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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63814044 No.63814044 [Reply] [Original]


If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1730775649135059311

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>63766080

>> No.63814076


>> No.63814078


>> No.63814079


>> No.63814084

i want to lick her shunny

>> No.63814115


>> No.63814132

>Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.
>Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think
This is so silly.

>> No.63814167

Passionately filling the shunny with my premium seed while having the shontoes in my mouth

>> No.63814197
File: 673 KB, 2879x3540, 1698959539459993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my wife

>> No.63814274

I love my gold digger of a wife

>> No.63814297

what if the ip was actually hers and someone is ddosing her now

>> No.63814333

ddos a dynamic ip?

>> No.63814334

I want to spread her legs apart when she's sleeping and have my way with her unconscious tiny child body

>> No.63814355

OP, the Christmas Faggot.

>> No.63814358

>he didnt google it the second it came on screen

>> No.63814383

NTA but I'm not a newfag, I know she uses a VPN

>> No.63814517

its shover

>> No.63814533

uuu wifey doko i cant read

>> No.63814555

lazy whore she's late

>> No.63814574

shondo in my arms while i fill her shunny before she starts stream

>> No.63814710

Did the new ISP scam her?

>> No.63814737

She's paying less so no

>> No.63814739
File: 85 KB, 1004x827, IMG_0618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m in love with Shondo! I think about her all the time! She brings me a lot of joy! I hope she reaches her potential and all of her dreams come true!!!

>> No.63814741

shondo has a shit VPN not shit internet

>> No.63814757

listen to her
she has been with her old ISP for ages and they kept jacking up the price so it was really expensive
she swapped to a new ISP which sadly uses the same cables as the old one, but it only costs a fraction of the price

>> No.63814781

what is the song shes talking about

>> No.63814800

anime makes me cum

>> No.63814805


>> No.63814811

>title sums it up
>I feel that
>anime makes me cum
shondo experienced an orgasm

>> No.63814820

the cum on boobies song, see her recent replies on twitter

>> No.63814853

lucy getting ignored by shondo its all over for her

>> No.63814874

the whore hate facade is easily shattered

>> No.63814946

she's embracing her whore personality now
once she does ear licking asmr everything will be complete

>> No.63815059

Shondo is gangstalked by twitch CEO

>> No.63815126

this fucking brat

>> No.63815145

i'm killing myself

>> No.63815196

Add that one to the list

>> No.63815221

do a flip

>> No.63815230

I can't watch right now. What's gong on?

>> No.63815231

She really didn't like my Stacy comment from /here/ did she?

>> No.63815232

>I'm corrupted
she's no longer pure
I knew it

>> No.63815243

she's making fun of /here/

>> No.63815271

I hope you guys are seething I love this

>> No.63815285

why, she's just being silly

>> No.63815286

It really is over. I'm just thinking back trying to find the point where it changed like this.

>> No.63815302

weird ass fucking joke shondo.

>> No.63815314

such a punchable face

>> No.63815352

Why would I be seething at her making fun of the retards calling her a Stacy whore for going to the concert?

>> No.63815359

if you don't want the jokes then don't fucking feed it retard

>> No.63815400

twitch chat's already getting upset, just imagine what messages she'll get after stream if she keeps this up

>> No.63815453

thanks retards

>> No.63815478

you stupid fucking niggers

>> No.63815480

She made silly joke about being a giga stacy whore since she went out to the concert.

>> No.63815496

2 people threatening to rope if they don't get the shunny? trying to take the shunny hostage?

>> No.63815501

collabing with filian was great wasn't it?

>> No.63815512

it's good that retards have ruined DMs and anything resembling them, we can't be trusted

>> No.63815526

What the fuck are you talking about? This is oldfags

>> No.63815531

stop false flagging, retard

>> No.63815552

typical woman behavior, when called out for being a stacy cry for sympathy (it works)

>> No.63815556

channel 4 reference POGGERS

>> No.63815566

>entire forum of people feeling this way

>> No.63815568

antis were never the problem :^)

>> No.63815594

a lot of you are getting coal for christmas

>> No.63815602

The anon rrats I kept sending her from here. Copy-pasted.

>> No.63815607

fucking newfags

>> No.63815628

"If you're doing this. just leave I don't want you here" simple as

>> No.63815632

It's one guy

>> No.63815642

don't worry beloved princess shondo that's just one guy all of us never get upset at things you say like literally the last joke you made that we were complaining about live in chat

>> No.63815654

you lot need to support your giga Stacy wife so she stops feeling guilty about being a hog farmer

>> No.63815658

Hear this complainfags? she hates you and wants you to kill yourself, so please do that

>> No.63815667

It's away from her for a reason retard

>> No.63815676 [DELETED] 

You guys all agree with everything in the emails, till she sees it and then suddenly no it's just 1 guy

>> No.63815680

she might lose a valued member of the community :(

>> No.63815688

Good job bringing it up, that's going to make him stop. Totally.
How to annoy retards in 4 easy steps:
1) record exactly 1 video of you laughing at and mocking them
2) reply to them with the same video, remembering nothing they say matters.
3) block
4) never bring it up.
Problem solved.

