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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63683208 No.63683208 [Reply] [Original]

>"the rise of vtubers"
>they skimped the OG Four and nijisanji era
>proceed to jerk off hololive & haha Yagoo XD funne CEO! for the rest of the video
I hate hololive so much for bringing in those normies, they ruined vtubing

>> No.63683323

Do they at least mention Slugma?

>> No.63683340

>Nijisanji era
No such thing.

>> No.63683430
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Gura wins once again.
Fuck kizuna ai
Fuck annoying orange
Fuck Kaguya Luna

Gura is THE face of vtubing without even trying.

>> No.63683499

the RISE

not the nips circlejerking club

>> No.63684445

>>proceed to jerk off hololive
hololive English is not hololive though

>> No.63685736


>> No.63685809

>people are still talking about Gura even though she quit vtubing
lmao nice posterchild /vt/

>> No.63685899

>nijisanji era

>> No.63686121
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>those normies, they ruined vtubing
This is inevitable for all good things that become popular. I don't hold it against Hololive, it's the normalfag cancer that's to be blamed. Nothing to be done but keep on enjoying what you can until everything crumbles around you

>> No.63686244

>they skimped the OG Four and nijisanji era
You only know about this because Hololive exists. You watched some clips during the pandemic and got into it when Hololive EN debuted. You watched some videos about similar retards and been lurking here since /vt/ exists (you didn't know about the /hlg/ and /niji/ threads on /jp/, let alone the era when a single thread was enough).
Stop pretending, you're not better.

>> No.63686286

anons! prepare for a MASSIVE normie invasion and different kids of subversion.
this is the one time we gotta put our differences and tribalism aside and in the background.
>Verification not required.

>> No.63689223
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>Blames hololive instead of a shitty youtuber who failed to do his research

>> No.63689768

Based. Only Hololive matters.

>> No.63693008
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> only guy that got the chuuba history right is a filthy doxxfag
I fucking hate this fandom

>> No.63693100

But that's just a theory... A VTUBER THEORY!

>> No.63694708

Even he skipped over a bit from what I remember reading

>> No.63694964

>thinking a normalfag e-celeb knows anything about vtubers
>thinking gura and mori are good representatives for vtubing
Go back to r*ddit, chumcuck

>> No.63695223

>no Miko nigga moment
yep, video is trash (no I didn't watch it, I'm just guessing cause I don't want to give him even a view)

>> No.63695510

nobody cares

>> No.63695515

That was a really bad video, he just says a lot of shit without saying much like he always does.

>> No.63695544

reminder to the most pathetic creatures on /vt/
-Marine will pass chinkzuna in sub count soon
-Shiori is a whore and the shitter on holoEN
-Mirai Akari graduated as she didn't care about vtubing
-the term Blacksanji applies to both JP and EN
-Japan is on its way to be the next Argentina, they don't care about gatekeeping bullshit
-Salome (newcomer) is the only good Niji
-Kanae likes Gura's KING

>> No.63696083

>next Argentina
What do you mean?

>> No.63696939

History is written by the victors

>> No.63698194

Remain seething Nijitroon LEMAO

>> No.63698644

why would you care anyway?

>> No.63698700

My favorite tidbit of trivia about this interview was Mori and Gura being asked if they thought vtubing had a chance of mainstream success outside of Japan, to which they bluntly said no. This didn't make it into the video.

>> No.63698814

Fuck you, I watched a shit ton of Ai-chan

>> No.63699076

what's slugma?

>> No.63699143

Can you believe that there's people in Japan RIGHT NOW who claim to love baseball who don't even know who Honus Wagner is?

>> No.63699177

why would you even watch something like this?

>> No.63699206

Be the change

Seriously just do that.

>> No.63699279

you mean the pokimane? what's that got to do with vtubing

>> No.63699288
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>> No.63699296

Well Japan has their own history anon

>> No.63699316

she does kinda look like a slug now that you mention it.

>> No.63699399

I started watching because guys on /jp kept putting anime girls in our wrestling thread because Miko shared a name with the company and I remembered her from GTA clips of her dropping a funny gamer word. I decided to check what this new thing was pnly to find everyone going nuts about a Holocaust Aloe being suspended some myth being about Holo USA on the way

So fuck you I was like a few weeks ahead of that

>> No.63699478


>> No.63699627

I mistyped /vst/ one day and ended up opening a thread bitching about some trailer park girl who dodged a perc habit by streaming as an anime character. I don't even know who the popular people in this industry are, because they aren't broken enough for me to bother.

>> No.63702033

This. Gura is not only the face of vtubers, but also the face of the boom of vtubers. Nobody knows who the other losers are

>> No.63702143

You must hate Coke and Pepsi too. Go drink some water from tap.

>> No.63703377

Kizuna AI has more overseas fans than Japanese fans, and she was popular overseas first.

>> No.63703456

>Fuck Kaguya Luna
Please, please let me

>> No.63703519

Nobody cares about e-thots with anime avatars.
