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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63121785 No.63121785 [Reply] [Original]

Want to follow in the footsteps of Holocure, Rocksuki, Delivering Hope, Idol Showdown,VNs and other fan games? Want your oshi to notice you and play your shit? But you have no idea how to draw or fucking script?!

Or are you just envious that your great idea never became real while half-assed fan games got more attention?!!

Then come into this place where we show off our ideas, discuss how to develop fangames, playtest each other's games, and hopefully get our oshis to play them!

Previous Thread: >>62616127


(Anyone can edit and contribute!)

>List of existing /vt/ made fangames
>List of in-development /vt/ made fangames
>List of programmer, designer, developer Vtubers

>> No.63122245

Did whoever put out that Mumei game do it alone or with a team? It's pretty amazingly polished given the time since the MV that inspired it came out.

>> No.63122610

I might post about something I've been working on later, so I hope this thread stays alive.

>> No.63123379

What a cliffhanger. Have you posted about it on /vt/ before?

>> No.63124069

No, I was too shy, to be honest. But I could use the motivation to actually finish something. The new Holo Indie thing is pushing me to do it, too.

>> No.63124162

Does anyone want to make something in unreal with realistic graphics, I'm a professional gamedev with 10 years of AAA experience

>> No.63125696

Yeah, it's been kinda surprising to see a company of japanese fucks be open to fan content like that, I'm more used to the nintendo approach.

>> No.63126070

I'm in, I can make photorealistic traffic cones. What's your idea anon?

>> No.63127276

Does anyone know how that risu fangame is going? That was an anon working on that.

>> No.63127352

I think it was just one person + playtesters.

>> No.63128830

What are some games that /vt/ has completed?

>> No.63129235

Completing a game is like, the least fun part. Not very surprising few do it.

>> No.63129328

Moris Managed Meticulously got finished and was played on stream by Kaela, so that's at least one.

>> No.63130263

I think this is pretty complete. https://holo-suika.itch.io/holo-suika

>> No.63131082

No way this shit is gonna catch on lol

>> No.63131589

Of course not, there's like 5 people who do anything productive with their lives on /vt/. But it's still nice to chat about something cool from time to time.

>> No.63133812

Is holo indie like an official thing or that's just what people are calling Cover not nuking fan games into oblivion?

>> No.63137027

It's an actual official profit-sharing thing.

>> No.63139319

Oh, that's neat I gotta read up on the terms of that.

>> No.63144914


>> No.63147730

Does NASFAQ count as a fangame?

>> No.63151786


>> No.63153039
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Here's something I've been working on on and off for a while now. I've been calling it "Super Calliope".

>> No.63153314
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Holo Indie is an official publisher now

>> No.63153713
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literally me.
I love wall sliding in a platformer. Also nice to see a fellow Godotchad. Have you done other projects with it before?

>> No.63154503

Yeah, I felt like Godot worked best for the retro 2D style I wanted, so I've pretty much stuck with it. I've tried starting a few projects that I dropped, but I did make this pretty simple game for Gura's birthday a couple of years ago;

>> No.63154695

It's gotten pretty good for 3D too, which is what I'm using it for. That gura game is cuteas fuck, I like the attention to detail of getting a proper retro text font.
What do you want to add to Super Calliope next?

>> No.63155309

Thanks! I really just need to add a few more hazards/enemies and make a proper level. I want to add a timer to encourage speed running, I think. And it would be nice if I could spruce up the stage art a bit if I can.

>> No.63155646

With the slash-dash and the wall climbing it does feel like a nice foundation for some kind of fast-paced movement platformer. Maybe you can pull some cues from pizza tower?
Particle effects for some stuff like landing hits or wall sliding could be nice too.

>> No.63156267

If I'm going to only use Godot, should I just learn the godot language, or should I try mastering another language since it also accepts python and some of the c's...
Basically I'm wondering if there's some things you can only do in the godot language, or am I better off learning a more overall useful language since?

>> No.63159283


>> No.63160516

I think you'd be fine either way. I'd say go with whatever you find easiest to find help for.
That said I see that c# projects in Godot 4 currently can't be exported to android, ios or web platforms.
But that will probably be implemented eventually.

>> No.63160603

Has also been played on stream by Kaela https://youtu.be/TF59pvun-rM

>> No.63162043

I see, thank you!

>> No.63163465


>> No.63164390

Anon's answer basically covers it, but for some added info: with the GDExtension system you can pretty easily write code for the game with any language that someone set up engine bindings for. C++ is officially supported, and atm Rust, Python and a few other languages have very good community support.
I think if you're starting out, it's probably best to use C# if that's the language you know best, and GDscript otherwise since the official tutorials and docs use those.

>> No.63165017

Oh yeah particle effects always look great, although it wouldn't be quite as true to the NES aesthetic. Hmm... I'll definitely consider it.
Going full pizza tower might be a lot of work, but I was thinking about adding another attack for more mobility. This game started because I wanted to test programming a character with a lot of different states. I had Ninja Gaiden and Celeste as inspirations at first.

>> No.63165363

tips for drawing art?

>> No.63167050

If you're doing pixel art, aseprite is pretty nifty.

>> No.63167707

You can draw anything by using rectangular prisms and ellipsoids. I always use simple shapes like that to lay out the form of whatever I draw.

>> No.63167922
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>You can draw anything by using rectangular prisms and ellipsoids

>> No.63168973

Korosan could make some great gamedev streams
>20 hour coding marathon.

