'll never acknowledge it
because anyone that goes against her is a schizo anti, unfortunately it's just how she thinks, she'll never correct herself because right now she's already at her peak in her mind.

>> No.63864420

the manlet army is strong today...

>> No.63864486

why are there so many short men that watch her?

>> No.63864517

not really, I'm 6'1 but I had my growth spurt late, so I empathize with the others.
got bullied when I was younger but now I just have to stand by a girl and she starts to get flustered.
life just isn't fair.

>> No.63864534

she is being very shortsighted with these jokes. she used to stand tall when it came to making this a safe space. i think my love for her was short-lived, clearly she doesn't care and her ego is soaring to new heights.

>> No.63864620

You know when you type in someones chat for the first time and the rules pop out?
She didnt write 'Must be 6ft+ to participate'
So a lot of people get confused

>> No.63864628

It’s fine to not match her preferences 100% but for her to trigger your body dismiorphia has gotta hurt. Especially considering she has it herself. If someone called her fat or policed her eating she would probably take it worse.

>> No.63864637

to be serious for a moment, for me it's about the fact that she dishes it but can't take it herself that makes me seethe. talk about her age or height and she'll have LITERAL stream-ending meltdowns but she's sitting there stream after stream making fun of people for their height or age. it's just very gay. she doesn't have any self-awareness whatsoever.

>> No.63864639

holy shit

>> No.63864695

that's my main problem too, but she's hypocritical about a lot of other things too, it's just sad when she conflicts herself with so much of what she does

>> No.63864719

Someone please just do this next stream. She needs to be knocked down a peg.

>> No.63864722

I'm 184cm tall but I feel very sympathetic towards manlets, the game was rigged against them from the start. Virtually none of my short friends managed to get a gf in high school.

>> No.63864724

good one

>> No.63864736

She ended that talk about how she was bullies by justifying it with "sometimes people need someone to bully", so you can't call her a hypocrite for also doing it

>> No.63864737

>to be serious
If this is serious I don't want to see what trolling is.

>> No.63864739

all of you should just leave

>> No.63864802

she has to be aware of what she's doing right?
she specifically used height to do a cuck "joke" so she at least knows at some level of her consciousness that it bothers people, but still does it anyways

>> No.63864836


>> No.63864847

Whats really fucked up is that shes racist and you dont see people defending owlbyte

>> No.63864853

She is but she doesn't take manlets seriously so why bother?

>> No.63864871

I don't remember the last time she told black men to burn on a cross

>> No.63864885

Yes, she knows that tall and rich men are perceived by the average woman to be more attractive. Congrats.

>> No.63864888

this thread is NOT nise

>> No.63864905

>he doesnt watch the secret Kool Kids Klub streams

>> No.63864927

she probably dislikes manlets more than blacks and he's tall

>> No.63864933

not the average woman, she placed herself in the middle of that cuck joke.

>> No.63864935

Go the fuck to sleep, Shondo. I'm not done bullying Santa's little elves. You want your presents this year, right?

>> No.63864947

she makes fun of my height
I make fun of her nose
she ropes
I stay short
everyone loses

>> No.63864978

Then say that you're 7 feet tall and see if she gives you more attention from now on.

>> No.63864997

not really, she put 8ft men in that cuck scenario.

>> No.63865023

Then say that you're 10 feet tall and see if she gives you more attention from now on.

>> No.63865028

be nise or you wont get toes >:3

>> No.63865066

I want to see her go a week without meds
Just for curiosity’s sake, to see how it turns out

>> No.63865080
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>> No.63865095

I hope she continues to make fun of manlets. I have a good laugh every time she does. Reminder that if you're less than 5'9 you're not a man.

>> No.63865116

this thread would have a meltdown again all of the newfags would cry

>> No.63865143

lol, lmao even
Good luck getting a date as a 5'9 guy you manlet.

>> No.63865150

she let out an incredibly heartfelt stream of tweets at 3am saying that she’s doing better and she loves me and you expect me to be upset? Are you crazy?
>You have always been there, I just didn’t always appreciate it. Thank you!
That’s the closest thing I’ve ever heard a woman say to “sorry I took you for granted.” She’s so based.

