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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 143 KB, 850x1156, __takanashi_kiara_and_takanashi_kiara_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_lessone__sample-0112cac9eafe3290a86ab0bc0f95318e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63482444 No.63482444 [Reply] [Original]

>starts out as the most disliked EN member
>ends up being the most respectable and hardworking EN member of all

genuinely inspiring birb

>> No.63482470

Lol no

>> No.63482492

No she still sucks
Still hot though

>> No.63482776

God I want to breed her like the human race depends on it...

>> No.63482841

you're not convincing anyone, until she works hard on her shit personality she will always be dead last

>> No.63482869

At any given time of the day, KFP can't live without having three separate threads about the Annoying Orange going on.

Whenever this is pointed out or they're told to fuck off back to R*ddit, they call you an "egg" or bitch to you as if this is their board.

Just fuck off with your Orange Woman, nobody likes her besides you, contain yourselves to your containment thread or go back to R*ddit already.

You'd support her more if you just learned to shut the fuck up about her.

>> No.63483026

but that's not because she actually improved, it's because everyone else just gave up

>> No.63483145

precoping lmao

>> No.63483222
File: 2.19 MB, 1044x1952, 9c282fd41bf382bf7963f920af5e4bd46db88ca1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead last
Why is half this board stuck in 2022?

>> No.63483229

>waah waaah KFP stole my lunch money and shoved me into a gym locker!

>> No.63483848
File: 2.75 MB, 350x350, rent_free_kiara.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63484685

You're just proving the point

>> No.63484725

respectable and hardworking is not liked. you're talking about two different things.

>> No.63484755
File: 1.09 MB, 3176x3995, IMG_1673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63485015

bitch thinks she's a primadonna and some sort of godly talent, then her album flops the worst out of any hololive album and starts whining and bitching about management not footing the bill for her shit songs. Kiara you couldn't carry a tune even if you put handles on the fucking thing, get a clue.

>> No.63485080

So Sora?

>> No.63485544

Even though I don’t fully agree with OP, I do appreciate her existence in EN. She does energize the business, or the whole vtuber world.
Her assertiveness and straightforwardness are what /vt/ dislike, but that’s her appeal. She’s simple. Simple as Disney villains. And villains are the role top actors play.
I don’t dislike her. I watch her stream and enjoy them. She’s charming. But at the same time I also enjoy seeing posters in /vt/ getting irritated by and cussing her. I appreciate the vtuber Takanashi Kiara.

>> No.63485986

I like the blunt stuff, but her narcissism is the turn off for me.

>> No.63486318

>Look at how many viewers advent gets on Mori's channel!
>They got even more views this month!

>> No.63486358
File: 62 KB, 672x684, 1685656333756648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't put down gura, ina or ame just to flex with my oshi
they are all amazing in their individual way and if anything, kiaras idol journey proves that none of they should be underappreciated or shit on for being themselves

>> No.63486377
File: 190 KB, 1399x1079, 65478385723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sucks to be losers

>> No.63486459

her ass is too big

>> No.63486460

adding to that councilRyS and advent are all amazing as well, even though I don't watch many of them
tldr: thanks for the praise but OP can suck it

>> No.63486633

impossible. her ass is perfect.

>> No.63486655

Do you guys remember when she put holoEN on her back last year with that puppet show bit. I forgot about it till now.
She was the only one actually trying when everyone else was busy, sick, or just didn't give a fuck... and at the same time she was also dying.
Maybe she isn't as bad as everyone makes her out to seem. Yeah she's very pickmemememememememememe, but isn't that just dedication to the craft and striving to be the best?
I am not gonna start sucking her kikiri dick any time soon but I think she deserves some reprieve. Everyone is just trying to get by at the end of the day.

>> No.63486659

Based unity chad
These threads are probably just made to bait people into shitting on whoever's in the OP image anyway

>> No.63486717

okay buddy that's too far

>> No.63486848

I respect her work ethic. EN last fall was fucking pathetic. I will watch her streams, but when the mememe starts I leave.

