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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63628340 No.63628340 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.63628403
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>> No.63628446


>> No.63628589

>"Can you refute it, though?"
>"I don't have to refute it, it's bait"
>"But can you refute it?"
>"I don't have to"

>> No.63628701

the best kind of BTFO

>> No.63628844

Agreed, OP presents his opinion as fact but there's no evidence Gura cares about money

>> No.63628902

This tells me that chuubas should be anti'd early and hard. It increases productivity and dedication to their actual fans. If they are anti'd later after getting treated like darlings then they can't take it and wither away.

>> No.63629016

This should be the permanent banner of this board.

>> No.63629070

>no evidence Gura cares about money
>literally comes back for the only time in 3 months for a sponsored stream paid by the japanese government

>> No.63629169
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>> No.63629422

>Only comes back to do a sponsored solo stream
>there's no evidence Gura cares about money

>> No.63629512

I don't get chumbuds. Just move on.
Kiara from myth, Bae from Council and Dogs from Advent are all dedicated as fuck to streaming. Just pick someone else who actually cares.

>> No.63629890

hope you don't live anywhere it's illegal to suck cock OP

>> No.63631974

just the truth

>> No.63632777

Accurate political compass?

>> No.63633110
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Wait a minute... you might be onto something.

>> No.63633310

Kiara actually isn't that dedicated to making money. She's the only HoloEN who has a singular membership at 5 dollars. She could easily make a 15 dollar tier or 25 dollar tier like some girls but she doesn't.

>> No.63633373

Sometimes you have to bite bait. They are obligated by contact to do sponsored streams like that. If they are picked by name they wouldn’t even be able to graduate before completing these. She didn’t ask for anything. It’s why most corpos give you zero sponsorships when you want to leave it’s wasting everyone’s time and money. Though some people get bitchy about that despite having intentions to leave

>> No.63633448

>She didn’t ask for anything
>Corpos give you zero sponsorships when you want to leave
Which one is it?

>> No.63633505

>10 high memberships vs 100 low ones
As the least popular member she was trying to maximize profits

>> No.63633568

Contrary to what you schizos believe she doesn’t want to graduate

>> No.63634059

Gura doesn't want to get a "graduation" but she wouldn't be constantly fighting with management if her main priority was money. Cover is letting trolls run wild on her channel so they are furious. They don't want to lose their biggest EN vtuber but Gura is on thin ice and she can't afford to not show up to promote merch at sponsorship events.

>> No.63634071

But we don't believe she wants to graduate, we believe she wants to stream twice a year and collect all the money from events.

>> No.63634244

>Gura is burnt out from streaming. She still does sponsorships and merch because they pay well
>Gura is having a fight with Cover
>Nobody knows specifically what the fight is about
>Cover is forcing Gura to take on sponsorships and shill merch as a consequence of the fight
>They are not forcing her to stream otherwise, and she is refusing to communicate with her fans as a form of protest against cover
>She is lying about having burnout and not wanting to stream, and would love to stream were it not for the fight

>> No.63634347

Memberships are not a this or that. People who want to do 5 dollar memberships will. People who can afford 25 dollar memberships will pay for it if they want. Kiara doesn't even give the option for more money.

>> No.63635336 [DELETED] 

Gura gets many things she didn't ask for.
Vtuber of the Year
Her face advertised at Shibuya station.
The price of popularity.

Gura is probably the pickiest in sponsorships.
Not going to see a Gura PC case or Raid Shadow Legends from her.

>> No.63635595
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Gura gets many things she didn't ask for:
>Vtuber of the Year
>Advertisement at Shibuya station and inside their subways.
The price for popularity.

We know it's her management that shills on her Twitter account. And neither has shilled this fine piece of art.

Gura is probably the pickiest in sponsorships:
Not going to see a Gura PC case or Raid Shadow Legends from her.

>> No.63636033

Someone add the rest of EN.
I would say Bae is top left since the money she makes she blows on projects. while Sana is obviously more bottom right than Gura.

