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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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63180362 No.63180362 [Reply] [Original]

Male vtubers are a fundamentally flawed concept.

The whole point of this industry is to create and cultivate a parasocial relationship between the audience and the performer so that the audience spends money on the performer, that's what it really boils down to. With girl vtubers this is easy enough because the audience wants to be her boyfriend, that's the appeal.
If you try that route with dudes of course they're gonna get shit results because the potential audience is tiny, homosexual weebs and yumejos.

A more fruitful parasocial route would be an ensemble cast, to where the audience doesn't fantasize about dating the performer but rather fantasize about being a part of the group, another pal. Think the Jackass guys, the Inside the NBA panel, letsplay channels on youtube, or countless other more mainstream examples. It is always a group of guys bantering one another and having fun.

Instead of making them all have individual mediocre channels and badly pretend to be hosts you'd have much better results by making it one single channel where there's always at least two of them collabing, shooting to shit and having fun.

>> No.63180628

>the audience doesn't fantasize about dating the performer but rather fantasize about being a part of the group, another pal
But that's already the exact concept of male flesh streamers.
It works of course, but it does so because they are "real" people. With all respect, but the amount of delusion of someone who thinks someone else is their friend is much lower than the delusion of someone who thinks of someone else as a potential dating partner.
Put differently, imagining being in love with a anime character works but being friends with one does not.
The same is however not quite the case with the irl counterparts.

>> No.63180662

it could work yes
look at fuwamoco for an example
part of their apeal is all of their streams feel like a collab

>> No.63180742

I think Yagoo knows better than some Anonymous on a Russian pickle recipe meetup.

>> No.63181365

This is basically OTK on the fleshstreamer side of things. I don't think it would translate to the vtubing medium very well, because some of their most popular streams involve doing IRL stuff together.

>> No.63181554

Bam vtuber when.

>> No.63181711

you're either a man or really fucking retarded
>With girl vtubers this is easy enough because the audience wants to be her boyfriend, that's the appeal.
yeah duh, literally the same on the other side. in my head my oshi is my boyfriend and i can garuntee that my sisters also think of him this way

>> No.63182107

>the potential audience is tiny, homosexual weebs and yumejos

>> No.63182459

>female weebs don't exist

>> No.63182593

Weebs can only be male.
To be a weeb is to have no social life and be shunned by society. It's literally impossible for a female to be a weeb.
Stop co-opting and invading our spaces you femoid whore garbage.

>> No.63183548
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>> No.63183578
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, 1545958855474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, where do i start?

VTubing in general is just a concept, a form of entertainment.
--you don't have to love your Oshi, or fap to her.
--your Oshi doesn't have to have anythign in common with you.
--you can have a favorite cute or sexy VTuber that is not your Oshi.

So, your idea of the group channel is actually useful, even right now:
see FuwaMoco or the Omega Sisters.

but, you assume para-sociality or attraction or identifying with the
performer is how all the audience works.
that's a very immature teenage way of looking at it.
All you really have to do is be entertaining.
and have an audience.
Vesper had that with his zatsu's and game commentary, and he was
known for being the least likely to collab'

You have a good concept there,
but for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.63183803


More fags imitating Critical Role yaaay

>> No.63184135

that was fast.
do you do this professionally?

>> No.63184238

I thought the current point of vtubers was to watch people too paranoid/toxic/shy to be regular streamers.

>> No.63184294

Maybe when he puts the booze away.

>> No.63184829

Vtubing is a technological medium. The Japanese adapted its business model on Idol and anime industry since these two were already established and had experienced staff ready. The western Vtubing was different. Vtubing is an integrate part of content creation first. The first vtuber were actually pretty successful like the Annoying Orange. To this day his numbers are still unbroken.

>> No.63184918

You're right about the point of the industry but what you don't understand is that non-romantic parasocialism exists, is very common, and is very profitable. Male parasocials of men are in fact probably the most dedicated and and forgiving dynamic and will forgive just about anything, their only downside is that they don't tend to be huge spenders.

>> No.63185922

>Party Boy vtuber

>> No.63187777

pontius was always the best jackass

>> No.63190185

>The whole point of this industry is to create and cultivate a parasocial relationship between the audience and the performer
Pathetic. Vtubing's potential is barely tapped at this stage- that's just how SOME streamers in general operate, vtuber or not.

>> No.63195132


>> No.63195370

isn't he 3 months sober now? last I heard he was back to skating and having a good time even on his other Instagram account

>> No.63195520

>the audience wants to be her boyfriend
Why would you do something this retarded ???

>> No.63195773

Because anon never got a girlfriend in his life and is projecting

>> No.63196146

unicorns get more retarded each day

>> No.63196228

The best cure to being a unicorn is to be a fan of both male and female vtubers.

>> No.63198908

...Anon where the fuck do you think vtubers come from? Yagoo does not wave his magic wand and conjure them out of thin air.

>> No.63199620

It's much, much simpler than that.
For a male streamer, nobody gives a shit about what you look like. Your only winning points are your charisma and ability to entertain viewers.
For a woman, everyone devours you with their eyes first. You not merely have to care about what you look like, you MUST look PERFECT for each stream. Only then you can start caring about your personality, tastes, charisma and whatnot.
An anime avatar always looks flawless. It can't mess up the makeup, it can't have a bad hair day, its outfit is always coordinated. This greatly lowers the barrier of entry for women, so vtubing is great for them. But for men, it does jackshit. It offers zero help and sometimes even is a detriment.

>> No.63205506

Anon, this would have been done ages ago if Cover experimented more with the Holostars branch, as there is nothing revolutionary about multiple people sharing the same account.

However cover is fine using 'leeching/ mindlesslycopying off the girls' and 'over-shilling' as their main tactics for Holostars success.. They don't experiment hell, Tempus doesnt even have 3D yet.

>> No.63206022
File: 164 KB, 1920x1080, male vtuber flawed concept.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.63207570

You vastly underestimate the size of the fujo and yumejo audience
Alot of women that aren't trash would rather schlick to anime boys than ugly, retarded male flesh streamers or fuck the disease infested losers/borderline faggots that make up the dating pool these days

>> No.63207729

>you MUST look PERFECT for each stream
I have a friend who's a small streamer, she's already a ball of anxiety as it is and having to "look right" for stream just adds onto it
I haven't yet but I'm extremely tempted to suggest vtubing, just so she has one less thing to worry about
