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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63195147 No.63195147 [Reply] [Original]

this board has became too reddit, even for redditors...

>> No.63195478
File: 4 KB, 228x221, my le bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attracting attention to the board has attracted... attention to the board?
is he retarded? OP you dont have to answer, i already know you are

>> No.63195585

glad these retards have realised they ruined the board

>> No.63195729


>> No.63195760

Let's be real these type of channels lost motivation because they didn't wanted to make a video about how the unicorns "won" with the whole Vesper and Magni thing, that shit was hilarious and they only covered like 10% of it and some channels just refused to make videos about it looking at you Parrot

>> No.63195761

He says that because he willingly chooses not to cover 90 percent of shit due to it being “controversial”. The issue is that 4chan vtubers cannot get involved in the community and also cover what this board is currently discussing, because they won’t cover anything related to their friends or anything that goes against their personal views

>> No.63195856
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>> No.63195879

Pretty much this, a lot of them were either making fun of unicorns, so once we won, they wanted to sweep it under the rug and pretend it didn’t happen

>> No.63195891

While containment breakers are a problem, the true plague on this board has always been the discord subhumans.

>> No.63195945
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>> No.63196245

I don’t know if I take this shit seriously anymore, feels like everyones just trying to find something else to blame for the boards shit quality.

>> No.63196304

>holofags are so cancerous even reddit hates them
Incredible! /#/ must be proud.
>I spoke to sayu and parrot and I couldn't keep making my videos from an objective POV
So that's why sayu got in bed with the dramafaggots for, she's pulling what that depression quest developer did and sleep with the press to get a good image.

>> No.63196311


>> No.63196672

You didn't won anything lmao

>> No.63196770


>> No.63196814

How can someone make walls of text over stuff like this? Everything is le ironically funny until it turns out people actually couldn't care less about fun...

>> No.63196817

Well, at least he takes credit for ruining the board, unlike some of the faggots. But he can get fucked either way. It's been non-stop unicorn baiting and homofaggotry the past week all because some kiddies wanted to get into a cool YT video. Hope they and him all hang themselves.

>> No.63196941

Predictable, Moshe

>> No.63197074


>> No.63197166

>Reddit hates them
This is unironically a good thing because everyone else under the heaven hates redditfags, just shows the quality of the rest of the industry.

>> No.63197241


>> No.63197305

all of these videos just amounted more and more to fake posts and replies (discord faggots) to try and make it look like some epic new waaacky thing.

>> No.63197344


>> No.63197370

fags ruins things
who knew?

>> No.63197475

They're the same people.
Look up reddit in the archives and all the cross linking is from /#/ whining about being downvoted. Or setting up raids.

>> No.63197832
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unicorns cant stop getting that pogW bros

>> No.63197909

what sup loser

>> No.63198031

see you at the next niji graduation.

>> No.63198037
File: 58 KB, 868x796, 1698119090935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

homobeggars eternally seething
that brown manlet Jutard T Sexpest is next

>> No.63198057

>containment breaking ruined the board
says containment breaker who ruined the board

>> No.63198088

what in the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.63198125

He's right.
His /v/ideo was funnier than all the others about /vt/, so no wonder.

>> No.63198151

4 new homos debuted
Hololive... Only growns stronger >:3

>> No.63198262

So true sister

>> No.63198272

Hopefully you get in the next video

>> No.63198328

We got everything we wanted bozo, that sounds like winning to me

>> No.63198419

Most of holoEN ignores the homos completely, which is what we wanted, so we won

>> No.63198422

is this guy famous or something? if yes please, i want to make more nijifags seethe.

>> No.63198544

Yeah and none of them will get to collab with any of the hololive girls we care about

>> No.63198629

actually yes, they are delivering the final death blow to nijisanji by encroaching on niji territory.

>> No.63198663

We don’t need “containment breakers” to shit up the board, we’re good enough at that ourselves

>> No.63198701

that was also the case beforehand, I don't really see how you "won".

>> No.63198751

nta. you are seething, we already won.

>> No.63198761

What's exactly funny about gossiping?

>> No.63198767

Lovely deal, take your HRT so your homo shilling is more effective

>> No.63198775

you don't actually care about any of them.

>> No.63198787

didn't win*

>> No.63198803

Bring back niji and holospies...

>> No.63198876

Trex will collab with them just not in your face.
Watch out for Fauna's 9 month break. She's the one into Asians.

>> No.63198991

>doesn't care about vtubers

>> No.63199049

Nothing, that's why I said that his /v/ videos were superior since it's just a bunch of retards saying funny things, meanwhile this board is just a bunch of gossipy schizos saying retarded things.
It's amazing how both boards are fucking garbage but one is clearly better than the other.

