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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 118 KB, 1186x816, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
633276 No.633276 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.633331

She fucked up. It'll be fixed.

>> No.633426
File: 55 KB, 672x144, Screenshot 2021-02-15 180553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

free-chat "streams" set way in the future are supposed to be used as chatrooms. It's a whole thing, you can find more of them on the others' channels

>> No.633441

It's a chatroom, not an actual stream

>> No.633463

Retirement date

>> No.633484

China's deadline.

>> No.633505

i'm talking about the date being 6 months from now you dipshits

>> No.633722

Yes, they set it for a random day in the future so they have a chatroom always available.

Are you dense?

>> No.633757

Fucking newfag

>> No.633768

Setting the date far in the future for free chat is a common practice, I'm really confused what you're not getting here

>> No.633774


>> No.633828


>> No.633862

>making an entire thread because you're too retarded to deduce what "free chat" might mean
sasuga newfag

>> No.633867

Use your brain, dumbass

>> No.633883
File: 30 KB, 406x406, Efp7NcKUMAATLZu.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about free-chat
>a thread died for this
Why are newfags like this?

>> No.633960

I understand what a "free chat" is, dumbfuck. Jesus christ, I even circled the confusing part in red. fucking shithead. I thought maybe she had been banned for 6 months or something. why the fuck would you schedule a stream for 6 months in advance.

>> No.633972

Meds check

>> No.633976

No amount of meds can fix how fucking retarded you are.

>> No.634017
File: 49 KB, 1027x293, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's the fucking precious thread that died. oh god what are we going to do. so sad.

>> No.634043
File: 99 KB, 1500x2100, wop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is now a candlelight vigil for the thread that died. please pay your respects.

>> No.634238
File: 1.70 MB, 1123x1296, ayamephone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hmm yes, i will punctuate my retaliatory sentence with swears, that will surely get my point across in a clear and mature manner

>> No.634270

This is the average EOP VTuber fan, everyone.

>> No.634305


>> No.634324

This is your average clipnigger thread everyone
Lurk more faggot, golden rule since 2005

>> No.634411

Can I pray here for the cultural exchange thread? We were looting some nice memes from there, but homohiro either deleted it outright or moved it to some obscure place.

>> No.634447
File: 20 KB, 750x500, 1583724539945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burning some sage for that thread
what a retarded question

>> No.634453

why are 12 year olds on 4chan

>> No.634461

It was deleted, likely because it seemed like a raid, harmless as the thread was at the time. That or it was consistent with deleting threads focused solely on other Holosites like reddit.

>> No.634464

What part of using youtube chat to make a temporary chatroom are you not understanding here?

>> No.634486

Average reddit dragon viewer.

>> No.634498

Has more worth than this shit thread

>> No.634516
File: 18 KB, 495x369, 1613068177134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2chan has range bans for all non JP IPs and noone had proxies running. We were just harmless tourists. Fuck Jannies.

Nice to know for certain, thanks. I checked /trash/, /qa/ and /jp/ but was unsure where else It could have gone.

>> No.634555

It’s not a stream, it’s a chatroom. She picked an arbitrary date several months in the future so she won’t have to worry about it for a while.

>> No.634577

you literally set the debut date so far into the future that you'll remember to change it later before the room expires. It allows the fans to congregate in one place. It's like having a character-dedicated discord but public and without the baggage of discord.

>> No.634635
File: 705 KB, 658x642, Shien_Freechat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is also good for the algorithm of the streamer, for people like me who have 100s of people subbed the chatrooms are often on top since YT pushes livestreams so hard. Even if the streamer is a tiny Holostar and there are 0 people in there.

>> No.634675

are our schools really failing so hard that the concept of a placeholder is already strange and alien to people?

>> No.634830


>> No.634851

i'm going to throat fuck you

>> No.634930

And what is suposed to be confusing about that?

>> No.635264

She's getting harassed by Chinese netizens so she makes mistakes

>> No.635414

it's her graduation date

>> No.635467

It's a chatroom of sorts. Pikamee does the same thing weekly.

>> No.635510

/vt/ was a mistake

>> No.635732

Alice is a based as fuck cunnyqueen, this thread is dildos.

>> No.639739

not as big of a mistake as your birth, though

>> No.639960

You have to be pretending

>> No.640035

Are you confusing "free chat" with "chatting stream"?

Chatting stream/Zatsudan = the vtuber talking to the audience without playing a game.

Free chat = using the youtube live comments as a chat room.
They're scheduled months in advance because they won't actually ever go live, they just exist for people to talk in the "pre-stream" chat.

I don't blame you if you did confuse them, although if you had read the other explanations better instead of doubling down you probably could've figured this out.
No one call this reddit spacing, I'm trying to make it as easy to read as possible

>> No.640058

You guys can thank Risu for retards like this btw

>> No.640646

say that to my face, pussy

>> No.640754

Don't fall for the reddit space memes. Every decent board or thread in this godforsaken site doesn't complain about that shit.

>> No.641616

go back

>> No.641652

Never thought I'd see threads like this outside of Facebook

>> No.642289

Inb4 op posts "eAsIeSt(YoU)sOfMyLiFeElMaOoOoOo"

>> No.642635

>containment board from another containment board
>promoted by indog to twatter
>reddit tourists spoondfeed retards expecting upvote like trained dogs they are

>> No.642977

you best start believing in facebook posts, anon... you're in one!

>> No.643184

>reddit spacing

>> No.643340

There is nothing wrong with the spacing itself. It’s just that when it’s combined with retarded statements you can tell someone is a new.

>> No.643401

I just like to be nice on the internet, especially to people who clearly need it like OP.

>> No.643566

>muh sekrit knowledge

>> No.643630

>people still think 4chan is a secret website after 2009, let alone 2014

>> No.643747
File: 91 KB, 587x575, 4bab5a24995a5a7487d342dd30f3df649a4cfec8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you just pretending or are you actually this much of a dumbfuck?

>> No.644311
File: 89 KB, 1000x592, reddit spacing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's not Reddit spacing
here i made a handy guide for you:

>> No.644656

Thanks for taking the heat OP, I never bothered to check and always thought it was their birthday or something

>> No.644789


>> No.644945

Single sentences are hardly paragraphs. The only reason people would need breaks between single lines I can think of is if they are phoneposters which makes they as bad as redditfags imo.

>> No.645438

This is among the most autistic things to complain about

>> No.645466

Honestly feels like the original chad vs virgin meme where the goal was to make anons feel too self aware of mundane mannerisms and feel inadequate about it before it became thing bad-thing good.

>> No.645532

Correct, but this is 4chan after all, the only site with enough autism to nearly match Reddit.

>> No.646066

Fairly certain this comes from reddit refugees trying to distance themselves from reddit as hard as possible.
Everyone who ever used a forum before in their lives knows its basic courtesy to properly space your text for anyone to give a shit about it.

>> No.646157

I expected to be called a fag or something when I said not to call it reddit spacing but I didn't expect you people to get this autistic over it lmao

>> No.646194

Some are set 18 months from now, dipshit.

>> No.646585

> Fairly certain this comes from reddit refugees trying to distance themselves from reddit as hard as possible.
Who else would know enough about posting on Reddit to recognize it?

>> No.647311

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.648538

so many retards responding to this bait congratulations op

>> No.653412

this board is at least 50% people coming from r/hololive and r/virtualyoutubers

>> No.654266

i'm from far worse place....Funnyjunk.

>> No.659826

Most of those were already on /jp/ Global

>> No.660602


>> No.660618

are you fishing for (yous) or just retarded?