>> No.63865154

the cut off happens to be 6'2 actually

>> No.63865168

I am a man of twelve feet tall
I tower like a giant
In a world that is defiant of my height

>> No.63865167

Bratty, youre not even 6ft, youre not a man either you fucking manlet lmao

>> No.63865177

it would be like heroin withdrawal and she'd need to be hospitalized because her body is addicted. she'd probably have a seizure. she cant stop a dose like that cold turkey she would have to taper off.

>> No.63865198

She asked me to be nice so I'm being generous, idiots. I'm 6'2

>> No.63865203

A reminder that during the first time we had a manlet arc and there was manlets seething in her twitter replies, the next day she was singing the Diggy Diggy Hole chorus during stream. And before this, she has never once talked about that song or sang it.

>> No.63865223

huh? get my dick out of your mouth already

>> No.63865232

Damn imagine if she recorded it

>> No.63865306

I love my bully wife

>> No.63865346

being a dwarf is actually being the perfect partner for her, together we can both dig for gold!

>> No.63865373
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>he's under 40cm
There there, your wife still loves you.

>> No.63865417

she disagrees

>> No.63865456

tell me there's context to this

>> No.63865483

The context is someone admitting to being a dwarf.

>> No.63865539

Her crusader kings custom character was an ugly dwarf and he made the queen or whatever a cursed looking loli and said this while creating him.

>> No.63865543

the guns are for overcompensating his manletness
maybe she should cum inside one to feel better idk

>> No.63865554

If I'm going to be honest here, she sounds like a fucking slag if the only thing you've heard about her was this.

>> No.63865562

Please stop being mean you’re hurting my feelings.

>> No.63865613

its just the usual i will be good girl uwu larp though. She will immediately forget about it and keep talking shit as usual next stream

>> No.63865618
File: 112 KB, 842x883, 1692451810601494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im sowy manletbro :(

>> No.63865642

I dont understand what led zoomers to become so overly preoccupied with height. When I was in school no one ever got bullied for their height and there were several very short guys who were popular with all the girls. Feels like an entire generation got brainwashed with the help of twitter and now even adults act like highschoolers when the topic of height comes up. Very strange especially considering all the body positivity crap that goes along with the time.

>> No.63865676

she's the average woman, yes.

>> No.63865705

>I dont understand what led zoomers to become so overly preoccupied with height
Online dating going mainstream, manlets realized that they have no chance with 98% of women no matter how buff they get.

>> No.63865714

it's a incel thing

>> No.63865900

it began around 1-2 decades ago, when dating apps sprung up, and height became one of the things you could filter suitors by.
the famous term 666, 6 figures, 6 inches, and 6 ft became very popular amongst girls and normies basically treat it as gospel now.
if you don't believe it, there's also a documentary about some guy who suffers gigantism who had a normal height sitting down, and his pointers to always getting girls was to sit down when girls first approach him, then when things were going south and the conversation wasn't hitting off, he'd stand up and immediately see a change in their demeanour and that's how he scores girls

>> No.63865931
File: 46 KB, 500x500, 1677949185561275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my silly bully wife that bullies midgets with her, fondle and kiss Nina and ogle women like the objects that they are. I love my ryona-thoughts inducing wife that'd let me correct her for getting out of line. I love my pseudo-horny wife that takes an interest in learning how to excite me without making it uncomfortable for herself. I love my edgy britbong wife that knows how to make me laugh with her brainrotted witty humor. I fucking LOVE my sexy imouto daughter wife and all her flaws and imperfections.

>> No.63865987
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She's perfect.

>> No.63866042

The perfect emotional manipulator

>> No.63866046
File: 39 KB, 480x408, 1674174615406862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We were so back yesterday
Well at the very least we got that out of our systems right? So dont dwell on this too much, yeah shes a superficial height whore but that aside shes still an awesome sauce person
Maybe we can even do this again next time she openly mocks the people that love and support her, so like, next week
I for one am out this cunt of a thread, gn my shoggas

>> No.63866057
File: 112 KB, 591x485, RICHARDLOCKEDON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put that in her fucking email you fucking schizo NIGGER

>> No.63866119
File: 3.34 MB, 606x499, 1691697650224676.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love my wife

>> No.63866165
File: 1.29 MB, 2150x2508, 1673357118364285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but fr tho manlets are failed men and should get bullied into going femboy
there's not enough femboys out there
femboys can earn a lot of money with some butt pics just sayin
it's for their own good you know? I care deeply about manlets

>> No.63866215

I'm starting to realize why so many people leave her

>> No.63866374
File: 17 KB, 607x133, Retromanlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My body dysmorphia is at an all time high
Well we know his stature isn't kek

>> No.63866422

they can’t handle the banter ITT

>> No.63866426

Toxic women deserve toxic men like you

>> No.63866430

I'm comfortable with my height. Her remarks dont bother me personally but seeing her bully anyone tarnishes her image for me a bit. I think what she said today was pretty mild though /shon/ isnt helping. Shes otherwise very nice. Bullies are whores and deserve to be beaten used and tossed away. She should know this. Dont be that girl shondo.

