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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63770922 No.63770922 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like a show where you ask famous CEOs 9 Questions about their business.
It's like 40 minutes, so I'm just gonna compress it into just the important parts.
It'll still take two posts.
The interviewer is a COMPLETE outsider though, so you'll get a good idea of what outsiders think of chuubas right now from his questions.

> In startup circles, Yagoo is known as an "interesting CEO". Interviewer calls him "stoic" and "goal-oriented". Asks him if he is actually stoic.
A. Yagoo says he's worried about his age (remaining time), so chasing goals is his focus.
> Profile intro : Yagoo did some research about self driving car design back in the day it seems.
> Asks Yagoo if he's a "serial entrepreneur" (i.e. continuously buying and selling interesting shit). Yagoo doesn't identify himself that way, just wants to make an impact in the world with his business.
> Bunch of corpospeak about what type of company Hololive is.
> Talks about his own huge # of twitter followers (74k), Yagoo clarifies that it's inflated by his global fans.
Questions -
> Q. What is VTuber? : He basically explains hololive.
A. Yagoo's definition of VTuber : Entertainers/Artists/Streamers/Creators who use an avatar with an anime-look.
> Q. Is the voice actually coming from that person?
A. Yes, for corporate VTubers that's true for the most part, but indies may use voice changers.
> Q. Why did VTubers become so popular?
A. Anime related stuff became popular this decade. COVID and lockdowns helped. Yagoo feels that Anime is breaking out from purely being an otaku driven business and moving towards the mainstream. Watching VTubers feels like watching anime characters come to life.
Those are the reasons VTubing got so popular.
Also talks about VR game days and how Hololive got formed from that.
> Q. From a casual person's perspective, it would be understandable if a famous anime character started talking and got famous, like if Doraemon came to life obviously he'd get famous famous. But why would non-famous "anime characters" get so popular like this?
A. Yagoo states "Contact frequency" as the reason. Talks about how each VTuber has "goals" that they're chasing, and how fans enjoy the bantz with the chuuba or with other fans in the comments.
"Doraemon streaming is just one category, we can have 3-5 different types categories even with a single VTuber". Also explains the "box" and the power of collabs in an ELI5 way. Like how Doraemon the show is made whole thanks to all the different characters, Nobita etc. Hololive is also made whole by every talent.
> Guy asks about foreign popularity, Yagoo states 30% of their viewers are from abroad.
> Q. Do you translate all the content?
A. During livestreams fans do translations. Also talks about clips and how they translate for fans. Compares the fandom to the KPOP fans in terms of passion.
> Q. Is it easier to "scale" business-wise due to lack of irl scandals? (interviewer probably read Anycolor's here material lmao, it's word for word)
A. Yagoo diverts talk to digital collabs and shit, how the "IP" is "leveraged", corpo talk.
> Q. Would this not work with AI?
A. Fans and viewers are in the business of supporting the talents and their goals, e.g. in the Vocaloid space you'd support the Vocaloid P, and if it's an AI VTuber, you'd support the AI "producer".
Yagoo feels like "cheering an AI VTuber" by itself is a bit different from what they do.
> talk tangents into AI for a while
> Q. Would it be wrong to state that Japan is overwhelmingly strong in this industry, thanks to us having anime culture?
A. Agrees that there's a huge talent pool in Japan due to seiyuu and anime culture, but says they're not the only place innovating, talks about "webtoon VTubers" from Korea.
> Q. So if we're talking about rivals, it would be Korea?
A. Yagoo says there would probably be a lot of people who want to become KPop stars but can't, he thinks it's possible for them to become VTubers and find success that way. Clarifies that he's just stating that a different genre of VTubers exists in Korea, not that they're rivals.
> Talks about Holo subs and concerts.
> Q. Do you have any strategy for succeeding abroad?
A. We can only work harder and harder. Talks about how there's an "uber culture" or "airbnb culture" etc. abroad (later also talks about "webtoon culture" and "KPop culture" and how that's helping to sell abroad), and so they want to create a "VTuber culture" as a new thing. They feel they need to do more effort in localization, or else it will end up as just "another weird service/trend from Japan".

