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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63678898 No.63678898 [Reply] [Original]

>you do not know me
>I do not know you
>we are not friends
>we are not in a relationship
Was Milord overly harsh with kindred in this stream?

>> No.63678921

>Hmm... I wonder how I can lose my fans and income as quick as possible....

>> No.63678948

uh oh sisters looks like you got too parasocial and needed a reality check! remember he is NOT your boyfriend lmaoooo

>> No.63679072

Vox’s rise, the selling of NijiEN’s albeit-minute soul to CN, and his eventual self-propelled downward spiral should be transformed into an epic about the dangers of yumejoshi.

>> No.63679086
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>> No.63679104
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>> No.63679161


>> No.63679165


>> No.63679178

Seems normal to me. They did threaten to invade his home and kill him after all

>> No.63679185
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>be sex worker
>clients become clingy
>"we not friend"

no shit, sherlock. not what you're getting paid for.

>> No.63679200

The fact that this guy thinks he's an artist gives me a chuckle every time

>> No.63679270


>> No.63679281
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I forgot to include kindred's response.

>> No.63679312
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Just compare this to when he was interviewed by Melody when he LOVED pleasing his audience. That pasta plate incident made him really bitter toward his fanbase. Now he is gaslighting them by saying they forced him to do it.

But hey sisters love that abusive stuff.

>> No.63679336

unironically poor sisters

>> No.63679351


>> No.63679444
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Instruction unclear, proceed to attack himself.

>> No.63679487

Where was this when they were sending you $$$$ you piece of shit? This is why you never trust streamers, never get in whale wars

>> No.63679568

they deserve worse

>> No.63679610
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>> No.63679614

Go off, king. Women need to be put in their place.

>> No.63679717

Sasuga most dedicated fanbase

>> No.63679759

Based Based Based
Femcels on suicide watch

>> No.63680067
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>> No.63680080

>be sex worker
>try not be sex worker anymore
>puke and have panic attacks live
>viewers become concerned
>I was pretending because I'm an actor now
>Also "we are not friends"

>> No.63680155

>Psychoanalyzes a made up person
>Wow sister!! You owned the incels with this one

>> No.63680181

In Japan, Vox Akuma is called Vox Gouki

>> No.63680297


>> No.63680514

Why all screenshots of comments regarding his "drama" is like 10 pages on A4 full spaghetti spilling? No wonder he btfo'd those sisters. A man can be humiliated only for this long for this much money
I actually gave him a chance at start when he played some Souls game and seemed great, but he went full faggot in a week, so I left.
Not that I'll come back, but I have no doubt that he'll be okay without deranged chinese fujos and troons

>> No.63680584
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>> No.63680626
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Reminds me of this

>> No.63680714

In France he called Le retard de Vox Akuma

>> No.63680747

another melty? what happened this time?

>> No.63680848

>shipfags are harmle—

>> No.63680862

Genuinely why is he shooting himself in the foot like this? is there a male version of a woman moment

>> No.63680925

In Poland he is called Włoska Guma

>> No.63681067

I wonder if he got disillusioned and disgusted after seeing the actual faces of his fans

>> No.63681069

Holy schizo

>> No.63681189

Reimu and a plate of pasta really messed him up.

>> No.63681219

This guy literally did BFE
So he regrets it after making a ton of money on these girls

>> No.63681260


>> No.63681315

He loved them when he needed the money

>> No.63682390

most mentally stable vtuber fanbase

>> No.63682403

>No one has gotten a heart

>> No.63682761
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>I'm an actor now
Who the hell does he think he is? Christian Bale?

>> No.63682922

Because he thinks he's an Oscar bait actor and not a gigolo for lonely Chinese women

>> No.63683090

If he somehow didn't know before that most vtuber fans are ugly, that's his own fault.

>> No.63683211

Imagine the smell

>> No.63683271
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Just be pathetic and immature and women will swarm you and try to fix you and put up with anything.

>> No.63683313

how come im single

>> No.63683334

You aren't using a vtuber avatar.

>> No.63683458

The trick is to have seduced them once. That is the hardest part.

>> No.63684131

So he gave the Fauna talk but more bluntly and got pages of angry girlfriend essays from the same people calling (You) parasocial.
At least most of the shitposts under her video were short jesas.

>> No.63684189

>At least most of the shitposts under her video were short jesas.

She never recovered her numbers after that.

>> No.63684230
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Worry about Vox sister

>> No.63684273

She's literally the top EN vtuber on Youtube.

>> No.63684323

English speaking VTubers are so weird. It's like they don't understand what their job is.

>> No.63684432

If anything she became more popular, she is top SC in EN i think paypig fetishist swarm her after the friend incident.

>> No.63684483

That’s one way of putting it, and by that I mean you’re retarded.

>> No.63684512

>be sex worker
>client tries to have sex
>sorry, we're not in a relationship

>> No.63684559
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That stream really broke kindred

>> No.63684596
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Remember these women are NOT parasocial btw

>> No.63684602

women moment

>> No.63684606

Audience of EN Vtubers is tastless, they will eat any shit.

>> No.63684607

They are bandwagoners

>> No.63684644

Vox is a bit of a tragic case. He has genuine artistic ambition and talent, but he found his way too late to pivot like this.

>> No.63684659


>> No.63685008

Holy shit, Fulgur #1 NijiEN

>> No.63685059

Roleplaying a PTSD demon simply isn‘t ideal for a medium like vtubing if he wants to maintain his kayfabe consistently. Doppio unironically does a better job than Vox at playing a character, and he doesn‘t have to resort to fake calling his therapist and puking on stream for it.

