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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63268425 No.63268425 [Reply] [Original]

The girls do not own their models, cannot hire a different live 2D/3D artist, cannot "overlap" their outfits/accessories or do stuff like change hair color, and seemingly have no control over anything else.
Yet at the same time they are expected to buy most of their streaming equipment, finance their own live events and shit, pay for their own travel/lodging to Japan when needing to use the studio, cannot even use the studio anyway cause its booked to shit, yet Cover owns everything about the character despite the person having to seemingly finance practically every other aspect themselves? Make me understand how its anything but unfair

>> No.63268619

The fairness comes in due to the fact that they guaranteed make you instantly successful from the moment that you get hired. Doesn't matter if your content is good or complete shit, the fact that you're in Hololive makes you bigger than 99.9% of all other vtubers/youtubers.

>> No.63268658
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>> No.63268694

Cover absolutely helps with streaming equipment and travel/lodging...

>> No.63268744
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>It was revealed in a dream
>literally all the information comes from talents themselves talking about this shit dumbfuck

>> No.63268801

>Clip that was cherrypicked


>> No.63268842

That's not really the point tho. Its more-so the duality of Cover expecting the talents to front the cost of many things, while also being heavily restrictive in creative stuff like outfits, yet Cover is the one that wholly owns the character and shit.

>> No.63268898

Every member that has talked about this contradicts that statement. Cover provides a work phone for them to use their tracking and that's basically it, they have to already have a good PC setup and shit on top of paying for travel/lodging. All the EN girls especially have talked about having to pay for all the times they've went to Japan for Holo related stuff

>> No.63268944

>Niji drama happens
>Holo anti thread immediately pops up
Like clockwork

>> No.63268949

I don't think the niji yab is that bad this time anon, I don't think you need to resort to making up a bunch of shit to deflect

>> No.63268959

>t. sister that didn't make it
don't worry there's always next time, you do have what it takes to be one of the five chosen out of thousands right?

>> No.63268972

If you think the managers arent helping with any of that you are completely clueless. Cover isnt going to ask you to come over on your own dime, they are absolutely helping the talents find proper lodging most likely at discounted rates. Corporations dont pay the same price you and i do dude.

>> No.63268981

>Irys directly addresses most of these points about outfit/rigging/etc restrictions
Ok anon, try refuting any of the points then

>> No.63269043

Moona herself said cover paid for living and traveling expenses. So no, your wrong

>> No.63269045

almost everything in your first sentence is wrong.

>> No.63269058

"Making up a bunch of shit"
Its all factual evidence bro, sorry that Cover is just another black company I guess that makes their talents take on the financial burden while withholding any creative input

>> No.63269126

Once again, literally look up clips of when any of the girls talked about having to go to Japan and needing to fork over the costs because none of it was covered. None of them say that the company paid for anything, it is all "yeah we had to pay for travel and find lodging ourselves." The company doesn't do shit for them via traveling, stop bootlicking

>> No.63269173

Wrong, anytime a non-JP member talked about traveling to Japan they have always said that nothing was covered by the company

>> No.63269174

it actually is the point. they become famous and make easy money.
But cover has a corporate credit card for business expenses

>> No.63269175

Irys adressed what can or cannot be done to the "model" like changing hair colors or what's her papa is doing rn. Cover puts a restrictions on changing the whole model so not to lose the IP that is connected to it.

Try watching the clip and not be just a thumbnail reader ok?

>> No.63269197
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why are you lying

>> No.63269225

heh >>63263567

>> No.63269239

>B-but Niji bad
Yeah chucklefucks two things can be bad in different ways, get over it

>> No.63269264

>The girls do not own their models, cannot hire a different live 2D/3D artist, cannot "overlap" their outfits/accessories or do stuff like change hair color, and seemingly have no control over anything else.
All of this is true lmao. The girls do not own their model because the IP is owned by Cover, they have never hired another rigger or modeler by themselves, they cannot have any similar accessories with another member nor change their own visual too much from the original. Rushia was an exception of changing hair color that never happened again on someone's new outfit.

>> No.63269287

What good does keeping the character even do anyway
Coco's entire personality changed when she left, why should she even want to continue being Coco

>> No.63269314

Read nigga

>> No.63269327

Except, again, its not the point. Cover provides them with an initial platform boost, that essentially makes them a startup company but its worse than that because the members do not own their own image. The point is that they in fact do not own their own character, but are still expected to do things like forking over revenue costs for stuff like events.

