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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63484950 No.63484950 [Reply] [Original]


The comment section is a total containment breach...

>> No.63485046 [DELETED] 

Kek, Yugo sucking Vox's cock live on stream wasn't enough to mindbroke you, sis?

>> No.63485342

Shit, someone fill me in, what did nijiniggers do this time?

>> No.63485537

You know you dont have to straight make shit up to make NijiEN look bad right?

>> No.63486102

>containment breach...
Nah, even the normoids are waking up to the fact that she's just lazy

>> No.63486272

What's the burnout about?, can't be working, it's been bit more than a year of she doing jackshit, only streaming to slow down Advent's growth.

>> No.63486342

how? the top comments are all rather reasonable and normie

>> No.63486391
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>sorting by top comment

>> No.63486598

huh? that is not a containment breach. even reddit is less civilized than those comments.
note: this isn't OP advertising his channel, it has more than 86k views.

>> No.63486672
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>> No.63486680

>TY guys for welcoming me back again
>so sweet
>I was thinking about how I was going to address you
>because I want to show my affection in words without being gross
>so I was saying, like, thank you

That's it

Same shit happened after fwmc debuted and saw the pledge of loyalty, she wanted to show her fans how much she cares about them and went offline for 2 months

>> No.63486712

compared to the comments on her 3rd anniversary stream, these are more supportive of her

but i guess we just need to wait idk

>> No.63486861

It's totally not going to happen again and I'm totally not going to feast on chumbud cope

>> No.63487011

Gee it's almost like telling wagies that you're burnt out from playing video games in exchange for millions of dollars is a tad bit out of touch. Especially after spending the last 18 months barely streaming.
And I'm saying this as someone who is very wealthy as well.

>> No.63487027

her hololive checks are literally just welfare checks at this point. not sure i agree with a culture where women can get rich doing LITERALLY nothing.

>> No.63487026 [DELETED] 

She has postpartum depression.

>> No.63487115

She was briefly reinvigorated by the enthusiasm displayed by new Advent girls during their debut month but sadly it didn't last for more than a week, her burnout was just too strong I'm afraid it might be a terminal case and she's just not going to get any better.

>> No.63488113

burnout FROM WHAT

>> No.63488181

What a new cope is it. Chumkeks are really interesting fanbase.

>> No.63488298

It'd be nice if she can do a zatsu stream once a week even with her current state of mind.

>> No.63488865
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>> No.63489483

>she wanted to show her fans how much she cares about them and went offline for 2 months
She's shown it pretty clearly by doing exactly what she did, no? What else do you need at this point?

>> No.63489621
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>> No.63489639

she's burnt out from all the hot dick pics i've sent to her inbox every day since the start of november

>> No.63489827

>What's the burnout about?, can't be working, it's been bit more than a year of she doing jackshit, only streaming to slow down Advent's growth.

Burnout is never about the amount of work, but feeling no progress and lack of personal connection.
Probably the reason why gura doesn't talk much about it. The fuck is she gonna say, "I don't relate personally to hololive" ?

>> No.63489889

Okay, I can clearly see that now (it actually took me quite a bit to see what I wasn't getting) and now admit I was wrong.
DOES it change anything that Gura purposely overlapped Bijou? again, no and I am now aware that Gura does have her own fanbase. But I KNOW Gura wouldn't want her chumbies going over to Bijou (who would genuinely loved them) and that is why she went all out into a wall with no breaks to assert "dominance" over Bijou.

Also the thread was close to dying so I seriously hope you're in this thread.

>> No.63489927

feels extremely bad having the same opinion as a phasetranny

>> No.63490006


If you've been through burnout you would understand. You want to/know you need to do something but you psychologically avoid it anyway.