>> No.63815697


>> No.63815702

she forgot all her advice on ignoring trolls, proves that her "i grew up on the internet, nothing can phase me" was also a lie, then completely lashes out to all her husbands live on stream because of 1 person.

>> No.63815719

Guys If I reply to myself 4 times in cooldown that means the entire thread agrees with me right?

>> No.63815726

these are the real husbands that care about her the most and know the real her :(

>> No.63815758


>> No.63815769


>> No.63815782

Anyone who stays after this rant has no self respect. She's shitting on you and you just take it and nod

>> No.63815780

>business mail
maybe a handful, the real problem is that you come /here/ and experience our mental illness

>> No.63815784

ip molester

>> No.63815804

starting to see that there's no point in being here if I actually love shondo
I hope some of you can make it out too

>> No.63815805

why do you want my IP?

>> No.63815815

she forgives and forgets instantly, so it's ok

>> No.63815825

yeah, if I cuckpost all day and blame fillian collab for this surely people will start hating newfags and oldfags were never the problem at all

>> No.63815842

you don't get it, she trauma dumped right afterwards so if you're still angry, you're an evil person

>> No.63815849

as if, she's buying the oneguy bit and ignoring just how many regulars have nuclear tantrums if you tease them about anything other than being old
she showed some awareness about what the community has become but is willing to pin it on some nebulous oneguy so nobody reflects on themselves

>> No.63815856

missed whole zatsu but you guys are mad holy shit

>> No.63815866

Summoning email-schizo-kin
What were the emails about? Post some screenshots.

>> No.63815872

shadowmama turned on her vibrators highest mode by accident

>> No.63815915

you, shondo and this whole thread are just getting one guyd

>> No.63815923

>her vibrators highest mode
yeah, me
>by accident
she cant help it

>> No.63815959

one-two punch of
>making fun of the concert complainers by describing the men around her as 8' billionaires
>dumps that maro schizo has moved onto her email and she feels she can't do anything anymore that won't upset someone

>> No.63816009

wait...jessieohare...thats not...?

>> No.63816015

confirmed herself oldge

>> No.63816066

She is making up stories again its so tiresome

>> No.63816074

she loves to larp btw

>> No.63816078

Passport confirmed, shes ready for france and me

>> No.63816091

stop watching

>> No.63816096

>you’re on borrowed time, grandpa
she made me laugh out loud

>> No.63816106

>thought she was 12 because of the childish twintails not because she actually looks young

>> No.63816120

how do you think she went to florida

>> No.63816152

passports expire

>> No.63816160

I kind of assumed they expired fast but looking it up its 10 years in the UK

>> No.63816176

after 10 years

>> No.63816182

>kids grow up so early
they literally don't. they never grow up now.

>> No.63816191

british people confirmed degenerate

>> No.63816193

they don't expire in 3 years

>> No.63816220


>> No.63816235

there's tall children anyway, plenty of girls have most of their growing out of the way early

>> No.63816271

she's just fishing for compliments because she's down, just compliment her

>> No.63816289

be real with me /shon/, when she's 30+ and still acts like this will you find it cringe or not?

>> No.63816300

There's a reason why the AOC is mid teens pretty much eveywhere.

>> No.63816306

it's already cringe

>> No.63816316

>no new IPs since someone started bashing Shondo every 60 seconds

>> No.63816330 [DELETED] 

she is a self-hating Stacy that's why she wants you to lie to her about how cute and smol and not a whore she is

>> No.63816343

i will always love her

>> No.63816346

She read the manlet hate.

>> No.63816355

that's not what i asked shogga

>> No.63816370

she isn't reaching 30 or +

>> No.63816401
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1660, IMG_2895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty cool the retard complainer fags managed to have her confirm the exact opposite of their rrats. Husbands undefeated. I love Shondo and she loves me too! Woohoo!!

>> No.63816462

She's already cringe if you're not a giga weeb. I don't see myself loving her less.

>> No.63816489

I love Shondotis interactions c:

>> No.63816521

optimistic thinking, but no i think i'd be ok with it.

>> No.63816536

she only cares because she doesn't want her fake innocence gimmick called out

>> No.63816620

ill be surprised if she makes it to 30

>> No.63816623

both me and her are going to be dead by the time she would turn 30

>> No.63816660

im tired of getting cucked by the cat
i want the kisses

>> No.63816676

she is getting stronger everyday I am sure she will make it to 30 and beyond

>> No.63816684

Is there a delay if you watch on phone vs on the computer? It always feels like I’m a few seconds behind.

>> No.63816701

Imagine being jealous of your own son.

>> No.63816731

that's the point most of the time, either she admits to it, corrects her and have her reconsider her harmful actions, or denies it and addresses why she did such a thing.
people who are antis because they want to destroy are bad, people who are "anti" because of something that she can change for the better are just.