>> No.63269402
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You're right OP it isn't fair and its a bad deal unless you want to be popular vtuber from the jump. The revenue split is not as bad as Niji but it's not any better either.

>> No.63269428

You literally just repeated what she said, thus reinforcing my point and not actually providing an argument like you intended lmao. She cannot change hair colors and has restrictions on model expressiveness, explicitly because Cover owns the IP, no shit thats part of the point. The other part is because the girls are expected to still financially contribute to shit despite not actually owning or having full creative control over their own character.

Try to actually understand what you are saying next time bud, ok? Hope this helps

>> No.63269433

They absolutely do not need to, it's their own volition to spend. The events/accessories/merches are given to them as if they're milestone achievements and/or rewards.

>> No.63269503

Kurokami for FBK
loli Matsuri
everyone getting glasses because of fubs fetisch
everyone getting catears to the point anons started bitching about it.
Nene and Towa getting Rollerblades for their new costumes
Suisei owns her own ip
several holos had different artist and riggers for their various costumes
be less new and watch streams sometimes

>> No.63269510

Ok so they helped pay for their 3D debuts and that's it. Literally 1 thing and the members still have to fork over paying for everything else lol

>> No.63269597

>Literally 1 thing and the members still have to fork over paying for everything else lol
Except your wrong, cover pays for their own events they hold themselves... If a talent wants their our event of course they pay for it. But cover pays for nothing? Wrong. Find a new cope.

>> No.63269707

Yes that is correct but that is the price you pay for instant success (if you're a girl).
The other major EN corpos like
>Nijisanji will also give you instant success but 10x less
>VShojo but impossible to join unless you are already friends with the members

>> No.63269726
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He got suspended >>63269366. kekek

>> No.63269768

>Literally all this shit is just one off gimmicks or shared accessories
The clip in question literally dresses this you retard, Irys says that stuff like Kurokami or Olivia are rare happenings that occur maybe once or twice a year. That would be like using Suisei's comet-chan as an example, fucking moron.
>Several holos had different riggers and artists
Yes anon, that's normal because, and this might be hard for you to understand, people are busy. Their original artists/riggers are not always going to be available to do that kind of extensive work and it has literally nothing to do with the argument because Cover still hires these people to do the work and its not directed by the talents

>> No.63269783

This + Hololive takes a cut big chunk percentage on your merch, supas, donations, and any transaction.

>> No.63269843

oh the ironing. fucking retard
don't waste your time, this board is beyond saving

>> No.63269853

>Cover pays for their own events
100% wrong, they help the members pay for mandated events but they are still beholden to the cost. Think you Holo drones need to find a new cope instead, maybe try not being such a fucking corporate bootlicker damn consoomer

>> No.63269940

.....The amount of mental gymnastic your making in this thread would honestly win you a gold metal at this point.

>> No.63269970

so as I said at the start of this retarded chain almost everything in your first sentence is wrong

>> No.63270019

This is basically the other big picture that the Holo drones are memory holing, Hololive not only expects their talents to fork over much of the expenses from literally day 0 to year 3 or whatever but continually takes cuts from their current revenue they make. Yet Cover seemingly doesn't even use all that revenue properly when they cannot even properly staff their studio or waste a bunch of money on dumb fuck projects like Holo Earth or the homos

>> No.63270064

Can same the same to you people doing backflips trying to defend Cover

>> No.63270109

So as I said in your "reply", you are wrong and still failed to even attempt to refute anything that was said because you know it's all truthful

>> No.63270122

Mate if your gonna get butthurt about your lies being disproven maybe just dont lie instead?

>> No.63270238

>You people have not disproven shit

>> No.63270267

whats this then >>63269197

>> No.63270317

>they can't do x
>all those cases of them doing x are just exceptions
well shiver me timbers sure sounds like they can do those things if they really want to

>> No.63270325

Sisters this is just sad at this point

>> No.63270410

That's nice. Cover employees should just quit then if they feel like they're being mistreated.