>> No.63636129


>> No.63638529

The previous winter do you believe that Ina lost her work phone for 3 months? That Gura by random chance needed a 2 month "health" break? That HoloEN by another coincidence decided to not have a Christmas collab? After Sana's graduation the EN branch was demoralized and contract renewals turned into hurricane level fights. Cover makes then sign an NDA so anything related to contracts would be confidential.

>> No.63639069

Not probably she is the pickiest in en and one of the pickiest in all of hololive. She turned down the pc case one because she considered it low quality compared to the one Marine got. Which is funny seeing the members that jumped on that sponsorship. I want to say blue archive was her idea because she even played the game afterwards but at the same time they made her do a song cover. Alice fiction couldn’t even afford a song cover settling for a karaoke and she didn’t even learn the song. She doesn’t stream, she doesn’t read supers for the most part like you’re more likely to get your message read in regular chat, she hasn’t done much members recently, and unless she’s forced to do a stream advertising she won’t even acknowledge/know about something being sold like her figures. She doesn’t care about the money it’d be admirable if it wasn’t completely backwards.

>> No.63639164

Do I think the girl bragging about living off a single cracker and one bite of a hotdog actually had health issues that kept her from flying?

>> No.63639861

Not every story that makes some sense to an outside observer is true. Treating those rrats as actual proof is how dumbass conspiracy theories spread.

>> No.63642166

>do you believe that Ina lost her work phone for 3 months?
I believe she lost it and didn't look for it for 3 months because she's a lazy fuck who doesn't care about Hololive
>That Gura by random chance needed a 2 month "health" break?
I believe Gura is a lazy fuck who doesn't care about Hololive
>That HoloEN by another coincidence decided to not have a Christmas collab?
They can barely organize anything because 3/5 members don't care and don't wanna do shit

>> No.63642287

There are times when rrats are more likely to be true than what a corpo is telling their customers especially when their are financial reasons to lie. I don't think Yagoo is a villain that laughs at the suffering of his vtubers but he is a shrewd businessman. Cover will never admit that Vesper was fighting to get a 2.0 redesign but a November suspension followed by a June redesign would be a major coincidence.

>> No.63642598

>because the kid was punished for causing trouble, it would make sense he was later given candy
This doesn't make sense at all

>> No.63642790

I also make up stories in my head about arguments I win

>> No.63644011

yea but she could make even more money by just keeping up with tweets. So it isn't money she's dedicated to, she should be more in the middle bottom.

>> No.63644405

Vesper got into a huge fight over the 2.0 redesign which pissed off management so they suspended him. They didn't want him to quit so they rushed out a new model in 7 months. The fastest redesign was Nenechi who got a new model only 5 months after the Taiwan yab.

>> No.63644528

>they suspended him
>They didn't want him to quit so they rushed out a new model
So they hated him enough to suspend him, immediately afterwards were like "yeah nigga, you were right, here's what you wanted", and then he quit?
Did I get all that right?

>> No.63644593

anyone who mentions stream hours is automatically baiting for attention or a hopeless /#/ user who is lost

>> No.63645517

>Gura doesn't care about money
>Sits on her ass leeching off her desperate sunk cost fallacy fans, not giving anything back in return
Give it a year, nothing will have changed. She will have spent more time being "burnt out" than actually being active as a member. See if this cope holds up then.

>> No.63645571

>She will have spent more time being "burnt out" than actually being active as a member
We're actually gonna hit that mark in 3 months

>> No.63646539

Vesper got a new model supposedly because his illustrator mama was ill but she returned to Twitter within 2 weeks of his redesign. He got what he wanted but during the summer my guess is that Vesper and Magni tried to help another talent get a redesign. Management was already in a foul mood so things escalated quickly and they were fired.

>> No.63646937

Gura didn't stream for months last year because she was too humiliated about the fact she pissed Ame's bed getting leaked onto /vt/

>> No.63648169

>Mad Fag: Reddit Road

>> No.63651924

>stream hours
Okay, but how about
>days without a stream

>> No.63655591


>> No.63655828
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Did they ever say who won the large Gura figure? I remember Mori saying she wanted to try for it but I think someone else got it? Did anyone figure out who or has the winner been silent about their win?