>> No.63771050

> Talks about origin of the term "VTuber" (guy asks Yagoo if he coined it lmao), and how much it's spread.
> Q. How much VTubers have become "normalized" in Japan.
Talks about how most of their fans are from 25-35 range, but teenage audience is also slowly increasing thanks to their music activities.
> Talks about GIANTS collab and Tokyo Dome City collab as benchmarks to say "we're popular enough for this type of collabs".
> Q. For now it's popular with ages 10 to 30, so how long do you think it will take to reach a level of "everyone knows about this", in Japan?
A. If it's just Japan, a few more years. Talks about how Ado sung her One Piece character's song in Kohaku, and how he considers it as similar to VTuber tech. Talks about Holo appearances in big singing events, so he feels in a few more years they will become normie level popular in Japan.
> Q. What about the world?
A. He feels like Japan has a "VTuber industry" now thanks to the work of a lot of companies. But he feels like the west has not reached the level of an "industry" yet. He feels like there's an overwhelming number of indies and very few companies, so he feels like developing it into an "industry" would need to be the first step.
> Talks about Youtube's history a little, and how Videos, MVs and Shorts are what get them the most "new" fans and how some of them convert to live viewers and then full on fans. Brand recognition.txt.
> Q. Instead of creating your own infrastructure, it's better to use Youtube's pre-existing audience and ecosystem for easier growth right?
A. Awkward question, Cover had plans to develop their own livestreaming platform, but since VTubers have not reached household name recognition level in the world yet, a streaming service just for VTubers 2D and 3D CG streams woudl not be well received. So they felt they had no choice but to continue on their current track.
> Talks about HoloPlus a bit, again KPop comparison.
> Talks Streams vs VODs and the appeal of watching a moment Live with the chuuba and the audience.
> Q. How does the audience enjoys the streams? Do they just watch on phone while eating? How do most fans consume the content?
A. Difficult question, people could be watching during their commutes, on PC, with multiple windows, as BGM during their wfh as a replacement for radio, to not feel lonely etc.
> looks at graphs for a while
> Guy asks how they're so profitable for the 3rd time. Yagoo explains some of their monetization, SC, memberships, live tickets, merch, collabs etc. VTubers are "inflencers" but are also "character IPs" so their avenues for monetization are much wider.
> talk about how twitter helps with fan interaction
> Yagoo says voice packs are what sell the most for them, followed by dolls. Digital goods sell more because a lot of their fans may not have space for physical goods in their homes.
> Yagoo awkwardly explains what "situation voice" is kek.
> Q. I've never bought such things so I don't understand the feeling behind it, but why do people buy it?
A. Yagoo once again awkwardly explains "simulated experience" and it's appeal.
> talks about how this stuff also sells abroad, how it's easier to buy digital merch because of shipping etc.
> Yagoo reveals that they got paid license fees for the Giants collab (holy shit) and the collab cafes, konbini collabs etc. explains how collab merch work.
> talks about Live 3D concerts, explains idol culture ELI5 again, and talks about how it's more convenient for viewers to pay for watching concerts online compared to venue concerts.
> Interviewer compares it to Disney kek, Yagoo partially agrees. Yagoo references and takes tips from how Disney spreads their IP in Japan.
> more small talk about companies they refer from. Pokemon is a big one to Yagoo.

> Most of the important stuff is just Yagoo's thoughts on expansion in both Japan and abroad.
> Tons of ELI5 explanations and corpo related shit
> Yagoo thinks the Hololive fandom is similar to KPop fandom in terms of passion, constantly compares the two.
> Also in the Hololive X Giants collab, it was HOLOLIVE that got paid for their license, that's big news.

There's apparently a Part 2 coming as well.

>> No.63771167 [DELETED] 

Summarize this in 5 words.

>> No.63771240

> Most of the important stuff is just Yagoo's thoughts on expansion in both Japan and abroad.
> Tons of ELI5 explanations and corpo related shit
> Yagoo thinks the Hololive fandom is similar to KPop fandom in terms of passion, constantly compares the two.
> Also in the Hololive X Giants collab, it was HOLOLIVE that got paid for their license, that's big news

>> No.63772436

actually really interesting. they really know exactly what they're doing. i think someone said there was a video with english subs in another thread. anyone got it?

>> No.63772872

Could I trouble you for an abridged version in 5 letter please?

>> No.63772960

It's over. HoloKR soon.

>> No.63773113

it's the same video and no, there are no english subs on it. I don't know what he's smoking

>> No.63773754

Hololive want Kpop level success

>> No.63773828

Has there ever been a holo chuuba who used a voice changer even for a short period of time?

>> No.63773921

noel DX is a thing

>> No.63774118

>they really know exactly what they're doing
>still wasting resources on holostars

>> No.63774452
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At this point, I feel it may be more so of Yagoo's passion project and optimism that more women will enter the anime sphere. But I think they should have waited for that audience to actually cultivate instead of trying to force it to be a thing.

>> No.63774476
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killing nijisanji is not a waste

>> No.63774568

Kek, Pomu loses to the holo-homos.

>> No.63774626

nijizhangji was killing itself just fine, we really don't need sexpests and the niji audience in hololive

>> No.63774666
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Smile and optimism: brighter than the sun

>> No.63774670
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>Male vtuber enjoyer demographic is smaller than the female vtuber enjoyer demographic
>saturate the market to kill that section of competitors
W-was it 5-d chess the entire time?