>> No.63816736

got back just when she stopped talking about the email thing. did someone send something to her?

>> No.63816767

The maro and DM schizos moved to her business mail.

>> No.63816774

the maro schizo moved on to her email

>> No.63816794

unfortunately she'll live to become a fat old loli loving woman nano desu

>> No.63816821 [DELETED] 

i'm the maroschizo and i did no such thing. it's somebody else then

>> No.63816867
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>> No.63816884

wonder if anyone actually harasses her or if it's a lie or schizolusion

>> No.63816888

is this why her knees are bruised all the time?

>> No.63816890

Pet play is hot

>> No.63816896
File: 66 KB, 247x298, 1697342073101980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s hard to not take the bait sometimes but I’ll stay strong! I love Shondo! And I ain’t never gonna stop loving her!

>> No.63816907


>> No.63816914

it is me I am Penis Men

>> No.63816926

petplay bros keep winning

>> No.63816933

I need to know that the jennieohare who said she was oldest in chat isnt someone's mom
I thought you guys were joking about that stuff and its throwing me for a loop

>> No.63816940

she's so cute with these glasses

>> No.63816952


>> No.63816981

please dont bring up my past here

>> No.63816982

was someone's mom

>> No.63816986

cute toes on this screen

>> No.63816988

based meganebro

>> No.63816990

Really depends on the hardware and software in all instances.
Like for example sometimes I put her on tablet if I am going downstairs for a bit and occasionally she is every so slightly more ahead on the tablet.
I can't explain why. Literally both Linux. Then again to be fair, I'm also doing so much more on the PC compared to the relatively simple windowing system on Android.

>> No.63816995

yeah mine

>> No.63817050
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>> No.63817097

ive had my computer and phone (mobile network) both going when i was doing stuff around the house a few times and they are within a second when i got back.

>> No.63817140

I'm gonna go through all her vods to find the origins of purple dog.

>> No.63817217

doom stream on 6th of october pretty sure. was around then

>> No.63817282

its a pokemon

>> No.63817283

I mean when people started hivemind wiggling in the chat.

>> No.63817304

did the email schizo send my complaint about not having her say "i love you" with resub messages and now she says it all the time?

>> No.63817327
File: 65 KB, 247x284, IMG_3002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m just happy to be here :)

>> No.63817353

I got to thank him then

>> No.63817522
File: 23 KB, 139x154, 1685232687628575.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wigglies sorta started with Nemu, and several /wvt/ viewers became wiggly production factories for their chuubas.
Batat tried to do a deep dive to search for the OG wiggly gif and couldn't find it, so the actual origin is unknown.

>> No.63817557

yeah the shameless whore golddigging is getting to her

>> No.63817568

no she just read the thread

>> No.63817591

this is going to be my first Christmas with her do you guys normally buy gifts on throne or send dono money

>> No.63817593

it's not a dog it's a seal

>> No.63817602

she doesn't, the email schizo just copy pastes posts and emails them to her

>> No.63817612

These "business emails" were /shon/ posts, she's addicted to /here/ just like you.

>> No.63817658

i like to think my unhinged menhera posts are getting to her

>> No.63817688

isn't it based off that dancing brazilian dog?

>> No.63817696

she is the email schizo, she wants to see everything everyone says about her but won't admit it

>> No.63817707


>> No.63817731

its the pokemon popplio

>> No.63817792

>best way to approach a relationship with a woman
shondo endorses calling her a fibbing whore, until proven otherwise

>> No.63817844

Trick, cheat, fraud

>> No.63817854

she wants you to call her out for being a fibbing whore so she can gaslight you

>> No.63817886

>the schizo writes his own anti posts
>sends them to email pretending they’re widespread beliefs

>> No.63817930

this has been happening for a long time

>> No.63817937

It was worthy it just for THAT

>> No.63818131

>source: my ass

>> No.63818145

my memory is failing me, does she hate danganronpa or am i thinking of someone else?

>> No.63818204

can't remember her ever talking about it but i could be wrong

>> No.63818208

True. A DMnigger bragged about sending her posts from here.

>> No.63818274

that was during maros which was just a couple of weeks ago

>> No.63818340

It's not a stretch to assume that the same fag dickhole is behind it.

>> No.63818407

>we missed the best Lie in the game

>> No.63818442

newfag here what the fuck is a maro

>> No.63818482

lurk moar

>> No.63818510

>new to vtubing not only Shondo

>> No.63818555

It came from forsen.

>> No.63818703

real empath hours

>> No.63819075


>> No.63819169

What was it? Never played the game before

>> No.63819245

why does all of her mods just mysteriously leave? they're all very long time regulars and then suddenly just vanish after becoming mods lol

>> No.63819274

i know youre here xive

>> No.63819283

Too busy sexting.

>> No.63819365

"You fuck young boys, Valdez?"

