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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63428725 No.63428725 [Reply] [Original]

The fiasco about reaction streams changed her. She thought that reaction streams and video-game streams were the same. She thought that chumbuds would be fine with reaction streams because they were fine with video-game streams. She thought it was only the natural progression as a streamer. But the negative reaction towards reaction streams made her think things over again. In her thoughts, she realized that she's more than just a streamer. She's an idol, an influencer, and a social icon. She can influence the world with every stream. If she were to just stream video-games and reactions, she would be a bad influence towards society. She would just be encouraging everyone to consume and never create, to be lazy and depressed like she's been for years. She decide that things were going to change. So she started creating and finding other things to stream about. Music. Travel. Socializing with friends. Yes, these are the things that the number one vtuber should be doing, she thought. "I'm done playing video-games. I'm done watching Tiktoks. I'm done being the ironic gamer girl with alcohol issues. It's time I do something to make the world a better place. I will become a positive influence on the world, to encourage people to get out and meet people. I will be the change I want to see."

>> No.63429008

Can you say that in 20 words or less?

>> No.63429139

Gura doesn't like playing video-games anymore.

>> No.63429245

>Gura doesn't like playing video-games on stream anymore.

>> No.63429311

>she started creating and finding other things to stream about. Music. Travel. Socializing with friends.
what? no she didn't, she just quit streaming.

>> No.63429419
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Unironically what is the difference between reacting to a video game and reacting to tiktok videos?
Why were her viewers so against it?
It's the same thing. Consuming content made by others.

>> No.63429623

>gura doesn't like streams

>> No.63429637

That would make gamers realize they've been watching reaction videos for over a decade.

>> No.63429755

No. Gordon Ramsay. Leeching.
Simple as.

>> No.63429888

Video games require active participation and a little bit of skill. There's also different ways to play them, making each playthrough a different experience. There's only one way to watch a video and you're not putting in any effort to improve or transform the content.
>but her reaction will be different from someone elses
so will her reaction to the plot of a game, on it's own it's not enough.

>> No.63430032

>Video games require active participation and a little bit of skill.
Not for any made in the past 10 years.

>> No.63430247

I like games and hate tiktok.

>> No.63430319

One's content you are creating the other is stealing content
pretty simple

>> No.63430320

Cool story but she should say it on stream.

>> No.63430347

>She decide that things were going to change. So she started creating and finding other things to stream about. Music. Travel. Socializing with friends
Never happened. Stop making up shit to defend Gura, chumbud. She doesn't care about you.

>> No.63430589

Go back /v/ermin

>> No.63430751

schizo headcannon is never funny or interesting, that's the sad part

>> No.63431310

>She thought that reaction streams and video-game streams were the same.
certified woman moment

>> No.63431438
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I ain't reading all that but here's a gif of my cute shark wife

>> No.63431643

Reaction content dulls not only skills but mind as well
Both for streamer as well as the audience
Also it's lazy as fuck in wrong way

>> No.63432029
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The essence of a vtuber is the personality not the games.
If you care more about what a vtuber plays than them specifically you're not really a fan.
You're just a casual viewer, not that there is anything wrong with that.

>> No.63433019


>> No.63433611

I think viewers just like the idea of there being some barrier of entry, and most also happen to be gamers. I honestly can’t tell you how hard it is to be a react streamer (my guy says it’s not that hard, but who knows). I guess some might say reacting to videos requires more active engagement with chat while doing a gaming stream allows you to focus more on the game? Although from what I’ve seen, streamers interact with chat enough that it’s genuinely a very different experience from playing the game off stream.
At the end of the day, for me personally, I think I just don’t like watching “funny videos” with other people. I’m fine with watching funny videos alone, and I’m fine with hanging out with people, but I don’t really enjoy doing the two together.

>> No.63433715

Vidya takes at least SOME effort on the streamer's part. TikTok does not

>> No.63435026

sorry, I just forgot gura was a streamer HORFHORFHORF

>> No.63435956

>The fiasco about reaction streams
What fiasco? It was her asking what chat thinks about reaction content and she got answers. That's it.

>> No.63437872

holo couldn't get permissions to do react before so holofags gaslit themselves into thinking no react streams is a positive quality that makes them superior as a fanbase because their streamers don't "steal content". now that they actually can get permissions to react as that part of the internet has developed significantly, they don't want it because they spent years talking shit about react streams and would look like hypocrites if they watched one now despite how it would be completely legal rendering their old excuse moot. so now they're just "lazy" and watching 10 hours of metal gear cutscenes is high art. doesn't make any sense but that's what they're going with.

>> No.63438405

fuck off back to kick, juicer.

>> No.63438560

i can tell this is supposed to be insulting but i am not offended as i don't understand those buzzwords

>> No.63438765

>anon watches streamers who play modern vidya
This is what is known as a "skill isuue"

>> No.63442477

ok sure

>> No.63442520

>She can influence the world with every stream.
This is what chumbuds actually believe.

>> No.63442988



>> No.63443621

Gura should've just done her react streams instead of asking her chumbuds, they would've just lapped it up.

>> No.63445295

the night of the living dead react stream was the only holo content i watched in more than a year

>> No.63446446

Due to permission autism, she would have to pick out every video/clip/whathaveyou that she wants to react to in a stream, have management comb through each one to make sure there are no issues, then have the permissions person reach out to content creator/rightsholder/etc. to get permissions for every last one of them. It just wouldn't work.

>> No.63447201

True, but the viewers aren't involved in that process.

>> No.63447243

you may be surprised to learn that there are already companies that do that. cover just has to contact one of them and they can get hundreds of hours of memes legally.

>> No.63451267

t.en year old.

>> No.63451617

I mean, Cover doesn't let her play any of the games she wants to play. They only get perms for shovelware shit. Anything of higher quality has strict "no shit talking" laws. The problem here isn't Gura. It's the company she works for being too Japanese that it (legally) sucks for entertainment.

>> No.63451861

Cover can't even get perms for a single game or song even though they've had 4 years to do it. They suck. At everything. Hell, they lose perms faster than they can gain them. Who the hell passed all these shitty laws and how are the Japanese people not voting to change them???

>> No.63453219

>Cover gets streams for MGS, Stardew, Mario RPG, etc
>Gura has literally only played kusoge trash when she plays games anyway
The problem's with her, honestly.

>> No.63456428

You fucking retard. It didn't matter what chat said. Cover would never let her do reaction streams, like the ones on Twitch. She would never be able to show the video on stream.

>> No.63456533

>She thought
She doesn’t.

>> No.63456611

All of those are terrible.

>> No.63458380
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mucho texto

>> No.63461361


>> No.63467424


>> No.63469653

Everyone pretend to hate reaction streams and youtube channels yet reaction shit is what people watch the most.

>> No.63469791

According to Biboo, Gura really likes playing Lethal Company and she played with her plenty of times.

>> No.63469852

Gura only mentioned Ame. Link to where Biboo said that?