>> No.63685229

Puking is a dumb idea unless his model can actually do it. And a demon calling the rapist seems weird.

>> No.63685415

I keep seeing this misunderstanding everywhere. No, the puking was NOT fake. He pushed himself too hard during exercise and tried to play it off for 5 seconds afterwards and everyone misunderstood. In that stream where he went full "I've been lying to you fans for the past 2 years the truth is I hate all of your guts and you've been raping me retroactively this entire time" he basically said exactly that, that he was not "rping vomiting" and that was an example of things going horribly wrong live, but everyone was too autistic to understand what he meant.

>> No.63685560
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>> No.63685583

He is just a little kid with a deep voice. He breaks down under pressure and has to take anxiety meds.

>> No.63685734

It's still fucking retarded though

>> No.63685889

Sounds like an artist to me

>> No.63686021

I had to doubt that before reading the numbers right above your post. I wonder why the twins have reclined slightly.

>> No.63686030

this. he seems like CORPSE but only more menhera. is his talent just putting on a deep voice for underage Chinese girls? is that his potential? because he sure seems to be circling it without ever committing to it every week now.

>> No.63686118

These are the same people who call others incels on the internet.

>> No.63686566

Mentally perhaps, but most of them are 25+. From what I understand a combination of "Princess Sickness" (the female version of Little Emperor Syndrome) and the relative scarcity of young Chinese women compared to young Chinese men has given them utterly INSANE standards for a relationship resulting in a lot of femcels.

>> No.63687427


>> No.63687884

thing is, he keeps flipflopping once the views and revenue starts flagging down. last time, he lasted a couple of days. we'll see how long he lasts this time.

>> No.63688103

okay but do you really know for sure 100000% that the puking was not fake? did you see his puke? all you have is his word, and you dont even know for sure if he's in rp or out of it.

>> No.63688173

this sounds so annoying to deal with, idk how the remaining kindred do it. i tapped out in august 2022 and i‘ve been having the time of my life watching literally anyone else

>> No.63688388

so the guy genuinely want his audience to be gone

>> No.63688520

nta, he already made a deal with the devil, i don't see any exit door without graduation and making a new character.

>> No.63688740

Oh whats the name of this site?

>> No.63688820

Sunk cost

>> No.63690097

Probably realized that, with his CN fangirls half-gone, acting like an actual male prostitute online for money isn't worth it anymore
He got his time in the limelight. He was able to come close to HoloEN in viewership at a point in time. He got decent amount of money from it. Now it's time to do what he wants so that 30 years from now on, he can proudly show his streams to his grandkids

>> No.63690440

That's what I gather. He's been showing his disdain for them more and more lately. Real convenient to pull the "the last two years were Hell, I felt like a wind up toy you put coins into" after he already made a bag and a million followers by exploiting lonely women. Now he's a dignified creative artist who's too good for any of that now that he's already wealthy and famous. Good for him for his success and sticking to the kind of art he wants to make, genuinely, but he's also a pussy.

>> No.63690620

I need Nene to make a whole stream ranting about Nickelodeon couples. Would be kino.

>> No.63690625

Occam's razor. The simplest and most believable explanation is that it was real and not preplanned, i.e. what he's been saying about it since then, that something went wrong on stream and he tried to improvise in the moment.

>> No.63690719
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Find yourself someone that loves you as much as vox's fanbase loves vox. They are going for the 4 stages of grief right now.

>> No.63690848

It's too late for him to be a brotuber, but he doesn't seem to understand.

>> No.63691577

His whole chat is emoji spam

>> No.63691897
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>> No.63691915


>> No.63692275

I look at this image and compare it to even the coomer streams of the idol girls also doing simulated blowjobs for example and none of the men in chat go that hard. No
Or anything like that, you might get a
>good girl
or something from the more adventurous chatters but that's about the level of dirty talk you can expect.
These women are full degen it must have been quite the power fantasy back when he did this stuff. Also makes me wonder If the girls that do this kind of stuff actually want to see more degrading messages in chat or If I would just get banned.

>> No.63692756

The problem with Vtubing blowing up in the west is that it gradually attracted a lot of normalfags. Now there's at least some that make an earnest attempt to at least more about niche Japanese subcultures or try to incorporate their own niche interests into vtubing, and that's perfectly okay. But there's others that just ultimately seem like normal members of society that are in the wrong place, like a fresh water lake fish in the middle of the ocean. Basically treating the vtubing audience like they're a bunch of normalfag viewers on Twitch and that just isn't really the case.

>> No.63693287

>walls of text
Jesus schizo sisters really are a different breed aren't they?

>> No.63693362

>unironically poor sisters
Yeah, I'm starting to feel this way too, lmao. If my oshi did or said something like this after going hard into GFE, I'd probably be writing schizo walls-of-text, as well.

>> No.63693655

Even normies are on the fans side because of the roleplay thing. Vox melty over numbers will be glorious.

>> No.63693672

I just don't get what audience Vox wants, I don't know if he even knows what he wants. He seems to hate his female viewerbase with a burning passion, but yet his recent outfits and a good chunk of his content seem almost scientifically engineered to appeal to them. Because his original model and some of his other casual vidya streams are fine as a casual dude occasionally turning in, but anything beyond feels offputting, or like I'm the wrong demographic.