>> No.63774973

Everytime they did it they made sure that the audience were aware and only use it sarcastically for funsies

>> No.63775067

Nigga really cooked chicken tenders for his monetization opening stream. If I was Yagoo I would've been desperate.

>> No.63775112
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thank you very much OP

>> No.63775324

I have a feeling that Homostar KR could be a success

>> No.63775415

clearly they are desperate otherwise they wouldn't have hired these bottom of the barrel twitter audience homos

>> No.63775502

If you consider what YAGOO said here >>63771050, about how the western vtuber market has not developed into a Japanese-styled "industry" yet, then technically it is a waste to kill niji since it is another major JP corpo that can help shape the western market.

>> No.63775545

Tbf that’s pretty hilarious. It would be the kind of thing I’d watch if it were a girl

>> No.63775575

He's talking about homegrown western corpos, of which the only major one is vshojo. Killing nijisanji doesn't affect that

>> No.63775707

He could arguably be talking about corpos outside of vtubing who do collaborations and partnerships. That’s what really makes Hololive big in Japan—being more than just streams and doing irl shit.
Gura got some fucking aquarium in Japan that chumbuds aren’t going to see, because no aquarium in America cares about Hololive. If Nijisanji being there makes it easier for the JP corpos to get these partnerships, then sure, I guess.
I do know I wish VSPO the best. Maybe the esports angle will work in EN, who knows. I sure hope they’re careful in their hiring though.

>> No.63776643

Only ever for gags or character voices.

>> No.63776843
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What is this ELI5?

>> No.63777074

>another weird service/trend from Japan
lol too late Yagoo, no one takes Vtubers seriously in the West. It took anime like 30 years to be considered not Japanese porn cartoons

>> No.63777185

I can understand why the Giants would pay for the license. Vtuber fans are younger than the main pro baseball fan demographic, so they wanted to get younger fans interested along with capturing value from the older set of Vtuber fans.

>> No.63777207


>> No.63777379
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Reddit speak.

>> No.63777570

>Cover had plans to develop their own livestreaming platform, but since VTubers have not reached household name recognition level in the world yet, a streaming service just for VTubers 2D and 3D CG streams woudl not be well received.
I mean they are slowly starting with the new app to replace Twitter.

>> No.63777614

yeah, and also holoearth for concerts.

>> No.63777754

I still need to get it working again on my pc. it works on my laptop but it's kinda shit, it used to work on my PC but after an update it stopped working and after logging in and starting it from the launcher it crashes.

>> No.63779803

based, thank you op

>> No.63780652

to replace twitter, no. but to make the fans closer to the brand and schedules, yes. because as much as i hate twitter, they can't left it because how important it is for bigger and new audiences. like OP mentioned, holoplus is yagoo ways to "copy" kpop ways to connect with their fans.

>> No.63780997

but is it the kind of thing you'd watch if you were a girl

>> No.63781084

>wasting resources
in term of # yes maybe, but who knows about merch. i mean magni demands more money means it's big enough (and he felt entitled with that just like most ppl with protagonist syndrom)

>> No.63781221

there's a term of Househusband fetish

>> No.63781337

magni was a grifter punching way above his weight class, it's been confirmed holostars are just a drain on hololive money because they're yagoo's pet project

>> No.63782286

I’m thrilled thinking about how the subhumans here will try to warp reality to keep saying vtubers are characters and that the people behind are voice actors when the very CEO of the biggest vtuber corpo in the world say they are just streamers using anime avatars.
They did so after the talents said they are just being themselves and they will do it again.

>> No.63782458

especially Kiara who fucked herself by doing the chicken voice instead of her normal sex voice

>> No.63782646

I don't see how they're people and not anime characters.

>> No.63783228

It’s all a big play. We are all actors, anon.
And guess what? You are an actor too!!

>> No.63783626

>Yagoo thinks the Hololive fandom is similar to KPop fandom in terms of passion, constantly compares the two.
>in terms of passion
>Kpop fandom

>> No.63783759

finally, a sentient holostar critic

>> No.63784015

thing is the only people they're bringing in are toxic twitter trannies that only support with tweets and updoots, the girls have more female viewership

>> No.63784109
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>> No.63784727

Holokr soon?
finally yagoo acknowledge korea market. my god it takes way too long.

i do agree with him. there are a lot talented people in korea that cannot become idol because psysique.
korean beauty standard is too high. people with ordinary face cant compete since the start.
the thing about kore is, their audience is not only from korea itself. korean language is hot right now since kdrama and kpop a thing.
if yagoo really want to capture global audience, then kr is a perfect place to open a branch next

>> No.63784857

holo korea would be an even bigger waste than holostars because their market is already oversaturated with idols

>> No.63785374

Looking at how NijiKR ended up and how KR already loves EN to bits, I don't think HoloKR is necessary.

