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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.17 MB, 3464x2309, advent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63386311 No.63386311 [Reply] [Original]

Better than myth and council by a huge margin and obviously the best en chubbas right now.

>> No.63386401

I agree,
but they're doing everything they can now til they get more offline responsibilities.
Tho as long as they update their fines, am good with it.

>> No.63386483

Only the dogs are good though

>> No.63386493

Lack of personality personified

>> No.63386669

Advent = Myth 1st year >>>>>>>>> Promise >>>>>>>>>>> Council >>> Myth now

>> No.63386726

Which of them can sing and dance?

>> No.63386767

nah, almost though

>> No.63386781

Promise >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The rest

>> No.63386903

Chimps trying to bait holo vs holo

>> No.63387002

>holo vs holo
nijifag alert

>> No.63387258

Myth was always shit. Advent is god tier EN streaming.

>> No.63387506

This but unironically.

>> No.63387690

who the fuck cares about that irrelevant company, let them watch their whores whose only personality is being a twitch slut with an anime avatar.

>> No.63387738

dogs good, rest whores

>> No.63387857
File: 110 KB, 340x276, 198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flopvent can graduate from hololive for all I care

>> No.63387912

You're in a bait thread made by one

>> No.63388027

Streaming a lot doesn't make up for any entertaining personalities. At least one of them is interesting though (Shiori)

>> No.63388142

>holo vs holo

>> No.63388262
File: 17 KB, 325x269, lownumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a nijifag, I hope we have at least half of holo numbers tbdesu

>> No.63388361

tons of streamers work longer than these run-of-the-mill whores

>> No.63388373
File: 98 KB, 568x765, en_gold_11_26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah, you're right nijibro. I feel embarrassed whenever i see the holos mogging us consistently....

>> No.63388451
File: 127 KB, 924x852, holo_rise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe we can beat them tod-
oh no they mogged us again!

>> No.63388532

are you sure you want to play this game?

>> No.63388687
File: 19 KB, 331x280, holochads_numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope it reaches 38 million soon!

>> No.63388753

Nijitrash's "best" singers can't even beat Mori. KEKAROO!!!!!

>> No.63388830


>> No.63388923

>holo vs holo
and the nijifag shows himself, kek

>> No.63389349

Undeniable at this point. They're just the better version. They stream more. They like each other more. And in the end, they're more entertaining. Biboo, the dogs, Fauna, and Mumei are the face of EN now.

>> No.63389422

The dogs and Nerissa. Biboo is working on it.

>> No.63389507

they are pretty good but my wife is still better

>> No.63389519

>the best en chubbas right now

>> No.63390265

Advent is soulless and OP is a faggot. Make this thread again when Advent had done anything substantial besides streaming and grooming you autists.

>> No.63390384

This isn't a myth thread.

>> No.63390392

As a bystander I only know of EN first gen and was a massive fan of Ina and Gura. Just curious here what milestone did this new group reach that hasn't been reached by Myth already ?

>> No.63390527

Well, they manage to stream regularly

>> No.63390752

You're only right about them streaming more.

>> No.63390887
File: 236 KB, 888x466, 1721050950007662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even with that MASSIVE debut buff and a nine month head start, Mori still lost to an amateur who opted for a SEA producer
That must be the encapsulation of the music career of this wigger

>> No.63390893


>> No.63390922

> offline responsibilities

>> No.63391046

This but vshojo

>> No.63391255

not killing their careers to own the incels

>> No.63391464

and do not tell me to do the math kekbeats

>> No.63391534

The 3rd Generation is the golden Generation of Hololive and Holostars

>> No.63391667
File: 22 KB, 319x259, watch the snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does everyone hate PRISM Project?


>> No.63391755


>> No.63392346


>> No.63392376

>a tie
see? this wigger is nothing, one year from now she will lose on Spotify too

>> No.63392418


>> No.63392850

>niji got mogged so hard that he switched to holo vs holo
why are nijikeks like this?

>> No.63392889

They just don't have much faith in their dying branch, sadly

>> No.63392995

>what milestone did this new group reach that hasn't been reached by Myth already ?
Being entertaining.
Gura's fucking boring.