>> No.63693969

he wants both, to be a brotuber and to also do his RP BFE sessions for his female audience but it's clearly just not going to work. He knows his RP and other stuff with the boys gets him the numbers and he likes it but he also clearly just doesn't like how rabid his audience is and wants to reel it back which he cannot do since it risks reducing his numbers further (doesn't like that!)

Basically he needs to decide 100% on what he wants to do and not this bait and switch shit

>> No.63694232

Where is this so called puking moment, is it really as bad as it sounds?

>> No.63694295

Why don't women act like this when I have a schizo meltdown?

>> No.63694878

He's already steered HARD away from BFE. It's more like "streamer hates your guts and constantly reminds you that he doesn't owe you anything and he doesn't know you and doesn't care about you and he's irritated if you care about him so shut the fuck up you schizo whores." He still wants to do RP, but nothing to do with BFE. He's gone full bitter.

>> No.63694909

Vox is a pathetic excuse of a man and the sole reason his channel is losing numbers. It was his choice to answer Reimu's call while doing live ASMR, it was his choice to shit on his fanbase and come crawling back later, and it was his decision to enable mentally unstable femcels to begin with. Now that he's high on his auteur vision or some shit, he's deciding to blame it all on his audience, crying "This is what YOU wanted, look what you made me do, poor me".
The funniest part is the moment he actually tries to be a director he'll flop, because he's shit and believes doing a polished storyboard is the same as being fucking Steven Spielberg, and I doubt he'll recover once he realizes he threw away yume money for nothing. I pity the sisters who are so mentally ill they keep putting up with his menhera attacks.

>> No.63695081

Try pretending to be a flirty dominant anime demon boy. Women love that.

>> No.63695148

>found his way too late
nice way of saying the money dried up and he needed to figure something out

>> No.63695308

It's no wonder he lost his audience.

>> No.63695378

(Actual kindred, membered to Vox for almost 2 years) his new outfit and story do not appeal to me as a woman, personally. Maybe it's his constant lectures and whining, but it doesn't feel like it's pandering at all, but like he's trying to steer hard away from the lore and everything he built the past 2 years and become one of the most staunchly anti-parasocial vtubers out there.

>> No.63695445

>e's deciding to blame it all on his audience, crying "This is what YOU wanted, look what you made me do, poor me".

The funniest part is that his PL has gaslighting accusations too. Some things never change.

>> No.63695846

NTA, but EN vtubers just seem weird to me in general. A lot of them seem to either not know what they've signed up for or decided they need to shift gears entirely despite whatever that will do to their fanbase. I'm pretty sure this is a reason why Holo fans have had a negative reception to Cover trying to change the formula by pushing EN Stars into the mix and upsetting dynamics.

>> No.63695907

well that's just not gonna work with the audience he cultivated. sisters out there gaslighting themselves into believing they're not part of the "parasocial minority" while in the same breath claiming that they feel hurt by his disregard of their feelings when he tells them off for being overbearing.... he doesn't even have to do BFE RP, it's already ingrained in his audience.

>> No.63696129

Ok that got a chuckle

>> No.63696152

I've been reading the massive kindred essays in his comments so I know what you're talking about. Yeah, they'll write gigantic essays about how much they care about him (which he said to stop doing because he's so sick of it) and how he has a responsibility to his fans and how hurt they are by his actions personally and how he needs to change and then insist that behavior isn't parasocial. Nah, caring this much is definitely parasocial. I'm guilty of caring too much too (not that I give a shit about trigger warnings, and I think that a lot of the complaints were based on autistic misunderstandings, I'm mostly just frustrated that vox is too unprofessional to hide his bitterness at his fans and act pathetic about things that were his own decision) but you'll never see me whining that I'm not like "those horrible parasocials." Writing essays in Vox's comment section is just a mental illness that we kindred share apparently.

>> No.63696229

Shipfags really are the bane of all life in existence.....

>> No.63696336


>> No.63696706

that would require us taking his word for it, and were it any other person, there probably wouldn't be a problem. but he already has a history of saying one thing (i.e. promising he's perfectly comfortable doing bfe rp) but thereafter backtracking and saying the complete opposite (i.e. he's been suffering through it all this time). it's the exact reason why people are confused right now.

>> No.63696769

tapped out when he first flipflopped, and it's been fun jumping ship to the other lads ngl

>> No.63696782

IMO I think he's lying (about the bfe rp) now and gaslighting fans. He seemed pretty sincere during those early days when he was acting like he enjoyed the attention. Or he enjoyed it at first until he gradually got sick of his fanbase and started to despise them. And now he wants to pretend he was always better than that and hated it the entire time.

>> No.63696807

I believe streamers should be allowed to tardwrangle their audience. That being said, holy fuck the contempt he addresses his fans with is pretty damn uncomfortable to watch. He really hates them huh

>> No.63696995

Oh, absolutely he hates his fans. And then those fans will write essays in his comments about how much they care about him and how he should compromise for them and that this isn't parasocial because THEY would never be like those bad parasocials that Vox hates so much. Fans in the comments are actively having a crisis hoping that he's not talking about hating THEM and is talking about hating some smaller group of REALLY bad fans. Coping hard.

>> No.63697193

You need to be a schizo to fall for an anime guy.

>> No.63697204

Bro thinks he’s a real content creator/entertainer

>> No.63697222

I can see that. I guess it's totally his prerogative if he wants to change course, specially if he got fed up with the coddling. But if that last part you mentioned is accurate, then the sisters' reactions are sort of justified. That's just sad.

>> No.63697710

Honestly I'd kill for what he has. Imagine having an army of desperate 6/10s who you can emotionally abuse as much as you want because they'll never stop giving you money.

