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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63624463 No.63624463 [Reply] [Original]

"It's not what you think!" edition


kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】
https://www.twitch.tv/nene_amano_kawaii (embed)

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】
https://www.twitch.tv/luaasuka_kawaii (embed)

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami
Elira Pendora - https://twitter.com/EliraPendora

Previous thread: >>63538588

>> No.63624746

Nene rant against fleshposting is based but also very ironic

>> No.63624810

Ran is the Nene killer

>> No.63625000

I wanted to ask a question about Nene here but she gets so much shit that everything will be considered "antiing".
I was curious about her gimmick of doing streams that are clearly meant only for her long term fans that already know the drill, like meme announcements, lewd thumbnail baits while being completely wholesome on stream in general, etc.
Is that putting people off or is her channel still growing decently? Or did she completely switch to ASMR and just does whatever on the side and pretty much doesn't care.
It's not ironic because she never did it in the first place. When all whores jumped on a "immersion breaking" bandwagon to "own le incels" she ignored it. Also even before that, some girl did it just to reel in the mindless coomers (see all the fleshposter pic dono rewards and sometimes much worse than that).

>> No.63625613
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Whore raid!

>> No.63626152

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.63626259

Kaya backlight is better

>> No.63626274

Nene always mainly grow off ASMR, buy she does wish that people enjoy her other contents as well. However, she still wnjoy ASMR and does enough to please the people who come in her channel for it.
The lewd thumbnail/title bait have been the meta for growth for a long time I. Vtubing scene and she just accepts it. Also, she believes that she provides her own brand of "sexiness" and fan service on stream anyway so people entering her stream for it still get something in return.

>> No.63626393 [DELETED] 

casting couch VA whore

>> No.63626505

>he doesn't know

>> No.63626737

what kawaii girl for this feel?

>> No.63626832

>Lua dox

>> No.63628211 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.63628777

>big black crow

>> No.63628798

I am the last /pkg/ anon standing

>> No.63629365

No you are not

>> No.63629549
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)

>> No.63629594
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>> No.63629809

anyone got shee's tiktok stream archived ?

>> No.63629832

Considering how successful vdere's astroturfing was to train NPCs to think "Nene Bad", it makes sense you make content to cater to those who actually support you. For almost a year and probably a few years into the future, new fans have to be cracked of that pre-exposure bias.
She learned. Good for her. Most people are too stubborn and egotistical to critically and continually re-evaluate themselves.
That said, the whole le sekrit RM knowledge thing for chuubas has always been a jew scam to cheat the talents. It's designed to keep them corralled within the corpo and prevent them from gaining fame and recognition outside the org. Early Hollywood was like this. The end result also elevates what is boring and ordinary data into something valuable and greatly raises the likelihood such knowledge is used maliciously.

>> No.63630234

I always thought "Nene bad" was a meme. There are actually people who believe in it?

>> No.63630373

Nene just gives me the creeps you know? how she puts on this mask that everything is well, how she literally reads every single retarded chat message and doesn't ban the shitters, she just smiles through it all like some psycho.

>> No.63630403

Positivity is now bad, gotcha

>> No.63630457

It's not that black and white.
She's positive beyond normal, every other vtuber I know complains and shows their true feelings from time to time. Nene is FORCING herself to always be happy. That's weird to me. It's ok to be human.

>> No.63630736

It's not that strange anon. Maybe you are just a new vtuber watcher. Nene is just mirroring vtubers of the old age where they try to show their best self on an avatar. Think kizuna ai, mirai akari and even hololive's sora then it'll make sense.

>> No.63630819

I'm not new. Nene streams a LOT, for hours and hours, most of her content is zatsu too. How does a sane person keep up that happy facade for so long? they don't. She is a psycho.

>> No.63631173

you seriously want to watch a tiktok stream?

>> No.63631270

I'm more interested in watching shee's reactions.

>> No.63631274

Maybe you need your quetiapine and aripiprazole doses upped I think you're deteriorating.

