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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 104 KB, 583x767, ruze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63365888 No.63365888 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explain what
means and why is he using it?

>> No.63366129

I believe it is tumblr speak to indicate that the preceding statement should be taken in a positive light.

>> No.63366172

>autistic fanbase i guess

>> No.63366178

its some zoomer twitter speak stuff.
/pos is like you say something that can be taken in a negative way but you mean it in a good way.

>> No.63366182

Its a tone indicator. Zoomers are too stupid to infer tone just from text alone so they need these indicators to explicitly point it out to the reader.

/pos in this scenario means "positive connotation" meaning that he means that he finds his community very impressive, not that he thinks that his community needs to be locked in a mental ward


>> No.63366230

He's saying "piece of shit" and hiding it with a sarcastic tone. He actually hates all fanart just as much as he hates lolis.

>> No.63366290

nice trips. it's short for positive, as in hiv+, he has aids.

>> No.63366294

>/nm - not mad
no faster way to get someone to think you're actually mad.

>> No.63366368

...can't they just put a smiley face or something?

>> No.63366418

no :)

>> No.63366522

The /vt/ community is insane :)

>> No.63366527

i hate zoomers so much

>> No.63366549
File: 393 KB, 298x430, That's dumb but okay[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0p2tju.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems kinda weird /neg

>> No.63366602
File: 90 KB, 650x598, 1679339357724592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a real thing

>> No.63366629

he should just use a fucking heart emoji or thumbs up

>> No.63366740

kys /gen /srs /th /li /sx /t /r

>> No.63366803
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>> No.63366912

OMFG he's using that retarded thing that twitter freaks use to know the fucking tone of shit LMFAOO why is he doing THIS?
>PL Homestuck fan

>> No.63366956

That is also a tone indicator, yes.

>> No.63367145

ITT: retards who just got onto the internet within the past 5 years. Tone indicators aren't a zoomer thing btw

>> No.63367215

Impressive. I really think that Crimson is a /fag here.

>> No.63367243
File: 111 KB, 1024x512, Elcor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Curious: You guys think tone indicators are weird?

>> No.63367253

this is retarded /li /gen /srs /neg

>> No.63367364

/s or /sarcasm is the only one I've ever seen used regularly.

>> No.63367386

No homestuck faggot is a zoomer. That’s a millennial thing just like Harry Potter

>> No.63367408

How old is this guy supposed to be?
>not that he thinks that his community needs to be locked in a mental ward
Give it time.

>> No.63367430

I've seen /sarcasm being used around in 00s internet, but I've never seen it being used as much as the zoomers do on twitter and tumblr. For the most part tone indicators are unnecessary

>> No.63367465

Sounds fucking gay and retarded /honest /sincere

>> No.63367505
File: 21 KB, 319x257, 1700711451481105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty old. Oldest in his gen at least.

>> No.63367615

He seems like a real bitch

>> No.63367631

If you're so retarded that you need these, you shouldn't be on the internet.

>> No.63367699

this guy is a fucking landmine

>> No.63367770

Personally I just add lol
>Fuck you lol
>Man, you're insane lol

>> No.63368028

Thats a way to out your age to strangers. Only millenials use "lol", zoomers use "lmao"

>> No.63368108

I'm actually a zoomer but was fairly isolated for a long time, normally I'd kek but some people I talk to don't know what kek is

>> No.63368131

that's just not true, zoomers were into both of those things too. it was a pre-tik tok world

>> No.63368262

the only thing more autistic than using zoomer tone indicators is using smiley faces unironically in the year of our lord current date

>> No.63368319
File: 930 KB, 2037x2368, F_ReZFnW0AAHVKr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.63368331

i use both + rofl, roflmao, lmfao
i'm 31

>> No.63368367
File: 2.70 MB, 520x293, spidre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even as an autist this is fucking too autistic for me, holy shit.

>> No.63368729

He could be the official Reddit/Tumblr vtuber with that taste. How did that guy got in? At least the dumb dino is a Hololive fan.

>> No.63368773

More and more zoomies are born with autism these days so they need these indicators because they have a hard time telling people's intentions and feelings.

>> No.63368777

>Its a tone indicator. Zoomers are too stupid to infer tone just from text alone so they need these indicators to explicitly point it out to the reader.
This comes from the fact that zoomers have been living in the digital era their whole life so they don't have enough interactions in real life. they don't have experience and can't infer social cues from text so need those indicators to tell them.

>> No.63368952

What is this Reddit shit?

>> No.63369130

He doesn’t even know what an oshi is

>> No.63369141
File: 98 KB, 736x410, 1701042842666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based emotional-autists

>> No.63369434

Even Vesper pretended to give a shit at the start.