>> No.63490077

Bro if she had said this a year ago I think most people would be somewhat understanding. But literally slowing down your output to a tenth of what your genmates do for a year, saying nothing, and then finally going “hehe sorry guys I don’t really feel like streaming” really shows how much, or rather, how little she cares to update her fanbase about what’s going on

>> No.63490134

Doubles avocado, but what if its just an effect of being number one? What else is there to do now for her besides stack paper and lie in bed? I imagine that's its own kind of burnout

>> No.63490198

yeah it's called work but for severely burnt out people they atleast acknowledge it and take a month playing video games and get back to work

if your burnt out but your still "working" as gura says then either the staff don't have meetings with their talents or gura is making up some BS to cover up other things that happened in life

>> No.63490284

That's true too, during her rise the sky seemed the limit. But now she gotta keep working at the same pace to stay in the same place.
There is no infinite growth, at least without whoring out to different audiences like IRL podcasts, so there is not much for gura to strive for aside from IRL goals.

>> No.63490299

so it's just OP being retarted again, gotcha

>> No.63490317

You don't have to understand why she's burn out, but it's probably true. You can get burn out from being stuck in a situation with no challenges or clear goals. One solution is a new job, but that isn't an option for her.

>> No.63490329

I went to work and told my boss I was feeling burnt out and would need a two month paid vacation follwed by a 1 hour work day and then 3 more months vacation and he fucking fired me on the spot
wrf bros...

>> No.63490394

>trusting Gura
No thanks

>> No.63490418

wealthy people and wage slave live in different world.
They need to wake up early at the minimum 4 days of the week and work a 40h before enjoying your week end.
Even then most are reasonable and understand that even if your wealthy your life can suck in some way.
Telling your broke audience that you're burnout even tho you have almost no project and barely stream seem laughable so i can see why some seem to seethe in that comment section.

>> No.63490452

The burnout is from realizing she’s doing nothing useful, probably because she’d rather be planning concerts and shit.
I’m sure a small part of me would be seething a year ago. I know I get irrationally mad at stupid shit too. But Advent is here and I never watched Gura anyway. I hope Cover gets its shit together and gives her more concerts, and I don’t blame her if she keeps not streaming. What’s the point if there aren’t going to be more concerts?

>> No.63490540

what is this new cope?

how retarded is it that people find comfort thinking that their "oshi" doesn't stream because they have too many subscribers and money? by that logic anyone who is really good at anything would stop because they "made it"

>> No.63490623

Some people do stop. Some don't. Is it really cope to just accept her choice? She talked about it plainly. Isn't that what you people wanted? And she's not my oshi.

>> No.63490710

i think the issue is that she hasn't made a choice she's a content creator with no new content

>> No.63490864
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It wasn't burnout guys, it was HER

>> No.63490975

>reinvigorated by the enthusiasm displayed by new Advent girls
lol, lmao even
she made sure to only stream at the same time as the rock loli
she only came back because her cunny crown was threatened

>> No.63491055

Chumbuds in the comment section are still coping that a sponsored stream is now a quality stream. I guess she can do only 1 sponsor stream every 3 months, and it still falls into the case of 'quality > quantity.'

>> No.63491063

She can take all the rest she want its deserved.
The comment glazing her are a little weird tho ,they talk about her like she's living in immense pressure and worked a 80 hours the last 2 years, like chill she's just bored of her job.

>> No.63491258

>She can take all the rest she want its deserved
Wtf are you smoking, shes taken so much rest already. How does rest make more rest deserved? Are you retarded?

Are you some commie loser who thinks no one should work for anything, that everything should be handed to us for no work?

>> No.63491400


big loser energy radiating from this post

>> No.63491613

Why don't jannies want you to know that Gura is pregnant and/or mother? Every other shizo theory is allowed to be posted but the pregnancy one.

>> No.63491641

>Are you some commie loser who thinks no one should work for anything, that everything should be handed to us for no work?
No, dumbass. She basically won the lottery. If the cashier at McDonald’s won the lottery, refused to take your order, and the restaurant refused to fire her, you’d either go somewhere else or seethe at the restaurant.
The worker doesn’t give a shit, is telling the company to fire her if they want, and you’re getting mad at her. How is telling you to stop wasting your time communist? Did they even have lotteries in Soviet Russia?