>> No.63631321

Just wanted to see what shee does differently in a tiktok

>> No.63631376


>> No.63631973


>> No.63632258
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>I know complains and shows their true feelings from time to time
And if you watch enough Nene you know this happens too, but generally she does try to keep her stream a happy place for herself and fans. There are entire companies of girls "being realistic" and sad if that's what you're looking for, no one is forcing you to catch diabetes.

>> No.63632410
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>> No.63632779

Is Nami playing phone shovelware?

>> No.63632935

Its OG shovelware from before smartphones. what kids played in computer class

>> No.63632959

no she is a whore

>> No.63633040

It is the most girlcore game I have seen outside straight up dress up games.

>> No.63633172

I love nene

>> No.63633323

Nami your autism...

>> No.63633385

You say this but she appears to be in a dress up menu right now

>> No.63633443

I want Yuno nursing handjob so bad bros

>> No.63633446

Can someone take over posting the Isla lost kitten soundpost?

>> No.63633608

Kaya backlight was better

>> No.63633958

Dude there are people that still believe in blatantly false 3 year old rrats. Vtuber community is not exactly the smartest.
You literally don't watch Nene. She complained about a bunch of stuff, cried on stream multiple times and (sadly) engaged with obvious trolls on the chat and on social media. You don't know wtf are you talking about.

>> No.63634018

Just catching up on this vod now. Good news. Apparently things have improved behind the scenes. Management incline when?

>> No.63634145

they let her do stuff under a new unrelated persona for her VA job

>> No.63634248

Glad to hear that. So when can I purchase Kaolin? I trade 50 gold coins a horse and 2 camels for her.

>> No.63634315

Nobody linked streams before so here.

Nene was balding and now wrapping up

Nami is girlbossing in a ice cream store

Kaya is just starting.

The 3 titty monsters of their gens.

>> No.63634468

is the good nami streaming today?

>> No.63634552
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Nene is throwing me out RIGHT NOW

>> No.63634880
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I want one of the kawaii girls to play some JRPG but just auto skip all the dialogue and jump straight into battles. What do you think how many people would be absolutely seething about it?

Also, Kaya (my wife btw) hit 4k subs. And her short about writing lyrics is her 3rd best performing one with over 6k views. Slow and steady boyssssss slow and steady.

>> No.63634944
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Reina's new outfit soon.

>> No.63635021


>> No.63635048

I hope she looks like a latina prostitute

>> No.63635267

>demon queen
I have high hopes for this. Reina first outfit had a lot of potential but was bland. Hope the quality on this one is like Lua 2 and Nene Miko.

>> No.63635339

I am pretty sure Reina didn't need to switch artists like Nene/Lua so that is a good sign.

>> No.63635458

Ran brave heart was better

>> No.63635641

Kaya owes me sex

>> No.63635953

I feel so sorry for Reina. She sounds on the verge of tears all the time

>> No.63635973

if that's good VA for her we are in for a YongYea situation

>> No.63636051
File: 3.77 MB, 1280x720, YouAreMyStar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet Nami's ass looks so good in jeans.

>> No.63636075

I love watching Kaya trying to form sentences. She is just seems scatterbrained all the time and it's really cracking me up.

>> No.63636270

>She sounds on the verge of tears all the time
As she should be btw. When Reina stops crying that will be the end of kawaii.

>> No.63636429

Don't cry Reina.
Your new outfit will be really sexy and everyone will love it.

>> No.63636524

did her mom and dog finally kick the bucket?

>> No.63638575

YongYea isn't "bad" by EN VA standard, especially for a localized japanese game, but his attention seeking behavior and ego make the situation funny. Yakuza franchise is also built on all kind of e-celeb, celeb, AV celebs, etc, so it also stroke his ego more to act like a real celeb.

>> No.63638637

Kaya dumb lol

>> No.63638711

Who's this succulent little girl?

>> No.63638795

>YongYea isn't "bad"

>> No.63638957

As I said, by the standard of a EN dub for a localized japanese game.
That standard is pretty low.