PS. they won't, unlink a certain faggot pacman corpo. who speedruns vtuber graduations

>> No.63270466

it's like the music industry they make you from the ground up. Fake name, fashion style, art direction. put you in the spotlight, commercials, live event, concert. You don't own you IP songs until after 35 years. The only difference is that they don' prey on your wallet. Music industry for example lend you money for recording your album and you have to pay back.

>> No.63270685

>this is your brain on /pol/

>> No.63270695

Seems like Holo babies can't accept the facts and truth about who the true black company is within the vtuber sphere, im outta here. Have fun with your sanitized streamers who cannot even have fun or be creative with their own models and shit and have to pay out of pocket for pretty much anything that goes on from debut day to an anniversary event

>> No.63270760

>Nijiniggers and Holofags arguing about which multi-million dollar corporation is less evil

>> No.63270823

Lol, i cant believe your stupid ass thought anyone here would fall for your retarded bullshit.

>> No.63270855

K bye, have fun watching your literal whos in whoville.

>> No.63270963

This. The talent side investments for the necessary things pays for itself as soon as the first paycheck comes in. The pay is good enough and the opportunities are big enough to justify what they give away for it. Plus, if you were capable of getting into Hololive, you probably already have most of it, with the probable exception of a PC beefy enough to run any game alongside Cover’s dogshit app without problems.
They provided computers for Promise when they came over to record for Holosummer and the showcases.

>> No.63270974

She literally says in your very image that they pay for everything themselves except for their 3D debut. Are you retarded?

>> No.63271017

Oh the fucking inhumanity of having to buy your own mcdonalds!!! Please ignore cover is paying for all the actually EXPENSIVE shit

>> No.63271088

Sure thing, enjoy the graduations and suspensions, anon.

>> No.63271092

To be fair, Moona eats enough that food is probably just as big an expense.

>> No.63271193

i see nijifags are already deflecting the newest suspension.

>> No.63271195

This thread reeks of muh talent freedom

>> No.63271221
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>The thread is a thinly veiled tempt to get people to watch vtubers other than hololive
>Proceeds to insult hololive, making hololive fanbase hate outsiders more
I swear people who make these threads are either the dumbest morons or some type of hololive psyop to grow tribalism even more.

>> No.63271429

>it's a bad deal unless you want to be popular, make a shitton of money, have millions of fans, get access to cover's studio, get connections to famous musicians and sponsors
fucking lmao

>> No.63271695

Cover decides on the design, model, and their default outft. The vtuber gives up most of their creative freedom and have to follow strict Japanese management rules. Cover owns everything and if they leave they can't publicly connect themselves to their Hololive character despite playing that role for years. That is a lot of negatives to joining Hololive with some of them designed to hurt them if they go back to being an indie vtuber. The positives is the marketing, merch, and sponsorship deals which can potentially earn them millions in only a few years. Kson is correct that corpo vtubers not owning anything is unfair for an entertainer but there is little chance of that changing when it makes financial sense for the corpo.

>> No.63271803 [DELETED] 

>holo buying house, got family out of financial burden, have nothing but praise for the company support. Even kobo thankful yagoo personally bought her a ticket to meet his father because of his heart attack within less than a few day before her 3d debut in japan.
>niji let the dog shiba fend for herself and she have to beg medication fund from her viewer
People like a company that support each other, but you wouldn't understand that, seething 2view.

>> No.63271826

It's true that production costs are usually split in some way depending on the project, with some being entirely funded by Cover and others being entirely funded by the talent. But the cost is usually split from what I've seen most JP members talk about, at least when it comes to 3D events. However, some projects like Marines MVs are said to be paid for entirely by her.

The reason for this is that the projects are supposed to be things that the girls will believe will be successful and not just personal projects that they spent no time thinking about or want to do on a whim. The reason that changes to the models need approval is because Cover works closely with artists that are assigned to each individual holo. Sidestepping their contract with their designer would be really disrespectful to them.

>The revenue split is not as bad as Niji but it's not any better either.
All the hololive girls make more than indies. One of the big reasons is beyond superchats, ad revenue, etc., they sell tons of merch as well.
The revenue split for hololive according to Coco and Moona is 30/35/35 for Google/Cover/Talent.

So you're probably thinking that 35% is pretty shit compared to the 70% you'd normall get as an indy.
However, what would you rather get: 35% of a million dollars, or 70% of ten thousand?
There's a reason why there are so few graduations from Hololive.