>> No.63819376

I catch a lot of them in other chuubas chats. 1 blonde and 1 bunny. Both cunny

>> No.63819401

Because they get nothing out of it. All that you get for your hard work is to be stripped of husband status, and then she actively shits on them and calls them faggots to her audience. I wouldn’t put up with that for long

>> No.63819430

they realize they can't groom her but can't outright admit it and just leave because of it so they just lurk

>> No.63819436

She wanted her mods to not be active in the chat, there's no point to be there live if you're a mod.

>> No.63819481

>calls them faggots to her audience
I mean, many of them do act a bit fruity.

>> No.63819562

I love it when she invites

>> No.63819594

I'd play rough with her

>> No.63819602

I already do

>> No.63819660

But you can post both as mod and regular user if I remember correct, just by having 2 chats opened.
Mind you, it has been a long ass time since I modded, used to help mod a friends chat when we were streaming games together, maybe it changed. (which would be dumb)

>> No.63819982


>> No.63819991

i mean yeah if you have two different accounts. you'd be doing something she doesn't want you to do though

>> No.63820098

Na, single account.
That way you post as a regular user for chat but can still access the chat moderation tools in a separate chat.

>> No.63820234

i don't think you understand why she has a problem with this

>> No.63820639

Oh I know she's being retarded, I'm just saying it is possible.

>> No.63820656

you can see the cogs turning in her head, pondering what to say about manlets

>> No.63820772

It would exacerbate the 'reeee favorites' criticism, she would mostly read her mods.

>> No.63820858

she's not being retarded, she doesn't want people that have more access to her than normal viewers to have an unfair advantage, so she asks them to not chat or interact with her publicly. it's about social dynamics, not the moderation tools themselves lol. since you're a newfag i can tell you that she has had issues with mods acting overly close with her before. she put in these rules for our sake, not hers.

>> No.63820892
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I like the detective hat it’s cute.

>> No.63820937

yes you manlets are exhausting to deal with and make streaming a chore, I cant wait for her to buy house so she can filter them out without mercy

>> No.63820941 [DELETED] 
File: 1.44 MB, 1818x1033, the 'party' plan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i investigate a situation that is happening
>I Discovery what "Operation 9/11" means
>I Discovery that Vchubbas will be doxed by a "certain party"

>They're looking at Shondo right now

>> No.63821007 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna bury those pieces of shit, give me some time.

>> No.63821035 [DELETED] 

Chuds, crush her skull

>> No.63821194 [DELETED] 

are they bots? why do they talk like that?

>> No.63821206 [DELETED] 

I knew strawb would be a liability of a friend

>> No.63821229 [DELETED] 


>> No.63821259 [DELETED] 

>Rev Says Desu
HUH? Why?

>> No.63821309

They're getting married.

>> No.63821323

whore community got pissed they got called out by rev, started doxxing him

>> No.63821387

rev is making A LOT of enemies because he's making fun of delusional zoomers that can't tell the difference between reality and fiction on twitter. as much as i hate dramatubers, i enjoy him shitting on these twitter retards

>> No.63821424 [DELETED] 

Because the edgy jokes?

>> No.63821493 [DELETED] 

they are just retards that want to dox people

>> No.63821538

sharty is filled with 86 IQ people, completely irrelevant

>> No.63821608

86 is very generous

>> No.63821621

come to think about it i think the shoncologist got hit with a 3 day vacation

>> No.63821674

I hate normalfags.
>dox chuuba
>woah she’s hot
>more eyes on her
>woah she’s actually pretty funny
>viewership goes up
>more retarts want to be spoonfed everything about her life
It’s tiresome.

>> No.63821705 [DELETED] 

should've dropped her as a friend once she started dating that dramafag

>> No.63821710
File: 205 KB, 1920x1080, 1671305414393402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember that:
Shondo loves you even if you're just a lurker
Shondo wants only the best for you and wants you to achieve your goals
Shondo is gonna be friends with every vtuber

>> No.63821749

shondo only loves favourites

>> No.63821806

fuck dramatubers. They are planning to dox people because "le trooons".

>> No.63821813

yeah me

>> No.63821882

>look at raiders channel
>female avatar male voice
Why do people do this

>> No.63821898

I made this post

>> No.63821910


>> No.63821913

cope. She says my dick is the best

>> No.63821920

Don't forget to report them to every security and policing agency in every major country.
You know, just for fun. A wee bit of banter.

>> No.63821956

>Shondo loves lurkers
Based. I love her but I don’t know what to say! So I just watch!

>> No.63822021 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 905x591, 911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>operation 9/11
ok this shit is real.

>> No.63822101

how can anyone even read this shit?

>> No.63822116

reading that slop is giving me brain cancer

>> No.63822135

they were the ones that doxxed the andy and leyley dev?

>> No.63822155


>> No.63822341

Dick Cooms

>> No.63822342

im gonna coomb inside shondo

>> No.63822407

shondo loves dick

>> No.63822432

yeah, mine

>> No.63822465

They literally talk like cavemen lol

>> No.63822914
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>> No.63822955

love when she gets giggly over l00d words. it's so cute.