>> No.63638988

Shee Icho. Watch her 3D streams for clumsy kino

>> No.63638999

EN VAs are garbage 90% of the times and Yong still managed to be absolute dogshit compared to all of them lmao

>> No.63639191

>nene endurance stream on my only day off this week

>> No.63639500

he sounds like if r/asianmasculinity was a person

>> No.63639565

Kek, that is pretty accurate

>> No.63639643

Kiryu old dub wasn't that great and he still was miles ahead of Yong. His casting is just another example of why american dubs will always be a joke. Nepotism, clout chasing, retarded political agendas, incompetence... you name it they have it.

>> No.63639665

I dislike that she went directly into a replay of BG and that it takes up potential for other endurance streams. The last endurance ASMR is one of her all time performers. Sad to think it was partially only possible because she was in Japan at the time. Maybe we'll get another one sometime in Q2 2024 after the moving arc

>> No.63641314
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>> No.63641392
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Nene isn't a machine, she wants to play things she actually enjoys sometimes, she already does 2 ASMR streams every week just for the grind, let her stream something she likes

>> No.63642051

How much do VA get paid anyway?

>> No.63642240

most of them close to nothing, like in every other artist and performer line of work

>> No.63642984

It's okay Nene. We still love you.
2 ASMR streams every week is enough. More than 2 feel like overkill unless the themes and triggers are significantly different.

>> No.63643177
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hag acting young company

>> No.63643766

if you are a brokeboi just say so

>> No.63643822

charzu is my girlfriend

>> No.63643829

Nene going oh baby oh baby as you... you know

>> No.63643894

Like 200-300 per hour of lines, which is why they take any role they can get

>> No.63644480
File: 97 KB, 959x959, isla_kawaii-1528747595358965760-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Isla kino stream in just a few hours

>> No.63644599

oh baby baby look at me outside in the real world

>> No.63646496

>You will never decorate a xmas tree with Charzu and have her scold you for buying a real one, so you have to explain that the fake ones are even worse for the enviroment to put her mind at ease

>> No.63646903

It’s not completely a facade. Think of it like a friend who laughs at your mid tier joke to be polite and encouraging. This is the real Nene you’re seeing. That’s why she can keep it up for so long. She’s having fun and trying to help you have fun too. Is that so wrong? She doesn’t turn off Nene when the stream ends and become a completely different person. I’m sure that’s impossible with how much she streams. Even with a mask on you can’t hide every single part of who you are.

>> No.63647126

I was about to say that's damn good pay until I realized the average VA probably has less than 10 minutes on average of speaking time per episode and even then only if they are playing a regularly appearing role..

>> No.63647398 [DELETED] 

>She doesn’t turn off Nene when the stream ends and become a completely different person.
Darius Brown, 41 of Jackson Mississippi typed after wiping the sweat from his brow. "These dumb honkies can never know who their oh-sheee really be. I'm rollin' too many bills to risk if they's find out. But aint no white boy ever got one on old Darius. This'll throw 'em off my trail".

>> No.63647456

the VA of bayonetta for bayo 3 got paid around 15k iirc, so main characters do make a decent amount

>> No.63647632

only for big name titles, and to even get into that space you need to be nepo'd in like a motherfucker.

>> No.63647668

>>63647456 (me)
nvm that figure was what the former VA was bitching about not being enough

>> No.63647703
File: 3.85 MB, 594x446, RETVRN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvdawqt.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63647733

nice Isla and Charzu art, they really should have a duo song

>> No.63647735

ive missed you hyperborea poster

>> No.63647868

Isla 3d karaoke onegai..

>> No.63648078 [DELETED] 

doxxed whore

>> No.63648112

I refuse to believe anyone other than Isla herself posted this.

>> No.63648194

Maybe the secret to finding friendship between 4chan nazis and trannies were anime girls.

>> No.63648562
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>> No.63649079

This is too good of a post for this thread. Limit sounds surprisingly good nightcored.

>> No.63649141
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I really REALLY like Isla cute ESL accent

>> No.63649978

I didn't ask for Isla to be ESL but I am thankful she is.