>> No.63271829

counterargument: the girls make a shit ton of money

>> No.63271867

>holo buying house, got family out of financial burden, have nothing but praise for the company support. Even kobo thankful that yagoo personally bought her an emergency plane ticket to meet his father, because he got a heart attack within less than a few day before her 3d debut in japan.
>niji let the dog shiba fend for herself and she have to beg medication fund from her viewer
People like a company that support each other, but you wouldn't understand that, seething 2view

>> No.63271915

It's insurance for the corpo. Have you seen the women who become vtubers? At a moments notice, they will absolutely run off with any company paid assets and you will lose any hope of a return on investment.
Half the candidates applying are fucking NEETs too. Look at the landscape of vtubing outside of corpos. All of them are sleeping on stream while their chat is reacting to copyrighted material, and none of that money goes anywhere to push the scope of vtubing.
It's all just a black hole of doordash orders and hoyoshit gacha spending.

>> No.63271926

You are also expected to pay your own bus tokens when you visit a friend. That is the financial equivalent for a hololive member visiting japan. It might as well be pennies for them.

>> No.63271972

I think the results speak for themselves.
Simply look at how few graduations there have been from Hololive and then compare that to other companies in the industry.

>> No.63272036

T. faggot who prettend to not know how franchise work.
Low tier bait.

>> No.63272067

The problem is that kson would not have had anywhere near the success she currently enjoys if it wasn't for her time in Hololive.
She can claim that it was unfair that she couldn't retain the coco character, but she benefited from it and continues to benefit from that association.

>> No.63272383

proves you just a clipnigger and don't even watch a proper stream. next time do a better deflect thread and watch your beloved streamer instead

>> No.63272461
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yeah but, like, what are you gonna do about it?

>> No.63272615

that's the point the brand Cover did to built it up pays dividends unless you fuck up hard yourself
these girls would have easily been 2/3 views.
with some exceptions, eg Gura Muemi Fauna etc hololive made them big group. more collaboration and they deal with all the merch

>> No.63272715

ITT: OP learns how intellectual property works

>> No.63272828

It's not gonna work nijisister
>waaaaaah seethe rent free
Your shitty company has a yab every week. With that being said, all the shit you wrote about outfits isn't important, cover paid for that and the talent gets it for free to win millions. You use the clip of IRyS explaining the situation and she's the first one to say that she gets the point of the branding and that letting them buy outfits would make some talents debut a new outfit every month, making the outfit reveal streams lose the purpose. And they have control over their outfits, that has been said 10000 times, but I guess you're comparing it to Enna the "Queen of Spades"
About buying their stream equipment, they give them an iPhone for free so they can use the facetracking, that's enough to start your activities, the money it's gonna come out at some point. About cover not paying for PERSONAL projects I guess it's because they can't just start paying every single personal project without knowing if they're gonna make up for the investment. And if they have supported projects like Moona's 1st original song or a cover I don't remember. The studio thing yeah, that's a shitty situation and I'm not gonna deny that.
Summary: Joining holo = millionarie that can throw away money for their own happiness, there's nothing unfair

>> No.63272880

I think fails to learn is more accurate

>> No.63272903

Cover is just another company. There's pros and cons. But calling it a black company tells me how ignorant you are.
I like cover because my oshi is having fun in it and eating well from it.

>> No.63273202


>> No.63273287

you make it sound like hololive was something when she came along.
she was one of the main pillars that got holo to where it is now.
don't say something like she benefited from how popular holo was without doing anything, like the current generations do.

>> No.63273736

They get thousands of viewers and dozens of hardcore simps basically guaranteed, plus sponsorship opportunities and concert appearances.
That's the main benefit, becoming one of the most prominent vtubers over night.

>> No.63274085

Not worth it when Mythic and Vshojo are around.

>> No.63274217

You won't get a boost. They are literally just a talent agency that have 50+ talents both flesh and vtubers.
Lmao good luck getting in if you're a 2-3view or if you weren't already orbiting them beforehand.