>> No.63697831

No matter how fun the dogs are, games like Sakura Wars V will never have wide appeal

>> No.63697937


>> No.63697944


>> No.63697959

I'm thinking based

>> No.63697997
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>> No.63698065

Unironically why do vtuber say this out loud? I can get thinking it but there doesn't seem to be any benefit for going live and saying you guys are viewers nothing more nothing less

>> No.63698135

Same reason Northernlion does it
They are funny streamer man, not your proxy best friend. Also, having the e-clout and the hordes of devoted fans willing to die for you means less when you're no longer 20 years old.

>> No.63698196

I hate unicorns but I hate women even more.

>> No.63698206

>Unironically why do vtuber say this out loud?
You fucking hate your fanbase and you have no intention of growing it.

>> No.63698270

>I wonder why the twins have reclined slightly.
The games they like are unironically all numbers poison.

>> No.63698347


>> No.63698710

These are definitely all underage girls lmao

>> No.63698915

I say >>63697831 this as someone who's watched every Sakura Wars streams

>> No.63699018

That's generous.

>> No.63699028

To get people who do that to stop or leave, of course.
Those viewers scare off more normal ones, and if you're not trying to milk them specifically, it's better to get rid of them.
Although in Vox's case it's too late to rebrand, so he's just self-destructing.

>> No.63699080

dont care didnt ask anyone who unironically watches vox should already expect this

>> No.63699109

Fauna was baited by an SC, and unlike what schizos here believe you can clearly tell Fauna wasn't speaking out of vitriol or hate for her fans
>>63698135 explains it pretty well

>> No.63699255

slow day huh?

>> No.63699528

None of this would have happened if he just stuck to being a Smash Bros vtuber like he wanted to be. The greater community would have welcomed him with open arms and he could have become good friends with Cosmos. Women aren't watching that.

>> No.63699948

It's funny how all of the Niji drama really doesn't matter until it starts having noticeable effects on Vox Akuma and his femcel army. Say what you will but once he falls (which he will, he became a lolcow almost immediately after the faggot left) NijiEN will be done for good.

Parasocial relationships are unironically okay when women are doing them. I don't make the rules. Vox is having trouble adapting.

>> No.63700100

Because you actually want to change. That's the kicker. Just like men want a girl who they think they can fix even when she's obviously BPD, women love guys who are arrogant about their own arrogance. Dark triad is a meme, FUD should be applied to relationships instead.

>> No.63700152


>> No.63700258

Nijien was CN from the start, look at obsydia.

>> No.63700567
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>6/10 ?

>> No.63700864

because you're not using a filter to make your voice sound deeper.

>> No.63700931

I only have a vague idea of what's going on, but isn't vomiting on stream against TOS?

>> No.63701484

Vox literally getting the golden ticket to play debuff games like Runescape non-stop and have everyone donate like crazy because of the anime avatar. But no, he had to go about this in the most mentally ill way possible. Holy shit how does one fuck up so hard

>> No.63701620

Despite how much I disliked sisters defending some of NijiEN's male livers due to the shitstorms the more problematic ones get into, their reactions is undeniably justified this time. They don't even seem angry, just disappointed and worried about their oshi's well being.
And their requests arent even anything crazy, they're just asking for him to put an RP disclaimer somewhere they know when something is done "in-character" or if their oshi is actually having a menhera breakdown and they should prepare to jump ship.

It seems to be done out of sheer confusion at this point, not understanding that being a streamer greatly increases your chances of having a parasocial audience. If you have a ton of regular viewers tuning into your streams daily and giving you money, then they are parasocial. But that's okay, its just the nature of streaming or even being a celebrity of some kind. He just needed to set boundaries earlier instead of willfully enabling the worst aspects for cash/views, and then turning around to label those parts of his fanbase (or even all the fanbase) as the problem.

>> No.63701646

this needs some boss music

>> No.63701727

His unhealthy obsession with not wanting anything to be "parasocial" (doesn't mean anything now, just a meme word that fits whatever he believes about streamer/audience relationships) ultimately makes me believe this guy has a fuckton of personal issues plaguing him and that he's closer to a woman in terms of being emotional. Men don't talk like this.

>> No.63701805

Why are women allowed on the internet?

>> No.63701837

For my amusement

>> No.63701963

It's the same thing with his fanbase, they are vehemently anti-"parasocial" and think it only applies to stinky incels or coomer girls who want lewd asmr while they do this >>63679281

>> No.63702097

Didn't Mysta have these same kind of meltdowns before he left?

>> No.63703383

he already did that and is doing it again

>> No.63703975

Mysta did talk about his fans always ruining things before he left, yeah. But he had already mentally clocked out of nijisanji and just wanted out. Vox here wants to reinvent himself while being in nijisanji. His ego is too massive to let this career go so I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon

>> No.63705664

Its kind of amazing, I thought Mysta was the biggest bitch but Vox makes him look mature by comparison.

>> No.63706660

Is this why guys don't do BFE? They know eventually they can't suppress their hatred of clingy women?

>> No.63706799


>> No.63706851

They're both menhera, but main difference is that Mysta didn't backtrack once he decided that he didn't like the relationship he had with his fans or how they addressed him. He was consistent ever since. Vox has been more fickle, I kind of expect him backtracking this time as well

>> No.63706902


>> No.63707231
File: 322 KB, 750x515, FNaF-4-Human-Nightmare-Fredbear-Minecraft-Skin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We know who are friends are and you are not one of them

>> No.63707399

Nah, he's going to fully commit and then leave when his audience completely bombs out. Then he'll become a fleshtuber and a VTuber anti.