>> No.63650053

I love ESL hags

>> No.63650547 [DELETED] 

nami hates charzu mages

>> No.63650706

kawaii needs a red mage

>> No.63651117

red and orange are cursed colors

>> No.63651257

look at the catalog now. Sisters really hate Nene and some retards just take that at face value without watching a single stream

>> No.63651274

but those are Kaya's colors...

>> No.63651356

but nene is a whor

>> No.63651629

The Nene hate is entirely her "inner circle" trying to gatekeep and stagnate her growth because they want her to stay a low 3view forever in order to monoploize her attention

>> No.63651839

this gatekeeping narrative is the newest dumb rrat from /vt/ about kawaii that makes even less sense than Sava norway arc. If fags from /here/ and discord were able to influence anything about kawaii direction we already would have male gens and hard coombaiting like idol.

>> No.63651844
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>black sun
Hitler was such a hack. He sent out a bunch of his people all over the world to make a compilation of things for his new ideology so they just made a collage out of everything that they found interesting.
Swastika was found even in the Vinca "script" from 4000-5000 B.C.

>> No.63652074

It's straight up mental gymnastic to believe that it's some secret plot to gatekeep nene from within the cloudtomo's fanbase instead of the obvious alternative that Nene just have a lot of dedicated anti as well as dramatourist fags who anti for fun.

>> No.63652304

who in vdere? i hope it wasn't elia

>> No.63652453

This narrative started appearing quite recently, these so called fans pick a chuubas (currently Charzu, Isla and Shee) and just larp as managerfags from /#/ while crying "muh oshi should be a 4view". Bro you are watching a small corpo full of hobbyists with other things to do, why are you numberfagging?

I've seen this behavior in /ppg/ and /vrt/ too, makes no sense to me. Stick to big corpos if you want to engage in managerposting and console wars.

>> No.63652565

we call her whorse here

>> No.63653146

All of the armchair managers on /here/ always crack me up. They all act like hot shit and circle jerk off each other. In reality, they would be Jason-tier if they actually run a vtuber group/company. I read the leaks about Jason and it was exactly the same. He was a terminally /here/ tard who think he is hot shit and his "plan" will incline the company pass idol. In reality, the corpo falter then crashed and every girls there hated his guts.

>> No.63653257


>> No.63653299

Jason was based for one single rule: no boyfriends, and to get in you had to break up. It was because he wanted to have a vtuber harem to groom but that's besides the point.

>> No.63653492
File: 254 KB, 1346x2048, 1698635146392791.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charzu stream today bros I'm really looking forward to it

>> No.63653860

t. groomers
keep seething dicklet losers the girls WILL make it and you CAN'T stop it

>> No.63653967

I did not want to believe this but kawaii friend nova is collabing with the traitor
remove nova and /vrev/ from kawaii friends. NOW.

>> No.63654056
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to the moon, dayo

>> No.63654095

anon? They never were in friends

>> No.63654133

but I like nova...

>> No.63654187

You like a fleshposting whore

>> No.63654225

not anymore, she is my enemy now.

>> No.63654495

discord paypigs are the biggest yesmen and would even kneel to male collabs or male gens, I don't know which ghosts you are fighting but they aren't able to gatekeep anything

>> No.63654577

>anti /here/
>yesmen in public
basic falseflagging anon

>> No.63654657

antiing is gatekeeping?

>> No.63654854

it can be
>drag a chuuba's name through the mud
>make people less likely to click if she comes up in their recommendeds

>> No.63654905

back to discord you go

>> No.63654964

sadly most of them arent as retarded as squirtlemafia

>> No.63655056
File: 406 KB, 1440x2560, 1687233283940587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex? Sex

>> No.63655078

vreverie need to be added to the kawaii enemy list, same with pixellink

>> No.63655144

Rape? Rape

>> No.63655218

>drag through the mud
if you live on /vt/ and in the small corpo space maybe, most new viewers come from the absolute casual holo/big corpo clip channels and ASMR. They have no idea who Nene is, let alone any other kawaii chuba.