>> No.63786582

isegye is a thing

bring up nijikr is nonsense. niji is too idiot at handling overseas branch.
you should mention isegye instead which is vtuber and also idol.

>> No.63786890

>A. Yagoo says there would probably be a lot of people who want to become KPop stars but can't, he thinks it's possible for them to become VTubers and find success that way. Clarifies that he's just stating that a different genre of VTubers exists in Korea, not that they're rivals.
That explains the Holo KR meme, koreans trying to get famous but resorting to vtubing sounds like a path that the industry has to take.
I liike Yagoo's take, KR is not an enemy but a place were they can fish for the talent pool and get a stronger bussines IP

>> No.63791654

I mean that's speculation and conjecture, all we know is that for the most part, with limited exceptions, female vtubers do better.
Is it because female tvubers are naturally better at what they do 100% of the time? I don't think that's the case. Are hololive female vtubers better than the stars? Absolutely. But aside from that the demographic for males is, once again, lower.

>> No.63792188

considering a lot of EN hires are part gook I can see this was in the talks for years but without nothing concrete

>> No.63792230
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Thanks for breaking this down for us, OP. This has been an interesting read.

>> No.63792503
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Thamks for the TL;DR, anon.
Here is a cunny for your good effort

>> No.63792541

It is the sort of things corporations do. Even if something is not super profitable and profits would be invested better somewhere else, sometimes you chase a market just to stunt someone else.
In this case, they don't want Niji to have the whole male vtuber pie.

Note that this could still mean that holostars is Yagoo's passion, it's just that someone else it's A-chan let's be honest here is using his dream to crush rivals.

>> No.63792793

Ministry streams, and Noel has done that obaasan streams with a really creepy fucking voice.

>> No.63792881

We have partial numbers, their merch sales is also preety shit atleast what is sold on the holoshop.
Meanwhile suisei can sell a million dollers worth of merch in a single run.

>> No.63792964

He literally said that
>It's like anime characters coming to real life
Never said that they are only streamers with an avatar.

>> No.63793182

Nijisanji is incompetent and can't get shit right outside of Japan.
There are huge KR vtubers, i fully expect holoKR to match isegye or surpass them in no time.

>> No.63793237

Sorry I should have specified I meant like as a self conscious thing or anything

>> No.63793620

how many corp with idol theme in KR...?
it will like new fisher try to fish in small pond with already many old fisher in that small... pond..

>> No.63793670

>Cover's low budget branch that exists largely to make sure they cover a niche in the vtuber market and not leave that niche open for rivals to take 100% of
>a waste
Every Holostars viewer is a viewer that isn't watching Nijisanji or indies.

>> No.63793771

I think Cover makes a point that they don't do that, probably as a preemptive measure against the "lol actually a man" allegations vtubers have gotten since day 1. Yagoo says in that interview that they generally don't (and the exceptions are probably the gag streams people already mentioned)

>> No.63793790

>VTfags on Yagoo: YAGOO BEST GIRL! OMG!
>VTfags on Holostars and male VTubers: MALES! MALES! MALES! FUCK OFF!!!! LEAVE OUR OSHIS ALONE!!!
Why are VTfags this retarded? Shouldn't you shit on Yagoo for bringing Holostars?

>> No.63793921

>Bringing nijisanji audiance into holo
Homos have brought the worse fucking fanbase imaginable.
And the problem is that cover dosent do shit for holoen, while they waste money to prop up the homos, just today armis homos got a 4coma manga by a big name.
What has advent gotten? What about promise? They get nothing even though their performance and importance is 100X greater then the whole homo branch combined.

>> No.63794034

Yagoo is retarded with his obsession of homos, but that dosent change all the good he does.
And most of you retards are small company shitters your post oozes with shitter seethe so kys.

>> No.63794183

I find these posts so dumb. Of course the jp side will always get a better treatment, from logistics to personal interests and knowledge it's just much easier.

>> No.63794208

Holo megalian kino when?

>> No.63794364
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>Neuro can graduate and reincarnate as a Holo

>> No.63795959

If it is the case, she should use them to promote outside of holo sphere, not muddle the brand more and be like competitor. Everytime they using holo main channel, main twitter, all of those are seen as integration rather than finding their own niche.

>> No.63796690

>kuro got shutted off forever

>> No.63797049

>> Yagoo reveals that they got paid license fees for the Giants collab (holy shit)
Is this supposed to be a big thing or something?

>> No.63797510

>it was HOLOLIVE that got paid for their license
But we already knew this from the deal that Yagoo had to throw the ball during the game.

>> No.63797568

Baseball is pretty big in Japan so you'd assume it's cover paying these sports leagues to put their brand and girls out there in the public eye and not the other way around. Sure Peko, Marine, etc. etc. can get good numbers for a streamer, but any normal baseball game has thousands of seats sold and hundred thousands watching from home.