>> No.63866436

>body dysmorphia
Isn't that what trannies have?

>> No.63866484

That’s gender dysphoria

>> No.63866486

By banter you mean one sided mockery about how their wife doesn't love them?

>> No.63866514
File: 11 KB, 191x197, shondos_basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're damn right my wife deserves me.

>> No.63866517

dysmorphia would be if you felt youre too short even though your like 6' already

>> No.63866521

It's what your wife has

>> No.63866540

Would I be allowed to be a husband if I was racist? (I am)

>> No.63866569

Hating brits would be xenophobic, not racist

>> No.63866570

She's based for this, dwarfs should be into mommies not lolies.

>> No.63866616

yeah lets called it "banter", sure lol

>> No.63866621

depends on whether you can contain your racism out of her twitch and discord

>> No.63866623

It's so obvious when dewd wakes up

>> No.63866632


>> No.63866650

Shut the fuck up Fleece. Go to bed, you've been tip-toeing the line between being reformed lately.

>> No.63866770

aops don't know their own language lmao

>> No.63866836 [DELETED] 

Shondo clearly prefers BBC (big black cocks) over SMC (short male cocks) she made that quite apparent tonight with her tweets.

>> No.63866847

My older sister is 183 cm tall, which is way above the average male height where we live (I'm 175 myself), so she tends to end up with boyfriends who are way shorter than her, and yet she doesn't seem to mind it.
Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.63866875


>> No.63866915
File: 201 KB, 898x1200, 1684465549053394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's how I'm gonna help manlet bros, the next time she says anything about height I will go
>manlets BTFO
>gatekeep manlets
>manlets get out
in the hope that she'll tell me to be nise and then show kindness towards manlets.

>> No.63866974

you also have a tall onee-san? based

>> No.63866976

this works, unironically. i am a chronic doubter and shondo shows me empathy because of all the DOUBTERS OUT oppression

>> No.63866984

Honestly, I appreciate it.

>> No.63867076

fleece please just shut the fuck up

>> No.63867104

He's not wrong.

>> No.63867130

it IS banter what the fuck is your point

>> No.63867148

I'll do it, but unironically. She'll agree with me and will keep making fun of manlets.

>> No.63867169

Shondo's preferences in men are not banter, she's just telling manlets indirectly that they're not good enough for her.

>> No.63867250

god i really wish some of had piror expierience with menteally ill girls... what she is doing is so tame

>> No.63867255

It would be really funny if all the clips of her making fun of manlets gets brought up to the twitter audience, because there is a shit ton of them. And it would be really funny to see how she defends herself with "it's just a joke, I just like making fun of short men" and how that'll play out

>> No.63867298

What are you on about? Why would people that don't watch her content give a shit?

>> No.63867310

I’m 5’4 and wear a size 7.5 shoe but Shondo will never know that.

>> No.63867330

remember guy: newfags arent the problem

>> No.63867332

How new are you, be honest

>> No.63867374

how would shondo feel about ageplay during sex?

>> No.63867380

no, how new are you?

>> No.63867404

She is always ageplaying.

>> No.63867419

DDLG seems like her thing

>> No.63867446

From your post, you're at most a 4 months sub

>> No.63867503

i'm just shitposting i wasn't the anon you replied to

>> No.63867535

You're doing a really poor job

>> No.63867568

And from your posts you have an IQ of at most 95. What's your point retard? She's not going to be cancelled by manlets.

>> No.63867587

I’m sure shondo goes through these threads. If she goes through this one, I hope that the comments ITT make her ponder a bit on her stances. She doesn’t need to start liking short people but she could try to be a bit more considerate. People don’t watch her to be mocked.

>> No.63867661

i feel like she wouldnt approve if you said her XX y/o cunny during

>> No.63867711

ageplay is likely the only way you could actually get her to have sex.