>> No.63199073

cope, unitroon.

>> No.63199084

If you keep crying I'll put you for a split second.
Can you be more entertaining at least?

>> No.63199100

why would she go after a vtuber in her own company (propably aginst cover rules) when there is hundreds of guys at her college me

>> No.63199183

Nice fanfiction but it’s not gonna happen, the new homos have no power, and are not a threat in any way

>> No.63199184

Kek the tranny is confused

>> No.63199249

Lol they're already in DMs with each other cucks like you always fall for the gay act

>> No.63199260

Says who? If anything I probably care more about them then you, I don’t want them throwing away their careers to collab with homostars

>> No.63199275 [DELETED] 


>> No.63199345

die ledditor, die

>> No.63199372

It should be easy to see that coming, can't expect much of somone like that tho.

>> No.63199390

Morning in brownland already?

>> No.63199449

which vtubers do you watch?

>> No.63199450

You only care to feel part of her success because of her numbers. You live a life of misery if you're not clinging into someone who's popular.

>> No.63199523

your nijiseething and desperation for comments are way more funny.

>> No.63199568

Bijou, FWMC, Dizzy, Fauna, Lia, Moom, Subaru, Pekora and Koyori.
What? Where's your GOTCHA moment?

>> No.63199601

This shit is gay.
I hate the same fags who made 'screencap posts' in /a/ and /mlp/, and this shit is just as stupid. Anyone who enjoys those dumb videos instead of just coming here and reading shit themselves deserves to get gassed.

>> No.63199613

take a homobeggar to be a hypocrite.
total unicorn victory.

>> No.63199640

are any of those girls in dms with the new homos?

>> No.63199651

Of course I'm funnier and more relatable I'm not a holocuck like you kek imbecile

>> No.63199672

Blatantly untrue, 6/10 holoEN girls collabed with them or tweeted at them when they first debuted, we got half of those girls to change their stances, we convinced the others to not do this, and we convinced the new gen to follow the same principles and avoid male collabs. we… won…

>> No.63199752


>> No.63199763

I care because she is my oshi, the term literally means “push”, because you want to push your oshi forward in their career by supporting them. If you call someone your oshi, then you should be invested in their success, otherwise they are not truly your oshi

>> No.63199783

so your a cuck?

is this /Pol/ schizo from /gem/

>> No.63199809
File: 277 KB, 1097x678, ain't reading all that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63199813

It's always amazing to me how faggots like you overestimate the value of the homos. You'll never understand it, but they don't mean as much to everyone else as they do to you.

>> No.63199847

Nice fanfiction, it’s cute how you homo fans have no ammunition because of how often you are BTFO’d, so you rely on making shit up

>> No.63199861

tranny please, we can shut them down from collabs, but they will not go away until contract up, might as well tell them to be useful.

>> No.63199869

>he's a cuck so everyone else is too
Ah there he goes

>> No.63199961

You won't do shit lol
I mean you will seethe about it and imagine the homos having sex with your oshi like you always do

>> No.63199990

your crying and seething are funny yes, no disagreement there.

>> No.63200003


>> No.63200031

If you keep telling yourself that it's fine then it's ok for them to go out for dinner together right?
You control her life after all? So when they meet up its with your consent

>> No.63200032

Who the fuck is this?

>> No.63200063

all i can see are homobeggars seething, nice imagination.

>> No.63200183

At least you admit you're seeing things too bad that doesn't change the truth

>> No.63200262

Which is why I don’t consent

>> No.63200299

yea the truth of homoebeggar seething.

>> No.63200374

But she does :)
To all the things that he wants
Don't worry though she'll make it up to you with an ASMR on Christmas morning but she's busy with him after that.

>> No.63200385

This thread feels like trolls trying to troll trolls while also getting trolled themselves. In both ways.

>> No.63200393

how do you people come up with these wild fantasies?

>> No.63200479

>YOU’RE seething
>no YOU’RE seething
A significant portion of this board is insecure underage chimps screeching endlessly

>> No.63200518

too many australians on the board, they should be rangebanned
t.australian troll

>> No.63200523

^this anon is seething

>> No.63200554

Retards like >>63200299
are just mad they won't be getting into the next video

>> No.63200587

>says who?
your behavior. if you do, then just watch them and don't worry about hypothetical cock so much.

>> No.63200663

well there's still the parrot fag that'll make vids sadly so it'll be awhile, does Emzee count as the only decent dude?