>> No.63823143

Don't tell me the forums stuff was about hose fags not us.

>> No.63823185

that was us

>> No.63823724

comment about blondes must have stung huh

>> No.63823785


>> No.63824131

Shondo’s relatively high arches ToT

>> No.63825026

holy fuck i cant believe theyve done this they fucking make a jiggie https://jiggie.fun/NQyKQY

>> No.63825196

I'll be back when stream is done mr.jiggler

>> No.63825408

is she on fucking drugs?

>> No.63825441

newfags out

>> No.63825452

what are 'fucking drugs' anon

>> No.63825456

besides the normal cocktail?

>> No.63826104

she's so interested in sex lately...

>> No.63826300

She wants to be passionately fucked by me

>> No.63826301

i mean, sex is usually normie stacy whores biggest interest

>> No.63826316

i hope so

>> No.63826326

nice jiggie, short and sweet

>> No.63826663

i wwant to groom shondo

>> No.63826723

I lvoe her so much

>> No.63827007

I leov her so much

>> No.63827063

I lveo her so much

>> No.63827137

I levo her so much

>> No.63827167

i haet her so much

>> No.63827195

I olev her so much

>> No.63827208

I velo her so much

>> No.63827223

i was touched as a child

>> No.63827225

I elov her so much

>> No.63827291

I vloe her so much

>> No.63827309

t. shondo

>> No.63827355

me too oomfie

>> No.63827387

This bit isn’t funny

>> No.63827600

she is so retarded

>> No.63827602

shondo im horny take care of me

>> No.63827929

so much liquid passes through shondo and she pisses so often that i'm sure her piss is very drinkable

>> No.63828047

i dont get how she drinks so much, im the same size as her but i drink not even half as much
do women just dry out faster?

>> No.63828048

but if i was to drink wife's pee i want it concentrated

>> No.63828137

didnt you go to highschool and notice how women pee a lot more than men

>> No.63828166

I always like to imagine that "look how hard I can pee" image and a waterfall shooting out of her.

>> No.63828184

i have the same education as her

>> No.63828377

You should drink about 35 ml of water per kilogram of body weight daily.

>> No.63828392

I wonder if you'd get fucked up from the drugs she's on

>> No.63828401

i drink maybe a 4th of that

>> No.63828582

i drink like half of that, dont really care about the amount as long as my pee is clear

>> No.63828662

you heard it guys. gooning time

>> No.63828714

man good point
come to think about it, i can't even take a single dipyrone without my urine going considerably darker
if i were to drink whatever the fuck she's on i'd be peeing petroleum

>> No.63828718

mine is so dark it's almost red and it stinks to high heaven

>> No.63828879

uhhh, you might want to get your kidney function checked.

>> No.63828897

yo uhh i think your kidneys are broken or something

>> No.63828903

One day only actually
They don't like me posting ways to contact me i guess

>> No.63829025

i wonder what that would do to a 'normal' person. im now a bit curious.

>> No.63829127

they would become unmedicated shondo

>> No.63829252

shondo pretending to be offended by the word negro is sad

>> No.63829297

>anything happens
>has nothing to do with the time period
>"it was the 1940s"
Chats so fucking retarded

>> No.63829346

that guy is me smacking shondo for being a brit junkie whore

>> No.63829372

its mostly 25 and under. what do you expect?

>> No.63829425

it was the 40's what do you expect

>> No.63829759

are you a cola king for shondo?

>> No.63830027

so much hair...

>> No.63830119

What does that mean

>> No.63830273

god she's so fucking cute

>> No.63830332

Do you think it's because she'll get jealous or self conscious?

>> No.63830357


>> No.63830555


>> No.63830557

retro... don't do it man

>> No.63830588

man it must suck to be a manlet and watch shondo lmao

>> No.63830686

meh, it's worse being a manlet in general.
i don't mind, i'm used to it

>> No.63830735

Size 8 is not that small

>> No.63830740

i think the jokes are funny and its something i cant change so i dont care

>> No.63830818

Maybe I'm retarded but can't you have tiny feet and still be tall?

>> No.63830821

Just self insert as an 8ft tall shadow man

>> No.63830834

i don't mind the short jokes per se, but it's a bit cringe when she herself is so insecure about her height

>> No.63830869

isnt forest tree a uk8

>> No.63830886

Dick as big as a can of cola

>> No.63830916

someone said ''he killed her because he was short'' and shondo laughed her ass off
i mean yeah but what >>63830834 said
its at the very least kinda shitty

>> No.63830936

thats why i dont feel too bad for her when she receives hatemail, a good portion's warranted

>> No.63831033

try harder

>> No.63831066

Kinda cringe. And it was just yesterday that we had the fat talk

>> No.63831117
File: 123 KB, 168x300, 1681496041292076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

manletbros just cut up or legs and put metal rods in there, its going to be okay

>> No.63831184

just give yourself osteoporosis and never jump again without the fear of your legs exploding

>> No.63831269

or maybe i'll just find a girl who doesn't mind
or die trying i suppose

>> No.63831290

its one hundred percent gonna be at least one cancellation

>> No.63831293

that girl's a good liar one way or another since if she wasn't lying now then she went out of her way before to constantly complain about clothing sizes and her legs being too long

>> No.63831357

inis was on her mind because she caught up on the threads before stream

>> No.63831361

she does have the same inseam length as her taller thiccer mom

>> No.63831536 [DELETED] 

piece of shit normalfag stacy whore liar
i wont trust anything you say anymore

>> No.63831553

It’s possible to be a manlet and not be an insecure faggot about it.