>> No.63797896

There is some form of irony or synchronicity? that the two interests which have eaten most of my time were driven by people who are Stoics.

Hearing about this makes me want to make an impact on the world too.

The part about not having space for goods is true, and the one for voices too.
It's better to have a simulated experience, than never knowing anything.
Where does this lead to?

>> No.63799547

Bouncy YAGOO

>> No.63800163


>> No.63800259

>Jp side
Nobody is talking about jp we are talking about homoen and holoen.
Armies got a 4coma animation today while advent and promise have ever only gotten short animations at debut why the fuck is that the case?

>> No.63800954

You guys massively overestimate how much it costs Cover to keep talents employed. All the really expensive shit is self-funded. No success, no funds, no expensive shit.

>> No.63801159

Are you unironically seething over THIS? https://twitter.com/hololive_En/status/1731206815843856716
Not only that but you're saying that it's higher budget than Advent's anime trailer and debut song.

>> No.63801658

Doesn't stop Anycolor from snapping off their branches like a bunch of useless toys.

>> No.63803572

First he would have to stop wasting time with holoearth

>> No.63803877

is that the one with the building mechanic? that feature totally won't be ignored by everyone by the way

>> No.63803934

hope they carefully vet out the feminists or it will end badly for holo

>> No.63805275

Part 2 is out

>> No.63805709

Thanks for proving his point.

>> No.63805721

interesting thread, op
thanks for the quality in the sea of shit that is /vt/

>> No.63806571

>the important thing is motivation

>> No.63806607

> Q. How much VTubers have become "normalized" in Japan.
Talks about how most of their fans are from 25-35 range, but teenage audience is also slowly increasing thanks to their music activities.
> Talks about GIANTS collab and Tokyo Dome City collab as benchmarks to say "we're popular enough for this type of collabs".
> Q. For now it's popular with ages 10 to 30, so how long do you think it will take to reach a level of "everyone knows about this", in Japan?
Did these come one after another? Seems like the interviewer wasn't listening to him

>> No.63807152
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I watched it. Some of the points that I personally think is important is as below

>talking about choosing their talents
Yagoo said there are a lot of applicants from Japan and around the world, which is not surprising.
What he is looking for is the skill set of the talents,
The design is decided by the voice of the talent - but this is old news.
The interviewer implied that Cover did voice interview only but not sure if it is true since Yagoo didn't agree with him.
Also mentioned motivation is a very important for the talent they are choosing (jab at some people maybe hmmmmmmm??)

>talking about antis
Cover setup a 24 hours monitoring system for the comments on soc mec.
Opinion: This is probably a solution coming out from the Rushia yab, and one of the reason why Suisei and Cover both got the news of her yab as fast as we've seen.

There are talks about business with the usual graph
>metaverse mentioned
Old news, just confirming that Yagoo still sees Cover as a tech company and focusing on developing the 3D tech as we speak with holoearth as their focus. They are not changing the course.

On the vtuber business side
>they let the talents decide what they wanted to do
Unironic talent freedom. He feels like the company is a platform that is supporting the talents and the creators.
Opinion: Some talents are overwhelmed by their freedom especially in the EN branch, with IRyS mentioning that "it is scary" to have such an amount of freedom.
>not always choosing the most profitable project
Opinion: yeah we know about holostars too, Yagoo.

>Ado mentioned
Talk about celebrities that don't show their faces
>talking about the live concert in the real world
>Musk mentioned
>acknowledging that they need to reach to the global market because of Japan's population decline
>Genshin and China
>10% of the staff is kaigai
>Acknowleging Anycolor's strength is their male talents and Cover's strength lies in their female talents
>it is very important to have rival in the industry to improve
>from his first entrepreneurship he found out that connection is very important

Feel free to add anything you find important from the interview.

>> No.63808940


>> No.63809149

ok, so Feminist's and PC SJW's international mega corp Hololive highjacking when?

>> No.63809316

Have you heard of Omega?

>> No.63809403
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>> No.63809446

already happened, see: armis

>> No.63809593

I only know the happy story of Crunchyroll.
All weeb culture are meant for suffragists?

>> No.63809813
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>Sup Dawg, I heard you like channels, so I put a Channel in you Channel
Why are the Japanese like this

>> No.63809827

But will Ayame let him get away with HoloKR?

>> No.63809924

>images you can hear

>> No.63810519

>Cover setup a 24 hours monitoring system for the comments on soc mec.
Jesus its sad but understandable that it came to this
So Cover has the equivalent of NSA-lite shifting through social media for antis to litigate and sue

>> No.63810600

>acknowledging that they need to reach to the global market because of Japan's population decline
I find this part interesting, their actions so far don't speak to this so will see if they put more effort into ID/EN/new branches in the future.