>> No.63200666

There was some real magic on this board in the first few months

>> No.63200667

Yeah seriously, the vesper magni graduation was an entire solid two days of funny posting and interesting happenings but it was all ignored by the drama vultures because the "wrong side" won.
They like to be edgy and vicious when stuff is bad for the girls, but bad news for our precious boys? Can't have that, ignore it or the discord clique will get mad!

>> No.63200675

>your behavior does
Literally how? This is just fucking cope

>> No.63200727

But she doesn’t… hence why she doesn’t collab with them…

>> No.63200773

Even the nips would make fun of you. Everything that comes out of Japan is twisted by ill intentioned retards, like on this board for instance.

>> No.63200852

Seethe more cucky

>> No.63200855

100%. The Vespiss and Fagni graduation arc was PACKED with easy pickings for one of those videos and they all ignored it. Good riddance, die in a fire.

>> No.63200886

homobeggar please, i unironically don't even know who this guy is. from the comments he is a containment breaker that make videos? anyhow keep seething homobeggar.

>> No.63200903

Yeah, take JAV for example. How dare those savages distribute uncensored JAVs! Wait, oh, maybe... Hmm...

>> No.63200933

Seethe about what, achieving total cultural victory?

>> No.63200980

Fucking retard.

>> No.63200984

Not as much as you probbably did on the day of their graduation announcement. Kek. No graduation stream btw LMAO

>> No.63200997

It kinda sucks when you realize that people arent aiming for (you)s for a dopamine hit anymore, 3rd worlders are grinding out the hours trying to springboard themselves with viral infamy into being a /here/tuber 3view and that is their entire career plan.

>> No.63201022

Moot was right. We should have nuked Australia.

>> No.63201049

Keep jerking it to those pixels, Nihonman.

>> No.63201077

You type like a fat woman but you will never be a woman you're just a fat cuck

>> No.63201151

Is that why none of these guys made a tempus graduation video

>> No.63201176

mori fan, red flag friend, i rather just drop her now.

>> No.63201212

This guy is from Canada

>> No.63201222

this is answered by the second part of the post you replied to.

>> No.63201244

the only thing funny about it was holofags literally 180'ing their stance on stealth suspensions and graduations and you can't really make a video about that without months of context beforehand

>> No.63201359

the dozens of posts coping that they got each other pregnant were funny

>> No.63201396

> stealth suspension
Everyone and their mother could see what it was and were aptly calling it a suspension. The only people living in denial were /mans/fagd and you catalogue sisters. But keep rewriting history sis. Doesnt make it any less funny

>> No.63201463

I read all of that shit and he's right, faggots like him helped the current sad state of this board. With that being said he should've retired sooner to at least control the damage he caused, this board can heal and retrive the spark it had, but these fags need to stop milking and selling this place as a schizo zoo with their retarded videos and twitter screencaps.

>> No.63201474

Holosissies being hypocrites tale as old as time! Haha!
Like when they insist they're not cuckolds despite providing funding and emotional support for women who see them as walking ATMs

>> No.63201539

No it really isn’t, I can dislike homocollabs and say I wouldn’t like my oshi to do them while also watching my oshis content and supporting them. Those two things are not mutually exclusive. Hell I literally listen to my oshi in the background while browsing this board

>> No.63201584

yeah, bro, it was you who did all that.

>> No.63201596

Mhmm. Pop off sis. Get him girl. *finger snap*

>> No.63201759

The ironic sisterposting right after downing more hormonal suppression pills. The holocuck to holotranny pipeline is real.

>> No.63201774

kek, then you lost on the JP side.

>> No.63201776

To some of them is about being white chads or something. Unicorns and gachikoi are supposed to be different but they have become indistinguishable with all the shitposting.

>> No.63201844

> buzzword buzzword buzzword
> not seething btw
Mhmm. Cyute

>> No.63201914

Well not me personally but us as a collective did absolutely do that, saying otherwise is pure cope

>> No.63201951

>still doesn't care about vtubers, this is just sports-tier tribal behavior.

>> No.63201966

>buzzword cope

>> No.63202048

Not really, most of the JP side still totally avoids the homos, two of the most popular hololive girls, pekora and miko, have explicitly appealed to unicorns in the past and said that they want unicorns to watch their videos and that they’ll try to do what they want

>> No.63202053

you overestimate your influence.

>> No.63202114

what happened to that shit Unicorn general thread we had a few days ago KEK

>> No.63202125

He’s not wrong, you’re comment contributed literally nothing, you are quite literally just using buzzwords instead of making an actual argument