>> No.63369506

I'd rather have someone who doesn't know but is willing to learn than someone who knows but doesn't give a shit

>> No.63369723

True an attempt at assimilation and growth is better than, at best indifference, and at worst treating it like a digital content house with a bunch of other losers. Are content houses even popular with the kids anymore? You'd hope or think they'd realize how stupid and trashy that gimmick is after 10+ years.

>> No.63369857

Zoomers find periods and thumbs up at the end of sentences intimidating or aggressive

>> No.63369935

SBFP was one of the most kino sources of content for years, so don't know how you got that shit taste installed in you

>> No.63369948

>tumblr speak
now his rant about not wanting to sexualize fictional minors makes sense

>> No.63370138

Sometimes I forget that other people on this board actually like watching faggot youtubers make the soiface when they aren’t watching hololive (those times are better than others)

>> No.63370342

Thanks for letting me know I can safely disregard your opinion due to how fucking garbage your taste is

>> No.63370385

thanks for fucking up the internet by consoooooming garbage Content dipshit

>> No.63370432

I'm sorry it didn't have enough high pitched screaming for you, anon

>> No.63370527

Oh yeah you’re right the guy who hates your let’s play crew for fagging up the internet with content producer cliques is definitely a zoomer who likes fast cuts and screaming

>> No.63370630

Anon, high pitched screaming is like a solid chunk of Hololive content

>> No.63371564

Good job not being able to follow two distinct anons in a thread. Also at least vtubers are cute 2.5D. You.'re endorsing 3DPD, normalfags have no place on this board. Or any really.

>> No.63371882

this is pretty funny, I would just write: And I meant it in a positive way.
that's just me though cause I know faggots here really like to post shit like dyrbi? ngm, fpbp, KWAB, ywnbaj

>> No.63372048

If you're first choice has made you so nervous in the service that you have to clarify your statement, just use a different adjective. That's basic common sense.

>> No.63372153

tone indicators are so fucking stupid
/s was already bad enough but now there's a ton of them.

>> No.63372294

Ah, so there are two anons with trash taste, good to know
Anyway, the current meta for 3D streamers, which normalfags enjoy, is horrible, focusing on trashy clickbait, watching people be trash at vidoe games, and being as obnoxious and loud as possible(I blame Pewdipie and Markiplier for shifting things in this direction)
What I endorse is the old style, focusing more on genuine enjoyment of games and trying to make good jokes, but that style is basically dead
Hence why I gave vtubing a shot, which isn't quite so meta-poisoned, but it took some time to find the ones that aren't constantly loud and also terrible at games

>> No.63372847
File: 195 KB, 379x416, 1672757223608781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a zoomer thing or a woman thing? who i should hate?

>> No.63372932

hate both

>> No.63372983

This is the taste of a 19 year old autist

>> No.63373118

Male vtubers have singlehandedly cured my misogyny by somehow being more histrionic and fragile than any of the women in Hololive.

>> No.63373432
File: 23 KB, 365x390, 1641672518284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a soft faggot /r /sx /th

>> No.63373512

for me, it's the tilde~

>> No.63374732

I have only seen /s used to mock redditors since they use it.
The rest of this shit is mental illness /g /srs /li /sx

>> No.63375222

It's gay subculture slang for HIV positive. He's letting any bug chasers out there know that he's carrying and open for business.

>> No.63376062

>tales of
Yeah, I'm thinking autism

>> No.63376065
File: 80 KB, 1080x561, Screenshot_20231126-195226~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well he wasn't lying

>> No.63376265
File: 284 KB, 2048x1206, C'mere anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The strongest monster hunter in Elysium and (You)r least favorite idol!

>> No.63376271

tone indicators... really? fuck, I had high hopes for this guy. guess I'm not watching anyone from ARMIS. maybe if I ignore the gay I can enjoy GB?

>> No.63376627

It's not really a zoomer thing.
You cannot infer any kind of tone in text because most well adjusted and socialized people usually infer tone through face to face communication. You really can't do that in short social media text.
That said, you definitely can infer tone of text that is written in novels or short stories because they're long enough to establish context and tone.
The problem in that case IS a true zoomer thing because most zoomers are too stupid to read through a single page of a book.
Also the degradation of sarcasm and banter is real. Sarcasm is literally the most brainless way of expression, humor, and most people wont be able to catch it in text. Banter is dead because people take everything literally now.
All thanks to the internet.

>> No.63376628

what do you use when your not rolling on the floor laughing though?

>> No.63377026

>lost to a letter
Maybe >>63373118 is close to the truth. Maybe men in general are just more histrionic and fragile than women

>> No.63377049

kek only just noticed that the OP pic tweet was from an holostar

>> No.63377145
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1642567476005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This made me feel old.
I think it's time to quit vtubing, I feel like a grown up in a daycare.
Help me /vt/ how do I let go?