>> No.63655334

obscene breasts

>> No.63655409

If i bake next thread, I will remember to do it.

>> No.63655475


>> No.63655559

enemy list makes no sense because it makes them appear in the search result just like friends

>> No.63655688

you wouldn't link their channels

>> No.63655769

don't add more shit to the OP, it's fine as it is

>> No.63655806

Yuno and Kaya have been live for 15 minutes


>> No.63655813
File: 107 KB, 1000x600, 36fcoamev0_Mountain_Gorilla_Silverback_WW22557[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaya guerilla?

>> No.63655834

add discord to kawaii enemies list

>> No.63655859

Remove the entire friends section. There is no point at all in linking other generals

>> No.63655933

>yuno makes it good
>kaya makes it bad
a perfectly balanced stream

>> No.63656071

But i kinda like Kaya...

>> No.63656087

but late night Yuno makes it extra good. She's not talking a lot but it's a different vibe

>> No.63656111

Kaya isnt the good kind of zoomer

>> No.63656148

green nami is my mommy

>> No.63656224

has anything else ever made Kaya laugh like that? I kind of like it

>> No.63656263

she is worse orange cat but it won't stab you in the back or quit your company over Tokyo treat

>> No.63656335

Yuno's model is easily my favorite in Hanamizuki

>> No.63656424

I think if Kaya's design was drawn by a different artist I would like it more, But Ran desperately needs a new artist

>> No.63656498

new rigger

>> No.63656545

is this girl just perpetually hammered or is this her sober

>> No.63656635
File: 59 KB, 900x900, APkrFKaC1X7coQHiSdGE-H41HS6_-QEDpB8V8XsUfSAQNrs=s900-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kaya's eyes and mouth disturb me
She's just zoom zooming, she's not Lua

>> No.63656653

this is her standard

>> No.63656773

You need your eyes checked if you dont think she needs a new artist

>> No.63656776

I still want that drunk kaya vod

>> No.63656980

these ladies need to be more sex

>> No.63657115
File: 360 KB, 1433x925, tall kaya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they'll never see her head again
Don't threaten me with a good time

>> No.63657122

not before she gets a new rigger, even a better model would get fucked by that rigging

>> No.63657195

cleaning up my files and i can't believe i saved an unarchived karaoke of shee's ex friend mogu where she showed her face and all
i wonder if i'm literally the only one retarded enough to have a copy of this. not like anyone gave a shit about her before
is archiveanon still here or has he moved on like some other regulars?

>> No.63657258

Kaya is constantly stoned

>> No.63657287

damn, /eien/ would love that give it to them

>> No.63657365

probably the only one who has it here since her fanbase was small and the few remains moved to /eien/

>> No.63657430

She's live right now if you want to cause a meltdown on air

>> No.63657538

So is it any good?

>> No.63657594

kek based you can trade it for /eien/ whore shit

>> No.63657608

Kaya sounds exactly like an ABG from Socal. I would bet money on it.

>> No.63657681

But Lua was an ABG as well....

>> No.63657927

>yuno can't say no to money

>> No.63657995

based prostitute

>> No.63658038

Based Kaya is pimping out yuno

>> No.63658108

Kaya supports the whoring out of genmates

>> No.63658220

>Kaya was the numberfag armchair manager /here/ pushing for lewd incline all along

>> No.63658396

i was hoping someone else saved it because this just makes me want to not delete any of my files. i was cleaning shit to save space but now, who the fuck knows if like with this VOD, this is literally the only copy existing out there? i can't get rid of this datahoarding autism man, i hate myself so much. and i only saved it because of this comment shitting on her, which i think was her shilling herself on /pkg/ lmao

no i'm not sharing shit because i don't want bad karma to hit the girls. i still enjoy watching charzu

>> No.63658607

Oh I remember being in the thread when that happened but I didn't give a fuck about bad rei

>> No.63658614

Kaya seems like to be the type to be absolutely obnoxious in bed as much as possible until you pin her down and choke her (which she enjoys)

>> No.63658697

that stream was barely anything, give it to eienfags to keep and clean your drive

>> No.63658712

>be reminded of this

>> No.63658810

wasnt this the start of the squirtlemafia arc?