>> No.63170901

Celeste is a nice inspiration, one of those games that gets some really elaborate gameplay out of simple mechanics. Also Sana's playthrough is one of my favorites.

>> No.63172310

It's one of my favorites! And I feel like it should be studied by everyone who wants to design a game.

>> No.63174566

Koron has such a mastery of the techniques of construction drawing.

>> No.63176259

What does super calliope's state machine look like?

>> No.63179578

Some niji should play this on -stream, would be a good time I think.

>> No.63181577

I could swear there was a particle effect when mario died... Maybe that's only in the SNES version though.

>> No.63183222

Hmm, I wonder what are some "Masterclass in modern Game Design" games. Maybe we can make a list. I would put Ultrakill in that list too, that plays like a dream.

>> No.63183581

Do chuubas themselves making games belong in this thread?

>> No.63183902

Wtf Ami is so based. What engine is that?

>> No.63184029

dash attack mechanic looks fun
it could reward you with a cooler enemy reaction to it than just falling over like getting cut in half or at least getting pushed back

>> No.63184048

I seen games with similar mechanical level of stuff made in these 3 day competitions anon, the impressive part is art and level design and even then it's not that hard with proper motivation

>> No.63184207

Suggestions to OP post
>(Anyone can edit and contribute!)
>(Stolen from /agdg/)
And add this somewhere

>> No.63184529


>> No.63186128

I agree, art and level design i>>63184048
s just as much work to polish as anything else in a game.

>> No.63186190

Goddamn there are way more hologames than I thought lol

>> No.63186289

Most are garbage or unreleased so it's not as many as it appears

>> No.63188956

aight, time to get my own garbage on there

>> No.63189215

good suggestions, will implement.

>> No.63192281

Got it, thank you.
I'll probably just learn the Godot language then if the tutorials are all in it!

>> No.63192626

Scripting in GDscript has been very pleasant in my experience, the integration into the engine is pretty solid.
Also, a note on performance: similar to Python, GDscript is pretty slow if you're doing a lot of operations (like a lot of loops) *with* GDscript, but whenever you call a function with it, it calls a C++ function bound to said function, so you can get surprisingly decent performance out of it.
Desu you probably won't run into performance issues until you try doing more complicated stuff.

>> No.63196194

came across this cool GDC talk on game AI

>> No.63200612


>> No.63202563

Funny that you ask that, because this basically started as a project to see if I could design a state machine. I created a state object with functions when it is entered and exited and a state machine object that handles switching between the states. So I'm able to create a separate script for each state (idle, run, jump, slash, wallrun, wallslide).
I'd include Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom.
>getting cut in half
I actually tried this at first, but I couldn't get it to look good, so I gave up. Good suggestions though.

>> No.63203455

Got it, I'll try to remember this... Call function vs using the built in function logic.

Definitely saving this thread, thank you to everyone giving advice or links!

>> No.63205432

>I'd include Breath of the Wild / Tears of the Kingdom.
That's a good one, it was probably one of the big trend-setters of the decade.
Oh right, wall-slide and wall-run are different states? I missed that, but it probably feels pretty good. That's something I wish more 2D platformers did, it feels really good when the timing is right.

>> No.63206614

Oh, it's just that if you stop running you "slide" down the wall (slower if you hold against the wall). Which in theory helps you time your jump, or do more precise jumps/

>> No.63207277

Makes sense, do you have it "stick" to the wall until there's a jump or you let it move away from it with movement input? I noticed both are used in various games.

>> No.63208211
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I did it, I made a sphere in a very complicated way so that it can work for a strategy/simulation game. Kinda satisfying to see it get assembled, but it might just be because it took me a few hours to get there...

>> No.63209366

First blood on a progress update with substance goes to anon and Godot.
Sounds cool. Are you doing a 3d project in Godot then or just testing stuff?

>> No.63209604

Yeah, it's a longer-term project. Aiming to make some kind of vtuber-themed 4x game, with a bit more focus on simulation aspects. I'm better at programming than creating, so I'm hoping I can have procedural stuff hold up a chunk of the content for me.

>> No.63209855

Good luck.
It's rough having to fill all project positions as a one man team but I wouldn't have it any other way myself

>> No.63210042

You can separate from the wall by pressing away from it.
Good luck anon! a 4x game sounds pretty cool.

>> No.63211000
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Yeah, you really gotta think of ways to efficiently turn manhours into game if you want to get anywhere kek. Most of my past projects tend to get bogged down in extreme autism in some sort of asset-production, so I'm hoping going gameplay-first for this one will work better.
Thanks! It's always been one of things I wanted to do but never got around to.
Optimized a couple things, so I'm stress-testing with an impractically high-poly sphere. I might want to move this code to a C++ class, though the tri count should easily stay low in the game. Procedural mesh generation is one of those things that takes up a lot of computing, good candidate for being handled by the GPU as well.

>> No.63213188

There's something really satisfying about a nice wall jump, hoping to see more of that game anon.

>> No.63213235

>started 6 projects and none of them ever went past asset making stage
aggy daggy is so fucking hard

>> No.63213520

As long as you had fun and learned things, it was worth it.
It is very satisfying to actually ship something though, even if its only a playable prototype.
Maybe try to do a project where you only use existing assets? Just to get a taste of finishing something, and some experience with the other stages of a project.

>> No.63214883


>> No.63215990


>> No.63218751

Why would you ever want to associate your project so openly with /vt/
Unless you never plan to share it outside of here

>> No.63220507

It's not a big deal to show progress screenshots to vt. No one will care unless you were also racist or an asshole in those posts.