>> No.63810601

they're definitely 100% here

>> No.63810652

>compares to kpop
korean branch when?

>> No.63810915

HoloKR is letting its roots take control of HoloEN and now they are starting to take over HoloJP see Hajime and Nijika(Kanade)

>> No.63810975
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Only if she gets to fuck the girls as per their agreement

>> No.63811215

>100+ replies
>not a single そうですね counter
The absolute state

>> No.63811915

I noticed it and laughed every time he did it but I got so focused on the conversation that all my brain power went to TL.

>> No.63811985

The interviewer seems very focused in trying to showcase Japan's industry. Like asking if Korea is the enemy or when he asked yagoo where's Genshin company from and when yagoo said it was Chinese he lost all interest.

>> No.63812478

Things are making alot more sense after watching a video on Japan's economic decline and how all their companies are getting run around in circles by Korea and China. Don't see how Japan will ever be relevant again on the world stage. Feel bad for JP bros, at least the food, onsens and hentai porn are good.

>> No.63812710

>getting run around in circles by Korea and China
You can really see that with gacha.

>> No.63812946

Korea is so far behind Japan it's not even funny.

>> No.63813171

Maybe on a national level? But from what I watched it sounds like Samsung has made Sony their little bitch.

>> No.63813176

They're ahead in some sectors and behind in others. Cell phones and screens? Yeah Korea has Japan beat. But something like automobiles? Japan is still king in that regard.

>> No.63813293
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Korea, like many countries, has some peaks but overall Japan is still much ahead and still punching way about its weight.

GDP, same thing. And korea has a worse fertility rate, if you care about that.

>> No.63813380

Pochi-mama ...

>> No.63813927

It's weird seeing him talk about global expansion in every interview for years while holoEN just gets more and more focused on NA as time goes on. I know even mentioning this invites shitposting, but Europe is an enormous market for weeb shit (they spent more than NA on anime and manga for 40 years straight) and Cover go out of their way to avoid it for no apparent reason.

>> No.63814483

>Cover setup a 24 hours monitoring system for the comments on soc mec.
i know they're here....

did you hear that?

>> No.63814558

>And korea has a worse fertility rate, if you care about that.
i wonder if the feminist cults behind that too

>> No.63814596

>no apparent reason
Isn't weird how pretty much every corpo chubba basically avoids the EU? There's gotta be a logical reason why they do this...

>> No.63814682

She wanted to be cute only later realising she already was.

>> No.63814712

They don't though, a lot of the most popular members of both NijiEN and smaller corpos are either from there or stream during euro primetime. It's literally just Cover

>> No.63814731

It's amazing how little normalfags know. Can't someone do actual research before asking obvious questions?

>> No.63814752

Yeah building a market is much harder than building a new one.
Short term gains are more attrative than long ones especially to investors

>> No.63814861

Why bother with the risk when you can just do PST prime time and nail the West coast and East Asia in one go?

>> No.63814990

Europe and SEA both had more fans in them than NA prior to the EN branch's debut, we know that because Cover put out a publicly available marketing deck in 2020 with their actual youtube metrics in it. The only reason NA makes up most of EN's audience today is because they ignored everywhere else for 3 years. You could reasonably argue this was a bad idea since holoEN are the only branch under Cover to actually lose viewers year on year.

>> No.63815219

>Samsung has made Sony their little bitch
I thought California made Sony their little bitch?
Korea is also 4th in the world when it comes to females heroing themselves with double the rate of the next first world country Sweden. Korea is also first among first world countries among men, but not that far ahead of the rates found in the US.
TLDR, yes, that's likely the case
Cover thinks the English literacy rate of euros are on par with the japs

>> No.63815346

>Cover thinks the English literacy rate of euros are on par with the japs
This is especially bizarre because it takes literally 5 seconds of looking at public live stream statistics (the exact sort of thing they should have looked at when doing market research) to see that English-language live stream viewership peaks during the period they've never had any streams

>> No.63815492

As a european (italian) I think there are two big factors. The first is the language, you either speak english or you can't grow, and not all of us (nordics aside) speak it The second issue is that a lot of NA girls are asian or part asian, and europe lacks the asian immigration america had.

This said, there are some EU streamer who REALLY should join a corpo and I am surprised they haven't yet. Nina is the biggest one, girl would be the best singer in holoen hands down.

>> No.63815546

Yet none of the girls other then Kiara bother with the EU timeslots. It's obvious they get to choose their streaming hours, so why don't any of them go into mostly empty timeslots to capitalize on a market that has just as much if not more profit potential? They're all in the business of making money after all.

