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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 129 KB, 250x250, imagen_2023-11-23_201136168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
63188968 No.63188968 [Reply] [Original]

Hey guys!!! this surgery will cure my inexplicable desease!!! it's a miracle!!! :D
People will eat anything up.

>> No.63189968

I'm glad she's Healthy and has the financial stability to treat her self and take care of her Family. She's come a long way. A hardworking Latin American woman who still has achieved a lot in her field and still has more opportunities to open. Let's hope she wins the Content creator VM Award.

>> No.63190615

You didn’t watch the clip did you?

>> No.63190775
File: 335 KB, 1292x734, Embedmouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63190884

She said she had something like CIDS right? As in hereditary immune disorder.....how the fuck you gonna cure hereditary AIDS

>> No.63190980

it's real fucking hard to stomch the retarded combo of "flesh fang on top of shark teeth"

>> No.63192729

Wow just think of how many fake views holos have from embeds

>> No.63194027

>I'm glad she's Healthy and has the financial stability to treat her self and take care of her Family.
>take care of her Family.

>> No.63194262

come say happy thanksgiving, welcome to the famoly

>> No.63194617

It's extremely explicable.
CVID is not the only thing she has. CVID is the reason why she has many other conditions.

>> No.63194620

People still believe she's actually sick?

>> No.63194839
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>> No.63195107

Your stolen wifi couldn't even load the video could it Mohammed

>> No.63195215
File: 167 KB, 1902x762, F-5fKcQWkAA9Shv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekora doko????

>> No.63196733

>Vshitterbot friendly firing

>> No.63197470

You are actually retarded.
Did you even watch what you're linking? Do you know the slightest bit about her situation?

>> No.63197786

oh wow, she's finally gonna fuck conner

>> No.63197809
File: 382 KB, 1112x1062, ironmouse health info and anti-rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.63200071

>ironmouse lied
kek this is nothing, this rat have lots of skeletons in her closet that it's not even funny to shit on her anymore, just ignore

>> No.63201274 [DELETED] 

She has a daughter you know.

>> No.63201398

what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.63201408

Holy shit, are all the jannies sleeping?This is the one post that gets nuked immediately, every time

>> No.63201468

Let me know when she finally fucks Connor.

>> No.63201538

Already has. Now on pup #2 probably.

>> No.63201820

Every time she mentions the dream of visiting him, he responds with the same disdain and dread like someone having to visit their faraway aunt with no wifi

>> No.63201920

checked the vod: she says she has the money to try new things that could help with her condition

>> No.63202223

>she's been had the money

>> No.63202239

non of her "skeletons" suggest she is faking and if you think they do then you have only watched small clips. also this clip does not suggest they can cure her, she's just saying she has better treatment options

>> No.63202362

They are, there's a hentai image with boobs and cum on the Okayu thread and I believe it's still there

>> No.63202475

The question is, if she showed up at my door, would i get a raging boner or would i shrivel up

>> No.63202557

>twitchretard think youtube even counts embedded stream.

>> No.63202632


>> No.63202738

not the only thing she lie about, but lets not talk about it

>> No.63202739

She's transitioning to a woman She was a he.

>> No.63202978

proof next thread? everyone on holodex gets thousands of views for free instantly

>> No.63203847

>this surgery will cure my inexplicable desease
It's CVID. This is well-known.
It's incurable. Whatever new treatment she's trying cannot cure her, but it could possibly improve her quality of life.

>> No.63204850

Iron Mouse isn't sick you fucking retards. It's a ploy to get more money.

>> No.63204877

Please get cancer

>> No.63204964

Yes, Iron lung has lied about a lot of things to garner sympathy. can't point out her biggest lie though. But hey someday she will have a child with connor so rejoice.

>> No.63205128


>> No.63205419

There's no proof her illness is fake but there's no proof it's real either.

>> No.63208883

Vtubers are fake. Hell most celebrities are fake.

>> No.63209775

>I now have money so I will look into other types of medicine
>Its miracul!!!1!11!111XD
hang yourself OP, for the betterment of all mankind

>> No.63209891

Except holodex doesnt give any views. Its why collab streams usually do worse since people watch both streams at once thus giving views to neither

>> No.63209947

>thread about vshojo
>shills try to derail it into whataboutism with hololive

>> No.63210251

There's more proof that it's real than fake.
Everything saying it's fake is mostly schizo rrats and speculation

>> No.63210409
File: 25 KB, 370x321, 1697862485955676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I had cancer, I'd actually be sick, which is more than she can (truthfully) say.

>> No.63210475

Get it and prove it.

>> No.63210690

Holy shit catalog bait is weak nowadays.