>> No.63377238

Westoids infantize adults.
You continue to allow westoid cultural terrorists into our hobbies and turn the brains of adults into that of 2 years olds.

>> No.63378089

>mmmy generation isnt filled with the most obnoxious twitter faggots
is this nigger serious?

>> No.63378435

Wrong board. /pol/'s the other way.

>> No.63378482

why choose to get mad over things that don’t matter

>> No.63378501

pos = piece of shit

>> No.63379003

Unironically. I have always typed by using periods at the end of my sentences. People think I'm a intimidating because of it.

>> No.63379058

Honestly that’s what I always thought until I learned what it meant but I decided to keep reading it like that anyways because it’s funny

>> No.63379510

The totally-not-pedophiles have been in shambles all day because Ruze said earlier that he himself doesn't want to lewd fictional children. Naturally they took it as some anti-loli speech and have been throwing everything at the wall hoping something will stick in an attempt to cancel him. Yes really.

>> No.63379865

man cancel culture is wild

>> No.63380038

>majority of thread is talking about how zoomers are pathetic for needing tone indicators
>brings up the loli shit unprompted from nowhere
rent free

>> No.63380171

>point out the sudden rise in Ruze bait posts happening conveniently after the lolicon meltdown this morning
>r-rent free!

>> No.63380214

>Zoomers are too stupid to infer tone just from text
It's actually an inclusivity thing

Some people such as autistics have difficulty deciphering tone so the indicator is for those people

But y'know, it's not nearly widespread enough for most people to understand what any of these indicators mean
So it's not really doing much

>> No.63380444

Because Ruze is a leftoid who panders to other leftoids so he is scared of using the no no word "insane" in a way that might offend his fellow colonizers who are invading the space.

>> No.63380663

hiv pozzed

>> No.63380840

ah yes the hardcore bait total of one single thread in the catalog in which he isn’t even being discussed in! how scary!

>> No.63380978

As a tumblrfag its kind of funny to read this thread since the only time I've seen them on my dash is people rallying against them and making long winded posts a la jan misali about how stupid they are.

Basically, "Oh, you must learn these unintuitive and awkward tags to understand what we're saying. No, we refuse to disambiguate in the myriad other ways that are easier on autistic people. This is for your own good." and calling that "inclusive" is a fucking joke and a lot of the actually autistic folks on tumblr really dislike them.

>> No.63381332

>pretending the others earlier didn't exist
>also pretending the political jargon in this very thread doesn't exist
>the same political jargon that was present in those previous threads
There was an attempt.

>> No.63381509

this is just sad./nig

>> No.63381766

the earlier threads were indeed about the loli shit incident, yes. this one is not and you brought that autism into it
>muh political jargon
lol lmao. a few stray faggot anons don’t count when like i said the majority of this thread isn’t about this (or even about ruze at this point) yet YOU are choosing to make it about

>> No.63381831

People are still unironically using these?
Jesus Christ.

>> No.63381867

In his defense, X has an arbitrary small character limit, so you're often forced to used abreviations even if you don't want to. A lot of abreviations similarly emerged from SMS due to it's non-arbitrary limit

>> No.63381949

holy fuck do they not know why emotes exist

>> No.63382483

emotes are racist

>> No.63382498

Liar continues to lie about the real issue which is there are too many tourists in anime and the vtuber culture who falsely think that fiction and reality are the same.
By allowing that information to propagate, you're allowing the lefties and alphabet terrorists into our space and they're going to shit it up.

>> No.63382732

he never said that they’re the same, though

>> No.63382734

Yes anon, the increase in bait threads, political posts following those bait threads, and the timing of this phenomenon appearing coming after after the loli thread that also had /pol/tards must surely be a coincidence.

>> No.63382921

>"Liar continues to lie"
>proceeds to lie
There must be a word for this

>> No.63383101


>> No.63383521

Now this reminds me of how Kaela actually tried her best to do her holoreps for her upcoming 3D debut cause she genuinely thought "it will be on the test"
Imagine if she went all the way to Japan for a 3D debut just for YAGOO to say "you're a HoloFraud, go back" kek

>> No.63383646

These are fucking gay as fuck /nx

>> No.63384029

You obviously don't need to be some edgy edge mcedgelord to be in hololive/stars, but the fact that this retard made it in is mind boggling. I genuinely can't wait for him to have a sperg out.

>> No.63384288

you’re reading into it way harder than this merits, anon

>> No.63385269

Why do the homos pander to these types lmaoooo

>> No.63385734

I don't think it's pandering anymore. I'm starting to think some of these homos are these types.