>> No.63707490

Does he read any of that?

>> No.63707595

Vox doesn't know what he wants, but he keeps declaring what he wants, and then he gets mad when his fans believe him. If my oshi said the whole time they streamed, they hated it I would be pissed. I'd be burning their merch in the streets.

Pivoting your content is fine and good, but pissing on the dynamic you cultivated is fucked up.

>> No.63708237

>Vox doesn't know what he wants
Doesn't he? I havent seen any major flip flopping since he killed adult content

>> No.63708930
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Crazy ass

>> No.63711210

This is 100% the most toxic parasocial relationship in vtubing.

>> No.63711383


>> No.63711602

Even more than Mikineko and whatever fandeads are called now?

>> No.63711707

It was Nijicanada since 90%.

>> No.63711745

Maybe some kindred here can find the clip, but I remember around a year ago, Vox was on this rant while playing Minecraft, where he said he was happy to provide fanservice to female fans since they are starved for content and get constantly shamed for having sexual fantasies. I wonder where that energy went kek no wonder they feel used

>> No.63711785

It probably rivals that at the least. Its the pitfalls of a GFEtuber wanting to move on from their old content.

>> No.63711810


>> No.63711828

It's weird to think he's been a vtumor for 2 years already. Time flies. This was way way back in mid-2022 at the peak of Lux fever, when Iluna debuted the boyz couldn't stop doing retarded things that steadily collapsed their fanbases. Pomu was doing better than Kiara, for a short time.

>> No.63711908

lol, why do you people say shit like this without checking first? Fauna has been on a slow incline ever since around 6 months after her debut 2 years ago. That event didn't even make a dent.

>> No.63713744

truly are the most dedicated fanbase

>> No.63713801

why do you think we call them nijiniggers?

>> No.63714051

NGL Vox's saga in NijiEN has been incredibly entertaining..
He truly is the great movie director he thinks he is

>> No.63714403

unironically based.
if my oshi did a COMPLETE 180 on their content and personality you can bet your ass I wouldn't sit silent

>> No.63715701

>If you have a ton of regular viewers tuning into your streams daily and giving you money, then they are parasocial
Well, no
That's not really how that works

>> No.63717483

They are just coping he called them parasocial and annoying
Barely any are honest enough to admit the 180 isn't what they wanted

>> No.63717701

>Vtuber community cucks be like

>> No.63718125

Not really. Fauna's always done her own thing. Vox actively cultivated a parasocial fan base. "We aren't friends" hits differently in that context.

>> No.63718373

Why is every other comment on this guy's videos a fucking essay

>> No.63719847

I don’t understand why he’s so afraid of his female fans, like what’s the worst a girl could actually do to you in real life? Like bro you’re a man.

>> No.63721223

He has to read their comments

>> No.63721622

He can salvage this by going full abused relationship on them. Tell them he read all their posts and realized how much he cares about them, say some shit about having abandonment issues then say he wants to change for them.
Bingo bango, you got yourselves loyal paypigs. Just be sure to emotionally abuse them regularly.

>> No.63721727

This is fucked up, but also accurate. They'd drown his ass in money. "I can fix him", they'd say. "I can change him."

>> No.63721827

because they are written by femoids who think more words = greater dedication

>> No.63721863

Bonus points if he adds a dramatic pause where he fights back tears and attempts to refund his fans saying he doesnt deserve them. Itll only make them pour more

>> No.63722552

The simplest explanation, rather than microanalysing everything he or his fanbase does (and coming from a complete outsider)
Is that this guy is kind of a stupid asshole that doesn’t know what he’s doing
Stop trying to make excuses and look at how literally any other competent streamer handles all of this. Fanbase reflects the streamer.

>> No.63722853

Kindred better win most dedicated fanbase at the fillian awards. They've earned it

>> No.63723519

Everytime I see this faggot I want to vomit
Disgusting ass model

>> No.63725524

So... pull a Mikeneko?

>> No.63725557

no more supa to pay for his new lifestyle

>> No.63725705

I hope this happens, I bet that would make Vox have a melty kek

>> No.63728818
File: 355 KB, 2048x2048, 1689298264795437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blocks your path

>> No.63729376

Does it even work for Mike? I think it worked for a little bit but then she gradually lost fans over time.

>> No.63730357

was the "we not " intentional or you are actually chinese?
ni hao if yes

>> No.63730417

It's also because she kept switching from Nazuna and Mikineko, also same for the platforms platforms she uses and now she even streams in Twitch as Mikineko, it's prob so confusing to viewers. Also she's dipping into the VA industry as well with a new moniker!

>> No.63730560

Yeah, no one in EN receives 20k+ return streams in the industry after being sway for months. If Vox took that long of a break, sisters would just find a replacement, and then forget about him, he's even close to 3views this time

>> No.63731073

Has Vox become a brotuber yet? Last time I checked him he gave kisses after superchats and that was a quick close tab.

>> No.63732103
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x629, MOGU [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fg2ign8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Men vs Women pictured here:

>> No.63732379

To say it's confusing to viewers is an understatement, you really have to keep up with her everywhere. But if she can somehow make it into being a VA then...good for her.

>> No.63732815

I used to ruuuule the world....

>> No.63735945

Every time I hear him speak he sounds like a manipulator.

>> No.63736442

Most Vtubers are manipulators.
They manipulate their audience to support them
They make entertainment which caters to sexual desires or ambiguity.