>> No.63393361

This is the truth.
t. Boring

>> No.63394173

More Like Fuwamoco
Schizo magnet, she has her niche in being a mentally ill femcel and she will never get out of it because thats what she is, not particularly fun to watch for extended period of times
Already stagnating, needs collabs or people don't even remember she exist
Twitch ethot clout chaser that managed to pass through auditions, cares more about chasing that clout than being an Holo

Basically only the dogs are worth more than your average indie or small corpo or niji too even, rest of the gen goes from forgettable to bad hire

>> No.63394452

>best en chuuba
But that's not Ami?

>> No.63394968

what a low-tier bait and most likely a deflection attempt. let's see what's going on at the neighboring 'family'.

ahh, i see...

>> No.63396323

>Better than myth and council by a huge margin
>and obviously the best en chubbas right now.

>> No.63396344

this is 100% accurate

>> No.63399611

Now where is ID4?

>> No.63399966

why specifically promise > council?
because irys > sana?

>> No.63399996

Yeah, and also every other member improved. Mumei now >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mumei back then

>> No.63400596

nah, not really.

>> No.63400641

They still have that new toy feel to them so I think that’s why they’re starting off very well. We’ll see where Advent will be one or two years from now. So far I like them.

>> No.63401694

Will they reach the kino Myth reached though? Anyone who missed Myth's first anniversary stream isn't a real EN fan.

>> No.63401764

>better than myth
Maybe but myth is basically asleep at the wheel right now.
>better than council
lol no

>> No.63401800

They're obviously better than the gen with Kronii in it, come on

>> No.63404269


>> No.63404827

The first Anni stream was amazing because of the limitations and what they did to work around them. All of the second big holidays were good because people were excited to see what Ame could cobble together with the girls, but as soon as Japan opened up and the EN branch (and ID branch) continued to get treated like second-class citizens, people kinda stopped making excuses and started asking why they weren't getting the same cool events JP was given. That's also why the Kiara space blew up so big in general, she was sharing what frustrated EN fans were saying/thinking for a while now.

>> No.63404988

>Biboo, the dogs, Fauna, and Mumei are the face of EN now.
Half of those are from Promise.
I guess we can all agree that Myth are washed up, but Promise and Advent are going strong. I'd say Shiori and Nerissa are struggling a bit, as are Kronii and Bae.

>> No.63405505

Kiara still does a lot of pushing on the back end to get shit approved and does try to push others in EN to care about making new/different content. Hell, she got in trouble and certain handcam streams are disallowed because she convinced Mori and Irys to do that nail decorating stream. Plus there's the whole 'we don't get group 3d anni's' thing that blew up.

>> No.63405576

Here it is guys

>> No.63406741

what is the difference? one has irys and one doesn't? what's the point of splitting gen mates into two diff groups? especially since hope only launched with irys and went defunct.

>> No.63407151
File: 2.86 MB, 612x720, filian[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fz3347q.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, but i love filian!

>> No.63407157

Irys was essentially adopted into Hope for a long, long time before the managment finally buckled and gave them what they wanted. Baerys was hugely popular and had tons of fans, and Irys would show up for all of their group streams anyways. I assume when people talk about Promise, they mean everything post-Sana

>> No.63408869


>> No.63411791

If I watched twitch or liked react content I would seriously get into Filian. A lot of people shit on her here in the catalog threads, but out of popular indie chuubas I see her in the best light.

>> No.63411862

Not better than Promise though

>> No.63412342

How did EN only holo only watchers survive until now lmao
Until Advent happened, the only girls EN had that I could watch without feeling grossed out by my cuck-dar were Irys and Kiara
Well Gura too but lmao

>> No.63412589

name a single other unicorn friendly across the board female gen in any other company
>ackshually I'm talking about indi-
name your 5 indies who are unicorn friendly and operate in the same indie quasi-box enough to collab more than once in a blue moon

>> No.63415377

Phase Connect is better

>> No.63418995


>> No.63425307

myth is dead

>> No.63425509

>If I was retarded THIS is the retarded content I would watch

>> No.63426692

There's Clauvio Beribug Grapechann and Grimmi. They collaborate a lot. Grape and Grimmi are in a corpo that forces male collabs but they don't seem to enjoy them. Some okay indies out there you just have to dig.

>> No.63427368

>better than the previous holo en gens!!!
that's not saying much
