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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 75 KB, 1280x720, parasocial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63354003 No.63354003 [Reply] [Original]

Why do chuubas love playing these shit games? Every game they shit out has performance issues up the ass and the first 20 minutes of every chilla stream is just the streamer having to adjust the setting to fix issues that these chucklefucks STILL can't be bothered to fix.

Do you enjoy Chilla's art streams? Does your ohsi even enjoy them?

>> No.63354047

Biggest hack in gaming since Kojima

>> No.63354259

Chilla's always gives perms quickly

>> No.63354339

Easy games for easy content. They are made to be streamed, it seems. And I have a feeling that maybe at least Hololive asks their talents to stream them

>> No.63354399

Finally someone that also doesn't care about these games at all

>> No.63354498

I love horror games and in general I'm sick of chuubas playing shitty indie horror. I know it's probably way easier to get perms and jumpscare shit is low-effort clippable content, but damn, have some integrity. There's enough good games in the world that people shouldn't just play whatever shit is flavor-of-the-month.

>> No.63354539

Chillas art is a strange taste.
I'm not here to see how good the game is, its going to be bad, but I do like to peek into his deranged mind ans see what he considers "Normal or "art"

>> No.63354728
File: 10 KB, 250x229, 1687110836992765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So they don't fix any of their issues because retards will watch other retards play them no matter how shitty? Game devs need to be lined up and shot. Whoever said Indies games have more soul should have their brain lacquered.

>> No.63354880

to be fair, of all of them Parasocial is the more relevant one for chuubas to play

>> No.63355188

>And I have a feeling that maybe at least Hololive asks their talents to stream them
This is definitely the case since Kronii shows no interest in the games, her chat doesn't request them, but she still plays one every year.

>> No.63355577

They're not that bad really. Because they're short you can knock them out in a single stream, and there's usually a few guaranteed jumpscares and since everyone plays them you can compare how differently people reacted to various elements of the story. With Parasocial in particular it was interesting seeing how some vtubers were so retarded they saw nothing wrong with the main character downloading a suspicious program and launching it in the middle of the stream, while others were mad at how stupid she was being.

>> No.63357115

I like it. They're the only games everyone plays so I can spend my whole day off watching different chuubas play the same game one after another and discover who is actually entertaining. Because they know viewers have already seen how the game goes, everyone is playing it. Those who can make it fun to watch with their commentary are the gems

>> No.63357154
File: 1.67 MB, 1280x720, Pon![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgguez6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you enjoy Chilla's art streams?
Depends on who is playing it.

>> No.63359763


>> No.63360024

its actually a good barometer
if a streamer can make a chillas stream interesting, they're a good entertainer
sorry your oshi sucks, i guess

>> No.63360254
File: 249 KB, 1216x1106, 1674250608890377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gets good views
>At least somewhat entertaining to play
>Easy to play
>Great for clippers too
>Dev has a decent release schedule
>And is quick with perms
That's why

>> No.63364754

quick to play and easy to ger perms

>> No.63364796

It's like Americans with B horror movies.

>> No.63365897

they're cheap, fit easily in one stream, and provide some good moments to react to. Just look at how many clips are from these games alone. It's gotta be like 10% of all clips or some ridiculous number. Despite the games being shit, they're a streamer's dream game

>> No.63367755

No. I hope she doesn't because you have to be braindead to enjoy them.
I will never understand why they have to play every single one of these pieces of shit. He releases like 4 per year and none have been even remotely decent. They're not even bad in a funny way.