>> No.63831603

I knew this piece of evidence would be awkward one way or another

>> No.63831633

That’s not me, no! My penis is average sized!

>> No.63831677

you can be a manlet, be not insecure about it and still think she's an asshole for it

>> No.63831688

yeah we don't care cause you're wrong and a nigger as well
shondo i love you !!! even if i'm a manlet !!!
verification not required

>> No.63831805 [DELETED] 

It should have been obvious that this hikkineet phase just came from her grandfather dying and getting dumped within a year

>> No.63831821 [DELETED] 

of course you would yesman a stacy whore liar, pathetic manlet.

>> No.63831925

I love and trust you Shondo!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.63832061

if I'm to read between the lines rather than attribute blanket lying vs truth
>has petite build and anorexia, so children's clothes fit best
>also seldom go out clothes shopping since childhood so probably shops for things that are familiar
>long legs for her build causes some trouble when trying to wear only children's clothes or asian-sized clothes as she often complained about before
>anorexic woman insecurity sees long legs and starts forming a complex about being "tall"
>lash out at people calling you a loli because it reminds you how you aren't

>> No.63832066

i love shondo

>> No.63832099

She’s so cute, today was a lot of fun. I hope she gets some rest and doesn’t play BA for 13 hours haha. It’s gonna be a good week! I can feel it!

>> No.63832190 [DELETED] 
File: 3.34 MB, 600x340, 1701455474232814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BPD and ecstasy
Conceited with low self-esteem
She's a teenage dream if you hate yourself

Fluored mind and SSRIs
A thousand yard stare for all those guys
That she fucked and sucked before you came along

She's a whore, a hole, a dime-a-dozen, Jezebel
Only pedophiles in denial
Think she's anything worth while
Her infertile lifestyle will drive you wild
She's an alcoholic loser bitch
That likes to listen to shitty music
She drinks and smokes and tokes and chokes on dick

>> No.63832351

Inis says it's OK for us and her to kiss because it's like kissing your sister

>> No.63832424

based I kissed my sister when I was a kid

>> No.63832440

the only thing she chokes on is her tears when i buy her a house and ask her to marry me

>> No.63832455

you've been sitting on this one for a while huh?
your life is quite sad, although you're probably numb to it by now

>> No.63832490

mom measuring her again and her accepting she isn't a freak makes it easier to roll with the loli stuff, which also lets her leverage the childrens clothes thing to sweeten the larp a little
she was coping both then and now, and is probably utterly average minus the anorexia

>> No.63832667

i typed this

>> No.63832672

and she makes fun of Shondo for being a brocon

>> No.63832696

reminder the anti is a single mentally ill person and the same loser who spams hatemail

>> No.63832740

I want to fuck my sister.

>> No.63832750

This is 100% cope by Shondo so she doesnt have to hate her community. It's multiple regulars.

>> No.63832837 [DELETED] 

she lucked out that way, if there weren't a schizo spamming she'd have to face the fact that there was a whole backlog of shit just as bad from all her treasured community members

>> No.63832880

it'll all come out sooner or later. she was exposed to how most of them act with how rrk ended

>> No.63832975

her community hundreds of people who actually love her

putting the few mentally ill on the same level as them is the cope

>> No.63833020

she doesn't really need more proof than already exists and she's acknowledged it plenty of times already, but it's in her interest to put off addressing the problem since she doesn't quite know what to do about it so having a schizo scapegoat thanks to the one dumbass spamming her is helpful for that
don't blame her at all really, I don't know what I could do in her situation other than give up the whole "pretend to be friends with each other" thing and let shondophrenics actively shame bad actors in the community again

>> No.63833095

how do you shitpost this much and still be so fucking bad at it I dont understand

>> No.63833128
File: 101 KB, 1060x595, 1701396243227904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63833171

uh guys im not sure if shondo wants to be mentally ill anymore....

>> No.63833172
File: 19 KB, 130x78, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thumbnail looks like a monkey

>> No.63833179

Threadly reminder: shondo wants to get away from menheraniggers. Improve yourselves or kill yourselves immediately

>> No.63833237

it's easy to understand once you realize the kind of person who will do that in the first place

>> No.63833267

she's becoming boring

>> No.63833432 [DELETED] 
File: 445 KB, 652x662, 1678084195135877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've come to the realization that i had a lot more fun with shondo before doing deep reps. not because i found something incriminating, but because you end up fixating on the wrong things. it makes you question her. what she lying back then? is she lying now? in reality it doesn't fucking matter either way. it's so dumb. i've ended up ruining my own experience of the most perfect chuuba out there for me. to any newfags out there, don't make my mistake and just fucking enjoy her for what she is.