If anything.

The Viewers/Streamers brought this upon themselves and chose this route. the BFE/GFE isn't ideal and always complicates issues especially when they get out of hand. You pander sex to a community that is void of it because lack thereof in their lives. You will draw ire to those that will cause you harm Viewer/Streamer alike.

>> No.63736943

When did he started to hate them?

>> No.63736964


>> No.63737248

Those moguposts? All me

>> No.63737380

what the fuck is wrong with twitch streamers and normies absolutely hating parasocial? They treat it like the plague because the parasocial extremists ruin everything. Everyone is parasocial because of how we consume media since like the radio and I think this adverse extreme reaction to parasocial just creates an empty hollow feeling. Like cool, you're an entertainer, bro. I understand setting your boundaries and reality-checking. However, I just hear this and think to myself: "wow, nice reality check, bro. It just makes me feel kind of shit?" I know we're not friends or in a relationship but the fun vibe generated by the entertainment gives a warm feeling. It's part of escapism and I think these fucking "entertainers" don't fucking get it.

No wonder sisters are writing essays because of the retarded inconsistent messaging

>> No.63737458

Escapism is fine to a minute and limited exposure.
Prolonged Escapism is delusions upon delusions thinking your entertainer can fix all your real life problems with their entertainment.

That is the issue here.

>> No.63737645

>Prolonged Escapism is delusions upon delusions thinking your entertainer can fix all your real life problems with their entertainment.

Interesting post anon, I'm not attacking you but the delusional idiots.

There's a thing called separating fiction from reality and I think so many people on the internet and beyond completely forgot about this important rule. Everyone on the internet including 4chan knows shit is made up and lies are everywhere, hence skepticism is important.

Also, the fucking idiots who think entertainers can fix their real life problems with their entertainment are the delusional extremists that I'm talking about! Those fucking people seriously ruin this shit for everyone. Gawd.

>> No.63737650

>natural adaptation of the company to embrace the much more profitable market that's caused this whole mess.
The ending was the best.

>> No.63737805

Should I get a Steam Index VR headset for $400?

>> No.63737837

Certified Niji Moment.

>> No.63737846

The weird part is that him, being a vtuber, should easily be able to do different content with a different character on a different channel.
If meatubers can do it, why can't he?

>> No.63737931
File: 514 KB, 408x675, 1655157449160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are perfect for each other

>> No.63737965

Buy a bishounen avatar, have a half-decent microphone, and learn to kayfabe as a hot yumejoshi/fujo bait anime boy. Even if you aren't actually an interesting person, you can still make it if you can at least roleplay as one. Then shill yourself to lonely women.

>> No.63738087

Imagine if kindreds collectively trolled him instead of having this knee-jerk reaction, and they all pretended this was some mean dom bullshit and they replied with eerie yandere replies like "You're so funny Vox! We love you so much, you're ours forever" "haha good one, hubby" etc.

>> No.63738142

You're 10 years too late to this sentiment anon, everyone has internet access now thanks to smartphones.

That said, "assume male until proven female" is still correct. Never trust pronounshit.

>> No.63738232

>Never trust pronounshit.
I unironically believe some people on 4chan are so obsessed with trannies because it fuels their idea that there are no girls online. You guys genuinely want to believe that everyone you meet is either a man or a man pretending to be a woman. Sometimes you even make up this pretending to be a woman, like you were going to do if I didn't write these lines to specify I am a man.

>> No.63738438

Didn't ask, you anonymous retard.

>> No.63738705
File: 165 KB, 1200x675, projektmelody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox Akuma and Projekt Melody are the foremost examples of vtubers who are sex workers, but 99% of the rest fall somewhere in between sex worker and "emotional worker."
If you are trying to establish an emotional connection with your audience, are being gfe / gfe-ish, mommy-type, sister-type, or even loli / brat-type (ToT) then you are an emotional worker, even if your character is 100% asexual / seiso. If it's not asexual, then you are also somewhat of a sex worker.
The sooner chuubas collectively realize this and come to terms with it, the fewer the yabs and "not your friend" incidents we'll have.
YOU ARE BEING PAID TO PROVIDE EMOTIONAL SUPPORT AND A SEXUAL FANTASY. The stupid block game is a pretext, nobody cares how good you are at it. The ones who understand it are the ones that are consistently successful, see picrel and many others.

>> No.63738759

>That pasta plate incident

>> No.63739103
File: 60 KB, 736x1040, 316f3cf31719c6b4f97fc17491894d00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just reminded me of when Cryaotic had a meltie a decade ago when he made this video because he was having mental coniptions over his fangirls regularly begging him for emotional work,


This was obviously way before the term "parasocial" gained traction, and the whole Cryaotic situation is really underspoken about in most videos covering that drama. Tl;dr popular youtuber hosts a fangirl hugbox community with on-and-off parasocial behavior and abused it, backstabbing his best friend and fellow brotuber twice in the process. Admitted to sexting an underage fan in his final meltie, and got cancelled thereafter.

Sometimes I wonder where he is now.

>> No.63739106

It's like when people are hired to be personal assistants to handicapped people, you are also hired to be their friend. Not a real friend, but to give them the feeling of having a friend.

>> No.63739142

>doesn’t even know the first rule of the internet

>> No.63739888

>Sex worker
I think the term you are looking for is prostitute

>> No.63739919

Fat, short, ugly and/or a gigantic sperg

>> No.63739989

Sorry my mistake,
Didn't ask, prostitute.

