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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63741534 No.63741534 [Reply] [Original]

>used to have extremely soulful karaokes
>used to stream a lot
>set up kino event collabs (in 2020 and 2021)
Ok but what has she done recently? Theres no doubt she was at the top of the game in 2020 and 2021 and deserved to take it easy for a while but has she done anything noteworthy in 2022 and 2023? It almost seems like shes completely checked out, no projects, barely any streams, all of her karaokes seem forced and are missing the passion they once had. It's at the point where Ina (notorious for barely streaming) is out streaming her while doing professional artist work while Ame has no obligations outside of Hololive. Is it possible for her to return to her former glory? Does she even care enough to put in the effort needed?

>> No.63741576

I don't watch myth as often lately (because there's nothing to watch lol) but I think it's pretty obvious that there's some bullshit going on behind the scenes either between the talents themselves or with management.

>> No.63741656

Ame, Gura and Ina went into vtubing to cure their boredom during lockdowns. After the pandemic was over in 2022 they went back to their normie lives and lost all motivation.

>> No.63741772

>soulful karaokes
Shit doesn't equal soul.

>> No.63741831

The only ENs with less hours than her are Gura, Mumei, Kronii, Shiori, and Nerissa
Yes, Fuwamoco and Bijou have more hours streamed than her this year despite debuting in August.
Mori has over double her hours streamed despite releasing another album and appearing in countless 3D lives. Even Fauna, who seems to be getting a lot of shit for not streaming recently, has almost 100 more hours streamed than Ame does.
What is she doing that requires so much time off?

>> No.63741853

its because of ideologies like "no male" or "pro loli", which is just sexual abuse. V tubers began to fear their fans.

>> No.63741905

>Ok but what has she done recently?

Nothing really except being the only person gura trusts in the company. Ame is just leeching the salary of holo without even doing any work.

>> No.63742014

Or maybe she's just lazy

>> No.63742092

Money changed her

>> No.63742140

Some of you guys would do well in >>63707351

>> No.63742207


>> No.63742260

Nobody gives a fuck about Ame.

>> No.63742391

She stood up against her fans to support Tempus which was based.
She hasn't done anything after that.

>> No.63742512

yeah, imaginary characters must be protected

>> No.63743577

The karaokes are still soulful

>> No.63743977

She hoped HoloEN would get more opportunities and technical support post-Covid. That they'd get closer to HoloJP standards, but it was basically the opposite.
Now that she basically achieved everything (lots of fans and money, big event appearances) she hoped for, EN kouhais are picking up the slack and she learned how many fragile incels are among her core audience, she lost a lot of motivation to deal with JP corpo autism.

>> No.63744463

Basically this yeah
Aside from the “ fragile incels” part I don’t think she cares that those people fucked off

>> No.63744525
File: 226 KB, 522x750, teakeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont know, you tell me

>> No.63744687
File: 434 KB, 1000x1400, lhczz193rfd61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She pounded your mom last night!

>> No.63744739

Maybe not that they fucked off, but that they were part of her "golden age" in hololive might have tainted those memories.

>> No.63745247

>why do all these women who are nearly at the end of their marriageable age range stop streaming as frequently???

I think you guys forget how old she of them are.

>> No.63745612

male collab fodder

>> No.63745842

We are back to this rrat in 2023. Feels like home.

>> No.63746459

Ina is the only one who's still good from Myth

>> No.63746488
File: 297 KB, 706x313, nijisistersupset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijisisters... i understand you got really mad that 4 times as many people watched a tone deaf holo sing than a "idol otaku" niji but you don't have to lash out this much...

>> No.63746552

lmao, suddenly this thread makes so much sense

>> No.63746558

how is "no male" sexual abuse? just dont be a whore

>> No.63746634

It's not a rrat anymore anon. Shit is going down, keep your eyes and ears more open

>> No.63746637


>> No.63746665

she stopped being kino during the "improve yourself" arc and simply turned into a basic bitch

>> No.63746691

This absolute scitzo cope always blaming everything on antis/random fans of other streamers/tourists.

>> No.63746739
File: 241 KB, 568x602, 1692680453435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO TRUE SIS #cut4hex

>> No.63746757

>get outed
>immediate cope and seethe

>> No.63746820

Why are you upset? Do you actually enjoy vtubers putting minimal effort into their craft?

>> No.63746823

wtf I thought it was a meme

>> No.63746828


>> No.63746889

They're only like 25-28 though. They still have at least another decade.