>> No.63659212

ABG from Cali aren't much different from ABG from Canada
t. Cali anon

>> No.63659246
File: 18 KB, 345x345, 20231004_025526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has he moved on like some other regulars
Speaking personally I'm so fucking tired of the unhinged and irrelevant bullshit that comes up like this entire conversation that I only click through the images in the thread and save Isla pics while occasionally reading things I see scrolling through. Tried to make the thread a little less shit and talk about the girls more, encourage more AI/Art in the thread, and baked a ton at one point, but it's hopeless.

>> No.63659249

>hiring sava was mistake posts
>norway arc rratposting
>whorse antiposting
>talking about oceane blowjob asmr
>same peony rape and miryu gay posts
good days, bad whores

>> No.63659267

Any reason for this stream or did they just want to monetize the Yuno and Kaya podcast? At least they get to raid charzu later

>> No.63659376

Kaya snorted again,

>> No.63659513


dont give up anon, you're the only one keeping this org afloat

>> No.63659583

Don't give up Anon. I will always love Charzu so I will never leave this place. I hope she got a lot of questions todays because I am in the mood for a 3 hour stream.

>> No.63659599

Nami fat tits and Nene's fat ass are keeping it afloat with their buoyancy.

>> No.63659711

thank you chocomilktea, you are a treasonkek though

>> No.63659813

i get that, it's just too easy to shitpost unfortunately and it just drowns most other stuff out so i kind of checked out of the thread. at least the streams are still fun for me, and whenever someone posts links here like shee's bad ideas cover i still give views to help even if it's just a very tiny bit

>> No.63659867

Kaya is growing on me. Either that or she's a lot better with Yuno to balance her out.

>> No.63659959

Yuno makes her good, she is still trash solo

>> No.63660041

Predict how Kaya collab with all the gen 1 and 2 girls will go

>> No.63660126
File: 32 KB, 336x169, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

charzu kino in 10 minutes

>> No.63660134

Kaya is too far on the spectrum and needs a handler

>> No.63660185

these bitches so retarded fr fr

>> No.63660369

Maybe. There's no way for us to know if squirtle was the mallow-shitter. When he fucked up live on stream that was a few months after Nene closed her marshmallow if I remember right maro's closing and fanbox messages stopped very close in time to one another and then there was a pause and then Squirtlemafia. Somewhere in there was the guro-rape twitter threats. Early speculation was that one of these was O***** or one of her crony's Maybe SM was that too. It's allot of really heavy Nene anti'ing in a short period of time with no concrete answers or evidence other than to say he fucked up at least once and may or may not have been involved in earlier harassment.
For all we know it did stop after he was outed (not that there were many other avenues of attack by that point but still).

>> No.63660485

they should have been a duo

>> No.63660534

thats not them, but with how autistic and ego tripping thats written im pretty sure its the lig tranny coleknight. stupid faggot should stay gone he hasn't been in chat since his "oshi" came back.

>> No.63660561

seriously, they don't even pretend Ran isn't part of their group.

>> No.63660642

>Shee on

>> No.63660724

It's better that way, Ran can carry a stream on her own. Kaya needs these yuno training wheels

>> No.63661052

>Kaya and Yuno live fangirling over Shee

>> No.63661095

dude everyone fangirls over Shee

>> No.63661229

it's always lig and wvt troons...

>> No.63661328

nice raid chain today

Nene > Yuno > Kaya > Charzu

>> No.63661375

really wasn't expecting that

>> No.63661376

Management is forcing Charzu to be an ASMR whore.

>> No.63661382

Kaya is really growing on me. I really really hope she keeps her shit together and don't go menhera over 2-3 possible antis. Seen so many vtubers turn bitter because of a handful of fans.