>> No.63740051

It's funny because I could watch some random tech reviewer or other content creator say he loves his audience and appreciates his audience like normal

>> No.63740421

>No wonder sisters are writing essays because of the retarded inconsistent messaging
I hope somebody collects all the essays and prints them into a vocabulary-sized book!
I'm sad for the sisters though. What an asshole.

>> No.63740441

that would probably break him

>> No.63740482

I hope Vox continues to work for niji. His journey has been cringekino with how much empty ambition and sheer contempt for his fanbase he has.
Hope he never knows that no one’s watching him for his “storytelling talent”

>> No.63740518

Here comes the choochoo train anon open wide
>Vox posts pic of his meal, plate of dry looking pasta on his living room table
>On instagram a woman posts similar picture in the same livingroom with a different angle, surroundings match
>Someone puts two and two together
>Vox gets doxxed and goes on a break

>> No.63740660

dumbass thought it would be a good idea to post irl pics of his dry ass pasta on twt, and his dumbass girlfriend ALSO thought it would be a good idea to post irl pics of the same exact thing from a different angle on her PUBLIC instagram

someone realized the dry ass pasta and the furniture looked the exact same, and this was during the time he still had the chinese yumejos by their necks. dumbass girlfriend got the reimu treatment before she had to priv.

>> No.63740711

If only sisters had to balls to call out the fact that he pandered two years straight to them with bfe

>> No.63740874

Some are. He's spinning it to them forcing him to do it all that time

>> No.63740896

Many of the people fortunate/lucky enough to fall ass-backward into a pit of money are the type to become arrogant enough to believe that not only did they succeed based solely on their own merits but that they deserve more.

>> No.63740998

some of them have, but they've been painted as one of this "minority bad parasocials" who "need to gtfo of the kindred"

>> No.63741117

Western culture is feeding your audience shit and telling them they like it. Hollywood does it, the video game industry does it, etc. People are not allowed to like things however they like it anymore; you will be told what to like and how to like it.

>> No.63741403

That's messed up and I just realized it's extra fucked he's conveniently deleted all evidence of bfe pandering streams. Master manipulator right there

>> No.63742768

Why is he like this

>> No.63742774

That was the breaking point eh

>> No.63743442
File: 979 KB, 1280x1280, 84320207_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I want to see him broken, not as a hater but as someone that enjoys seeing maledoms submit and succumb, rejecting his fanbase of crazy submissives and craving something more.

>> No.63743671

I can see some are pointing it out, but they're not like gfe fans where they can just furiously drop a yab girl and move on to the next gfe pandering girl; there's not a spectacular amount of bfe vtuber boys that are easy to find, much less good at what they do. Vox is probably the most publically known one there is rn, and most other ones require digging further than just corpo boys. Kindreds seem like they're trying to reason with him and see if maybe he will come around. All of it is hope and cope, though. I feel bad for kindreds just because some of them are fellow yumejoshi.

>> No.63745314

Jesus christ

>> No.63746807
File: 12 KB, 434x434, 1701134593668941.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you so shamelessly shit on your kayfabe like that? Why is this nigga even a vtuber? Just be a flesh streamer at this point you fag.

>> No.63746849

He should join vshojo to cleanse his fanbase.

>> No.63746869

>800 replies going "LMAOO" at this
>meanwhile male fans keep getting cucked by their oshis and they just take it like the pathetic weasels they are
Don't you have Kronii to watch, losers? Leave being based and calling out fan-hating behavior to women.

>> No.63747111

him and dream which copied which

>> No.63747238

damn, even that one voxsister i keep seeing defending & spamming his pictures in every one of his shitpost threads is nowhere to be seen now.

>> No.63747354

is she pretty?

>> No.63747392

>None of this would have happened if he just stuck to being a Smash Bros vtuber like he wanted to be.

Unfortunately that was killed when Fungus schooled him in the collab.

>> No.63747434

Is femcel even exist, every woman can found sex easily.

>> No.63747576


>> No.63747612

I genuinely hope this means his face will stop showing in the /CBDCT/ general, he unironically doesn't deserve the schizo sisters. I wish kindred had the spine to drop him, I can picture him crying on stream if he ever reaches 3view status kek

>> No.63747932

The fact he sees himself as a genuinely talented actor and director makes me laugh. You pandered to women and made sex asmr you aren't special faggot

>> No.63748062

man his eyes are far apart

>> No.63748269

For real, does he have any actual experience with filmmaking aside from school? If he ever leaves Niji to pursue directing, he's gonna be humbled real fast, or become Tommy Wiseau, who knows

>> No.63748336

It's more pathetic than krokeks because some kindred are spamming generic comments about "what a great stream" to drown out criticism.

>> No.63748525

Faggot kys

>> No.63748759

>Le retard Vox Akuma

>> No.63748945

Fun times

>> No.63749299

You have to see it from his point of view, he has been doxxed multiple times and had to change home at least 3 times, his parents were doxxed and both of them had to change their phones numbers.

You may think it was from antis, but it was from her parasocial fans that throw a fit when Reimu interrupted an RP boyfriend ASMR stream. It was worse when they doxxed him, and they found out about his personal life, that's when his parents were doxxed and they even got death threats. All of that shit got him in a state of depression and panic attacks.

This is similar to what happened to Aqua and Shion, but worse.

>> No.63749335

she should be, at least, considering all this meltdown's happening partly because of her. iirc sisters said she's at least part french, but you cant really see her in the pasta pics.

>> No.63749336

Why do sisters do everything they accuse male fans of doing?