>> No.63274247

>you make it sound like hololive was something when she came along.
NTA but it was. Aqua was soring, FBK was shilling and the golden gen(3) was well into establishing themselfes

>> No.63274248

Most of talents do is providing voice and performing skill, models and everything else are tools owned by company (with few exceptions). It's not impossible for company to transfer their tool to different owner (e.g talent) but that's a lot work + potential hazard if new owner misuse it. All in all it's not that hard to understand if you have a lick of work experience, schizochama. And compared to thousands black companies irl cover is actually decent with early retirement guarantee (unless they fucked up). Don't concernfag on whores who probably sleep on better mattresses than yours

>> No.63274285

There it is...the whole point of this dumb thread.

>> No.63274321

Joshua... just let it go, Hololive will never work with you again

>> No.63274336

>Underage OP
>Is not fair!
Come back after you become an adult.

>> No.63274354

This is a slide thread made to deflect from a Nijisanji liver that was just caught stealing art. He just got suspended an hour ago

>> No.63274363

>yagoo personally bought her a ticket to meet his father because of his heart attack
I haven't heard of this. Could anyone give me a clip or something a non-IDfag could understand?

>> No.63274409

Fuck man, you spooked me

have same irl name , but would never do the shit he did. A shame on all other Joshuas!

>> No.63274413

I like the consistency of the models when they release new ones. I'd rather them do this than what the fuck is Ironmouse is doing, where she doesn't just change her outfit, but her face too, every few months. I have to double check everytime if it's her or not when she releases a new one.

>> No.63274456

Not only do you sound like a 13 yo retard but also you don't know anything about Hololive

>> No.63274547

You make it sound like Hololive was nothing before Coco. That may look like it to you but the Hololive brand was already buzzing here well before Gen 4.
I'm not discounting Coco's contributions but it's only luck she was the 1st EN speaking member.

>> No.63274614

Things you got wrong:
>seemingly have no control over anything else
Most of them get a good amount of control over their content, style, and general kayfabe/personality
>are expected to buy most of their streaming equipment
Only true in certain cases where said girl(s) was already well off and just wanted something better that wasn't needed. COVER usually will provide better streaming equipment for poorfags joining.
>pay for their own travel/lodging to Japan
On a case by case basis. If it's solely to use the studio, the company will cover it, but usually for the out of country members Japan is also a vacation time for them. A mix of both business and pleasure.

And two very important aspects to take into consideration. First, being in Hololive essentially means you have made it and will never struggle with money again, if you aren't a complete dumbass. Second, most of these are stuff that ALL corpos do, and certain ones like Nijisanji have it way worse, since they don't even provide things like funds for debut.

TL;DR: You're mostly wrong in cases, Hololive is perfectly fine because the girls become rich, Nijisanji is still a black company.

>> No.63274709

Becoming rich, but never able to buy or own the means of production. Not a bargain a true content creator would take.

>> No.63274814

they make a shit ton of money idiot, that's why it's fair

>> No.63275467

Tell that to the thousands of applicants, I guess. At least most of them have a better idea of what's worth it for them than you.

>> No.63275942

at that time they couldn't even beat niji.
also reread my comment especially the part where i said ONE of the main

>> No.63276609

>at that time they couldn't even beat niji.
>Aqua called nijikiller since 2019 for beating Nijis
look man Coco did give Hololive a big boost but once again saying that Hololive was nothing before gen fucking 4 is just straight up wrong.

>> No.63276717

lol, is this why holofags tried to make a big deal when the niji girls had their staff buy them starbucks in Japan? and yet you call them a black company when hololive had a live streamed lottery where the main prize was money that could only be spent on expenses for the company

>> No.63276826

>my slop is better than your slop!
Why is this always the cope? Why can't holodrones admit that their company is not perfect?

>> No.63276947

You easily earn six figures by getting in hololive which means that any new equipment is just not an issue. The can spend 100k+ dollars on animated music videos without even worrying about turning a profit on them or afford Ku100 mics. That is how rich they are.

>> No.63277513

pretty sure that's all written in the contract that they signed. Idk why the chuubas would complain about it. They applied to be in hololive, hololive didnt invite them.

>> No.63277598

When they already give you an audience and more than 2%, I don't think that there's anything to worry about.

>> No.63277627
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>VTubers aren't true content creators
Damn he was right...

>> No.63278029

>but never able to buy or own the means of production
So no one on Youtube is a true content creator because they will never be able to buy Youtube? Controversial, but I can get behind that.