>> No.63211031

>CVID is not the only thing she has. CVID is the reason why she has many other conditions.

so she has a vaxx injury and wants us to pay for it!? she should of never gotten it in the first place dumb whore

>> No.63212211


>> No.63212391

>flesh fang on top of shark teeth
Oh my fuck
Her models just get uglier with each new iteration

>> No.63212539

If you try to bring up anything about her (even if it's something she literally posted on her Twitter in the past) the iron_lung janny goes apeshit, maybe he's busy being a waste of air somewhere rn

>> No.63212543

The proof that she's sick is "I'm sick trust me bro" and the proof that she isn't sick is "she's fine don't trust her bro".

>> No.63212643


>> No.63213006

She doesn't get vaccines in the first place because CVID makes them pointless, you stupid fuck.
There's more evidence of her being sick with everyone corroborating her story and the sounds of her various devices being heard in the background. Is it hard, concrete, unfakeable proof? No, but it's vastly more believable than "I'm a schizo and the voices in my head said she's lying".

>> No.63214506

COPE and SEETHE ironcuck

>> No.63214811

man if only you had watched the video you posted.

>> No.63215081

who the fuck thought this was a good idea, what the fuck

>> No.63215271

she already talked about it months ago, her doctor suggested her to do a lung scrapping to remove the dead tissue and "gunk" from her lungs so it would help her to breath and feels less pain. She will still have CVID, she will still be in "terminal state", nothing will change she will just feel less pain and breath better. Also watch the videos before posting pagpag eater

>> No.63215385


>> No.63215498

chronic, not terminal

>> No.63215720
File: 3.98 MB, 399x399, korone-sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Life is a terminal state

>> No.63216011

they don't know what the word means.

>> No.63218156

please believe her and dont forget to donate!

>> No.63218599
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>> No.63218754

lol are you angry because she's trying to cure herself despite the odds?

>> No.63218788

That model looks like Stable Difussion.

>> No.63220998

There is no cure to CVID, I mean, considering she has it in the first place.

>> No.63222986

Does she carry an oxygen tank when she walks outside?

Is there a cure for her condition?
Or is she going to be physically weak for the rest of her life?

>> No.63223098

>Is there a cure for her condition?
For CVID, no.
But for other things she got because of CVID, yes.
>Or is she going to be physically weak for the rest of her life?
She will always have an immunodeficiency.

>> No.63223173

Ah I see.
So it means she has to take Centrum everyday?

How is the quality of health care in Puerto Rico?

>> No.63224375

She has mentioned an entire closet of oxygen tanks for when she needs to go to the doctor, yes.

The physical weakness is mostly a side effect.
Due to not being able to afford all the needed meds for a long time, she was short of breath and low energy for a while, so she has muscular atrophy in her legs. It's getting better over time, but it's not something you can get over quickly.

>> No.63224505

>unironically call her ironlung but then they go around and say she's faking her illness
Ironmouse antis are some of the biggest retards on this site

>> No.63224583

Probably takes a shitload of vitamins and over meds. She's vague about it since some of the things she takes could be a dox risk.

Dunno about PR, but my guess is she lives in the mainland for healthcare reasons.

>> No.63224624

>>63224583 (me)
other meds*

>> No.63224667

Bro, they're fake quoted her saying that she's "dying" for so long, I assume they lost the plot long ago.

>> No.63224708

Bone Marrow Transplant. Are you all uneducated republicans or something?

>> No.63224731

For a multivitamin you still need a diet, so instead for like vitamins and a lot of shit, she drinks Ensure. As for the second question, she hasn’t shy’d away of saying that she lives in the US (yeah yeah no bullshit of PR is a US territory too), she lives the in main country, it’s in her Twitter bio. Otherwise her medicine and care wouldn’t be as great.

>> No.63224758

She's talked about that: it's too risky.

It improves things for a few months or years, but it's not permanent, and it has a risk of transferring very bad diseases to an immune deficient person. That's what killed Bubble Boy.

>> No.63225086
File: 66 KB, 514x800, 6b44b0402b230337c68a69952da66daa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe shes just buying a quarian suit than.

>> No.63225238

Tali vas normandy my beloved. the photoshop "face" never happend.

>> No.63225393

Where in this clip did she say this will cure her, ESL-san?

>> No.63225734

think OP was reading to much between the lines. As she is a burger, getting her current meds and wanting surgery costs about 2.434 billion dollars. She might get better from surgery, but never fully cured from CVID.

>> No.63227010

Her sickness was part of her lore, she's healthy irl, you god damn autist.

>> No.63228310

>Money directly improves health
Dont be surprised