>> No.63815701

They are literally told when to stream during their extremely important debut period, we heard that first-hand from one of the homos. If they debut in NA primetime and spend their entire first month streaming in NA primetime they have realistically no chance of succeeding in another time slot afterwards.
You can see that with Advent, both Nerissa and Shiori have done a few euro hours streams recently and basically nobody noticed because they got written off as unwatchable from debut. Nobody's going to subscribe to someone who normally streams at 4AM.

>> No.63815898

Yet it seems like StarsEN can just pick out their slots without issue from the getgo. I don't think the issue here is Cover telling them when to stream but the girls picking the default either because they're retarded, don't want to follow Kiara's example, or they don't think they'll appeal to Euros. Cover gives their talents an insane amount of freedom yet they still pigeon hole themselves.

>> No.63816000

to be fair, less taxes also means more spending money and let's not forget the eu isolationism making merch shit

>> No.63816035

When he said Cover insisted on NA primetime, holoEN and starsEN had the same management. Their schedule got more varied after their management was separated from holoEN. I don't think that's a coincidence.

>> No.63816076

Shiori had better than Kiara numbers in eu hours.

>> No.63816167

Debuts are also mid JP, but after that it's painful obvious management let's the talents pick their timeslots. Vesper basically made his home in EU prime time in the beginning. So no, that isn't the reason. It's at the talents discretion as to what times work best for them to stream at.

>> No.63816326

> Q. From a casual person's perspective, it would be understandable if a famous anime character started talking and got famous, like if Doraemon came to life obviously he'd get famous famous. But why would non-famous "anime characters" get so popular like this?
A. Yagoo states "Contact frequency" as the reason. Talks about how each VTuber has "goals" that they're chasing, and how fans enjoy the bantz with the chuuba or with other fans in the comments.

Even the fucking CEO who isn't a vtuber understands this so why the fuck are ENs not streaming, JPs being bogged down with other work that detracts from streaming, and why do they keep trying to debut Holos as Music focused without building up a fanbase FIRST i.e. Suisei,Azki, Irys, and Regloss?

>> No.63816327

He literally said, on stream, more than once, that they would only let him do those euro hours streams if he also streamed at NA primetime, and they only agreed to that after he argued about it. Realistically not many people are going to argue with management pre-debut to double their workload but that's what it took.

>> No.63816372

My dude it's a fucking flash animation with just layers moved around and stretched. HoloEN has showed up in multiple fully animated 2D MVs made by professional animators.

>> No.63816472

Because the ceo doesn't have much power in big corporations, he's just a figurehead.

>> No.63816666
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Guys say hello to all the mane-chans lurking here.

>> No.63816667

A recent example that comes to mind is fuwamoco's schedule, actually. They had some earlier streams on there, but when they got busy those were always the first to get dropped. They kept saying they'd bring them back then not doing that. The only ways you could interpret that are either they're forced to prioritize NA primetime streams for some reason, or they just felt like repeatedly lying about it.

>> No.63816773

Or, simply, most talents live in the usa and streams at hours that suit them.

>> No.63816837

Okay but why would they repeatedly apologize about dropping those streams and say they'd bring them back only to not do that
Like I said, the only possible interpretations are either they were compelled to not do them, or they were knowingly lying to disappointed viewers, and they don't seem like shitty enough people for the latter to be true

>> No.63816946
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Here's just my speculation of another part of the reason. Japan, NA, LATAM, SEA/ID, KR, and Australia all have overlapping timeslots where people from those regions can easily watch vtubers that stream during those hours. Although I'm particularly focusing on the JP timezones.

Maybe, just maybe it's harder for the JP side to manage talents/streams during non waking hours when their offices are open?

>> No.63816998

We know they don't do voice interviews only. Gura talked about how they asked her to do some kind of video interview and she said no, lol.

>> No.63817011

Or maybe their workload has increased behind the scenes since debut? You can say you want to do something but not actually do it because of things like burnout, tummy hort, or like actual behind the scenes, work on projects etc. It's not like the only two options are either their lying sacks of shit or Cover hates Europe.

>> No.63817205

>burger women
>life goals
really now

>> No.63817222

While it is true that euro primetime happens during the night in JP, there's ID and JP members who routinely stream during that time and it doesn't seem to be a problem. Kiara has also mentioned having meetings at 4AM JST before, so clearly they do sometimes have managers work overnight.

Again, you're missing the point that streams outside of the NA primetime slot are always the first/most affected, even when it was acknowledged that's a problem that was disappointing people. If they were actually free to decide their schedule why wouldn't they drop one of 5-7 NA streams instead to retain the one stream those people could watch?

>> No.63817267

NTA, Yagoo isn't just a CEO that got hired/appointed by board of directors, he IS part of the board with the biggest company share

>> No.63817321

Hopefully this interview gets fully translated

>> No.63817453

Honestly I doubt any of them are actually /here/. They're not looking for the latest kiaraschizo meltdown, they want to know if Suisei's Switch account was shown coming online on some dude's stream.