>> No.63661399

chocomilktea is cute amd hightest idc what nonyall say id hit and drop drop buckets in

>> No.63661474


>> No.63661590

charzu rape

>> No.63661789
File: 1.74 MB, 560x720, nin nin.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63661802

She isn't the type to turn bitter, she is the type to turn sad and depressed. The best anti target.

>> No.63661890

Youtube is the true kawaii anti.

>> No.63661892

Kaya is a great meme generator as long as she doesn't explode

>> No.63662012

Kaya was a bit bitter when she did that art stream and nobody was donating in the beginning

>> No.63662110

Her prices were retarded.

>> No.63662257

that's just her zoomer ironic shield, she is actually more sadgirl leaning than own-the-haters

>> No.63662664

>Nene raided Ran
>Ran raided Kaya (and Yuno)
>Kaya raided Charzu
I feel like a whore

>> No.63662702

webm, now!

>> No.63662957
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>> No.63663338

Ian the cuckpire heh

>> No.63663446

ghostpolitics didn't send a maro

>> No.63663600

Ian is bitch made

>> No.63663789

[shee icho news]

>> No.63663828
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my little sister can't be this cute

>> No.63663846

It's somehow better than tiktok

>> No.63663950

Uhhhh, so /here/ posts are up next for stream contents right????
I'm joking, don't do it ffs

>> No.63664075

charzu is the resident redditor of kawaii

>> No.63664081
File: 55 KB, 512x512, 1690520049904896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got shadowbanned

>> No.63664200

Thanks for the info Nami

>> No.63664216

Members only Shee reviews /pkg/
>uhhhh guys, why is Charzus butt so big ehehehe?
>you guys are right, Nami DOES have fat tits
>why is there so much drama... (cries for 15 minutes and ends stream when someone finally calls her a slur)

>> No.63664256

more like you are a doxxknight

>> No.63664477

how does she react to my post saying she is my ideal woman?

>> No.63664762

armchair managers always existed but those posts are obvious trolls, and yeah it feels like the same schizo posts in vrt too. He probably just shitposts on vt the whole day

>> No.63665041

she's talking about you guys now, manager-kun

>> No.63665063

I never want Charzu to get big because if she gets big it won't be comfy chat anymore.

>> No.63665319

charzu isnt like other vtubers, she never lies

>> No.63665435

SHEE IS THE CUTEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.63665491

shee thumbnail is perfect for sph roleplay

>> No.63665752

do you think shee know what sph is

>> No.63665871

Fucking kill yourselves retarded coomers

>> No.63666310

these reddit stories are made up

>> No.63666343

charzu knows the lyrics of the prince of bel air theme kek

>> No.63666616

>instant disgust upon seeing a picture of the Cybertruck
Yep, I always knew she was one of the most intelligent vtubers out there.

>> No.63666633

As a kid, Charzu was da type to do the running man in front of the mirror to the sounds of "Mista Dobalina Mista Bob Dobalina".

>> No.63667239
File: 1.45 MB, 832x1216, 1girl, solo, {{{{{{amano nene (vtuber)}}}}}}, {production kawaii}, pink ribbed s s-3767488360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

complete failure in trying to convince it to actually fire the beam from her eyes and her other hand vanished, but this one is still cute

>> No.63667771

I don't think sigiwinne looks anything like her

>> No.63668079

Cybertruck is peak SOVL design though

>> No.63668103

The four ages of kawaii:
2021: the bronze age, everything was new and exciting, we were excited for the future.
2022: the gilded age, the best time numbers and reputation wise, but the company grappled with internal strife, with Oceane plotting openly and Neena and Gen 3 in secret.
2023: the iron age, despite the betrayals and reputational damage, kawaii pulled through with a great concert, sololive, new gen, con appearances, and kino streams.
I'm excited to see what 2024 brings us (Isla sololive please).

>> No.63668296

>this was charzu's promoted video to try to market herself
You wonder why she has negative growth? Should have used one of the explains or waterboarding videos

>> No.63668318

if you managed to get to the point where shee is looking at your junk, i don't think she could be mean to your face,.