>> No.63278149

The things they have to pay for are things they are not required to do but want to, the things Cover pays for are the things they demand from the talent. Pretty simple, really.
And they don't pay for these things in exchange for nothing, they get returns on those investments. Marine having excellent music and high quality animated MVs before it was common in the company and her being big enough to break new ground seemingly every quarter are not unrelated.

>> No.63278276

I'm not talking about beating niji CCV in streams randoms, I'm talking about beating as a company in GENERAL.
Also if you want to be a numberfag compare hololive 2019 to hololive 2020.
I know you're upset because you think I attribute everything to Coco but I'm saying she was ONE of the reasons holo became popular not that she became popular just because she was holo.

>> No.63278658

fair enough. Coco was very important for capturing the english speaking audience which is what gave hololive the edge over niji

>> No.63278824

Not comparable at all. Those are both closer to unions/guilds for talents that are already famous. Vshojo nepotism hires aside, you aren't getting into either one unless you're already at least a 4-view with a hundred thousand plus subs or a former corpo with name recognition which is a guarantied value add for them.

>> No.63278983

i don't think you understand copyright law or the meaning of the word production

>> No.63279344

At least the talents can write those off as business expenses on their taxes.

>> No.63280434


>> No.63280769

>Have fun with your sanitized streamers
Unironically the best thing about it. Vtubers like Shigure Ui who remain proper vtubers despite being indie are the rarity.

>> No.63280810

>She can claim that it was unfair that she couldn't retain the coco character
Has she? That would be weird for her to say.

>> No.63281076

lying again? sisters?

>> No.63281183

>buy most of their streaming equipment,
they're provided with an iphone for the model.

>finance their own live events and shit,
bday and events like their anniversaries are from the company, anything besides that are from their pockets.

>they're provided a place to stay unless they have an out of business trip in japan, as per kiara.

>cannot even use the studio anyway cause its booked to shit
no shit, its on a queue for first come first serve basis, and they don't have an infinite amount of equipment to accommodate all of them.

> yet Cover owns everything about the character despite the person having to seemingly finance practically every other aspect themselves
Yes, and reading this shit made my brain hurt because of how uninformed you are in the corpo chuuba world.
in any case, they're not the only ones like this where the design is owned by the company, its the same with nijisanji and vspo, aside from vshojo.

>Make me understand how its anything but unfair
Here's an important lesson in life op, life is not fair.
And tell that shit again how you want the talents to own the model when the company themselves are the ones who financed it and have it made from known artists.

I suggest that you should definitely do more reps about vtubing in general before asking these stupid questions here.
Because literally most of these are general knowledge from chuuba fans, specially fans of a corpo.

>> No.63282330

>sanitized vtubers
>"free" vtubers

>> No.63283128

kek your whores left vshojo, aint no one wanting to leave hololive (sana aside, who had a successful occupation outside it and flopped out the gate). If it was so unfair more people would be leaving. No, I don't give a fuck about homostars.

>> No.63284316


>> No.63284430

Whore to whore isn't a personality change.

>> No.63284455

>cannot "overlap" their outfits/accessories or do stuff like change hair color
That's helpful for knowing who you're watching, and for developing a recognizable brand. Otherwise you get Vshojo type shit where ironmouse gets a new model every month

>> No.63284477

Least obvious niji deflection thread

>> No.63284508

Just join Idol they're the best group out there

>> No.63284518

So is this a Niji, Vshojo or Phase post?

>> No.63284634

Blatant Nijinigger deflection thread.

>> No.63285769

the one with "nigger" in their name

>> No.63285833

good bye, i hope your oshi doesn't commit suicide when they run out of money

>> No.63285934
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1200, 1695431214809219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this bird. Look at it.

>> No.63286717

Cover pay for official PPV concerts like holofes and splash party. EN wouldn't show up if going to holofes just cost them a shitload of money.. By concerts moona is refering to if you organize your own concert or with a group, but it's not an official cover event. Like Towas concert for example. Bae told us all this, basically if Cover is pushing/organizing the event, they are paying for it, if you are pushing/organizing the event, you're paying for it.

>> No.63286831

Absolutely this. Some of these chubbas struggled in mediocrity for years, middling in low 2view status if that. Vtubing was not really a sustainable job and many had to actually work before this. Then they join Hololive and bam, sudden 400k subs and quadruple digits for viewers each stream. It's more than a fair trade.

>> No.63288226