>> No.63833510
File: 366 KB, 524x489, 1701310946357204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our shondo is on her way to becoming a normie...

>> No.63833530
File: 2 KB, 100x125, shondo-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mentally ill but I don't post about it /here/ and only send a few messages a stream. I love Shondo! I enjoy her streams and her ASMR helps me sleep! It helps me not feel so lonely! I'm thankful to have found her and I'll be here until the wheels fall off!

>> No.63833554

half the people antiing her in this thread?
all me
half the people defending her in this thread?
all me

>> No.63833565

we fixed her... was it worth?

>> No.63833585 [DELETED] 

>>63833432 (me)
i say this after finding her secret youtube channel today btw. almost 10 year old account with 6 subs (7 now with me). she even had a congratulatory message in her bio, praising me for being a good stalker. it left me feeling very strange inside.

>> No.63833624
File: 1.04 MB, 2160x3424, 1697291826996645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reminder the email schizo will send your negative "criticism" to her via email
Watch what you post

>> No.63833645

No. The moment we fixed her she threw us away. She doesn't care about us, she just used us.

>> No.63833788

first good bait this thread

>> No.63833813

why did you post this retard i hate you

>> No.63833826

just like me ex frfr

>> No.63833856 [DELETED] 

it has no content on it, so don't worry.

>> No.63833943 [DELETED] 

>he hasnt solved the ARG for the unlisted videos
you better get to it, there's hints in some of her old videos

>> No.63834033

Good, maybe then she stops being a whore

>> No.63834117
File: 20 KB, 580x548, AAAAAAAAAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always have so much fun in her streams but get sad when they're over.

>> No.63834294

And i will help these deranged and insecure(not insults) husbands for a better future for all parties involved
I will take all the menhera shoggas upon myself and help them(to the best of my abilities) overcome their insecurities

A few closing words before i go to bed(it's 1 and a half am, the steam was also very fun):
You guys should all think and learn to separate the husband title and the personality behind each name, when shondo says she loves all of us no matter if we lurk or if we're active she really does mean it in the sense of loving all the husbands equally, beyond that, comes the personalities of the people who come forward and chat and interact with streams and tweets, there is no "third rate husband" because she loves all of us husbands equally, even the worst personality on top of the husband title will be loved equally, now, if the personality upsets her in anyway that's different. Not to say you should be an asshole knowing she'll keep loving you-- while that is true, it's also true that you should love your wife like she loves you, it's unhealthy for the only part of the community you interact with to be /shon/, I've personally dealt with it, but it's helped being there for streams and having fun.
Basically, personalities and husbands are different, all personalities are husbands(unless they don't follow shondo), but only some of the husbands are personalities(in the idea that some husbands represent themselves with personalities in chat and so shondo associates their behaviour with their personality and name, rather than husbands as a whole)
Love your wife, she loves you.
Good night
I think the idea is that you put the though of him not being a goid enough stalker in his head, leading to him perhaps undermining his own efforts as a show of his love for shondo, personally I'd say not to worry about it too much, since she probably appreciates any effort towards finding more about her

Just remember, no situation is so extreme that you can't get help, try reaching out, try reaching out to me!
I would still rather you go to actual therapists that get paid to listen to you guys, im up to doing it, but i should mainly serve as a gateway into actual therapy if anything.
Still, feel free to talk to me even if you go to therapy or i make you go to therapy, I'll always be there if you're aiming to get better, I'll probably be there for you even if you don't want to get better.

>> No.63834301
File: 81 KB, 325x264, 1672927424977421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63834366

Im going to bed now though (it turned to almost 2 am)

>> No.63834414

Not now, Shondo.

>> No.63834544

inb4 the mailschizo is the shoncologist

>> No.63834619

i mean he did get an email for his shoncologist endeavours, no? would be a pretty funny plot twist

>> No.63834729

He will forward everything you guys send to him to her email.

>> No.63834825
File: 630 KB, 918x897, syadoupoint2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

getting increasingly confused at the deleted posts

>> No.63834838

shondo is the shoncologist
we fixed her and now she is trying to fix us

>> No.63834895

There was never an email schizo. She just made it up to justify the bad taste cuck joke she made on the start and make us feel bad for her.

>> No.63834896
File: 271 KB, 456x735, 1701535311730521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man i love this model
it's the best

>> No.63834899

that would be kino as fuck

>> No.63834914

He can forward deeze nuts

>> No.63834931

>yes I will reach out to the person on 4chan who admitted to never watching Shondo but "wants to help the community" with armchair psychology.
who the fuck would respond to that lmao.