>> No.63385963

You figured it out
He is, in fact, autistic

>> No.63387925

There's been like 2 threads about it KEK, take your meds schizofag.

>> No.63388003


>> No.63388065 [DELETED] 

does the number of threads change the fact that people are getting mad over things that don’t matter
I don’t think it does

>> No.63388181

Last time I was on this board they were spamming the dino faggot. Now it's this guy, for not being a pedo? These catalogfags are on the same level of the twittertroons.

>> No.63388424

You're in /vt/ there's meldown everytime Gura makes a fucking tweet retarded inbread faggot, stfu KEK.

>> No.63388987

>He can't tell what's real and what isn't
Oh no, xir's retarded

>> No.63389202 [DELETED] 

he can, though

>> No.63389287 [DELETED] 

>niggersage thread

>> No.63389980

Damn what is happening with the jannies these days?

>> No.63390005

CRINGE /gen /srs /neg /nm /li

>> No.63390067

sometimes people delete things themselves, anon

>> No.63390183

Why tho? kek.
I didn't know you could delete your own posts, I don't see an option for it.

>> No.63390368
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, kysm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63391734

the absolute state of this fucking board

>> No.63391827

No one talks like this on reddit

>> No.63395700

>You really can't do that in short social media text.
The funny thing is, the rest of his tweet gave enough context that it WAS a positive sentiment, because he said he was flattered. So he wrote it properly without need for a tone indicator but slapped it in anyway.

>> No.63395888

What in the actual fuck
Are people really so emotionally stunted these days?

>> No.63396912

How many people have you killed so far, anon? I hope you don't mind me asking.

>> No.63398589

>Dwarf fortress
I bet he's never even slugged someone

>> No.63398675

Don't be such a negger

>> No.63399050

Yeah, they'd never do that /s

>> No.63399087

sure they can, dear anon :)

>> No.63399315



ogey /li /neg

>> No.63399477

>world building
Oh my god I think this may be the first ever unironically autistic EN
No wonder he avoids the girls as hard as he does

>> No.63400306

I legit thought /pos means piece of shit all this time

>> No.63400831

piece of shit. used as an "I" for the speaker

>> No.63402098

It's not really an either/or thing, my guy. Acting like shit at the nearest opportunity is endemic to the human condition. We're cunts born from cunts and all of our traditions and social mores exist solely to try to train that cuntishness out of us, or at least give us something else to fall back on instead of our baser natures.

>> No.63402158

It always meant piece of shit. What you are "learning" is some garbage seeping from the bloated corpse of tumblr.

>> No.63403579

That's the most retarded thing I have ever heard /nigger

>> No.63403752

I'm a zoomer, homestuck was my childhood but I'd say I'm a little less retarded than vtubers

>> No.63403933

>end message with :^)
>zoomer explodes and dies from computation error

>> No.63404279

>I don't see an option for it.
Blind and retarded newfag, lurk 1 million years

>> No.63404945

This guy is an early zoomer, definitely Tumblr kid.

>> No.63405010


>> No.63405049

>Sarcasm is literally the most brainless way of expression
I fucking hate Americans and their retarded bastardized understanding of sarcasm.

>> No.63405573
File: 140 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is keyfabe. The guy was writing in crayon, holding it like a kid in his debut. He's supposed to be a big dumb muscle guy

He pretended to be too old to know how to use twitter, despite clearly having and using it heavily a lot in his PL. Bae is constantly pretending to not know very normal , mainstream things to keep up the dumb chaotic zoomer persona. Way too many vtubers pretend to suck at cooking because they thing it's cute and 'relatable'
This is just par for the course in this business

Also yeah, that man is autism incarnate

>> No.63405653

>Zoomers became the Elcor from ME, lol

>> No.63406334

Why is Octavio's ref sheet for ants

>> No.63408463

what if I used tone indicators sarcastically?

>> No.63410487

Yeah, yeah, grandpa, let's get you to bed shall we

>> No.63411250

t.seething pedophile

>> No.63414480


>> No.63418505


>> No.63419246

god im getting old arent i? is this how kids type these days, i thought this is what emotes were for

>> No.63422042

This is like Bettel joking about "(affectionate)" but real lol. I'm glad I laughed enough at that joke

>> No.63422339
File: 11 KB, 250x254, elcor_sarcasm_by_luffy316_d3brvbl-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zoomers are elcor tier communicators
holy fuck lmao

>> No.63424547

>it's real

>> No.63425405

I hate zoomers so much it's unreal.

>> No.63425611

>mass gayfect analogies
Look who's talking!

>> No.63429057


>> No.63430239

This. As an autist I hate tone indicators with passion and I've seen a lot of opinions from autists disliking them.
>the first ever
I'm pretty sure Shiori is unironically autistic.