>> No.63486901 [DELETED] 

>KFP think of themselves as bullies
Shit yourself in anger for my amusement, chickenshit.

>> No.63486988

It’s not big at all, though fan artists love to make it off model huge.
Her body is just very unappealing. She looks like a badly made mannequin with a birth defect that caused her eyes to form too far apart.
I can’t imagine finding her attractive, especially when that awful third world accented shriek comes out of her mouth.

>> No.63487114

>I-I'm not crying and seething, you are!

>> No.63487210
File: 2.78 MB, 1280x720, Kiara Eyes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her eyes look fine though? Never heard that one before

>> No.63487219

Keep repeating it often enough and maybe someone will believe you.

>> No.63487351

Im convinced that not a single girl actually has real antis, its always just chumkeks that make these posts. And if you call them out they point at niji even tho there arent any nijis left.

>> No.63487407 [DELETED] 

>everyone making fun of me and my oshi, whose public humiliation is permanently archived, is actually crying
Whatever helps you cope, chickenshit.

>> No.63487640

Nta but do you really have room to talk about archived public humiliations lmao

>> No.63487761

What's the appeal of mumei?
Be it clips or her streams, she seems to be the most boring one, even compared to her own gen.

>> No.63487949
File: 170 KB, 593x499, 1694624358525321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63487979

They look repulsive in this image. The uncanny valley. A hair too far apart.

>> No.63488036

You must be the guy who made the hammerhead gura comparisons

>> No.63489062

She was always the most hardworking and respectable, and only /vt/ ever disliked her to that extent.

>> No.63489346
File: 1.05 MB, 3176x3875, MedianTrueAvg_Kaigai_Oct2023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post the more up-to-date table, anon (admittedly, not like it changes anything much, though)

>> No.63489826 [DELETED] 

Judging by the fact that a chickenshit ran crying and screaming to the maid for help the moment I even alluded to his oshi’s immortal humiliation, I’d say I hit the nail on the head. Men learn from an early age that they fight their own battles, which means that chickenshit is no “man” and never will be.

>> No.63489939

getting ready to watch this MK8 stream as we speak

>> No.63490182

I said from the start that I wanted to fuck kiaras brains out and I still feel that way. Now I reap the rewards of my conviction.
That it is proven that ORANGE LADY GOOD.
She's just not everyone's cup of tea which is fine.
More phoenix pussy for me.

>> No.63490224

If I take a shit everyday this board will praise me simply for being consistent.

>> No.63490860

Its not her fault anons on this thread have been throughly mindbroken by how "terrible" her voice is.

>> No.63491202

shit content thoughbeit, needs to spam housewife asmr and not rpgs she found from the charity shop

>> No.63491557

>Green menhera
>Brown menhera
Same audience, different day

>> No.63493442

Hey, it took awhile to get there, and there were definitely a lot of fuck ups
Her story is definitely inspiring but she created most of those hurdles to begin with

>> No.63493602

i watch every kiara stream m8

>> No.63496288

92 bro this is the wrong board

>> No.63497869

Buy an ad and stop astroturfing

>> No.63500634

Was she talking nicely about Steve Jobs? That faggot? I thought everyone hated him.

>> No.63502610

The only true idol-like of EN generates the most hate lol

>> No.63503184

Her personality is cute.

>> No.63503264

>fan artists love to make it off model huge
Her boobs too. I hate that.

>> No.63504075

God you are a faggot

>> No.63504135

she's the most horrible hololive member right now

>> No.63504231


>> No.63504281

I love Kiara. She tells it like it IS. She pulls NO punches. NO sacred cows. EVERYTHING she thinks comes out of her mouth.

>> No.63504367

>gained an ass fat enough to split her jeans

what am I just supposed to masturbate 24/7 now?