>> No.63749390

he tried making a civ career happen too, but doppio broke him in the collab with fulgur and selen

>> No.63749414
File: 18 KB, 377x144, c9122d867d78f862ea0980cefc0d0ee9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tired of sisters concernfagging
>tells them he's not doing well and not sleeping
>kindred get more menhera

>> No.63749633

>had to change home at least 3 times
Were all three times because of the doxxers? Because I know for sure the first time he moved after becoming Vox was because he wanted a new, quieter place. His original place had cars and sirens interrupting streams at odd times, and iirc it was smallish. He moved from there because he wanted a better place, not because he was doxxed.

>> No.63749682

he does this >>63749414 all the time wdym

>> No.63749693

do w*men really

>> No.63749760

mamma mia

>> No.63749861

See a better streamer would've made storylines out of this

>> No.63749895
File: 99 KB, 300x300, 1694710676586136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry vox
I will save you like Kuro

>> No.63749937

Old habits die hard I guess

>> No.63750104

I didn't count the first time he moved to a new house, the 3 times was only because of doxxers

>> No.63750886


>> No.63750946

I think he's being defiant towards Niji/Anycolor. Even if he already made enough money to be set for life, Anycolor will pressure him to keep performing so the bucks keep coming.
Then Anycolor denied Vox something he wanted, so he decided to hurt Anycolor's revenue source (and not his because he's already set)

>> No.63750962

imagine saying all that after milking hundreds of thousands of dollars to retarded chink fujos

>> No.63751136

What the fuck is it with these EN vtubers that keep on wanting cake and eating it too?
You feed into the parasocial aspect, get surprised that some people get too parasocial and then decide to KBD the fuck out of it and pretend it never happened.

>> No.63751329

by alienating his paying customers? hmm, if he really wanted to defy them and hurt their revenue, why not just go off on his own? none of this wishy-washy menhera arc

>> No.63751521

Girls never usually act out on dox shit though, it’s not like they’re going to show up at his door with a knife sort of crazy.

>> No.63751616

Dream copied Cry, as Cry's Sup Guy existed before Dream did. But tbf, Sup Guy is such a generic design that someone copying it was inevitable.

It's fucking weird too, because Cry's fanbase is a generation apart from Dream's, but Dream fangirls drew personified Dream literally just like how Cry fangirls drew personified Cry.

>> No.63751755

Doesn't matter what you call it, it's the same thing. Don't be in this industry if you can't handle what comes with it.

>> No.63751757

I thought he was happier than ever, bet he read the comments in the FalseEyed's video kek

>> No.63751835

He really needs to apologize for this one, this is just getting fucking retarded at this point. Vox needs to stop fucking blogging on main if he means that he's genuinely sick of his fans getting parasocially attached.

>> No.63751957

If he's getting sick of his fans getting too attached then he's got no one to blame but himself. Don't feed into something and then think you can just hit the eject button when you don't like it anymore.
It's like when people say don't stick your dick in crazy. Well he's been doing that for nearly years and now pretending it never happened.

>> No.63752372

He got handed a free training arc and decided to just fuck off instead.

>> No.63753074
File: 1.51 MB, 467x487, 1658380667615975.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't he just play video games, and from time to time respond to the cringe superchats. Most female vtubers do just that, and they are very successful.

>> No.63753156

women expect much more, since generally they're afforded more leeway in what they can tell their oshi

>> No.63753261

100%. I'm not delusional, I know how to separate fiction from reality. And constantly being told "it's not real btw I couldn't care less about any of you and owe you nothing no matter how much you donate" is shit entertainment. Gura is unironically more professional for just ignoring all the superchats she gets than going on a menhera rant about how she's not your wind-up doll to control.

I'd say I feel sorry for Vox that he's literally been doxed and harassed by the delus who can't tell fiction from reality, but he's made it very clear that no one in his audience should care about him and anyone who does is part of le evil parasocials who need to touch grass.

>> No.63754628

I don't get what he's doing at this point. Like is he trying to do some manipulative boyfriend experience, is he trying to talk to his fans like a regular streamer, I just don't understand.

>> No.63755250

If it's some weird elaborate BFE, it's clearly not working. If it isn't, he's a fucking idiot.

>> No.63757828

What the fuck is wrong with w*men

>> No.63758846

Have you ever read his chat? It's only emotes, and this isn't an exaggeration

>> No.63759219

I wonder what they think now that she was killed off in the sequel?

>> No.63761952

I think it's just weird that the entertainer is the one saying this. A celebrity hires security. A streamer hires moderators to ban the troublemakers.

>> No.63763481

>he doesn't know about kpop fans

>> No.63764916

Exactly! Even at the very beginning, he had more than enough clout to make contacts and stream with genuine pros (Vtuber fans like Cosmos followed him). Vox wasn't amazing or anything, but he played one of the most broken characters in the game and could have become a beast with practice. Fulgur wasn't doing anything crazy as Belmont either, so Vox clearly just had an issue with zoners.
Like yeah, he wouldn't reach the height of popularity that he did, but he'd have a fanbase much more to his liking and would probably beat Nairo as the biggest Smash streamer. Hell, you can look at his chat in his very first Smash stream compared to his most recent one. He'd be mentally stable if the former was his fanbase. Just bros that care about the game and very few women.

>> No.63766023

Vox chose his fanbase. Let's not pretend, otherwise.

>> No.63768355

You should use Hex as an example instead, he's basically Vox lite except significantly less mentally ill and with less strings attached