>> No.63491684
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this is the best comment regarding her burnout, hope Gura can see it

>> No.63491707

>Ugh muh Nijisanji
DAMN Chumbuds really have nothing to defend their lazy queen

>> No.63491773

Its deserved because she made it and is part the top of Of the vtuber industry and is the top one in the EN market.
She didnt have to work hard but result are there anyways so yeah I'd say she deserve it.

>> No.63491897

I keep telling you retards, stop membering to Gura, it means you get less streams.
Gura behaves like this because she doesn't need to stream, she knows you guys will fund her lifestyle no matter what.
Donate via superchat, don't let Gura think so little of your support

>> No.63492008

Gura probably views the point of streams as building up hype for concerts. Why would you care about some anime girl singing onstage unless you got to know her in streams? No concert, no point in streaming.
Chumbuds are probably mad that Gura doesn’t care about them if she can’t be onstage, but that *is* what probably got her into Hololive.
If Cover cared about making her stream again, making concerts a more regular thing instead of waiting three years for the first NA concert would be a good start.
Do I think Cover’s going to do that? Not really. Do I think Gura is ever going to stream regularly? I don’t think so. I genuinely think there’s nothing chumbuds can do because it’s not about them.

>> No.63492606

Such delicious cope

>> No.63492707

I'm pretty sure she just didn't wanna lose her fans to the new loli

>> No.63492716

Imagine still being a chumbud, knowing their oshi gets "burned out" interacting with them once a month or less. She genuinely hates them and that isn't even a rrat at this point. If it was just a dispute with Cover, she wouldn't be doing side projects for them, nor the passive aggressive collabing without a streamed pov or the radio silence. In fact the ONLY vtubing thing she doesn't seem to want to do is interact with her fans.

>> No.63493160

Eh, regarding Gura that does sounds like bullshit but I'm inclined to believe you.

>> No.63493298
File: 40 KB, 490x539, YDpEKkRaoaPoFfbyP1CgxKAv7McPov4jN5-ojtO55Ls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbuds taught me the joys of schadenfreude

>> No.63493433

The "Cover bad" argument is so retarded
It's annoying so many nijjiniggers and vwhorejo fags are using this chance to shit on hololive in general

>> No.63493604

I see the white knights from the other threads have woken up after a long night of defending their cunt oshi and are back at it yet again. How does it feel that you are such delusional simps you defend some entitled whore with a silver spoon in her mouth day after day, knowing she thinks less of you than an insect? What a pathetic life you people must lead to want to get validation from this woman.

>> No.63493687

this is such a stupid take
>Why would you care about some anime girl singing onstage unless you got to know her in streams?
ever heard of vsingers? i.e. KAF does like 2 streams a year and still her concert tickets sell out. She releases songs all the time
the only work shork did this year was counting superchat money from gullible simps

>> No.63493886


>> No.63494161

Why do you think she cares about concerts? She doesn’t care about anything. Not about streaming, concerts, her fans or anything.
Stop the cope and accept reality. She doesn’t do anything because she doesn’t care and the company she works for doesn’t care that she doesn’t care.
Cover never forces their talents to do anything mostly because they’re japanese talents (besides the zoomers) don’t need to be forced to do their jobs: they do it because they care, want to move forward and tackle new challenges, all of this while showing their fans how much they appreciate them by giving them pletora of content.

>> No.63494721

Doesn't excuse going radio silent without a word for months on end. Like literally just tweet that you're taking time off. It's not hard. Fuck gura and her supposed 'burnout'. My fucking ass.

>> No.63495478

>Gee it's almost like telling wagies that you're burnt out from playing video games in exchange for millions of dollars is a tad bit out of touch.
She did hint that whatever is going on with management will continue until next year. The new normal is suspicious but so was Ina and Gura having 5 months of radio silent "health" breaks during the previous winter. Gura isn't the only HoloEN member having problems with Mori announcing a break from solo streams and Ame disappearing for 2 weeks.

>> No.63495746

thanks kson

>> No.63495781

But I thought Dmitri Jap was going to save us???

