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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63801988 No.63801988 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder of the pecking order here

Queen Pekora=Captain Marine=Protagonist Miko>the rest of first army>Sora>the rest of HoloJP>Ui rape>Emperor>King>Prince Kanae>General Toya>Fuwa>Salami>Mito>Siro>Karubi>The rest of NijiJP=VSPO>Neo-porte>774 inc>Noripro>HolostarsJP>Dot Live>smaller JP corps=Jp indies >>>>>>>>>EN vtubers

>> No.63802500

You know this came from /#/ because they know nothing about vtubers outside Hololive.

>> No.63803424


>> No.63803932


>> No.63804459

Would probably bump vspo a few spots higher, but the rest is good

>> No.63804500

t. never read a single /#/chad thread.

>> No.63804586
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>> No.63804613

Here’s my thoughts:
OP = faggot

>> No.63804762

my oshi > the rest >>>>>> you're oshi

>> No.63804815

I used to be a numbernigger back in the day before coming to my senses. This isn't a numberchad pecking order, a true numberchad would know their shit.
Care to break this pecking order down for me? Should be easy if you're not a numbernigger.

>> No.63805252

you will never be japanese

>> No.63805269

Thanks, I prefer it that way

>> No.63807992 [DELETED] 


>> No.63808217


>> No.63808475
File: 748 KB, 1186x678, ProtagMiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63808747

he literally lists other vtubers.

>> No.63808800

I dont watch vtubers but I like that marine is 2nd

>> No.63808810

no, Marine is way better than Miko.

>> No.63808922

This isn't Nijisanji, there is no hierarchy in Hololive.

>> No.63809039

At their current trajectory, HoloEN will surpass HoloJP.

>> No.63809842

And their placement is all over the place because numberfags don't know shit.

>> No.63810765

would you enlighten us a better ranking then?

>> No.63810814

the only logical post ITT

>> No.63810997

No. You have your fancy numberfag sites for that. Learn how to use them.

>> No.63811068

that just mean you're the filthy numberfag yourself
I consider legacy and importance as well

>> No.63811229
File: 300 KB, 379x454, 1676788667681959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Queen Pekora=Captain Ma-
Didn't read past that

>> No.63812405

"I learned like 10 Japanese phrases and now I watch JP streams only, smiling and nodding like a literal retard pretending I know what they're saying. All so I can pretend to be a "cool" and "superior" hipster who likes JP vtubers only." Dime a dozen bro.

>> No.63813073

> Emperor>King
I'll fight you to death on this hill, ShibuHal leeches Kuzuha and not the other way around

>> No.63815307

>I consider legacy and importance as well
Clearly you don't. According to the ranking, Ponpoko, Peanuts-kun, Tenkai Tsukasa, Natori Sana, GatchmanV and many others are only above EN trash. And that's only one example of why the ranking is retarded.

>> No.63816606

>Queen Pekora=Captain Marine=Protagonist Miko?

Miko is literally an inferior version of Pekora, how can they be the same?

>> No.63817929

You're plain obvious Marineschizo

>> No.63818160
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i love my pure wife

>> No.63819105


>> No.63820170

Sorry, but Miko is a certified hololive ambassador and Tokyo ambassador, even Yagoo said she is hololive's protagonist. Miko >>> Marine & Pekora

>> No.63820908

odetto joy

>> No.63821410
File: 764 KB, 721x488, Council of indies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not my list but they have this on the JP numbers thread as well

*Current council of JP indies*
For EOPs:
>Shigure Ui
>Suo Patra
>Tenkai Tsukasa
>Akami Karubi
>Virtual Gorilla

honorable mentions:
>virtual obaachan
>Nito ch
>Amakami Konomi
>Macoto ASMR
>Utai Meika
>Natori Sana
>Natori Sana
>Kagura Mea
>QueueTan (cat Chiroru)
>Amaki Pururu

>> No.63821761


>> No.63822366
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>> No.63823261


>> No.63823655

still better than any EN whore.

>> No.63823856

>has no clue about jp indies

eop nigger

>> No.63827028

if you start listing the prominent indies like >>63821410 it would probably be on TLDR level of long.
But kinda interesting that the 2 indies who showed up in OP were Ui and Karubi, yeah.

>> No.63831683


>> No.63832648

Indonesians cannot be chads

>> No.63833030

Go back to your thread, numbersperg

>> No.63835688
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>> No.63839633
File: 18 KB, 367x500, 2vsvs1uhjaz81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh superioru nihon vtubers folded over 10000000 times

>> No.63840614

>ever Number One JP
What a laugh.

>> No.63846830


>> No.63849452

this but unironically

>> No.63850517
File: 297 KB, 1920x1920, kneel choco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel

>> No.63857814


>> No.63862456

>I used to be a numbernigger when *MY TEAM* was winning in the numbers department, but once stronger opponents came and *WE* started losing I left.

>> No.63864709

and we know you are a blind faggot.

>> No.63866754


>> No.63870208
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>> No.63870753