>> No.63817487

He's either lying or powerless, pick which one you prefer.

>> No.63817576

They will eventually need to find a solution to handling/managing EU timezones if they are truly serious about this statement
>acknowledging that they need to reach to the global market because of Japan's population decline

>> No.63817580

Because they speak English and reside in North America so those timeslots work best for them? If they really wanted to do early streams they would just like they did on debut, however they feel the need to drop those instead. The thing I don't think you understand is there is a large number of legit reasons why they could drop them outside of your "Cover only wants them to stream in NA Primetime" head canon.

>> No.63817671

From the top of my head there are 2 eu streamers from corporations, Rin and Panko. 3 if we count Kiara who used to live in Japan.

The market is simply not there, either because of a lack of talent or a lack of market.

>> No.63817771

If they just said streaming at that time was inconvenient (or just dropped it without saying anything) then you'd have a point, but they repeatedly apologized about it and said they'd come back, so it's valid to ask why they then didn't.

Are you forgetting that the most popular members of NijiEN and the only other EN vtubers to ever reach HoloEN's level of popularity were bongs

>> No.63817810

Bro, you forgot the big one in Shylily. Maybe that's it, maybe Hololive is simply to prudish for a sex positive Europe.

>> No.63817888

Shylily is not in a corporation though. Indies are fine, there is Saruei as well.

Honestly yeah I forgot. In my defence I was thinking if I should have included Rin or not since bongs have obvious language advantages over other euros.

>> No.63818035

I forgot, GX Aura is a bong as well.

>> No.63818052

You're gonna apologize to a vocal set of people if you want to bring back what they're vocal about. Maybe it's shit they can't talk about like projects and other stuff behind the scenes, maybe it's just a fucking woman moment about not talking about the problem. They went from doing them, to not doing them around the time Cover starts to ramp up their talents behind the scenes works. They made the choice to drop one over the other, most likely because they still want to stream to the JP crowd.

>> No.63818202

Again, they could have just said "sorry, it's inconvenient so we're not doing them any more". It's not what people would want to hear but that's better than implying it's a one-week temporary thing when they actually dropped the time slot for an entire month (twice).

>> No.63818239

>Maybe, just maybe it's harder for the JP side to manage talents/streams during non waking hours [then] when their offices are open?
This is correct.
>They will eventually need to find a solution
A solution exists and Japanese companies automakers have even used it for many decades. But it's literally impossible to actually do for Cover at this point.
They just need someone to eat shit and work 3rd shift, it's that fucking simple.
And this is why it will never get fixed.
You can't get someone on salary to work outside of banker's hours, that's why they went to university. It's hard enough to get their contracted talents to work the late shift after 8PM local time, which is why cross branch events are always full of bitching about being tired.

>> No.63818270

I think you're applying what you would do to another person and running wild with what it could mean that they don't do what you'd do.

>> No.63818294

Kiara has literally had to end streams mid-superchat reading so she can go and have meetings with her manager at 3-4AM JST. They ARE doing night shifts.

>> No.63818794

One of the talent managers occasionally doing overtime can't help all that much. But if all of EN's management worked from like 22:00 to 10:00 local time with a 4 day week with different shift coverage so that weekends and holidays were also working days it would.
Cover's management and content teams would need to work like a line worker at a Toyota plant for EU to be viable.
This is why EU will forever be fucked, because the return from accommodating EU isn't worth what you'd have to pay qualified people to do the basic wagie grunt work factory shift. The alternative, of opening an office in EU is just as expensive if not more but has the drawback of needing to incorporate in Europe legally.

>> No.63819011

Then let's have a change from the hemisphere and instead of the EU go for Africa. Cheaper labor and population will get a big boom in just a few years. They are already having a boom of internet penetration.

>> No.63819144

They would only need 1-2 managers and some chat moderators as support staff for that time slot, and from what we know they already have that (their investor docs say their chat moderation has 24/7 EN+JP coverage). People like Kaela, Watame, Korone, Okayu, Shion, Flare, etc. already stream during that time regularly without any problems.

>> No.63819173

>open an office in South Africa so they can cover EU hours at like 33% of the wage cost
That could actually work.

>> No.63820062

>They will eventually need to find a solution
The problem with "eventually" is that we're already years past the peak of the overseas hype for hololive. EN is still very dependent on word-of-mouth marketing, and they've spent 3 years (probably 4 by the time another gen arrives) making every region except NA progressively more annoyed and disappointed.
I think they have to take a shot outside of NA regardless, because NA primetime overlap is already visibly brutal on their views with only 3 gens, but they're going to have a much harder time than they could (should?) have had if they'd paid attention a year or two earlier.