>> No.63834941

the "mail schizo" is just her reading the threads

>> No.63834955
File: 282 KB, 870x885, 1690517612269983.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you shondo I love you
You cannot fix me though

>> No.63834975

Apologize. I told you I would fix her.

>> No.63835096

oh yeah well she should stop making fun of my erectly disfunction

>> No.63835117

Actually to touch a little bit more on this idea, since on /here/ there are no names or personalities to associate behaviour with, she'll be more likely to treat /shon/ as a misrepresentation of husbands as a whole, or at the very least give people titles according to their respective behaviour, such as antis, shitposters, husbands and other similar titles that can be used to split up /shon/ into different categories
So try and go to her streams more than you are on /here/, it's healthier and gives you a better representation of the community and shondo as a whole
I made the accounts(both the email address and discord account) on the day that i posted them, also I'm not a dmfag or emailfag, if i want to interact with shondo i do it in chat like a regular person(fuck twitter fags too, nothing mainly wrong with them, but i don't like using twitter)
Nah my main goal(besides making /shon/ better) is to heal shondo by healing the community, she's getting better, but could be even better than now, i don't want to be dmfag though so I'll try helping her indirectly
Idk what you just said can you reformulate

>> No.63835154

lets be real theres no winning play here
either she gets better and she leaves us or she gets worse and we get sad for her

>> No.63835227
File: 3.92 MB, 467x315, 1686015769112775.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her fixed era will be great too. she'll start doing fan meetups (some of them at concerts) and go to cons. we're all gonna work hard on ourselves and become the best versions of ourselves so we can meet her in real life with pride and confidence. we'll get to hug her, see her smile and hear her laugh in real life. can you even fucking imagine bros? 2024 is the year of shondolia. wagmi.

>> No.63835236

What if she gets better and stay with us? Ever thought about that?

>> No.63835272

>lets be real theres no winning play here
nah, i'll win :)

>> No.63835313

The winning play is both parties getting as better mentally and physically as they can and continue as a healthy relationship, where instead of deteriorating the mental of anyone who comes /here/, to instead heal it, if even a little bit

>> No.63835354

will you still watch her when she's a normie that goes out everyday and talks about that one time in canada where she was high as fuck getting railed

>> No.63835381

3rd play: I will build her up to her fullest potential and marry her

>> No.63835389

you've quite the imagination for cuck scenarios

>> No.63835429

>continue as a healthy relationship
you don't turn something that started toxic into something healthy. you just don't

>> No.63835444

things are so bad that I just assume that every chibi model poster is a troll and every post with more than 50 words is the armchair psychologist

>> No.63835493

didnt read, dont agree
post more chibi

>> No.63835554


>> No.63835615

i dont think this place is a shithole but man we need to come to some agreements

>> No.63835622

tell her this on twitter

>> No.63835673

agreements when shon admits she doesn't have the same idea of what marriage means as many of her husbands?

>> No.63835691

I love Shondo very much.

>> No.63835700

Personally, i don't like the idea of fan meet up due to the already established state of the community, but I can see how it could help convince more husbands into getting better, seeing fellow husbands meet wifey
All i ask for is absolutely no cucking pls
We're already all married to her, but i get where you're coming from
Nuh uh
The chibi posters generally have healthy idea of it though, maybe slightly force or otherwise too much for my concerned puppy when it comes to shondo, it's nice to have an ideal to strive for though, everyone should have and ideal they can try to see themselves be in

>> No.63835765


I'm so sleepy... And i got work in the morning too

>> No.63835772

I love Shondo very very much.

>> No.63835808

I love Shondo very very very much.

>> No.63835819

I'm just going to blame the Emails on Flawedintellect. Not even because I have any solid proof, mostly because I don't like him and it fits nicely into my anti narrative.

>> No.63835864

I think it was a collective effort of all 15 chatters I have grudges against

>> No.63835877

i love shondo n+1

>> No.63835912

Namedrop them sister

>> No.63835931

I love shondo the most

>> No.63835965

Also, fellow husbands, you that anti as husbands, remember that above being our wife, she's our little sister and that we should protect her and want the best for her...
Ok hopefully i don't press the "Update" button and actually go sleep now

>> No.63836071

she's my weirdo imouto that keeps trying to say we're married frankly it's kinda creepy and I hope she grows out of it

>> No.63836092
File: 9 KB, 168x300, IMG_3068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy fallenshadow streams and I increasinlgy find msyelf thinking about her while going through my daily life.

>> No.63836177

I love her more than all of you

>> No.63836207

have you ever got your message in the chat read by her
or does she only read donos

>> No.63836242

I hate her. Fucking bitch always putting me on diets.

>> No.63836307

Multiple times per stream.

>> No.63836310

last for licking shondo's pussy

>> No.63836323
File: 8 KB, 1224x1140, Shondo-sweater.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my pain is constant and sharp and I do not wish for a better world for anyone.

>> No.63836349

last for i will win :)

>> No.63836369

i posted this

>> No.63836373

Last for my undying love for Shondo