>> No.63746974

I enjoy seeing you squirm because your idol organ gets quarter of the viewers of a rhythmically challanged holo. It is okay though if she gets out now she still has time to try for EN4, lets cheer for pomu together sister! thats my olive branch to you

>> No.63747060

We still have Fauna and Noel for SOVL so it's not all bad. Ame really did have something special at the start though.

>> No.63747080

lol you really made them upset with this one ahahaha

>> No.63747174

>Still seething after a year
You fuckers need a life, or at least some newer material

>> No.63747275

You are not one of the real ones

>> No.63747426

ame is still SOUL despite what op said

>> No.63747820
File: 198 KB, 642x727, 1701527849471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame can shoot herself in the foot 100 times and she'll still be more popular than Kiara
She just has natural charisma

>> No.63748084

Holy based kek

>> No.63748129

I want Pomu to get into hololive then get an easy 20k karaokes just to show that the blue dorito is all that matters.

>> No.63748326

Holy cope

>> No.63749387

Soul is about more than just being garbage at singing, anon. It's about her drive to improve despite knowing that she has to start at rock bottom. It's about being able to have fun and laugh about it with chat even though you know she has a long road ahead of her. Can you really sit through a tone-deaf rendition of Kiss Me (if she even still does those these days) when you know that Ame absolutely despises you?
It's been overshadowed by all the "le males bad" bs around her, but early watchers of Ame know that she didn't lose all her goslings in one go. It was a steady decline over the course of her career because she progressively got more toxic to her viewers with each passing stream. She was always known as the "ragequitter" of Myth, but at one point it stopped being "lol she mad" and became "holy shit this woman is unironically constantly pissed at something in her life and it is driving her fucking insane". Which again, not the end of the world, except for the fact that she took it out on her audience. Imagine using your free time or day off to watch your favorite vtuber, only for her to go off on you for some inane bullshit that happened to her in a game. It all just became too tiresome after a while.

>> No.63750164

This is so accurate it hurts. Ame has some legit anger issues and I can't stand the semi-constant negative energy.

>> No.63750317

This might sound biased but
>Hololive rumor = 100% fake
>NijiEN rumor = 100% real
I wish I was joking but that's how it's been lately.

>> No.63750458


>> No.63750523


>> No.63750602

so true sisters!

>> No.63750665

Sometimes I forget how Ame seriously broke some of you by turning into a massive cunt, but every now and then a post like this pops up and I feel sorry for you fuckers all over again. Jesus, I hope you're in a better place now man

>> No.63750727

iirc didn't ame used to collab heaps with Gura? Like they were the closest of their gen. Maybe gura fucking dying and disappearing off the face of the Earth after a year got to Ame too

>> No.63750885

Sometimes I forgot how Ame seriously mindraped you by making her live rent free in your heads but than I see a faggot replying to his catalogfaggotry wall of text and I give a good laugh at the absolute state. I hope you kill yourself soon man

>> No.63751166

No. Enjoy the sponsored Apex tourney with nijimales next week then potato mode again.

>> No.63751255

This thread makes sense now

>> No.63751425

I take it you don't care about talent, skill, effort, etc. and prefer only the lowest possible shit imaginable.
You do you, I guess.

>> No.63751482

Maybe Pomu should be more charismatic

>> No.63752171


>> No.63752989

Post I link and I'll judge her.

>> No.63753064

What the fuck this is what cut4hex was about this whole time? l I always thought it was about the 2% business cut or something, now I get why its getting mentioned so often.

>> No.63754566

Myth is close but they have been stressed out for a long time. They have gone out of their way to make sure that at least one Myth talent was missing from every major holiday collab in both 2022 and 2023. Whether the HoloEN collab was Halloween, Christmas, April Fools, Easter, or New Years take a quick look and see when that holiday last had 5 Myth talents in attendance.

An obvious problem is that Ina never wanted to be a lewd vtuber but with her current design there are financial reasons why management will keep promoting her in that way. When even JP talents like Suisei and Ayame ask their fans to keep their art tag safe for young children it's obvious that forced sexualization of talents would be a divisive topic with Cover especially with the EN branch. Coomers might bring up how these vtubers make a lot of money but it's normal for people to care about their reputation even with a job since they want their family to be proud of them.

>> No.63754988

Why is KFP always shitting on their oshi's genmates?

>> No.63755140

getting a bit desperate there, sister?