>> No.63668404

yeah.. I have no counter to that... charzu is anti growth

>> No.63668455

It's the Dancing House of cars. It only has something resembling "character" because it is hideously ugly. That's the only thing making it memorable.

>> No.63668643

Princess live

>> No.63668758

We love Ancient Baba Girls here

>> No.63668883
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>> No.63669359

Alright fess up, who sent Isla rocks for her birthday in 2022

>> No.63669602

Couldn't they just demolish gen 3 builds with worldedit instead of fucking with the server? Are they stupid?

>> No.63669749

dang benji what you doing

>> No.63669971

>Are they stupid?
Most likely yes.

>> No.63670144

didn't lua just build her shrine?

>> No.63670246

rebuild it, theyve given up trying to restore the kickstarter backer's builds

>> No.63670254

Is Isla just devoid of any kind actual content for this stream? She is talking about the fucking minecraft server for 30 minutes repeating the same shit over and over again.

>> No.63670343

kickstarter keks btfo

>> No.63670391

Looking forward to the autismo Fortnite with Nene and Chammers.

>> No.63670406

>30 minutes
it was only 15 though?

>> No.63670589

Isla and Kaya collab would be a battle for talking dominance.

>> No.63670619
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>> No.63670691

Isla already showed dominance over her

>> No.63670706

Lol no, Kaya gladly be a sub for for Isla.

>> No.63672017

Isla is too sweet

>> No.63672032

Genuinely a good thing. I'm glad they're moving past that phase in the company. Maybe it'll stop scaring away potential fans.

>> No.63672868

decent chances to get a girlfriend in Isla's streams

>> No.63673014

"I feel like coleknights would turn against me when I need them"


>> No.63673159
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>> No.63673177

the cutest

>> No.63673225
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>> No.63673339
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she's drawing me!!

>> No.63673669

Yeah, I thought the same. Where does the community go from here? Will she ever trust another Coleknight? ( ;~;)

>> No.63673822

When she inclines and gets more Salias and Dawgs who care more about her and less about discord faggotry

>> No.63674356

Shee is melting my heart again....

>> No.63674951

you know what to get Isla for her next birthday

>> No.63675139
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>> No.63675146

Yuno fat might not be just a meme.....

>> No.63675162

we almost lost her..

>> No.63675373

Raid chain never broke and lots of good streams, a good day for kawaii

>> No.63675416

A Good Day to Kawaii Hard

>> No.63675545

We are so, so, SO back.

>> No.63675626

When will Ran incline though

>> No.63676114

ran got carried by raids too, unfortunate

>> No.63676767

People hate Ran? WTF

>> No.63676789
File: 41 KB, 348x286, image-29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wdym Salia is innocent fuck these delusional posts man
Do you see how insane this guy's is on Twitter just for Isla?

>> No.63676942

Reread the post. Salia and dawgs? care more about Isla than discord faggortry. That poster is saying that Isla needs more fans like them.

>> No.63677062
File: 38 KB, 298x398, 1687765049239728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus this retard

>> No.63677130

This one? >>62901736

>> No.63677619

they like to watch

>> No.63677778

has lua played horror games

>> No.63677814

Yeah, she has played Genshin Impact.

>> No.63678073

no she is a big baby, even halloween vr chat maps scared her

>> No.63678383
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These are the closest she's gotten (plus Inscryption if your definition is loose enough)

>> No.63678993

Which cuckling are you in chat?

>> No.63679079

Since you like whores that much, maybe consider Riro Ron who got terminated for being an actual prostitude

>> No.63679220
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Mega GOD

>> No.63679274

why are you like this

>> No.63679399
File: 46 KB, 896x203, Fear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63679501

16 hours till Lua oriiii

>> No.63680334

Which girl was it supposed to be?

>> No.63680417


>> No.63680829
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>> No.63681014
File: 78 KB, 779x739, 1703671640775962715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a shame, Isla needs more art...

>> No.63681122

why are you a cuckling

>> No.63681537
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