>> No.63496049

Vox 1k ccv deflection thread

>> No.63498740

Explain how Kiara keeps going then, despite her complaints.

>> No.63499093

No it's not.

>> No.63500793

she owes you NOTHING

>> No.63501389

>Gura Stream
White knight Chumbuds awaken from its slumber

>> No.63502634

Or maybe just don't donate at all? Retard.

>> No.63502824

>Laps their collabs and rock's streams
>Leaves after the damage is done

>> No.63503232

she is the grunt of the gen, expectations of her are as low or even lower than council, which are generally doing kinda fine.

>> No.63503382

except most people are supporting her. and 90% of people that aren't are fans of other chuubas seething that their oshi is not as big as she is.

>> No.63503511

except thats not true at all, she overlapped nerissa more than bijou, and gura streamed only at the time she already used to stream.
you are literally believe blindly what people on 4chan told you, retarded piece of shit

>> No.63503570

you need to understand that gura is so superior to your boring shit oshi that even sponsored streams are better content.

>> No.63503928

>she is the grunt
Wait Kiara is a JavaScript task runner?

>> No.63504713

You say that as of we can't watch said sponsored streams and immediately realize how full of shit you are, given how lifeless and boring they are. People still like Gura because they're either numberfags who tell themselves shark has to be good because big numbers, or pedos who can't move on from the voice/model combo.

>> No.63505126

Kiara has actual work ethic and understands the JP management autism, even if she doesn't like it.
The rest of EN ,esspecially promise is just lazy as all fuck.
Mori also works pretty hard, more importantly she has an out, and we know for a fact she's fucking loaded right now, but she keeps going versus Miss "Umm yea I'm just burn-out despite not doing anything".

>> No.63505878

>burn life and life
wow exactly as i predicted.

>> No.63505968

opps, burnout*
EOP autism triggered.

>> No.63506554
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>Thank you I appreciate you guys
>Leaves for another 4 months

>> No.63506734
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Imagine being a chumkek
I literally cannot

>> No.63506846

Playing games sitting for 2 hours infront of PC. Please understand.

>> No.63509254

you mean the one that greenlit a 3rd gen of males?

>> No.63509555

>What's the burnout about?, can't be working, it's been bit more than a year of she doing jackshit, only streaming to slow down Advent's growth.
If I had to guess, Cover's making her do a lot of shit behind the scenes. Considering how little physical and mental stamina she has, I'm not surprised she's burnt out.

>> No.63509799
File: 511 KB, 450x320, worlds-smallest-violin-mr-krabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The poor poor rich anime girl who sits and play games and has all the freedom and backup in the world from their company is tired?

>> No.63509868

What you described is not burnout but depression.
Burnout comes from doing TOO MUCH of something, which clearly doesn't apply to Gura.

>> No.63512813

the girl has TWO generals on /vt/
let her rest she deserved it

>> No.63514390

>you are literally believe blindly what people on 4chan told you, retarded piece of shit
Brown hands.

>> No.63516076

Gura hates her fans

>> No.63516153

From being an anime girl.

>> No.63516330

>Gura is burned out from doing nothing
What the fuck is wrong with her?

>> No.63516738

Imagine being a thirdie, slaving away in a sweatshop making Nike shoes 60 hours a week for 100 dollars a month and listening to this white girl talk about how burned out she is playing video games on stream a few times a week for millions of dollars holy fuck.

>> No.63516937

Except her job is to be entertaining unlike you who is only doing repetitive menial tasks do you have any idea how hard it is to entertain one person now imagine thousands of them its a lot of pressure to perform

>> No.63517332

Chumbies are so mindbroken. Her "entertainment" stretches to making baby noises, borderline react content.

>> No.63519413

they are having graduations every week on the jp side lmao another jp graduating this week, is hilarious honestly

>> No.63519550

giving you the chance to collab with an actual rl shit and then making you voice an entire acuarium event is slavery kek if anything she is richer and more fasmous than before despite not streaming.
